A Place to Belong - Chapter 6

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#7 of Malakye's Story - Part 1 (A Place to Belong)

Here's chapter 6 of 'A Place to Belong.' This is the first true yiff scene. I apologise to all you M/M fans out there but this is a M/F scene, but don't worry as there will be M/M scenes later in the story.

As you may have noticed I'm posting pics at the top of each submission, each of them are a commission I've gotten from various artists of characters from the story and I'm still requesting more. If anyone fancies doing a picture or piece of fan-art from the story using any of the characters or place then they are welcome to do so, let me post the pics with the story and I'll give a link to your user-page when I use it.

All the pictures I've used so far and more are available to be viewed in my gallery with info on the relevant artists that drew them for me.

You may notice a few words have been highlighted and an explaination of what it is is given, these are words that only exist in this story and are there to help you understand whats happening, these descriptions only appear the first time they are used and won't appear in future chapters but soon I will be posting an encylopedia of sorts contain all of these word and more allowing you to discover many things about the world that may not even appear in the story. If you feel like I've missed a word then please let me know and I'll make sure to add it to the chapter and/or the encyclopedia for future reference.

Chapter 6

"Yeah, sure you don't!" Michael teased, giving me another nudge but he left it at that... I was very grateful.

In all truth, I honestly didn't see how anyone could be attracted to me. I definitely wasn't a wolf but because of my Wolf heritage I looked abnormal even by dragon standards... at least I thought so anyway. I tuned out the conversation around me and began to eat from the platters that had been supplied. Each one held a variety of foods, mostly meat based from some animal that I was not familiar with, garnished with boiled vegetables. I made a point of drinking the ale that was provided for me and somehow just as I finished a fresh batch of ale would arrive at our table. After my fifth mug of the ale I began to feel really...good. It's kind of hard to describe but I felt myself relax and for the first time in a while, possibly my whole damn life I didn't have a care in the world. I didn't care about the fact I was part wolf part dragon, didn't care about even hiding that fact from anyone. I didn't even care about the fact I had been run out of my old village, because at that moment, I was very happy. I had my friends around me and all of us we just talking and having a good time. There was plenty of food and no shortage of drinks, things were good. Even the ale began to taste really good, Jason had been right.

Suddenly the music changed from a pleasant, laid back, background noise to an in your face upbeat tune. I'd looked down to the floor below to see everyone begin to dance with one another, each one letting out either a hoot, whoop or a holler while clapping their hands in time to the music. I couldn't help but watch in amazement as the throng of bodies below us moved in time with each other. I was so enthralled at the sight my attention was only pulled from the sight when Michael plopped himself back down in the seat next to me, I hadn't even notice him get up. He gave me a playful wink and beaming smile before taking a large mouthful of ale.

"Enjoying the show?" He asked, his tone cheerful but with a hint of mischievousness to it.

"Yeah!" I replied, looking back down at the crowd who were still going full swing.

"Don't they have dancing back where you're from?" Michael asked curiously.

"Yeah I guess...but I was never allowed to join, or even watch for that matter." I said a little glumly.

"You've had a pretty hard life didn't cha kid? I can promise, Malakye that so long as you're with us we'll look after you and make sure you get to experience everything that you should!" he's smiling, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thanks...for everything."

"Oh, no need to thank me... not yet any ways."

"What do you mean?" I asked but he simply smiled and took his time to finish his mug of ale. Before he finished I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see that red Dragoness from before. She smiled at me and I felt my face flush.

"Hey there handsome. You wanna dance with me?" She asked with a grin. I felt my stomach tighten and tingle in nervousness.

"I...uh...don't know how to dance." I said sheepishly looking down at the mug of ale in my hand.

"That's all right, we don't gotta dance but I'd love it if you could keep me company." She said sweetly. I stayed silent for a moment too long. "What? Don't you wanna keep me company?"

"No...I mean yes! I..." I felt myself flush in embarrassment. My scales wouldn't show the fact that I was blushing but I felt as red as her scales looked. She laughed and gave my arm a squeeze.

"Don't worry about it Hun, come on. Let's go talk somewhere a little more private." She gave my arm a gentle but insistent pull and I looked to Michael who nodded at me and gave me a gentle nudge and that wink. I looked to Jason who had a huge know-it-all-smile on his face. They had set this up! Taking a deep breath I downed the last of my ale and stood up. The Dragoness led me by the paw across the way to the rooms on the other side of the building we had been sitting at. I gave another glance back at the table before I was lead into the room to see everyone watching me and Jason yelled out something that I couldn't make out over the noise within the tavern. The Dragoness brought me into the room and closed the door. It was a small and cosy room, plenty of space to move about in but small enough that you wouldn't be cold. It had a bed and chair in, but that was about it. I stood in the middle of the room doing my best not to look nervous.

"What's wrong hun? You nervous?" She asked. I guess I wasn't doing a good job at keeping my composure.

"Yeah." I said, looking at the floor and shuffling my feet.

"Well, don't be. I'm not gonna hurt a strapping young guy like yourself." She cooed moving up to me with a sultry swing of her hips till she pressed her body against mine. She only came up to my chest meaning I had to look down at her. "You know, you're very attractive." She cooed. "I'm sure you've had to fight the ladies away."

