
Story by Jalendragon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dark file

Haven't heard from these guys in a while, have you? C-snakes, by the mysterious Chantan-ra, aka Doctor Griff.

Forewarning for all of you reading, C-snakes are not kind, they are not soft. This is horror, it involves some squick. There is no blood, but there is tearing skin and ripping things and meat suits.

Edit: I realized I left some of the commentary from when I streamed the writing in there. Wow, what a jarring break. That's what I get for not getting enough proof reading.

Cold. It was cold. Rain pelted down on the teen aged husky as he ran through the streets. Not a soul was out, but then, who would be at three in the morning in a little town like Providence Kansas? His sneakers slapped wetly into puddles, pounded on asphalt, then slid on concrete as he passed the local church. For a moment he looked up at it, his heterochromatic eyes catching the glint of light from the pastor's attached home.

A sound in the rain made him rethink that plan, however and he continued onward. The street lamps cast a pale orange glow, muffled by the pouring water and casting strange flickering images on the few clapboard houses and businesses. It wasn't until the young male pushed his way into an open door and into the pale, slightly green tinged light of the police station that he stopped to catch his breath, bent over double and panting.

"Randy?" said a rather nasally voice. "Randy Collins, what in God's name are you doing here at this hour?" An older canine, mixed breed of terrier, came out from behind the desk and approached the black and white dog's heaving form. "Randy, son, sit down before you fall over dead and I gotta call your mother."

Randy didn't move... he couldn't move. All he could do was stare down at the floor, at his shoes... "Something's wrong with em, Billy... Somethin's real wrong with em... Ma'n pa both! Something was in the shed'n Pa went ta check it... and there was screamin... Ma ran out... she screamed too... there was... stuff everywhere Billy. I think I'm gonna be sick."

The older terrier held the boy gently. "Come on, lets get you to the toilet just in case, then I'll call Carl and have him go by your place. I'm sure everything's fine." Silently he wondered if the youth had been into something bad, but he was so scared there was no point accusing him of doing drugs. Best to just get everything squared away.

With a groan, Randy sunk to his knees in front of the toilet while Billy went to the radio. "Providence dispatch to one one two five. Dispatch to one one two five. Carl, this is Billy." The dog let go of the send trigger, waiting for the response. When none came he sighed. "Dispatch to one one two five, Carl, wake up!" A moment later a rather sleepy and gruff sounding voice replied. "Dammit William, I was takin a leak, what's the emergency?"

"I got Randy Collins here in a panic. Says something got to his parents. I think the poor boy musta gotten ahold of something, but just in case can you go by the Collins place and tell em we have Randy?" The terrier leaned back into his seat for a moment while the sounds of being sick filtered from the bathroom. "Ten four, I'll radio in after wakin the poor sods up."

Silence reigned in the office, which caught Billy off guard. He knit his brows, only to stand up. He made his way back to the bathroom, only to notice a little slimy pink fluid starting to spread under the door. "Ah dammit Randy, Pepto's not gonna do ya no good when yer pukin. And ya had ta go spill it all over the floor!" He pushed the door open just in time to see the lifeless eyes of the young husky staring at him, a six foot long pink snake coming from his maw and an army of little ones pouring out from his pants. The cop had just enough time to reach for his gun before his face was full of snake and the front of his pants darkened with an unbidden climax as his throat bulged and strange shapes started wriggling under his skin.

Randy sat up in bed, drenched in sweat with his heart racing. He looked around in a panic, expecting to see... something. When his dorm room in Topeka came into focus instead of the inside of a destroyed bathroom his breathing slowed.

"Not again," he roommate groaned, rolling in bed to peer from under his sheets. "Randy man, seriously..." the cougar pushed himself up and propped himself on his arms. "See someone, man. You're having these nightmares every night."

"I can't," the twenty something dog replied, only to rub the back of his neck. "They're just dreams... and what if they think I'm crazy and lock me up? What then Dan? You and the football team'd be lost without their receiver."

Dan shook his head and sat up all the way, sleeping in nothing but his boxers. "Dude, the football team's going to lose you anyway if you don't get some sleep. Seriously, see someone. Hell, maybe you should skip classes today and just rest."

