
Story by Jalendragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Coal Black

The second installment in Coal Black. I think I did a lot better this time, but it took me longer. Whereas the first chapter poured out of me in a matter of hours, this took almost a whole day. I think the extra effort increased the quality quite a bit. Still need to work on making it longer.

Inspired by a scenario with my dear friend Vishki, upon who's characters Coal Black and Richard are based.

Remember, don't read this if you're under legal age in your region, yada yada...

Coal Black: Pawns

There was a thump above, then a loud knocking at the door of the elevator car. "Is anyone in there?" a voice called out. "We're going to get the door open..."

Officer James Roberts, or Jimmy as he was known around the precinct, was a rather average guy. Dalmatian of OK build, regular routine every day, lots of paper to push. The city of Danvers was a quiet place compared to most with a population of four hundred and thirty thousand; far enough inland to avoid bad weather and quakes, young enough to avoid bad crime and organized gangs, small enough to feel tight knit, all while still being a rather bustling metropolis in its own right. Some of the buildings dated back to the frontier days, like this one. Sometimes old things failed and his team got called in to observe the fire department haul someone out of a broken elevator. Routine. Safe. Normal.

Today was anything but normal as the rescue worker cracked open the door to the car stuck between floors. He was assaulted by the smell of sex. Man sex. Semen was pooled beneath the knees of a large rhinoceros male who was half naked, pants around his ankles, shirt ruined, face a mess. He was still pumping seed from his bare shaft, staring longingly at the roof of the car with tears in his eyes. No, this was anything but normal and he knew it from the start. "Get me hazmat," he murmured into his radio. He and the three other officers, as well as the two fire and rescue guys just... stared. That was Richard Reynolds, one of the biggest lawyers in the state. If this got out to the media...

"Bridges, get a perimeter set up. Anders, make sure the building management doesn't leak this. Vedlosk, go contact Reynolds, Johnson, Jennings and Young and let them know we've found their missing partner, then get down to security and see if we can find the camera recordings. This just became a crime scene."

The melanistic leopard, Bridges, got up from her crouch with a disgusted look on her face. She made her way down the stairs to get tape to set up the barrier. Josh Anders, a rather no-nonsense mouse male, followed close behind, stopping at the management's office. Yuri Vedlosk, a rather stocky husky in red and white fur, gave a quick nod of his own and grabbed the working elevator. Even if the situation was not routine, at least he could count on his subordinates...

Deep in the security office, a black cock pulled from the mouth of a young fox tod, newly made and in much the same state as the rhino in the elevator. The new male was furiously stroking himself, splattering seed across the floor in volumes not normally seen in even the healthiest of males. His maw was open, his ill fitting clothes pooled around his shoulders or hanging off his hips... he didn't even notice when the skunk grabbed the DVD from the security system and started the destruction.

What he did notice, however, was twenty minutes later when a stocky husky in police uniform walked in... only to step into the mess on the floor and slip. The male dog ended up with his face in a pool of mixed fox and skunk spunk. The tod, who couldn't even remember his own name despite "Jennifer" being on the plackard at the desk and the brass plate on his uniform, giggled at the husky, who was quickly back pedaling, unconsciously licking his lips clean of the viscous goo painting them.

A cloud of contentment and arousal began to fog the dog's brain, his pants tenting as he keeps backpedaling. Without a word, the husky left, running to the bathroom up the hall. What was this feeling? His mind was saying one thing, while his body was doing another. Cock. That's what his body said. Cock. Cock. Dick. Seed. An image of his Lieutenant with his fly open wafted through his head. The disgust was instant and it made him recoil when he noticed his hand already flying over his shaft. When did he unzip his fly? "Jimmy," he moaned before doubling over the sink. The image of the dalmatian changed. It wasn't a dalmatian any more. It was a skunk. Dark as coal still in the mine.

His fingers flew, his cock pulsed. He sunk down to his knees and moaned as in his mind he was stuck between the skunk and his "El Tee". Both of their shafts were at his face, both of them demanding to be licked, sucked, worshiped. They were stroking with him. If he got off, he'd get his reward! He could taste their flesh, he needed it... craved it. So it was no real surprise when the now naked fox's angry, throbbing cock was slipped into his open mouth. The husky's dark fleshed organ nearly exploded as heaven entered his maw in the form of an uncut pink length. Nothing else mattered right now, nothing but cock. The one cock, Coal cock...

With a desperate moan, he lost himself. Seed erupted from his shaft all over the bare paws of the fox who he was blowing. A fox who, despite having just made a mess of himself, was climaxing with him. Musk was on the air, as well as wisps of black smoke that filtered through the airducts, tickling the two males as they lost themselves to each other...

