The Sleepover: Part 2 (New Ending)

Story by KaenEmbertail on SoFurry

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#5 of Love And Pain

A wolf decides to reward her beloved caracal with a little one-on-one attention...for a small price. What begins as a bit of fun on a whim turns into a night that changes things between the pair forever.

I had a lot of fun writing this, and some of it honestly gave me some pretty good feelings inside, so I hope it can do the same for you! As to why this is being posted, see my recent journal entry where I go into some of the details behind this decision! For those keeping track, this will be the ending used going forward in continuity, but the original will be kept up as well. I hope you enjoy! <3

When evening rolled around, the twins and Eisla had invited Riley to watch a movie with them, much to his surprise. In his mind, aside from as a toy for their amusement, he didn't think the girls really wanted him around. Feeling somewhat touched by the invitation, he hastily accepted, though he was also quick to throw a hand between his legs to protect himself from any surprise attacks, much to the amusement of the girls. As the evening wore on, Riley found himself inadvertently paying more attention to Eisla than the movie, sneaking glances at her now and then. She lay sprawled out across their recliner in the living room, her head resting against one arm while her feet dangled over the other, lightly spread apart. She had changed back into her sleeping clothes for the night, her black Metallica shirt and black pajama pants. He couldn't help noticing that her relaxed position had her shirt riding up just below her belly while her pants rode only slightly lower than normal, exposing the smallest bit of bare hips.

Fortunately for him, she seemed absolutely enthralled with the movie and appeared to take no real notice of his glances. Since the previous night when she'd gotten him off, she'd slipped into his mind like a thief in the night, and that was only worsened earlier that morning when she'd flashed him. Over the rest of the day, Eisla hadn't really made any mention of either of those events herself, and mostly just smiled and waved whenever she saw him.

Sneaky as the young caracal male thought he was being, his wandering gaze hadn't managed to evade the notice of River, seated next to him on their family's couch between him and Skye. During one such moment, she playfully poked his side with her elbow and whispered in his ear. "Can't take your eyes off her, huh? Got a wolf fetish suddenly?"

Riley shot her a surprised look, the inside of his ears glowing red at his sister's insinuation. Luckily, Skye, who would have been much less tactful about it, was just as focused on the movie as Eisla. "S-Shut up...I don't have a...wolf fetish..." He kept his voice as hushed as he could, making sure only River could hear it.

"You're right. You don't have a wolf fetish." She smirked playfully, letting the air between them settle for a moment...before stirring it up again. "You have an _Eisla_fetish."

Riley's ears pinned against his head, his eyes widening slightly. He didn't dare dispute her too hard, lest he draw the attention of the others, so he simply scoffed and turned his attention back to the movie. River giggled softly to herself, her tongue slipping out to lick her muzzle, ears perked and eyes shining with her victory. Much as she liked to tease, she found her younger brother's fascination with her best friend to be quite adorable, and despite whatever he may have been fearing, she knew Eisla would too.

After the movie had finished, Skye was the first one to jump up from her seat and throw her arms up, stretching. "That was really good! I haven't laughed that hard at something in a long time!" Her tail swished playfully behind her as she turned back toward the couch, a wicked glint in her eye as she eyed her brother. "Unless we count abusing Riley's balls, that is!" This drew laughter from the other two girls and Riley curled a paw between his legs, his ears drooping.

"It's not funny, that really hurts, you know!" he shot back, glaring at her.

"Nope, I don't know!" she said. "We don't have those!" She stuck her tongue out at the younger male.

Riley grumbled. "You're lucky you don't...if you did, I'd have kicked you in them _so_hard by now!"

"Aww, poor Riley, all frustrated 'cause he can't get back at his sisters." She smirked playfully and ruffled the fur between his ears. "Tell you what, if I ever magically grow a pair, I'll let you kick them!"

"That would obviously never happen, you idiot!"

"Exactly!" She grinned. "So, I've got nothing to worry about! You, though..." She stepped closer to him, a predatory look in her eye. "You'd better be careful, or I'll get you when you least expect it." She raised her foot and brushed her toes playfully against the hand he had curled between his legs, causing him to wince in imagined pain and hurriedly push her foot away with his free hand.

"Isn't it about your bedtime already?" He glared at her again, then turned away from her, his gaze naturally moving to Eisla as she sat just beyond where Skye stood. She was giggling to herself over his interaction with his sister, and stopped when she caught his gaze, smiling back at him and giving him a small wave. She'd sunk further into the chair, paying no mind to her shirt which had been drawn up just slightly past her belly by the cushions. He gulped softly, feeling a tingling sensation as he thickened up slightly in his sheath. Suddenly, he became keenly aware that everyone had gone dead silent and was now staring at him. "...what?" he asked, looking around with a baffled expression.