Randy rolled his eyes, only to slump back against the wall. Dan was right, of course. He'd never really gotten over what happened at home. The abuse, the booze, the gunshot... He'd seen psychologists before, been evaluated. Post traumatic stress disorder, they said. No shit. He'd seen his mom blow his dad away with a shotgun screaming that he was a monster wearing her husband's skin. That's pretty damned traumatic.

Years of therapy and drugs, and here he still was having nightmares. "Alright man... I'll call my therapist and see about having a talk again. Fuck I hate that though, getting in my head..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry I woke ya."

A quick slump at his computer later and the husky had sent mail to all of his professors for the day. Dan was asleep again in moments, so missed the call out and the appointment for later that day. The therapist seemed very eager to see him when he mentioned nightmares... He didn't really get dressed all that quickly or even pick 'good' clothes. Boxers, shorts, ratty old t-shirt his dad gave him years ago... Yeah, bad choice. he put that one away and tossed on a shirt with a pixelated game sprite instead.

At two pm, Randy was pushing the glass door open into the little office of his therapist. The girl behind the counter smiled at him and handed him a clipboard. Usual stuff. Patient doctor privilege, insurance information, all that.

By two fifteen he was in the mild office, listening to the supposedly soothing music with the smiling face of his therapist. The lizard woman sat in her chair as she asked him some questions about how he was eating, when he was eating... he rattled off answers. "And what about your libido?" She asked seemingly out of nowhere.

"My... huh?" the husky replied. He pondered. His libido? "What libido?" he asked back. There was a moment when the gecko woman's face was a knit of concern, but when he explained that he just hadn't been horny in recent memory she seemed to relax. Why? "I see... well that is a little unusual for a man your age, but I don't think that's too much of a concern. I'm just trying to get some information on your habits before we delve into your dreams." She leaned back in her chair and asked. "So, recurring dreams, your message said?"

Randy went into detail, how the dream starts the same every time. Running through the rain, feeling chased, getting to the police before... before something comes out of him. Then he wakes up terrified. The gecko listened intently the whole time, then said. "When was the last time you took the medication we prescribed you after.. the event?"

"Oh, about six months. I went through the cool down and everything. Never had any odd effects before, but just... these last two weeks." He rubbed his head. He was starting to feel odd again. "Don't tell me I have to start taking that stuff again?"

"I think you will, I'm sorry Randy. You're still obviously suffering from what you saw." She frowned and leaned forward to put her right hand on his. "We'll get you through this, ok?" The husky nodded his head and sighed as the therapist called it in. She was a professional Psyciatrist, but he didn't usually visit in that capacity. Still, it made it easy when something like this happened. Not that it did often...

"Alright, just head down to the usual pharmacy and they'll have everything taken care of. Same routine as always, start out with the smaller dosage and ramp it up, just like before." She squeezed his hand, then stood. "If you have any other problems, just call, alright? Anything at all."

Randy felt... somewhat relieved. So relieved he didn't even notice the hard stare the Gecko gave as he left. As soon as the door closed she picked up the phone and dialed. "Yes sir. This... No sir, no breach. He came voluntarily. Yes sir. He'll be watched sir. But now we know how long. Six months. Yes. Alright. Understood." She set the receiver down and rubbed her temples. "This is going to end badly..."

It was an hour later that Randy left the pharmacy, little bag with a big bottle inside. He just shook his head and turned to head back to his dorm. "I hate this stuff," he grumbled, only to... stop. He felt... odd. His pants were tight? Oh... well, this was new. "Guess my libido's not totally dead," he joked, glancing down at the growing swell in his jeans. "Maybe I'll have the dorm to myself long enough to rub one out. Bet I'll blow dust though, it's been so long." That thought didn't last long though before he really felt it. Damn that came on fast! The tent in his pants was nothing to sneeze at now, and he almost couldn't help but rub it a little. With a quick glance around he slipped into the hardware store and made his way to the back.

A push to the door later and he was in. God his dick was aching! He settled down into a stall and locked the door, only to unzip his fly and pull his tool free. The pink shaft throbbed powerfully in his soft fingerpads, palm rubbing the underside. This felt good. Real good. it felt so good he didn't notice when a pair of feet came in. Nor did he notice how loudly he was groaning... he didn't really listen to the voice asking if he was ok.

What he did pay attention to was the stall door unlocking and swinging open, revealing a rather attractive young panthress staring down at his erect nine inches. "oh... oh um... oh wow," the girl murmured. "I didn't... you pervert!" she kept staring just the same though, not going anywhere.

