A Collared Love

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#1 of A Dragon's Wolf

The is hopefully the first chapter of a series based on the RPs between me and Shadow Duskpaw

I have his permission to post this and the rest of the series.

I hope you all enjoy.

The large dragon walked into one of his usual hangouts, a place for people to get together and socialize, and even have a little fun with each other. He looked around the room, eyeing the occupants, looking for anyone he knew. His eyes focused on a lone black wolf, semi-sleeping on a couch. He made his way through the crowd toward the wolf, and leaned over the back to stare down at the smaller male.

"Hey Shadow!" the dragon says happily.

"Hey, Sky." Shadow replies sleepily, giving a yawn afterwards.

"Sleepy, huh? Did you just wake up or were you tired?" Sky asks.

"I just woke up." Shadow answers while rubbing his eyes.

"Oh? I hope it was a good rest." Sky says as he smiles down upon the black wolf.

"Yeah, I guess so." Shadow giggles as he returns the smile.

"Well, that's good. So, how are you today on this nice Friday?" Sky asks as he moves around to sit next to Shadow.

"Pent up..." Shadow replies as he puts on a playful, innocent face while looking at Sky.

Sky smirks at the response, before saying, "Maybe I could help with that?"

Shadow smiles at this and says with a giggle, "Really? Well, you can get yourself off using me, and that would get me off."

Sky grins widely at Shadow as he speaks, "Oh, such a vague answer wolfie, but I like the sound of that. How about we start with a nice kiss and work our way to the more luscious fun."

Once he finishes speaking, Sky makes to grab Shadow in his strong arm and start a deep kiss. However, Shadow stops him and shakes his head no. "How about the more fun stuff, then work our way down to kisses and cuddles."

Sky frowns at this, but goes along with it with a smile. "Oh fine. What would you prefer then? Want a taste, or just go straight for your tailhole?"

Shadow simply replies with a laugh and says, "Tailhole."

"Oh, no foreplay at all?" Sky questions with a raised eye ridge. He then smirks and says, "Interesting, this will be fun." Sky quickly removes both of their clothes, leaving them bare and their raging erections visible. He then proceeds to align Shadow's tailhole with the tapered head of his cock.

"Ready for another ride, wolfie?" Sky asks with a grin as he lowers Shadow onto the head and pulls him down.

"Mmm, don't go easy on me this time big guy. I want a real riiiiide...." the small wolf lets out a moan of pleasure at feeling the tip of the dragon's cock enter his tail hole.

"Oh, pup wants a rough dragon ride?" Sky chuckles amusingly, "Just remember, you asked for it." He lifts the wolf up so just the tip of his obsidian behemoth remains inside. Sky then proceeds to shove Shadow down while thrusting his hips up, assaulting the wolf with his size, ridges, and barbs. With his knot still unformed, Sky hilted within the second.

The sudden fullness caused Shadow to scream in pleasure, his tight and warm inner walls ravaged by the hard, twelve inch dragon cock. Even though the behemoth's size was too much for the wolf to suddenly take, he only begged for more, wishing to feel all that the dragon could give to someone of his smaller size.

"Yes, that's it. Scream, and beg for more." Sky chuckles with a pleased smirk. The dragon starts a rhythm to his thrusts, hard and fast right off the bat. A small growl escapes his snout as he enjoys the feel of the wolf's insides and his cries for more.

"Fuuuuck, this is what I neeeeeeded...." Shadow cries out as he wrapped his arms around the dragon's neck. He gasps for air from each of the powerful thrusts into his body, but still weakly begs for more, wanting to fill everything Sky could give him.

"Don't worry pup, I've still got more to give you." the dragon chuckles. Sky increases the speed and force behind his thrusts, punishing the wolf's tailhole even more as his knot begins to form. As he thrusts into the willing wolf, an idea pops into the dragon's mind.

"I got a question for ya wolfie. Care to take this to the skies? Maybe add to the thrill with a nice freefall?" he asks the wolf while easing up on the pounding.

