I'll Give You One Guess

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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This was a commission for Martigan! This was my first time getting to write for him so I hope he enjoys! This was features a fun-loving group of college students, including a pair of loving twins, who happen to take a trip to a lake house cabin and things might get out of hand for someone... I'll give you one guess what happens ;3

As always, please enjoy! Hopefully this is first of many stories to come in January, I have a lot on my wait/to do list and I'm doing all I can to really work through them in January! Enjoy! Comments are always appreciated :D

"Oooh! The food ship has landed! Oh! Holy night! Heaven! I've found it! Its gates are actually the drive through windows of Tasty Burger! Angels are fry cooks!" The sudden, thick scent of freshly salted hot fries, greasy burger patties, and the earthy spice of ketchup packets filled the small, overpacked cars- much to the delight of the entire group of college friends who grappled for their meals. Even though they couldn't quite see the food as it traveled through the window into their car, the mere outlines illuminated by the Fanny Bean's Burgers Drive Thru signs flashing on the side of the building beside them were enough to have every hand raising up eagerly to grapple for their sack of fries and meat.

"I thought we were never going to eat again after that drive through NoWhere, NoWhere Land!" The driver, a raven squawked with a laugh, referring to the longest stretch of their drive through corn fields on the outskirts of the metropolitan college town they all left that brought them here to the edge of their borders, nearing a family beach house, their destination.

She received a chorus of chuckles in response and agreement shared in groans at the fresh memory of the longest, stretch of their drive from the remaining passengers, including the brilliantly rust-colored fox beside her manning the map in the passenger seat, Jake, the rambunctious golden retriever half hanging out the window with building anticipation for hot foot, Jessica, and the two twin dragons opposite her, Jorden and Ciana.

"A burger with everything on it, for our lovely mutt, Jessy Jessica because she loves anything!" The raven crooned, reaching back the greasy white pouch already spilling out golden rods of fried potato while the canine snatched it up.

"Hey now! I just appreciate the little things in life! Including these fries!" she mewled out a happy sound with the first, faintly crunching bite of crisped fries.

Mockingly, another passenger mimed her. "Oh my goodness! Look at that dandelion budding through the concrete! It's so beautiful! Oh my goodness, I read a book last night about undersea divers finding lost coins, it's such a fascinating perspective that I'd never seen before! Oh my goodness-"

"I just think it's better to find the good in things!" she interrupted, shaking an accusatory fry at them all.

"Like you're even one to talk, Teegan! You find amusement in ANYTHING!" another interjected, fixing a sassy stare at the raven while also sneakily watching the worker deliver another bag of food through the window.

"Uh, I make amusement in anything. That's not simplicity, that is comedy. I am a woman wielding a sharp wit."

"Yeah, you are, babe." Jake crooned, winking at her as she passed back his food. A wide grin spread across his face, general amusement and enjoyment painted over all his elongated features.

"Last, but never least, our infamous twins! Ordering the same thing yet again!"

"She copied me!" Jorden complained.

"I told you what I wanted though. So you ordering first has nothing to do with it! You copied me!" Cianna countered, flashing a sharp grin at him.

"Whatever, it's not my fault I got all the original thoughts in the womb!" The entire rest of the car rolled their eyes, laughing and waving with fistfuls of napkins as they pulled away with their food. The bickering between the twins was no more commonplace that all the banter in the entire car.

As the banter started to quiet to be replaced with the soft moan of satisfied consumers tearing into their burgers and swirling salty fries into sugary milkshakes, Jorden began to eye his twin sister's cup situated beside him in the shared pair of holders. His lips pursed and curled into a plotting grin. "Oh... You'll regret leaving that unattended," he thought to himself with a muffled chuckle while he say Cianna, ignorantly chattering over her food with the canine beside her as her brother snuck a slim bottle out from his pocket.

Turning it over, he peeked down at the label. "Triple X Extreme Milk Guzzler's Extreme Habanero And Ghost Pepper Love Baby Jizz." For a mere second, he admired the thick, pastey hot sauce before he upturned the bottle over the open top of his sibling's drink, staring as the spicy glob seemed to melt into the shake before he swirled it into invisibility within the mixture.

Then, he sat back and patiently ate his meal, watching his sister make it through her thick, double stacked burger just like his before his hand waved out in front of him towards the cup holders, "Can I have mine?"


She tipped back the foam cup with Jorden starring as the thick creamy substance rolled down and onto her tongue. For a moment, only the cool tingle of the ice hit her before the sudden explosion of heat hidden within blazed out from her throat. She coughed, gagging once before her eyes clenched shut to hold back the sudden watering as her hand thrust the drink towards her brother once again. "You asshat, I'm going to get you back."

"Oh I'm sure..." he teased, smirking boldly at her, but the dragon's piercing green eyes shot towards him in slivers like arrows. "Oh, no. I will get you back."

"Oh, come on! Kill him when we arrive!" Jake interjected, chuckling.

Teegan, leaving back briefly from the driver's place, flashed a smirk. "Only twenty minutes to go!"

Sure enough, the final stretch of the drive flew by quickly and they all were piling out onto the front lawn of the distant cabin before they thought to complain about the drive again or even ask the dreaded, "Are we there yet?"

As they wound the car up the final path towards their destination, they couldn't help but catch site of the beautiful cove of a beach where a massive rock structure stretched up, cutting the shore off from the direct focus of the currents and waves and leaving the waters more tranquil within the tear drop shaped cove. Within the very center of the arched cove's shape nestled the large, multi-room cabin within a backdrop of vibrantly green growing trees and thick foliage that obscured it from even that private road's view. They'd truly arrived at the perfect weekend getaway.

"Finals can't find us here!" one of the college students cried with excitement.

"Finals? What? I don't speak your strange language! I speak the language of LET'S SWIM!"

