Bard does a familiar tail

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This is a sequel to "a bard learning a new tail" for aristeria

to go with the fantastic artwork they commissioned.

I hope you all enjoy.

And a big thankyou to nutrasins for proofreading my work and making it readable. His page can be found here

Kael's melodic voice carried through the trees as he slowly walked down the lonesome train between the tall pines, his long-feathered quill delicately held one of his feline paws while holding a scroll of fresh parchment in his other. In his own little world, the feline weaved in and out of the ruts carved in the road by the numerous carts and wagons that had traversed during the wet season.

As he sang, he would occasionally pause to write down a few lyrics before whistling a melody and continuing. His bulking bag bouncing as he skipped over a large pothole, the metal frying pan on the side of the bag swinging precariously as he bounced to the beat of the songs he was creating.

"Oh, but she was a fair maiden, the fairest of fair,

With soft subtle scales and..... Grey hair?" He paused as he pondered the next few bars. "No, her hair was silver, grey makes her sound old, and she had silver scales." He muttered out loud and crossed out some of his work.

With his head down in his scroll he continued slowly walking down the lane, the trees on either side of the lane starting to thin to reveal a dense underbrush that threatened to take over the path.

His long leopard tail bounced as he walked, it's tip twitching to the beat as he adjusted the scroll and sung back what he had written. As he mossied down the path he felt the sun on the back of his neck and squinted upwards, the midday sun shining down as he left the forest and continued out into the fields.

Returning back to his work, he never saw the pairs of beady eyes peek around the side of a large boulder. With his head buried in his scroll and his song on his mind he skipped along merrily, before coming to an abrupt halt as he walked into the burly chest of a large black wolf blocking his path.

Kael stumbled back, the weight of his heavy bag threatening to tip him backwards onto his bum. "Oh, I'm sorry." Kael said politely as he took a few steps backwards. "I didn't see you there." He added before taking a step to the side, only for the large wolf to step to meet him, his toothy grin smirking in a sinister smile as his pack emerged from behind the large boulders.

"Oh, I'm sure you can make it up to me, little cat." He said while resting his strong paw on the hilt of his sword.

Kael's eyes glancing down to the weapon and then back up to the wolf's fierce brown eyes. Dropping his while he reached for the dagger on his belt only to gasp as the wolf swiftly drew his sword and held it a hairs breadth from the leopard's throat.

"Now, you look like a smart little thing. How about we not so a thing too stupid today?" The wolf said with a smile, turning the blade slightly while holding its tip to Kael's throat. "Coin purse... Now!" He barked.

Kael's hands moving slowly away from his dagger and gestured to his bag. "It's in here, let's just stay calm." He said and took a half step backwards, slowly rotating his bag down to the ground in front of him.

"Oh, I'm calm." Stated the wolf flatly, looking almost bored as the leopard tried to open the side of his pack with trembling hands.

Kael fumbled with small straps for just long enough for them to lose their focus. With a delicate slice of a claw through a loop he unhooked his large heavy frying pan.

"Ah-ha!" He shouted and swung the heavy pan at the large wolf's sword, the clang of metal on metal resonated across the field, Kael smiling as the wolf took a step backwards.

"Who the fuck fights with a frying pan?" Laughed the wolf, the rest of his pack joining in.

Kael's fur stood on end in embarrassment, but he swallowed and tried to remain confident. "It is I! Kael the kitchenware knight! I have trained for decades on swords, and I found them dull! Bows I find boring, and pikes are just pathetic. So now I use the fantastic frying fiend!" He exclaimed, and saw their stunned looks, "with this pan I can beat the finest swordsman and trust me! I will turn your insides into outsides and dry you for my dinner." He claimed boldly, his heart racing as he saw the look of fear in their eyes.

He took a step backwards and flourished his pan like a sword, "so, do you wish to risk your lives in the ultimate duel!" He boasted as he saw them take a timid step backwards. "That's what I thought. Now be gone brigands! And pray that I do not find you!" He cried loudly and flipped the pan in the air before catching it again.

The large black wolf looked to his buddies, and they all gave a nod before turning tail and running with their tails between their legs in fear.

"That's right! You better run!" Kael called after them, a smug smile on his face as he stepped back towards his bag on the ground.

