Dance for Me, My King

Story by MaantaaBeast on SoFurry

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A short erotic story about two dragons role-playing and getting extremely horny.

Odrun, a muscular blue dragon, comes home from the gym after work to his boyfriend, the fat red dragon Rumranth. After the two eat dinner, Odrun asks Rumranth to get undressed, and despite Rumranth's nervousness, to dance for him. Odrun starts to pretend that Rumranth is an ancient dragon king, which eventually wins Rumranth over. The two of them can't keep their hands off each other for long, though, and the dancing turns to humping, handjobs, and slit play.

Hope you enjoy!

Dance for Me, My King

By MaantaaBeast


Odrun walked up the steps to his apartment, legs complaining after the last hour at the gym. A white tank top clung to him, sweat-stained in large swaths between his muscular chest, down his back, and under his arms. His scales were blue like the ocean, and just as wet. He poured the last of his water bottle over his head, hiding as well as he could from the sun. Sunsets in summer were as beautiful as they were hot. Then again, they weren't the only thing.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he opened the apartment door and slipped inside. It was only a little cooler, but at least he could finally relax. Music played quietly from the kitchen, with synth and odd vocals frequently interrupted by heavy footsteps and warm murmur-singing. Odrun turned his thoughts away from a cold shower and towards the kitchen door. He barely ever got to see his boyfriend Rumranth dancing; the big red dragon was too embarrassed in front of anyone.

Odrun wrapped a hand around the empty door frame, and bathed his senses. Chicken fried on the stovetop, biscuits baked in the oven, and fish sizzled and popped; his mouth watered at the coming meal, but his eyes had the real treat. Rumranth stood at the stove. Vibrant, burning red scales spread across every inch of exposed skin, up his broad neck, down his meaty arms, and all over his beautiful tail. He wore a pair of loose shorts and a t-shirt that was a little too small for him. Odrun didn't mind that, it just gave him a better view of Rumranth's big body, especially his love handles whenever the red dragon lifted his arms to grab spices. He had to fight the aroused growl in his throat.

Rumranth danced with joyful steps as he cooked, shifting from one side to another, head bobbing and tilting to the music. His hands drifted through the air when he didn't need them, showing off the shape of his wonderful chest. His legs and tail moved gracefully, carrying all of that great dragon as if he was swimming. Rumranth moved in and out of the sunlight pouring in from a window, relishing the heat; he was at home in the summer months. Where the light hit him, Rumranth's scales almost looked like fire, as if he held part of the sun in his skin. Odrun understood well why red dragons had been worshiped as kings in the ancient world.

What he would have given to see Rumranth without those pesky clothes in the way, his whole royal body on display for the dance. Odrun watched Rumranth's chest and belly shake with a big step, the red dragon's snout breaking in a toothy smile, and Odrun couldn't tame the heat growing in his own body. His shorts bulged between his legs and he let out an involuntary, lusty growl.

Rumranth nearly jumped, planting his foot down hard and clearly trying to pretend he hadn't been dancing. He drew his shoulders in a bit and hid behind his own back, looking over the shoulder at Odrun with a weaker, more nervous smile. "I didn't hear you come in."

Maybe Odrun should have told him to keep dancing? The way Rumranth moved his whole, heavy form drove Odrun crazy, but he hated seeing the big dragon embarrassed. "Had to see what smelled so good."

Rumranth gave Odrun some space to come up next to him, proudly showing off his creations. "I felt like chicken, but I know you don't like to go too long without fish." The two of them could easily put away whole feasts on their own. "We'll have some biscuits and rice, too."

"Nobody eats better than I do." Odrun leaned in and kissed Rumranth under his pointy horns. He patted his own slight belly, which used to be a set of abs, before moving in with his boyfriend. He couldn't bring himself to complain, though, it gave him a stocky look. "I bet you're enjoying the sun."

Rumranth nodded happily, his front covered by the warm light and his shoulders by Odrun's muscular arm. "I guess it takes a little more out of you." Rumranth let out a warm growl of his own. "You've had a long day. Do you want to get out of those sweaty clothes and relax on the couch? Dinner's almost ready."

Why would Odrun want to stay in anything more than his underwear? "As my king commands." He trailed his fingers down Rumranth's back, teasing the spine between his wings all the way down to the crest of his tail.