The group spilled out of the car in a tangle of limbs to stand in front of the old-fashioned, but renovated cabin with the backdrop of the sparkling water fading out into the distance from the pale white shore. Tall, sky-reaching pine trees reached up from the dirt and filled in the gaps of the landscape in front of them all in a vibrant mixture of the warm, amber brown of the cabin's front with deep, pine green amongst the pale golden and shimmering blue of the shoreline.

"Onward, friends!" Jake uttered with a lift of one paw above his head before he scooped up his duffle bag and his girlfriend's suitcase and led the path up to the front door of the cabin which swung open to reveal a well-decorated, if not a bit kitchen-y interior design with hand carved wood furniture, a oversized brick fireplace with stacked wood beside it prepared to settle into the home of the fireplace, and an open design kitchen that led easily into the living space so that the group could already picture dinner later with seating scattered from the breakfast bar of the kitchen throughout the couches and seats of the living room.

The kitchen featured a line of wooden cabinets against the wall, a stove nestled between the left side while the rest of the counter was cluttered with the amenities of the entire cabin. A toaster butted up next to a coffee pot while kissed a microwave. Then, hanging from the wall, were spoons and utensils mounted above the stove top tucked under a metal hood to guide the smoke away. Another metal container held more wooden spoons to the opposite of the knife block. The fridge squeezed into the corner and then a massive island had the sink and lots of open space for all the stools to sidle up to the bar for breakfast.

The wood flooring continued into the living room where two massive couches framed the room at an angle while mismatched recliners sat around the fringe, allowing all the seats to sit near and around the fireplace without totally alienating the breakfast bar. It was a room made for sitting with overflowing groups of friends.

"Woah! It's huge!"

"That's what she said" Jake interjected, chuckling to himself. Teagan merely scoffed and shot him a withering stare.

"I told you it was nice!"

"What should we do first?"

"Swim! That beach is calling my name!" Jessica directed them all to look out the bay window at the water, faintly rippling with the soft breeze and the muted waves as it rolled towards the toasted sand that'd all been heating beneath the sun as they made their way to the cabin.

"I agree! Swimming for sure!" A chorus of agreement followed before the students all parted to duck into the different rooms of the upper level, discarding their bags and slipping into swim wear as quickly as possible, everyone except Ciana who crept into her brother's bedroom as he slipped into the adjourned bathroom.

"I'm going to get that little punk back..." she muttered to herself, scanning over his suitcase that had already been spilled open onto the bed to see his familiar checkered swimming trunks waiting for him when he left the bathroom. "Perfect."

Carefully, she scooped up the trunks, feeding the string that cinched it closed partially out on one side before she snipped it with a sharp grind of the string against her pocket knife. Then, with a slender piece of tape she'd carried in on her fingernail, she gingerly reattached the string. "Now it'll cinch up, but after enough time and pressure on the tape... it'll all come undone." She marveled at her own handiwork for a second too long, leaving her lingering in the door frame when her brother stepped out from the bathroom.

"Cia-" he greeted, much to her dismay as she grimaced at the despised nickname. She grit her teeth together before glancing over at him. "Hmm?"

"What are you snooping around for?" The boy's green eyes, that mirrored his twin sister's own so sharply, peered over at her. He tracked the motion in her slender frame, marking as she shifted from one foot to the other and her long, spiked tail curled behind her and swished with impatience.

"I'm not snooping, just plotting how to kill you in your sleep for that hot sauce stunt you felt the need to pull earlier in the car." He chuckled until she shot him a withering stare. "You ruined a perfectly good milkshake. You can mess with me, but you don't fuck with milkshakes."

He smirked at her. "Sass all you want, I still got one up on you."

She stepped over the threshold of the room, laughing. "We shall see about that... We shall see..."


"Last one to the water is a rotten egg!" Jessica's high-pitched voice echoed up the hallway of the cabin where she was the fastest one to change into a simple, fuschia colored bikini. The bottom tied on either side, leaving little bows dangling against her hips just beneath her hands that cocked sassily a top her curves. "Anyone even ready?!" she added adjusting her thick hair once to pull it up into a high, messy ponytail before doors began to pop open. The raven slipped out in a simple one piece of pure white, contrasting beautifully to her dark plumage before Jake followed, hiking his very small swim shorts a bit higher. Ciana and Jorden followed behind as the golden retriever took off in a blur towards the beach, leading the charge for everyone else.

Within minutes, they'd made it down the short embankment behind the house and plowed into the chilly water. Soft moans of relief left everyone's muzzles and beaks alike at the cool, refreshing mixture of warmth from the sun, chill from the water, and fresh, crisp air all around them after the uncomfortably hot car stuffed with too many passengers the entire drive up.

"Oh my goodness, this is heaven..." Jessica sighed out, making Teegan chuckle once before she was stifled with a short spray of water shooting her way from Jake, who beamed. "Play nice!"

"Oh, now you did NOT!" Another spray of water fired back, thus starting an all out war, each person fending for themselves within the explosion of water ushered from the surface into the face of opponents.

"Take cover!" Jorden suddenly cried, being hit once too many times before he spun and took a dive into the water. His arms pulled back, pumping and dipping down into the water in long strokes to quickly race out towards the open expanse of water. Ciana turned, watching just as he arched his back and crossed down deeper into gentle waves. As he did though, Ciana pictured her gerry-rigged prank on his shorts, and sure enough, she saw them slipping exposing just a slice of his butt as he dove, but escaping his frame entirely as he shot cleanly through the water below.

While he kicked and spun further away in an attempt to escape the splashing, his shorts had begun to drift in the opposite direction, skirting with the gentle current up the curvature of the cove and towards the rocks near the opening that led out much deeper.

