Haunted by Demons

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Luvian has moved into the local town to become a blacksmith, a pretty successful one at that due to his quality work and fair prices. However, one customer feels like the wolfbird should be given a little more of a reward than he currently gets....

Luvian fidgeted idly as he waited between customers, talons scraping over roughly hewn stone while his wings shifted and his tail swayed. He'd felt confident enough in his ability to smelt, forge, and mold metal into weapons, armor, and trinkets that he'd opened a small store in the town near where he lived, Forest's Edge, and begun to take commissions and produce general items for adventurers, explorers, and the like passing through the town to some other, more dangerous and/or unexplored location. He charged little for his goods, as most here didn't have much to begin with, and his low prices and competently made equipment and furnishings turned out to be quite a windfall, enough so that he'd expanded his store to live above it like many shopkeepers did in the town, as well as build a new forge. While he'd miss his old treehouse, he had to admit that his new dwelling allowed him more freedom to stretch and enjoy the expanded space, as well as store new books to read and trinkets to decorate his abode. However, even with everything that was going so well, he had not accounted for one simple fact that he'd somehow not been aware of before creating his business.


Enough people had foolishly summoned various species and ranks of the Infernal Realms (whether due to desperation, greed, or general idiocy) that they'd decided to just form their own community and integrate into society as it existed before their arrival. Well, actually they had been forced to for their own survival, as their general behavior of pillaging, murdering, and enslaving any non-demon settlement in their path, along with just generally working to corrupt the land itself, had caused numerous wars and conflicts of varying scale, enough to seriously threaten them and force them to change their methods. Of course, the land they had claimed was generally considered to be unfriendly to non-demons, due to a looser interpretation of laws, corrupted flora and fauna that was only kept in check by magic from both sides, and the general knowledge that entering a demon city was a sure-fire way to end up a Demon Lord's plaything. But they had to acknowledge the laws of others, pillaging and murder were off the board, and enslavement had been turned into indentured servitude bound by more laws to make sure the servants were well cared for and not in danger of being killed. Not that any of it made any religious individual of importance happy. Many had tried in the early years to form armies, or as they put it, 'crusades', in order to 'purge the evil from our world.' All of them had been shut down in some form or another before they could even reach the Demonic Kingdom, and the small parties that were sent afterward were full of overconfident and barely trained individuals that were never heard from again, and assumed to be either dead or imprisoned in some form. The religious men had been forced to settle for general anger and speciesism, with a notable lack of demons visiting the towns and cities they had under religious control.

In any case, Luvian didn't have an issue with demons in general, as long as they paid well, didn't destroy the forest or the town, and generally obeyed the laws of the area. It was more of a personal issue, if he was honest. And that was how utterly depraved the comments they made were. He'd heard it all, if he was honest. Statements about his build, how tight his shorts were, how they'd love to 'test his capacity' and 'mark that cute neck as mine.' At first he'd been quite uncomfortable with it all, hiding behind his counter, keeping his interactions to a minimum, distancing himself from everyone until a friend had told him that it would start hurting his business. Since then he'd moved on to just ignoring any comments. Not giving any demon, or lewd individual in general, the satisfaction of knowing they'd gotten under his fur. Something that had clearly frustrated a few demonic visitors who'd clearly gotten used to being able to fluster him. But he moved on, made his money, and enjoyed his forging.

The ringing of his shop's door shook him out of his thoughts, the wolfbird refocusing on his newest customer. The individual and his friend ducking their way through the door forced him to mentally prepare himself for another round of commentary. They were obviously demonic, though their 'class' or what have you was unclear. The apparent leader had clawed feet like a lizard's, ebony scales encasing his legs up to his hips, where they began to be interspersed with a pattern of bloody crimson that slowly overtook the black, leaving his head entirely red, barring glowing dark purple eyes. The effect was overall intimidating in the late afternoon light, making him look like a large bucket of blood had been dunked over his head. While entirely scaled, he didn't look like a dragon, more like a lizardfolk. If one of them gained a good foot or so in height, had muscles that bulged out his hide, and had gone so far as to eschew any scrap of cloth as clothing. Not even a loincloth adorned his waist, the male trusting in magic to keep everything hidden.