"G-go ahead Sky... Take me to the limit big guy..." Shadow replies as he moans softly into Sky's rayed ear to tease him.

"Well, prepare for a nice, rough, flying fuck wolfie." Sky says with a smile as he holds the wolf close and squats down, spreading his wings wide. He then jumps and shoots into the air, flying up at an incredible speed while holding the wolf safely. Once he reaches an appropriate altitude, he stops, using his wings to hover in the air.

"I wonder," Sky began, "would this be your first free fall fuck? Or did the other dragons do the same?" he inquired, knowing that Shadow has been with other dragons besides himself.

Shadow had his eyes closed tight the whole time, hiding his face in Sky's chest to avoid seeing the height they were at. "I-its n-new t-to me... I am n-not one f-for high places..." he trials off in his fright.

Sky smiles down warmly at the wolf in his arms as he speaks, "Well, I can't say this will help that, but maybe the adrenaline rush you get will make up for it. I was thinking of flying around for a bit after this, let you see the ground from a new vantage with a dragon that'll keep you safe."

Shadow nods to Sky as he chances a look down, gasping as he sees how high they are. "Oh dear god don't drop me..." he says as he tightly hugs the dragon's neck and shivers, forgetting the large member impaling his tailhole.

The shivering brings a moan from the dragon's maw, the wolf's walls caressing his shaft as he is hugged. "You really think I would do something cruel like that? Though I guess a free fall even with me here won't be much different, aside from not hitting the ground, HARD. You don't need to worry pup, I promise that I'll keep you close," Sky pauses for moment to pump his cock into the wolf once before he continues, "and see if you can take my knot this time."

The pump of the large shaft causes Shadow to gasp and moan. "I-i can't take a dragon's knot... It would kill me big guy... But you can always let it rain down underneath us. The wolf stutters before giggling at his own joke and winking playfully at Sky.

The large dragon chuckles deeply at the wolf's proposal before speaking, "Oh, I bet you could, just need a little more practice and stretching. Too bad though, it'd make cuddling during the flight later a lot more intimate." He pauses to let a grin speed on his snout, "Well, ready for your first free fall fuck to Earth?"

Shadow nods slowly and speaks with a small stutter, "I-i think I am ready..."

"Awesome pup." was all Sky said as his body lurched back, letting his wings splay around the wolf as they begin their fall. "Here we go" Sky says as he resumes his earlier thrusting, rebuilding the hard and fast rhythm from before.

Shadow gasps and moans from the rapid fucking as the sheer power of the thrusts draws him ever so closer to cumming all over himself and the dragon's belly.

Because of how his body was falling, Sky was still able to hear the wolf even over the rush of air around them. "That's it pup, keep moaning, it's music to my ears." the dragon says as he increases his thrusts' force and speed even more, his knot fully formed outside of the wolf, preventing a tie.

Shadow screams in pleasure, his little wolfy cock begins shooting stream after stream of cum all over his and the dragon's bellies. Sky groans hard and loud as he feels the wolf's inner wall pulse with his climax around his thrusting cock. This causes the dragon to increase his thrusting even more, as he was so close to the edge.

The dragon's continued thrusting causes Shadow to groan, drawing his breath short. "P-pull out and cum big guy... I can't take this anymore... I am at my limit..." the wolf breakingly says.

"So...Am... I!" Sky pants out between his thrusts as he finally climaxes. He pulls his pulsing meat out, letting the cum shoot and fly off in all directions. Sky hugs Shadow close and cartwheels around so that they are hovering once more, his cum falling down onto those unfortunate enough to be under him.

Shadow looks over his shoulder and giggles as he watches the dragon cum fall to the earth below. "Some people will be so lucky to get a free shower." he says softly as he kisses Sky's neck gently.

Sky also looks down and says, "Yep, a nice, white, and sweet-tasting shower. Now then," he pauses, puffing out his chest to bounce Shadow off of it so he can turn him around so they were back-to-chest. He then sensually sucks on the wolf's neck before saying, "How about that flight I promised you?"