"The kitchenware knight? Really?" Said a friendly voice from behind Kael, causing him to almost jump out of his skin and turn around, holding the pan in front of him before his eyes went wide. The large silver and purple dragon standing before him caused his hands to tremble and drop the pan.

"Oh, don't go dropping that, you might need it to turn my insides into outsides." She teased and lowered herself down to the ground to make herself look less threatening. Her bright eyes gazed down on him with a warm smile, doing little to stop his hands shaking as he took a small step backwards, then another before turning, dropping his pan and taking off in a sprint away.

"Dragon!!!" Kael cried as he ran at full speed across the field, his heart hammering in his chest and adrenaline rushing through his body. "It's going to eat meeee!!" He shouted while his hind paws beat the ground.

Aristeria chuckled before giving a sigh as she watched him disappear over a hill. With utmost care she lifted the flap in his bag and tucked his pan back inside before picking up the bag in one paw and leaping into the sky, her large wings unfurling and sweeping down to propel her towards her prey.

Kael gave a quick glance over his shoulder as he ran and felt relieved that the dragon was not running after him, only for his heart to stop as suddenly he was cast in a dark shadow. The imposing form of the silver dragon over him was the last thing he saw before he was snatched up in a paw and lifted from the ground.

"Aaaaahhhhh" Kael screamed as he watched the earth fall away from him. The firm grip of the dragon around his waist the one thing stopping him from plummeting to his death. "Please! Please don't eat me!" He cried while clinging to her paw for support.

"Eat you?" The dragon laughed, "why would I do that?" She said and curled her long neck down so she could look at him with her icy blue eyes. "Besides, waaay too much fur." She added with a giggle.

Kael breathed rapidly, his heart throbbing in his chest as he tried to calm down. "If you're not going to eat me.... Can you let me go?" He asked, "on the ground I mean" he added when she smiled broadly.

"I will, but I wanted to show you something, stud." She said with a chuckle and looked ahead, clearly enjoying his confusion.

Looking ahead, Kael had to squint to stop his eyes from watering in the strong wind, he could make out a mountain they were approaching. As they drew closer, he could see the mouth of the opening of a cave towards the top.

With a few heavy flaps of her large wings, the dragon slowed and landed on her hind legs in the mouth of the cave, gently dropping the bag she held in one hand before standing in three legs. With precision unbefitting of her size, she gently placed Kael down on the stone floor and sat back on her haunches.

Kael quickly got to his feet and stepped back, his wife eyes fixed on the large dragon blocking the mouth of the cave. "What-what did you want to show me?" He stuttered, trying to remain polite in the face of his certain doom.

The dragoness gave a nod towards the back of the cave, and he followed her gaze, a large nest made of furs and leaves was nestled against the back wall. Standing proudly in the centre of the nest was a large smooth silver stone with dark splotches, Kael's eyes going wide as he realised it wasn't a stone but an egg!

"That's yours?" He asked as he carefully approached it before pausing, glancing back at the smiling dragoness for her permission to continue. With a nod he turned back to the egg and gingerly stepped on to the nest to take a look, dragon eggs were exceptionally rare, and his eyes were mesmerised by the smooth texture and soft sparkles it seemed to have in the dim light.

"Not just mine, it's yours too." She said softly, when Kael turned his head to look at her in confusion she leant back onto her haunches, her body shifting and shrinking before she took started to walk towards him on her hind legs. Her gait awkward at first, but as her body shrunk and adjusted her grace returned. Kael's eyes widened as the large dragoness shifted into the form of a familiar Dragonborn that he met in a tavern many moons ago. Her scales bare as she slowly and seductively walked towards him, her hide as naked as the day she hatched.

"Aristeria?" He gasped, his eyes flicking over her tight figure before looking into her eyes and smiled broadly. "You're-, you're a-"

Aristeria chuckled, "yes, fuzzy but." She teased and moved closer towards him, reaching with her hands to his. His paw flinching slightly at her touch as his mind processed that she was not an illusion. "Turns out, this little bard is packing quite the instrument."

Kael swallowed and glanced back at the egg, "I did that?" He asked before turning back to her with a weak smile.

