American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 10, "The Gauntlet Of The Century" - Part 2

Story by HeadQuarters on SoFurry

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#37 of American Mustelid Alpha

The two remaining mustelids have faced nearly a full day of challenges, but there's more to come before they can finally rest. Another two events are left to cap the physical section of the Gauntlet: a grueling race inspired to the courage and spirit of first responders and a full-out combat match to close this season-long bitter, titanic rivalry for good. But to win the title of American Mustelid Alpha and the quarter million that's on the line, they'll have to win the support of the mustelids they eliminated throughout the competition - people who are very opinionated about what qualities are needed to claim such a big prize. Who will stand tall at the end of this incredible journey?

Warning: mature for heavy physical violence and blood.

American Mustelid Alpha is the brainchild of HeadQuarters (the joint project of qovapryi and harlow). All mentioned characters belong to them both.

10:00 AM

22 hours since the beginning of the Gauntlet

"Welcome in, guys..." Ludwig says, taking a look at the battered mustelids as they walk out of the Burrow and stand in front of him. "You managed to sleep some?"

"You fucking with us..." Kenneth harshly replies, still feeling wrecked from the early wakeup and challenge.

"Glad to see you haven't lost your bubbly disposition yet," the host chuckles, earning a sulky glance from the roofer. "And you, big guy?"

"Still a ways to go," Eddie shrugs. "It's all business, and I ain't bitching. When you're in the Navy, you just try to go and tell your superior you need to nap... Tell me what it'll get ya."

"Come on, private..." *camera focuses on a determined Kenneth* "Don't falter on the program just yet, don't wanna get discharged before the good shit happens."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

Ludwig lets out a small chuckle. "Well, looks like it's a beautiful day to tackle another challenge, right?" he says, pointing to the sun already warming up the ground, unrelenting as it was the day before. "The fifth event in the Gauntlet is called Stairway To Hell, and will test a combination of all your skills... I'm talking stamina, strength, agility, speed, you'll need all of them to beat your opponent in this truly grueling event."

Both the badger and the lutrine trade glances as the host keeps explaining the challenge. "This event is a nod to the service of our first responders, and simulates the everyday duties and tasks of a fire officer. First off, you'll have to carry a real, 40-pound firefighter's hose up the six flights of stairs of a 5-story fire escape building. Once you reach the top, you'll have to pull a 40-pound hose roll all the way up there, and store it into a container on the top of the tower," he says. "Then you'll run all the way down, get back here and slam through three walls of concrete with the help of a sledgehammer. Once you've cleared all three, you'll pick up this 175 lbs. mannequin..." he says, hoisting a dummy displaying the features of a generic fur, "...grab it from behind, and drag it 100 feet backwards and all the way across the finish line. First competitor to pass the line with the mannequin wins the event and the fifth Gauntlet point."

"I can picture Arron looking at this on the TV and being like FFFFFFFFFFFFFF-" *snerks* "This one's to you, honey."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"Oh, and what's more..." the stoat grins. "Through the entire challenge, you'll have to wear this," he says, bringing out a pair of masks with a few valves attached on them. "These are called Elevation Training masks, and simulate altitude training by limiting your intake of air during breathing," he says. "If you feel running all the way up with a 40 lbs. hose on your back is challenging as is, try doing it while wearing one of these."

"This sounds extremely convoluted, and yet the reality many servicemen go on by... on the damn regular!" *the otter details all the articles he has to don for the challenge* "In the end, this is going to be a turning point for me. I win this, AMA is mine."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

The two contestants nod in agreement, slightly huffing as they shake off their limbs and jump on the spot in anticipation. "Any questions?" Ludwig asks, both Eddie and Kenneth shaking their heads. "Well, in that case... go warming up, get out there, and we'll get it started..."


The camera hovers across the tall five-story ladder, then above the two finalists who are fitting on their breathing masks and getting ready to tackle the challenge. "Remember, there's no holding onto the handrails as you go up, and the hose can't touch the ground at any point, else you'll face penalties in your final time," Ludwig reminds both, instructing them to take a stance before the starting line. "For the fifth point in the Alpha Gauntlet..." he waves. "Eddie, Kenneth... GO!"

The two mustelids immediately pick up the hose, slinging it over their shoulders and pouncing forward to dash onto the first flight of stairs. It is as fast as it is grueling, both competitors getting midway through the climb before fatigue can even start to set in. Exploiting his superior agility, Kenneth is quick to burst into a lead over Eddie - the badger already ahead of the lutrine as they reach the first bend where the two ladders meet, gaining more and more to reach the top of the tower a few seconds before his opponent. "Kenneth got up first, but Eddie is still in this!" Ludwig exclaims, shielding his eyes with a paw as he looks up to gauge the progress of both competitors.

"If I think of it as a CrossFit routine, I'm sure I'll condition myself in thinking this is a breeze..." *the badger huffs as he sprints up the stairs as much as possible* "...If I really... really think of it, I'm sure I'll be able to pull it off."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

The badger is quick to pick up the rope connecting with the donut roll, starting to pull it up with a paw-over-paw motion in earnest tugs. A second later, Eddie joins him on top of the tower - the lutrine immediately leaning out of the top railing and tugging on the rope with strong pulls of his massive biceps. Otter and badger can hear each other's heavy, raspy breaths under the masks - the familiar kick of lactic acid starting to build in their muscles as the rolls come up along the tower's front.

Kenneth is the first to retrieve his donut roll, unravel it and store it in its container - promptly throwing himself down the first flight of stairs as soon as he's done.

"There's no way that little CrossFit boy's winning this one over me. Once I get to demolishing those walls, this leg's mine."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"Now I feel... a deeper appreciation... for Arron..." Eddie grunts under his mask, starting to unravel his donut roll and wasting little time before setting it in the container. "Thing I never... expected to say..." He's not that far from the badger, but his bulk makes it hard for him to compete with his more agile opponent as they careen down the stairs.

"Here they come, and Kenneth's ahead!" Ludwig comments in earnest as the badger makes the last turn and sprints down the last flight of stairs - Eddie still midway up the tower and visibly losing time as the challenge progresses. The roofer immediately goes for the sledgehammer, slamming through the cement wall with a few well-placed blows and grunting in approval as it collapses. "Kenneth's through the first wall, but here comes the rudder!"

"I know the wall section is Eddie's thing, he literally does this for a living." *the badger immediately moves to the second wall, adrenaline seeping through his muscles as he tackles it without hesitation* "If I get through the last one before he does, I got the point in my bag."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

Frowning in panic at Kenneth's advantage, Eddie picks up his weapon and starts tearing away at the first wall like an otter possessed - swinging the hammer in the same exact spot to weaken the slab of concrete. The foundation is thin enough for it to crumble, the Navy veteran jumping back as he feels it collapsing under the weight of his blows then dashing through its rests and moving to the second. Next to him, though, the badger has managed to take it down and is currently tackling its third - his technique as efficient as the otter's as he faces up every wall, powerful arms contracting and swinging forward with confidence to make the cement crack under his blows.

"Please... these flimsy walls are child's play. Kenneth will call it Gauntlet Challenge number five, I call it Tuesdays."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"I've torn down my fair share of pesky walls before, so this ain't anything new to me. I know the basics of this, and well... my build and training makes me the go-to fur to deal with this kinda stuff when on my regular job." *chuckles confidently* "And such as tearing them down to build something nicer, I'll tear these down to build my way to the win". *winks*

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

With one last blow, the badger breaks through the final wall just as Eddie's done with the second. "And Kenneth's brought down his walls!" Ludwig yells, walking back and forth across the two lanes. "Can he bring the mannequin and the win home?"

The roofer tosses the hammer away and shakes off his paws, veins bulging all over his body as a result of the prolonged oxygen deprivation. Without pausing he picks up the mannequin, hooking his paws under its arms and starting to forcefully drag it through the course. In a matter of seconds he's across the line, Eddie barely managing to break through his final wall as the badger unstraps his mask and tosses it away - lifting his paws with the last of his strength as he realizes he's managed to defeat his opponent once more.

"AND KENNETH WINS THE CHALLENGE!" Ludwig roars, immediately heading to help the badger stand up as he wobbles on his knees - the extreme exhaustion kicking in spades as soon as the challenge is over, the badger only having the energy to yank his mask off. All the while, Eddie drops his hammer in defeat and ends on all fours right outside his lane, his chest heaving profusely as he kneels in utter defeat.

"I got three..." *huffs* "Holy shit, I'm conquering this shit! This is the perfect statement win for me, and I can literally feel the title closer than ever before!"

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

*the otter struggles to get up, clearly overwhelmed by the effort he's just taken* "I ain't got nothing to say right now but... fuck this shit." *looks away from the camera* "He tore through this challenge like a fucking animal and I shouldn't have let him do so. This ain't the Kenneth I've gotten to know, and for sure it won't be the Kenneth that will win this, so help me." *shakes his head in utter surprise*

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"Kenneth, you add another point to your final tally, bringing it three to one against Eddie with a challenge still left unknown," Ludwig recaps once the two mustelids have recovered and are standing before him - the badger beaming from eye to eye and puffing out his chest after his victory, while Eddie's visibly scowling and struggling to keep on his feet. "You're both taking to the Gauntlet like pros, but we're not done just yet. Get some time to recover, for the final leg will happen soon. And for the record, it will be the most brutal challenge yet... " he says in an ominous tone, the lutrine's eyes glinting for a second at the stoat's words.

"Kenneth's gonna regret he even managed to win a pass to the finals, that much I'll assure him." *the two mustelids are shown as they walk away, barely trading looks* "I knew from the start it'd get real physical between us two at some point, and I've been waiting for this since... eighteen days ago. I'm coming for him whatever goes, and we'll see who's smiling afterwards."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman


Kenneth gets to the kitchen, shaking his head as he hacks up spit and expectorate into the sink. "Mask or not, I've felt I... breathed a concrete bag full of dust."

Eddie slightly grimaces at the noises the badger is making. "Can't ya do that in a bathroom?"

The badger pretends he didn't hear the otter's snide comment. "Ain't no one forcing ya to keep hanging around..." he says, sprinkling his muzzle with cold water for good measure. "Don't tell me you ain't got shit to refresh now..."

The otter slightly shifts in his seat, showing an ice pack on the base of his rudder. "On it, and I ain't annoying ya while doing so."

