Assignment: Tough to Stomach

Story by cellidor on SoFurry

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#2 of Mount Fellegarro Island (MFI)

The first entry for the MFI series. Here we see an example of what life was like for the first hunter settlers to arrive on MFI.

Of course, this means we get to see just how different MFI functions compared to other locales, and why the newly arrived hunters had to rapidly re-think their strategies to accommodate fitting in with the ecosystems they now found themselves a part of.

Assignment: Tough to Stomach

By: Cellidor

Newcomers to MFI quickly learn the flaws of standard heavy armor

The following story takes place during one of the earliest days of MFI. Today we will be looking into an example of what one would typically expect when facing off against a Great Jagras, re-told from the point of view of one of the initial exploring hunters present among the colonists on Mount Fellegarro Island when they first arrived.

Take this as a cautionary note, that when exploring the boundaries and inhabitants of a brand new island, one shouldn't expect things to be as easy as they think. The world is full of surprises.

This island was a marvel to behold, even more beautiful than he could have imagined.

The other ships had only recently landed, off the coast of (what they assumed was) an unexplored part of the New World. Even so, it had seemed...strange. Some of those piloting the ships had claimed that the ocean tide was moving strangely when the ships entered this inlet. They'd said that it looked like the ocean waves were flowing perpendicular to the rocks around the inlet's opening, moving past it rather than straight for it. These suspicions had been put to bed once they landed on the sandy shore though, it was assumed people were just jittery from the long voyage, and wanted to stretch their legs. It was to be expected, settlement ships tended to be packed to the brim with supplies it help a new village hold ground.

Even so, the view had been breathtaking. Two mountains seen In the far distance, one surrounded in swirling frozen clouds, the other pluming with smoke from the active volcano, and that said nothing for the vast, vibrant forests anyone could see from the shore.

As the villagers and their guards worked on setting up a perimeter, it was up to the smallest hunter teams to scout out and see what wildlife lived nearby, to see if there would be any threats to those setting up camp.

Korvic had his work cut out for him, tasked with checking the grasslands near the town. The rising and falling hills, along with the varied yet sparse tree cover, made for plenty of places for monsters to hide out. Who knew how many unexplored caves there might be, hidden under the brush? They'd need to spend a good deal scouring this area to see how clear it was...if nothing else, he was glad the landing sight had so much free space around it.

A few hours had passed by, and Korvic felt his stomach growling a little. With a sigh, he leaned against a nearby tree, trying to see signs of life. So far the only thing of note was that every now and then he caught a whiff of...-something- in the air. It smelled like...well, he didn't want to make assumptions, but it reminded him of things better left for 'private moments'.

Food was another important thing for them to secure. Sure they could fish, but after living off of fish and rations for so long he and the rest of their people would be -craving- something else. He'd seen some fruits while he'd explored, but Korvic wasn't one for plain sweets like that. He wanted to bring something back that people would be happy to see. Something big, something meaty, the kind of food not really available on a cramped collection of ships like theirs!

As it so happened, the island would provide exactly what he'd been looking for. As the noon sun rose higher still, Korvic caught movement a dozen meters or so ahead. Finally, a familiar face, so to speak. Standing a ways ahead and observing their surroundings was a Great Jagras. It likely just emerged from some foliage-covered passage not far off.

Even from a distance, he could tell it looked...different, from other ones he'd seen in the past. It seemed to be pudgier, likely well fed if there wasn't much competition around. What's more, the natural 'dreadlocks' adorning its head looked...slimy?...There seemed to be some kind of goop covering them all around, though for what reason he didn't know. Perhaps it was just mud, to keep the monster's skin damp during dry spells? Hard to imagine that, the ocean wasn't too far off.

Either way, this was exactly what Korvic wanted. While not his first choice, the thought of a freshly cooked steak simmering away on top of a fine cook-top had him excited, lizard meat or not. He knew he should just report this back before taking action but...what was one less Jag? Plus, he was an experienced hunter, he could handle something like a Great Jagras even with half the gear he had on him.

Taking to a lower stance, Korvic made his way quietly through the brush, unsheathing his sword and buckler. He'd taken down monsters like this, and stronger, on several occasions. To be honest, he felt a little ridiculous even going as quietly as he was. From what he knew, he could have walked right up to it if he really wanted to, this species wasn't known for being...

