Out of the Fire, Into the Water

Story by Luvian on SoFurry

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#1 of Luvian's Luck

As Luvian manages to escape one situation, he finds himself caught up in another one....

This is the first NSFW story I've written, and the first fictional story I've written in years.

Hope you all enjoy!

'This was not going to end well.'

That was the constant mantra running through Luvian's head as he dashed through the forest underbrush, the loud sounds of forest destruction behind him signifying the continued presence of the dragon chasing after him. He didn't even know the drake, or even what they looked like. As soon as he heard the loud announcing roar and seen the shadow covering his the wolfbird bolted for the safety of the trees.

Things devolved after that. The dragon seemed barely slowed by the thick woods, and any attempt to spread his feather-lined wings and fly off were immediately shot down by the mental reminder that said beings often were both fast and agile, surpassing his own in spades. Or they were crafty enough that it was doubtful he could escape. So the only thing left in his favor was a small frame that allowed him to slip through the smaller branches, and his grey fur that somewhat camouflaged him from view.

Of course, he could take a guess WHY the scaly beast was after him. Every single member of that race that sported some sort of shaft seemed hell-bent on taking him for their own, for no discernable reason. Unfortunately the number of times some dragon tried to pin him down and fill him with either their seed, or eggs that weighed heavy in their gut were too numerous to count. Luckily, the amount of times a dragon managed to catch him a could be counted on one furry paw. Though those themselves were nightmares, often ending with him crawling away under the cover of night, after being dragged back to a nest and used as a toy.

His musings were cut short when he finally noticed a way out of this mess, well, if one could call a burrow in the ground a way out. It was just barely big enough for him to slide in, and although he could feel dirt smudging his fur, the wolfbird would take that any day over a dragon cock. His talons were wrapped in grass and leaves, his fur was messy, and his heart was pounding faster than ever before, but he was safe.

That safety was put into perspective when a heavy paw slammed down over the hole barely a second after the tips of his furry ears disappeared down the tunnel, more dirt showering his form as he stared up in horror. How was the the beast already here? How fast was this dragon!? Luckily, after a few tense minutes, during which that scaly limb was replaced with a serpentine eye, the beast seemed to give up, both the eye and the rest of the scaled body disappearing from sight, and the earth-shattering stomps trailing into the distance.

Still, better safe than sorry. Luvian didn't move for another fifteen minutes, his blood rushing in his ears, while he waited to see if it was all a ploy. With no evidence to the contrary, the wolfbird clambered free of his borrowed hiding spot, and shook free the loose dirt clinging to his pelt. In yet another stroke of luck, the burrow seemed abandoned, all scents pointing to a lack of resident, and therefore no need for him to stay and apologize.

Scenting the air quickly, he made his way towards a nearby river, one away from the draconic trail of destruction that moved through the land. He felt sorry for the wildlife here. It would take years for both the plant, and therefore the animals, to recover. But there was nothing he could do.

Reaching the flowing water, the wolfbird quickly measured the depth, before stepping in and sighing as what aches accumulated were washed away by the cool liquid, along with the mud marking his grey coat. A quick dip finished off his bathing ritual, and he looked as though there was never a chase to begin with.

Then everything went wrong once again.

Arms wrapped around his chest and lifted him into the air, uncaring for his kicking and squirming, simply keeping him pinned until he ran out of energy, and ended up panting with exhaustion.

The being holding him chuckled, and the hybrid froze as he felt that deep voice reverberating pretty much against his ear, warm breath driving away the chill of the river from the side of his head.The rest of him turned to ice as the laugh turned to words, however, growling sounds that made him realize how deeply screwed he really was.

"Well, looks like I found myself a real catch today...."

The rather strange sentence made itself clear when the hybrid looked upward, and found a grinning maw full of sharp teeth greeting him. Of course, the sight made his heart plummet further in despair as well.

His captor was a rather large shark, classic in his appearance. To be perfectly honest, it took the exhausted wolfbird completely off-guard, having only heard of the predators inhabiting beaches and oceanic biomes. But despite all this, the hybrid tried his luck, giving a large, somewhat nervous grin in return.

"Um... hello sir. Could you put me down? I need to dry myself off, being this wet is not good for my feathers."

But all he got was a slowly shaking head, the unnamed being responding with more words that made Luvian regret taking his bath.

"I don't think so, little bird. Can't have you flying away, after all." Then the shark paused in thought, before the grin returned to his face. "Actually, I think you need to take another bath!" And with that he tossed the flailing hybrid back into the river, who disappeared beneath the surface with only a short yelp marking his unwanted flight.

Luvian fell into a panic. The throw caught him so off-guard that he swallowed large amount of river water, and could not tell which way was the surface. Thankfully, the river was shallow enough that he soon felt silt against his pelt, and everything came together. Luvian pushed against the riverbottom, and made his way to the surface.