Randy sat there, staring at the girl in disbelief. "But... well... you don't get opportunities like this every day," she said. "I'll just... I'll make something up. That dick's huge!" she giggled a little and closed the stall door, dropping her slacks right there and revealing her rapidly moistening sex.

"Woah, woah woah... what are you doing?" he protested, even as she set herself down in his lap and smeared herself against his slickened shaft. "This isn't right, I don't even know you!" he added, even as that pleasure of rubbing his dick came back with a vengence.

"You don't need to know me. Just a quick little back room fuck, then we go our ways and no one's the wiser!" the panther female said with a devious smile. "MMn, wow your cock feels good and it's not even in me yet!"

Yessss... a thought slid across his brain. Yesssss... lets fuck. He knit his brows a moment, then felt his body begin to move on its own. Hands reached out, gripping the young woman's hips as he felt himself sliding his throbbing need against her. "Yeah... just a quick little fuck," he heard himself say. This wasn't like him! The panic started to build, only to fade away as a soothing voice whispered in his head. It's all ok. Just fuck that eager cunt and everything will be ok.

With a quick jab, his shaft buried itself into the female above, causing her to moan in pleasure! The voice in his head grew louder as he thrust up again... then again. He felt himself drooling... running over his chin, making him feel weird... He reached up, body on autopilot and grabbed the panther girl by the back of her head. They met in a kiss and his tongue surged into her face... except it kept surging, growing, stretching! Panic started to set in again as he realized his tongue was slithering down her throat. She seemed to notice it too, along with the pink slime pouring from his maw! He could feel the intense pleasure as his dick bloated out inside of her, ready to surge, ready to spread, ready to...

Randy sat up in the stall to knocking on the door. "Hey," a gruff old male voice said. "You've been in here fer an hour! Ya fall in?" Randy realized he had his dick in his hand, totally limp but with the leavings of his climax on his belly. He blinked, then murmured. "sorry, on some medication that puts mout out." He quickly stood and stuffed his dick back into his pants and pulled the door open to find a grizzled old badger about half his height staring up at him.

"Well, I dun like that sorta thing here, so ya best get goin 'fore I call the cops." Randy rolled his eyes. That was the last thing he needed! He stepped out into the hardware store and paused, catching a black panthress that looked just like the one in his dream working the cash register. She had the prettiest pink eyes too! He smiled at her, and she smiled back before licking her lips once. With a shake of his head he turned and left.

"God, what a weird dream. Never passed out in a stall like that before," he muttered to himself as he made his way back to campus. "Maybe I should get back on this crap." he shook the bag, listening to the pills rattle. Later, after he got some sleep...

It was hot. His sneakers pounded on the empty city streets as he ran. Why was he running? He felt hot. So hot. it felt like he was sweating, wetness in his pants and palms, running down his thighs. He was hungry. He needed something. That's when he saw it. A figure huddled in the alley between a bar and office building. Something inside surged as he ran down the alley and grabbed the individual... it turned out ot be a male fox. He didn't care... he kissed them, kissed them so hard and licked into their maw, filling it with his saliva. His tongue shoved down the fox male's throat as he picked the homeless male up and shoved him up against the wall, ripping his pants off and aiming to...

Randy sat up in bed in a cold sweat, the dream was different this time. He rubbed his head slowly, then turned to look at the sleeping form of his room mate. He didn't wake him this time... thank God for small miracles. He slipped out from under the covers, rubbed his eyes, then glanced at the bathroom. Maybe he should take the meds now. He'd slept. But... something made him not want to.

Still, his bare feet hit the floor, the cool of the old hardwood passing through his pads as he stood. Slowly he shuffled to the bathroom bladder aching. The prescription bottle was right there, staring him in the face. He reached for it, only for his bladder to ache harder than before. It can wait, he thought to himself, tugging on the front of his boxers to pull them down. The fabric caressed his hefty orbs and his ten inch shaft, the subtle knot at the base deflated despite the odd sense of arousal he had after his nightmare. A slight smile passed his lips as he looked over his dick, a bit of pride at how big it was. Who wouldn't want to be so hung?

