Know Your Place

Story by DarkWolf79 on SoFurry

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#18 of Story Commissions

Oda has been running his mouth about his new boss, and in the Yakuza that is rarely a smart thing to do. When word gets back to him, the snow leopard's boss decides it's time for Oda to be reminded of his place. And he knows just the way to do it.

Commission as part of a trade with ABBY11Artwork and characters belong to ABBY11

"Damn it! This is fucking bullshit!"

"Be quiet, dumbass!" hissed the wolf. "Do you have any idea what he'll do if he hears you?!"

Oda Ganseki took a long pull of his cigarette, forcefully exhaling a cloud of smoke into the cool night air. At thirty years old, the snow leopard had spent more years of his life in the Yakuza than he had out. He cat was muscular, even for a leopard, his black suit and dark red shirt opened enough to show off the top of his chest. He'd been through more than his share of fights, and had the scars to prove it, including one that ran across his left eye, starting just above his eyebrow and ending over his cheekbone, though luckily his icy blue eye was left unharmed. His plush tail lashed back and forth behind him, a clear sign of his agitation.

"Let him fucking hear me!" snarled the snow leopard. "Why is that bastard in charge now, anyway? This isn't his territory! He has no business being here!"

"He's here because the boss trusted him," said the wolf. "Trusted him enough to set this whole thing up with the higher ups. If anything happened to one of them, the other would take over running both territories."

"I didn't join up to work under Noboru--"

"No you didn't, but you'll do as your told!" snapped the wolf. "I consider you my friend, Oda, but that attitude of yours is going to get you in serious trouble someday. We're all pissed that Tora's gone, but you've been around long enough to know how this works. The Family comes first. I'll keep this conversation to myself, but for your own sake, get your shit together before you do something we'll all end up regretting."

The wolf turned to head back inside, leaving the big cat alone in the alley. Oda took another drag of his cigarette, exhaling slowly, watching the neon lights shining through the end of the alley reflecting off the smoke. The others were right, of course, but Oda couldn't help but be angry about all this. Tora had been his boss since he'd joined up. Hell, the tiger was the one that had convinced him to join in the first place. He'd always been such a presence in the neighborhood, sturdy and unshakeable as a mountain.

And then he died. Shot by some miserable little fuck that had so far been able to cover his tracks. There wasn't a single man who had worked under Tora that wasn't out for blood, and if... no, when, they managed to find the bastard responsible, his death would not be quick.

And to make matters worse, now their territory was controlled by Noboru. The may all be in the same family, but that damn possum was already the boss for another territory. Having an outsider - and worse yet, a fucking possum - come in and take over their turf hadn't sat well with Oda, not at all. And he'd been pretty vocal about it, too. Sure, it was a stupid thing to do, and he knew it, but right now he was so damn angry with everything that had happened he didn't care. Besides, it wasn't like him running his mouth was anything new - all the guys in their crew knew that's just how he was, and by now they were sure he'd never change. But he'd always done what was needed, and done it well, so Tora had been willing to overlook the snow leopard's rough edges. That was probably one of the things Oda missed most about the old cat - he'd understood Oda in a way nobody ever had before.

And now here he was, stuck working for some possum bastard he didn't know and had no reason to trust. Sure, Tora had trusted him, but that didn't mean Oda had to agree with him. Even if he was a member of the family, he was still an outsider, and boss or not, if he wanted Oda's loyalty and respect, he was going to have to prove he deserved it.

Light spilled into the alley as the door behind him opened.

"Oda!" said the tiger standing in the doorway. "Get in here, boss wants to see you."

Oda flicked his cigarette onto the ground and stomped it out under his expensive shoes before following the tiger inside, growling to himself under his breath. He followed the tiger inside, through the kitchen and the maze of back hallways leading through the building's lower level and out to a bank of elevators, the pair stepping inside and heading up.

This entire building belonged to them. Everyone in the neighborhood new it, even the cops. But even with Tora gone, no one would dare set foot in here without permission. It would be suicide to try. The lower levels were for their legitimates businesses, but the upper floors housed both apartments for their men and the offices for their boss, amongst other things. Having everyone on site most of the time made for a pretty damn good defense if anyone was stupid enough to try anything.