"No...not really..." I muttered feeling my face begin to flush again. "I've never..."

"Really?" She asked but it wasn't a mocking tone like I'd expected. It was one that suggested that she was actually surprised. What I didn't understand is why she was surprised. I wasn't attractive, I was a freak. "Well don't you worry hun, I'll look after ya. What's your name?"

"Mal...Malakye." I stuttered. "What's yours?"

"Mmm...my name is Rose." She whispered as she craned her neck and pecked me on the lips. I felt my face flush even hotter, if that were possible. Rose gave me a gentle push and I fell without resistance onto the bed. She climbed atop me, her skirt riding up to reveal her thighs as she straddled my waist.

"Now, why don't we get you out of these clothes so Rose can get a better look at ya." She tugged my poncho off over my head revealing my bandages. "Been in a fight lately Hun?" She asked to which I simply nodded. She leaned down and kissed me full on the lips and soon I actually found myself kissing her back. She let out a small moan her hands began to explore my chest and abdomen, her fingers trailing over and around each of my muscles. I began to relax and felt a surge of confidence from her touch and moved my hands to her thighs and slipped them under her skirt. I began to massage her thighs thoroughly, enjoying the feeling of her legs in my hands. She moaned once more as I caressed her legs and I felt her tongue trace across my lips. I parted my lips slightly, as if on instinct and she wasted no time in slipping her tongue into my maw. Her tongue traced the roof of my mouth as if tasting me before entangling with my own. The sensation was exhilarating. I couldn't get enough of her taste. She tasted...ironically enough like roses. Not literally, but it was the best way to describe it. She pulled away from the kiss and sat up and I panted heavily as I remembered for the first time in a while to actually breath.

She looked down at me lustily before lifting her blouse up over her head revealing her breasts to me. I felt my crotch tingle at the sight. She grasped both my hands which were still caressing her thighs, and lifted them to her breasts where I gave a gentle squeeze. She moaned softly which made me feel that surge of courage once again and I gave her breasts a more forceful squeeze. She threw her head back and moaned loudly as my hands explored her breasts. I didn't even notice until I felt her grasp my cock that I was hard, almost painfully so.

"Mmm...looks like you're enjoying this." She whispered seductively, stroking my cock, making me gasp in pleasure. "You're a good kisser. It's been a while since I had someone kiss me like that. Most males just jump straight to it and get it over with. But since it's your first time, it's only right we do this proper. I'm gonna teach you how to treat a woman right." She stood up, and with a few skilled movements reached behind herself tugging at her clothing and stood still as it fell away to the floor, pooling at her feet. My eyes widened as I took in her naked form, the moonlight that filtered in through the lone window behind her complimented her subtle curves as it silhouetted her, making it difficult to make out her face in the low light but her eyes seemed to glow brilliantly. Her amber eyes, looking down at me lustfully sending sparks of excitement through my very soul. Apart from my loin cloth which didn't cover much now that I was at full mast, I was completely exposed to her. She kneeled between my legs and traced her talons over my thigh making me moan at the sensation it caused. She took deep breathes as she breathed in my scent, her nose mere inches away from my cock and murred seductively before licking the length of my cock. Her tongue was like fire against my sensitive cock and I couldn't help but throw my head back against the soft feather filled mattress of the bed and moan loudly, not caring about anything else but the sensations coursing through my body. Before I was even able to speak, after she had finished licking me from based to tip again, I felt my cock being taken into her maw. My body shuddered at that, however hot her tongue had felt it was nothing in comparison to her maw around my cock. She began to bob her head and each time she would take more of me into her mouth.

My mind was mush by the time she had taken half of my length into her maw, unable to string words together to form sentences, hell, I was barely able to form words. As she bobbed her head up and down my cock she always stopped a second at its tip to give it a good suck before making her way back down. Her tongue all the while had rubbed itself along my cock, finding all the sweet spots that only increased my unconditional pleasure.

I could already feel the impending climax begin to build; it started as a tingle in my balls but slowly climbed up my length. I tried to warn her, but I wasn't able to speak... I did though, manage to call out her name in between my moans of pleasure but this only made her try harder. She sucked harder and began to massage my balls... that was all it took. I roared, not caring about who heard me as I came in her mouth. My hands grasped at her head instinctively to hold her in place, but such action was unnecessary as she gulped down my load, mouthful after mouthful, sucking harder and harder each time as if desperate for my cum.

By the time she was done my cock had been sucked dry and was now extremely sensitive. I almost had to pry her off as I could no longer take the intense sensation of her maw. My cock was so sensitive that her eager sucking was so intense it was almost painful but I only seemed to get harder despite having just cum moments before. When I finally managed to get her to release my cock I just lay there, panting, as if I had just ran several miles without stopping. She crawled up my body and pressed her lips to mine. Her tongue found its way into my mouth and I murred at her taste once again. This time though, there was more to it, an underlying saltiness that complimented her taste... it took me a few moments to realise that I was tasting my cum in her mouth. I felt my cock twitch at the realisation, and I found myself kissing her harder. After a god knows how long she forced us to break the embrace.