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#1 of The Funvee Times

Follow the story of Two Teenagers as they struggle to survive in a zombie filled city, around every corner the undead lurk, along with bandits and other threats.

Along the way they'll meet friends and Foes, and get into some 'heated' moments together.

What will happen to them? let's find out.


All characters belong to: David Wesker

Story elements belong to: David Wesker Everything in this is copyright (c) Black-Tyrant Studios 2014



Cub M/F First Time Zombie Blood and Gore

If you do not like, are uncomfortable, and/or disturbed with any of these then leave now. This is not the place for you. If you wish to read on then go beyond the lines below






You have been warned.


"Hurry!" a teenage Shark yelled, holding up silver barreled Revolver and firing it at the incoming hordes that had broken through their small barricade, "they're coming through!"

"Don't shoot me!" a young Pichu squealed, holding her head down as her friend killed two of the zombies behind her, she ducked down as he fired off two more shots before cursing.

"Damn it!" he bent down and grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her his way, "we can get out through the window!" he told her, ushering her towards the broken window some fifteen feet away.

The two ran away from the growing horde behind them, jumping over fallen debris and over to the window. The Shark quickly hoisted her up off the ground and helped her through, she climbed through and dropped to the other side as he jumped off the side wall and up to the window, he climbed through and fell to the other side with her and the two began running away into the darkening city, as fast as their legs would carry them.

"You all right Jess?" the Shark asked his young friend, looking her over. The two had been running for well over an hour now, and once he was sure they had lost the mob they slowed up, they now walked along the road.

"I'm fine Jake," she assured him, "I'm just a little tired is all."

The Shark Jake smirked, "well running for your life will do that," he said before picking her up and carrying her, "I'll carry ya, you look bout ready to pass out."

The Pichu laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes slightly, "thanks."

He nuzzled her and replied, "no problem kid."

Jake and Jess are one of the very few survivors left in Union City after it fell to the zombie hordes almost a year ago, where did they come from?

Well let me tell you a story.

In the year 2011 it was a late December, frost just beginning to set in from the snowstorm that hit during Christmas. Everyone had just bought gifts and was ready to begin the holidays with family, it was going to be a joyous occasion for many.

Until that fateful Christmas morning, when a man stumbled into the city... his name was Con Johnson, a thirty two year old male from a small town some hundred miles away from Union. He had walked into the hospital and asked for someone to tend to his injuries, as he was tended to the dead inside the morgue had begun to rise.

They walked out of the room and started infecting people, slowly but surely the city was overrun within a matter of months and was eventually abandoned and left to the dead. It was declared a Dead Zone, no one was allowed in, and no one was allowed to leave.

Jake was asleep when it happened, his younger sister woke him up so they could get an early start on presents, only once they went down the stairs they found the gifts, but also several strange men eating their parents alive.

Jake's sister was killed and he was forced to flee, later he would meet Jess.

She was asleep as well, seemed the two had a lot in common. Both sleeping in when the dead rose from their graves, and feasted on their parents. She ran down the stairs, seeing both her parents fighting off undead and losing, she ran and jumped out of her window.

Later she would run into Jake, her only friend still alive today.

It's been so long since the two had seen another person, been too long.

Jake was wearing a tight blue t-shirt that hugged his chest and showed off some small muscles he had gotten from playing sports and from running and training to fight the undead, blue jeans accompanied the shirt with a pair of running shoes. His eyes were a dark red color and his hair was similarly so, almost blood colored, he was the age of sixteen.

He looked down at the young girl in his arms, she was wearing a dark gray hoodie that was too big for her and a small brown hat, and on her legs she wore some dirty jeans and blood stained tennis shoes. Her eyes were vibrant purple that still had a small amount of innocence to them, and long dark brown hair put in a pony tail that went through the small hole in the back of her hat, she was the young age of eleven.

Two kids, all alone in a city full of the walking dead, and all they have is each other.

He held her tight as he walked down the empty streets of the city he grew up in, the city he had come to love and despise. The store fronts were all boarded up with wooden planks while others were bombed out shells, Parasol had come in some time ago and bombed the city not once but twice.