The friend was avian in appearance, dark green spotted with sickly yellow. A small wrap was around their chest, marking them as a female (or at least appearing as such with magic involved), tail fanned as she(?) looked around at the few items he had on display, the turn of their body showing off the lack of wings, though her arms trailed long features almost like a fancy robe. If he had to guess, she either flew via magic, or had to flap her arms to get up, and glide to her destination to save energy. Quite a strange evolutionary trait to keep, if he said so himself. She was still tall compared to him and his shop, though shorter than the lizard. A loincloth draped over wide thighs, keeping everything hidden as it dangled down to the point where it was level with where her features turned to talons.

The avian grinned as she saw him, eyes lighting up further as he stepped around the counter with his jaws open to issue a polite apology for the door. His words cut off as she almost bounced up to him, winged hands gripping his shoulders as she manhandled him to face her scaled companion. "Oh, look at him, Tezeroth! He's perfect for you!" While her singsong, almost melodic voice went on, Luvian ducked down and around her, smoothly escaping as he straightened his vest and retreated behind the counter. That had been an....experience. Usually demons weren't that forward with him.

It took a minute for the avian to notice his escape, too busy exclaiming on the apparent reasons why the wolfbird was 'perfect' for her friend. At least, not until a scaled hand reached over and shut her beak, an amused smirk playing across his lips as his purple eyes flicked up and down his apparent 'match.' "I'm sure he's fine, Arrur, but that's no reason to grab the poor thing. He probably just wants to see what we want to buy, then get on with his day." Pouting, the now named Arrur, folded her arms (after blinking at the lack of Luvian in them), and turned towards the counter, letting 'Tezeroth' take the lead on their business at his shop while she let her eyes wander in boredom.

All the while, Luvian had been flicking his eyes between the two of them, feathered tail flicking nervously as he waited for them to finish. As the now named scaled demon made his way up to the counter, remaining a good few feet away as it became rapidly apparent that standing directly at it would leave his abdominal muscles in front of the wolfbird, and not his face itself. Leaning over, he crossed his arms and rested them on the countertop, the hybrid's golden eyes flicking down nervously as the furniture groaned at the weight, before moving back up to the dark amethyst now directly opposite. He discretely cleared his throat, before giving a short introduction.

"Hello there sir! My name is Luvian, and welcome to my shop. How may I help you today?"

The demon grinned widely, eyes flickering in amused delight for some unspoken reason even as sharp teeth made the wolfbird's tail tuck down between his legs instinctively. Licking his lips before responding in turn. "Hello, Luvian. I was wondering if you were taking orders, and if you would be....amicable to letting me place one." His eyes glowed as he continued. "Orders for your shop, of course. Though if you were taking orders from me I certainly would not say no."

Luvian internally sighed as the lewdness began, ignoring it as he responded in as polite a voice as he could manage. "I am taking orders, yes. Though I will have to inform you that it usually takes between two days and a week depending on the order, and some things are sadly beyond my skill level. That being said, what were you planning to order?" Hopefully it was just a simple weapon or armor, though decorations and chains had also been requested of him. Along with collars by the more....debauchery-infused customers. Mostly demons, of course.

Still grinning, Tezeroth openly flicked his eyes up and down Luvian's body, obviously appraising him even as he responded. "Oh, nothing special, sir. Just a simple sword, I'd say with a blade as long as my forearm? Nothing fancy for the hilt. As well as a chain for my companion, ten feet in length, with about.....20 links a foot? Should be sturdy enough." Nodding, the demon straightened, eyes tracking something else as he continued. "I assume payment will be when the items are ready?"