Stepping out of the lift, Oda was surprised to see that they weren't heading for Tora's -- or rather, Noboru's office. Instead, the tiger led him out onto one of the floors that housed a truly impressive gym setup, before crossing the space and entering a specially designed dojo housed on the far side. All members were expected to be trained in armed and unarmed combat, and to that end Tora had seen to it that a fully stocked dojo was constructed to use for training. The tiger had always said that anything worth doing was worth doing right, so even though a boxing ring and some pads would have been effective and much cheaper, he had insisted on authenticity. He'd trained in a similar dojo himself, and had always been ready and able to demonstrate the results to anyone that doubted its effectiveness.

The doors were closed behind them by the bear and jaguar waiting inside before the pair went back standing silently to either side, waiting for orders from the man standing at the center of the room. G?to Noboru was as impeccably dressed as always - his dark suit, perfectly tailored, shoes polished to a shine, his right hand resting on the cane at his side, a smooth length of rich, dark wood.

Oda couldn't believe that this was the new boss. There was no way this senile old bastard was only fifty years old. Tora had been forty-five, and the tiger had been a male among males, the kind of man that looked like he could fight an army by himself. Noboru looked like a stiff breeze could knock him on his ass. And this fucker expected to be able to lead this crew. No way in hell.

"You sent for me?" said Oda.

"Yes, I did," said Noboru, turning to face him. "It's been brought to my attention that you have some... concerns, about my new position here. And do feel free to speak your mind. I daresay you would regardless, so let's have it."

"Yeah, I've got 'concerns'," said Oda. "Tora knew this neighborhood, and everyone in it. He had the strength to back up his position. Why the hell should any of us accept an outsider like you as our boss? As far as I'm concerned, you're just some old geezer the higher ups brought in, who the fuck knows why, and is taking over territory you have no right to!"

If Oda had been hoping to get a rise out of Noboru, he failed. Much to his frustration, the old possum just stood there, his hands crossed on top of the cane in front of him, listening calmly as the leopard barely kept the growls out of his voice.

"Tora was right about you," said Noboru. "You have potential, but this attitude of yours is going to get you in serious trouble one day if you don't get your temper under control."

"Don't you dare talk about Tora as if you knew him!" snarled Oda.

"But I did know him," said Noboru. "Far better than you ever could, boy. I was the one who brought him into the life, after all."

Oda looked like he'd been hit in the face. "You... what?"

"Tora was my oldest and most trusted friend," said the old possum sadly. "We looked out for each other since we were young and headstrong, like you. Tora had the same fierce drive I see in you. But he also had the brains to know how to use that fire inside constructively. And the reasons, young one, that I was chosen to take over this territory is because I was the one that helped Tora secure it in the first place."

"Bullshit!" said Oda. The big cat stepped closer, pulling himself up to his full height. "What help could a scrawny thing like you be to a man like Tora?"

"True enough. Even in my prime, I did not possess the raw physical power that Tora did, or that you do, I dare say. But I made up for my physical weakness by honing my skills and my mind. And I feel I should warn you, that this habit you have of underestimating others could prove to be your undoing someday."

"Is that a threat, old man?"

"Merely an observation."

"You seriously think you could take me in a fight?" said Oda, his voice dripping with distain.

"I don't think that's really the right question you should be asking," replied Noboru.

"Oh, then what is the right question, oh wise one?" asked Oda.

"The real question is - would I have lasted as long as I have in this business if I couldn't handle uppity little shits like you?"

Before Oda had a chance to react, the wind was knocked out of him as Noboru's fist sank into his gut. Falling to his knees and gasping for breath, Oda froze in place when Noboru pulled on the top of his cane, revealing several feet of razor sharp that had been hidden within. Quick as a flash, the blade was pressed close to the leopard's neck. Oda had been completely subdued, and Noboru wasn't even breathing hard.

"Friendly tip - never underestimate someone who has lived so long in a dangerous line of work. There's a reason they've survived," said Noboru, in that same calm voice, as if he wasn't holding a sword to the big cat's neck. "Tora was right. As much as he liked you, he understood that something needed to be done about your attitude. You should know your place, and I think I've got just the way to help you learn it."

"So, what are you going to do? Have me beaten?" asked Oda, staring up defiantly at the possum. "If you were going to kill me you'd have already done it."