"We've been going at each other's throat for a full day now, and while I'm pretty sure none of us are going to say it out loud, I'm kinda starting to feel the... collateral effects, let's say." *the badger is shown yawning as he opens the fridge to fetch himself a drink* "My one satisfaction is knowing he's faring as bad as me, if not worse. I've gotten him where it counts on both speed, agility and endurance, so like... I don't want to jinx myself, but I'm pretty darn skippy about my standing in the Gauntlet so far."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

Eventually, the badger wobbles upstairs, leaving Eddie to his ministrations. The lutrine is lying on the couch in just his underwear, nursing his thighs and rudder after the heavy effort he took in the previous challenges.

"While I was dashing down that stair, I felt my right quad slightly pull for a second. I know enough about first aid to know you're supposed to lay off any stress on your leg if that happens, but I can't and won't do that in the middle of this Gauntlet." *Eddie lies on his back with his leg elevated over the back of the couch, kneading his thigh back and forth to ease up the swelling* "Between this, the torn up paws and the strained rudder from yesterday, I'm not exactly at my best. But you know how a king cobra always pounces back, even if injured?" *the otter traces the outline of the snake tattoo marking his massive thigh* "That's what's happening right now. I got one last challenge to master, and I'm gonna leave it all out there and win."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman


3:00 PM

27 hours since the beginning of the Gauntlet

The two mustelids file into the hangar, Ludwig waiting for them as he leans against the ropes of a standard boxing ring. "Eddie, Kenneth... welcome to your last challenge," he says, the otter openly smirking back as he gets wind of the setup. "For your final Gauntlet leg, we have saved the simplest, but most savage challenge yet..." he grins.

"For my fate in the game to stay alive, I need to decimate Kenneth, whatever it takes. He may think he's doing hot, but I'm going to send him packing real soon."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"This is the Last Blood. You'll strap your gloves on and get ready to outbox each other in three rounds of three minutes, which will be settled by either a knockout or a joint decision by three professional judges affiliated with the International Furry Boxing Federation," the stoat says, motioning to four furs standing next to him - a stocky, middle-aged male beaver in a white Oxford shirt and black slacks, a slightly younger male Saint Bernard dog, a female lynx and an old Sumatran tiger with piercing yellowish eyes. "The match will be officiated by Joseph Costich," the beaver steps forward as his name is mentioned, "...and judged by Steve Spencer, Larisa Vazquez Garcia and Michael Vu." One by one, all the judges take a step forward, nodding to the two finalists in deference.

"Sounds like the perfect recipe for a great brawl, huh?" Ludwig chuckles, pacing around the couple. "No better way to end the Gauntlet than leaving it all on the ring..."

"So, I feel it's rather clear this is a mismatch. If these judges are so professional, they'll recognize I'm like two to three categories below than this fucking jacked up mule." *camera focuses on Eddie* "But something like this has been a long time coming, I'll say that much."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"Of course, since your safety comes first, we'll be following amateur boxing rules here. I'm talking protective headgear, mouthguards and 12-ounce gloves you'll be donning on the ring," the stoat points out. "Referee'll be here to keep it from becoming excessive as well."

"Crap," Eddie chuckles. "Almost thought you'd let us go at each other MMA style for a sec..."

Ludwig raises a brow at the suggestion. "Again, it's your safety we're talking about. You're free to go at each other as you feel you have to, but we don't want it to cause any permanent harm," he says. "Judges will score each round on landed punches to the head or front, as long as it ain't below the belt. And one last thing..." he adds. "Unless the fight ends in a knockout, the result of this challenge will not be revealed after it's over."

Both mustelids open their mouths in surprise. "Again with this, Lud?" Kenneth protests. "You gonna take ten years off my life..."

"It is what it is, buddy... Up to you to win it before the bell," the stoat chuckles. "Over there, you're gonna find all the gear you need. Production will help you get fitted, and then we'll begin..."

"The prospect of taking on Eddie for three straight boxing rounds is... quite daunting." *Kenneth is shown as he pulls his hair into a tight top-knot* "Whatever goes, I'm here to defeat him across the entire Gauntlet. Proving I can keep up with a bigger foe on the ring may go a long way in proving my Alpha credentials."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"I can't believe it took this long to have some actual combat again and I for one caaaaan't wait!" *the otter's eyes briefly glint as he steps on the ring in his boxing shorts* "There's no better way to close this than a good throwback to the Navy training AND a shot to show the badger who's boss."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"You know, this is the very last challenge of the season, so I guess I might witness it as well..." the stoat chuckles as the two mustelids viciously stare each other down from the two corners. "For the sixth and last point at stake in the Alpha Gauntlet... Referee, do the honors," he motions to the beaver, him immediately beckoning the two to meet each other in the middle of the ring.

"Okay guys, we went over the rules - protect yourself and heed my instructions at all times," the ref's voice resonates through the empty hangar. "Now touch gloves and let's have a good, clean fight..." Otter and badger playfully bump their fists, menacing expressions still plastered on their face as they return to their corner. Eddie tosses his head back, baring his fangs at Kenneth in a wide yawn as the blue mouthguard is slipped in. The roofer ignores the display - focusing to steady his heart rate as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other in both anticipation and nervousness.

As the bell rings both mustelids pounce in, full of adrenaline, their combined fury directed at each other as they tackle the battle of their lives.

"My first thought as I step in... finish him, and make it short." *the lutrine wastes no time in going to the offensive, circling and counter-circling with the badger as he looks for an opening* "I know the basics of boxing, and I'm willing to bet he's as green at this as he looks." *Kenneth goes for a left jab to Eddie's head, which he parries easily and immediately returns* "Everything else, blocked out. This is a 'me and him' thing, and man, all the energy's back now that I got him at reach. This is as Alpha as it gets."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

The otter smirks behind his mouthguard and aims low, striking a right hook on the badger's ribs and ducking back before he can retaliate - his rudder helping him keep his balance as he dodges Kenneth's blow. One second later he's attacking again, eluding the roofer's tight guard to score another powerful combination to his muzzle - the impact resounding through the room as he flinches in pain, forced to retreat under the brunt of his opponent's punches.

It's pretty clear Kenneth is getting overpowered by Eddie, his eyes getting wide with fear as he takes in the sight of the lutrine pouncing forward undeterred - almost forcing his back to the ropes as he tries to regroup. The badger tries to defend himself by raising his guard, but the otter manages to break through it by tossing a tentative punch with the left and doubling down with a right cross to the roofer's stomach. The roofer staggers backwards under the strength of the impact, briefly wobbling on his feet before tripping over and to his knee. Eddie is quick to lunge in his direction, almost shouldering him before the referee steps in and forces him to back out. "You can't hide from me, buddy," he growls through the mouth guard as he paces back and forth across the ring and leers at his rival - the badger still doubled over and fighting to get the strength to get up and face the otter again as the referee starts to count.

"Um, pardon me, excuse me fellas? Professional jury? I'm outclassed as hell?" *shakes head* "Whatever it is, he won't make me bow down this easy. Arron would say something about a smaller dude decimating a goliath..."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"Four... five..."

The badger manages to stand out, testing the grip of his feet on the mat as the referee holds both apart before resuming the match. Immediately, Kenneth manages to read Eddie's strategy and tries to counteract - shifting his head from the otter's aim and starting to target his abdominal area.

Eddie's eyes go wide for a second, not expecting Kenneth to be daring enough to retaliate after his earlier insuccess. He raises one glove up high to defend his face, getting caught unguarded for a second as the badger manages to work a left hook into his stomach - his glove slapping hard slightly under the lutrine's liver. Grunting out in pain, Eddie manages to respond by lunging forward and slightly brushing the tip of his right glove against the badger's chest - his own attack halted by the ring of the bell, signaling the end of the first round.

Both mustelids go to their corners to get a second wind for the next round, medical assistants coming around to get them treated. Eddie squeezes his water bottle straight into his maw, spitting out the contents to the side as he stares daggers into the badger.

"So, you won't just take it to the head and pass out, huh?" *scoffs* "I got you where it fucking counts, badger. All your bravado, your one-upping you so fucking love, where's it hiding now?"

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

Meanwhile, Kenneth's features have started to visibly swell - the badger instantly signaling it to Dr. Jason, the young goat immediately going to apply some ice over his right cheek. "Doc, am I bleeding?" he slurs, taking down a gulp of water as he gets checked over.

"You're good, Kenneth," the goat nods, closely inspecting his features.

"Mhm," the badger nods. "He ain't going down anytime ever, I feel... I oughta keep away and try to score the odd one every now and then."

"It'll all be a matter to see if I can read Eddie's ego taking over and taking advantage of those missed cues. It's what I got to let those judges have it." *both finalists get in position again, the bell ringing and signaling the start of Round 2*

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

As soon as the second round begins, Eddie immediately makes his way to the center of the ring - hoping to get an instant upper edge on Kenneth as he tosses a right jab to the badger's muzzle, aiming for his swollen cheek. His opponent is quick to duck the blow and counter, the lutrine parrying his cross almost by reflex before stepping back in surprise. "Fucker..." Eddie can't help but growl as he recovers, already planning his next move.

"I have to find a way to dominate this guy. I can't let these judges think of giving him points for being defensive. If you won't go down, I'll make sure you'll lose."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

The otter decides to change strategy, leaning into the badger and pulling him into a tight clinch as he pushes him back towards the ropes. Unsure of what to do, Kenneth pushes back, tossing his head away from the lutrine's reach but still unable to evade his grasp. It takes a while for the referee to separate the two fighters, Eddie mockingly grinning behind the mouthguard - fully knowing he's successfully managed to stop his opponent's momentum.

"I got a greater reach than he does, so it's a lot easier for me to go for the clinch and break his rhythm." *the otter instantly pounces forward as soon as the referee calls* "I need to save energies and get a few good hits before the end of the third, and it's quite clear he's acting on pure instinct right now. The more I get him unnerved, the more he'll mess up."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

It doesn't take long before Eddie clinches again on Kenneth, his shaven head firmly jammed against the badger's sweaty collarbone as he slides his arms around his body. Instinctively, the roofer takes a step back - his move allowing the lutrine to lunge forward and land a blow on his chin, though a small hesitation is enough for his punch to lose power.

