4. Inflation/Male Pregnancy

Story by jj1a on SoFurry

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#3 of 100 Theme Challange

  1. Inflation/Male Pregnancy

A young man was sitting in a bar nursing a nearly empty glass of beer. He eventually finished it before pushing it forward.

"Another one of those days, Kai?" said a bull wiping a glass. The young man looked up, his shoulder length brown almost covering his green eyes.

"You wouldn't believe what she wants now, Ian." said Kai. Ian merely put the glass he was wiping down before crossing his arms.

"Try me." "First she kept complaining about how she didn't like how I didn't go out with anyone she tried to pair me up with for the longest. I'm only twenty-five.

'I have a good ten years until I need to worry about that. I was planning on telling them I'm not into girls a few days later but I blurted it out today.

'My dad and brother were cool with. My sister figured it out already. Now my mom is complaining that her oldest child won't get a wife and give her some grandkids." said Kai.

Ian could only shake his head before filling Kai's glass. "Wow. It's no pleasing her, is there?" said Ian. "Maybe."

Kai took a sip from his glass. "Oh no." "What?" asked Kai.

"Every time you get fed up with her whining you come up with some half baked plan that ends with you regretting it later." said Ian.

"Name one time." "The night before you were talking about just telling her you were gay. Granted it ended well.

'A week ago, you were talking about joining the circus that came through. I still remember having to head a few towns over to pick you up after you woke up with a hangover, without a clue to how you got there, and wanting to come home.

'Another time you decided to and I quote make her proud by saving the world by getting a bag of goldfish snack throwing them in the water shouting swim mother fuckers swim.

'So what crazy plan do you have now?" said Ian. "

"Okay, point taken. Also, you only needed to name one." said Kai. Ian crossed his arms again. "The plan?"

"I'm just going to the doctor." "For?" asked Ian. Kai mumbled something. "Come again?"

"To see if I can become pregnant." said Kai mumbling the last part. "If you can't say it, then it's not a good idea already." said Ian as he turned to take care of another customer.

Kai's face became bright red. "To see if I can become pregnant!" hissed Kai. Ian stared at Kai, a little thankful that the customer left.

"Please tell me you're joking, right?" questioned Ian. When Kai didn't say anything, Ian didn't know what exactly to say. After a long silence, Kai started to speak again.

"I mean, who knows. Sure, I'm always safe but what if I'm one of the rare ones that can. I'm not exactly the same as you. After all, I did take some labs so it wouldn't hurt to see the results."

"I can't argue with finding out but promise me you'll at least run the potential father by me." said Ian.

"Aw, you worried about me?" "Just want to make sure the guy will actually help you raise the kid."

"Right." said Kai as he took a sip from his glass.

~The next day~

Kai was sitting on an exam table, waiting for Doctor Jackson to come in. He couldn't help but be nervous. He's been going Doctor Jackson for a few years and knew the doctor was good.

The door to the room he was in opened and an older panda with a clipboard and stethoscope around his neck came in.

"Ah Kai, it's nice to see you again." said Doctor Jackson. "It's nice to see you again, Doctor Jackson." said Kai.

"Now let's see, nothing looks too abnormal. Blood pressure was a bit high though. Are you nervous about something?'

Kai rubbed the back of his head. "Well you see, I came out to my family not too long ago."

"I see. Was there any problems?" asked Doctor Jackson. "It went surprisingly well. Everyone was okay with it but my mother now pressing me about me not being able to give her any grandkids." said Kai.

"And you want to know if you're one of the rare ones that can." Kai had a blush on his face and nodded.

"Well when you first told me about you being gay, I knew you would eventually want to find that out.

'Especially when you requested another set of labs and yearly check-up, despite doing all that a few months ago." said Doctor Jackson.

"Was it that obvious?" asked Kai. "You're not the first one to do so. As for the time being able to have kids, that's a yes and no."

Kai looked at him puzzled. "Let me explain. Most males that can have kids have an extra organ in their bodies that allow them to become pregnant.

'Of course, that does not say it can't be implanted in those that don't have it. The organ I'm referring too is a womb.

'Since there are no female hormones in their body to keep it up, their bodies will eventually try to remove it on its own.

'Since it can't, surgery is needed to do so. You, on the other hand, are one of the few that has one but didn't need it to be removed.