Noboru smiled. "See, this is what I mean. You've got a good mind under all that bravado. I'll just have to do something about this pride of yours. Gentlemen--" Oda felt the paws of the tiger, bear, and jaguar grab his arms and shoulders, making sure he stayed on his knees. "Get him ready for his lesson. And remove his clothes. He won't be needing them for what comes next."

Oda tried to fight the trio off, but their strength combined with the position they were holding him in made it next to impossible for him to put up more than token resistance. The jaguar gave his ear a sharp twist, making him growl loudly in pain before a pill was shoved in his mouth, his muzzle held shut and his nose covered until he had no choice but to swallow it so that he would be allowed to breathe. They wasted no time in relieving Oda of his clothes, literally ripping them off of him and leaving his once fine suit in tatters on the floor. But they didn't stop there. Using lengths of rope - where the hell had they been keeping those? - the trio were quick to bind Oda tightly, with the kind of speed and precision that only comes from having done something many times before.

Before long, Oda was left kneeling on the floor, his calves bound tightly to his thighs and his arms lashed securely behind his back by an intricate pattern of rope and knots that encircled his chest and arms. To his dismay, they even wrapped a short length around the base of his cock and his sac, leaving them pulled tightly from his body and alarmingly exposed. Once they were satisfied the Oda wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon, they stepped away, leaving Oda to squirm and struggle against his bonds. The tiger that had brought Oda in reappeared, wheeling in a small cart like the kind room service would use. From his current position, Oda couldn't quite get his head high enough to see what was on it.

"Thank you, gentlemen. You may go," said Noboru, returning his blade to his cane and leaning it against the cart. "Make sure we are not disturbed."

With a quick bow of their heads, the men moved quickly and silently form the room, pulling the door shut behind them as they took up their positions just on the other side. Meanwhile, Noboru began rearranging whatever it was that was one the cart. Oda was surprised and more than a little apprehensive when the possum revealed a large red candle, which he quickly lit before turning back to face him.

"As I'm sure you've realized, this is hardly the first time I've had to teach someone this lesson," said Noboru. "But I found long ago that there are far more effective ways to discipline a man than through pain and beatings."

Oda did his best not to show any uncertainty as he looked up at Noboru. "Like what?"

"I'm going to show you that I am in charge by proving my dominance in a way that even the simplest of brutes can understand."

"Which is how?"

"Simple," said Noboru calmly. "I'm going to fuck you. Spending some time as my personal bitch should help you remember where you stand."

"Oh, I don't fucking think so!" roared Oda, straining against the ropes holding him and fighting to get free. Unfortunately for him, the ropes were too sturdy and too well tied for him to escape, meaning there was little he could do but sit there and watch as Noboru began to undress, the same infuriating look of calm on his face as he watched the struggling snow leopard at his feet.

As much as he didn't want to, it was hard for Oda not to watch as Noboru removed his suit jacket and shirt, folding them neatly and placing them on the bottom shelf of the cart. The white fur of the possum's face gave way to an ashen grey around his neck that covered most of his upper body. Starting at his elbows, his fur turned black, which combined with his furless, fingers to create the illusion that the man was wearing a pair of long fingerless gloves. Noboru's physique was far more impressive with his shirt off, his body having the definition of a man that has spent the better part of his life in training. Which made the patchwork of scars covering him even more noticeable, especially the pair of large, pale scars on his left side, the unmistakable sign of a man who has taken multiple gunshots and survived. This realization made Oda nervous - this fucker was clearly a lot tougher than he'd given him credit for.

"Hmm, something's missing," said Noboru, his eyes sweeping over Oda's body. "Ah, I know just what you need."

Noboru snatched something up off the cart, and before Oda knew what was happening, knelt down next to him, and attached a rubber-covered clamp to each of his nipples, connected together by a small chain. Despite having been prepared for some kind of physical punishment, Oda was caught off guard by just how intense the feeling was, and had to fight back the urge to growl at Noboru. He wasn't going to give the possum the satisfaction of showing weakness.

"There, that's much better," said Noboru, standing back up. And then, without further ceremony, he finished undressing, leaving his suit in a neatly folded pile, and both men very naked.

The same grey fur continued down Noboru's legs, turning black just below his knees with the look of a pair of stockings to match the glove-like pattern on his arms. But what immediately caught Oda's attention was the seven inches of pink, cut penis standing erect over a pair of grey-furred balls between the possum's thighs.