Growling inwardly at the missed opportunity, Eddie pushes forward in an offensive rush and violently shoves Kenneth backwards - the badger getting pushed against a corner and reached by a flurry of punches, yowling in pain as his lower back makes contact with the post. Right as he's about to get overpowered, the ring of the bell marks the end of the second round - the referee immediately going to divide the two, forcing the lutrine to retreat to his own corner with a stern glance.

*the badger plops down on the stool, panting heavily* "This went... so fucking badly. My only chance now is to completely go ham on this otter, not giving him any respite but... shit... I'm at my wits' end." *drinks a few sips of water as he gets treated*

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"Got this," the lutrine grunts, muscles still twitching with adrenaline as Dr. Paul places a paw on his midsection to check out any damage after the badger's earlier shot. "Too bad he fucking stopped it when I had him..." he says, nodding towards the referee.

"You still got a whole round," the Kuvasz dog says, gently patting his flank before helping him up. "Strike quick, and don't let him catch you off guard..."

"Know what to do, doc," the lutrine retorts, shaking off his arms as he waits for the last round to be called.

"Enough child's play. Let's get this over with one way or the other..." *smirks*

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"Both still standing, both up for the very last round. To end the Gauntlet..." Ludwig holds a pause, before sounding the bell once again.

Instantly, Kenneth heads for center ring - guard high and eyes brimming with stubbornness as he delves Eddie a surprise right hook - the Navy veteran managing to duck the blow but slightly losing his balance, struggling to keep on his feet as the badger keeps barrelling punches to his exposed flank. The lutrine grunts as Kenneth's glove sinks in his stomach, the shot not quite accurate and powerful as his opponent's but nonetheless effective in throwing him off for a second.

As Eddie ducks back, the badger mistakenly moves forward in an attempt to exploit his momentary struggle. He pounces forward for another jab, realizing too late his guard has fallen too low due to the prolonged tiredness of the fight - Eddie immediately spotting the opening as he lands a left uppercut on Kenneth's exposed jaw. The blow lands cleanly, the roofer getting tossed backwards and to the floor as his knees suddenly give up. Before the lutrine can pounce in to finish, the referee admonishes him to back off with a wave of his paw as he kneels over the badger.

"One, two, three..." As the beaver counts, Kenneth can feel the metallic taste of blood in the back of his mouth. His chest is visibly heaving, legs trembling with effort as he rolls onto a sitting position. He can feel the lutrine's taunting gaze on him, daring him to get up and continue. "Four, five, six..." Despite the pain, he manages to get on one knee, inwardly gathering the remaining strength to right himself.

"If he thinks I'm going down on the last stretch, he's in for a rude awakening." *the badger looks at Eddie, biting his lip as he gets ready to pull himself up* "This fucker can't scare me out of finishing the round, not in a million years."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"Seven, eight..."

"No way in... hell!" Kenneth growls as he stands back up, judges showing some concern and even Eddie blinking in surprise as his opponent manages to beat the count. The referee motions at the badger, seemingly almost willing to stop the fight - but he's met with a shush and a snarl from the long-haired mustelid. "All good, ref..." he growls, bringing his paws back up as he beckons the lutrine to come at him.

"Damn... I almost feel bad... but if he asks, who am I to stop fighting?"

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

Knowing the round is closing up, the otter collects his remaining energies to take one last lunge at Kenneth. The badger is prepared to meet his punch, though his vision is starting to get impeded by the profuse sweating and the swelling of his right cheek. He lunges back, hoping to catch the lutrine by surprise, but only manages to get pulled in yet another clinch by his opponent.

The otter leans against the badger, his chocolate-furred body lathered in sweat as he buries his muzzle in the crook of his opponent's neck. "Crispin says hi," he whispers into the badger's ear, before pushing back and dealing a right hook to his unguarded stomach. As Kenneth doubles over, gasping for air and fighting to keep on his paws, the bell signals the end of the third round - the referee immediately stepping in between the two mustelids, struggling to keep Eddie from lunging forward for a couple of seconds as he roars out his euphoria and adrenaline.

The medical team is quick to step in, Kenneth falling back on the stool with a nauseous glare as Dr. Jason immediately goes to apply some Avitene on the small cut on the side of his muzzle. All the while, the otter keeps on his feet - his muscles still pumped from the fight as he paces back and forth about his corner, openly glancing at the badger's visible discomfort.

"All throughout the fight, I saw the badger taking in water over and over." *chuckles* "Beginner's mistake. It gets ya slow and waterlogged, and messes you up good if you get hit right in the gut." *openly grins at the camera* "He may be up three to one, but I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be him right now."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"Alright, guys... " Once they've gotten treated, Ludwig motions to the two contestants and beckons them to get at center ring. "You have officially survived the physical portion of the Gauntlet. Whatever the outcome may be, you two deserve massive props for making it this far," he says. "Our judges have returned the scores and I'm happy to tell you we got a winner to this fight," he adds, Eddie cracking a smirk at his words. "We thank both them and Referee Costich for joining us today. It was a pleasure to have you here, and I hope the show these two gave us was worth the first row ticket... " the host nods, Eddie and Kenneth clapping alongside him as the staff made their way out.

"Pleasure's mine," the beaver answers. "For your first time, you both proved you belong on the ring. Best of luck for what's to come," he says, addressing the two mustelids before leaving the premises.

"Okay, so here's where we are," Ludwig recaps. "The challenge part's over, and all its six points have been assigned and tallied," he says, both Eddie and Kenneth nodding along. "You're now free to head back to the Burrow, get cleaned and dress up and well rested... for your meeting with the special jury assigned to offer the rest of the points will happen soon. See you then."

Without a word, Eddie and Kenneth nod to the stoat and head out of the hangar - their eyes filled with determination at the thought of the main event that's about to come.

"Unless the judges are deaf and blind, I am sure I won this last Gauntlet challenge. With that equalizer, I am now sure I'm winning this."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"I've gone from the biggest high to feeling like a zero at breakneck speed." *the camera shows the two finalists heading away into the Burrow, Kenneth looking visibly beaten as he walks in* "I do have the wins I know I have, and I have endured all the boxing rounds without giving in, so the next part to come will be key for me to win this."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor


March 21, 2020

8:00 PM

32 hours since the beginning of the Gauntlet

A group of about ten figures expectantly sit together on the large sofa, looking over at the main entrance of the area, their eyes fixated on what potentially may come out of that hallway. They glance at each other for a split second before they can hear steps; Eddie and Kenneth were about to come in, and they were prepared.

"Well... this was a nice 30-something hours in this jungle, but I'm ready to fucking rest now..." Kenneth mutters to the lutrine, both having showered and changed from the gigantic ordeal that they just went through over a day and a half. The badger tried to keep his spirits high, his hair down, to match the casual feeling of his fitting T-shirt and washed out dark jeans.

Eddie scratches the back of his neck, suppressing the hint of a yawn under his whiskers as both make a turn into the living room of the mansion they know all too well. "It shows you're still rather green at this, young buck..." he says, adjusting the left strap of his white tank top, which he chose to pair with black pants, slip-on moccasin shoes and a thin golden necklace. "Back in Somalia you'd barely have time t-"

"WHAT THE FUCK, NO!" the badger screamed, cutting Eddie off before facing him in sheer shock. "Look!"

"Holy..." the lutrine stands with mouth agape, as he's suddenly faced with the group of eliminated contestants - some openly smiling, others watching at the pair with wicked grins on their muzzles. "What the fuck are y'all doing here?"

"ALL the eliminated guys are back! All of them? What the fuck?" *the badger pauses, as the camera pans across Crispin, Arron and Andrew* "I thought you guys were back cozy at home watching us on TV!"

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"'Ron!" Kenneth's shock fades out to excitement, immediately greeting the honey badger with a hug, then quickly acknowledging the others. "What in the fresh hell is this!"

"It ain't that hard to guess, brother," the firefighter answers with a grin. "Wait, what happened to your face?" he says, his tone suddenly worried as he takes sight of the badger's still swollen features. "Was it..."

"Ayo, Eddie, being a finalist made you too good for your old pal?" a tall, tattooed otter calls for the fellow lutrine's attention.

The giant otter lets out a smile at the sight of his friend. "Gimme a break, Cris, I've been going on for a fucking day and a half!" he says, pulling the lutrine into the tightest bear hug. "How you doing, bud? You recovered yet?"

"Tons better, Ed," the tattooed bouncer replies. "Wish I coulda been here battlin' it out with ya, but I'm so fuckin' happy for ya and we'll still get the chance to..."

"Fellas, can we do a toast to these finalists?" Chayne speaks up, immediately seeking to clink his beer bottle with others. "And pass 'em a drink, holy shit they look like they need one or nine!"

All around the circle, hisses and pops resonate as the twelve mustelids unseal their bottles. "Let's go, class of AMA!" Greasy Z yells, everyone joining in the cheer.

"I've told y'all back home ya weren't done with seein' me just yet, HAHA!"

"~Greasy Z, 29, Hog Badger, Automobile Mechanic"

"Ed, Ken, how's it been being the top two?" Omar, the marbled polecat that was first eliminated, asks up.

"We haven't slept for SHIT!" Kenneth answers incredulously. "I dunno like, what you know or don't, but we've been at each other's throat since yesterday at noon," he says. "And I'm like... well on the way to beat Ed's fucking rudder!"

"You wish, asshole..." Eddie shakes his head, chuckling. "The title has one name here and it's mine, alright?"

J.J., the sea otter triathlete, speaks up. "So, hard question. Is anyone surprised this is our top two?" Michael Marshall raises his giant paw up in an instant, the wolverine not saying much in response to the pangs of laughter that he caused.

"To be honest, I thought it was gonna be Andrew over one of you two..." Chayne points at the young polecat that ended in third place.

"Heh, blame the damn underwater duel giving the edge to the big lug," Andrew chuckles in response, nonetheless pleased to be called out as a should-be finalist. "But seriously, you've both gone through a whole lot, guys. I'm happy it's one of you two, seriously."

"I thought Cris would have gone farther had it not been for his thing," John points out, Michael immediately nodding along to the stoat.

"I mean I would if y'all hadn't banded up against me and Ed. Starting with you, Blake," the tall lutrine retorts, wanting to make his point clear. "But we've gone through this a whole lot now..."