Rumranth snorted, half in pleasure and half embarrassment. "Yes, I look just like a king." He shook his head.

Odrun kept his eyes on Rumranth for a few more seconds. His boyfriend was the picture of royalty, though Odrun's grand fantasies didn't keep him from glancing down between Rumranth's legs, where the big dragon was hard beneath the heft of his stomach.

Odrun undressed in the bathroom, thankful for a minute away from the sun. He folded in his wings, grabbed the collar of his white shirt and tugged. The soaked fabric peeled off his scales, gripping the meat on his chest and shoulders before he freed them completely. He pulled down the waistband of his shorts, letting them drop to the floor. Odrun balled up his sweaty clothes and tossed them carelessly into the hamper, where they hung halfway in and half out.

He considered taking off his briefs, but he set a foot on the edge of the bathtub and looked himself over in the mirror. His underwear framed his powerful thighs, even as the fabric strained to cover his growing mast. He snorted in satisfaction, flexing his arms until the shape of his muscles appeared under his blue-gray scales. He grabbed his own chest, feeling the strength when he strained it, and tensed the core under his belly. Odrun's physique fit the bill of a warrior, a king's champion.

And shouldn't a king get to see his champion on display? He didn't bother rinsing the sweat off himself before heading to the couch.

Odrun and Rumranth watched television together while they ate, tearing into chicken and fish with their toothy jaws, each of them going through whole plates of biscuits and rice many times over. Rumranth kept shifting where he sat to get comfortable, which just so happened to mean getting his big body closer to the nearly-naked Odrun.

When they were finally done, just left picking at bones and scraps, the two could feel their sides brush together when they breathed. "I hope work didn't tire you out too badly today." Rumranth murmured.

"Just spent a lot of time thinking about what was waiting for me back home." Odrun spread himself out, draping an arm and wing over Rumranth, his open legs showing off his equipment.

Rumranth leaned into him, his chubby red tail curling around Odrun's own. "Well, I owe my hard worker that much, at least."

"Don't owe me anything. But I'll never say no to your cooking." Odrun pressed his fingers under the collar of Rumranth's shirt, snaking around until he could give a gentle squeeze to his chest. He traced a line of hot sweat underneath it. "But if you want to give me a little more to appreciate, big guy, why not take off these useless things?" He rubbed his leg against Rumranth's shorts.

"I'm uh..." Rumranth got flustered, "I'm maybe a little excited for that."

Odrun lifted a foot, to tap his toe claws against the straining fabric between Rumranth's legs. "It's no good hiding such a kingly body." He said. "It's just us, Your Highness."

Rumranth wasn't quick to take Odrun's foot off of him. "Alright."

Rumranth got up and turned towards the bathroom, but Odrun's tail curled around his ankle. "Where are you going?" The blue dragon asked.

"You're the one who wanted me to undress." Rumranth smiled nervously at him.

"Well don't go hiding away. Just toss me your clothes, I'll put them in the laundry later." Odrun had seen Rumranth naked more times than he could count, but the red dragon rarely changed in the open. "Shouldn't a king be comfortable in all of his chambers?" He moved his tail up and down Rumranth's leg, looking for the sensitive scales on the inside of it.

Rumranth snorted at him, though his eyes twitched a little when Odrun found what he was looking for. "I'm not a king, dummy."

"Don't look like anything else to me." Odrun tucked the tip of his tail into Rumranth's shorts. "But what was I thinking? You shouldn't have to undress yourself." He leaned forward and stood next to his boyfriend. "May I have the honor of helping you?" Odrun watched Rumranth look at his feet, uncertainty plain on the red dragon's face. "Only if you want, Majesty."

"You sound ridiculous." Rumranth muttered, but his little smile cracked through his nervousness. "Okay." He paused when Odrun's hands went to his hips. "Wait, I like to take my shirt off first."

"Of course." Odrun could feel the warm flush of embarrassment beneath Rumranth's scales, as his hands tucked underneath the red dragon's shirt. He stood behind Rumranth, arms wrapping around his body. He moved his hands upwards as slowly as he could manage, well-versed in every inch of Rumranth's expansive belly and the curves of his sides. His scales ran glossy and damp under Odrun's fingers, Rumranth's shirt bunching up around Odrun's forearms, forcing the red dragon's own arms to lift a little. Odrun stopped his hands on the soft, plentiful meat of Rumranth's chest; an intense warmth burned beneath it, radiating in waves as Rumranth rumbled at Odrun's touch. Odrun asked: "May I hold on to you, my king?