Shadow answers by growling softly and nuzzling back into the strong dragon. He looks down at the ground below as he says, "Mmm, I would love that..."

"Perfect!" Sky says happily. He starts flying slowly in a specific direction known to him but not the wolf: his house. The slow flight allows Shadow to see the city's brilliant lights below. "How's the view from above pup?" Sky askes while looking at the wolf in his arms, watching how the wind flows through his fur.

The wolf lays there in Sky's arms, watching as they fly above the city with a bit of shock and awe, his tail gently wrapping around the dragon cock to tease and to warm its length up a bit. "It is... Beautiful... I have never seen the city like this..." he stammers out.

Sky growls softly as the wolf's tail teases him and keeps his cock hard. He re-positions his cock so it rests in-between Shadow's cheeks, over his stretched hole. "Yeah, the next best thing to this would be in an airplane. But then you'd miss the full view and warm body hugging you." He says as he continues the flight.

Shadow gives off a soft moan as he slides his hips up and down to gently rub the dragon's member with his rear. "Guess you have a point there... This view is amazing. Not to mention having a big, sexy dragon hold me like this makes it all the better." he says.

The dragon growls deeply in pleasure from Shadow's rubbing and smirks at the comment before saying, "I would hope so, or I'd be doing a horrible job as a host. What do ya say to a little light show of our own?"

Shadow's ears perk at the suggestion. He looks up at Sky with a tilted head as he asks, "What do you mean big guy?"

"Well, more fire than light show. I told you before that my fire was a blue and yellow color, I though since we're up here safe from anything catching fire I could show you the beauty of it. Plus, I promised before I wouldn't light you up, not that I'd want to harm such a sexy, little wolfie like you." Sky replies.

The wolf giggles and presses himself against the dragon's chest, the dragon cock pressing into his rear as well, then shifts side-to-side a bit getting comfy as well as to tease you. "Mmm, go ahead then big guy. Show me your fire show."

Sky growls at the sensations running through his cock as Shadow presses closer into him. "Awesome, this show's for you, and any others down below that happen to look up." he jokes as he inhales some air, puffing his chest out. Sky contracts the sacks in his chest that hold his flammable liquid, making it shoot through the tubes and out of his mouth as he exhales deeply. The liquids mix and explode into brilliantly colorful flames before the wolf's eyes. Sky turns his head in different directions, shooting fire everywhere, alternating between streams of fire and large fireballs that glow in the sky around them before dissolving.

Shadow lays there, eyes wide, and shutters a bit from the show. "Oh wow... That's so cool..."

"I know right?" Sky says nostalgically to the wide-eyed wolf in his arms as the fire vanishes around them.

Shadow looks down back at the city below for a moment, then looks back at Sky. "Are we going to land anytime soon big guy?" he tilt his head slightly with a smile looking into the dragon's ever-changing eyes.

Sky pouts as Shadow says those words. "Aww, so soon you want down. I was hoping to take this back home for some more fun." he tells the wolf in his arms.

Shadow simply shrugs. "You can take me to your house if you want, just I need to get the feeling of my legs back whenever we land."

Sky's mood instantly perks up that comment. "Sweet! Prepare for max speed then pup." he say both evilly and joyfully as he kicks up the speed to insane levels, rocketing to his house. The sudden burst of speed makes Shadow shield his head with his arms, whimpering slightly at the fast speeds, not liking it one bit. Sky notices the wolf's fright at the flying's speed, not blaming him for it since it was fast, though not his real maximum. The dragon moves his arms and head slightly, covering the wolf as best possible.

Finally, the dragon lands just in front of his house, skillfully using an expert spin to eliminate all the built-up momentum to avoid harming himself or the wolf. "We're here." He tells the wolf softly, licking Shadow's ear to get his attention. Shadow opens my eyes slowly and look around, then looks to Sky's house and hop downs to gently begin rubbing his legs to get the feeling back within them. "Did you really have to do that big guy? Seems a bit mean..."