Nearly an hour later the rhinoceros was free of the elevator, cleaned up, and the hazmat team had samples. They were taking the testimony of the fox, who was now calling himself Jake. He kept looking over at Yuri, who had come to with his mouth around the former vixen's prick. Both of them felt horribly embarrassed and despite both of them wanting to tell what happened between them, something kept their tongues silent on the matter. Jake was quite happy, however, to speak about the skunk who did this. What he saw on the screen, what happened when he tried to call the police upstairs, how it felt to be under the otherworldly thrall of the skunk... his words not only were getting to Yuri, but to Dick as well, who kept his eyes firmly locked on Jake the whole time.

It was in the ambulance, heading to the hospital, that both Jake and Dick had a moment to speak. "So," the rhino asked nervously. "You were Jenny... the guard..." the response was a somewhat tense nod. "And... he... got you too..." The normally boisterous rhinoceros was reduced to trepidation and uncertainty. He had just been raped, in an elevator! At least, that's what the cops said. But he knew better. He knew he wanted it. He wanted it and all it took was a few words from the skunk to make him want it even more.

"Yeah, he did," the tod replied, glancing to the side. "I don't know... one moment I was alone, the next, the most wonderful musk filled the air." Dick just nodded dumbly, knowing words couldn't describe the scent. What it did to him.

"Yes, his scent. His musk," the rhino replied. "I couldn't get enough. I couldn't taste enough," he says, averting his eyes. Just the memory was enough to have his loins rise.

"Cock." The tod 's hand came to his mouth and he looked horrified.

"His cock..." the rhino agreed.

Both males just stared at each other for a long, heavy moment. The driver was too busy to notice the two of them leaning across the collapsed gurney and kissing long and slow. He was also too busy to notice that in short order, the fox was between the rhino's knees. He missed the mischievous grin shared between the two males. He missed the fox making the entirety of the rhino's shaft vanish. The nurse, however, did not miss it when the ambulance rolled to a stop at Central Hospital and she found the rhino mid climax within the fox's muzzle with seed running down the vulpine's chin.

She screamed, a sound the carried through the busy streets of mid day Danvers. Not even this interrupted the two; who finished moments and seemed to come back to their senses, both backpedaling across the space. They turned to stare at the Nurse, then shared a sheepish glance together. The ambulance was locked in the garage and the two men were escorted to separate rooms for further examinations.

Yuri wasn't feeling right. During the clean up, during the... event... everything had been so clear. But now? Now he felt lost. Off duty, he found himself wandering towards the industrial side of town, the one scar on the otherwise clean image the city tried to put forth. His car rolled through streets lined with houses built in the early 40s, brick and rusted steel and sagging wood. Some looked nice, others were abandoned with the windows knocked out. The houses gave way suddenly to an industrial park, towering cranes, elevators, pipes and equipment... then back to ramshackle homes. A sudden warehouse, a grocery in an otherwise abandoned strip center... then homes again. What was he doing here? His worried face melted when he tried to think on it too hard. His pants tented and he shuddered. "Cock," he murmured, turning down one more lonely street lined with old trees. He founds himself stopped at a dead end. Before him was an abandoned warehouse, the chain link gate open.

The car door slammed, showing the bulge in his khaki slacks and a dark spot spreading. What was he doing here? He asked himself again. A tiny voice in his head responded, "finding the cock." Once more confusion crossed his face. That's not right. He needed to get home, his ex was bringing the kids over. For a long moment he froze mid step. Ex... something in thinking about her made him feel off. Why? What was wrong? A wisp of black smoke floated from the warehouse and caressed his nose. Oh yeah, no cock, that's why.

By the time he realized what he was doing, Yuri was at the door of the warehouse. More tendrils of black were wafting from the cracked door, musk invading his sense of smell. The tent in his jeans grew all the tighter as he pushed the door open, to find the warehouse quite empty at first. Another rush, more wisps, a beckoning whisper... His face broke into a grin as he padded deeper into the apparently bare building. A trap door in the floor, a heave of muscle and effort, and he was in!

Down he went, down into a sub-basement. There were more voices now, happy voices... and the musk. That musk. The musk he fell into in the building earlier that day. As the cop turned the corner into an open doorway, he found his vulpine partner from that morning slowly thrusting into the upturned ass of a muscular rhino... a lawyer with new imperatives, new needs.

But most of all, there was the Cock. A naked ebon spire, slick with its own pre, wafting small wisps of smokey musk from its flesh. Attached to it was a skunk. A skunk so beautifully male and strong, he could not help himself. Yuri took a step, then another, and another. Before he could form a coherent thought he was on his knees with his cool nose pressed against hot balls.

"That's a good boy... little Jake here told me all about how you found my seed and my note." a black hand, silky fur, pads... they brushed over his head. The canine gave a moan and started to unbutton his own shirt. His nose snuffled about those heavy orbs, the sac his focus, his obsession of the moment. The skunk's tail flicked lightly, black wisps of his otherworldly musk floating on the air to taint the noses of not just his new canine toy, but his rhino and fox too.