Rumranth's mocking snort gave way to something more genuine. "Please."

Odrun squeezed Rumranth's chest, teasing his scales between his fingers, claws

tracing the soft underbelly delicately. Rumranth's head leaned back until his horns rubbed gently against Odrun's, sending pleasant tingling across both of their skulls, and down their spines. "You have the best horns." Odrun grunted, nudging his snout against Rumranth's chubby neck and inhaling his warm smell.

long, needy breaths escaped Rumranth's teeth. "Not as nice as your hands." He touched Odrun's arms. "Keep going."

"As my king commands." Odrun dutifully guided Rumranth's iridescent wings closed, and lifted the shirt from his shoulders, careful not to catch it on his horns. He tossed the sweat-damp shirt carelessly on the floor and coaxed Rumranth's wings to open again. He could have stood there for hours, running his eyes up and down his boyfriend's back, the ruby scales flowing along broad rolls and curves like the shape of a landscape, or soft dough. His shoulders rose and fell as he breathed, and Rumranth's big tail, restrained only by a thin strip of his short's elastic, pressed between Odrun's legs. Odrun had been hard enough for the past few minutes that the front of his boxers were soaked through, leaving a little sheen of precum on Rumranth's tail where they met.

Rumranth glanced back, catching Odrun's steely eyes with his own sunlike gold. "You really like seeing me get undressed this much?" Ordinarily, the two liked to tease each other whenever one of them got lost in their own horniness, but Rumranth asked that with a deep insecurity.

Odrun managed to suppress the dozen vulgar answers brewing in his head, and bent down a little to kiss a stretch of Rumranth's fattened side. "It's not every day I get to see my beautiful dragon reveal himself." He pressed his thumbs under Rumranth's chin, lifting his head. "You really are beautiful, you know that? I could look at you forever." He got Rumranth to turn around and face him, the red dragon's belly brushing against Odrun.

Rumranth buried his snout into Odrun's hands, growing quiet. He stared at Odrun's chest, and his skin poured heat.

"Don't worry, kings don't need to speak their mind. Your champion knows what you need." Odrun shifted rumranth so that he was facing away from him again, and tucked his fingers under Rumranth's shorts. He pulled down, asking softly for the red dragon to lift his heavy legs, one after another, and finally slipping the shorts down Rumranth's tail. Odrun took the chance to press firmly into that long tail as he went down it, earning a satisfied huff.

That left Rumranth standing with just a pair of soft, white boxer-briefs stretching across his royal hips. Odrun's dick twitched in his own underwear, only getting slicker with need. But he restrained himself. He couldn't just strip his king completely, not without a little more ceremony. The faint hue of red scales beneath that white fabric nearly broke his resolve, though. "Does that feel better, my king?"

"Much." Rumranth's arms and wings were loose and relaxed, but his eyes still moved around his own body with uncertainty.

"Could your loyal knight make a humble request?" Odrun's fingers shook as he kept them from reaching down into Rumranth's underwear.

"What is it," Rumranth chuffed, "Sir. Odrun?"

"Would you dance for me, Majesty?"

Odrun sat and swiped through his phone, stealing the occasional glance at his boyfriend, standing there in just his underwear. "So, what kind of music do you feel like?" He waited, and looked up when no answer came. "Rumranth?"

The red dragon rubbed his arm, tail curled in front of his legs and wings resting on his shoulders like a cloak, hiding some of his body. "I don't know." He said.

"Are you okay?" He'd hoped Rumranth would be happy that Odrun wanted to see him dance. He set the phone down. "What's wrong?"

Rumranth put a hand over his big stomach protectively. "I don't exactly look like a king... I'll feel ridiculous, dancing in front of you."

Odrun got off the couch and stroked his boyfriend's arm. "They didn't look like those actors we get to play them, you know." He reached up and cupped the side of Rumranth's chubby face. "Do you really think that the red dragon kings weren't fat?" He leaned in and snipped at Rumranth's chin. "With all the food and cooks they could dream of, you think they'd be any smaller than you?" Odrun reached down and teased Rumranth's wings off his shoulders. He stroked the red dragon's hefty sides lovingly. "I'll find you a picture of their old mosaics; you'd fit in perfectly, my big royal love."