"Don't bother trying not to look," said Noboru. "It'll just be the two of us in here for a while yet, so don't waste your energy. I'm well aware of what you and the others get up to in the baths. And besides, even if you didn't look, it wouldn't help with your current situation." And then he nodded between Oda's legs.

Confused, Oda looked down, as was shocked to find that, despite the humiliation of his situation and the painful squeezing of his nipples, his cock was hard! Eight inches of stiff leopard cock jutting out in front of him, throbbing in time with his heartbeat.

"What the fuck!?"

"Oh, no need to be embarrassed," said Noboru playfully. "It's a natural reaction. And even if it wasn't, that little pill you took will have to hard for quite a while. More than enough time for me to have my fun." He reached over a picked up the candle, which by now had a large pool of melted wax forming around the wick. "My methods are far more effective on a nice hard dick. It's fun for me to watch, and it makes you so much more receptive. Especially when I start doing things like this."

Careful not to hold the flame to close, Noboru tipped the candle slightly, and was met with the muffled growls of Oda as the hot red wax drip slowly over first one, then the other of his know quite sensitive nipples, the cat hissing under his breath at the feeling.

"Well, what do you think? Are you enjoying yourself?" asked Noboru. But Oda remained stubbornly silent. "I'll just take that as a no. Hmm, now that just won't do." While he spoke, he tilted the candle again, allowing the wax to drip and splatter onto Oda's inner thighs, making the cat jump slightly, suddenly very aware of exactly how vulnerable he was. "Maybe if we tried the wax somewhere... a bit more sensitive."

And with no further warning, Noboru poured some of the hot wax onto each of Oda's balls before starting to work the candle back and forth over his dick, coating the snow leopard's length and paying special attention to the head of his cock.

Oda, meanwhile, was doing his best not to react any more than the blush burning up his face. The feeling was so much more intense than he could have imagined. Oda was trained to endure pain; he could have handled that. But that's what made this so much worse - the wax was just hot enough to sting, to fill him with the fear of getting burned on what most men would consider their most important part, but it was just cool enough not to actually burn him. And, likely thanks in no small part to the drugs running through his system and keeping him hard, as the wax cooled, it actually felt almost nice. But he wasn't enjoying it. It was just the drugs.


This carried on for a while, until the topside of Oda's cock was thoroughly covered in wax. The heat of the fresh wax combined with his own body heat to keep it just melted enough to stay hot, making the big cat squirm as the heat on his penis and balls grew and grew. Eventually, though, Noboru seemed to grow bored with this, blowing out the candle and setting it aside, before none to gently removing the clamps from Oda's nipples, leaving them red and tender even to the gentle breeze of the air conditioning. He also untied the bound cat's left leg, though the rest of his bonds made it impossible for the cat to move.

"I think that's enough of that. Time for the real lesson to start."

Noboru lifted something else off the cart - a small remote control. With the push of a button, Oda looked up as the winch hidden in the rafter above them whirred to life, beginning to lift the leopard into the air by the lengths of rope leading from his arms and legs up to the winch, which in his struggles to escape he'd failed to notice were even there. He would have loved to use his free leg to kick at the perverted old possum, but all of his weight was being supported by his free leg and the ropes binding him. As soon as he tried to take the weight off his leg, he was left swinging, unable to get any kind of purchase to properly attack. And that option was quickly removed when Noboru looped the ropes still around his leg through a ring hidden in the floor, once more leaving the big cat immobilized. Satisfied that Oda wasn't going anywhere, Noboru produced a small cloth and began removing the wax from his body.

Oda was especially surprised by what the possum did next. From the cart, he withdrew a vibrator wand, the large bulb on the end of the black toy promising pleasure to whoever it was used on. Oda had used them with some of his partners before, and male or female, they never failed to impress. Noboru slipped the toy into the ropes around Oda's left thigh, pinning his cock against the rounded head of the toy.

"So, what, your plan is to make me cum? Oh no, what a terrible punishment. Please, have mercy on me," said Oda dryly.

"You should have learned long ago that mercy is earned, not simply given," said Noboru. "I always told Tora, that seemed to be your biggest problem. Everything this life has given you, you seem to believe was owed to you. When in reality, everything you have is what we - the family - have given you."