"I... I need..." Yuri whispered softly, almost a whine.

"I know," the gentle voice of the skunk coaxed. "you need Cock. My Cock. Your one Cock. Isn't that right?" The dog whined in response.

Yes! He thought. His eyes looked up, full of need, of desire. Without prompting, he dragged his tongue along those balls and up the underside of that shaft. "Then say it, say you will have my Cock before all others."

The skunk grips the back of the addled officer's head. "ah, not with words... but with your mouth." The dog nods, then brings his lips to the tip of that cock. He knows what he has to do. A single firm suckle of the foreskin is his yes. "Say that you love cock above all else," the skunk intones again, lower this time as he felt the male bending to his will. Another suck. It wasn't like Dick, no. This boy knew without being told.

A shudder ran through the black creature before a sigh left his lips. "And another one rises. Remove your clothes, boy, and take up your position."

Yuri was quick to comply, fumbling with his sloppy pants. He was so horny, he needed his Cock so bad. His place on the bottom of the pack was clear in his mind as he finally tore the button off and ripped the seams around the fly. He discarded his pants, then turned. His hands met the cool, concrete floor and his tail curled up over his back. Knees spread, hips lifted to the air, a low whine left his lips.

Cock... the word slammed into his mind, though it was but a whisper.

The skunk stood, palming that dog's upturned ass. A finger caressed into the cleft under the tail. A dark pad rubbed across that puckered ring.

Cock! The word echoed silently through Yuri's head. His ass flexed once, pucker gripping at the digit. His hand wrapped around his own organ, no extra skin to be had as he stroked the glans, then down over his unswollen knot. He looked over his shoulder at the skunk. All his doubts were gone as the coal black monster slowly settled behind him and leaned forward. A kiss was placed upon his ring.

COCK! The husky howled as pleasure rolled through his body and a wet splatter of canine pre hit the floor. He was so hard it hurt, but still, all he could do was stroke. Tongue, tongue on his ring, tongue caressing his flesh, sending fire burning through his body like it was the inside of a coal mine. A happy howl left his lips and he pushed back into the skunk's lips.

A knowing smirk slipped over the large male's face, a smirk that melted into a blissful mask as he shifted upward and placed his organ's tip at the ready husky's hole. The fox and the rhino stopped thrusting to climax, groaning as they came as one. The pleasure they exuded could be felt. Their musk could be smelled on the air. This was all Yuri knew as Cock was given.

A happy yip escaped his lips as ebon flesh sunk into slicked pink hole. His ring was stretched with agonizing slowness, gut filling with heat like he had never known. The fire in his belly grew, turning from a smoldering heat to a blinding inferno. He shoved back, trying to fit more of that impossible cock into his backside. It felt so good! More black smoke wafted past his nose as the skunk sank deeper, inch after throbbing inch.

Every inch was remaking him, burning him from the inside and leaving behind nothing but his desire for cock. The Cock. That Cock. When the skunk finally pressed to Yuri's backside, grinding into that ass and rubbing his balls to the dog's, it was all the canine needed. His knot swelled and thin seed erupted all over the floor.

The Rhino and fox were sitting back, watching as the skunk plowed their newest member into his new life. Yuri's ass was palmed by those warm paws, his back caressed as the skunk found support. The thrusting grew faster, more impassioned as the dog felt his guts stretched by the thick slab of meat. Over and over again, slamming into his ass, drilling into his core. The dog came again, splattering the floor with semen... more this time. Richer in musk, more like the skunk plowing him.

His lips pulled into a snarl as he finally found the will to clamp down on the invader, leaving the skunk to shudder, then groan. The first eruption of seed was a cleansing fire, like thick molten lava burning through his core. The next rush of seed fills more of his belly, adding to the slight swell made by the skunk's cock. His whole world was upside down... all of his desires, all of his inclinations turning towards this one moment, this one act.

The husky cop would never be the same.

The aftermath was rather uneventful. Jake and Dick were snuggled up on an old mattress, one that was probably clean earlier that morning, but now was stained from their repeated lovemaking. Fucking, a tiny voice in Yuri's head whispered, correcting him. That's right. Fucking. The word was pleasurable to think about, it made his well used ass sing. He was laying with his head in his alpha's lap. His alpha's seed drying on his thigh. His alpha's scent in his nose... But though the skunk was his new alpha, it was truly the cock that ruled him.

A content sigh escaped the skunk's lips as he looked up at the concrete ceiling, thinking to himself. Pawns had their uses, but knights and bishops to spread the word, that was what he truly needed, what he was making of these men. Just a few more pieces, and he would be set to respond to the next move.

For now, the creature called Coal Black contently murmured, "I won again. Your move, my friend," before dozing off with the canine's nose resting against his balls..