Addiction - Chapter Twenty-four: Family Ties

Story by Rufus01 on SoFurry

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#24 of Addiction

Well, the cat is out of the bag. Somewhat. Alex is now fully aware of her secret. Dustin knows it too. Big changes are in store for these two. Now that a few months have passed since Dustin and Alex made their pup, the fact of its existence will be harder and harder to hide. Every day it will become more and more obvious. It's sinking in ways more potent than a pregnancy test can ever accomplish.

This is a work of fiction that will contain graphic incest between consenting adult characters. All characters are 100% fictional. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

Kudos goes to Dustin. Surprisingly that boy is handling the situation quite well. He's taking on more responsibilities. He accepted the situation almost instantly. Most important, he still seems to be in love with Alex. Good for him. Alex is lagging behind, but she seems to have finally thrown off that blanket of cognitive dissonance and is accepting the situation. Still these two are totally unprepared. Will their naive love hold through the challenges ahead? Will they continue to rise to the challenges ahead, even as they grow steeper and more difficult? Will they muster the courage to tell their father and seek medical help? Find out on this and next week's chapter of "Addiction"!


Chapter Twenty-Four

Family Ties


Rufus Quentin

April 14, 1999

It may seem trivial, but one of the most important moments during the first few months of my pregnancy was the day I couldn't fit into my own jeans anymore. Well, they weren't really my jeans anyway. I'd appropriated them from Danny back when he lived with us. I liked them. They felt broken in and comfortable. It happened on a morning before school, early April according to my journal, not long after I accepted the fact that I was pregnant and forced myself out of my depression. I wasn't quite awake yet so it came as an uncomfortable eye-opener about as effective as double shot of espresso. I hiked them up my legs and fumbled with the button. I already had to suck it in to fit them before, but now no matter how much I held my breath, I couldn't get the button through the eyelet. I tried in multiple positions, but no. This was one secret whose days were numbered. Give it four or five more weeks and every idiot in town would know. Fuck me.

I was showing, but luckily it wasn't very obvious then, just a slight distension. With clothes on nobody would notice. When I stood topless and profile in front of the mirror however, my reflection left no room for doubt. I knew long before I took that pregnancy test that this would be the way things would go. I knew it would get worse and that I would have to accommodate the changes. When I told Dustin and we talked through it, all seemed very distant, almost hypothetical, despite the early symptoms. Now when I got up every morning, I looked down at my belly and knew it was slightly, imperceptibly larger than the day before, and this was just the beginning. Every day things seemed a little more concrete, a little more real. Every day meant I was pulled that much further from shore by a riptide of radical change. The unpleasantness of what I had to do weighed heavier by the hour. I needed a doctor. I needed to reach out to someone else, someone who could actually help. First, I needed a new wardrobe.

I went to Dustin who still lay sprawled in a tangle of sheets in bed despite the recurrent alarm. "Fuck, shit, cunt," he mumbled as he eventually got to his feet. His fur looked like a wild tornado of tufts. He waved me to his clothing drawer, mumbling something unintelligible and opened his bottom drawer and tossed a few garments my way.

"Are these Brandon's?" I asked, unfolding a pair of tattered jeans nine sizes wider than anything Dustin ever wore before.

Dustin mumbled something else. All I could tell that it was an affirmative answer.

"This is fucked up," I said, suffering the indignity of slipping on Brandon's jeans. Brandon's metabolism slowed from the age of twelve onward. That in addition to the invention of Nintendo and a related decision to become the least athletic of us all meant his wardrobe ballooned into the XL range and above by the time he moved out, "God," I said. "I wonder what Brandon would say if he knew I'm using his clothes as maternity wear."

This elicited a chuckle from Dustin who in the meanwhile selected a few more t-shirts and other accessories bequeathed to him by our more pear-shaped older sibling. "At least they're getting some use," he said, sounding coherent for the first time that morning. "What the fuck am I gonna do with this shit?" He said, unfolding a Ramones t-shirt big enough to hoist up a flagpole.

"There is like no in between here," I said, pulling out the rim of Brandon's jeans. Even with my pooching belly I had enough room for at least another leg. "Is there a belt in there too?"

Dustin shuffled and handed me a strip of leather long enough to get mistaken for a bull whip.

"Gonna look like a fucking hobo."