Michael steps in with his own assessment. "I'm a bit surprised that Zakee isn't there," the wolverine says. "Like, say whatever ya want, the hog was the star of this show. Plus he's shown he's a hard one to keel over, and he came around with his attitude when shit got serious..."

"Hey, I'm surprised I'm not in it too, big guy!" the hog badger guffaws, everyone cracking up.

"Guys, listen up..." William tries to get everyone's attention. "Whatever you feel about Eddie and Kenneth for being where you'd want to be right now, you need to admit they're the perfect final two. They both navigated the game in their own way, and like... in my mind there's no doubt they were the most successful at it. So what's more to be desired than having a deserving winner guaranteed?"

"Quarter of a million, Will..." Kenneth mutters behind his drink, before snickering.

One more mustelid enters the room, content at seeing the twelve competitors reunited once again. "So I see you've taken to the little surprise well, right?" Ludwig speaks up, the cacophony dying down as everyone looks intently at their host. "You're probably wondering what's behind this little class reunion..."

"I thought it was gonna be our 'we survived the Gauntlet' party..." Eddie chuckles, shaking his head before finishing up his bottle.

"Well yes, but what you don't know yet is... how exactly your jury portion is going to work." Ludwig says, his words emphasized and lingering in the cold pause. Both Kenneth and Eddie froze in their seats, immediately turning to look at their ten former competitors. "The ten mustelids facing you right now, the ten rivals you have eliminated on your way here, the ones you have lived with for all this time, are gonna be the special jurors evaluating your path in the competition and ultimately having a major end in deciding who will be the American Mustelid Alpha."

As the whole group looks over the two finalists - expressions varying from snide side glances to knowing grins - the badger and the otter look at each other in disconcert, then back at Ludwig. "No way..." Kenneth mutters.

"This is the game changer to end all. So now you mean to tell me these guys, angry at us for achieving what they couldn't, will decide who gets to win?" *the badger stutters, trying to find the right words* "I... got nothing to say back to you, Ludwig. Damn..."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"When the host breaks in the news we're gonna get judged by the eliminees, I can't help but like... sorta feel relieved at what's about to happen." *the otter openly chuckles, his features betraying obvious confidence* "I mean, I got the age advantage, I got the reputation advantage, and I'm pretty sure that Arron aside, I was better liked than Kenneth around the Burrow. The challenges were a tight match, but I know I can blow this out of the park."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"Here's how things will work," Ludwig addresses the whole group. "In a few minutes, we'll move to the military hangar where your adventure started about a month ago. The ten eliminated contestants will get the chance to take questions at both finalists, giving them both a chance to clear up whatever doubt might have transpired during the competition," he says. "Once that is over, each of them will cast their preference for who you want to win the title of American Mustelid Alpha and the $250,000 cash prize that comes with it. The four mustelids that were eliminated during the individual phase - Arron, John, Greasy Z and Andrew - will be worth a point each, while the other six will convene and decide among them who to cast a single collective vote on. In the case they're equally split, William will break the tie as he's the last of them to have left the competition. Everything clear?"

"This is too much, Lud..." Kenneth chuckles in exasperation. "Especially after alla that shit."

"I did warn you that you were in for the toughest challenge of your lives..." the stoat retorts. "Now go get ready, 'cause we're gonna kick off this show as soon as we can. And let's make it a battle to be remembered, aight? Until the end..."

The entire cast moves from the Burrow to the hangar where the top 12 first found out about their finalist status. Eddie and Kenneth sit in front of their ten rivals; ten mustelids that hold some power into their own fates. These eliminees that they bonded with, had fights with, vendettas against and much more hold charge into assigning a vote that represents the Alpha title to one, but a heartbreak to the other. And it all was soon to be put to the test.

"Okay, you know the rules," Ludwig waves towards the whole group. "One at a time, each juror will step up to ask any question that might help them in their decision. Then, you'll get up and make your final statement on why you feel the jury should vote for you as American Mustelid Alpha. Alright?" the stoat asks rhetorically.

"Yup..." Eddie says, while Kenneth only nods, looking at the group.

Ludwig directs his view to the bench of the eliminated. "So, guys who are in the group vote, which one of you feels like going first?"

"I'm in..." Crispin replies, not letting anyone else even the time to react. The lutrine confidently walks to the platform, turning towards the two finalists with a glint in his eye. "Ed, Kenny, I'll keep this short and sweet..." he says. "So, you two know you're lucky, cuz if I was healthy, your path woulda been more hellish, eh?"

Both finalists nod in earnest. "You know it, dude," Eddie chuckles, shooting his friend a knowing wink.

"Well, I don't really need to ask for a lot," the bouncer continues. "I came in here a month ago not really knowing what to expect or who I would size up against. I thought this was going to be my one shot, and that each and everyone over there...'' he points to the jury bench, "...would be but an obstacle between myself and my ultimate goal to... provide a better future for myself and my loved ones." The lutrine pauses for a second, swallowing a lump in his throat, his webbed paw tightly clutched around the dogtag hanging on his sleeveless hoodie. "Yet someone in here has proven to deserve this title even more. He's survived every single challenge they all collectively threw at him, and literally showed that well, there's no match for him when it comes to sheer tenacity, determination and-"

"And you ain't even gonna be subtle..." Kenneth mutters resting his chin on his paw.

The Californian lutrine shoots daggers at the badger. "And the truest, fucking-A, Alpha-est personality I've ever met in my life. I think Eddie Caprio is the fur who deserves this title, and well... that's pretty much all I gotta say. Rock on, bud," he tells the Navy veteran, before stepping out without a word and joining the rest of the group on the bench.

"If these people are going to be this lopsided from the get go, I won't know what to even do or say..." *huffs* "To convince people I deserve this over Eddie, I sorta need to be given the chance to do that. And if they all play it like Crispin, I... simply can't. There's so much shit they don't know, I need to lay it all down now."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

Michael, the blacksmith wolverine from Montana, steps up next. "So unlike Crispy here, I do wanna know shit from you two, aight?" he asks, little subtlety of his disapproval of the otter's heavy bias. "So, entering here and from the lil' time I had, there were two images of you. Eddie, captain, three-time winner, controlling everything. Kenneth, zero out of three, very short, very loud, thought he was a goner...."

Eddie snickers under his whiskers. "Don't we know..."

"So Kenneth, what snapped in you to the route here?" Michael asks. "How is your track different from Eddie's?"

"Well..." Kenneth claps his paws, emboldened by the chance to finally speak. "In terms of winning more challenges as a captain, I did better. In terms of winning more individuals, I did better. In terms of staying out of the bottom two and duels? I certainly did better-"

Eddie cuts the badger short. "And in terms of getting your ass kicked by this otter, you did better, right?"

"Eddie, this is between us, wait a sec..." Michael waves his paw. "So, while I wasn't here to see it, I dare say you went from zero to hero, right?"

"Now, Mike... well I guess you can say that. I've felt pretty frustrated in my early days here, like... adapting to this new reality of going claw-to-claw with eleven mustelids as competitive as me, and yeah, getting one big reality check to start with, it sorta messed up with my head... it was a fucking learning curve, alright? And I still managed to turn on my gears and get on with said learning, cuz if you couldn't..." Kenneth gestures at the rest on the bench.

The wolverine couldn't help but chuckle at Kenneth's diss before addressing the giant otter. "Eddie, the house says that after I left, stuff wasn't suddenly milk and honey with ya?"

"Uh, did they?" the lutrine responds, genuinely dumbfounded by the sudden question.

"I mean, four, five... beats me how many duels ya went through, either something went on around or ya lost it when I wasn't watching..." Michael says.

"Well, see... After Crispin left, I kinda figured out that everyone in here was out to get my scalp, because it was the single most important scalp in the Burrow." A few people in the jury booth snicker at Eddie's wording, Zakee passing a paw on the shaven sides of his head and then subtly pointing at the bald lutrine. "But like, if there's one thing I learned in the Navy... Sometimes, when the enemy surrounds you, you can't do much but snare 'em and take 'em out one by one with your own paws. And that's exactly what I did there." He pauses, pointing at several members on the jury. "Andrew, Arron, Chayne, Crispin... y'all are there because I put you there. Kenneth didn't take out anyone, so like, he can say he went from zero to hero, but he ain't your goddamn Hercules. He had it way too easy."

The wolverine takes a glance to the bench, most people chuckling at the witty reply from the otter. "So it's a story of improvement versus resilience. They both pretty important Alpha qualities, and I need to ponder this a little bit longer... but I think I got what I needed. Eddie, Kenneth, it's been mighty nice, and may the best win and the loser not bitch," the wolverine salutes his way back to the bench.

"Michael had me for a moment when he said that he sorta felt my fortunes went down after he left. I don't want, like... to be seen as the one who scraped his way through while Kenneth dominated, because that ain't even half close to the truth." *the lutrine waits expectantly as Omar takes his stand on the podium* "I ain't gonna let these people put that into doubt. I'm gonna be myself, funny, witty, confident to the max, and hope they see it through."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"It's been a while, guys, eh?" Omar says in a chipper tone. "Again, I've been in the game for a week tops and most of what I know about you is being... sorta filtered by hearsay and what the other guys filled me in about. Honestly surprised none of you two were the direct qualifiers while Z and William were..." he ponders. "Since I haven't had much opportunity to make my mind yet, I'd like you to tell me why your opponent shouldn't win? Why is he not the one to take the title?" The entire group murmurs between each other as the question is revealed. "Hey, if my time was brief, I rather juice it with the stuff you ain't gonna ask!" Omar says, turning towards the bench with a mockingly indignant expression on his features. "Kenneth, you first..."

"I'm so glad you asked..." the badger charismatically answers. "I know that in order to have gotten to the end, I had to flip my script. I had to adapt, and by doing so, I've managed to find my own success, and I know I've done so in earnest. First real obstacle in this competition and Eddie duels twice in a row. What then? Eddie tries to play mind games and fuck others up, Eddie just suddenly fights with the whole house, a lot of he said, she said crap in the middle as well, if Andrew and Arron are to be believed-"

"Hold on a minute," the lutrine interrupts. "I never-"

Kenneth continues without missing his beat. "So does an Alpha really need to resort to dirty tricks when he sees a minor obstacle? Sure I wasn't friendly all the time, but I was upfront!"