River nudged him playfully. "Your boner is sticking out above your hand, Riles." She stifled a giggle and pointed down at his lap. Riley followed her gaze and spotted a hint of red having escaped the confines of his pajamas through the opening in front. He yelped and threw his other hand over it, though he quickly regretted that as he did so a little too hard, causing him to double over and yelp even louder, which caused the rest of the room to erupt into laughter.

"I guess you don't need us to hit you there, huh?" Eisla asked with a wicked smile. "Looks like you do a fine job on your own sometimes!"

"Aw, shut up...!" Riley said, wincing in pain. It wasn't as bad as nailing himself in the balls, but it sure was unpleasant. He glanced up at Eisla when the laughter had died down, his ears still pinned flat to his head. She was looking at him with a smile on her face and a curious look in her eyes, her tongue sweeping out to lick her nose and muzzle. He knew from the previous night that Eisla liked what she saw, and from experience in general that she got a sort of twisted enjoyment out of his male pain. But he couldn't really tell what was going through her mind at that moment.

"Well, he's right anyways!" the wolf cried, straightening up in the chair and jumping to her feet. "It's time for us to get to bed, it's getting pretty late." She started towards the stairs, the twins following close behind her as they all said good night to him. Just before Eisla did, however, she turned back to him. "Oh, and Riley?" she called in a sweet, sing-song tone. The words caused his breath to catch in his throat, remembering the events of that morning. "You should probably go to bed too, if you know what's good for you." She stuck her tongue out at him and then quickly ascended the stairs. What did she mean by that, exactly? Sometimes, that girl just confused the hell out of him.


Shortly after, Riley took Eisla's advice and ascended the stairs leading to the hallway that held his bedroom and the twins'. He'd taken the time to get a glass of water, drink it and turn the TV off before starting up. He honestly wasn't that tired, but he figured he could read in bed or something until he was. His sisters' door was closed, with no light shining from the crack beneath it, but curiously there was a lamp turned on in his own bedroom. Blinking, he slowly started towards it, his heart thumping in his chest. He knew for sure he hadn't left any lights on. But when he stepped into the room, he initially didn't see anything else amiss...until he stepped closer to his bed and heard the door close behind him. He spun around on the spot and saw Eisla standing there, a bright smile across her muzzle.

"Took you long enough!" she said, her tail wagging happily behind her as she approached him. "I wasn't going to wait much longer."

Riley's eyes widened, confusion written all over his face. "I...what? But...what are you doing in here? Why aren't you...with my sisters?"

Eisla reached forward and pressed a single finger to his lips, grinning at the adorable look of bewilderment on his face. "Shh. Did you forget what we talked about this morning?"

"What we talked about...?" He thought back, before her flashing him and after her kicking him in the balls, admittedly the two things that had sunk in the most from their morning encounter. Like a freight train, it hit him within moments.

Be a good kitten today, and maybe...just maybe...I'll do something nice for you and your balls tonight.

He swallowed hard. "I...I thought you were just teasing me. I didn't think you'd actually..."

Eisla's free hand slipped quickly down the front of his pants, her paw pads gliding swiftly down his sheath before coming to rest on his balls, which she took into her grasp and began fondling gently, drawing a soft groan of delight from the caracal's lips. "Do you want me to have just been teasing? I can still walk back out that door and go to bed." The last words she spoke held a sing-song lilt to them, clearly intended to tease him further. Riley shook his head quickly, his eyes wide and tail swishing excitedly behind him. Eisla chuckled softly, her fingers kneading his testicles further with gentle rolling motions. "Good kitten..." She purred the words and watched his face with a curious smile, then slowly withdrew her hand, much to the male's disappointment. "Get naked. I want to see you in all your glory again."

Riley paused for a moment, then slowly nodded. The inside of his ears burned scarlet, but he held nothing but anticipation for having her see him naked again. He started with his shirt, peeling it up over his head and tossing it aside. As he did so, Eisla put a hand against his stomach and brushed her claw tips through his soft belly fur, staring intently as he slipped his fingers into the waistband of his pants and slowly pushed them down. As more of his lower body was revealed, she licked her nose and peered down at all he had to offer. As his pants came all the way down and he stepped out of them, she gave a soft canine purr of appreciation. After several moments of her taking in the sight, she looked back up into his face with a smile that rendered him speechless.

Riley cleared his throat after a moment of silence, feeling somewhat bashful. "W-Well?" he asked. "What do you...think?"

"Hmm?" She tilted her head playfully. "Think of what?" The sing-song lilt of her voice had returned, telling him she clearly wanted to tease him into saying it.

" know! My...cock and...stuff..."

Eisla burst into a fit of giggles. "And stuff, huh? Well, I think you already know the answer to that from last night, but just in case you somehow missed it..." She leaned in to speak into his ear with a soft, sultry tone. "I like it a lot. All of it."

Riley swallowed hard, his chest swelling somewhat with a sort of nervous excitement. "R-Really...?"