'Not only that but you were born with a unique advantage of having a vagina. Despite those two things being the only female part about you, your body was able to function properly as any other male with normal testosterone levels." explained Doctor Jackson.

"So it was enough to keep my body one way while my sex was another. I think I get it but if a womb can be implanted why don't more people know about it?" said Kai.

"It's not that easy. Their bodies will need to accept it and need to be injected with female hormones to keep it up.

'Most aren't even compatible enough to do so and those that do have a hard time just trying to become pregnant. So many don't want to go through it.

'That's why many hope that their one of the few has one already. As with many, they still need to be compatible with the potential father.

'Granted you will still need to be injected with female hormones to ensure your body will take well to a pregnancy." explained Doctor Jackson.

Kai took all this and thought about. "I know it may be too much to ask but is it possible to know who a potential father might be?" asked Kai.

"Your fertility was very low and we need to do some testing to see which species are compatible, so at the moment no.

'The hormones will change your scent to make you smell like you're in heat. Only a potential father will be affected by it strongly. To others, the smell will be faint or not have a scent at all.

'Remember though, it may not work the first time and will take time. If you wish to get started we can start the first treatment to help your body adjust to a pregnancy easier." said Doctor Jackson.

"I think I'll take that offer." said Kai.

~A few weeks later~

Kai and Ian were heading to the gym talking about random things. When the gym was in sight, the conversation to something a bit more serious.

"So, what did the doctor say?" asked Ian. Kai looked Ian before looking around to make sure no one was too close to overhear.

"He said that I can become pregnant but the jury is still out on knowing who a potential father could be.

'Although a possible one will be able to pick up on a scent that smells as if I'm in heat." said Kai.

Ian couldn't help but laugh as they went. "What's so funny?"

"You started the treatment, what ten days ago?"

"Sixteen. I fail to see the point." said Ian. The pair entered the locker room and began to change.

"You've been out and about right." said Ian. "So?"

"So, if you're supposed to smell that way has anyone tried anything?"

Kai paused a bit as he thought about it. "Now that you mention it, no. Not even one guy." said Kai.

"Really?" "Well the doctor did say it had to be someone that was compatible and it may take a while to find one." said Kai.

He looked around before lowering his voice. "He also said my fertility was very low and it may not work the first time."

"So basically you just need someone that is very virile?" said Ian. "That as well as being compatible and willing to try more than once."

Ian laughed at that. "What is it now?" asked Kai.

"I may not be able to smell it but trust me, when whoever it does, I hope you're ready." "Oh please." The both of them put their things in a locker.

"As if they can handle, all of this." said Kai posing a little. "Okay now. Don't come crying to me about them being too rough." said Ian.

Kai just rolled his eyes as the pair walked out of the locker room. As they kept talking, the pair passed by a sabertooth tiger that was putting the barbell back into position.

When Ian saw him, he couldn't help but smirk. "Well look who decided to show up." said Ian as he started walking toward them with Kai close behind.

The sabertooth looked up as he saw the pair coming. "Not all of us can afford to spend all their time in a gym." said the sabertooth tiger.

Ian and the sabertooth greeted one another, it was then the sabertooth noticed Kai. "And who might this be? Don't tell you gone and replaced me."

"This is Kai and unlike you Luke, he doesn't bail on me when I want a workout partner." said Ian. "Really? He can keep up with you?" questioned Luke.

"More like how can he keep up with me." said Kai. "Hey." said Ian. Luke couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Now this I got to see. You guys won't mind me joining you two?" said Luke. "Not at all. Especially when you see me outdo him.

'I will admit, you have me beat at the amount you can lift, but I have you beat at how long I can do it for." said Kai.

"Shall we bet the usual then?" "I don't want to embarrass you in front of him but bring it." As the two kept going back and forth, Luke smelt something in the air.

He looked around but couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. 'Must be imaging it.' thought Luke.

Luke followed the pair over to the treadmill. "Let's see if you can keep up with me for fifteen minutes this time." said Kai.

"Half an hour." said Ian. "Oh, you're on." The trio began to do some stretches. As Luke stretched his arm over his head, he couldn't help but notice how flexible Kai was for a guy.

Kai was seated with his legs overstressed in a v-form, with his upper body forward and arms past his toes.