He popped back up from the water, sucking in a long breath of the cool air while he swung his head back to look at his friends. Their heads poked up from the water many yards away, hands waggling at him in waves as he started to kick towards them once again, bucking his smooth, scaled body in the water to feel how it rolled through the water. "Yeesh, lots of water getting...." He slowed down, shifting his hips through the water before glancing down to see through the crystal water to find that his swim shorts had disappeared from over his waist!

Bobbing in the water he could see his cock, gently dancing in the motion of the water and utterly exposed and showing up brightly in the backdrop of pale blue. "God... Dammit, Cia!" he muttered, pumping his fist into the water with a splash, just once before he calmed, realizing that, as he floated closer and closer to his friends, they had increased chances of spotting his sparkly golden scales through the thin veil of the water. "She went too far! This is no fair!"

He grit his teeth together, feeling the chill of the water around his cock as he eyed the distant shore where his friends were clumped close. His eyes swept up the expanse of the shore spying where some of the rocks pressed into the denser foliage of the bushes. "Ah ha! I can just swim up there and head back inside-" A sudden blip in his peripheral vision pulled his attention away only to see his sister striding out of the water. She was just stepping out from the water, lifting herself out from the cool blue surface as the sun coat the shining surface of her wet, golden skin. They were distantly aquatic, lending them the fin-esque off shoots from each of her cheeks, situated beneath the smooth horns atop her head, arching back towards the back of her head.

Tiny, glittery diamonds of water slipped down the smooth arch of her back, dropping off from the thick curvature of her ass. Her swimsuit was a deep emerald, perfectly matched to their shared eye color and complementing of the golden hue of her skin. It was a miniature bikini, just barely covering the surface of her pert, rounded ass showing as she lifted up her tail to shimmying the water off from it while her feet settled onto the sand. Jorden found his breath hooking in his throat as she turned to look back over the water. The motion of her turn sent a gentle ripple over her chest, jostling her heavy breasts within the fragile confines of the triangle shreds of fabric she meant to be a swimsuit. The strings tied up around her neck seemed to strain to keep her chest steady while water dripped down off the visible lump of each nipple beneath the fabric.

"Uh-" The twin found himself at a loss for words, even for thoughts, that could describe what hit him in that moment where he stared across the water at his sister's glittering form. He looked at a carbon copy of himself, the same hue of golden scales carefully woven into a smooth skin encompassed both their bodies. The same eyes peered out from her skull, sparkling emerald, as he saw in the mirror each day. Even their lean forms were similar in stature and build. Yet, that version had heavy, bouncing breasts and an ass that was tight and firm beneath the skimpy swim suit she wore. He couldn't help it, the sight was simply too much for him to completely write off as his sibling. Instead, he felt his cock stir in the chilled water, hardening into a firm boner that pressed to his belly as though trying to swim to the surface.

"God Damn! Now I really can't let myself be seen!" he thought, turning back towards where he intended to make his escape and starting into a blind paddle. When he popped back up, he sucked in a long breath and opened both eyes to check where he was-

"Ah!" His eyes stared straight into the bright, green glow of his sister's. While he'd been swimming, she must had wandered up the shore because she now stood right in between him and the shoreline, with the rock he'd intended to be his cover, hiding them both now.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, fixing a stern eye on her in hopes that eye contact would keep her from looking down to see where his boner announced its presence by bobbing in the water.

"Where are you going?" she asked, all innocent and smirking. Jorden realized, she knew about the success of her prank, it was obvious, but at the same time she showed no realization of his excitement hiding beneath the water.

Jorden's eyes narrowed and his jaw set with determination. "She's not getting away with this one. No way is this going to turn out humiliating for me. No!" he resolved, mentally, watching as she tittered in front of him, giggling softly while he silently fumed and plotted.

"Yes, you may have won that battle, but I think it's time that I won this war..." he thought, finding her words had faded into a mere noise while his mind churned out an idea. He waited, enduring the girl's little jokes and mockery.

"And you thought you could just sneak over here and sulk out and run away? No way! That wouldn't be very good payback..."

Jorden smirked, patient.

"You know what, why don't we invite everyone out to get some snacks? That'll take away your chance to run in and get something to wear... plus, everyone is going to look over here!" She turned, one hand half raised to wave and summon everyone one over, but before she got out the words Jorden acted.

His arms circled from behind while he moved smoothly into place. He felt her butt, so vibrantly warm in contrast to the cool temperature of the beach's water against his naked front. His cock slipped in against her, sandwiching it between her butt cheeks so that she hugged around him, hot and smooth. She could feel the girth of him there, his size momentarily making her eyes widened before she realized the rest of the situation induced even more surprise and confusion! His hands clasped in front of her slim waist, using his body to leverage her back into him, effectively trapping her as a hand slid down her front in a swift motion to the front of her skimpy bikini bottoms with his fingertips skittering down her stomach to hover just above the line of her meager swimsuit.

"W-what are you doing?" she muttered, though it wasn't hard to guess as his hand nudged into her slit, creasing the little bottoms she wore before three fingers began to rub against her. His hands curled into a cupping motion so that he fit like a glove over top of her sex. With the very first touch, he sniffed at the air, catching the faintest fragrance had been released. A thick, earthy flavor in the air of his sister's sex. He felt the heat of her sex against his hand, like an oven compared to even the heat of her mere skin. Hottest against the very ends of his fingers, he pressed into the warmth of her, bending each finger at the knuckle to fit tighter in against the girl.

Then, his middle finger pressed even harder so that it pushed the fabric of her panties to fit in flush against her sex, lining her slit with the plastering of her wet bottom right into the curves of her lower lips. He guided the tip of that one finger up the length of her slit, feeling her out, exploring her. He crooned at the shape of her slit there, just beneath her fingers. As his hand moved up, he caught the nub of her clit hidden beneath the fabric and on the way down, he felt where her sex dipped deeper into the opening of her cunt.