"Everything I've got, I got because I earned it!" snarled Oda.

"Including what comes next," said Noboru.

Oda was about to respond when he noticed what the old man was holding in his hand - a worn leather ridge crop.

"The family can give you the world, or we can take it from you. We can fill your life with heavenly pleasure, or unbearable pain. And I know that, to someone so young as you, that it can sometimes be hard to tell them apart. So I will provide you with the lesson you so badly need. Once I'm convinced that you know your proper place, only then will this punishment end."

With his left hand, Noboru picked up another small remote from the cart, this one obviously belonging to the wand now strapped to Oda's thigh. Any doubts about this were removed when, with a flick of his pale pink finger, the vibrator hummed to life, already sending powerful shots of pleasure up the snow leopard's spine as the toy buzzed against his hard, sensitive cock.

A sensation he was only able to enjoy for about thirty seconds before the riding crop came down hard across his chest, catching his right nipple and making him hiss and arch his back in surprise.

"Damn, what the fuck!?"

"I already told you," said Noboru. "I can give you pleasure, and I can give you pain. Or in this case, a bit of both." And he lashed out once again, catching the big cat's other nipple with the end of the crop.

Oda didn't know what he was supposed to be feeling right then. The lashes from the riding crop certainly stung, especially against his nipples, still red and slightly swollen after their time in the clamps. But on the other hand, the pleasant rumbling of the vibrator help take some of the edge off, the sweet stimulation of his penis blocking out some of the pain.

"If you think this is enough to break me, you better start thinking up a new strategy, old man," said Oda. "I've been through way worse than this."

"I'm interested to see how long this stubborn streak will last," said Noboru. "You seem to be forgetting exactly the position you're in. Let me remind you."


With two quick moves, Noboru lashed both of Oda's inner thighs, the soft skin already shining red through his light fur at the welts left behind. Oda hissed in pain, fighting to keep his ears up at the sting of the crop. This time, the vibrator was far less helpful in dulling the pain. In fact, if anything, the sting of the crop made the pleasure of the vibrator seem to weaken. Noboru ran the end of the crop gently over where he'd struck Oda's right leg, drawing the cat's attention to the sting of his skin.

"Remember what I've told you, Oda, and learn this lesson well. Everything you have in life, you have because the family has given it to you. Everything that we give you is because you have earned it. And no matter how badly you want something, until you earn it, you will not get it."

As the pain from the strikes started to lessen, Oda could feel a familiar tingling in his crotch, a warm tightness spreading up his belly. His cock began to twitch, precum leaking from the tip.

Grinning cockily, he said, "Well, I know one thing I can have as often as I want, whether you decide to give it to me or not."

Noboru shook his head. "Oda, before this night is over, you will learn to stop underestimating me."

Oda's reply was replaced with a snarl of pain as the riding crop lashed out and caught him full in the balls, stopping his orgasm in its tracks. Oda would have grabbed himself and doubled over if he could, but bound as he was all he could do was yell in pain and thrash against the ropes, yelling every colorful word he knew at Noboru, who respond with a second strike, this time hitting across Oda's dick, stealing away the leopard's voice at the assault on his most vulnerable body parts.

The vibrator did help lessen the pain, but not by much. Certainly not enough to stop any approaching orgasm. Noboru stood there for a minute or two as Oda recovered. As the pain began to fade to a more manageable level, Oda felt the vibrator buzz a little harder as Noboru increased the power, the pleasure starting to build once again. Oda wondered what the possum was waiting for. Not that he wanted a repeat of what had just happened, but why wasn't the possum pressing his advantage? Almost as if he could read the leopard's mind, Noboru provided an answer.

"As I've said, this is hardly my first time. And I've found it's far more effective if the pain isn't constant. If you have no chance to recover, eventually you'll start to adapt. But this way, every strike feels as fresh as the first."

As Oda tried once more to free himself from the ropes holding him, he felt his face burning even hotter as Noboru set down the vibrator's remote, and started to lazily pump his hand up and down his cock, eyeing the leopard's body hungrily. The fucker was getting off on punishing the leopard!