Saturation bombing that covered the city wiping out hundreds of undead, but also innocent people. The second one was targeted at the neighborhood district to clear out any remaining survivors, so many were bombed out of their homes and thrust out into the streets where one of two things happened.

They were killed by a bomb, and feasted on by the zombies,


They were attacked by a horde of zombies, eaten slowly and then killed by a bomb.

It was chaos in those first few months, absolute chaos.

As far as Jake knew, the entire northern section of the city was completely abandoned. He hoped that maybe moving south would result in some survivors, so far nothing. His revolver was empty as well, so he had to find some more ammo for it, or a different weapon. Maybe a bat, or a crowbar.

He looked up at a small sign showing an on ramp to the freeway, on it someone spray painted 'This is our end' he scoffed lightly, "you're telling me." he whispered as he started up it, freeways proved to be a good source of gear as well as a place to sleep without fear of a horde attacking out of nowhere.

The walk up was tiring but he was used to it, he noted the sky was beginning to darken. His senses told him it was going to rain soon, and he quickened his pace. He was fine with getting wet but he knew Jess didn't want to.

As he arrived at the top he saw the massive line of cars stretching for miles in either direction, cars and trucks, buses and vans, even some tankers and some military vehicles and checkpoints. He frowned as he walked over to one of the humvees, he laid Jess down for a second and checked the doors they were unlocked and when he opened it he saw it was empty save for spent fifty caliber rounds and a small box of ammo.

Suddenly the rain hit both of them, he turned around and went back over to the Pichu and Picked her up and hopped inside quick before shutting the door as Jess awoke and shook her head sending water droplets everywhere, "aww, now I'm wet!" she yawned showing white pearly canines, she swallowed a lump in her throat and looked herself over, she was indeed soaked.

"Sorry, the rain came out of nowhere," he apologized, scratching the back of his head.

"It's alright," she said,-"not your fault is it?"-smiling as she unzipped her hoodie and taking it off in front of her friend, the water had soaked through the thick fabric and soaked her rather thin pink sleeping shirt underneath.

The Shark gulped as he saw her shirt, the water had caused it to become see through to a degree so now he could see her small underdeveloped breasts. The water must have been cold as her nipples were sticking through the cloth. He felt himself get aroused by the site and mentally punched himself, "she's my friend for craps sake, and she's only eleven!" he screamed at himself.

As if to make matters worse she took off her hat and stretched her arms up over her head, further making the shirt lift up some showing her bare stomach. He looked away as he felt his jeans start to tighten, he was starting to get a hard on for an eleven year old. He decided to looked around the humvee, "this thing is pretty big huh?"

"Yeah," she looked around as well, noting the entire backseat was big enough for four people, but compared to their size they could fit another six. The Pichu grinned as she started climbing around, determined to find something of interest.

Jake had sat in the front seat and fiddled with the ignition, turned out the key was still in it, so turning it the humvee sputtered for a few seconds but did not start. But that meant it was still working in a sense, "maybe I can fix it up." He figured as he heard Jess tumble in the backseat, he looked back and saw her with her rear in the air and she was over the seat looking in the very back.

He blushed as he found himself staring at her small butt, the jeans hugged tightly to her legs and rear and he couldn't help but wonder what she felt like, he smacked himself before looking out the windshield. Soon the sky darkened and the two were left in the dark, Jake heard the Pichu quickly get out of the back seat and join him up front, her damp arms being thrown around him.

He had forgotten she had a fear of the dark, he draped an arm around her protectively and hugged her tight to him. "Don't worry, I won't let anything get you." he told her, and he meant it to. She hugged him as thunder rolled across the sky, his eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of threats, "hey, what say we go into the back seat?" he asked her.

"Why?" Jess asked him, looking up into his bright red eyes.

He shrugged, "further away from the window, and its comfier back here I think."

"Okay," she muttered as he let go of her, she liked being near him and was a bit sad when he let go but once she went into the back seat with him he wrapped his arms around her frame and held her close to his body.

The teenage Shark turned on his side and laid down, the seats were rough but still softer than anything they've slept on, "Let's try and get some sleep, hmm?" he suggested, patting the spot next to him.