"Thanks, Ken," Omar waves the badger with a flick of his head. "Eddie?"

"Omar, I think all the bullshit reasoning he gave is pretty much the reason why I'm standing here now. Sure I played mind games, I fucked people up, I pretty much dug every trick in the book to navigate my way here. And at the end of the day it's just a game, so to question my integrity because he wishes he had the balls to pull off what I did... I'm not buying it, I'm sorry. I feel he hasn't commanded the game and the Burrow like a real Alpha should."

"If he had put me against Arron in a duel, he'd be stroking his ego from here to 2030. But because someone else got him..." Kenneth pointedly gestures. "...sent his cogs into overdrive. You can't answer why you're an Alpha without saying 'Crispin'..."

"Well at least I had a true friend in here," Eddie retorts. "You pretty much licked under Arron's tail for half the game and then you went and slapped him in the face, y'know, when you gave the big reward to Z instead."

"Fuck Z having a meltdown, eh?" Kenneth exaggeratedly shrugs in irony.

"I gotta know more of this..." Chayne whispers to Andrew, hooked at the scenario that is transpiring in front of all.

The giant otter visibly huffs, his whiskers twitching in anger. "Say what you want, really. I might have pulled off whatever shady deal you want to call me out on, but the difference between me and you is that I never talked behind shoulders or disguised my strategy as BS Mother Teresa-style crap. You were harping on and on since day one on how you'd be one to send me home, and you still failed at that because I'm standing here. How Alpha is that?"

"Dunno, you tell me, since you had the same plan and same result..." Kenneth shrugs.

Eddie shrugs the badger's objection. "Nah, my plan was to get to the end no matter how. Beating you now is only gonna sweeten the whole deal."

"I think I stirred the pot enough..." Omar nods at Ludwig, chuckling. "Thanks, you both. It's been an amazing experience and I can't wait to vote for the winner. Who of you is next?"

"I ain't gonna miss the chance to jump on this," Chayne eagerly steps to where Omar was, facing the two heated finalists. "First of all, it's been a wild ride and you two are the animals who sit on the top of the Alpha chain, congrats to you. I'd say hug it out, but yeah...."

"Like hell," Eddie rolls his eyes.

"So, I want to keep digging into this, and I want you to tell me the biggest strategies and moves you pulled off beyond challenges proper, full resume, highlight reel of you guys. Ken started before, so I'll let Eddie reply first..."

"Mhm," the giant otter nods, recollecting his thoughts. "Well I think no one can deny that everyone was here to get my rudder ever since we set foot in the Burrow," he says. "Immediately, I had to resort on my military expertise to strengthen my position. After we won the capture-the-flag challenge and went on the Italian feast reward, I was the only one to notice that one of the pizza boxes had the instructions for the next individual challenge printed on." Several mustelids on the bench openly gasp at the revelation. "I decided to share that information with some people, and that had a result in sending Arron dueling."

"It's interesting you tried to aim against Kenneth and Arron and you chose not to tell me. I had to find another way..." the marten looks at the bench, Andrew waving enthusiastically. "So your all-against badger plan didn't include me, when it sure woulda been useful."

Eddie's features remain stone cold at the sudden turn of events. "Well I just knew Andrew would end up telling ya," he says, nonplussed.

"Did you?" the blonde marten pouts. "Then why Andrew told me to not let you know I knew?"

"I mean, I can't speak for Andrew," the Navy veteran retorts. "I told him and J.J. to keep the information to themselves, because I couldn't risk the wrong people getting it," he says, shooting a side glance to Kenneth. "I still felt there was a chance of either you and Z figuring out, but I figured I could roll with it. And to be honest, I was looking out for me first, so I don't get what's the issue there."

"So, your big anti-badger plan had holes and sent an otter home, so... anything other play you wanna talk about, sailor?" Chayne presses, surprising the lutrine with his bluntness.

"Uh, the double duel in Nassau. I let Arron and John believe I was banding with them against Team Texas, when hey... top six, every guy on his own, right?" he asks rhetorically. "And they both fell for it hook, line and sinker. I knew Arron was fearing me the most, and Z had a bone to pick with John, so I went and played it against both," he says. "And well, I never held back for a single moment when the game prompted me to take action. I took off my biggest friend in the game when I was forced to, I took charge of operations when we were stranded out at thirty degrees, hell I ate a whole pig heart to save my fuckin' rudder!" he exclaims. "I swear I just can't wait to hear how this fella is gonna top that."

"Lying to half the cast is a thing to ponder, but hey, you fucked John over, so I guess it ain't all that bad..." the marten chuckles to the obvious frown of the jailer. "Truth of the matter, if I was a viewer on the TV, I'd be living for what you've done. Now... you try, Ken..."

"So, Chayne, I think the strength of my game was the relationships I built with most people in the Burrow, and the way I took charge of my allies had a massive impact in me getting to the end with minimal risk," the badger responds. "Arron was my pal through the whole thing. And like, this guy here can keep sussing me being fake, but he and I know better. It's because of him that we capitalized on the social stab individual that put Eddie in damage control mode, and handily won two team challenges as a captain in a row..."

"With John on tow, which pretty much fucked the entire house's mood, eh?" the marten presses.

"I'm glad you mention that, because every team needs a work mule," Kenneth immediately responds, a glint in his eye.

"Needs a what?" Chayne couldn't help to chuckle, looking incredulously at the badger.

"Every team? Needs a work mule..." the badger repeats, winking.

"Well fuck my vote, innit so?" John mutters.

"John was fundamental in helping me and Arron in getting to the individual part of the game. He was the one who started the push to give me and him an extra life in that individual, which we would have had a way harder time winning without... and since then I was able to keep him in check and under my wing until I needed him no more, something no one in the house wanted to have anything to do with," the badger says confidently, Andrew frowning from the sidelines. "All in all, I feel I was better respected than Eddie as a whole, and when the opportunity showed, I didn't only take it for granted, I made sure to pay back that respect. And well... there is a reason the badgers lasted longer than the otters."

"That's good, Ken, and good touch on also fucking John over..." Chayne thanks the roofer with a nod of his head, before flicking back his long hair. "There's another thing I'd like to ask, if you don't mind." Both badger and otter intently listen to their former rival. The marten chuckles, milking the moment for all it's worth, clearly enjoying the spotlight. "So guys, this Alpha thing... how does it play, you know, in the bed?"

The whole bench goes silent in disbelief, then begins rumoring in both confusion and amusement. Chayne just smiles, his eyes focused on the two finalists. "How does that sexual quality translate both in game and in life?"

Ludwig shushes the ever-growing laugh, letting out a small chuckle under his breath. "Guys, I warn you...let Chayne continue, and let them speak... " he grins.

"I mean it's no secret both of you have been flirty and suave with me, frankly!" Chayne exclaimed. "Is that natural to you or to an Alpha?"

"You know it, dude," Kenneth immediately retorts, undeterred by the cheeky question. "Fact is, I feel you need to be confident in the bedroom, yet never overstep your own boundaries or be too possessive - 'cause that's precisely the opposite of what Alpha is. And like, what I mean is... I know it will come as alien to many people who pretend to be Alpha, but it won't do you bad or demean you as a man if you just go down and..."

"Guys..." Ludwig interrupts the badger. "Please keep some demure, you two..."

"Well, you know we both have been open and real, Chayne, ever since day one, I know you remember well..." the giant otter grins at the marten knowingly.

"Oh trust me, I won't forget the pec dance or Squaw for a while," Chayne replies, many people laughing up and down the jury booth. "Just answer the question though..."

"Sure," Eddie nods. "I admit, like, having had my ups and downs in life regarding my past relationships. And the reason why I never opened much about it is because I value my loyalty to the people involved, and it makes no sense to dig past stuff up in this particular setting. But really, if there's one thing I have to agree with Kenneth, it's this... being Alpha in the bedroom means taking control, sure, and taking the lead when you need it. But it always needs to be, how can I put it? In function of your partner's desires, 'cause if they ain't happy, you haven't done your Alpha job," the lutrine shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, it's a shame I can't give an accurate judgement..." the marten chuckles. "But I think I got what I needed. Good luck to both, and may the fiercest win!"

"Well, that took us out on a loop!" *chuckles* "I still feel confident that he would pick me over Kenneth. I mean, if there's someone who played along to his, well... tastes, look at this lutrine here!" *laughs openly*

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"J.J., it's your turn," Ludwig motions - the young sea otter from Oregon jumping off the higher bench and walking to the podium, wearing a black, stylish T-shirt over dark jeans, a far cry from the sports clothes they were all used to seeing him in.

"Eddie, Kenneth, good evening and congrats for reaching the final," J.J. addresses the two. "It surely took a lot out of you, right?"

The badger lets out a sigh. "A lot and a half..."

"See I'm glad you say that, because well... we've been waiting the whole time to see the inevitable main event between you two, and now they're all treating it like the elephant in the room," the otter retorts, raising an eyebrow. "So like, Ken, how do you think you survived the Gauntlet? You think your performance against Eddie can give you a leg up on him?"

"When you know you're higher than him on the scoreboard, yes," the badger doesn't hesitate to answer.

"Uh, excuse me?" Eddie immediately jumps in.

"You know what I'm talking about, Eddie," Kenneth replies directly to the giant otter.

"So do you. There's no way you beat me in the water prison challenge, and absolutely NO WAY you beat me on the ring," the Navy veteran retorts, baring his fangs at the badger. "For all that matters we're tied up, so seriously... do us all a favor and don't play that card."

"You said tied up, Eddie?" J.J. asks, not missing the lutrine's slip. "You ain't ahead?"

"Well, for one he is not ahead either, and other than the stairway challenge, pretty much all events were super close," Eddie responds, biting his tongue as he realizes his obvious mistake. "And to be fair... one can judge it however he wants, but the ring doesn't lie. We went through three rounds of solid boxing, and he couldn't even give me a bruise. Look at 'im!"

"We'd be a different class in a ring, but sure...." Kenneth answers sarcastically.

The otter lets out a snort. "Yes it's my fault that I outweigh you by twenty pounds," he spits. "Just lift more, dude!"