No sooner had he thought this, he happened to lock eyes with the Great Jag. To Korvic's surprise, the monster turned towards him and -instantly- broke into a run towards him! What was this sudden aggression? He was -sure- he hadn't even made a sound, never mind posed a threat! Perhaps he happened to be near its nest? Didn't matter. Reacting quickly, Korvic leapt into action, charging out of the bushes and towards the rushing beast.

As the two got closer, Korvic changed course off to the side, readying his shield. He'd deflect off to the side, readying his sword for a strike. At least...this was what he had -planned- on doing. The Jag's strike did indeed get blocked, but as the beast continued to run along, Korvic heard dozens of loud, wet 'splattering' sounds from those long hair-like tendrils along the Jag's head and back hitting his shield. At once, Korvic was faced with two sudden unexpected sensations.

First, was the -smell-! He'd heard about something like this, monsters in rut, and even smelled something close if a Felyne happened to be in heat, but...this was something else all together. The sheer -potency- of the erotic stench hit him all at once, causing him to stagger back. It hit every inch of his sinuses like a brick wall and made his legs tense up. It occurred to him that this must be how monsters felt getting hit with a dung bomb, only...rather than wanting to book it, something about it made him want to -stay-? No, that had to be his imagination.

The second sensation he felt was a -powerful- jerking on his arm as the Jag continued forwards still. The buckles and leather on his shield's bands strained and pulled, damn near yanking Korvic's arm out of its socket as he was pulled right off of his feet, dragged along behind the beast! Korvic tried to reposition himself, but the wild thrashing of those sticky 'hairs' jerked around his arm so wildly that in a moment, he felt himself rolling on the ground as his shield had been pulled clean off of his arm. As he re-adjusted his footing, he turned to see the Jag as it stopped and turned back around. There his shield was, dangling there from the Jag's hairs, stuck fast to whatever that white, sticky, foul-smelling substance was that covered each of the tendrils. Thanks to the particular... -genre- of smell he was reminded of, Korvic had initial suspicions of what that was but didn't dare to actually put any merit to those thoughts.

'** Alright then...just a sword then. No big deal...' Korvic said to himself, though he realized that he'd have to be careful. If that goo was sticky enough to pull away his shield, his sword may not be better off.**

In truth, Korvic -should- have ran. He should have cut his losses, and made his way back to town. However, he chose to stand his ground. He would have rationalized that he was just 'protecting the townsfolk by not leading it back', but the stark reality was that Korvic was pissed. That -this- level of threat would pose such a nuisance to him...he envisioned the Jag grinning smugly at him while wearing -his- shield like some kind of damn earring, his mind adding personality where there was just wild animal thought.

To Korvic, the plan was simple. Give this beast a haircut, get back his shield, bring some cuts of meat back home. Couldn't be simpler. Once again, he charged forwards. This time, he went high. As the Jag rushed towards him, Korvic ran head-on, only leaping at the last second as the two got closer. With a skilled, practiced motion, Korvic planted his foot on the monster's face, kicked up as he brought his blade down.

With a sense of satisfaction, Korvic felt his blade hit home, cutting into some of the monster's flesh and through some of those thick, gooey hairs. His cut wasn't as deep or as long as he would have hoped, the goo was so thick that it slowed down his blade, slowed -him- down too!

It was about this point that -everything- went wrong. Seemingly out of nowhere...the Great Jagras pushed hard on the ground with both legs, turning its charge almost instantly into a roll. On any other island this would have been a pointless move with Korvic being above it...but in -this- case, the sharp sideways roll caused the hairs on the left side of the Jag's body to come spinning up and around...right in the path of where Korvic was still moving.

With dozens of sick, squelching splatters, Korvic felt those hairs hit his body, curling and wrapping along his body in a sodden mess, sticking to his armor and limbs just as fast as it had his shield! The stench was -overwhelming-. Like suddenly being the sole focus of some wild, animalistic orgy. There was no doubt in Korvic's mind now what the 'goo' covering his body was. To think it could smell so -strongly-, it made him dizzy just taking in a breath!

Breathing, it turned out, was something he'd soon take for granted. No sooner had the Jag rolled to the side and caught him, tangled like a fly, than would the Jag right themselves sharply. Korvic spun In the air a moment, before he -slammed- into the monster's side, hanging like an ornament tangled in the seed-covered hairs. Korvic felt the monster begin to roll again, this time in the other direction.