The Pokemorph smiled a little bit and hopped into the back seat with him, she laid down in front of him and put her arms around him and snuggled into his grasp, "night Jake." She said, pressing her chest up against his.

He could feel her hard nipples pressing into his skin and shuddered softly as he put his arms around her, he stroked her back a little with his right hand as he held her head with his left. She sighed as he did so, thought she had no idea the shark was slowly getting hard.

It was an innocent thing to do, they've both done it. Slept together for warmth, but tonight was different it seemed. His body was grinding up against her small petite one, he couldn't help himself.

She seemed to be in the same state, her hands glided across his back to his sides and eventually to his chest. She opened one of her eyes and saw his were closed, she bit her lip lightly as she slide her hands under his shirt and felt of his chest. It was smooth and muscular, feeling of his abs she felt him shift slightly but otherwise made no move to stop her advances.

He tightened his hold on her, his own hands exploring her small body. Her fur was short but it felt soft to the touch, short and the tips felt silky. She smelled good to, he didn't know what it was but he liked it. His right hand soon found its way to her lower back and it brushed against her tail causing it to twitch as his fingers slid into the back of her jeans.

She gasped at the contact near her tail but didn't stop him from moving deeper, she made her own movements. Her hands fiddled slightly with the button of his pants, she undid the button after several tries then moved onto the zipper. Timidly she pulled it down letting the bulge the occupied it fall free, there was little light but she could still see it.

A long and smooth pearl white rod with a dark blue tip, she shuddered as the Shark had moved his hand from her head and started undoing her pants, his other hand had made its way to her butt and he proceeded to fondle the soft area.

"Gods I can't believe I'm actually doing this," he thought to himself as he undid her pants, he felt his member was free and she was staring at it, "Jess," He started, his breath coming in short bursts.

Jess looked up at him as her fingers traced circles around the tip of his length, eliciting light moans from him before grabbing it. Her small hand could barely fit around his continuingly growing cock, "don't stop." The young girl pleaded, his hand was around the hem of her pants but he stopped before going any further.

Jake's hands trembled as she slowly started to stroke him, his hips were involuntarily moving back and forward and grabbing onto her jeans he swiftly pulled them down. She did the same with his pants, he sat up much to her displeasure but seeing he was taking his shirt off she mimicked the action, sitting up and taking her own somewhat damp shirt off.

Soon enough the two were stripped down to their birthday suits, sitting on either side of one another.

The Shark got a good look at her body, small and somewhat thin, but still as beautiful as when he first saw her. Her breasts were small and a little perky, and her nipples looked hard. Jake reached out and touched her face gently, brushing his fingers across her soft cheek where her electric pouch was.

She edged into his hand, putting her own on his before moving closer to him and sitting on her knees, once Jess was high enough she planted a kiss on his cheek, then trailed down to his neck and lightly kissed him there.

Jake winced as she moved her hand back to his length and started to stroke him off, a bit of pre made its way out and trailed down his cock and onto her hands. The warm substance gave her an idea, she took her hand and rubbed the palm of it around the tip, the more she rubbed there the more the pre coated her hands and made it slick.

Stopping her neck treatment she got down onto the floor and made him spread his legs, his cock throbbed and twitched as the Pichu smelled his scent. To her it was an overwhelming and pleasuring smell that made her sex flare, she brought her left hand down to the crease of her pussy and rubbed it as she stroked the Shark's shaft.

Jake couldn't believe what was happening right now, sitting on the floor of a humvee stroking him was a freaking eleven year old Pichu, and he was enjoying it. Her soft hand felt, amazing. "I wonder..." he stopped her for a second and moving fast he picked her up, and she held onto him as he switched places, her sitting down and him on the floor.

"What are yo-Ah!" she gasped as she felt his tongue being dragged across her vulva, the Pichu yelped when he dragged his tongue slowly from the bottom of her entrance to the top where her clit was. His tongue played with the small bit of pink flesh making her squirm in delight as small waves of pleasure were sent through the small girl's body, "ahhhh~"

Jake was enjoying himself, he didn't think he would just dive in but her scent over took him, now he was on his knees giving his young friend a nice licking. She had no fur down there, which made him wonder did she shave, but her taste quickly drove that thought from his mind as he enjoying the sweetness of her folds.