"Mmhmm." She gently ran a soft paw pad from the tip of his sheath, all the way down to his balls and back up again, smirking as she watched him shiver. "Feel good?"

He nodded, his voice caught in his throat. Prior to the night before, he'd never have even imagined he'd someday end up in a situation like this with her. "Am I...dreaming?"

She chuckled and looked up at him. "I don't know. Are you?" Then a wicked grin spread across her muzzle, causing the male to worry about what was going through her head. "You're going to hate me for this. But I'll make it up to you."

"Oh no...what do you wanna do...?"

"I've never gotten to kick a naked pair of balls before...hmm, I believe I mentioned this last night, actually. So let me tell you what...if you let me do it, I'll get naked too. Completely. And to really make you feel better..." She leaned up to whisper in his ear, giving it a lick as she did so. "We can do what we did last night again."

Riley swallowed hard again. His fear of being kicked in the balls was slowly becoming outweighed by all his other desires. "J-Just one kick, right? What about...the blindfold?"

"One kick. No blindfold. How do you feel about that, kitten?" She smirked and gave him an affectionate and teasing nuzzle, setting his heart aflutter.

Before he could have second thoughts about it, Riley stood up straight, his legs parted to give her a clear shot. "Just make it quick, okay?" He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and whined softly, anticipating the pain to come any second.

Eisla giggled. "You sure didn't take much time to think about it!" He heard her take a few steps away from him. She was quiet for a moment before speaking up again. "You know what, Riley? I've seen a few guys naked before you. But I think you just might be the biggest...down there."

His eyes shot open in surprise, and before he realized what was happening, she'd already lashed out with her bare foot and connected solidly with both his feline testicles, the tops of her toes crushing them against his body. The caracal doubled over in pain, his knees crossing as he slid to the floor, his hands moving to cup his poor injured kitten makers. "AWWH...FUUUCK...!"

Eisla watched him writhe around in pain, smiling. She stepped closer to him and ran her fingers through the fur between his ears, which were now pinned against his head, ruffling it and cooing to him. "There, there. It's over now. That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"It was...pretty bad..." He coughed and looked up at her. "But you'll...hold up your end...right...?"

"Mmhmm." She slid down to his level, her hands moving down to his and touching them gently. "Let me try to make it better?" Her voice was soft and warm, a hint of sympathy lacing her words. He hesitantly moved his hands away, allowing her to grasp his balls with a surprisingly gentle touch. She caressed him in a soothing and pleasant manner and nuzzled his ear softly. "Did you like my little show this morning?"

Riley thought back to that morning, the glimpse he'd been given of her breasts and the way they bounced freely on her chest as she bounced on her toes. A bit of heat began to rush through him, his heart rate quickening slightly. "I haven't really been able to stop thinking about it, to be honest with you..."

He heard her giggle, accompanied by a soft breath of hot air blown against his ear, causing a ticklish sensation that ran through his body. "You like my boobs that much, huh? Did they make you hard?"

He swallowed hard, remembering the way it had made him feel. "Y-Yeah, they was kind of odd to feel that way while my balls still hurt, but...I couldn't really help it."

After a few more moments of caressing him, she let go and moved away, getting to her feet. "Watch me then. I think you'll forget about the pain real quick." He looked up to see her place her hands at the hem of her shirt, slowly drawing it up over the soft fur of her belly and wiggling her hips slowly from side to side. "I also saw you checking me out during the movie." At the surprised look he gave her, she giggled and smirked. "What, you really thought I didn't? I wanted you to check me out, silly kitten." She drew the garment up just below her breasts and kept it there for what felt like a torturously long moment as she swayed hypnotically and rolled the muscles in her abdomen. As she began to pull it up further, she turned her back to him and wiggled her ass as the shirt was pulled up over her head and discarded. She glanced over her shoulder, a devious smirk spreading across her muzzle. After what felt like several moments of her teasing him with the view from behind, she turned to face him again, raising her arms over her head to push her chest out and rolling her hips rhythmically to a beat that must have been in her head.

Riley stared longingly, taking in every detail of the feminine mounds he'd only seen for a handful of seconds that morning. The pink of her nipples stood out clear as day against her snow-white fur, equally bright in color to the rest of her body. With every motion of her body, the young male was beginning to grow harder by the moment. She seemed to notice this as her gaze slipped down to his groin. "Starting to feel better?" She eyed him curiously, chuckling when all he could do was nod. She took a moment to let him stare, then began to lower her arms and brush her hands over her breasts softly as she slid them down her body towards her waist. Teasingly slow, she inched her pants off her waist as the rhythmic motion of her hips naturally carried them lower. It quickly became apparent that she hadn't bothered with any form of underwear that night as more and more of her groin was revealed. Soft white fur slowly gave way to the soft pink of her sex as the garment slipped past her thighs and all the way down to her feet, where she promptly kicked them aside and struck a playfully sexy pose. "Ta-da! Naked wolf. My turn to ask. What do you think?" Behind her playful demeanor, Riley could see that same hint of scarlet in her ears that he had that morning. Her breasts rose and fell rather quickly in time with her breathing, and he could tell she was perhaps slightly more bashful than she was letting on.