Luvian nodded, pulling paper and ink from a shelf built into the counter in order to mark down the order, mind churning as he thought over the request. "Yeah, that sounds doable. Though the measurement you gave will require me to measure your forearm, sir. I don't feel comfortable guessing such things. Payment at acquisition works fine, the items will probably be ready in around five days, three for the sword, two for the chain. I'd say the price comes out to about.....thirty gold pieces? Twenty five for the sword, since it will be larger than the standard, and five for the chain. Sound goo -"*SQUAWK!*

The noise erupted from his muzzle as he found himself grabbed and yanked backwards, face suddenly half submerged in dark feathers before his vision was obscured entirely as what he now recognized as the other demon (who if he remembered correctly was named Arrur) grabbed him from her position behind him, toying with him, grinding against him with her considerable weight as she cooed against his ear, though the words seemed to still be directed at the other demon in the shop.

"See? Look how utterly cute he is, Tezeroth! Perfect size, probably would be really fun to break, and a good body as well! Let's collar him, pleeease Tezeroth? I'd think he'd work much better at relieving stress than hacking away at stuff with a sword."

Luvian squirmed the entire time, arms grappling against her as he worked to free himself, an unhappy growl vibrating at the base of his throat as he continued to struggle, though he finally was able to free himself with help from an unexpected quarter. That being Tezeroth apparently reaching out and tugging him free of Arrur's grasp, pulling him against his side as he scolded the bird demon, even as the arm he had about the wolfbird probably was a little lower down his back than he would like. "No, Arrur. Remember, that's illegal. Plus, I need a sword, and you need a chain, and this smith has a good reputation and fair prices. I'll not have you running him off with your unbridled hedonism." Smiling down at him, the lizard demon smiled toothily. "Now go on back to your shop, Luvian. I apologize for my companion, I'll pick up the goods without her in five days time, yeah?" With that, he gave a gentle push between the hybrid's wings, sending him off as he grabbed Arrur by the arm and dragged her back around the counter, and shoved her towards the door, following close behind.

"See you around, pet!" Arrur called back at him, the last thing he heard before the jingling bell and closing door cut off all outside noise being Tezeroth apparently reprimanding her for the behavior. Luvian dusted off his vest, neatened his feathers, and slumped back into the seat of a nearby chair with a sigh, before letting out a groan as he dragged a paw over his face.

Goddamn demons.....because of the female one's antics he now had to guess what length sword the more polite male demon wanted.....

Eh, he'd go with forty-two inches and hope Tezeroth would be understanding if it was off.

Five days later, Luvian was just opening up the store when he found a hot scaled body pressing against his back, rigid muscles pressing against his feathers as the calm yet authoritative voice of the scaled demon male rang in his ears. "Ah, it looks like I'm a bit early, then. I hope that's not too much of a problem, Luvian?"

The hybrid stepped forward and turned around, then found himself having to take a few more steps back until he was pretty much in the doorway, as the height difference between them made it hard for him to arch his neck back so much. "Oh, hello Tezeroth. You are a bit early, yes. But I don't think that should be a problem. I finished up last night." As the cold snap of one of the town's occasional late fall breezes began to pick up, Luvian instinctively fluffed up his feathers, taking a few more backwards steps to invite the demon in. "Here, let's discuss this further inside where it's a bit warmer."

The demon strode in with confident footfalls, smiling pleasantly even as he teased the hybrid. "If you're cold, Luvian, I have several ways of warming you up after our transaction." But that was all he said before his eyes caught the already neatly coiled chain, and the sharpened, traditional sword that lay beside it. "Well, they look good. I can see your reputation is well earned."

Luvian mentally sighed at the teasing, though accepted it silently and without external rebuttal since it was quite unlike the harassment from Arrur earlier in the week, and asking a demon to not have any sort of lewd commentary or innuendos was like asking a dragon not hoard gold. Pretty much impossible under any humane circumstances. In any case, he made his way around the counter, using both paws to carefully pick up the sword and turn it a bit so his customer could see it from multiple angles.