Sky sticks my long tongue out, "Sorry, got a bit excited there." He watches the wolf rub his legs as he moves his tail back and forth, which was holding their discarded clothes. The dragon walks over to the front door and opens it with the key. "Would you like to come inside, or stay outside naked?" he asked jokingly.

Shadow giggles and slowly walks to Sky with a smile. "Inside please..." he answers.

The dragon watches as the naked wolf walks by and through the door. He then follows and closes it behind him and locks it. Before Shadow can get too far to see anything, Sky playfully covers the wolf's eyes and says, "No you don't, first sight for you will be either the living room, bedroom, or the basement's 'play area'. Take your pick, wolfie."

The wolf placed his paws atop of Sky's own with and with a giggle says, "I need a bit of a break so the living room for now. Ok, big guy?"

"Alright, I could go for a drink anyways. How 'bout you pup?" Sky asks as he leads Shadow into the living room. The room was standard, but also sharp-looking. An expensive couch and love seat set flanked by tables holding up large lamps that were on, putting the room in a perfect setting for the night, and a large TV set hanging above a fireplace. Sky places the wolf on the couch and hurries off to the kitchen to not keep his guest waiting long.

Shadow smiles and nuzzles into the couch, getting comfy as he says with a giggle, "What would you have to drink big sexy?"

"Oh, just about anything you could want really." the dragon answers from the kitchen, rustling through the many drinks and food in the fridge. "Would you like a snack too? Must be a bit hungry from our mating, I know I am. Course dragons usually are, so, ya know." he jokes a bit.

The wolf thinks for a moment before replying, "Hmmm... I know this is a bit random, but do you got, like a lemonade Amp energy drink? I know it has a lot of sugar but I can burn that off from a night of fun. As for a snack... um... something that won't make me fat, like fruit?"

Sky thinks for a bit on your words before he replies, "You're right, that is a bit random, but I just so happen to have one left that my friend didn't get to." Sky grabs the drink as well as a bottle of coke for himself and closes the fridge. He walks over to the waist-high counter and grabs two bananas and two apples for snacks. He walks back and sits down beside the wolf. "Here's your drink, and take your pick of the snacks."

Shadow giggles and takes his drink and looks at the fruit. "That is an... odd choice of fruit you picked there." he says with a smile and looks up at the dragon with a playfully raised brow.

Sky chuckles a bit as he got the reaction he knew he'd receive, "Hey, they were the quickest things I could grab. I like to have them out for easy access. I told you dragons eat a lot." He busies himself by sitting his drink down and tossing one of the apples into the air, catching it between his fangs before crushing it and chomping on the juicy bits.

The wolf grins as an idea pops in his head and takes a banana, peeling it, and slowly taking the full length into his maw down into his throat, adding a a soft, gentle moan to tease the dragon.

Sky smirks as he also got the action he knew the sexy, femboii wolf would do with the banana. He grins at the wolf watching the lewd show, enjoying it greatly. "How'd I know a sexy wolfie like you'd pull a stunt like that. Such a tease you are." he jokes as he opens his bottle of coke and drinks from it.

Shadow quietly swallows the banana whole with a giggle, "You know me so well. Besides, I like doing that kind of stuff." He open his amp and takes a small sip from it.

"Knowing someone is easy when you have a sixth sense of empathy. It's got its ups and downs, but makes things easier I guess." Sky tells the other male before grabbing the other banana to avoid a repeat performance. He squeezes it so that the banana pops out and into the air, falling right into his maw, crushing it to bits just like the apple.

"Are you calling me easy?" Shadow retorts and looks at the bigger male with a sideways look and crosses his arms.

The dragon looks at the wolf and smirks a bit, "For an empath, everyone is like an open book. It can't be helped wolfie, emotions don't lie." He reaches his paws out to his soda and the remaining apple. He takes another sip while offering the apple to Shadow.

Shadow slowly takes the offered apple and gently runs his tongue over its red surface, then takes a bite out of it with a giggle. He then grabs his drink and takes another small sip from it.

"So, care for some tv, or something different?" Sky asks, tossing Shadow the remote as he leans back, relaxing on the soft couch.