"Perfect..." he muttered, unable to tear his eyes away from her. "Everything is...perfect."

She gave him a warm smile, relaxing visibly. "Thank you, Riles. That...means a lot to me. Now! Sit up on the bed for me. The real fun starts here."

Riley did as she asked, his heart beating rapidly with anticipation as she approached. She moved close to him and placed her knees on either side of him as she straddled his lap, brushing the soft fur of her groin up against his cock. Where the more sensitive parts of her touched his legs, he could feel a telltale wetness that proved she was enjoying this as much as he was. With his eyes uncovered, he was keenly aware of just how close she was as she affectionately nuzzled his neck. Suddenly, he became very unsure of where he should put his hands.

She seemed to catch onto his distress as she softly spoke to him in a sultry tone, the smile on her face evident in the sound of her voice. "Do you want to touch me? You can, you know..." To emphasize her words, she reached down and took both of his hands in hers and guided them to her breasts. They fit rather perfectly in his hands, and felt much softer than he'd originally thought, but also a little firmer. "Don't be shy or nervous. Relax and enjoy this moment between us..." She pulled her hips back slightly and snaked a hand down between them to wrap around his length, holding it firmly and slowly stroking it as she did.

Riley groaned softly at the stimulation, gaining courage with each passing moment. He maneuvered his hands along her breasts, feeling their shape and enjoying the softness and warmth that encompassed them. Feeling a little braver, he explored her nipples with his fingers, finding them to already be quite hard against his touch. This earned a soft moan from Eisla, who giggled under her breath.

"There you go...don't hold back." She continued to stroke him up and down, velvety paw pads dancing along every sensitive inch of his length. She nuzzled up against his ear and licked at it, a slight tone of mischief in her voice as she spoke again. "Out of curiosity...did you notice what I was doing while touching you last night? Even blindfolded?"

He thought back to the previous night, to something that had stood out to him at the time. "You were...touching yourself, weren't you?"

"Bingo. What an observant kitten you are." As if to demonstrate for him, her free hand slid down her own body to explore her most intimate parts with her fingers. As she moaned from her own touch and the touches to her breasts, Riley was mesmerized watching her. It was one thing to feel it and guess what was happening, and something else entirely to witness everything with his own two eyes.

"You're so beautiful..." The words had come out without him really thinking about them, and for a moment she gave him a surprised look that soon softened into a smile.

"Thank you...I wasn't really expecting to hear that. But it's a really nice thing to hear from you..." She buried her muzzle into his neck, hiding her face and occupying herself with what her hands were doing. Somehow, he got the impression his words had made her somewhat bashful...and he found that adorable as hell. After a few moments, she suddenly curled a paw around the back of his neck and tugged him forward so his face ended up buried in her cleavage. His ears pinned back in surprise, but that very quickly gave way to pure joy, and he couldn't help but smile. "You fucking cute, kitten. When did you grow up to be so sweet? Hmm?" She spent a few moments rubbing his face into her chest, then tugged him back to let him breathe. She couldn't help giggling at the dumb grin that had slipped across his muzzle. "You know, that face is about as silly as the one you make when you get kicked in the balls. Might just have to smother you like that from time to time when I'm feeling frisky..."

"I wouldn't mind that at all...I think I just experienced heaven..."

She burst out laughing at that remark. "Really? My boobs feel that nice, huh? I'll have to keep that in mind!" Her tail swished back and forth happily, brushing against his legs as it did.

Riley couldn't help blushing a bit at the thought. His focus returned to the motion of his hands, savoring the soft feeling of her breasts as he fondled them. Eisla had resumed stroking him, and for a time the only real sounds between them were the soft moans of pleasure. When her hand slipped back towards her own nether regions, his eyes followed it. It occurred to him that he'd been so enraptured with her breasts that he'd neglected another part that fascinated him. Slowly, one of his hands slipped down her body, gently combing through her fur and coming to rest atop hers.

"Riles?" She tilted her head and looked at him curiously. "What's going through that silly head of yours right now?"

Riley swallowed hard, his fingers gently tugging at her hand as he spoke. "I was just thinking...if you're going to make me cum, then...I want to make you cum, too." He looked up into her face, a hint of anxiety creeping in. He wasn't sure how far she was willing to let him go, but he supposed it couldn't hurt to ask.

She smiled back at him and grasped his hand, placing it against her groin. "That's awful sweet of you, kitten. Pretty bold, too." She slowly guided his fingers towards the entrance to her most intimate region, coating them in the wetness of her arousal as she did. "Your fingers should go here...start with one and move up to two as you get used to what it feels like. And with your thumb..." She guided him towards the soft nub of her clitoris as she spoke. "Rub very gently here." She removed her hand from his as he began to follow her instructions, soft moans slipping out. "That's...mmm...good, kitten..."