A small stroke to his tool sent a shiver up his spine. That little fantasy earlier in the hardware store was so real... Yeah, that girl was hoooot. "I must have seen her on my way in. I haven't been that horny in years." He chuckled, then spread his legs as he aimed his shaft at the toilet. The splatter of fluid filled his ears as a sense of relief so palpable it was pleasurable passed through his loins. He lost track of time, just enjoying the feeling of taking a long, hard piss, even squeezing and playing with his tool.

Wait... how long had he been sitting there? What was that noise? Plopping splashes? he was taking a piss! His eyes sunk down, fear gripping his chest as he noticed the prick in his hand was well over a foot long, almost glowing pink, and gushing into the toilet... but there was no piss, no waste.. slimey pink goo was gushing from his organ in slow pumps, along with dozens upon dozens of tiny snakes the size of his little finger! Each gush felt good, each eruption of slime and snakes was like a small orgasm. He opened his mouth to scream, only for his mouth to fill with the taste of pleasure and a pink snake as thick as his neck to force its way from his parted jaws. Pain pinched his nipples, flesh parting around two more snakes, who yawned open to allow more... and more, pouring snakes and pink down his chest as writhing tentacles and cocks wrapped his body, pushing from his tail. He wanted to scream, he wanted to run, he wanted to spread.

Randy woke up in bed, panting hard and staring at the ceiling. He felt... calm. Why calm? He looked down at himself. No, everything was normal. Ten inch dick flopped out, heavy balls naked under the sheets, no signs of terrors. He smiled. "Maybe I don't need those pills after all?" he murmured to himself. He was feeling good, despite the nightmare. It's just a dream, after all, he reasoned. Maybe I'm finally coping with things?

It was late in the day, he'd slept his way through friday's classes. At least I'll be able to get out tonight, he thought as he slipped on a pair of baggy trip pants. A fishnet shirt went on next, followed by fingerless gloves. He loved his Friday raves, they let him tune out, let him float. It was a form of meditation that he'd discovered almost a year ago now.

Down the stairs and to the ground floor, across the campus to the bus stop. No one would have thought that something as scandalous as a rave would be happening in a sleepy, conservative town like Topeka; but the youth in town had an unground. They kept the half rotten old city alive with music and dancing long after the respectable businesses closed. The bus ride was slow as always into the warehouse district. It stopped about six blocks away, but already he could see others on their way in. Car doors opening, feet shuffling, chains and clips and fishnets and gloves. Blacks and stripes and all sorts of colors that looked so dull now would explode into color and motion in but a matter of an hour. The feeling of calm grew deeper. This is where he needed to be tonight.

Even as he approached the old warehouse that was rented for the event he could feel the excitement building. Bodies, lots of bodies. People moving... heartbeats starting to pump. Hell, there were even a few people making room and practicing poi while waiting in the line to enter the building. More and more Randy's mind faded out, drifting, growing listless. All these bodies. All these people. It makes me... hungry.

His eyes snapped back open in confusion, only to find that he was at the front of the line. Music was now pounding from inside, deep bass and flowing rhythms, electronic pops and beeps. How had he missed waiting? The bouncer, a burley rhino dude, stared at him curiously and leaned down. "You clean?" The low rumble of a gravel voice poured through the music.

"Of course I am," he responded. The bouncer narrowed his eyes, flashed a small penlight into his vision, and getting the response he wanted, pulled the door open. The music was still muffled. There were noise ordinances of course. The outer doors closed and he pushed the inner doors open. Sight and sound and smell assaulted his senses as the black-lit room opened up before him. The scent of sweat stung his nose, musk and exertion. The floor was full of moving bodies, glowing and shifting, scintillating patterns of light. Lasers spun, strobes pulsed, colored lights shifted in time ot the music.

He went straight for the bar, which was off to the back, opposite the DJ booth. He leaned over and grinned at the deer male mixing drinks, the twink shaking his ass as much as he shook his drinks. Alcohol flowed, but so did water. People were responsible here, after all. It was a marvel that the deer could hear anything over the music, but there he was, taking orders like a pro. "Hey, Josh! Gin and tonic, extra lime!" The deer threw a peace sign, then turned to start pouring. He was a lifer, despite being an amazing tender; pierced, zippered, chained... even a tattoo on the inside of his left ear of the male symbol. The little circle and arrow flashed about regularly as he twirled and moved and spun glasses and bottles alike. Randy's drink was up and in his hand, glass sweating with the growing humidity of the room.