His fingers worked roughly, pressing into her slit and rubbing up and down the entire length of her sex, focusing the backend of each motion to the nub of her clit faintly noticeable under her clothes.

"W-w-what are you doing!?" Ciana demanded again, this time with a greater tremor in her voice. Her brother's hand, so alien to feel between her thighs like that, sent a mixture of sensations through her. Her mind was throwing confusion into the vat, yet her body had a different reaction. His hand felt so hot, so right situated there against her sex. Her hips felt the urge to roll forward, to push into him. When his hands curled, it was almost like he'd enter her, just shove the little bottom in with his fingers and feel her clench around him, but he didn't. She could feel his thumb, pressing uselessly into the top of her thigh as the rest of his hand rubbed against her, it pushed so hard against the skin, so impatiently she felt a sudden rush at it. And his rubbing! Just the squeeze of his hand, so hard against her sex that she could feel every digit in detail made her eyes want to roll back, her head to tip and her hips to thrust into the motions, but that feeling quickly faded back into the rolling waves of confusion. "Seriously!"

Her brother's other hand turned up so that he could grope his grasp around one of her heavy breasts, tugging the fabric out of his way so his warm touch covered over top of her naked breast: flesh to flesh. He felt the heft of her tit fill her hand. His palm pushed up into the underboob, lifting it so that the meat of her pressed squished to her own chest to allow his fingers to swallow it up, trapping it beneath her groping, massaging touch. He looked down over her shoulder, drinking in the sight of her cleavage, so exposed and deep in the skimpy even without him tugging it out of the way. Then, his fingers mashed and jostled one breast so that it pressed into the other, creasing and creating a perfect home for him to pump into. "Mmmm..."

Confusion flashed through her mind as her brother pressed into her more. She felt the entire form of his body pressed into the backside of her frame. She could feel the faint muscle of his stomach, tensed to her back. She felt the clench of his arms around either side of her, tense and strong. She shivered to feel the hard board of his chest, like a wall trapping her there while his cock rubbed between her butt cheeks. She could feel the tip, dragging down along her crack, poking against her soft flesh. She felt his breath, all hot against her neck as he panted lustfully. Her nose twitched, catching a hint of his musk in the air, mixing with the scent of the outdoors like a reminded that they were totally exposed here, out in the open.

When he responded, his lips pressed to her ear. His words came out in a throaty growl of a voice, rumbling right into her. "Oh, darling. Isn't it clear? It's payback..." She felt her throat catch, a soft whimper escaping as his fingers dove into her swimsuit bottoms to touch her bare sex. His voice, so smooth and rumbling in her ear sent a tremor down her spine.

The heat of it had him moaning very quietly into her ear as his fingers touched to her naked, exposed clit. The cool, lapping kiss of the cold water alone had her sex tingling with stimulation, but then a steady, rubbing forceful touch of his hand had her hips writhing and knees wobbling back into her brother's powerful grasp. Her tail lashed to keep her balance, splashing quietly, but the rest of their group was lost in a game of "someone dropped a penny" to even notice the commotion in the brief moments they came up for air.

Jorden lost himself for a moment in the sensation of cupping his fingers over the girl's naked, bare sex. Her little bottom weren't off all the way yet, instead the band pressed into the back of his hand, forcing him to work against it, to slither in beneath the thin, weak protection she'd had from his touch. Then, the heat.. So much hotter within that veil. He gulped, curling his fingers around the shape of her sex.

He paused a second without moving any further, just cupping around the general shape before his middle finger began to shift, feeling the slit exposing her wetness. It acted like a guide for his finger to follow, tracing around the shape of her slit and slipping over it, grazing it. He moved up, feeling where her clit stuck out between her lower lips and flicked- gently so that she flinched. He felt her ass jolt backwards, rubbing around his cock in the attempt to avoid the sudden stimulation on her sensitive little nub. He felt every shiver and quiver of her body back against his own.

Then, his finger tip rolled back down the line of her slit. He pushed the fabric of her little bottom, letting him getting deeper, down into them so that his finger actually pushed right between the very bottom of her asscheeks before drawing up from the bottom of her sex so that he could part her lower lips. Then, he slide up and pressing into the wettest crease to her clit from his deeper vantage point, flicking it against now against the more tender under side. Again, she jolted and shook against him. This time, gliding down, he pushed right into her open. She parted around his finger as he eased into her, curling his finger into her walls to feel the ridged, fleshy walls of her cunt. He searched deeper, curling and pressing to search out the sensitive patch of her g-spot where his finger pushed like a trigger button.

"How's it feel to be helpless?" Jorden murmured, enjoying the sensation of his sister's body. She felt so warm, so hot against him in the contrast of the crisp, chilly water. He loved the sight of her face, only visible from the side as he curled around to look at her, but he could see she bit at her lip; nervous and excited by his touch. He caught sight of a streak of pink running up her jawline, bleeding a blush over her cheeks. She felt so slick and smooth against him, a sensation so different than plush fur against him. He felt every shiver that raced down her spine, every tremor that shot through her body. He could feel her responding to his touch. When his fingers curled, pressing harder against the opening of her sex and finding that little g-spot, using it like a toy buzzer, he felt the miniature buck of her hips. When he grazed up over top of her swollen clitoris, he felt her tense and squeeze her butt cheeks around his cock out of instinct.

"She's always taking control, playing games with me. Now it's my turn to be in control, I'm in control," he thought with a rush of excitement. His grip tightened, muscles straining in his biceps in a display of the true strength the dragon wielded. The tight grip, the squeeze around her slim frame sent a jolt of unbidden lust through the female with the mere message that the male behind her, the male who's cock was rubbing against her asscrack while her swim bottoms drifted down towards the bottom of the shallow water. She felt his need, his lust. She also felt her own weakness, her helplessness. She felt exposed without the bottom right over top of his hand. Instead, he now worked without any barriers. His hands had tugged her top out of the way. It looked more like a useless pile of strings than a garment and her bottoms were sitting around her ankles, fluttering in the current. That left her pussy totally exposed to the chilly water. It lapped at her, the current feeling like a stranger's tongue using her opened, offered sex as though she'd been tied spread eagled on a street corner and someone was tasting the offering.