"I think there's a bent top-hat and bindle in here somewhere," Dustin mumbled.

"This is awful," I said, modeling my selections in Dustin's bedroom mirror. Brandon's jeans extended past my foot-paws. I resorted to rolling them up my ankles in 1950s biker fashion. Brandon's shirts were still too big. Dustin handed me some of his clothes too, a hoodie and a T-shirt from his own stockpile.

"You look good," he said, standing shirtless behind me.

"Liar," I said.

"What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't always whisper sweat positive affirmations in your ear?"

"You'd be an awful one if you're not honest. If you let me go to school dressed like an ass, this whole shit could still fly in our faces."

"I mean it," he said, continuing, "well, it's not great, but you've always worn stuff bigger than your size. You look like a tomboy, that's for sure. Besides, you need to dress loose."

"I know," I said, and settled on the outfit.

Dustin stepped closer and wrapped his arms around me. He held me close against his body and kissed me beneath the ear. I stood there, mostly lost in thought as my brother unzipped his hoody and reclaimed it from my shoulders. He pulled the shirt off my back to my indifference. He hugged me again, and looked at our reflection in the mirror, at the image of me topless, wearing ridiculously baggy pants cinched around my hips with a belt that could have gone around me twice. "See," he said, "you look good."

"I bet you like them this way," I said, disbelieving that the gargantuan breasts in the reflection actually belonged to me.

"I actually preferred them the way they were, but this ain't bad," Dustin said, slipping his paws up to cup both of them.

"I'm fat," I said.

"You're pregnant," he said. "It'll go back to normal."

"I can't believe this is happening."

"Have you reconsidered what you're going to do with it?"

"No. I'm gonna have it," I said, confidently.

"Even if it's fucked up?" Dustin asked.

"Dusty," I scolded. "Don't say that! I'm worrying about a thousand things right now and I don't need you to put those terrible ideas in my head."

"Trust me, sis, I know the feeling. I can't stop thinking something's wrong. What we did is..." Dustin paused.

"Reckless," I finished for him.

Dustin looked my reflection in the eyes. His head bobbed in a way that made it difficult to read if he were nodding or shaking his head. It was clear I'd chosen the appropriate term, one he accepted, but to which he didn't want to admit.

"Please, just send me good thoughts. What's done is done. There's a decent chance it'll be healthy. Just hope with me. I don't know what else to do."

"What do you think I've been doing every moment of every day since you told me?" Dustin said, paws moving from my breasts down to the slight bump of his child.

I forced a smile, one Dustin could see in our reflection. "Thanks," I said. "I need every positive thought you got."

"You got it Alex," my brother said and kissed me on the mane. A moment later he continued, "Gonna give it up for adoption, or keep it yourself?"

"Haven't decided that yet. Got a few more months to figure that out," I said.

"I've gotten used to the idea that you're going to keep it," Dustin said, his paw covering my navel.

"That so?"

"Yea," he said.

"Fuck, I'm gonna be the aunt to my own child," I said.

Dustin just chuckled.

"This is serious," I said.

"I know."

"Don't joke."

"You're the one who just joked."

This time I chuckled, or at least I vented a breath that had a little bit of good humor in it.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine," I said.

"Still getting sick?"

"Not as bad as before. I still get queasy at weird times, but I haven't barfed in a few weeks."

"I guess that's an improvement," Dustin said, caressing my belly in an admiring way.

"I'm cool with whatever you decide," he said.

"Thanks," I said. I could have cried, but I didn't have any tears left to shed.

"We need to take you to a doctor. Make sure the little fella is healthy."

"Soon," I said, dreading the possibility that one or more of all possible things that could go wrong with our cub would be present. Needless to say, siblings shouldn't attempt to reproduce.

Dustin fiddled with Brandon's belt. It took him a moment to unlatch the long strip, but it came undone. He didn't have to unzip me. The loose pants just fell to the ground. I barely noticed my brother usher down my boxers, exposing me until all of my bare form greeted us in the mirror. I stared at my reflection, at an image of myself oddly grown up and maternal, at my brother's paws sweeping through my naked fur, at a whole collection of details I never thought I'd see so soon. Dustin kissed me on the neck and said. "Whatever, I'm with you all the way."