Time began to blur, bodies shifting, lights and music pulsing, DJ spinning from record, CD, and laptop alike. Bodies. Bodies... flesh... Before he knew it, an hour had gone by, a fourth glass was being put down in front of him, and Josh was giving him a flirting wink. Randy downed this gin fast and grinned. He was hungry. Deer sounded like a good first course.

Randy and Josh all but fell into the men's room in the employee break area. The deer was grinning ear to ear at his catch, but the husky had other plans. They rolled up against the walls, tongues in each other's mouths as the husky was pushed back against the sink. He grunted quietly as the deer dropped down and grabbed his fly. Slowly the cervine's fingers tugged open the baggy trip pants, fishing inside a moment later. The gasp of surprise said it all.

The deer pulled out the husky's foot long cock, staring at the pink, veined flesh. "Good god Randy, how come you never told me you were hung like a god?"

The husky just grinned and shrugged. "It's too big for most people!" he says simply. He had always loved his dick though, it made him feel so... powerful. Even when his libido was dead, it just hung there, heavy. The deer licked the tip, caressing the mushroom shaped cap before sucking on the slit. Already fluids were dribbling from the husky's half erect organ, painting the deer's lips with the taste of pleasure.

Randy's organ just kept swelling, thickening, growing. He moaned as the deer opened his maw and swallowed the first few inches of the organ. Ours, a voice hissed in his mind. He blinked... huh? Ours, our bitch, our feast... The husky's eyes felt... heavy... He shook his head, eyes snapping back open. Neither male was in a position to see the ring of pink forming around the husky's irises, nor were either of them aware that the fluid pumping from that oversized dogdick was pink and slightly glowing.

Josh was in heaven. He'd never sucked a cock this big, nor one that tasted this good! He couldn't get enough of it, he had to have every inch! The husky's pants were starting to show a strange set of double bulges as his organ filled the deer's mouth. Josh's nose drew closer and closer to the open fly as the scent of the husky imprinted on his mind. More. Must fuck. Must suck. Must swallow! He shoved his face to the hilt, nose pushing into the open fly just in time for the husky to shudder!

A surge caused the giant shaft to swell, the underside bloating as snakes poured down into the deer. Our meat... our slave... The husky's eyes had turned fully pink. "That's right Josh, suck every inch. Join me!" Randy's smile was cruel, his need ruling all. "I can't believe I was scared of this... come on..." He grabbed the twink deer's antlers and shoved him down on his dick again, only to start thrusting. His shirt squirmed as snakes erupted from his nipples. He was not afraid. A groan filled the air as his tongue, a pink cock, pushed from his maw. A free hand lifted up, gripped the organ and stroked it, spraying the pink slime it produced all over the deer's face.

For a moment the deer's eyes opened wide in fear, only to lose focus. His throat bulged obscenely, his eyes growing dull as he sucked and bobbed. Snakes erupted from the broad pant legs of the husky, sliding up the twink deer's pant legs. They thrust into his ass, causing the victim to arch and his own tented shorts to strain.

Then the deer's nipples began to swell, growing pinker and pinker until a snake pushed from both. They curled up and reached for the many thick snakes pouring from the husky's body, twinning with them. Pleasure filled both males as they descended into a haze of lust and desire. Skin tore, only to reform, pants strained, then failed as the deer's own cock surged out of his ruined bottoms. A pair of heavy balls churned and sweat pink slime as vein-like bulges writhed and moved through the deer's hide. With a strangled cry, the male finally came, his now infested body erupting first with a surge of white, then a wave of glowing pink. The husky joined him in climax, both of them sinking down into a twisted knot of cocks and hissing maws!

Randy snapped to in the break room, slumped over a chair with the deer curled up on the floor, head in his lap. His limp dick, his normal ten inches, was laying over the deer's muzzle. The other male was lazily lapping at it as he looked around. "Damn... how long have we been back here?"

The deer jerked, then blinks his bright pink eyes and looked up. He smiled and said. "Only about twenty minutes. You came so hard you passed out." The deer's pants were still intact, there was no pink slime, there were no dozens of cocks and snakes.

Randy huffed. "Did you slip something in my drink?" The deer leaned back and narrowed his eyes.

"Dude, I've known you for three years, why would I spike your drink? I mean, yeah I've been after your dick for an age but that's an abuse of trust."