Coughing up water, his fur waterlogged and wings useless, the wolfbird dragged himself onto the shore, limbs shaking after his near-death experience. But then the cause of it all made themself known once more, with a heavy weight upon his back that kept him on bent over and on his hands and knees, wings pinned against his spine.

"See? Much better! Both in smell and in appearance, I believe."

Coughing up more water, the hybrid twisted his head to glare upward with one golden eye, his anger only deepening when he saw that he was only pinned with a single foot. "What the fuck does that mean!? I nearly drowned, asshole!"

The cursing only seemed to please the shark, who bent down to put his mouth against the wolfbird's ear, identical to before when his presence was revealed. This time, though, the words, instead of simply leaving him nervous, injected him with terror.

"Because now I can make you smell like me, and admire that tight little rump of yours begging to be fucked."

The panic experienced earlier today with the dragon returned full force, and Luvian exploded into motion. The hybrid writhed underneath the shark's foot, using every trick in the book he knew as he attempted to free himself. But all of them seemed ineffective, the predatory fish weathering it all like he would a tranquil stream. Instead, he continued to talk as though he was conversing with a friend.

"I've been watching you for a while now. Seeing you bathe daily in this river, get chased by others, even got to enjoy those few times you failed to escape." The last part was accompanied by a sigh, one echoing of fond memory. The hybrid was left exhausted by his struggles now, leaving him once again glaring up with one baleful orb. "Personally, I've planned this for months, watching your habits, waiting for the perfect moment. Now I get to enjoy what you owe me..."


The roar of noise cut off what was turning into a monologue, the shark stopping while he watched the hybrid draw up one last attempt for freedom, doomed like the others, but accompanied by a greater amount of snarling and rage than before. Panting, Luvian returned to glaring upward, waiting for the cessation of this shark's fantasy.

"You owed me the second that ass of yours entered my waters." The shark continued, as though nothing was wrong. "And every minute you spent washing your body is a minute you belong to me. And I've had plenty of time to imagine every way I can enjoy you."

Defiant once more, the wolfbird simply let out a snarl, even as his mind worked against him and conjured up images of what the shark would do to him. Luckily, or unluckily in his case, his captor didn't plan on waiting. Especially when those words were accompanied by more weight placed upon his back, the addition reeking of a heavy musk.

Luvian covered his rear with his feathery tail.

It was met with laughter by the predator, the aquatic being simply wrapping the sinewy appendage in a paw and pulling it upwards, the tail replaced quickly by the heavy load that just been on his back. The fact that it was a cock hadn't been a shock, the wolfbird knew what it was seconds after the shark put it on his spine. What caused him to whimper was the sheer size, not to mention that the shark apparently sported two shafts, one grinding between his cheeks while the other pressed between them. The tip alone felt bigger than normal, and as it began to push against his entrance and forced a steady keen from his lips, the shark got one last word in before everything fell apart.

"This is the first."

The massive length forced open the wolfbird despite his attempts to prevent it, the fat breeding tool stretching out his entrance and leaving the shark panting with the effort. "So...tight..." he hissed, each word accompanied by a heavy thrust that threw Luvian forward, before he was pushed back by the equally strong shove backwards onto the tapered tool, which left him further glutted with the tapered shaft.

Luvian himself groaned, unused to the utter fucking he was experiencing. Sure, dragon's had caught him before, but those involved either slow stretching, or an immediate feeling of being bloated with cock as they shoved it in all at once. Not this staccato tempo that let him dealing with periods of intense stretching between time he could adjust. It caught his so off guard that he couldn't even recognize the feeling of his belly beginning to stretch, or the shaft leaking copious amounts of pre over his rear, which wasn't even the one within his rear.

For the shark, he seemed to be in heaven. He had the creature that had flaunted itself to him, unknowingly or not, pinned beneath him and slowly being taught his place. The many weeks of holding out to this moment had left him on a hair trigger, one that was desperate to be sated. So the fish made his move. Grabbing the furry shoulders beneath him with another growl, the cock within that tight rear was shoved forward desperately, several quick thrusts leaving the wolfbird howling as he was stretched beyond capacity, the thick shaft fully sheathed within the taut flesh.

Whimpers arose from his muzzle, the wolfbird finally able to feel the cock bulging out his stomach, stretching out more of his flesh. Gasping, he scrabbled at the ground before him, trying to pull himself off. "Please....too big. Pull it out!" But yet again his pleas were only received with a chuckled, only this one accompanied with another heavy thrust, one that spurted pre over his spine, and slapped cum-heavy balls against his ass. "That's a notion I'm going to disabuse you of. You can take it. And I intend to train you into taking as much as possible."

Gulping, the wolfbird continues to try and fight back against the shark's thrusting, even as his belly begins to warm and soften from preseed, his rear white with the other shafts contributions.

But he can only bare his teeth and endure it, even as he tries on last thing by pushing against those thrusting legs with his kicking talons. But even that fails, the predatory fish seeming to just use the action as further leverage, pulling out until just the tip of his cock remains within, then slamming the entire length in with one go, drawing out one yelp after another from the pinned hybrid.