The wolf blinks and looks at the remote, "I don't know what to watch. I don't watch much tv." He looks at Sky as he finishes the apple and sits its core on the table.

"Really," Sky starts, snatching the apple core and tossing it in his hungry maw. "What would you care for instead? Conversation? Tour? Anything you want since you're the guest."

Shadow grabs his drink with a smile and a shrug, "A tour sounds lovely."

Sky stands and walks over to Shadow, offering a paw to help him up. "Want to start with the kitchen, or skip it and the plain dining room and head up or down the stairs?"

The wolf looks up at Sky with a smile, "A tour is a tour. It is everything, no matter how lame or common a room may be."

The larger male smiles down at him, "True, but some tours only show what's good or relevant. We shall start with the kitchen, then the dining room. After that you can choose up or down for the next floor."

Shadow gives a simple nod, "Ok then, lead the way big guy."

Sky walks over to the hole in the wall, connecting the living room with the kitchen. As the wolf walks in too, Sky continues a bit before spinning and spreading his arms. "This is my kitchen. Waist-high counters, well waist-high for me anyways, large stainless steel fridge/freezer full of food, nice wood cabinets, an island. So, what ya think?"

"Seems about right for a single male dragon I would think... There is no cuteness or style to it, but it's alright. Needs a girly touch to the place I think." Shadow says with a giggle, then sips his drink once more.

"Hey, I ain't the best with style and matching, just ask my mother and sister. Perhaps you could give me some pointers later? Anyways, off to the dining room." Sky shouts, walking to another hole for the dining room.

The wolf stands for a brief moment to look around and then quickly follows Sky. "Coming."

The dragon strolls along, walking in and around the table. "This is the dining room. As you can guess, it's not used much. Large table for ten in the middle, large stand full of fine china to the side there, some pictures every so often, large window to show the backyard. It ain't useful for a single dragon."

"I agree... Well, not much to this room... Let's head upstairs." Shadow sips his drink again as he runs a finger along the table to check for dust.

Sky looks at the finger, judging Shadow's thinking from emotions and facial gestures. "I have a maid that comes in every week to clean the house, it may have some dust since she's not set for two more days." He walks past the wolf, running a finger of his own over the wolf's chest, before walking through the holes to the living room again, and past it toward to double stairs.

Shadow blushes slightly with a smile, "Sky, before that, is there a bathroom here on this floor or a master bath upstairs?"

Sky continues his stride, yelling back at the other male. "Of course, there's one here by the stairs. Come on."

Shadow quickly steps inside the bathroom giving a quick look around before he does anything further. While the wolf is inside, Sky waits on the stairs for the sexy wolf to finish. Shadow steps out with a happy sigh a few minutes later. "Much better.... Now, on we go."

The dragon jumps up and continues up the stairs. He reaches the top and opens the first door on the right. "Here we have my library, just a small collection of books I've taken a fancy to." he says, looking in the room that was lined with books, with two reclining chairs for comforted reading.

Shadow takes little interest and simply walks by with a giggle. "Ewww books, lame... Next room!"

"Don't knock it til you try it. I was the same at one point." Sky says as he moves down the hall slightly, opening another door. "Here is the guest rooms' or hall's bathroom. A nice Kolher shower, clean counters, not much for talking about a bathroom."

"If you have a master bath, it better be fancy. Now hurry to the bedroom big guy, I wanna see where you sleep." the wolf giggles and smiles at Sky, flashing a playful wink.

Sky returns the wink with a smirk, "Oh, it is a lot better. Fine, we skip the others then." He walks swiftly past other doors towards the master bedroom. He opens the door and proceeds in, turning to see the wolf's face. "This, is where I sleep. Crimson and black color scheme's source is a given, but looks nice right? A bed even bigger than king-size with posts holding drapes, bath off to the side there, nice colored dresser, large walk-in closet, drapes on the window, and more. How's that?" he challenges the wolf.

"It could use a lot of work. This is great for you, but just like everything else, it needs a girly touch to spice it up, make it sexy. But I can go on..." Shadow smiles and growls playfully. He walks around the room and master bath eyeing it up and down slowly.