He came up and got onto the treadmill. "Ready to quit while you're still ahead." taunted Kai.

"More like, I'm ready to see you drop." said Ian as he got on a treadmill right next to Kai. Luke followed their lead and got on one next to Ian.

Kai began to set the pace at four miles to start it out and an incline of five. Luke didn't think much of it until a minute passed and Kai set their pace to a speed of ten and an incline of six.

At the fifteen minute mark, Kai sped it up even more at now fifteen miles. Luke was breathing hard and glanced over at Ian and Kai.

Ian was breathing hard like him and close to panting, while Kai breathing only quickened but wasn't hard.

When they stopped at the thirty-minute mark, Kai was breathing hard while Ian was panting. "Well *huff* I kept up *huff* didn't I." panted Ian.

Kai smiled at him. "You did this time but that was just our warmup." said Kai. Once all of their breathing was under control, they headed for the weights.

As they walked there, Luke smelt the same scent from earlier. 'There it is again. Where is it coming from?' thought Luke.

They went through different exercises and sets. It was Ian's turn to tease Kai, and he saw him struggle to keep up a bit.

"Come on, where was that talk about being able to go for longer go?" mocked Ian. "I'm still *huff* in this." said Kai as he pushed the barbell up a few more times more putting up.

He laid on the bench trying to catch his breath. It wasn't until they started to do squats, that it appeared almost neck in neck.

Ian had more weight than Kai but Kai went lower than Ian. When they finally finished their workout, the three of them were the last ones in the gym.

"I have to say, I'm impressed." said Luke. "With what?" asked Kai. "The fact that not only can you keep up but you can outdo us in some areas."

"Yeah. He may look like your average Joe but he sure can hang." said Ian. "And for a bull, you sure do focus on more parts of your body instead of every day being arm day." said Kai.

"Got to, especially if someone tries to skip without paying. I guess I'll catch you two later." Ian began to walk toward the locker room.

"Catch you later then. So Luke, up for a cool down run?" said Kai. "I think I'll do a few more weights before turning in as well." said Luke.

Kai just shrugged his shoulders. "Suit yourself." As Kai walked away, Luke picked up the same scent from earlier yet again.

He looked around but only saw it was him and Kai still in the gym. Ian just walked out the door waving at the both of them before leaving out.

Luke looked Kai over as he jogged on the treadmill. It was then that he really gave Kai a thorough look over.

Unlike he or Ian, Kai wasn't as muscular nor built as them but had a build that was more akin to a runner.

With thick calves, large thighs, and a firm butt. As Luke was going through the motion of another press, he couldn't help but wonder if that smell was coming from Kai.

He was so deep in thought it wasn't until he heard the clang of a barbell did he take notice that Kai was nearby.

"You're done already?" asked Luke as he put the barbell up. "I've been on the treadmill for over half an hour." said Kai.

"It's been that long already?" "Yeah. I just wanted to do a few more squats before turning in. I may not have as much upper body strength as you two but my legs won't fail me anytime soon"

As Kai walked off to the locker room he passed by the bobcat, it was then that Luke finally found the source of the smell.

He looked at Kai before heading for the locker room as well. When went in, saw he Kai grabbing a few things from a locker.

"What are you wearing?" asked Luke. Kai looked at him confused before looking down at his clothes then at Luke.

"Uh, a shirt and some shorts." said Kai. "No, I mean. You just have this strong smell and I'm not sure if it's just some cheap cologne you're wearing or you."

Kai starred at Luke as his eyes widened. "Y-you can smell it?" asked Kai.

"If you're talking about that scent on you, then yeah. What's wrong with me being able to smell it?"

"Because only a specific type of person will be able to smell it and I need their help with something. Since you said it was strong you must be that person then."

"So if I read between the lines correctly, you're trying to get pregnant but haven't found the right one yet." said Luke.

Kai was a bit shock Luke got it on the first try.

"It's a bit more to it but that's the simple version." said Kai as he just closed the locker.

When Kai turned around, Luke was standing right behind him. The predatory look in Luke's eyes made Kai shiver.

"Perhaps I could help with that." "I-I appreciate that but are you sure. I mean this is something serious." "I know.

'I don't plan on leaving you at any moment during this nor after." said Luke. Kai stared at him.

"Pretty big talk for someone you just met." said Kai. "Maybe but I rather be the one that's the father of your kids.