Rumranth let him keep touching his body, taking his arm away from his own stomach. His beautiful tail unfurled from around his leg when Odrun's brushed against it. Odrun curled his tail's tip around rumranth's. "You're sure you want to see me moving around that much?" Rumranth asked.

"Not many people were lucky enough to see such a handsome king dancing. It was a rare honor just to get close, back then." Odrun squeezed his hands, pulling back. "I want to see you enjoying yourself."

"Well..." A playful smile started to melt the worry from Rumranth's face, "your king would like something with strings, and not too fast."

Odrun found something good, a nice long song from one of Rumranth's favorite bands. "Anything you want, Majesty." Odrun leaned back on the couch and watched.

Rumranth started with small, uneven steps and sways in his hips, still uncertain for the first few moves. But the more he shifted his legs and dipped his shoulders, the more fluid his body became. He shut his eyes and started to dance in great, gradual sweeps of the living room, spinning slowly as he moved around.

Odrun was mesmerized by the flex and curl of Rumranth's wings, drawing his eyes ever deeper into his shoulder blades. His scales took on little crests of light to show off the curvature of the red dragon's back; Odrun could feel the shape of it from across the room. Rumranth's wide tail trailed after him, curling around his ankles and stretching out to finish his husky silhouette. Odrun couldn't help but to stare at the base of his tail, and the butt beneath it shaking with each big step.

He would have wished for Rumranth to stop turning, if not for the wonderful sight of his front. The full heft of his body was on display when Rumranth started to take small leaps and singular, stomping steps. The lower ridge of his belly jiggled along with his kingly chest and thick thighs; even his soft arms and the fat of his neck reverberated, showing just how full and soft Odrun's beautiful king was.

The blue champion had to dig his fingers into the couch to fight his desire to reach out and grab onto Rumranth. The red dragon passed by close to the couch and dared to glance at Odrun; despite the little anxious light in the eye, Rumranth took a few big, stretching moves right in front of him. His arm reached out, back turning and wings unfurling as if to show off every possible inch of shiny red scales and tender creamy underbelly. His throat rumbled with a hum alongside the song's bridge, and Odrun's chest filled with a hungry bellow.

Rumranth stepped even closer, slowing down his dance and leaning in. Odrun felt something touch against his bulging briefs, and looked down to see his and rumranth's dicks pressing against each other, separated by only two thin layers of fabric. His mind filled with the thought of rumranth's slit, hot and slick beneath the white of his boxers.

But a knight had to put a little more effort into his courtship. Rumranth reached out to brush against his arm, and Odrun took his offer, rising to start a slow dance together. He returned to his favorite spot behind Rumranth, their wings open and layered atop each other. Odrun wrapped his arms around Rumranth's waist, squeezing tight against his sides just as the red dragon liked. "Your champion's here, my king."

"Keeping me safe?" King Rumranth set his hands on top of Odrun's.

"Completely." Odrun finally satisfied his fingers, filling them up with the bounty of dragon heft in front of him; Rumranth's yielding, doughy belly felt so perfect in his hands, he would gladly kneel before his king just to hold his body. "I won't let go until you want me to. I'm yours, King Rumranth. All the way down to my heart."

Rumranth basked in his boyfriend's affection for a minute, the great dragon taking deep, slow breaths in Odrun's tight embrace. His scales slid against Odrun's underbelly, eliciting a shudder from the champion. But Rumranth bent forward to look over his own belly at his foot, where a strand of precum had landed from the tip of his boxers. His scales flushed with heat, and he could feel Odrun's stiff sword pressing against the base of his tail. "And even further down?" He slowly guided Odrun's hand to his own thigh. "Would a king's personal champion help him warm up his bed?"

"A king shouldn't have to wait for his pleasure." Odrun's fingers couldn't stop shaking, so full of pent-up arousal that his whole body was pulling taut against Rumranth. He managed to go slowly enough to play with Rumranth's pillowy thigh, pressing his hand into it like clay, and slowly working his way between his king's legs. He didn't take off rumranth's boxers, enjoying the feel of the tightened fabric.