"We did that," she corrected. "Congratulations." She said and stepped closer to him, his other paw quickly moving to her waist, his toes kneading her scales softly as he realised what had happened that fateful night.

Looking into her eyes, his ears went back, and he gave a guilty smile, "well, that's a story. Isn't it." He said weakly, his smile broadening when she giggled.

"Well, the tales about bards seducing dragons have some more weight behind them now." She teased and moved her snout closer to him, her eyes flicking from his eyes to his lips and back again.

Kael stepped up to her and closed his eyes, pressing his lips against hers, her warmth and tender touch taking him right back to the tavern where they had first met. Her tongue traced his as she deepened their kiss, his paws moving around to the small of her back as he held her close.

Gasping for breath he broke their kiss, her snout trailing down his cheek to his neck, giving tender kisses and nibbles as she did so. "So, what-what happens now?" He gasped as she continued to affections.

"I was thinking, this is worthy of a celebration." She whispered, her voice tickling his ear.

Kael purred and his tail flicked from side to side in excitement. "I think I have some wine in my-"

"I don't want wine." She whispered softly.

Kael swallowed in his excitement, "how does a dragon celebrate?" He asked gingerly.

"Passionately." She said flatly and pushed him gently backwards and down. Taking her lead, he let go of her waist and placed his paw out behind him, feeling around for the ground as he bent his knees, his mouth now suddenly occupied by her invading tongue as she kissed him deeply.

He smiled as they fell the last few inches, sending him falling backwards into the nest with her on-top. His paws traced up her back and held her close against him, her smooth scales sliding against his soft fur like silk. Her strong thighs quickly straddled his own as he held her close, sitting up while her hands ran down his tunic, hastily unbuttoning his top while his hands caresses and gently ran over her breasts.

With his chest exposed she couldn't help but run her hands up his chest, slipping her fingers through his soft fur and moving herself down so she could meet her lips with his. His paws moving to his pants and frantically tugged at the buckle while she lifted her hips off him, with a satisfying click his belt came free. He could feel his shaft pressing hard against his fly as she slowly moved herself down his legs, tracing gentle kisses and nibbles on his pecs then his stomach and looked up to his eyes as she pulled his pants down. As his hard length sprung free, his smile broadening as she gave a soft gasp of surprise and moved her snout down to his groin.

With a paw on his shaft, she gently kissed the base of his prickly member, the memories of how his soft barbs stroked and ran over her sensitive walls caused her heart to race in excitement. "I want you, I want you inside me." She whispered between kisses on the side of his shaft, his scent and warmth making her heart swoon as his hands gently stroked her cheeks.

"I-I would like that, yes." He gasped incoherently as she gave his hard length a soft squeeze with her paw. Giggling at his reaction she slowly moved herself up, the paw leaving his shaft to move to her folds. With a moan she rubbed the puffy lips of her pussy, her slick arousal not holding back as her paw quickly became covered in her slippery juices.

Moving her glossy paw to his shaft once more, she quickly covered his barbed shaft in her liquid excitement. "Feel how wet you make me." She whispered and looked into his eyes as they became half lidded, groaning as her paw gently ran up and down his length, ensuring it was properly lubricated before lifting up and positioning his tip between her damp hot folds.

Kael's eyes opened and looked up to her smiling face as she paused, her eyes looking into his before looking down between them. Following her gaze, he received a front row view of his tapered shaft parting her puffy vent and slowly press into her body. Her vulva spreading around his shaft as inch after inch was swallowed up by her sopping wet slit.

"Oh! Oh gods!" He cried, his paws quickly moving to her hips for something to ground him as she lowered herself down his hard cock. Her pink slippery walls parting under the pressure of his tip as it slowly drove deep inside her. Her heart beating rapidly as she felt his girth stretch her just right, knowing that the real fun would come when his barbs raked her insides. And take they did, as she lifted, she felt the soft fleshy ridges cling to her velvet walls like a lost lover, her whole-body shuddering as she lifted a few inches and dropped herself down, hilting his shaft deep inside her.

"Nnnngh, fuck yes." She moaned and leaned forwards over him, her breasts gently swaying with every soft rock of her hips. His hard cock exploring every soft and sensitive fold of her tight body, every lift up caused her eyes to blink closed before dropping down and eyes going wide with the sudden fullness. His paws moving to support her breasts as they moved, his toes gently squeezing them in a tender caress while he leaned up to meet his mouth with his own.