'With the way you and Ian are, I'm more than sure he'll approve of me than some random." said Luke.

Kai didn't know what to say to that. Instead of saying anything, he just pulled Luke into a kiss. Luke was stunned for a bit but quickly regained his composure and dominated the kiss.

His hands began to roam all over Kai's body, before pulling the shirt up. They momentarily stopped to catch their breath, while Luke pulled Kai's shirt over his head and tossed it out of the way.

Luke was over Kai again with another kiss. His hand roaming toward as he groped Kai's firm rear. Kai couldn't help but moan into the kiss.

When Kai felt Luke's fingers going the waistband of his shorts, he pulled away to stop him. Luke looked at him with a mix of confusion and concern.

"Is something wrong?" asked Luke. "It just I'm not exactly normal down there." said Kai.

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. I'm not normally shaped due to the way my family tree is."

"I highly doubt your situation it's anything like mine." said Kai. "Only one way to find out." said Luke as he went to pull down Kai's shorts again.

What Luke saw was not at all what he was expecting to see. Right between Kai's legs was a tight moist cunt.

"I have to say, you weren't kidding. Definitely different from my situation but I can't say I don't like it. Quite the opposite."

As Luke began to strip, Kai couldn't help but stare at the growing bulge. It was Kai's turn to be surprised when Luke finally finished undressing.

For the most part, Luke had typical feline anatomy with barbs on the tip but what really drew Kai's attention was that at the end of Luke's cock was very bulbous.

Luke couldn't help but chuckle a bit at Kai's stare. "For the most, my family consists of all felines but a good few of my family members, as well as, great grandparents were more on the canine side.

'May not be as thick nor as prominent as a typical knot but it's still a nice thing to have." said Luke. Kai barely heard him as his attention was more on the long beer can size shaft and massive balls that were about the size of cantaloupes.

Kai was pulled out of his trance when Luke held his hand and began walking over to a bench. Luke laid back on the bench and position Kai to face the other way before putting him on top.

In this position, Kai was face to face with Luke's cock. Before he could say anything, Luke licked from Kai's pubis before slowly going up to the perineum in one slow, forceful drag of his tongue.

Kai couldn't help but gasp as his body trembled. The sudden stimulation caused Kai to cum and Luke greedily lapped at the cunt.

He didn't get a moment's rest either as Luke kept going. Kai soon felt a familiar heat as another orgasm was approaching fast.

As he felt his orgasm getting closer and closer, something poked his face. Kai looked to see Luke's cock standing to attention, throbbing and leaking delicious smelling pre cum.

He reached forward only to feel Luke grabbing his wrist and pulled them back. Kai heard a mix of a grunt and growl.

He gave out a loud cry as another orgasm washed over him. Luke Immediately plunged his feline tongue into Kai's pussy.

Luke somehow sensed the exact moment Kai's climax was about to wane and stuck his tongue as deeply into Kai's cunt as possible.

Kai barely knew what hit him before came again directly into Luke's thirsty mouth. His whole body shook with pleasure as Luke munched on Kai's pussy like it was his purpose in life.

The horny feline grunting softly under him. When Luke finally pulled away from Kai's pussy, his face soaked with fluids and his brain filled with the need to breed.

He slipped out from under Kai before turning him around on the bench. Luke was panting heavily all the while doing so.

When Kai saw his face again he saw that Luke in a state of a rut. Luke began to angle his pre soaked tip towards the lips of Kai's pussy before slowly pushing in.

Kai took a sharp breath as his walls being stretched by the thick shaft. His breathing soon turned into ragged breath as he was being stretched to his limits.

Once Luke finally was as deep as he could without the knot, he stopped. It took all of his willpower to stay still and let Kai adjust. When Kai looked back at him, Luke took it as a sign to move.

He pulled back slowly until only the tip was in. Kai couldn't help but shiver as he felt those barbs drag along his walls. He let out a loud moan when Luke thrust almost all the way back in.

This continued for some time, Luke giving long slow thrust, ensuring Kai felt everything. Kai soon felt another orgasm approaching.

Before he reached the point of no return, Luke stopped again. Kai panted as he felt so close but wasn't enough to finish.

When Kai calmed down, Luke began to move again at the slow pace. Kai let out a whine as Luke edged him close to yet another orgasm before stopping.