Suddenly, she felt his tip grind up to the slit of her pussy lips. Heat kissed against the flared cock head of his penis. She couldn't help it, a thought popped into her mind even in the midst of the chaos of her brother's sudden attack: "W-woah that's thick." Before she could process further, he thrust forward in one smooth, fast thrust that pierced him into the hot, clenching snatch of her cunt. Her walls seemed to reject him at first, but then then tightened and pulled him into her. The texture of the gentle ridges of her sex worked and squeezed around him, mapping out this thing within her as his tip pushed deeper into her sex, stretching her out to fit him within.

A gasp escaped her lips, shock sputtering out in the breath. "What the hell are you doing?" she demanded, realizing that this wasn't just some teasing to make her flustered and to put on some awkward show to embarrass her, in fact, her brother was muffling the little grunts from his muzzle. He was hiding them. This wasn't some game or a play, her brother actually wanted to fuck her. He was fucking her.

And hard.

"He's my brother! My twin! He c-can't be doing this!" One part of her thought, the rational, ground part of her mind railed against this action, but the other part, the more primal raw function thought only, "Ohhh fuck..."

His thrust, even though he stayed deep and quiet behind her, each thrust rocked his tip down to her cervix and his hips made her jostle in the water. The only thing keeping her from merely toppling over was the vice-like grip he had on her body. One hand still groped and kneaded mercilessly at one of her breasts while the other worked a steady thumb over top of her pink, throbbing clit. Her entire body was flushed, put on display. The water was licking at her sex while he toyed with her clit, plunged into her sex. Then, above, the breast he left unattended was caressed by the heat of the sun boring down from above. The wind kissed down her throat, all these strange elements seeming to aid in her brother's game, playing with her, making her a toy.

"I-I'm your sister. Your twin!" she complained, weakly though as he started to lengthen the thrust, driving his thick cockhead against the sensitive ridges within her snatch. She felt his hand on her breast distinctly, the power within the hold. She felt a rush at being so helpless in his strong arms, held here for his pleasure with their friends so close.

Jorden felt only a greater rush at her words. The reminder of how not allowed this was. It was wrong. It was forbidden. His cock twitched at the mere thought of how bad it was for him to be buried within his sister. Her complaints. Her shy mewls about the ethics of it, the judgement they'd get, that only egged him on. It was adorable hearing her complain and whimpering about their shared blood even while her sex clamped on him, squeezed him deeper. Even if her mind was telling her it was wrong, the flush of her cheeks, the wetness of her sex, the sucking and milking of his cock by her hungry sex said otherwise. Her body sure felt right.

Her attention shifted to the sounds of their friends splashing around, so close she could hear their idle chattering: "What do you mean you've never tried pickles in hot sauce? It's SO good! On burgers!"

"You'd eat anything though!"

"Says you! You're a RAVEN! Aren't you scavengers!"

"In modern society, the raven has adjusted-"

They were so close, yet oblivious that yards away Jorden had her clutched in his arms, naked and he was fucking her. They were so close, but didn't have a clue behind a rock two twins were fucking. Just out of the water, with the breeze whisking past them, Ciana's nipples had hardened into little diamonds beneath her top. They pierced against the fabric of the bikini where it hadn't already been pulled from her chest. She felt the skin tingling around them, throbbing through each nub with building arousal and the heat of her flesh fighting the chill of the air. Then, the heat of the sun contrasted it, only adding to the mishmash of sensations, the battle of her body to keep up with this constant stimulation.

Behind her, her tail fought not to splash as it flicked through the air, thrashing slightly, though more so trembling with inhibited arousal, a shy expression of how much energy coursed through her thin, toned frame. All the while, Ciana was trying to control herself. She didn't want to get caught by the others, but almost more than that, she didn't want her brother to have the leverage of knowing what he was doing to her. A shy squeak of a moan escaped her lips at the thought, fresh wetness leaking out around her brother's pistoning thrusts.

"Mmm, I heard that. What's turning you on most, Cia? Knowing it's your brother pounding you? Feeling like a little plaything? Or is it that you could be caught at any moment? Caught doing something so wrong!" Jorden too felt the same tingle of excitement rushing down his spine at the thought of sticking it to his sister, his own twin and they were so close to them!

Soon, before her mind totally wrapped around the entirety of what was evening happening, she felt her entire body responding without her mind's full release. Her sex clenched around her brother's cock while she leaked with excitement around his base, lubricating him to go faster within her. Her lips broke apart with a soft gasp as Jorden pushed into her further, forcing her to bend slightly at the waist as both of his hands dropped to her hips, starting to slam into her harder. Her breasts, slipping out from the confines of the skimpy bikini top, began to bounce and shake with every thrust. The faintest slapping splash echoed after each thrust deep into her, rocking his shaft along with tight, clenching walls of her insides. While his cock was enveloped within the smoothed ridges of her sex, massaging and clamping down on him, his flesh slide against hers. Their scales were exceptionally smoothed and well-fit together as they reigned from an aquatic breed of dragons, made to be able to slip through water easily. Her entire body felt silken, smooth against his own, so different than the plushness of fur. Somehow, it felt more erotic to be able to slip against her, to feel as though there skin might meld together in the heat of the exchange.

"Hmm? You love this don't you? Doing something so... naughty?" Jorden crooned into her ear, slamming himself harder into her with every word, impatience and pleasure starting to surmont within him. Ciana tried to deny it to herself, yet should couldn't totally help it.