Jess's sultry moans was music to his ears, she tasted sweet and oh so good. Jess made little squeaks when he went in deeper and her muscles would clench around his long tongue, "she's really enjoying this." he mentally noted.

The Shark was curious as to how far his tongue would go, pushing further into her she the Pichu bit her lip and grasped onto the seat as her hips bucked pushing his snout further into her nether region. He started to get a bit more aggressive with his licking, dragging his smooth tongue across her pussy lips and circling her clit, making her wraith in pleasure.

He stopped much to her displeasure, the two locked eyes for a few moments before he pounced. Locking his lips around hers ravaged her mouth, she didn't fight back. She threw her arms around him the best she could and slid her own tongue into his mouth, though the size of hers was smaller compared to his the two got a good taste of one another.

The two parted, eyes locked on each other as Jake pondered his next move. His dark red eyes lustfully taking in her body, and drifting down to her legs he parted them. Her Pussy was nice and wet, from both his tongue treatment and her natural fluids coating it.

She seemed to catch what he wanted to do and edged closer to him, she nodded, "do it."

He wasted no time and poked her entrance with his rod, with a lustful eagerness he slid into her moaning as he felt her tightness clamp own around his thick shaft.

She yelped when he pushed into her, this was nothing like she's ever felt before, she loved it. He felt so warm, and big. The way he moved in and out of her made her squirm in delight, and she couldn't help but let out a few cute groans, "Mmm~"

The teenage shark still couldn't believe what he was doing to his young friend, but he did not hate it, and from the sounds coming from her she wasn't hating it either. Jess had to grip onto the seat as her best friend sped up, the movements he made was making a 'Shlick' sound.

Jake grabbed her right leg and hoisted it up and leaned it against his chest, making her turn a bit to the right so he could get in at a better angle. And now that he thought about it, "Don't most girls have a hymen?" he wondered, he remembered his class having Sex Ed and they taught them about virginity and how girls have a sort of wall inside them. Where was Jess's? "Maybe she was born without one?" he recalled most girls are created equally.

His thought were interrupted as Jess started breathing harder, "Jake," she moaned, her breathes coming in shudders, "my stomach feels weird."

"She must be close," he put his hand on her cheek, "it's nothing to worry about." He assured her, he could feel himself getting closer too and added, "this will feel really good, trust me."

She nodded and tried to relax as her instincts took over, she couldn't keep her eyes off of his frame as he plowed into her small body. His muscles were rigid and his body was fantastic in her eyes, of course he played sports so that's why.

"Ahh, ahhh," Jess moaned making Jake grunt, "mmm~"

Jake was the same, her small breasts looked appetizing to his eyes, and her body while small was beautiful is so many ways. Her eyes were the most attractive feature about her to him, the way she looked up at him and smiled, and laughed at his lame jokes, he can't lie to himself.

He loved her, as more than a friend.

"Jake!" the young morph girl cried out, throwing her head back against the seat as her orgasm reached its peak. Her walls contracted around the Shark's cock like a vice, and she slammed into him, "ahhh!" Her pussy tightened around him and coating in legs and cock in her fluids.

Jake couldn't hold back any longer, with one more thrust into her he came, his cock throbbing wildly as he shot his hot loud into her pussy, sending thick streams of cum deep into her womb. He didn't stop there, he shot forward and caught Jess's lips with his own, and furiously kissed her. She kissed him back, the two of them fighting off the other in a battle of tongues.

Eventually he stopped slamming his cock into her, he pulled out as his member fell limp. Both his cum and Jess's dripped off of it and hit the floor of the humvee, making a dull pitter patter sound in the silence. The only other sound was the two teen's heavy breathing.

"Jess," he said when he pulled his lips from hers, her eyes fixed on his as he took her head in his hands, "I love you."

She took his hands in her own and kissed him lightly on the lips, "I...I love you too, Jake." She replied with a smile. Jess moved over and he sat down next to her, the two cleaned themselves of the mess covering their lower bodies and put their clothes back on.

Laying down the two young survivors held each other in a loving embrace.

Their bond forever stronger than ever before.