The ruining of his rump goes on for several minutes, his belly eventually able to squish against the dirt below. But then it comes to an end, the shark bending down to sink his sharp teeth into Luvian's scruff, forcing the whimpering hybrid to freeze. The tidal wave of cum soon follows, streams of cum erupting from both thick shafts. The wolfbird's belly bloats outward, heavy sloshing sounding out into the woods, even as his back is basted in the other shafts seed, sticky white that won't come out for several river baths.

And that doesn't even include the smell, a heady musk that makes the hybrid's head swim, almost like his brain was located in his stomach, which had become so large that his paws could only wave weakly in midair. And even that doesn't stop the shark, who simply moved on to laying atop the pinned hybrid, pleased growls reverberating in one furry ear.

The belly-stuffing climax of the fish soon ends, and the wolfbird sighs in relief as he feels the streams of seed taper off. But now he's left pinned under and impaled by the shark, one who had already uncovered his bravado, judging by how he's quickly tugging his cock out of the ruined hole that once lay between grey fur. Luvian can only whimper as it occurs, and continues to do so as cum begins to freely leak from the gaping hole that had been forcibly impaled upon a tapered shaft.

Then Luvian's luck, already quite bad judging by his encounter and current condition, continues to spiral downwards. With a small noise, the wolfbird finds his rear once again invaded, this time by cold plastic, it's presence explained by the confident shark once again whispering in his ear, sending him into a shivering frenzy, "I am ever so glad for these toys I've bought. All for abusing you and molding you into the perfect toy for my time with you. And since I'm not done yet, I can't have you leaking everywhere while I use more of your delicious body."

His broken cries and pleas get louder as he spots the shark moving around to his front, dual shafts still dripping seed. Luvian ignores the look upon that grey-skinned muzzle, continuing his pleading words, until they are muffled and stopped when the dominating fish wraps a hand into his muzzle and wrenches his jaws open, and replaces them with his shafts, the tips pushed together in order to get both into that complaining maw.

"I've got a better way for you to use that mouth of yours. The fact that it's one of the ways I want to enjoy you, is just icing on the cake." he growls, "Or icing on the wolfbird, as it were." the shark adds, grinning once more as he spots the new coloration adorning the hybrid's backside. "So suck like a good boy. You dogs love being good boys, right?" And with that, the shafts are easily shoved down until the wolfbird is face-first in the grey crotch, choking around the dual cocks inside his throat that bulge his neck ridiculously.

All of the teasing brought an deep red blush to the wolfbird's cheeks, even as he pushed against the rough-skinned thighs, nose flaring as he tried to get air into his lungs. He can't do much else otherwise. The shark's cocks are too large for him to close his jaws, and therefore get force the unnamed fish out of his gullet. Neither can Luvian open wider and get the shafts out that way, his jaws were already open so far that they ached. And with his belly already keeping him weighed down and stuck, all he could do....was lay there and take it. But he did take some pleasure in not obeying the command. No way was he going to suck, no matter what was done to him.

Of course, the shark noticed this immediately, and a frown finally creased his face over. "Not gonna suck, huh? Well, I guess that means there's no need for me to hold back." And with that the shark pounds hard into the open muzzle, threatening to bruise the sensitive nose as he grows closer and closer to another climax.

'Maybe I should have listened....'

The thought floated through the wolfbird's mind as he was steadily face-fucked, the thought able to complete several wanders through his hazy brain before he gathers enough strength to quash it. He wasn't gonna submit to this person! ....No matter how tempting it was to try and please the shark. But that was just to get his guard down and escape, that was all!

Throughout Luvian's mental dilemma, the pounding of his throat continued to grow fast, until the hybrid was brought back to reality when a deafening snarl accompanied one last slam against his nose, before his belly grew exponentially. The dual cocks were so far down he couldn't taste the seed filling him, and his face and throat to numb to feel. All he could feel was the cum bloating his belly, truly immobilizing him until his body could take no more.

Seed raced up his throat, with the shark only getting a small warning himself as cum began to leak profusely from his maw, dripping onto his sloshing middle and the grass below. Eventually the backflow was too much for even the large fish, and he yanked his cocks free in one pull, the remaining spurts of his climax used to paint the nearly unconscious wolfbird's head, strands aimed to adorn those furry ears and muzzle as that sharp-toothed grin slowly returned.

It took several minutes for Luvian to hack free enough seed so he could breath, all the while aware of the shark standing over him, his cum-slicked shafts dripping over his face, covering his eyes.Whimpering, he raised up one shaking paw to brush his eyes clear, bleary eyes expressing his need for a reprieve. And the shark finally listened to the wolfbird's desires, a slow nod accompanying more words that made sure even that gave no hope.

"Sure, we'll wait until you drain. Then I'm gonna use some potions I've bought. I think you'll enjoy the one that grows my cocks and balls. After all, we've still got all those hours you owe for using my river."