'** Kah, gah! Shit, wait, nonoNO-GHRK!'**

Korvic felt as the entire weight of the monster was suddenly on top of him. The beast had rolled right over his body, driving the wind from his lungs as he was utterly smothered under the side of the massive, heavy beast. He felt buckles on his gear snap, some of his items not surviving the pressure as his vision went blurry. He wasn't sure when, but at some point in the roll he'd lost his grip on his sword, knowing that it was likely dangling like another earring from the monster's head.

The monster held that pressure, too. Monster attacks were so often just quick and brutal in equal measures. It wasn't often a monster just...-stayed- there. He couldn't breath, just feeling the weight of hundreds of pounds of monster flesh on top of him, weighing him down. Yet more binders on his armor gave way under the pressure. By the gods, he'd be squashed flat!

Finally, mercifully, the Great Jagras rolled itself back onto all fours. Korvic hung limp, dangling from the side of its head as he gasped sharply for air, feeling a piece or two of his unsecured armor fall off and to the ground from the expansion of his chest. He'd gone so long without breathing that he still couldn't see, gulping down mouthfuls of foul, musk-drenched air and just glad to be able to catch his breath. He might have even come up with a plan, were the jag to have given him that much time.

Korvic felt motion. He felt his body being shifted

He felt something on his legs. Was he being swung about? It was hard to tell.

As his vision cleared, enough that he could make sense of his surroundings, what he saw shocked him to his very core. The lower half of his body was now -inside- of the jag's massive maw! His arms were still bound up by those tight gooey tendrils, keeping him from getting free as the jag seemed to just be...-sucking- him in! Pulling him deeper and off of those binding hairs as if he were some kind of snack! Korvic realized that rather than protecting him, his armor was making all of this worse. Without it he might have been able to wriggle his arms free, but with how tightly the hairs were stuck to those plates, they may as well have been shackles.

Why though? Why would the Great Jagras want to eat -him-? He was covered in armor, and so small in comparison. It was practically unheard of, this kind of behavior! They'd rather eat proper meals, larger beasts! Maybe this one was just starved? Had that been why it was so aggressive? If that was the case, why had its belly looked so large? As he panicked and ran through these thoughts, that Jag's mouth just opened up wider.

For a brief moment, he saw the inside of its mouth. Plush, soft, pink and squishy. That, and absolutely drenched with thick looking saliva. The smell of it was...ironically, far less offensive than the positively -pungent- tendrils tangling up his arms. He only saw that interior for but a moment however, as within the next second, the jagras snapped its head forward, closing it shut behind Korvic. The saliva reacted quickly to the goo on the beast's tendrils, allowing the thick hairs to slip away from Korvic's wrist and body, sliding back out of the Jag's mouth. Now it was just him, along in this mouth with no weapons and, as far as he could tell, no in-tact items. He only spent a moment in here however, before the beast jerked its head back again, forcing the poor Korvic to glide down the monster's throat and into its stomach.

Inside the belly of the beast, Korvic screamed. Trying to get anyone's attention before a sudden realization hit him. With the village development still in its infancy, they wouldn't have any kind of message relays set up, not scouts on the lookout, not even a palico ready to bail him out. He was alone, trapped here with no hope of getting out.

As Korvic looked around...well, he couldn't see much of anything certainly, and the stomach itself was incredibly cramped. He couldn't move his body at all without feeling his arms and legs pressing against squishy inner walls, hearing the gurgling noises all around him. Was this his fate then? His hubris had gotten him he was just going to be a monster's meal, feeling it move around him as it waddled off with its lunch. What a way to go, what an end to his legacy, he thought!

Even so, some things struck Korvic as...odd. For one, this was a -lot- less painful than he'd expected it to be. He'd seen in his past a Jagras turn a swallowed beast several times his size into bits and chunks in mere minutes, so why did he feel barely a tingle? He tried moving his arms and legs, both to make sure they were in tact and to try and find a way out. This was met with a -tight- response, those monster's walls clenching and squeezing his body -hard- as if punishing him for trying to move about!

Okay, so moving...was not an option. Why, then, was he able to breathe? The air inside of here was musty and unpleasant sure, but why -was- there any? Tilting his head back, he could just see the top of the Jag's stomach, and felt as air faintly traveled down, and back up out of it. Every breath the Jag took inadvertently turn gave -him- a little air as well. Why, though? Korvic thought about the regular Jagras...was the plan to have him be devoured alive by all of -them-? A horrifying thought, to be sure.