"Ten of those in tail," the badger replies, obvious disdain in his voice, the bench cracking up. "You forget how I smoked you in pretty much all the agility events, sailor. And I literally had you in the one challenge that was all strength, the truck pull. So YOU do us a favor and stop talking out of your ass," he says. "Fact is, literally everyone on that bench would shit their pants at the thought of matching up with you on a boxing ring. I went on with about no ring experience and stood my ground against ya for three straight rounds, so how's that for your resume?"

"Well, you two had good fun..." J.J. snickers, interrupting the brawl. "So, for my last question, I'll just ask, what more can you tell me that you think will convince me?"

"Well for starters I didn't ignore you in the team-picking and then shit the bed with this "advantage" I got..." Kenneth says pointedly.

The sea otter frowns. "Well, he had to play his game, and at least tried to make up for it afterwards. And like, you were pretty much suggesting all the picks to Chayne, so you weren't exactly fighting to have me either."

"But come on... Chayne did what he wanted, and Eddie here had the direct chance to save ya, and you weren't even considered. Such alliances, eh?" the badger answers back.

"Heh, I mean, I can complain all I want but he's right, he got there one way or another. And the team he made pretty much slaughtered Chayne's, so to me that's just proof that he picked the right people and came to do what he was asked for," J.J. answers curtly. "Eddie?"

"I think I already made my case, but still..." the giant otter replies, searching for the right words. "I stand by the fact that every move I made was to further my position in the Burrow and get me to the end. Out of the game, I'm sorry I didn't pick you, but in the game? That's Alpha business. Everyone could have pulled that, but I'm the one who did it better, and that's why I feel I'm the American Mustelid Alpha."

"Eddie could have kicked J.J. in the balls and he'd say thank you for it..." *grunts* "It's easy for him to talk, because people will always take his background as an excuse to justify him being superior. But well... one of us sent you home, shortstuff, and it wasn't due to a fuckup."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

The host bids J.J. farewell as the least weasel steps onto the platform, facing the two finalists. "So, William will be the last one of the bottom group, and remember... his vote is worth double, so he could sway that entire point to one of you," Ludwig stresses.

"So give them the tough love, right?" William replies, prompting the finalists to laugh at his quip. "It's hard to do this because both of you deserve to be where you are, and those in the booth who think otherwise should reflect long and hard on their own actions within the game. I feel it's a privilege to be voting for our winner, and a double privilege to headline the group of who got out before the top six, so I'll be short and to the point," the weasel says. "Sure, everyone has asked about the route now... but I'm more curious about the route after, and the one that came before it. I want to award this to the one who has been Alpha and for sure will take the Alpha brand into the future. Kenneth, how will winning this gratification change you? What's Alpha then, and what will it be if you win?"

"So, Will..." the badger takes on, "You... know my story, and I guess I got to tell it to the rest as a refresher... Basically, I've had to deal with an abusive father since I have use of memory. Me and my mother sort of, y'know... escaped from that situation, and I sorta had to be my own father growing up." The badger pauses, turning towards the jury, then again meeting William's eyes. "I've SEEN how it's like to be the opposite of an Alpha, and I've been striving myself to be the furthest away from that. And if I came through as forceful, or entitled, that's because I sorta wanted to walk into the Burrow and show my strong front 24/7 - not put forward all that lies behind, you get me?" the badger sighs, slightly despondent at his past memories.

Some people in the jury are quite taken aback at the badger's recollection, clashing with the confident personality they came to know. "Did you know that?" Andrew motions to Chayne.

"Yah, we heard all your interviews at final four..." the marten nods, affixed to the badger's testimony.

"And like, William..." Kenneth continues. "If there's someone in here who knows how much a tight family can help growing up, well that's you. I hardly had that!" he gestures. "So yeah, that's the kind of Alpha I want to become. I feel I'm on the right path, mistakes made and dues paid and everything."

"Thanks, Kenneth," the weasel thanks him with a nod of his head. "Eddie, your turn..."

The giant otter, who'd stayed uncharacteristically silent during the badger's answer, immediately perks up. "Well you know I've been out of the military for seven years now, and to my experience at least, the highest level of Alpha you can attain is when you're ready to put your life at stake to protect your country and compatriots," he says. "What I want to take away from this is a way to, like... sorta keep shifting from the young, cocksure Alpha I was in the Navy and make more of that as a civilian. Putting the experience and means I got at the service of others, and yeah... eventually proving my value in something bigger and better."

"And can you elaborate on that?" William presses on, catching the lutrine off guard.

"Mhm, like..." Eddie stumbles. "Look, Will, I'm not someone who plans out his next fifty years of life in advance. Just in the past six years I've worked as a combat instructor, a spearfishing guide, I got a high-end bodyguard certification and spent a couple years watching the tails of businessmen in Miami..." he enumerates on his webbed paw. "And most of that I did out of the blue, with little planning involved, I got down to do it and I killed it." The lutrine lets out a sigh, his voice cracking a bit out of tiredness. "But like, I got desires and dreams like everyone else. I want to build my own family, I want to settle down and keep doing what I love. Just... live my life to the fullest. And I really, really believe that's Alpha in a nutshell. Give your all in what you want."

"I think I got what I need, guys. Congrats to both of you, and promise you'll support the winner whoever that may be." William nods, before heading back to the bench.

"All in all, these two have fought claw-to-claw from the very first day to the last. It's only fitting for the final decision to be between them, and I tell ya, it's going to be quite an ordeal to settle down on a single winner."

~William, 34, Least Weasel, Personal Trainer

Ludwig calls for the attention of the mustelid crowd. "So, all the people who've spoken this far were worth a sixth of a point. Now we're about to get the other four, as Arron, Andrew, John and Greasy Z will be given one point each to assign to who they think deserves to win. But before that, we need to hear from them..." the host says, before catching the attention of the other stoat on the bench. "John, you're up first."

The jailer frowns as he makes his way to the podium, clearly annoyed by the whole ordeal. Both Eddie and Kenneth share a knowing glance as he clears his throat, waiting for the rest of the jury to shush before kicking off his tirade. "I'll start by saying that unlike what people here seem to think, I'm genuinely appalled that this is the final choice we have to settle with." Some mustelids on the bench murmur between them, others rolling eyes at the stoat's dismissal of the two finalists - yet he continues undeterred. "We're here to elect an individual who represents the best qualities in our musteline brethren, and I'm sorry to see that over and over in this game, both of you have not kept it honest with me, both of you betrayed my trust one way or the other, and you two have done pretty much all in our power to stomp on the most basic requirements."

Z leans in to whisper to Andrew and Chayne. "Number one requirement for him? Be him."

"And that's optional..." the polecat stifles his laughter.

"Unfortunately, the rules of this game say that I am to vote for one of you two as American Mustelid Alpha. I'm gonna stay true to it and accomplish the oath you both were unable to keep," the stoat pauses, before turning his attention to the giant otter. "Eddie, don't take us for idiots. Me, you and Arron had a plan to help each other against Texas, and you tossed it away like our word meant shit..."

"Here's the thing, John Blake," the lutrine scratches behind his ear. "Maybe you didn't realize it... but in a game where six stand, there's not any place for plans that rely on a multitude. There is no predicted fate, and as you saw what happened to your plan, it all went to shit." Eddie stresses that last word. "When Andrew won that challenge, Arron and I were the only ones that had our heads out of our tails searching for a plan B, which made it the more evident that you didn't care who went home from us two... which sorta begs the question, why should I have cared about you?"

"Well, he got a point..." Zakee whispers to Andrew. "After you got him, there was no need he could protect both him and Arron," he counts on his paws, before letting out a malicious chuckle. "If he even intended to, that is..."

Kenneth couldn't help to chime in. "Besides, you got who you wanted to kick to the curb anyway, white tail, and look what went on," the badger shrugs, one of the few instances Eddie didn't mind his interruptions.

"Exactly," the lutrine nods, still not acknowledging the badger. "The plan was set that I'd help you topple Team Texas, and like... I pitted you against the one that was left, and you still couldn't finish the job," he says. "What I'm trying to say is, that round was nothing short of warfare. And like, you know how it is... all is fair in love and war. Once Andrew won the pole challenge, I had to figure out a way to get out unscathed, and I took the occasion to add a further Alpha notch to my belt..."

"Whatever floats your boat, rudder," John scoffs, before turning to Kenneth. "And you, kid. Talked up a bold game for winning two captainships when you knew it was all due to me being on your team doing the hard work."

The badger shoots a look at the white stoat, a pause before responding. "There's no I in team..." he says succinctly with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, uttering a reaction from the bench.

"Don't try to be a smartass here, Kenneth," John sneers. "After all, I can fuck you over 250k..."

"No, you don't try to get credits you don't deserve," Kenneth retorts. "You had six opportunities to become captain, and you managed to fail at every single one. Be it public vote, challenge or whatever..." he scoffs. "I ain't saying I'm not thankful that you helped, you are talented as fuck, but seriously... you stepping up and taking the big victory lap is pretty fucking hilarious."

"Well I'm also the only one here who made the winning team five times," the stoat responds.

"Z picked you cuz you seemed strong, Eddie picked you cuz you seemed strong, Andrew picked you for the same reason, so I thought to do so twice because you got the wins for whatever reason, but to be fair, you were always pulling the carriage, you were never directing it..." the badger spits.

"You fucking know what I'm hinting at, buddy," John growls, close to lose his patience. "Without my help, you would have never toppled the otters at the shooting challenge. And boom, not only you conveniently forgot it when my wife came to visit, but you went and gave the big Bahamas reward to my number one enemy in the Burrow and his knucklehead friend," he says, shooting Z a look full of disdain. "Not to mention the little detail of you dislocating my shoulder!"

Kenneth stays silent, waiting for his moment to speak up, as he lets John rant and rave. He fixes his hair with a stoic look, making sure his dyed-blonde tips are on display. "You seem kinda flustered by the event..."

"How so?" the stoat retorts. "Like, you oughta know there's no bigger bond than what you get between you and your wife. You could pick me or Arron, and you still went for the pig and his friend. That's not just dumb, it's also fucking disrespectful," he says. "Just don't expect people to call you a friend after you've slapped them across the face in front of the whole nation. Real world doesn't work like that, kid."

Kenneth finally has enough of the stoat. "Aw, John, it's ONE reward, ONE, and we all would have had to make a decision anyway. If you or anyone is not gonna vote me for being whiny about not being picked for a reward, whatever, but know it's a shitty reason to not vote for who actually led the pack on the final stretch."