Through the haze of pain and pleasure, Oda had started to work out what the possum intended, and while he hoped he was wrong, the conclusion he reached just fueled his desire to escape even more. unfortunately, he was soon proven correct as he felt another orgasm starting to build. He did his best to hide it, to not give any sign that he was about to cum. But Noboru was too experienced to trick, and just as Oda's pleasure was reaching its peak, another series of lashes to his cock and thighs sent him crashing back down, roaring in pain and frustration as yet another orgasm was denied. And then, a sinking feeling settled into his stomach as the possum turned to vibrator up once again.

"You better get comfortable," said Noboru. "We're going to be here for a while."


For over an hour, the possum kept Oda swinging between bliss and agony, letting the vibrator (at times aided by the possum's hand or even his tongue) work him right up to the brink of orgasm before the sting of the crop would stop it dead.

For the snow leopard, it was absolute hell. His sheer, desperate, aching need to cum, and the knowledge that the possum was determined not to let him. After fifteen minutes, Oda had tried to bargain. After thirty, he'd been begging. And by the forty minute mark, when it became clear that there was nothing he could say or do to convince the possum to show him mercy, he broke down, tears matting fur on his face as he sobbed, not from the pain of the crop, but from his mind-breaking desperation for the teasing and denial to end.

He was so lost to his despair that it took Oda a few minutes to notice that Noboru had turned the vibrator off and se tit back on the cart, along with the riding crop. A pained hiss escaped Oda as the possum removed the rope wrapped around his balls before wrapping his fingers around his cock and stroked it gently, even that simple touch shattering his sense.

"Well, Oda, do you think you've learned your lesson?" asked the possum.

"Y...Y-yes, sir."

"What do you have in this world?"

"Only what the f-family gives me."

"And what will we give you?"

"Only... Only what I earn."

"Good. Very good," said Noboru, releasing the leopard's tender penis. "You know, I believe you have. In fact, given the number of orgasms I've denied you tonight, I know just the way you can earn them back."

Oda looked up at him through tear-filled eyes. "Sir?"

"You heard me right, Oda. You've got a chance to earn back those orgasms you lost tonight. And all you have to do is be a good little kitty and let me use that sexy body of yours for some fun of my own."

Noboru picked up the only item left on the cart that hadn't been used - a container of lube. Squeezing some out onto his fingers, he smeared it over the length of his cock, getting himself nice and slick before walking around behind Oda and using two fingers to work some of the lube around and into the surprisingly tight pink pucker beneath the younger male's tail. Once he was satisfied they were both properly prepared, he wiped the rest off on the plush fur of the leopard's ass and took ahold of his cock, lining himself up and hiking the leopard's tail up to get a good view.

"Now, why don't you show me how a youngster like you should treat his superiors."

And with that, Noboru pushed forward, splitting the leopard open as he slowly sank inside, Oda's hot, tight ass squeezing down on him like a velvety vice. Noboru didn't stop until the younger man's pucker was stretched tight around him, buried balls deep inside the big cat, and quite enjoying the feeling of their sacs pressed against each other as he started to grind his hips against the bound cat's ass, enjoying the pleasured mewling of the leopard as he felt the possum's thick cock working him open.

"Fuck, boy, if I'd known you were so deliciously tight and accommodating I would have fucked you before we got started. Well, I suppose I'll just have to make up for lost time. Now be a good little bitch and moan for me while I fuck you. I like to hear how much my boys enjoy having my cock pounding their asses."

Noboru pulled back, and then thrust forward hard, using the hand not holding the leopard's tail to grip his hip and pull him back to meet his thrusts. He quickly settled into a rhythm, the sound of furred flesh slapping together filling the room, accompanied by the wonderful sound of a slick cock pumping the hot male's ass. Oda couldn't help but groan every time Noboru bottomed out inside him, not just from the surprisingly deep stretching he was getting, but from the feeling of the possum's sac swinging up to plop against his own tender balls, still stinging from their treatment under the smooth leather of the crop.

After a few minutes, Oda felt Noboru press up against his back, wrapping his arms around Oda's chest and teasing his sensitive nipples as he changed the angle of his thrusting, hammering against the leopard's prostate with every thrust and making the big male's cock throb and leak, adding to the puddle of precum already gathered beneath him. But what he was completely unprepared for was when the possum's long, furless tail appeared around his hips, and coiled around Oda's cock, squeezing him tight and starting to move, pumping him and causing him to throw his head back and moan loudly as Noboru used his incredible dexterous tail to squeeze extra tight when it passed over the edge of his glans, while using the tip to tease and tickle the cat's sensitive tip. One of Noboru's hands moved down to cup his tender balls, stroking and massaging them gently, almost like he was apologizing for what he'd done to them earlier.