Encouraged by the sounds she was making, Riley cautiously explored the unfamiliar sensations of Eisla's pussy, seeking out the places that made her jump and shiver the most while maintaining constant stimulation of her clit with his thumb. As he became more comfortable and familiar with where she responded the best, he added a second finger and doubled up on his efforts. He used her moans and their intensity to guide his attention, and soon found that she was beginning to intensify her attention to his cock as well, using his pre as lubricant to facilitate a faster stroking motion. His moans blended into hers as they both worked towards pushing the other over the edge.

Eisla leaned in close, pressing her muzzle to his ear and panting softly, her moans impeding her ability to properly get her words out. "I'm getting...close...go ahead and...let go, Riles..."

He really didn't need to be asked twice. The caracal immersed himself in the blinding pleasure of her hand, his heart rate quickening as he got closer and closer. He could feel her nuzzling into his neck affectionately as a shiver ran through her. When he felt he was reaching his absolute limit, she licked his ear softly and gave him a gentle nibble, pushing him that little bit further over the edge into the blinding white expanse of pure bliss. He felt the heat of his orgasm splash between them, spreading across both of their bodies and Eisla's hand. Simultaneously, he felt her shiver as she tightened around his fingers, the familiar wet warmth from the previous night dripping down his own hand and soaking into his fur. He slowly withdrew from her, groaning as she gently squeezed the last drops from his increasingly sensitive member. When he was completely spent, he collapsed backwards onto the bed while she looked down at him with one of the sexiest expressions he'd ever seen, licking the stray drops that coated her hand.

"D-Doesn't that taste weird? Not that I...ever tasted it or anything..."

She giggled and planted her hands against his chest, gently combing claw tips through his fur. "I sense a lie in that statement...but I'll let you off the hook for tonight. To answer your question though...I don't mind it. I actually kind of like it. Maybe I'm just weird."

In response to that, Riley found himself looking down at his own hand that was similarly coated in Eisla's orgasm. Before he could think twice about it, he lifted the hand to his own muzzle and licked it, prompting a wide-eyed and dumbfounded look from the previously confident wolf girl. After a moment, a smile spread across his muzzle, and he proceeded to lap at the bits he hadn't gotten the first time. "I guess we're both weird then."

Eisla laughed and ruffled the fur between his ears, causing him to giggle at the ticklish sensation. "You can be such a dork!'re a sweet dork. Since you seem to like it though...maybe if we get some more time alone in the future, we can put that sweet mouth of yours to work..." Her voice dipped into a sultry and suggestive tone. "And if you're a good kitten for me...maybe I'll put mine to work too." She poked her tongue out and waggled it suggestively.

"You're going to end up making me hard again talking like that..." In spite of the joking complaint, he had to say that the promise of a potential blowjob somewhere in his future was a highly motivating one.

She batted her eyelashes and drew circles in his chest fur, a teasing smirk playing across her muzzle. "If you do, I'll be more than happy to watch you take care of it. But I won't be lifting a finger or toe to help you this time." Her voice fell into a sing-song lilt as she spoke, and despite the intention of her words he couldn't help but feel warmth spreading through his chest. There had always been something about her that made him feel that way, and that feeling had only been reinforced by the events of that weekend. Slowly, she started to dismount from her position on his lap and move towards the edge of the bed. "That was a lot of fun, kitten. We'll do this again sometime, but right now I should probably take a shower and sneak back into bed with your sisters. Sweet dreams!"

As she moved to get off the bed, Riley felt a lump in his throat. He wasn't ready for the night to end yet. Without thinking, he sat up and reached for her hand. "W-Wait...don't go yet, please?"

Surprised, she looked back at him with a hint of concern but made no attempt to free her hand from his grasp, her tail swishing behind her in an anxious manner. "Riley?"

"You...go home tomorrow, right? My sisters will probably keep you busy before that...I just...wanted to spend some more time with talk."

Her expression softened into a warm smile, and she gently tugged at his hand. "Come shower with me. We need to wash this sticky mess off. Then...I'll come cuddle with you, and we can talk. How's that?"

He nodded slowly, and obediently followed along with her as she led him by the hand into the bathroom.


The shower passed by in relative quiet, mostly broken up by one of them offering to wash the other. When Riley's hands lingered around Eisla's breasts or ass, she playfully swatted them with a grin and reminded him that they were just there to wash and not play. Though she said that, there were multiple occasions where she allowed her soapy tail to slip up in between his legs and brush against his sheath and balls, claiming it to be an accident while smirking and winking at him over her shoulder every time it happened. Between the sultry tone of her voice and the looks she gave him as he shivered in delight, it seemed perfectly clear that she was just enjoying teasing him at that point. When both were clean and rinsed off, they toweled off and returned to Riley's bedroom. They crawled into his bed together, with him curling up to her with his head resting against her chest.