"God! He's making this so much worse!" she thought, though a deeper voice from within, one without the shame of society's rules, perhaps her inner child, her hidden slut, or merely her psychological ID, constantly wanting, whispered and crooned something totally different. "Oh but you do love it. You love your brother's cock thrust inside of you. Stop lying to yourself. Stop lying to him. Give into it. Be naughty. Live a little. You love it. You love how big he is, don't you? Oh yes..."

"G-god, so much bigger than I've ever had..." she mewled, not realizing she wasn't just saying it to just her inner self.

"W-what was that?" Jorden smirked behind her, his entire body suddenly shivering with the rush of his partner's admission.

She flushed a bright pink, refusing to meet his eyes even as he leaned over her shoulder with a massive smirk painted on.

"The biggest ever, huh. That must feel great. Stretching your cunt..." He grunted, thrusting harder so she felt the sheer size of him spreading her out around him. His hands grabbed for her hips, using a pull to guide her back onto him for long, slow thrusts that rocked hard into her. Slow and powerful. Every one slapped them together lightly, a small sound effect accompanying them, a muted slap between their bodies.

"Isn't it hot to be so close, yet everything over there doesn't know a thing..." His voice silenced, trailing off as they heard Jessica's voice: "Hey, where are the twins?"

"Oh, probably swam off..." Ciana, hiding behind the rocks with her brother balls deep within her snatch listened to every breath of their friends in that tense moment, but at the same moment, Jorden thrust right up against the little patch of her g-spot.

She gasped, then clamped her lips together with both eyes jutting open wide.

To have their friends round around the rock, even just enough to catch the sparkle of the sun on their golden scales, they'd all come over. They'd come around and see Jorden bending Ciana over, fucking her like a little toy or a doll. They'd see her breasts bouncing, naked out of her top with every thrust. They'd see her own wetness dripping down, proof that she enjoyed her own twin brother screwing her.

She gulped.

"Did you hear that?" Teegan's clear voice echoed out followed by the faint rustled splashes of their feet shifting through the water.

Jorden smirked down at this sister, though he knew being caught wouldn't be great for either of them, yet he couldn't help but feel a rush at making the girl squeal and clench hard around him in an attempt to control herself as his thumb decided to assault her sensitive clit and his cock drove into the discovered g-spot with vigor.

"I'm sure they just swam off somewhere to explore..."

"Or they are trying to drown each other somewhere!" Laughter sputtered out from the group and their footsteps stopped to be replaced with fresh banter and splashing, just as Jorden suddenly gripped tightly onto his sister's arm.

"I'm going to cum." He huffed into his sister's ear, bucking a few more times as his hips prepared to ease back, but instead, he felt a sudden tug on his hips. His eyes dropped only to see a pair of his sister's slender fingers pulling him forward deeper into her, rather than back. "It's okay..." she murmured, voice faint and almost shy before she peeked over one shoulder, letting him see those sparkling green eyes. "Cum inside me, Jorden."

Jorden couldn't help it, the mere utterance of the words were as though someone had lit a fuse. The young dragon jerked, clutching his arms around his sibling and clinging to her as his balls ground against her, slapping hard with his last thrust before he buried himself deep and came.

Thick strings of cum arched through the girl's sex, spattering against her inner walls and starting to fill her with a steady, bursting flow of the gooey cream. Jorden's breath washed over her ear in hard pants, drained with filling his sister while Jorden only felt hot, her skin burned. Her pussy was clenching, working around him and subsequently working out every drop of his cum, milking him within her cunt. His arms hugged her tightly until he'd finished and they slackened just enough to let her writhe around to face him for the first time since he'd slammed into her.

Meeting one another's eyes, their cheeks flushed unconsciously, facing the mirror of their twin after having just done something so wrong with each other. Cianna was the first to sputter softly and drop her gaze, though even as she felt a flush of confusion, shame, and guilt she felt an equal mixture of lust, pleasure, and excitement at what had happened there moments before. Then, before she could move away, Jorden's hand cupped beneath her chin, "Cia-" He murmured, before he pulled her into a kiss. Once again, his arms found their way around the girl, this time with her own enveloping him in return as their lips fought in a passionate, building kiss.

Cianna felt the rush of excitement returning twofold. Her pussy felt flushed, sensitive, puffy, and overall hot. It was like a fire had been set, but not of actual flames that burned and stung, but somehow within the flesh so that it seemed to crawl with the desire to be touched, stroked, kissed, licked... She pressed her lips harder into her brother's, muffling a building moan of desire into his mouth.

Her clit was swollen with need, puffy and bright pink. She could feel it, occasionally grinding to it as they kissed. Her hips started to writhe roughly in the attempt to bring some relief, some stimulation to the desperate buzzer. Her entire frame rubbed and ground to her brother, he'd unlocked a deep set need within the young female dragon that now she couldn't seem to cage, she felt hot. She felt breathless. Her entire body squirmed and her lips couldn't stop parting with whimpers into her brother's kiss.

"Seriously though, guys. Where are the twins?" The sudden outburst of their friend's voice jerked their attention away from one another. Both cocked their attention towards the beach where, faintly, they heard a little growl.

"I don't know, but I'm starving! Who wants grub?"

"I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to have... dinner waiting for whenever they returned from their little adventure of whatever sort..." Agreement chorused around before the cacophony of the group exiting the water echoed out to where the twins hid. Quietly they waited until the footsteps of the sliding sand faded into the distant thunk of the more solid, wooden deck at the cabin.

"Mmm... food does sound good. We'd better catch up." Jorden broke the kiss. He extracted his body entirely from his sister's front, letting a cool gust of the outside air touch to her now exposed body. Without their embrace, Cianna's breasts were stripped of their top, lefting to bounce naked and free while her panties jumbled at her ankles, dropped carelessly off her exposed pussy that leaked with her brother's thick oozing jizz.