This wasn't the most unsettling thought in Korvic's mind, however. No, not even impending death caused him discomfort as much as the realization of how tight his pants had gotten. He prayed that it was just a result of his body being in such a panicked state, and that he wasn't -actually- being turned on by the monster's scents, or the way those fleshy stomach walls kept squeezing him. Dying was one thing, but he'd be damned if he lost his -dignity- in the process!

He didn't know how long he stayed in there, to be honest. Minutes passed by, constantly wiping slippery monster goo from his face over and over again, not to mention the sweat. He'd never considered how hot the -insides- of a monster could be. That's not to say that Korvic simply sat idle. No, inside the belly of the beast, he made preparations. He couldn't move too much lest he be smothered by those stomach muscles again, but he could at least make sure he was ready to fight when he got out. He'd taken the time to unbuckle the straps for both his arm and leg armor, removing them entirely. He'd get them back later...once he'd killed this irritating beast.

The plan was simple. Once he was (presumably) spit out, he'd just have to fight off some weak Jagras while getting his sword back. This thing had caught him off-guard once...not again. He'd come out of that mouth with a -fury- that this monster would learn to regret!

'...Stopped moving. About time. Alright you bastard, just get me out of here...'

However, the day had not yet ceased throwing new surprises Korvic's way. He felt the Great Jagras tense its inner muscles alright, and yet...nothing happened? He wasn't being pushed out, wasn't being ejected back out into the open. No, in fact when he did feel was pressure from above as...wait, was it eating something -else- now? That's great, that's -just- what Korvic needed, as if this stomach wasn't cramped enough!

The hunter had his arms at the ready, fists balled up. Half his armor gone, no weapon...this would be painful for sure, but at least a second creature might give him the leverage he needed to get out of here.

The top of the stomach bulged, the opening starting to spread and let in a little light as...Korvic blinked. So did the monster. The head that appeared, was a regular Jagras? Did...had the great Jagras -eaten- one of its own?

Korvic stared at the Jagras.

The Jagras stared back.

'...The heck're -you- starin' at?' Korvic growled.

At that, the Jagras suddenly began to move. With a speed and agility that made it seem almost at -home- inside of this stomach, Korvic felt the monster's body wriggling into the stomach further, passing right above him! He'd expected to see more of its belly, but he saw something -else- first. Not even halfway into the stomach, Korvic was shocked to see appear in the stomach along with the Jagras...the Jagras' thick, rigid, and frankly -absurdly- large cock! Talk about an absolute beast!

Korvic would have been impressed, if the Jagras hadn't clearly been expecting to enter this stomach in a -very- specific way. With the force and accuracy that would have made any lance user proud, the Jagras thrust into the stomach with pinpoint intent, that cocktip not only hitting Korvic's mouth but -forcing- it open! He didn't even have time to react before that tip was right at the back of his throat, and -pushing-! Korvic had always been proud about how fast he could down a meal before a hunt...and now that skill was coming back to haunt him.

The tip itself was slick, bulbous and smooth, but he felt fleshy nubs just past that tip cramming past his lips before he had time to even think about how musky the cocktip trying to enter him was. His hands came up sharply to push away, to jerk his head and free himself, but the Jagras was too fast for him. Arching its back and whipping its tail, the Jagras caused the Great Jag's stomach to clench in the same way that immobilized him before!

Those same muscles that pinned him down so easily now worked to pin him -and- the Jagras together! The smaller Jag didn't even -have- to thrust, those strong walls pulled them tight together as Korvic felt his throat open and absolutely -gape-. Inches of throbbing monster cock ground their way down, bringing the Jagras closer and closer until he felt what were undeniably massive monster nuts smothered against his face, having taken every inch of that cock inside of him.

'Feels like it' -stomach-!..f-fuck, fuck!' Korvic thought frantically, unable to move as his arms had ended up pinned around the Jag's body, practically hugging the thing -to- himself thanks to those tight stomach walls!

He was only able to get short, small breaths through his nose, each one filling his lungs with the potent scent of the Jag's heavy, slippery nuts. They were so dense, so packed full...did Jags even -have- external balls like this? He'd feel like if they did he would have noticed in past hunts if they were -this- large!