"Sadly due to the actions of your compatriot I was unable to measure your arm like we discussed. Due to your size I went with a sword around a foot longer than the norm. I had to adjust the handle to make sure the tang was still where it should be, though I also wasn't sure if you used a sword with one hand or two. I estimate it to be a hand-and-a-half sword for somebody your size." Putting it down, he held up a small section of chain for inspection. "I didn't have any issues with the chain, since we were able to discuss the important factors there. Should hold up to basic use, as long as Arrur doesn't abuse it too harshly."

Letting the chain slip out of his paws and land back with the other links of metal, Luvian took a step back for Tezeroth to better inspect his order. The demon grinned as he glanced at the chain before picking up the sword, turning it this way and that as he took a few steps back of his own to test small swings and chops to test the weight, only using one hand the entire time.

"I'd apologize for Arrur, but even with my talk to her after our visit she seems unwilling to admit wrongdoing. A relic of her upbringing by more....traditional demons, who have occasionally chafed under the laws we abide by." Setting it back down, Tezeroth gave a wide grin at Luvian. "The sword is perfect, top quality. You've earned yourself a return customer in case I need anything else, Luvian. The chain looks good too, especially for Arrur's practices."

He pulled a coin pouch out of a hissing portal, sliding the pouch open as he picked up some coins. "Remind me of the price again? I don't want to stiff you for such fine work, after all."

Luvian silently and mentally preened under the praise, always glad to do good work for his clients both new and returning, and happy that the demon was satisfied with the sword, especially enough to return himself. Glancing at the order sheet he'd drawn up, the wolfbird responded to the question of price. "The cost for the sword and chain combined comes to thirty gold pieces, Tezeroth. I'm glad you enjoy your order, and returning customers are always welcome."

The scaly demon's amethyst eyes flashed as he frowned, even as he pulled out the gold. At first, the hybrid thought the infernal lizard had an issue with the price, and believed it to be too high, but the first words that came out of Tezeroth's mouth were quite the opposite. "Only thirty? Oh no, I could simply not give you so little in return for such work. How about fifty gold at least?"

Luvian shook his head, even as his mind whirled in minor disbelief at how things had turned. "No, no, thirty is the price. It's quite enough for me to keep my doors open, and more than enough to pay for the material costs."

Tezeroth was already shaking his head as well, trying to push the fifty gold pieces into the wolfbird's paw. "I must insist you take this, Luvian. Call it repayment for Arrur's actions last time I was here if you must." But Luvian let twenty of the gold tip back into the demon's hand, still shaking his own head.

"Arrur's actions were not new to me. I've had many a demon act in such a manner, though perhaps she was one of the more forward ones. In any case, nothing was broken by her, and the only thing injured was a small amount of my dignity, which has since recovered."

Sighing, Tezeroth gave up trying to convince the wolfbird to take the extra coin, tucking it back into the coin pouch which vanished in a swirl of flame. "I suppose I cannot convince you." Smirking, he slung the chain over his shoulder, the sword grasped in the same hand. "I'll have to find some other way to repay you then, Luvian." With that comment and a wave, the demon vacated his shop, letting the wolfbird count out his coin and prepare for any other customers that could come in today.

It was already dark when Luvian closed up his store, fur puffed up against the midnight chill as the nip of oncoming winter warned of its arrival. His winter coat was slow to come in this year, something he attributed to his relocation to a more insulated home, and therefore his body not recognizing some of the more subtle hints of winter. In any case, it left him mildly shivering, something that would be solved when he was able to bury himself in his nest of blankets and pillows. In any case, having finished locking up, and hiding his earnings in a little alcove in the case of thieves (who had never even been rumored to exist near Forest's Edge, but he was careful all the same), the hybrid made his way towards the back of his shop, and up the stairs.

His nose crinkled at the scent of demon that had still remained after the many hours following Tezeroth's visit. It signaled how powerful the scaled being was, though whether that was from his position in their hierarchy or his general strength would be impossible to determine, seeing as Luvian knew neither. In any case, the sulfur-tinged smell made his mind act up, making shadows longer, the noise of the wind and creaking wood more unsettling. It kept his fur on end, making him look almost ridiculous from how puffed up he had become.