"This is nice. I don't get to cuddle with anyone very often. Aidan has kind of grown out of the whole cuddling with his big sister phase." She chuckled softly and nuzzled the younger male, her arms curled around him.

"I think I used to cuddle with my sisters too when I was younger...then, at some point, I guess I...started to see them more as annoying than anything else...even though they have done a lot for me."

"It happens, kitten. I think my brother finds me annoying too. Sometimes siblings just grow apart. But it's not too late to do something about it if you really want to. Somehow I don't think that's what you wanted to talk about though."

He pulled away just enough to look at her face. She was looking at him with a mixture of curiosity and affection. Sometimes, he couldn't help feeling bewildered by her. He wished he could tell what she was thinking when she looked at him that way. "You're right...on both counts, really. I should repair the relationship with my sisters.'s not what I wanted to talk about..."

"I'm here to listen. I may even have something to say." She giggled, which did wonders for easing the caracal's anxiety.

Despite how difficult it felt to get the words out, he swallowed his fear and went for it. "E-Eisla...I've liked you for quite a while now. This weekend has been...pretty surreal for me. I never really imagined getting to do things like this with you or...hell, anything close to it. I can never seem to read you...I just...wanted to know if you felt anything like that for me. Of course, I'll understand don't, and this makes---"

He was abruptly cut off by her placing a finger against his muzzle. "Shh. Relax and just listen for a minute, okay?" She nuzzled him gently and ran a paw up and down his back in a soothing manner. "I already knew that. Hell, I think all of us do. But I want you to consider something for me." When he nodded in response, she continued. "Last night, when I told you I masturbated to thoughts of you? I wasn't joking or pulling one over on you. When the twins said they wanted to reward you somehow for sticking to the deal...I was the one who suggested everything that went down. When I flashed you...I wanted to see how happy and surprised you'd be. And tonight...I just...wanted to spend time alone with you for a bit. What I'm getting at, nervous and full of doubt as you don't need to be, because I do feel the same. Though I do wonder if you're really going to be happy with someone who likes kicking you in the balls." Despite whatever self-deprecation lie behind those words, she laughed it off as she withdrew her finger.

Riley was stunned by her response. The way she laid it all out for him made it seem like the most obvious thing in the world, and there was a good chance it had been. He was just too dense to notice. "When you put it that way, I feel...kind of silly for not noticing." He smiled and nuzzled up against her, feeling a renewed sense of joy in knowing his crush wasn't one-sided. "The ball kicking may be unpleasant, but...honestly, with you...I feel like I could get used to it."

For a moment, she looked surprised at his words, but soon grinned and nuzzled him back. "Is that right? Well, I'll be sure to give you plenty of rest in between, at least. Wouldn't want to break anything." His ears pinned back at those words, a soft whine given at the mention of the word 'break'. She giggled softly and licked his muzzle. "There, there, kitten. I would never want to do any permanent damage to you. I'd feel...pretty awful about that. But they're your balls, so...let me know if it ever feels like too much? As for tonight, I think you've earned some rest." Her hand wandered between his legs and gently fondled his balls in a soothing manner.

He groaned softly at her gentle touch. The ache from her earlier kick had long since faded, but it was nice to feel her softer touch regardless. The focus of the topic brought to mind something he'd often wondered but never had the guts to ask, however. "Can I...ask you something?"

She withdrew her hand and focused her attention on listening to his words. "Of course, you can. What's on your mind?"

The male swallowed hard, mentally preparing himself for whatever answer she might have. "Why do to kick me in the balls so much?"

Her eyebrows raised slightly in surprise, and unexpectedly her ears pinned back against her head. "I'm kind of surprised you've never asked me that before. I think a lot of girls just think it's funny because of the reactions and not really knowing what it feels like, and that's partly true for me too,'s a little more complicated than that as well. And for obvious reasons, I feel like I owe you a good answer, so...just give me a moment to think about what I want to say...okay?"

He nodded his head, watching the expression on her face. She seemed to be deep in thought, her fingers tracing random patterns through his fur. Several moments passed in silence like that until she finally spoke up again.

"Do you...remember that bully who always used to pick on you in elementary school?"

Riley grimaced slightly, a look of disgust given at the mere mention of that memory. "How could I forget? He made me miserable all the time...until one day, you walked right up to him and kicked him in the balls. He went all cross-eyed and yelped in pain, and you told him with the most serious face that if he didn't leave me alone, you were going to do it worse next time. Apparently, he took it seriously..."