Relieved, Randy closed his eyes. Josh did have the prettiest pink eyes. Just like that cashier. He opened his own blue eyes and glanced at the door. "You should get back to work, man. This was a lot of fun... I didn't know how good you were at a blowjob."

Josh laughed, then licked his lips. "Only for those I like!" he said, only to turn and wiggle his ass. "This is yours any time you want it!" the cervine called as he headed back up front.

The deer was good, that hissy little inner voice of his murmured. But I'm still hungry. So many bodies, so many to fuck. He smiled to himself. Having a libido was awesome.

Back on the dancefloor Josh was back to slinging drinks, making a show of every pour as Randy finally moved into the dance proper. Sweat and heat, musk and arousal. He soon found himself dancing with a rather attractive rat girl. They moved to the music, letting it guide their motions, their caresses and touches... then, the kiss. Randy kissed her firmly, tongue sliding into her muzzle. He didn't notice the way she stiffened, nor did he notice the splatter of climactic juices that stained her clothes. He did notice when she smiled at him and turned herself around. She dropped her already loose pants in invitation and he took it.

Hidden amongst the bodies and swirling lights, his dick found her puss from behind and drove in hard. The velvet feeling of her walls spasming over his organ was heaven, even after his recent climax. He met her hips hard, thrusting into her rapidly on the dance floor in time to the thumping pulse. It didn't last long, it didn't need to... his organ strained and erupted in her, leaving her to scream in pleasure. It felt like she was getting tighter!

He couldn't see the bulge his enlarged organ was making in her gut, nor could he see her eyes fading to pink as she sprayed him with her arousal. He did see, however, that she pulled off his dick a few moments later and slipped him a kiss before vanishing back into the crowd. A bit confused, he shook his head and stuffed his still turgid length into his pants.

Josh was in full swing at the bar, each drink coming at a breakneck pace. That pace allowed him to hide his true job. Every drink had his own special ingredient. A little split of his finger, a gag from the snake within, and a spray of pink goo. Every patron at the bar was aroused in short order.

It wasn't too long before the big rhino bouncer came in, his replacement already in place. "Mike!" Josh called, sliding away from the bar. One of the other bartenders got into position as the deer chased after the rhino. The two of them vanished into the back room together, chatting amicably.

Randy watched, a moment of pride welling up in his chest. Pride? Why? With a blink, he rubbed his throbbing erection and waded into the crowd.

Josh tugged Mike into the breakroom. "Look, I know you don't normally do this but I'm reeaally needing a good nailing." The deer boy looked over his shoulder as he bent over a break table, his little tail flitting back and forth.

Mike grunted, then sighed. "Yer in luck Josh. Been needing ta pound some ass ever since this husky kid went in a few hours ago. Need lube?"

The deer shook his head and dropped his pants. "Nah... you know how loose I am man. Just use what you got." He reached back and spread his left cheek with a hand, the well used pink ring of flesh looking eager somehow.

The rhino's heavy frame ambled up behind the deer and he pulled open his fly. A soda can thick piece of pachyderm meat flopped over the deer's ass, grey flesh a little darker than the rest of him. It grew darker still as he rubbed it between the cervine's asscheeks, unknowingly smearing pink ooze into the flesh.

Even as the rhino lubed himself in the snake's pleasure goo, the former deer's tongue hung from his maw. The pink organ fattened, thickened as he groaned and felt the fat piece of dick angle at his hole. "Yessss..." he hissed, even as the rhino drove home in a single motion. The muscular pachyderm felt his hips mesh up against the deer's ass and sighed. "Fuck... yer even better than I remember. I must have some blueballs..."

The rhino's hips slammed home into that amazing hole, smearing more and more of the pink pleasure goo across his own hide. He didn't notice as the snake that had taken over the deer's cock curled back, growing thicker and fatter. It slithered past the pounding organ and wrapped once around the rhino's balls before slithering its way to his ass. Mike's only warning was a sudden pressure, then an explosion of pleasure across his rump.

The deer shuddered as a smaller, juvenile snake slithered down the tunnel of his altered ass and found the yawning, spitting cumslit of the larger male. Mike grit his teeth, then nearly came right there as the snake slithered down his dick. Another followed a moment after, making the rhino's shaft strain and bulge inside the deer's belly. "Ngh, cummon Mike! Fuck me!" the host hissed out from his tongue, his maw too full of pink snake to form words.