Her silver hair flowing down past their faces, making it feel like they were in their own little world. She moaned into his kiss as she felt him rock his hips up to meet hers, the driving feel of his cock ploughing into her was perfectly attuned to her needs causing her heart to flutter. Breaking the kiss, she turned her head and gasped for air, his soft whiskers tickling her cheeks as he continued to devote kisses on her jaw and neck.

He tried to continue his kisses as she straightened up on top of him, his paws moving from her smooth tits to her hips as she rocked her hips on his, causing his shaft to run across different areas of her wet walls. Her expression of bliss as she slowly bounced up and down on his hard length, his eyes glancing down to between them, the sight of his red-pink shaft disappearing into her body again and again caused his heart to beat faster, his pleasure building as his cock scrubbed her walls with their soft barbs.

"Yesss." She gasped as she rode his breeding tool. "This-This is how I remember it." She added with her eyes closed and head thrown back to the cave ceiling. Her hips alternating between lifting and falling, sending his cock plunging deep into her depths and grinding back and forth with him fully sheathed inside her.

Breathless, Kael groaned out in pleasure as his cock was milked by her walls, every twitch and clench of her body causing shockwaves to run through his body. "Can I- Can we try something?" He groaned, struggling to formulate a sentence, her bright eyes looking down to him with a smile. When she nodded, he lifted his torso up, wrapping his arms around her shoulders before gently pulling her down into of him. With her held close, chest pressed against his, he guided them both over, so she was now on her back. His cock staying buried inside her the whole time as he adjusted his footing, moving his hands to beside her shoulders he lifted his toned body off of her, so his cock was the only part connecting them.

Aristeria gasped out when he withdrew slightly before droving his length back in, his mouth open in a desperate pant while he rocked his hips into hers. His eyes holding her gaze and smiling as he felt her tail between his thighs and her strong legs moving to wrap around his bum. Crossing her legs, she helped him thrust powerfully into her wet core. Every drive sending them reeling in pleasure together, leaning down he traced kisses along her collarbone and neck, smiling as he heard her gasp in ecstasy and her body clench hard.

"I'm close, I'm so close." She gasped in warning. He dug his hind claws into the nest to anchor him as he built in speed and power, every surge of his body moving her on the smooth floor slightly, her whole world rocking with every invasion of his tantalising member. His whiskers tickled her cheek as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear, his sweet words causing her breath to hitch as he spoke of how beautiful she was, how amazing she felt and how he was close to pumping another egg into her.

Her desperate wail cut through the air like a knife, her climax washing over her like a tidal wave, sending every nerve ending on fire and erasing the world around her. Her mind was awash with pleasure as he continued to drive into her spawning folds, every drive causing her breath to hitch, every withdraw of his barbs through her velvet walls causing her hands to grip his back the tighter.

His mouth opened in a warning that he was about to cum, she smiled as she saw his desperate look in his eyes and held him deep with her legs. With her walls still clenching and milking his shaft, her paws holding him close, and her chest pressed against his, he came undone. Her eyes flickered closed as she felt the first jet of hot seed shoot from his tip and paint her depths in his potent essence. "Yes!" She gasped as her body was claimed again by rope after rope of his cum. Every pulse and throb of his member was another fresh batch of his feline fluid that was then greedily milked from his cock and drawn deeper into her womb.

With a gasp of exhaustion, he opened his eyes and looked into hers, Aristeria's kind, welcoming eyes disarming him completely and he couldn't help but give a guilty smile. With his cock still held deep inside her he leaned forwards and kissed her tenderly before pulling back, slowly withdrawing his softening cock from her body. The final tug of his gentle barbs causing her to gasp a soft moan, the feeling of his mess still inside her making her heart swoon.

With a soft exhale, Kael rolled over to her side, his paw gently tracing her belly scales where his seed was doing its work again. "That, that was really good." He said softly, glancing towards the mouth of the cave he chuckled. "Although, I don't think I will be able to leave without your help."

Aristeria smiled and closed her eyes in bliss, enjoying his warm fur against her. "Who said anything about leaving."