But the Jagras wasn't content to -just- claim his throat, no. It seemed he was intent on claiming his dignity, too! Korvic felt curved talons clasping and hooking into the plates of the armor he still had on, strong muscles pulling and removing whatever he had covering him down below. Unfortunately for him, the hot, fleshy walls of this stomach and his initial fight had left a lasting effect, as the growling Jagras felt the human's cock spring up and hit it right in the face!

Korvic's face paled as he felt this. He knew how sharp a Jag's teeth could be from his early days as a hunter. He braced himself for the excruciating pain he was about to-...

...wet? Wet and warm? That...that was -not- the feeling of sharp fangs on his dick right now. What he was feeling right now was...almost -definitely- a tongue. A tongue that was going absolutely -wild-, too!

Shocked, Korvic felt his back arch as he gagged on thick monster cock, suddenly finding himself on the receiving head two ways about it, the best and most -intense- blowjob he'd ever gotten. Or would this be a tongue job? All he knew was that he couldn't even -think- straight with how good this felt!

The tongue moved fast, gliding and shlicking rapidly over his throbbing cockflesh, teasing him in an experienced way that no monster had any right to be capable of. It caused pre to practically -launch- from his tip and into the monster's mouth, the monster doing much the same in return, but in far larger quantities. It felt like whole -cups- of precum were being dumped down his throat, so many pumps of it that it flattened his tongue to the bottom of his mouth. He could almost see the way the monster's urethra swelled with each pulse of pre, almost making him wonder if the beast had skipped pre altogether and gone right to cumming. When the stomach walls did relax a little, Korvic wasn't exactly in the right state of mind to fight back. The Jag's hind legs had clasped together behind his head, the monster pulling its hips back to drag inches of thick cock back before -slamming- them back in, breeding his throat like he was some monster in heat, all the while never letting up on that tongue work!

Korvic was so caught up in the unthinkable sin of it all that he had barely even noticed a -second- Jagras wriggling its way into the stomach just like the first. This one pushed its way in behind the hunter, using him like a handhold with a very different location in mind. Poor Korvic's legs had been tensing and clenching around the Jag's head, leaving him prime and open for the other to make its move! With his lower armor already removed by the first one, Korvic felt the blunt tip of another monster cock pressing up against his asshole with sudden and intense force.

Korvic was...not what one would call experienced in anal play by any stretch of the imagination. That went double for taking a cock of -this- size. Just like the first, the second Jag arched its back and whipped its tail, making the stomach clench in -hard-. A deeper pressure, building and building on his ring...such an immense force that the poor thing couldn't -hope- to hold it back! Korvic made a muffled sound around the cock buried deep in his throat as he felt his ass -open-! Stretching wide around that monster's cock as the tip, and those same frills, pushed right into his ass! Such a big cock it was that he felt like the tip -alone- practically filled the hunter's colon up, already filling what space remained with slippery, sloppy monster pre.

Between all of this, Korvic's poor untrained body couldn't hope to hold back against such an intense, relentless assault. He felt the second Jag's cock only -starting- to breach beyond his colon before his whole body tensed up in unavoidable bliss! His cock absolutely erupted, spurting hefty, plentiful bursts of cum into the Jag's waiting mouth, coating its tongue over and over again. He felt his body rumbling, as both of the Jag's seemed to almost react to this automatically. With no prompting, no warning at all, the two of them seemed to cum -themselves-, as if their own climax had been trigger in response to his own!

Korvic felt the first Jag's nuts tense, practically spanking his face with how frequently they pulled up and relaxed for the loads surging down that cock. They weren't just for show, and what they pumped out made his own orgasm seem downright -pitiful- in comparison. It was like a hose had been turned on in his stomach, flooding it with rich monster cum to the point he felt it starting to swell. Much the same, his colon was absolutely -overfilled- with seed, cum squirting out around his poor gaped anal ring as the second came just as hard as the first one!

Korvic felt the warmth around his cock change, as the Jagras took its mouth off of his cock, leaving the human to spray his spunk all around the fleshy walls surrounding them all. Yet, while -that- Jagras was content to just smother his crotch to the human's face and flood his stomach more and more, the second Jagras still wanted his full hilt!