He even managed to spook himself once or twice, heart pounding loudly in his chest as he leaned against the wall at the top of the stairwell, groaning at his own mind's ridiculousness and paranoia. He was definitely taking a break tomorrow, if this was how the day was ending. Sometimes his brain made up the most ridiculous situations....

Sighing, Luvian got to his door and pushed it open, only to stop with it half open, nose twitching. The scent of demon hadn't dissipated yet. In fact, it had seemed to grow stronger, lying slightly thicker on the base of his tongue. It was quite confusing, to be honest. Tezeroth had been gone for almost twelve hours, and hadn't even gone behind the counter. Meanwhile Arrur was the other recent demonic visit, and they hadn't even been there today. It was overall a very strange occurrence.

With his nose useless to detect intruders to his home, what with the continued sulphuric-laden stench of a hell-borne, Luvian focused on his ears and eyes, hard as it was in the dark, moonlit room, to check for others. His ears heard nothing but his own heavy, worried breathing, overlaid with settling foundations and wood creaking as the wind blew against his house. His eyes weren't great, built more for spotting things in the daylight than at night, but what they could make out was the usual. His messy yet comfortable bed, his desk and matching chair, and no strange shadows or shapes to behold. Overall, it calmed him, leaving him to breathe out a sigh of relief as he stepped into his bedroom and let the door fall shut, shucking off his shorts and vest before stretching, luxuriating in the warmth that began to radiate as light blossomed from the magic overhead light he'd had installed.....

He didn't have an overhead light.

Luvian's eyes shot open a moment too late as strong, muscled arms wrapped around his body and dragged him back, muzzle clamped shut by a hand as a low growling voice whispered in his ear, lips brushing against his fur and sending shivers down his spine.

"Mmm, I couldn't wait for this day to end, little Luvian... I couldn't help but think you still need more payment than you took from me." Hot breath washed over his head as the other individual (who seemed to be Tezeroth based on that comment) exhaled, serpent-like tongue dragging between his ears as he continued. "You've been looking so cold all day, I feel it should be quite easy for me to warm you up." A teasing note entered the deep voice of the demon, who'd begun to carry him towards his desk, sitting on his chair and making it creak from their combined weight. "And I have the perfect method of keeping you hot for a while."

Luvian continued to squirm the entire time, barring when he froze due to the lick, though he couldn't do much, what with his muzzle forced shut, and the muscles of his body drained by exhaustion, and no match for the utter goliath of a demon. He had an idea of what the reptilian's idea of 'warming him up' was, something proven when a groaning noise echoed in his ears, a sigh of relief from Tezeroth as he apparently let go of the magic keeping his appearance within the bounds of the law. Both his legs and the demon's spread as an utter monster of a cock grew out from the space between his legs, powered by a pair of orbs that audibly churned and gurgled with their contents. Luvian's eyes were wide as he felt his legs almost immediately become hot as they became trapped between muscled thighs and oversized balls.

He couldn't help the whimper of worry that escaped past the hand wrapped about his jaws, Tezeroth responding by licking over his head in some strange attempt at comfort. "There there, Luvian...I don't plan on hurting you. I just want my favorite blacksmith to be warm and cozy for a while. Don't you trust me? I promise you'll come out better for it after this.~" Ending in a his, the demon groaned as he tugged the wolfbird up, higher and higher until the wolfbird's rump was held up to his face, the lizard smiling as he took in the sights, even as he lined up his first thrust. "I must say, though, your looks make this all the more worthwhile."

Tezeroth released the hybrid's jaws to better grab onto his waist, before thrusting up right as he pulled the wolfbird down. Despite the utter size difference between them, the demonic shaft slid in easily, undoubtedly aided by magic of some kind as it rearranged flesh and stretched out skin. Luvian only made a guttural moan as he suddenly found himself bulging with nearly a foot of demon cock, eyes crossing as he instinctively clutched at the distinct shape of veined, spike-laden dick that pushed out of his belly. The reptile demon who sported such a tool hissing in pleasure into his ears, already dragging the wolfbird back up to repeat the entire process, this time with more hopefully vanishing into the hybrid this time around.