Odrun stopped just at the ridge of Rumranth's slit, the entire opening wet on his fingertips. His knuckles touched Rumranth's dick, feeling the pulse of royal blood. He reached down between Rumranth's hard spire and the soft flesh that protected it, which spread for his fingers. The king had stopped talking, but his huffs and draconic rumbling in the chest were all that Sir. Odrun needed to hear. He pressed carefully on Rumranth's warm, sensitive inside, finding all the spots that made his king's neck arch back in pleasure.

"You're so warm." Odrun breathed, and started to pump his fingers slowly, reaching deep into Rumranth, then pulling back to toy with the edge of his slit. He pressed himself against his king, running his own brief-covered dick slowly over the base of his fat tail.

Rumranth's own hips started to rock forward, into Odrun's fingers. Odrun reached his other hand to Rumranth's dick, finally slipping the front of his boxers down enough to free it. Odrun moved from the base to the tip, squeezing and toying with every inch of the king. He ran his hand over the sensitive end until Rumranth's knees shook and Odrun's hand was completely wet with warm precum. He slathered it all the way down Rumranth's spire and into his slit, careful not to move too quickly.

"Wait," Rumranth panted. Waves of heat poured through his body and into Odrun's, every heartbeat like the crackle of a fire, "did you want to come inside your king?"

Odrun nearly ripped through his briefs at the thought of fucking Rumranth's slit. Sliding in and out, his dick held close against his king's, emptying himself into his big lover. "More than anything, but I want to wait." He started to speed up his hands, running a finger on the underside of Rumranth's dick. "Can't just fill a king like that." He dragged his horns along Rumranth's. "But maybe later, in your bed." He stroked Rumranth, a ragged breath rumbling out of his royal chest.

For his own sake, Odrun ground his hips up against Rumranth's. He lifted the king's tail to set his dick on the crest of his tantalizing ass. He pumped back and forth, fabric rubbing tight against him. His own breath picked up until he couldn't help but to hump his king faster and faster.

Both dragons gave up on talking, mingling their grunts, growls, and desperate huffs. Odrun timed his hands and hips together, though he needed to go slower on Rumranth. The heavy dragon was much easier to push over the edge than Odrun himself. Rumranth was a big eager king.

Rumranth dragged his horns hard against Odrun's, until they nearly locked at their curves.

Odrun's muscles flashed with lightning, his knees nearly buckled underneath him, and he reared back for a strong, full thrust. He dug one hand into Rumranth's slit and wrapped the other around his tip, squeezing both ends of his dick and dragging his hands toward each other.

He slammed forward and refused to move back, not when he could bask in the shudder than ran through all of Rumranth's soft body.

Odrun growled as he came, painting the inside of his briefs with white ropes.

Rumranth roared breathlessly, his chest rattling, and a warm glow of fire drifted through his teeth. The king's thick, hot cum flowed out of him. Most of it splashed on the floor beneath them, but Odrun managed to catch a few streaks on his fingers. He brought them up to his mouth and licked clean the salty, royal seed.

The two of them stood together for a minute, stroking the last of the sex from each other. Rumranth had nearly collapsed onto Odrun, who had no complaints about holding up all that weight.

"Did you have fun, my king?" Odrun nuzzled against Rumranth's neck.

Rumranth nodded weakly. "I did." He looked down at Odrun's hands clasped lovingly around his big belly, the blue dragon lavishing his fat boyfriend with all the affection he could muster. "Thanks, Odrun."

"Thanks for the dance, beautiful." Odrun murmured. He took a few more breaths and started to rouse himself.

"I should clean up." Rumranth said sheepishly, nodding at the floor.

"Oh no, my king." Odrun pulled Rumranth over to the couch and dropped his hefty butt on the cushion. He pressed Rumranth's shoulders into the couch's back, until he was nearly lying back. "You just catch your breath. I'll take care of it." He didn't pull back at first, instead lingering long enough to press his snout against Rumranth's and hold him in a kiss.

"If you insist, my champion." Rumranth rested his hands on his belly.

Odrun made sure to show off his body as he cleaned, stretching out his muscular limbs, taking wide steps, and bending down at the waist, swishing his tail back and forth over his ass, all for Rumranth to take as many long, heavy looks as he wanted.

By the time Odrun was finished, Rumranth's boxers were already stiff between his legs. He smiled up at Odrun.

Odrun dropped down beside him and squeezed his thigh. "Feeling warm again, Your Majesty?"

Rumranth let Odrun grab as much of him as he wanted. "Could we go for another dance?"