Sky notices the growl and staring at the master bath, "The master bath is much larger. It's got an even better shower with multiple heads and a touch screen to change the users, temperature, and such. The decent-sized tub I don't use much, ain't a fan of them really. Still ain't good with bathroom descriptions."

"Now downstairs is last correct?" the wolf smiles and grins. "Let's check that out."

A wide, evil grin crosses Sky's snout at the wolf's words. "Thought you'd never ask, off we go, enough of these stupid baths." He walks past Shadow, smacking his rump for fun as he goes, and out the door. They go down the hall, then both sets of stairs, pausing at the basement's door, which separates it from the rest of the house. "Ready for a Master/pet fan's and body builder's dreams, wolfie?" he asks Shadow.

The wolf blushes and growls questionably, then nods. "Mmmm, I would love to."

Sky remains silent as he opens the door, walks in, and flips the switch. The giant room's two halves come into view. The left side a paradise of weights, gym equipment, and more designed to pump one's body to the max. The other side a heaven and hell for masters and pets alike. The side wall is lined with every sexual toy and tool imaginable, a large vat of custom-made lube sits to the side for anyone to use. There is gear, chains, and rope connecting devises that seem almost torturous in nature to the ceiling, walls, or floor. "Well, this is my pride and joy here. A treasure trove of sex, sweat, musk, and muscles."

The wolf could only stand there in the doorway, blushing deep red under his fur as he looks the room over, at each toy and tool. "Oh... My... God..."

The dragon chuckles deeply as he walks further in, down the line that divides the sides, the gym's floor white, the play room's black and crimson. He stops and turns around to face Shadow, his arms spread out in triumph. "These are what I like to call the dreams of body builders and master/pet fans. You may not even care for the one side but I love both. You can't get a big, sexy body like this by doing nothing after all." he says as he flexes his body, showing the strong muscles through his scales, the power they held.

"Yeah... I could really enjoy staying in a place like this..."

Sky smiles at that comment, enjoying the expression on Shadow's face and the emotions running in his head. "Feel free to look around. Anything and everything is cleaned after every use. Though, the maid isn't the one who does it. Someone else does, and his price is fairly cheap for the work."

"N-no thanks... I-I couldn't... I was a pet a long time ago. I know most of the tools already..." the wolf stammers.

The other male continues to smile and waves the wolf over while walking to a chair on the play room's side. "Perhaps you would like to indulge in some fun with me then? Be my pet while in this room, even if only for a little while?" he asks sensually with a lusty gaze at Shadow.

"I-I don't know... I do not know if I should..." the wolf says between heavy breaths.

Sky smiles at the other's nervousness, offering him some words of wisdom. "Then don't. Right next to you, hanging on the wall there, are a number of different collars. Each different in their own use, style, color, fashion. Pick one, any of them, save the one on my neck of course, and it shall be my gift to you. As long as you wear it, you are my pet. If you don't, you aren't, simple as that."

Shadow freezes up for a moment and looks at the seated dragon, his breath stopping in his lungs in that moment. "B-be y-your... P-pet...?"

"Only if you wear a collar. Any other time, you won't be. Such collars are there for any new master and pet that show up to my monthly parties. Such sweet nights those are, good thing this room is totally soundproof or the whole neighborhood would've called the cops. But I digress. Yes, that is my offer, if you accept it wolfie."

"If I put a collar on... As a pet, I am not able to take it off... A pet doesn't have such power..."

"Exactly!" Sky yells with joy and triumph. "The choice is final for you after tonight. Which do you choose: regular sex in this dream room, or take one of the collars and become my pet? Before you say another word at all, I want you to look at the wall, each collar, and see if you want one. Only after you've looked, do I want to hear your answer Shadow." he tells Shadow firmly, giving no room for anything else.