"Mmmrrrph....gooood.....boooooooy" Tezeroth moaned, leaning back in the chair as he pushed and pulled Luvian up and down his shaft, the wet sounds of his precum dripping over thighs, splattering over wood, and overpowering any noise made by Luvian as his mind was ground down by the utter annihilation of his prostate and body in general.

The wolfbird in question continued to cradle his softening belly, eyes rolled back and tongue out as he felt more and more cock force its way into his form. The bulge reaching up to just below his ribcage as Tezeroth got more and more aggressive, growling and snarling in his ear until he stood up, arms falling away as he let Luvian fall forward onto the desk, paws forced to clutch at the furniture as the pounding continued, rougher than aver and the angle making him reach climax within a minute as his body was pounded into orgasm, shuddering and clenching tightly as his seed was splashed onto the ground, all while the demon growled.

"Rrrr....such a....good blacksmith....Gonna....gonna treat you....."

Gurgling, Luvian felt the impossible happening, as he soon felt hips slamming against his rump, followed by the slap of balls against him as well. It was not for long, however, as the base began to swell, growing and widening until even with his lust-driven fugue the wolfbird was able to fairly quickly realize what it was. A knot, spreading his legs wide and threatening to stuff him silly even with everything already inside him. He gurgled out a protest, eyes rolling back as his legs began to lose feeling from the rough, nonstop pounding. Not that Tezeroth seemed to notice, instead snarling and rutting with increasing fervor, hands grasping onto Luvian's shoulders and yanking him back with each thrust.

Each slap of meeting bodies began to be interspersed with whining, half-heartedly hidden moans, rough growls and praise. Not that they hadn't been there before, but they had been hidden under the furious fucking the demonic lizard had been visiting upon the wolfbird. Now though, they were easily audible as Tezeroth ground his inflated knot against Luvian's hole, demanding, and even going so far as to command, entry into the smaller male. Every so often getting just a bit further in. Stretching that rump just a little bit wider.

Luvian though wasn't caring at this point, tongue lolled out and body limp against the table as his mind blew a metaphorical fuse and left him easily subject to the lust of the demonic male. Only kept in position by the snarling body that had so easily overpowered and fucked him stupid. His only reaction to the continued knotting attempts were his legs spasming as his hips were stretched, his lower gut expanding as the shape of the shaft's signature feature began to press inside him. It felt like forever, but yet like no time had passed at all, when the knot reached its widest point, obscenely stretching the wolfbird until he keened, loud and hard, before it cut off with a yelp as his body was broken in, a loud SHLLKK! sounding out as Tezeroth gave one more shove of his hips, and forced Luvian to take the entire thing, the tip of it bulging just below his sternum, legs spread wide around both balls and knot as his ears rang out from the roar of the demon as he climaxed.

It was hot, almost too hot. It burned and singed his sensitive inner walls as it gushed past, even though it had yet to leave the demon's shaft. When it did, there was an immediate bloating of Luvian's stomach, the wolfbird groaning as his belly began to soften and round with the hot seed, his gut gurgling in discomfort from the heat. Not that he could do much, the sensations making him twitch and clench about Tezeroth's cock, potentially milking even more cum from the reptile's balls. Not that there seemed to be an end yet anyway.

Another property was revealed soon after his belly began to grow, a pale orange light beginning to shine through the fur and flesh of his abdomen, growing more distinct as more cum was dumped into him, the light of it almost making his belly look translucent after a few scant minutes, the level of demon seed in his gut visible as it rose and rose. It filled up to the top of his gut, quickly with no method of expansion due to his position laying across his desk, and began to rise up his gullet, the path easily visible as it glowed behind his ribcage, traveling into his neck and making it bloat with orange luminescent seed.