"Uh-huh," John replies, visibly unconvinced. "Ludwig, I said what I wanted to say, and let's see who's the lesser of the two devils. Nice going, and glad to be a part of this," he tells the host, purposefully not acknowledging the two finalists as he steps down and resumes his seat.

"Okay," Ludwig recaps, moving down the line. "Arron, you're up."

Arron steps up, looking somewhat aloof, pacing back and forth in his spot. "You guys..." he finally starts to talk, looking at the ground, his voice becoming more pointed by the while. "I am sorry... but I don't see why anybody needs to measure these two finalists equally. I don't see why anyone doesn't acknowledge the fact that one of these two guys doesn't actually see the Alpha title... for what it can actually mean." the honey badger's quiet fury slowly seeps out of his voice. "It is not necessary... to include someone who actually FUCKING said to us and to Ludwig that he doesn't... care about this. Some people actually WANT this, some people actually RESPECT what this title can mean. And it infuriates me some of you are considering giving a title to an otter who said EXPLICITLY he doesn't want this. It is sickening."

"Arron steps up and he's all like shit, damn, hell, fuck, and it's like so out of character for him, like..." *sharply inhales* "I know someone's gonna get lashed as fuck, and it for sure ain't me!"

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

The honey badger pointedly looks up at the bench. "Eddie literally told all of you that he doesn't care about this title in his interview, and guys like Crispin and J.J. are still up here offering it to him?" He sighs loudly, lowering his head for a moment before directing his attention again at the lutrine. "I'm sorry, but I can't take that. And that's even before we start discussing what he did to get there. I feel there are a lot of people in the jury who just want to set Kenneth to fail - and in doing that, they're purposefully overlooking his growth, as well as the fact that Eddie stomped on their own dreams and spit on their faces for good measure in order to foster his own path. Giving a vote to Eddie is wasting it on someone who doesn't want this and never did."

All throughout Arron's tirade, the Navy veteran doesn't utter a word, contempt in his eyes as he waits for him to finish. "You done now?" the lutrine growls, not waiting for the honey badger to respond before speaking again. "I know you ain't gonna vote for me anyway, but I'm just gonna humor you with a bit of a reality check," he says.

"Of course he needs to occupy space..." Arron interjects.

"First off, American Mustelid Alpha is a game with a very specific purpose. You can sugarcoat it and be all grand-standing about it all, but who we are outside this thing should have no bearing in how y'all decide to score this. And to be honest, all I see here is sour grapes from someone who can't accept this otter outplayed him from start to finish. Ludwig's been repeating from day one that the goal of this game is to dominate the rest of the competition, so either you admit it or you're gonna pass for a goddamn hypocrite."

"Again, you said you don't give a crap about this title..." the honey badger chimes in.

Eddie chuckles. "If I didn't, I wouldn't be standing here," he says. "I came here to prove I can still kick anyone's tail, which I did plentily, repeatedly and successfully."

"Again, not saying why he said he doesn't care..." the firefighter keeps interrupting.

"What do you want me to say, brother?" the lutrine raises his voice. "I care about taking home the title to show y'all and America I could do what nobody here had the balls to. That I played this like an Alpha from start to finish, while y'all had to band up against me to wipe me off the map and still couldn't manage to." He pauses, looking at the firefighter with disdain. "And yeah, I guess winning the title would be nice vengeance for what you did to Crispin, since-"

"Crispin's not your alibi, he's a grownass otter..." Arron replies in derision of Eddie's train of thought.

"Pshhh, like you didn't stick to Kenny here just as much if not more. More hypocrisy comin' from ya," the giant otter replies.

After a pause, the honey badger takes a deep breath. "To make this short, Eddie doesn't care about this title, hasn't explained himself, and thinks you're below him on everything, hence vote for the guy who will actually appreciate this. Kenneth, God permitting, you'll be an amazing Alpha representative," he said, making as if to leave before suddenly stopping in his tracks. "Oh, one last thing. Eddie, the next time you do this, don't be throwing promises around if you don't have the guts to fulfill them."

Eddie shoots the honey badger a look full of disdain. "You went with your little plan..." he crosses his fingers in display to the firefighter. "... and I had mine."

"You..." Arron opens his mouth in shock at the lutrine, then shrugs and lowers his head. "Oh, I see how it is. I hope you can live with that, brother," he says, stepping down from the podium and making his way to the jury bench.

"Thank ya, 'Ron..." Kenneth blurts out, still in some sort of disbelief at the tirade that transpired.

"If I'm not getting your vote, I might as well have some fun while you're going and going..."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"Two more judges left, your fellow semifinalists..." Ludwig nods, awaiting for any of the two to take the first step. "Andrew, will you step up?"

"By all means," the polecat nods, jumping down from the upper bench with the hint of a smirk plastered on his muzzle. His ash blonde hair has been styled in spikes with a good amount of hair gel, the leather jacket and pants he won during the Schott reward adding to his aggressive look. "Greetings, guys..." he addresses the two finalists. "First of all, congrats to both on getting to the final two and taking on the Gauntlet. You better be proud of what you've done, 'cause I can tell you... of all the mustelids sitting on that bench, there ain't a single one who wouldn't trade his place with either of you two right now. Me included, hah!" he grins, the whole bench joining in a collective chuckle. "So, since no one asked ya this before, how ya doin'?"

"Fuckin' great," Kenneth retorts with a smirk. "If you discount having to live and keep close quarters to this dude for 36 hours straight, I'd say I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!"

"You weren't saying that at the end of the third round, buddy..." Eddie immediately barges in, the badger glaring at the blatant interruption. "As for me, yeah, I'm doing great too. I'll take this over SEAL Hell Week every day..."

"Good good..." the young polecat rubs his hands. "So, I've heard a lot of new revealing info, a lot of stuff I know and a heaping helping of bullshit I can't wait to call ya... both out on," he emphasizes his statement by pointing at both finalists. "Kenneth, let's start with you. I find it funny that after I won captainship using the 'stoat' strategy..." Andrew side-glances at John. "You just decide to swipe in and bag two easy captain wins, and then have the balls to call it YOUR idea..."

"Uh? What's funny?" the badger retorts, genuinely stumped by the question. "What's your problem, that I went and swept over John?" he asks. "I mean let's be honest here. I had to pick teams and you or Z would never get him on board, so at that point I guess it's fair game... And of course I'm gonna take credit for it. I'm 2-for-2 on captains-"

"But Kenneth, Kenneth, I want ya to admit two things-" the polecat puts his paw up. "Kenneth, first, admit you swiped on my idea after Crispin went home, and secondly, admit you couldn't win those captainships without relying on the basic, no-brain formula of using a mule."

The whole bench lets out a subtle gasp at Andrew's questioning. "Again with this mule BS?" John asks Michael, visibly annoyed by the remark. "Why do they need to keep this shit..."

"Shut up, this is getting good," the wolverine dissimingly waves at the voice behind him, riveted on the discussion.

"If you did it the way I've done, you could have picked Eddie or Chayne for the Squaw cuz they know cold, or Z for the mud football, or anyone else to showcase you can work your way in, but instead you decided to play the little mafia leader," Andrew presses on. "So, again, what did you do? Did you hang to snatch an easy win?"

"Well, for starters, I've felt since the very beginning I went on a losing spree because the teams I was on were mostly dysfunctional. Or like, the people who had to do the picking made decisions that I didn't support and proved to be quite destructive to our chances altogether," the badger responds. "So, when I finally got the chance to pick my own team by myself... of course I went with the people I felt I could rely on the most. And like, my record speaks for myself, so yeah I'll own that in a heartbeat."

Andrew insists, relentless. "Did you hang to the house's mule for a win despite everyone wanting him out?"

Kenneth throws his paws up in the air before looking at his competitor in the eyes. "Yes," he says, matching the polecat's stare. "I wanted John out as much as y'all did, but like... he brought it home in Squaw after he sold himself to me, and that challenge turned my entire game around. I knew I could handily beat him whenever it came to me or him, just look at the sand baton challenge." Andrew can't help but scoff. "And everything after that, I pulled my weight on my own, so it wasn't hanging for an easy pass... and you out of all here should know why I'm here and you're not."

"I'll take that..." Andrew nods, turning his head. "Eddie. Before anything, know my vote won't hinge on that last water cage challenge, not one bit."

The lutrine makes as if to retort, but then bites his lip. "It's fine, dude," he says. "Just so you know, what I told you before the challenge... that still goes. You should have been here instead of Kenneth, but rules are rules..."

"D-don't flatter, just don't..." Andrew dismisses Eddie's praises. "I can't deny the fact that you've helped me a lot in this competition, between advantages and us being stuck together that coldass night in Squaw. I really think you've embodied what this show wants to a tee more than anyone here and went through hell and back to prove that to us. But let's be honest with ourselves... you're as petty and impulsive as everyone else in this place, and don't even pretend."

"Dude, if you wanna make it a judgement of character, you're just giving me more ammo," the otter replies. "You all have seen Kenneth acting all kinds of entitled towards other contestants and the game itself, and it started from the moment we boarded that bus in Miami. That's just how it is-"

"I'm not talking Kenneth, Ed!" the polecat shrugs, chuckling in irony. "So let me continue... you had one inconvenience you could have seen a mile away, when Crispin got axed, and from there it always has been like..." Andrew makes a face, mockingly imitating. "I gotta see who I fuck over next mentally! I gotta see who I promise a final two spot! Ayo, Ludwig, want a final 2 with me?"

While the jury, Kenneth and even the host snicker at the youngster's display, Eddie is obviously less enthused than his fellow finalist. "Alright, Andy, let me say this," he huffs. "I know some of you might question my tactics and take it on a personal level, but it happened for a reason. When we had that shooting challenge, and you all ganged on me and Cris just because you could, that was like... the moment where this game became a deal of me against everyone else. And if you want to guilt trip me into apologizing or admitting to all of that, or part of that, I can tell you straight away that ain't happening. I don't regret SHIT of what I did in this mustelid warfare, 'cause it helped me survive it."