"Is something wrong?" asked Luke his voice deep and husky. "Keep going." whined Kai.

"But I am. I'm merely just making sure you can take it. And let me tell you, it's not easy with the way you're smelling.

'I can barely hold my instincts back." said Luke.

"Then don't. Just fuck me already, breed me, fill me with your kids." begged Kai. Luke leaning in close to Kai's ear before grabbing Kai's waist with both hands.

"Just remember, you asked for this." growled Luke. Kai at first thought he was biting off more than he could handle as he felt Luke pull back.

He didn't have long to think about it as Luke thrust back and began a faster pace. Kai couldn't help but moan as Luke drilled his hole.

Luke groped Kai's bubble butt making him gasp and moan. He traced his hands over Kai's back before grabbing onto his shoulders.

Giving him more leverage to pound into Kai. He felt Kai tighten around him as the other had another orgasm. Luke was sure to not let up as he thrust harder into the tightening passage.

Kai was sure he saw stars as he felt another orgasm approaching so soon despite the last one barely finishing up.

He felt Luke's thrust becoming more fevered as he felt the knot threatening to breach him.

Kai soon lost track of how many orgasms he had as Luke didn't slow down even once. He felt Luke's hot breath on his neck and even in his lust filled mind, he thought about if he could even take Luke inside of him entirely.

Kai could tell Luke was getting frustrated by it, as he felt the other interlock his fingers with his as leaned down over him. Luke gave a snarl before biting down on the side of Kai's neck.

It wasn't hard enough to break the skin, but the animalistic show of dominance not only brought Kai over the edge again but also forced Kai's pussy to open more.

With a primal groan, Luke stuff his knot into Kai. The tip of the feline cock kisses Kai's womb, holding it open as warm virile seed filled it.

Kai could feel it overflowing but the knot prevented any cum from escaping. A few minutes of ropes after ropes of jizz pass by before tapering off.

Luke's knot soon beginning to deflate. Kai soon noticed that Luke's grip hasn't loosened at all. Luke pulled his knot free, allowing the thick load it was holding to run down Kai's legs and onto the bench.

Kai was only granted a few moments of reprieve before he gasp in shock, as he felt Luke rub his still hard dick along his still sensitive cunt.

Luke was quick to thrust back at the same intensity as before. Kai could barely do anything but cry out in pleasure as Luke kept pumping his hips.

He couldn't help but tremble as another orgasm washed over him. Luke gave a few more thrusts before hilt himself deep within Kai as he came again.

Kai could barely believe how it was just as potent as the last load. Just like before, Luke gave a few more jerky thrusts as his knot kept everything in.

Once he was finished, he pulled all the way out when his knot finally deflated again. Kai shivered as he felt the massive load slip out. Luke loosened his grip as began to sit up, taking Kai with him.

Kai couldn't help but stare at Luke's still erect member. While he was busy with that, Luke was licking at the bite mark he made, purring softly.

"H-how are you still hard?" questioned Kai. Luke leaned close to hear before whispering "Cause I'm not done with you yet."

He leaned back on the bench. "How about you ride me for a bit."

Kai gulped before moving to position himself better. He placed a hand on Luke's shoulder while the other held the thick cock. Luke held Kai's waist with one hand while other groped Kai's rump.

Kai straddles Luke's lap before lowering himself. He moaned at the feeling of his hole being filled again. Luke was sure to make Kai move slowly onto his lap.

Once fully seated with even the knot in, Kai pressed his face into the feline's neck reveling in the feeling of just being full. Luke allowed Kai to stay where he was, as his arms wrapped around him, pulling the smaller human closer.

It wasn't long before Luke's hands were over Kai's butt again. He gave it a firm squeeze as he lifted Kai up. When only the head was in, Luke thrusts back in all at once.

Kai cried out in ecstasy as Luke repeated it again. He soon got the message as began to bounce on his own.

With each slam down, Luke would thrust up making Kai cry out. Kai had both hands on Luke's chest, riding him harder.

Whenever Kai felt like slowing down, Luke would give a low growl before grabbing his hips and bounce him to move at a pace he wants.

Kai gasped as another orgasm came over him. As it slowly ended, a deep growl caught his attention. He looked up at Luke and saw his lust filled gaze.