His eyes scoured over her body once, taking in that sight of his sister flushed with lust, stripped down, and then dripping with his spunk. "Mmm... that's a pretty sight..." He thought to himself, practically licking his lips.

Cianna on the other hand, felt a rush of irritation at her brother's lustful appraisal. She bent over with a flush of embarrassment, dragging her bottoms back up to cover her indecency before she adjusted the top quickly with a humph.

"Yep! We'd better go!" Jorden said once more, reiterating that he intended to leave Cianna how she was, flushed and desperately horny. She eyed him, seeing his familiar smirk.

"You wouldn't actually-"

Before she could even finish, Jorden had spun and dove into the water, paddling back toward the beach.

Ciana stared after him, his bare ass peeking out from the water in bursts while her bottom jaw slackened. "He really just... swam away... He got me all horny... and then he swam away...." She looked down at herself, still seeing the splay of a pink blush over her breasts and running down her neck. She bent, splashing up some water before she eased down into it, still not moving. "What an asshole! That's just-" She looked up with a sudden realization just as her brother started the slow climb out of water while the wet sand slipped beneath his feet.

"He's not getting away with this!" she said to herself before she pivoted and dove into the water, pistoning straight towards her brother's ankles. When she popped up, one hand pushed out right into the center of her brother's chest while a foot swung out and helped him to topple backwards into the soft sand.

His head turned, eyes trained on her with a crinkled brow. "HEY! Whatcha doing?"

"Oh..." she smirked, slowly taking a few steps so she stood, spread legged over top of where her brother lay back in the sand. He looked up to the sight of her, backdrop of the bright sun sparkling and glittering off her skin, breasts heavy above him, nipples hard enough to see, and her sex outlined in the wet swimsuit. "Well... someone seemed to think that he could just swim away from me... But... well, now it's my turn!"

She peeked down at him once, lips curling into a grin before she reached up. Slowly, she tugged on one of the loose ends of her bikini top, letting it stretch out from behind her, her arm almost full extending before the knot fell apart, letting the little triangles fall away and exposing both of her naked, heavy breasts at the same time. Then, her hands started to knead over her breasts and she squatted lower over her brother, giving him a good look at her sex above his lap and her naked breasts. She tweaked the nipples between two fingers, working them into harder nubs before she grabbed onto the strings on either side of her tied bikini bottoms.

Then, those too began to stretch out, out, out... and ah, then the fabric dropped away like a magic curtain lowering in a magic trick to reveal the smooth skin of her pussy. Both of her lips were swollen, impatient with need. The male could still see the white of his cum oozing out, smearing into her lower lips before she circled a hand around his cock, already reaching half-mast from this vantage point beneath his sister.

With quick, warm pumps, she worked him into a throbbing pole once again. Then, without ceremony, but instead with a sharp, needy lust driving her, she lined herself over him and dropped right onto his hard cock.

"Ohh... yes..." she growled somewhere deep in her throat as she ground her ass down against him, working him deep into her before her pussy welcomed him with a vice like squeeze around. He couldn't help but groan at the sudden heat once again around him, though this time he could feel her squeezing him on purpose. He looked up, watching her smug face and each time she squeezed he saw the twinkle of mischief in her eyes and a proud pout form on her lips. She was teasing him, just like he'd done to her.

"So have you been planning to fuck your sister?" she asked, placing both hands into the center of his chest as her anchor while she started to merely grind over him, offering now thrusts but the clenching massage of her sex around him. "Have you been plotting it for a while? Sneaking in to see me masturbate at night?"

She caught the way his eyes popped open a bit at this mention, and she chuckled. "Oh? So no then... you never caught on that if I went to bed early, ducked out of a family movie, it was to play? Oh, so innocent-" She clenched hard on the word, making him squeak suddenly. "You never knew that I was pounding away at myself, just through a single, thin wall. You couldn't have come in, watching countless times with my legs spread eagle, pussy wide open while I pounded myself with a toy." She grinned, starting to finger at her own clit, ignoring how he pulsed and throbbed impatiently within her. Her focus was on herself, tormenting him was just a bonus.

"Guess this means you never knew about bath time either? Thought I just loved to blast classical while I 'relaxed'? Dumbass. No, no, no. Bath time was about getting a suction cup down so I could squat down and feel something pierce me..." She broke off with a soft moan, mimicking what she described with him as the toy, lifting herself over him and easing back down again. "Feeling it spread me wide open... so thick... so big." She crooned, whimpering with delight while she ground her way down his cock before she reached the base with a tight clench. "Then, once I'd taken it all, I got to bounce."

Then, she started to ride him, hard. Her toned, muscular legs lifted her to bounce and slam down over his lap, hard and steady. She didn't even seem tired after several minutes into it, clutching onto her breasts and mewling distantly. She never even looked down at him once she began. Instead, she was lost into her own mind, a fantasy.

"I'm just a big sex toy..." Jorden thought to himself, emotions mixing at the idea of being so devalued, but at the same time, the sight was uncomparable. He'd entered the most realistic and engaging porno of his life. Apart from actually feeling her clenching, steaming hot sex massaging around him, he got to see her entire face flushed and her mouth open with pleasure. He saw her nails digging into her breasts with every hard squeeze. He saw her pinching her own nipples, playing rough with herself. Her tail lashed madly behind now, splashing and breaking across the water, no longer worried about attracting attention. She was lost in it.

Eventually, Jorden couldn't lay dormant beneath her though. His hips started to thrust up, helping her with the motions and she didn't pin him back down or stop him. Instead, she reached out to grab for his hands so he could pull her forward into the thrusts and act as an anchor as her hips went mad. She sputtered, whimpering and gasping in bursts as her body worked over him harder and faster.