She nodded. "I couldn't stand the way he treated you. I snapped and just...let him have it. Admittedly, there was a part of me that felt bad about it after the fact, even though he totally deserved it, but...another part of me felt really good about it. Not just because I'd helped you, but made me feel stronger and more in control than I really was. But I also couldn't forget the look on his face. I started to wonder if all boys made that face, or something similar. Then one day, you really got me angry and I just...kicked you without thinking about it much."

The male winced. "I remember that. That was the first time you ever had...pretty far from the last though. Honestly, even I think I deserved that one though."

"You totally did. I watched you, curling up in pain with that silly look on your face, I thought..." She leaned in to speak softly into his ear. "...that you looked absolutely fucking adorable."

His ears perked up at her words, and he pulled back slightly to see the devious smile on her face. There was no malice at all in what she was saying, nor had he ever felt malice in the way she'd treated him over the years. Despite everything, part of him had always felt comfortable with her. "You said something like that this morning you...really think I look that adorable?"

"Mmhmm. When I get you real good and your muzzle scrunches up the way it kind of gets my heart racing a bit. I feel a bit twisted just saying that, but...even more twisted I guess is the fact that even though I'm the cause of it, I instantly get the desire to shower you with affection and soothe it away. Perhaps that's just my more compassionate side feeling guilty." Her smile dropped away, and her ears pinned back. " can see what kind of messed up girl you've fallen for, right? I like to cause you pain...but I also like to make it better. Do you...really feel okay with that, Riley?" Not Riles. Not kitten. Riley. She'd opened up about something she was insecure about, and her vulnerability showed in the way she addressed him. She wanted him to know what it meant to her and seemed to be clinging to the hope that he wouldn't crush her in that moment.

In response, he nuzzled up against her and hugged her. She let out a cute little yelp, surprisingly caught off guard for once. With as much confidence as she always showed on the outside, he never would have guessed she'd been hiding that kind of concern on the inside. "Eisla...if that was going to put me off, it would have done so a long time ago. Sure, there have been a lot of times I thought you were mean, like my sisters...but when it really comes down to it, you're one of the most caring and loving people I've ever met. I've always...really liked that side of you. No one can cheer me up from a bad day like you. Who cares if you have a weird quirk to you? Clearly, I do too, because...I'm willing to accept and accommodate you just the way you are. If it's you...I really could get used to it. Hell...between you and me, I've already kind of fantasized about it a few, don't tell my sisters about that though..."

Eisla seemed to be lost for words. He looked up towards her face. Amidst the stunned expression she gave him, he could see a hint of relief. That hint soon blossomed into full-on joy as she grabbed the back of his neck and shoved his face into her breasts again. "Come here, you! You have no idea what it means to me to hear you say all that..." Though his vision was obscured by the soft and warm heaven he'd unexpectedly been pulled back into, he felt her nuzzling at his ears. After several moments of giggling and rubbing her breasts in his face, she let him go, although she seemed reluctant to do so. She eyed him curiously. "I just realized...did you really just say you've fantasized about being kicked in the balls by me?"

After he'd shaken off the blissful daze of her sudden boob attack, Riley gave her a shy smile. "It's more like...I had a dream about you, and it kind of...turned that way. You were grabbing, squeezing...that kind of thing...but also doing more pleasant stuff." He scratched at his chin nervously. Part of him felt anxious about revealing all of this to her, but another part felt that, of all people, she would not have a mocking word to say about it.

Her eyes widened in surprise. "I can't say I ever really expected to hear that. Did you...enjoy the dream?" She looked genuinely curious, sitting up to get a clear look at his face.

Seeing her reaction, the caracal felt comfortable revealing more. "It was kind of...nice. I'm not sure I know how to explain it very well, but...I do know that I woke up really hard. I mean, I always do, but it felt...connected. Maybe because the dream was fresh in my mind."

Eisla looked him over, a thoughtful expression etched across her features. After a few moments, she spoke up. "Do me, Riley?"

The question caught him off guard, but it wasn't a terribly difficult one to answer. After everything he'd been through with her, the good and the bad, and everything he knew about her, there was only one answer he could give. "Yes. I've never felt like you meant me real harm. And you've always been so kind to me, even after the times you've kicked me. I...I trust you, Eisla."

At his words, her expression melted into one of the warmest and most loving ones he'd ever seen her make. Whatever she was thinking...he could tell right away that his response had made her happy. She leaned in and nudged him softly, encouraging him to lay on his back. He did so, and she slid a hand down to grasp his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze. "Grabbing and this?" There was a soft purr in her voice, and he could tell she was enjoying herself.

"Well...harder than that, but yeah..." He almost couldn't believe he was encouraging her to squeeze harder.

"We'll get to that...tell me more about the pleasant stuff. What did dream me do to you that made it feel really good?"

The insides of his ears started to flush as he realized where she was headed with her line of questioning. "It was...last night, so I kind of fantasized about you pinning me down and rubbing up against me. You kept licking around my muzzle and ears the way you like to do too..."