"Forgetting something?" questioned Luke. It was then Kai noticed that he stopped moving and Luke didn't have his release yet.

Kai gave a sheepish laugh. "S-sorry about that. Let me fix it." said Kai before he started back moving.

Kai couldn't help but shudder as felt the hard cock in his still sensitive cunt. It doesn't take long for him to work back up to the previous pace, with Luke helping as well.

Despite his best efforts to hold back, Kai could feel another orgasm approaching. Kai barely had time to prepare himself, when Luke gave a sharp thrust.

He moaned out as he came again. Kai could feel this one lasting longer than all his other ones. He had a deep blush on his face. No matter how much he wanted to, Kai couldn't stop quivering to keep riding.

Luke could see it as he held the shaking body. He leaned close to Kai's ear. "How about you wrap your arms around me and let me take charge."

Kai could only nod his head as he compiled and wrapped his arms around Luke's neck. Luke held Kai's waist as he quickly stood up.

Kai tightens his grip around Luke, wrapping his legs around the sabertooth as well. Luke bounced the human on his hips. The pair looked in the other's eyes.

On instinct they locked lips, Luke easily dominating the other. Kai's breath hitched as yet another orgasm washed over him.

Luke gave a few more sharp thrusts before biting down on Kai's neck again as he came into the clenching heat. Kai could feel his stomach starting to swell a bit.

When Luke's orgasm finally ended, Kai could feel that Luke was still hard. "S-still." panted Kai.

"I'm not done until I know for a fact you're knocked up, even if takes all night and all day tomorrow. Maybe even long after this belly of yours is full of kits." said Luke.

Kai could only gulp at that.

~One month later~

Kai was sitting on an exam table as Luke sat in a chair next to him. His stomach had a small bump. Every now and then Kai would rub it.

"Calm down. Everything is going to be okay." said Luke. "Yes but what it didn't take or something else." said Kai.

Luke went over to give Kai a hug. "Even if it doesn't, I'm sure it will all work out."

Kai just leaned into the hug. When they finally parted the door to their room opened as Doctor Jackson came in.

"Sorry for taking so long, how are you two doing today?" said Doctor Jackson. "Just fine." said Luke.

"Okay. Will be better once I know." said Kai. "Now there is nothing to be concerned about." said Doctor Jackson.

He looked at his chart at the chart he held and smiled. "I take it all is well?" asked Luke.

"Everything went as expected and even better. As you two are aware, Kai, you are indeed pregnant."

Kai didn't know what to say, while Luke had a smirk on his face. "I told you there was no need to worry."

"Although." started Doctor Jackson. "Although what?" asked Luke.

"From what we were able to see, you're about a month along. Which is quite remarkable since the chances of a successful conception were very low.

'We were able to pinpoint that a potential father would have to have been a sabertooth. We also anticipated a successful conception would take a least two months of trying." explained Doctor Jackson.

Luke couldn't help but smirk even more while Kai blushed. "What if they have traits that make them particularly virile." said Kai.

Doctor Jackson thought about it as he took in their reaction. "That is a strong possibility. But even then, from what we saw it would still be difficult to conceive." said Doctor Jackson.

"It could've been that hard. I mean, his scent could put anyone into a rut." Doctor Jackson couldn't help but smile.

"That would certainly do it. It's rare but can happen. That is everything then. It's still too early to tell the gender or amount.

'Is there anything else you wanted to know?" asked Doctor Jackson.

"I can't think of anything." said Kai. "We'll be keeping in touch. If you need anything or see something changes let me know."

"We'll do that." said Luke. "Thank you for everything." said Kai. Dr. Jackson nodded before leaving out.

Kai looked over to see Luke grinning.

"Told you." said Luke. "Yeah yeah. Just hope you're ready."

"Of course I am. Just think of it. You, me, a house full of kids. Maybe a few more on the way as well."

"Uh, how about we worry about the ones on the way now before thinking of more." said Kai. Luke leaned over Kai and placed both of his hand behind the human.

"Don't worry. We'll take care of these first. Once their old enough, we'll make more.'

Luke leaned close to Kai's ear. 'Or at least, have fun trying."

Kai couldn't help but shiver at that. He pushed Luke back a bit.

"Big talk but can you back it up?" questioned Kai. "How about we head home and find out." Luke picked Kai up as he carried out of the office with a wide grin.