"Strategies were always some part of the game. But I guess my biggest issue was your...'' the roadie hangs on a thought, finding the exact word. "Superiority. I did 100 reps, you did 150; everyone's undeserving because they put you on a duel when your head's sticking out too much, but the minute you promise a final spot to half the house, it's all's fair in love and war. You even gave a hard time to Kenneth for picking Z over Arron to see his loved one. Hell, everyone woulda picked Z for the loved one after the shit he went through, right?" Andrew asks rhetorically, before turning to Eddie. "Who would have YOU picked?"

"I dunno why you say I minded Z's choice, because I would have picked him and Tommy myself," the lutrine promptly responds. "I just thought it was a bit hypocritical for Kenneth to pick Z instead of his buddy, because like... I never felt they were particularly close. After all, he was cozying up with John pretty much all the way... I felt it was his way to suck up to someone he'd screwed over up to that point, is all."

"So therein lies your biggest flaw. You're so tunnel-visioned of anything that didn't involve your narrative," Andrew states, surprising both finalists. "Everything that wasn't your POV, you glossed over, and I think that's why Kenneth is next to you and not any other despite you madly wanting him out. You had control in the game, and you made it to the final by pure-ass grit, but in the time after Crispin went out and now? Full of holes, damn the consequences!"

Eddie gulps in shock, but immediately strikes back. "That's what YOU got wrong, buddy. I've been playing for Crispin every step of the way. This game deserved an otter getting to the end, and I pulled myself in here with every trick I know. By all means, hate the player... but give credit to the game he played."

Andrew nods, looking at the finalists to close his statement. "So, to finish... I have someone who really got into the leaning curve and aced it when the time came to prove himself as the Alpha, versus someone who came in with all the marks of an Alpha and has survived everything thrown at him, regardless of what it was." he says with some pride in his voice, before turning to the jury, feigning disdain. "So we oughta pick between someone who got in by the easy route by gaming the system and someone who fucked everyone else cuz his mind was closed as hell. Oy vey. Cheers." Without further word, the polecat steps out of the podium, both Eddie and Kenneth looking over in confusion.

"I feel Andrew's the biggest wildcard in the jury. His points are valid, and I think he really grew out his balls through the course of this, but even he has to admit..." *the badger ponders for a second* "He might have launched that strategy, and I'll even give credit to him... but I'm the one who perfected it and rode it all the way to the Gauntlet."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"So, to close this... Greasy Z, will you do the honors?" Ludwig turns towards the hog badger.

"Best for last? Don't mind me!" the hog badger chortles, making his way to the podium in his usual cocky fashion. "So, who wants the shiny trophy and the 250k here, raise your paw..."

Otter and badger look at each other in mock disconcert, then lift their right paws in perfect sync. "Oh, got some eager piggies, innit so?" Zakee guffaws. "I'm honestly surprised y'all didn't take into account the other thing. Sure yeah, we got the bigass title, but there's also a bigass amount of money that'll change the life of one of these guys. So now, Imma ask y'all, if you win, what would the money mean to ya after this show n' dance is over? Big Ed?"

"Hey, Z," the lutrine greets the mechanic. "I'll be honest with ya. I have a stable job which I enjoy, but I don't make millions for a living. So like, I feel part of that money is gonna go into paying off what's remaining of the mortgage on the place I live in," he says. "I don't really need much else, and you know me... I haven't given you any BS this far, I won't begin on a matter of money. And yeah, y'all know that already, but I'm looking forward to spending a good month in the Caribbean as soon as I get home, just relaxing, deep-sea fishing and living out a bit of Alpha life," the lutrine concludes. "Cash or not, that Eddie ain't changing and y'all know it..."

"Sounds like a sweetass deal to me, ott," Greasy Z nods. "Yer turn, Kenny."

"Okay so, here's the deal..." the badger says, slightly leaning forward. "Unlike Eddie, I haven't had the chance to really dig into what I want to make of my life yet. I got through college with a number of sacrifices, most of them not my doing... so you get why as soon as I got my degree, I ended up wanting to repay those sacrifices as soon as I could," he says. "But really, I've said for a good while that CrossFit and fitness training's my true calling, and that money is more than enough for me and Cassie to open our own box and really start doing this for real, you get me?" he asks rhetorically. "I came to AMA to dominate, that's for sure, but most of all I came in with a plan to turn this success into real life Alpha gains. I know I can do this, I know my brand's gonna be successful... and hell, y'all are invited to come out for a session whenever you swing by Philly."

"That's also a sweet goal, Ken," the hog badger smiles. "Just know that I ain't gonna be like, just basin' myself on sob stories and shit, for the record, y'all two did what you had to do on the competition, but lemme know about yer biggest regret. What would ya change on your way here?"

"I said it to Andy before... Don't take it the wrong way, but I don't regret anything I did in the competition," Eddie replies. "Maybe, and you weren't there for it, but like... losing my temper and smashing that glass at the Burrow after Crispin went, that wasn't me. But then again, it had no bearing on the game itself, so what's the point to regret something that had no consequences?"

Before Z can respond, Kenneth turns towards the lutrine. "Maybe that's the perfect judgement of character those guys need," he says, looking back at Zakee. "I do regret coming in as a bit of a hardass. I thought most people in here would turn on the cocky deal to a hundred, and that's how I responded... but unlike this guy, I'll admit it was a mistake and own it. He says he's gonna own all of his actions, but look at him... he only does that when it paints him in the good, Alpha-like light he enjoys. Never when it proves him wrong, or the control freak he's been ever since day one..."

"This was a game of domination, and I steered this ship from the first day to the last," Eddie interrupts the roofer. "You've come in complaining and throwing tantrums because we didn't, I don't know... bow down and make you captain in every single round. Dare to call me out, sure, but everyone over there can see you're projecting..." he casually says, encompassing the entire jury bench, Zakee and even Ludwig with a swipe of his arm.

"Better than saying 'Oh, I'm perfect, no regrets ever'," Kenneth shrugs.

Zakee snorts, calling for the attention of the two. "I know y'all two aren't besties in any sense of the way, but gonna ask ya, and everyone to see the big picture..." the hog badger gestures, trying to find the right words. "Of course, we all woulda given everything to be where they at, we all wanted to be that pretty piggy to take to the county fair and win all the ribbons. But the best piggies ain't always the ones who got the prizes. I've taken care of runts, ones without legs, and even diseases that meant I could only enjoy them for months before they went to the big sty up the sky. But you know? I'd get one of those 'defective' piggies over a ribboner every damn day, cuz the real value's on the inside. Being an Alpha is on the inside." The mechanic gestures, dropping his distinctive drawl as much as he could. "And wherever y'all ended, or regardless who wins, take what ya lived here to heart. I guess... I just wanna thank y'all for the shits and giggles and to make me feel I belonged to some place in life. And know y'all gonna be pretty successful when ya put the work. Kenneth. Eddie... good luck, and make sure the winner makes mustelids all around proud."

People in the jury booth look over in mild surprise as the hog badger steps down from the podium, then clap along at his words. "Well, that was a fitting ending to this segment..." Ludwig nods to the mechanic as he sits down.

"That's how ya do it, Lud!" Zakee replies, cracking the jury up.

"Okay, so..." the stoat recaps. "All ten mustelids have had a chance to address you both, now it's your turn to give your final rebuke. One at a time, you will state why you feel those people should cast a vote for you as a winner of American Mustelid Alpha," he says. "In one minute, give your final statement to convince this jury. Eddie, you're up first."

The otter nods and takes a step forward. "Guys, I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I feel this title has been mine in the making for the past fifteen years, but at the same time I know I've done my best in putting all the lessons I got into practice during the last month and use them to navigate this game," he says, puffing out his chest. "I've survived with my back against the wall for pretty much the whole game, and never shied from dealing a few blows if it got me to assert my dominance over another mustelid. I won four duels, I killed the gross eating comp, I proved every step of the way I know what to do and how to fight my way through every curveball that might be thrown. You might not agree with my tactics, but you can't not agree with the fact they worked," he says. "And despite all, y'all see I'm that bastard who survived two tours overseas. I'm the one who will still be going once each and everyone of you have thrown in the towel. I'm the American Mustelid Alpha, and I'll never, EVER, pass on a chance to make our family proud. To make all of you proud." With a sigh, he takes a step back, putting both paws behind his back in a military stance of sort. "Lud, I'm done..."

The host acknowledges the lutrine with a nod of his head. "Thanks, Eddie," he says. "Kenneth, your turn..."

"So guys..." the badger addresses the group. "I know coming into this on the first days I wasn't outright the best guy to get along with at first. If that spoiled my standings to you, it is what it is, but do understand where I come from..." the badger clasps his hands in front of his muzzle, gathering his thoughts. "I came in here with a hard purpose: better my life. Have a real start to my life after coming from where I'm from, broken home, 9 to 5 job, trying to balance with a passion project I want to really make my new future. And know that if it takes off, it means a better life for everyone I care for, and aren't we all here for this? Didn't we arrive here to make something out of our lives?" he asks the group, using the pause of their pondering to continue.

"Once I found my wings here, I went straight to the top, without having to duel once. When the going went solo, I conquered, when I was given the task to lead, I gave my teammates the victory. I pulled it with smarts, I pulled it with strength, and I pulled it the fairest I could," he says, staring down with conviction at the entire jury. "To end this, I want to say that my biggest telltale is that I learned how to succeed as an Alpha here. This learning curve is what took me to the top, and what will make me a proper representative for this title," he says, taking a step back as he acknowledges the host with a nod of his head.

"I believe you have heard enough," Ludwig addresses the group. "You ten, basing on the finalists' trajectory and their testimonies, you must now cast your vote for who you think should win American Mustelid Alpha. One by one, you'll enter the booth..." the stoat gets out a set of large golden and silver coins, mint with the logo of the show. "And, in confidence, cast your vote for your winner. The one that sums the highest score between this and the final results of the Gauntlet will be declared the winner."

"This is a pivotal moment in the whole game. Doesn't happen every day that I'm to decide which one of two people gets a quarter million..."

~Andrew, 22, European Polecat, Roadie

"Both have made their case, and to be fair, I'm still on the fence regarding who I feel deserves this more. Eddie has proven his value in challenges, but Kenneth is the only one here who's managed to keep up with him - and I do feel he has played very smartly all the way to the top. Ugh, I really don't know what to do..."

~William, 34, Least Weasel, Personal Trainer