But the only seed that escaped was small stream from his nose, as Tezeroth snapped out a phrase of harsh, guttural words that quickly revealed themselves as magic as an ornate muzzle wrapped around his face, the supple, gilded leather of it somehow comfortable even as it tightly closed his jaws, keeping them locked together and the demon's cum contained within him. As he blinked in utter confusion, the demon pulled him back against his scaly, hot, sweat-drenched chest, leaving him to pretty much sit in Tezeroth's lap as his balls continued to idly clench and send more seed into him.

"Rrrrrrr." The reptilian infernal rumbled in his ear. "Can't have you putting all this hard work to keep you warm to waste, now, can you? Reaching down, he stroked over the now slowly growing, wobbling orb that was Luvian's gut, before reaching up to tap at the wolfbird's bulging neck and cheeks. "I think this belongs somewhere else, don't you? I think you should take a nice, biiiiig gulp for me, Luvian~"

The dazed, muddled wolfbird blinked in confusion as his gut and face were toyed and teased with, both at his new position and the continued presence of the muzzle, before another pulse of demon shaft flesh left him moaning around the restraint. Instinctively, he swallowed as he began to run low on air, the glow fading until it was almost invisible as the thick, dense cum was dragged back into the wolfbird's stomach. Before just hanging his head in lethargy, chest heaving as he stared blindly at the round, glowing ball of fur that was his gut.

Tezeroth stroked a hand idly between Luvian's ears as he relaxed, letting his body continue to send shots of seed deep into the hybrid while he thought about things. He let the overhead orb of light magic fade, leaving only his own eyes, and the glowing gut of the wolfbird, as sources of illumination. Before he spoke, his voice vibrating through Luvian's back and into him as he started to trace an ear with a claw. "You know...." He teased, free hand coming to stroke and jiggle the cum-belly he'd created as it continued to occasionally expand from his ongoing orgasm. "I think you enjoyed this, Luvian...."

The wolfbird groaned, words still beyond him, mind still preoccupied with the monstrous cock in him, and the hot, sludge-like seed he had in him. Not that the demon seemed to care, hand tracing a path down to his neck before moving on to a shoulder. "And I know I enjoyed this, as I think you know. After all, you're nice and warm now. Now, I think I should...give you an opportunity. Especially before Arrur tries something, never could keep her mind and hands away from cuties like you."

The words were worrying, but Luvian only kicked a leg, the appendage bouncing off Tezeroth's balls and making them clench and gurgle, a thicker shot churning its way into his gut, reinforcing the glow. All while the demon lizard continued. "I'll mark you as mine, hmmm? Take you with me to prevent danger from other demons, let you continue your work. And best of all...."

The last part was said with a croon, mouth almost touching the wolfbird's ear as he whispered it in such a way that it sent a shiver up his spine, eyes flicking to the demon as he continued, telling him the gift. "You get to spend nights with me, like this. In my lap, feeling this stretch, this heat. Only from me. And maybe if you're really good, I can show you some other, more complex things I think you'll enjoy." He snapped his fingers, and the muzzle loosened letting Luvian speak.

The wolfbird simply nodded, leaning into Tezeroth's chest as accepted his fate. He was rewarded with a pat of the head, and the demon pulled him tighter to his body as he stood, taking Luvian with him and making him moan as his cock changed angles and pressed on more nerves. "Good boy....the demon praised, using his free hand to gesture and summon a red, hissing portal, likely to his abode or close by. "I'll give you some trinkets to mark you as mine, hmm? Until then...." and here the reptilian smirked. "I'm sure we can find more.....fun... to demonstrate your ownership by Tezeroth the demon prince, hmm? I know I'll be enjoying them, little wolfbird."

Luvian's eyes shot open as he heard who he'd agreed to serve, but before he could even open his mouth the demon was through the portal, laughing a bit as his excursion made his whole body bounce. The last thing heard before the blood-covered portal snapped shut was the hybrid moaning yet again as the walk left him jerking up and down, already being shown just how much pleasure would await him.