Mike was too far gone, too deep in his need to realize his fate was sealed. He fucked himself into the service of his new master, the master who'd touched him as he entered the dance. hissing pleasure filled his mind as he tipped his head back and came! The last mortal seed of his body poured into the snake'd deer's ass, his balls bloating as snakes fought the flow and climbed up his dick. More poured from the snakedick in his ass, causing his belly to bulge out, losing its musculature. With a needy cry, Mike was no more, a fat snake pushing up out of his maw and hissing in pleasure.

The two creatures laid together, silently mingling snakes until the sound of footsteps came down the hall. Flesh reformed, skin recolored and by the time the feline member of management came into the room, the rhino was stuffing his dick back into his pants. "Hey boss, what's up?"

Randy had fucked six people so far on the dance floor, and he was feeling great. He never knew he had this kind of staying power! His ass had even taken it's first dick! Each climax made him feel stronger, more at peace, more calm. The husky didn't even notice that he was bigger himself, better toned, nor that his fur was starting to have a pink tinge under the black parts of his pelt. No, all he knew was that that he was having the time of his life! That and... well, he felt... complete.

For the first time since the incident all those years ago, he was centered, he had no regrets, no fears. He lived for the club and it seemed that more and more of the club was living for him! He could only smile when he saw the rat girl from earlier with her dick in some guy's mouth. She really was sexy... and his... all his... hisssss...

He blinked, only to find himself nose to nose with the DJ who'd been spinning for the last four hours. The dragon wasn't huge, but he was big. Green from head to toe with tendrils instead of hair, the scale's body was hot and musky and right there. He didn't even think, he licked the bare chest. Above a different body was spinning in the booth. "well, hey there cutie," the green drake murmured. "Been watching you out here. You got a lbido that'd make a dragon blush with envy. Why don't we both get a break from the music?" A hand grabbed the husky's junk and his heart sang! Yes yes yes!

The dragon led him back, not bothering to look at the husky as he was pulled through the crowd. Those head tendrils caressed Randy's face, one even pushed into his mouth, almost demanding to be sucked on. By the time they got into the private room set up in back, he was drooling in his pants and drooling around the cock sized thing in his maw. The dragon was all but ripping his own clothes off as Randy slipped out of his clothes, his own fourteen inch dick so hard it hurt. He rubbed his two heavy balls and stared as the dragon arched his thick tail high and flexed his muscular asscheeks. Hungry... so hungry... feed...

Randy attacked that ass within a moment, his face shoved between the dragon's muscular globes and under that tail, tongue worshiping the ring he found inside. Any misgivings he had were quickly erased by the feel of the dragon's tight ring against his thick tongue. Yes... tease him for us. Make him melt, his internal voice whispered. And who was he to argue? The dragon's surprised grunt was followed by a moan of eager pleasure, the large male pushing back against the husky boy. He growled and gripped the table in the middle of his dressing room, panting as his own sheath bulged. The dragon's heavy orbs drew up against his loins, then dropped again as each lick from the eager husky caused his dick to rise and thicken just a little more.

Dark green flesh was gripped in scaled hand and stroked, pumped, milked as the husky eagerly rimmed then made out with the dragon's ass. Randy had always wanted to eat a guy out, but he was always too scared, to concerned with... well, it being an ass. None of that mattered now, all that mattered was getting his tongue as deep as he could into the adonis above. Pink drooled from his lips and oozed from his round tongue, only for the tongue to wriggle free of his maw. It was quickly replaced with another tongue as the squirming snake wriggled its way into the dragon's bowels.

That godly ass was gone a second later and the dragon was staring down at the husky. "The fuck was that?" He said, even as he felt... full.

"huh? Nothing! I was just... really enjoying myself." Randy looked perplexed, why had he stopped. The dragon narrowed his eyes, then shook his head. 'I'm on to you," he said with a snort. Randy's blood ran cold. "You're not what you seem are you?"

The dragon took a step forward, then grinned. "You're part dragon, with a tongue like that, come on, admit it!" Randy's heart skipped a beat and the hissing inner voice stopped its panicked analysis of how to overpower the dragon.

"I don't know, both my parents are dead," the husky said simply. "Could be!" he grinned, then leaned in to drag his tongue over the fully erect sixteen inch dragon dick before him. "I usually top," he said simply. "But for this? Fuck me, stud."