Oda was moaning and groaning louder and louder, thanking Noboru and begging for release in turn, desperate to finally cum. His pleas were cut off when Noboru wrapped his smooth pink fingers around Oda's neck and squeezed with surprising strength, shutting of the male's words and his air in one go.

"Hush now, Oda," said Noboru. "No more begging. Remember, this isn't about your pleasure, it's about mine. I'm giving you pleasure only because it pleases me to watch you wriggle and squirm with desire. Now be a good little kitten, and make me cum."

Noboru loosened his grip enough to let Oda breathe, but not so much that he could speak. The muffled gasps and groans of the big cat were music to Noboru's ears, and neither one of them was going to last much longer.

Desperate as he was after more than an hour riding the edge of orgasm, Oda came first, his triumphant roar of pleasure little more than a wheezy mewling as he came, coating himself, the floor, and Noboru's tail in one of the biggest loads he'd ever produced. The feeling of a cum-slick cock against his tail and the tight, rhythmic milking of his penis by the cat's backside sent Noboru over the edge, sinking his sharp teeth into the scruff of the cat's neck, growling into the mating bite as he pumped Oda full of hot, thick possum cum, marking the boy as his and filling him with a reminder of exactly where he belonged in the order of things.

Once their orgasms had run their course, Noboru pulled out of Oda with a slick pop, grinning as he watched his cum leak out to mat the fur between the snow leopard's cheeks and down the back of his leg. Uncoiling his tail, he walked around to stand before Oda once again, wiping the cum off of his tail and smearing it into the fur of Oda's belly.

"I hope that was as good for you as it was for me," said Noboru playfully, gently flicking the big cat's erection and making him tremble at the feeling. "Just remember, everything I've done tonight is for your own good. You might not see it yet, but you'll thank me for this later. So, ready to go again?"

Oda looked at Noboru, a worried look of alarm spreading over his face.

"Again, sir?"

"Yes, again," said Noboru. "We've still got quite a while yet before the drug wears off," he flicked Oda's cock again, watching it bounce with a grin, "and by my count I still owe you a good many more orgasms before tonight is over."

Oda, realizing what Noboru was suggesting and dreading further stimulation to his already hypersensitive and abused cock, shook his head vigorously.

"No, please sir, NO! Y-you really don't have to do that--" Noboru bent down and scooped something off the floor. "One is more than enough, I haven't earned more than that, so please, why don't you just untie me and we'll call it even." Oda was nearly in hysterics at this point, tears freshly falling down his face. "Please, sir, please do make me mmMMPH!"

Oda's words were silenced once again as Noboru took the strip of cloth that had once been part of Oda's jacket at stuffed it in his mouth, looping the cloth around and tying it tightly behind the leopard's head, robbing him of any speech beyond garbled groans and whimpers.

"Now, Oda, we talked about this. It isn't about what you want, it's about what I think you've earned. And I say after a fuck like that you've earned back the orgasms you didn't get to have before." Noboru sank to his knees, lining up his face with Oda's crotch, reaching out to hold the thrashing male steady as he shook his head, trying desperately to beg the possum not to do what he was about to do.

"Now, do as you're told and let me have my fun. I want to see how many orgasms I can work out of you before you lose this juicy erection of yours."

Noboru opened his mouth wide, and slowly, so slowly, sank down over the snow leopard's cock, taking the entire length unto his muzzle before closing his lips and sucking hard, hollowing out his cheeks as he started to bob on the big cat's cock, running his tongue over every inch he could reach, his taste buds rejoicing at the flavor of Oda's penis. Oda threw his head back, wailing loudly into his gag as the tears began to fall once more, his hypersensitive penis overloading his body with so much pain and pleasure it was impossible to tell where one stopped and the other began.

Noboru had proven he shouldn't be underestimated. If the possum said he was going to give Oda every one of the orgasms he hadn't gotten to have before, that's what he was going to do. Whether Oda liked it or not.