"J-Jorden..." she gulped, pussy clutching onto him so hard she fought to continue to move without slowing to interact with the power of her own squeeze. Jorden's face contorted with his oncoming orgasm. Her pussy was already starting to milk him, squeezing and pulsing before with a sudden, shared gasp, they came.

The sensation of the dragoness cumming, clenching and writhing over his lap, was nothing like Jorden's first orgasm. Her hands continued to clutch his with nails digging into his skin, leaving moon shaped indents while her head arched back. Briefly, a sputter of sparks caught on the air with the rush of deep, breaths from the young dragon, releasing a spit of her more internal attributes before she was merely gasping and whimpering with the falling action of her orgasm.

His entire body drained out with the rush of his twin sister's orgasm egging him on, milking him with her own contractions. The same thick goo as the first round pumped steadily into the girl, as though trying to fill her in completely to paint back over the hole made. Rope after rope of the gooey jizz until, finally, they collapsed together and his cock let out the last few, meager trickles within her.

As she lay panting against his chest, Jorden looked down to his sister's naked frame, admiring how the setting sun sent a flush of oranges and pinks reflecting off the girl's smooth scales and noticing that her stomach had inflated with the throughout fillings. His hand reached up, petting over top of the lump before he shifted to turn her slightly, "Would you look at that..." he mused, eyeing her from the side.

"Looks like a baby bump!" he explained, chuckling while he continued to rub at the bulge in her stomach, imagining how much of his spunk had been pumped into her to fill her to the point of stretching. He smirked, pride filling him with a fresh wash of pleasure and contentedness.

"My own sister... filled to the brim..."

"Mmm... that's right." She looked down at the bulge herself, finding her cheeks felt hot at the sight of it reminding her of the fleeting, but impressionable moment where she felt her brother's heat exploding into her, rushing and dribbling within her walls before it just felt warm and gooey within her. She shifted, watching a few drops escape from her sex and smear along her thigh's scales.

She sniffed at the air, certain that someone could detect the sex clinging to them. "We should... rinse off and get inside, before they worry." She nodded towards the cabin where the briefest motion seemed to brush past one window.

Her brother had to suck in a deep breath before he could nod, feeling the rush of pleasant exhaustion in his limbs as they stumbled to their feet. Ciana adjusted her swimsuit once again, covering her sex though she couldn't cover her bulging stomach at all, so she just shrugged. "I swallowed a lot of water in a dive or something?" she asked him, eyeing his own nudity.

"You go in and make a lot of noise while I run upstairs to change?" he proposed, raising a brow at her.

Her lips pursed, thinking before she shrugged. "Sure, hurry up then!" Then, she took off towards the cabin. He watched her for a second, her toned legs pumping off again, not at all tired even after riding him like mad. Her ass jostled with the motions, tail swishing with excitement while her hair fluttered out behind her. Jorden sucked in a breath, calming his stirring but tired cock before he took off, following her to the cabin.


"I return!"

"The prodigal daughter washes up from the waves!" Jessica cried at the sight of the female half of the twin's appearing in the doorway of the cabin's porch entrance, beaming with her wet hair hanging over her shoulders.

"Where were you?" Jack asked with a grin, one hand bouncing with a bottle of beer on his leg while the other curled around his girlfriend's waist, teasingly poking at her breast- no wonder he had such a smile.

"Forget me!" Ciana cried, just as Jorden had taken his the streak towards the hallway, expecting his sister to distract as she said, but instead: "Check out the pantless wonder! Jorden lost his shorts!"

Jorden let one long breath putter out through his lips before his friends giggles broke out. "Should have known even sex wouldn't block her evil streak..." he muttered under his breath, though he couldn't help but chuckle at the familiarity in his sister's natures, unchanged even after their tumble in the water and then the sand.

His friends laughter rang after him as he headed up the stairs to the rooms once again, but he couldn't help but only feel a rush of excitement at whatever the future held: a prank war with sex on the table? What college boy would resist that?


"Knock knock?" Ciana looked up from the book she'd been reading, the pages illuminated by a flickering, dying bulb beside the cabin's cushy bed. She blinked, checking her phone briefly to see early morning single digits flashing there, but she whispered out a call nonetheless.


"It's me-" The voice murmured before the door parted just enough so that the young dragoness could see her raven friend peeking through the crack. Her yellow eyes were sharp, vaguely cloudy with some serious emotions swirling within them.

Ciana pushed herself up to sit, waving a hand. "Come on in. What's up?"

"Well, it's about earlier..." The raven trailed off, unsure how to continue. Her beak pressed closed as her thoughts swirled concerning her two friends, the two twin dragons. They'd always been the two bickering with the most heat, but at the same time the two to finished each other's sentences, guessed the other's food orders, shared food. She'd always recognized the love between them, hell, if they hadn't looked identical she'd have guessed they were dating, not related.

So, it always gave Teegan a conflicted feeling when, in the later, drunker hours of the night, when the question occurred whether those two siblings had ever slipped into something more... but she'd always cast aside the thought, they were brother and sister. Surely, she thought, they were close, but they wouldn't cross that line.

Until they did.

"I saw you." She paused, swallowing and meeting her friend's eyes. "Today, on the beach." Another pause, a shy one this time before she flushed under her feathers. "With Jorden."

Ciana coughed once. "Oh..."

Teagan glanced at her friend's stomach, remembering the distinct bulge. "Do you think-"

Ciana couldn't explain it, but she'd felt it all night, a nagging feeling of certainty that that bulge hadn't just been from a through filling, but it'd been a sign of what was to come.

"Yeah... I do."

Her friend didn't respond for a long time, but then she leaned in and pulled the dragon into a tight, playful hug and said with a smirk, "I wonder who it'll look like?"