"Name's Nate," the dragon growled, only to grab the husky and throw him over the table. "A name yer gonna be screaming by the time I'm done with you!" The dragon spun the dog onto his back and grabbed his legs, pulling the loose trip pants free. The husky's bare ass was quickly ground against, his heavy balls drooping over the magnificent pole of the dragon.

He's mine he said to himself as he grit his teeth and braced, his ass spreading around that dick. The dragon howled and drove deep, taking his ass to the hilt! The dog's dick sprayed all over the dragon's chest, pink soaking into the scales in a matter of seconds.

Distracted, the large scale lowered his head and went for a kiss, getting a mouthful of his own musky sweat and taste on the smaller male's face. He didn't mind, he liked his own scent. There was something on the boy though, something amazing, something he needed.

Pink gushed around the dragon's dick, spurting from the husky's ass and coating both of their thighs as the snake already in the dragon went to work. The dragon's eyes began to fade as he sucked on the husky's tongue, only lightly aware of the dick filling his face. He didn't like cock in him... but... but this was a tongue, right? His tongue caressed the phallic shape, even as it got harder to think. No, no this wasn't right. It felt too good!

Heavy balls bounced off of fuzzy ass, even as snakes floated through the slime. When something grabbed his nipples, he had only a moment to realize snakes were coming from the husky's chest and driving into his own green teats! The dragon's body tried to resist, but it was a losing battle. He pulled from the kiss, grabbing at the slimy end of a snake as it wriggled down his throat. His dick pulsed, surged... he had to resist, something told him his life depended on it!

Randy had stopped wondering what was happening. The snake in his head was no longer whispering /to/ him... it was him. He was it. Their goals were aligned. Fuck. Fuck, spread, rule. The former husky reached his hand up, palm splitting open to force a snake into the dragon's face, sliding it up into a nostril to gush pleasure goo inside. The dragon choked, pink welling up from his tear ducts, then oozing from his ears. Dragons were hard, he knew, they had lots of resistances to this. But this... Nate was giving in.

Each of the tendrils on the dragon's head was bulging, swelling, only to explode into writhing pink snakes. His balls surged in size, even as the green scales split in places. The dragon panted, screamed, then came! The climax caused his violet eyes to fade to pink, snake goo spraying from his chest, his undertail, even from the palms of his hands and his fingers! The dragon's chest surged, snakes pouring from his abused nipples, poured from his earholes, shot from his dick alongside his seed.

Randy grinned, cumming along for the ride, climaxing into his victim... no... his lieutenant. The husky's body, pink and devoid of fur, oozed pleasure go as the dragon's wings split into an army of snakes and cocks, writhing and spraying as he sunk down atop the other body.

The two laid there for an hour, becoming ever increasingly aware of the growing army of snakes outside. Host after host fell during the night, until the club was but a breeding pit. There was no knock on the door, there was no need. Josh... what had been Josh, came in with what used to be Mike, both of them wearing their meat suits. "Seems you two had fun without us," Josh said playfully, looking at the pile of pink slimy snakes. The thickest, largest of them lifted out of the pile and hissed, only to push part of the mess aside with the split open hand of the husky. Skin reknit as Randy grabbed his own head like a hood and pulled it up over his true self, filling it back out. "You know what we have to do now, right?" The dragon had pulled himself together, tendrils now pink at the tips, along with his eyes. "We have to make sure the nest is safe."

The Gecko woman was just turning the key on her office when she heard someone call "hey doc!" She turned to see Randy coming her way, hands in his pockets. "Hey, I just wanted you to know the nightmares have stopped. I couldn't seem to get through to your receptionist today to leave the message."

The woman was on guard, of course, but smiled anyway. Randy smiled back, trying to keep the predatory look from his eyes. "Yeah, we had some problems with our phone systems today. You didn't have to come all the way down here."

"Oh, but I did! You've been such a help for so many years. I wanted to thank you in person." Randy offered out his hand.

Warning bells went off in the lizard woman's mind, but... well, he did seem to be perfectly normal. She gripped his hand and he squeezed firmly, only to push her back up against the glass door.

"And I want to thank you... by asking you to join us. You can't say no," he hissed in her earhole, only to shove his tongue into it and paint it pink. "Welcome to the fold, doc... Your boss is next."

Her scream was muffled by his hand, even as pink gushed from her face.