His hips wriggled, quivering in bliss as it tried to fuck Korvic's ass even as it came such a powerful climax. Korvic felt a sinful heat suddenly spreading through his belly past his colon, as if the Jagras was using its own cum to bloat and pre-stretch his insides and straighten them out to take more of that heavy monster shaft. He felt himself being stretched by the cock, made to take it yet deeper still, the Jagras absolutely relentless in its assault! Not until Korvic's lower belly bulged from the shape of the cock and those balls pressed to his ass did the Jagras cease, Korvic's stomach swelling twice as fast as before. The twin cocks absolutely unloaded inside of him as the twin jets of monster cum met In the center, swirling around inside of his poor belly.

Even as Korvic's own climax tapered off, the two of them kept on going. Pumping in what had to be -gallons- of monster cum inside of his body both ways. It got to the point that he felt cum actually push up his throat and fill his mouth, flooding out of both his back -and- front end in what seemed like a never-ending flow of seed! The taste of it was intense, blindingly sinful and clung to the tongue like glue...and, in his daze, Korvic recognized it as the same smell that'd been so strongly clinging to the Great Jag's tendrils earlier.

He felt as the two of them finally, mercifully, slowed down in their climax. He felt the one Jag's cock tense and flex in his poor throat, as if the beast was trying to squeeze every last drop of cum into a stomach that had long since reached full capacity, stretched so well Korvic felt he probably looked -pregnant- with so much inside of him. At least that one had calmed down, the one behind him was still thrusting hard, plowing Korvic's ass with a passion and driving the poor hunter -wild- as he felt pleasures along his prostate he'd never thought were possible!

During all of this, those stomach walls clenched around all of them, sandwiching the three together in a tight bundle of sweat, cum, and slippery stomach goo. This clench was different than the last one -this- time Korvic felt sudden movement all around his body. Like some kind of filthy slide, Korvic felt his body grinding up along the great Jag's throat the other direction he'd gone before, dumped out onto the damp ground in a pile in front of the great Jag.

Given he still couldn't see with those nuts in his face, Korvic none the less took to action, or at least as much as he could muster. He rolled onto his side, pushing hard against the slippery Jag belly in front of him, watching as cockflesh ground up and out of his throat further, much cock that he practically had to extend his arms fully just to get the damn thing back out! Korvic coughed as thick cum glooped from his mouth, the Jagras rolled over and onto all fours leaving the hunter gasping for fresh(er) air.

He saw the Jagras' cock under it now...and frankly, couldn't imagine how he'd managed to -fit- something like that down his throat the way he had! It was massive, glistening and dripping with cum out of the tip like some leaky faucet...and the Jagras didn't even look -tired-.

Next came the other little bastard, the one still fucking his poor ass, gaping a hole that'd been so utterly untouched before now. Korvic didn't actually need to do anything for -that- one, however. He felt the second Jagras rising up...and him along with it! The cock so big it suspended his body briefly before it was suddenly and -forcefully- pulled out of his backside! Korvic let out a sharp gasp as the shaft came free, his poor ass gaped enough that he swore he felt air touching the -inside- of his anal walls.

When he turned to look back and see why the other had stopped, he saw the other jagras...still writhing, still thrusting its hips with its cock swinging about in the open air, no less horny than the first had been. The Jag was actually hanging in the air...below the Great Jag's mouth. The Great had caught it by the tail, and tilting his head back, opened his maw and swallowed the lesser Jag whole! With no more grace or care than it might any other monster, Korvic wincing as he saw the beast writhing as a visible bulge down the great Jag's throat (its fat cock making a particularly prominent bump). Had that been how -he- looked going down?

Only...Korvic then realized just why the great had been so quick to pull the lesser off. His gaze fell down, down under the great Jag's belly...and what he saw -terrified- him. Underneath the great Jag was a cock that was just...absurdly large. Practically as thick around at its thickest as his own hips, a blunt tip as big as his head, it even had a thick ring around the middle of the shaft...along with two massive nuts, each as big, if not -bigger-, than his torso. That...that wasn't a cock, that was a -weapon-!

The look the Great Jagras gave him left no question in his mind regarding the impossible feat the beast was planning to attempt on him.

With a gurgled sound of alarm, Korvic tried to push himself up...and failed. His belly had grown -so large- from the cum of the two lessers that he could barely move. Where had they even -kept- so much of it? The wobbling unsettled his balance, causing him to slump back onto his ass after several attempts. He had to resort to the last, most pitiful attempt, as the hunter used his hands and feet to push himself back, crawling slowly away as his massive belly sloshed above him and weighed him down.