"Mmmm..." She released him from her grip and used both hands to balance herself as she slipped one leg across him and onto the other side, moving so that she was straddling his lap just below his crotch. She pressed her chest against his and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Put your hands above your head, kitten." The pure joy that filled her voice was unmistakable as her breath continued to tickle his ear and send shivers through his body. He did as she asked, and she reached up to hold them against the bed, sliding further down his abdomen and dipping her muzzle under his to affectionately lick it. As she did, her free hand snaked down between her legs and his and grasped his balls, squeezing them gently. "Was your dream kind of like this?" Her voice was teasing and seductive, a sweet and enchanting melody to his increasingly stimulated mind.

"Y-Yeah...wait, are you really going to---?"

She cut him off by pressing her muzzle to his and kissing him, causing him to gently moan into it as the last of his words melted away, their importance forgotten. "Shh. Just relax, kitten. Consider this...a heartfelt thank you for your kind words earlier." She gently massaged his balls, nuzzling under his throat and chin and licking along his Adam's apple. He felt her move up slightly and lick his ear before speaking softly into it. "I'm going to start slow. Tell me if it hurts too much and I'll ease up."

He nodded slowly. Part of him couldn't believe what he was about to let her do, while another part secretly felt excited. She really was giving him a fetish.

As promised, she began slowly and gently, rubbing her body up against his while gently fondling him. The soft, silky fur of her lower body brushed up and down his sheath, quickly inspiring a physical reaction. As more of him spilled free of his sheath, she gently rolled her hips against him while slowly tightening her grip on his balls. The pain started as a dull ache that contrasted against the pleasure, drawing a soft groan that mixed into his moans. Surprisingly, it wasn't necessarily a bad feeling.

"How does that feel?" With her muzzle near his ear, he couldn't quite see her facial expression, but her voice held a sort of tenderness to it that he wasn't used to hearing.

"It feels hurts, but they're kind of...blending together..." The mixture of sensations made it hard for him to focus, his words coming between moans.

"Good. I'm going to increase the intensity now, alright?" As her grip tightened, she attempted to quicken the tempo of her hips to keep the pleasure and pain as even as she could, though it was admittedly a difficult task when she only had his feedback to go off of. She continued this pattern of slowly escalating until the male began to squirm slightly in her grip, though he made no attempt to voice a desire for her to ease up or stop. All the same, she seemed to take this as a sign that he was nearing his limits as she stopped increasing the pressure and simply maintained it, focusing the rest of her efforts on the pleasure. She licked his neck and nibbled his ear, mixing in gentle nuzzles here and there. Before long, he was shivering and panting as the pain and pleasure melded together and became nearly indistinguishable from each other.

"E-Eisla...I'm getting close..."

"Go ahead. Just relax and let it wash over you." She deliberately spoke close to his ear, letting her words and breath tickle him as she playfully tugged at it with her teeth, careful to keep them from harming him as she did. The abundance of stimulation ramped up and pushed the feline over the edge as he groaned and spilled his load between them. Eisla pressed her body closer as he came, grinding gently against his increasingly sensitive cock for a few moments to squeeze out as much as she could. She eased her grip on his balls to a more soothing massage as she drew back away from him and released his arms. Glancing down at the mess between them, she chuckled softly. "Good thing we brought towels with us. How was that? You seemed to be getting uncomfortable towards the end, so I was a little worried."

Riley gazed up at her as she questioned him, his breathing quickened as he came down from his orgasm. "That was...a very intense experience. But I didn't hate it at all. It was...different, but not in a bad way."

She smiled, visibly relaxing a bit. "Do they still hurt?" As she spoke, she continued to massage them gently as she had earlier in the night.

"A little, but quickly fading. T-Thank you, Eisla..."

"For what?"

"For...being you. I wouldn't have you any other way."

She gave him a sheepish smile. "Think I should be the one thanking you. You've been buttering me up a whole bunch tonight. But it already got you a face full of tits twice and what we just did, so don't push it." Despite her words, she looked and sounded quite happy.

"Yes, mistress." He said it jokingly, but the word made her ears perk up.

"I like the sound of that. Maybe I'll have you call me that when we're alone from now on." She giggled and pulled away from him, easing off the bed. She retrieved both towels and gently tossed one to him before using the other to wipe herself off. After they'd both done so, she approached the bed and leaned close, pressing her muzzle to his and kissing him for the second time that night before ducking away with a small laugh. As he gazed at her with wide eyes, pressing fingers to his lips, she darted around the room collecting her clothes and started towards the door. Before opening it, however, she turned to look at him. "I want to see you tomorrow. Before I leave. So...come hang out with us, okay? Good night, my adorable kitten!" With her tail swishing happily behind her, she left the room and closed the door behind her. As he gazed at the place she'd been standing, he slowly let his hand fall away from his muzzle and broke into a wide grin. His ears were ringing with the last words she'd spoken.

She'd claimed him as hers.