The smaller wolf nods and quietly begins looking up and down at all the collars. Behind him, Sky watches as the wolf hesitantly moves to the wall, looking over the different collars. The wall is full of them, its only purpose for masters and pets to find just the right collar. There is every color under the rainbow, and even a few rainbow collars too. Different models as well, thin, thick, hard, soft. A multitude of leather, latex, even a few chain-link ones. Most have faux fur for in-lining so the neck isn't hurt. D-ring, O-ring, tags, leashes, all the accessories were there too. A wall designed for that special symbol of power.

"GOD, the money that was spent on that wall alone would give a regular person a heart attack." Sky mutters to himself.

Shadow stands there, looking for a long time, eyeing each one for some time. He finally takes one down. Red like the highlights in his hair. Soft, velvet-like leather, a fur in-line, a D-ring, and a small heart-shaped tag with matching leash. He then takes another long moment, holding it, looking deeply at it as many thoughts run through his head.

Sky notices the wolf eye each collar, and finally remove one from the wall. A red one, that matches his own red color. He thinks to himself, 'An interesting choice, Shadow. I think I've got matching wrist and ankle bands for that one.' He peaks into the wolf's head, feeling the changing emotions as his thoughts rush.

"I-I just don't know... You are asking me to give up my freedom..." Shadow says as he looks at Sky, then back at the collar still in deep thought.

"I know. And such a decision should not be taken lightly. Whichever you chose is what'll happen. I won't force you or anything. Such action would be horrible. Take whatever time you need." he says, calmly, trying to reassure the wolf.

Shadow slowly takes the collar with him to Sky and sits, looking deeply at it as he tries and think of his answer.

Sky watches Shadow move from the wall towards him, sitting behind him. He watches as he stares at the collar and continues think. 'Take ALL the time you wish wolfie. Such an important decision, once made, cannot be undone so easily for you' he thinks to himself.

The wolf brushes a paw through his hair, busying his paw, trying to clear his head as it swam with emotions. Sky stares wordlessly as the wolf does, seemingly flustered by the ultimatum before him. Finally, Shadow looks up at the dragon and says, "Make me a promise."

Sky briefly gazes at the wolf for a moment before he says, "A promise to what?"

"To not mistreat me unless I disobey... I don't want another master that just takes his anger out on me with beatings..." he says with a frown and a whimper.

The dragon reaches out, grabbing Shadow by his arms and pulling him up into his lap. He stares into the wolf's face as he makes the promise, "You have my word. Such anger, rage, and mistreatment are not what I am. A master like that doesn't deserve such a title. I vow to you, here and now, if ever I overstep the bounds of your trust, you may do with me as you wish. Whatever you dish out I will take. 'Pain shared is pain lessened' as they say. As long as you are mine, I will do my best to get that pain away, if not take it in your place."

Shadow nods slowly, wrapping his arms around Sky's neck in a deep hug. He then softly whispers into his ear, "Then you can put the collar on me... Master..."

Sky grabs the collar from Shadow's lap before returning the hug, encircling him with his arms, holding him close. He carefully wraps the collar around his new pet's neck while keeping the hug, snapping it closed in its new place. "Now you are mine, Shadow." he says as the snap echoes through their ears.

The wolf murrs softly with a smile and gently licks Sky's cheek. "I am honored Master... But we will need to have my name placed into the tag when we are able."

Sky returns the lick, smiling softly. "As am I, my pet. Indeed, we will get your name inscribed, perhaps tomorrow. For now, I'm sure both of us are tired from the day's events and this emotional trial." he says as he holds his pet close. "Would you like to join me in my bed for the night?"

"I would love that Master."

"Excellent, my pet." Sky starts, "But don't think you're getting down from my arms." He stands up, holding the wolf bridal-style, as he walks up the stairs towards the master bedroom.

Shadow quietly holds onto his new master by keeping his arms wrapped around him. He nuzzles against the dragon's chest with joy as he was carried.

They reach the bedroom, Sky enjoying having his pet in his arms. He slides into the bed and lays down the wolf on his side before laying down himself and pulling his pet close again, bringing them chest-to-chest. He leans in and gives Shadow a soft, gentle kiss. "Goodnight, my pet. Tomorrow begins a new chapter for us both."