It took the great Jagras only two steps to overtake what little distance Korvic had managed. The look in those eyes...Korvic couldn't detect even a hint of malice in them, and honestly he almost wish there were. At least then he could feel like -somewhat- of a competent fighter, and not just some toy. No, the look on the Jag's face was one of nothing but the purest, unfiltered lust. One of the great Jag's claws came down, pressing firmly on one of Korvic's forearms to keep him pinned to the damp ground. As he tried to voice a complaint, the Jag simply used his -other- claw to press down on the hunter's belly, Korvic feeling his throat -fill- as cum shot up it and into his mouth, spurting sloppily out past his lips and even out his nose! There was no denying it, right now Korvic was just a hole to be used by the monster he'd tried to hunt.

All he could do, once he was able to clear the thick cum out of his mouth, was brace himself as the Jagras mounted up, his other claw pinning down the -other- arm to keep him sturdy. It didn't even feel like a cock at all, when it pressed up against his ass. No, it felt more like someone was pressing a damn battering ram against him, a battering ram that throbbed and pulsed with virile life.


In that beast pressed! The muscles in the Jag's belly held nothing to the muscles in its legs, and if not for the claws pinning him he'd definitely have just slid forward on the ground. Hell, he probably would have slid off anyways regardless, if not for his massive, heavy, cum filled belly weighing him down so much! As if the actions of the other lessers had somehow prepped him for this...or perhaps that had been the intention to begin with?

Korvic's ass had -already- been gaped from the other cock he'd been filled with, but it may as well have been shut tight compared to the sheer girth trying to penetrate him right now. Korvic felt his legs go numb, just idly twitching as he felt his hips spreading from the sheer size pressing up inside of him. He thought he would break, he was -sure- that he would! It was only by some miracle that he managed to take it, and the fact that he remained conscious through that initial push shocked him.

It was only, with a deep, slow and shuddering 'shhhUNT!' that that broad tip finally pushed its way inside of him. Korvic's back arched, his body spasming from the intense intrusion as he heard the Jagras growl a deep, guttural noise of approval at the feeling of such a tight fuckhole around his tip, Korvic's mouth open wide but no voice coming out. Overwhelmed, Korvic dared to hazard a look down, and wished he hadn't. Past his heavy, bloated stomach, he saw a second bulge showing now below it, the bulge of the Jag's mighty, powerful cocktip. As if aware that he was looking at it, the Jag purposefully tensed his cock, making the shaft pull up towards his belly and lifting Korvic from the ground for a moment by the cock alone! All he could do was gargle out a moan, as the motion caused more of that thick, gooey monster cum to flood up his throat and into his mouth. Gods, his throat had been so well fucked that he couldn't even keep down what cum was there at all.

'E-enough... teasing...' Korvic thought in his bleary, hazy mind 'Just d-do it... already...'

No sooner had he been thinking this, the Jagras did exactly that. Growling, the monster thrust forward in a hard, grinding motion, cock pushing up into his already bloated belly and forcing yet more cum out of the hunter's mouth. Korvic had no idea how much cock he ended up taking, whether it was just past the tip, half of it, most of it, how could he know? His body was in such shock from the stretching that it was all a blur to him, just a blur of monstrous motion above him as his ass, his -insides-, were claimed repeatedly by the mass of throbbing, twitching cockflesh grinding in and out along every spare possible inch of his anal walls, if not further up past that. Korvic was vaguely aware that he came sometime during the powerful mating session, but he'd been so utterly stretched that his cum couldn't even escape with how squished his prostate was, trapped below as he swelled his own nuts with his seed.

Unlike the lessers, the great Jagras didn't cum when he did. No, it was clear the great would cum only when -it- wanted to. Minutes passed by, Korvic's thoughts being washed away by the sounds and feeling of his ass being endlessly fucked, gaped and stretched by that massive monster dick pushing its was inside of him over and over again. He wasn't just getting used to it, either. Some part of him...certainly not his conscious mind, but his subconscious at the least, was -enjoying- this. Enjoying being taken, being used and fucked like this, and as the minutes went by, it was harder and harder to deny that voice in the back of his mind.

Korvic was, however, brought out of this daze -very- sharply right about when the great Jagras came. The hunter's eyes went wide as he felt his ass stretching further still as the beast's urethra -swelled- with cum, looking down in shock as his belly pushed out -hard-! As that tip erupted inside of him, every single possible inch of his insides were packed with cum thicker and hotter than what had been there before, his stomach being pushed out on every side. The next moment, everything went white. Not because he had passed out, oh no! Rather, his mouth turned into a -fountain-, a geyser of thick, hot cum bursting forth from it and over his own body, all over his head. A similar flow rushed out of his ass around the Jagras's cock, a cock that -still- thrust and plunged in and out of his body, the monster clearly not content to rest as he'd obviously been unable to hilt such a monstrous shaft fully inside of such a small partner!

The cum continued to flow, pulsing out in a steady, gushing stream that pooled all around the Hunter's body like some thick, sticky bath. Korvic didn't even remember what anything but cum smelled like, it was the only thing he could think of, the only taste his tongue could take in, with the surreal sensation of cum flooding out of his mouth like he were nothing more than an extension to the horny monster's cock!

On and on it went, seemingly forever until the flow actually slowed, right as Korvic had been turning blue in the face for lack of air. With a playful yet merciless growl, the Jagras pulled his hips back, forcing that massive cock to shunt messily out of Korvic's ass, jerking as the last few gallons of cum slopped out of the tip and over his bloated belly and thighs, a veritable river of seed flowing out of his ass.

He'd been claimed. Claimed, dominated, utterly taken as far as it was possible. Korvic wasn't even sure if the whole ordeal had been just minutes, or hours. Cum clung thickly to the inside of his mouth, oozing out of his mouth with the hunter too exhausted to even try and spit it out, simply dealing with the scent and taste that would very well never wash off, not fully.

As Korvic's head went back with a splat into the pool of cum around him, he saw movement in what remained of his conscious mind. In that movement, he saw a lesser Jagrass, a different one from the first two...and with it, he saw two, three...likely a dozen more. Because, of course... Jagras like to hunt in packs...and the rest of the pack had been -very- patiently waiting their turns.

It was the rudest possible welcome to this island a hunter could hope to expect, and more importantly, it was going to be a very, -very- long few nights coming up.

Well, at least he wouldn't go hungry.

They'd make absolutely sure of that.


The Great Jagras, much like its off-island counterpart, is known to hunt either alone or with a posse of smaller lesser Jagras. However, the combat strategy of the Great Jagras on MFI is vastly different, thanks to its altered diet. Rather than collect fruits and vegetables itself, it relies on lesser Jagras to do that for it. Lessers with full bellies (and as a result of the island's fruits, full balls) will return to the Greater and enter its stomach or simply breed its mouth, engaging in an orgy that provides the greater with a 'protein shake' of sorts after the fact. It's uncertain if the Great Jagras developed in such a way out of sheer 'kingly' laziness, or due to how the food available on the island has a noted dampening effect on the potency of stomach acids, thus rendering the Great Jagras unable to simply swallow prey whole and leave it at that as they might on other islands

As part of this adaptation, a Great Jagras may enter a fight with a belly already full of Lessers, spitting them out as small, horny projectiles to grab hold onto prey, doing whatever rut-starved things they can to slow down or otherwise incapacitate a target. This tends to be a very effective tactic, especially given that Lesser Jagras are physically incapable of achieving climax until something else around them does, so the longer their target resists, the harder they try and the bigger their balls swell. A Great Jagras that wins any fight will often use its powerful throat and stomach muscles to massage a prey's member until they climax and fill the Jag's belly, or use their prey as a way to deal with their own pent-up lust. To aid in both rest and combat, Lesser Jagras will often blow several loads on the Great's head, helping to keep the lizard well hydrated and turning their otherwise innocuous hair-like tendrils into a net-like weapon to slow down larger prey or capture smaller ones altogether.

It's not uncommon for smaller prey to be swallowed whole by a Great Jagras. If a hunter is caught in this way, it's advised to pleasure oneself until climax as quickly as possible, as this relaxes the Jagras enough to allow potential escape. Prey that don't do this may find themselves in the middle of a sudden orgy, in-belly or otherwise, to 'convince' them to give up 'food', as a Great Jagras has a taste for cum and eggs outside of its own species. Unlike on other islands, a Great Jagras is a fairly high threat monster, and should not be taken lightly or solo.

It may not have been the meat he wanted, but maybe, just maybe it was the meat he needed.