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply as my brother's kisses rounded up my jaw line, taking in the scents of my twin's room, where quite possibly I'd made that love-drunk mistake. I lifted my muzzle and sighed. It was too late to dwell. I still had Dustin and I needed him more by the day.

I felt a firmness that needed no explanation pressing against the small of my back. "I love you, Alex," Dustin said between licks lapping beneath my muzzle, ones my brother knew fair and well exploited my weaknesses.

"I love you too, Dusty," I vented, feeling my heart accelerate and a sudden faintness as bloodflow redirected to erogenous areas. I swayed my weight from foot-paw to foot-paw, squirming on a sensation I could now call arousal. Dustin's paws swept over every inch of me, caressing my breasts, belly, pubic tuft and hips. There wasn't a spot left on me he didn't know, hadn't tasted, and didn't love. It felt good to know he knew all my secrets.

I spun around and united my muzzle with his. We kissed, muzzles tilted, tongues in constant motion, indifferent to each other's morning breath. Precious minutes idled by. The checklist of my school-morning routine got backburnered, if only for a moment. I still found myself clinging to Dustin despite the pressing urgency to set the day in motion. I wanted to protest as he began to walk me to his bed, but I enjoyed the feeling of my tongue caressing his fangs too much to break the kiss. I let him guide me to the edge and push me onto the tangled sheets. Only there did our kiss momentarily come to an end. We licked the tips of each other's muzzles as if regretting the decision to part.

"We're gonna be late," I said, reclining onto my elbows and watching Dustin hastily fumble with the drawstring of his pjs.

"Like anyone's gonna give a fuck," he said, dropping his pajama bottoms to the floor and revealing the morning wood he'd noticeably been sporting since I dragged his ass out of bed.

"I've missed too much class already," I said, doing nothing to cover my seductively open body and invitingly splayed legs.

"Who gives a shit anymore? You're already accepted into college. None of any of this matters from here on out. Just gotta pass."

"Dusty," I said, as he joined me on his bed, crawling between my legs and onto my body.

"Everything's gonna be fine," he said and kissed the bump on my belly.

I watched in resignation and anticipation as my brother's nose rounded the curve of my stomach downward. He nuzzled and nibbled his way through my pubic fur until my erect clit found itself pinched between his lips. "This is irresponsible," I uttered, as my paw reached out and came to a rest between Dustin's ears and my hips arched up, grinding my sex against his muzzle. I shivered at the sensation of Dustin's chin-fur bristling on my vulva, and deeply longed to feel his tongue lapping into me and against my g-spot.

Dustin fulfilled that wish a moment later. His paws rested on my inner thighs and his fingers spread my lips, exposing my inner details as explicitly as possible. My brother's muzzle pressed firmly between them as he kissed my vaginal opening, angling his head to send his tongue spiraling as deep as he could. He had me panting and my body jerking with involuntary movement in no time at all. I'd still anxiously glance away from the sight of my brother at his alarm clock and watched the time tick closer to 8:00 am. Fighting the reluctance and physical strength melting laps of pleasure I reached out and batted the face of the alarm clock away from me. I clutched the sheets and wiggled, growing increasingly indifferent to the burl of tangled quilts rearranging my spine. Sighs came from my muzzle with growing frequency and not all of them voluntary. My fingers clutched Dustin's mane and my hips rose again and again. I spent the last little bit of willpower I had resisting the urge the hump my brother's face.

Dustin reluctantly pulled off my sex right as I settled in for that final stretch where I could almost feel myself cumming. He lifted his head, despite my best efforts to keep him right where he was. "Quickie," he strained to say, licking his lips of my arousal.

"Please," I huffed, immediately letting go. "But just a quickie. We're late as it is," I continued, amending my reply to sound less like I was begging for it.

The bed shook as Dustin crawled into place. I took the brief intermission to pull out the tangle of blankets from under me. I lay slightly more comfortable as my brother hovered above me. We looked into each other's eyes. I saw that same juvenile combination of amorousness and eagerness that hooked me in the not so distant, but distant seeming past. I kissed my brother and we returned to the chase. As we made out Dustin made adjustments, instructing my legs further apart and angling my body so that neither of us would fall off the narrow bed. We ended the kiss panting for air. Dustin stroked his cock in that last little ritual, painting his length in a thin sheen of pre. Of course he'd go bare. At this point contraception was only a topic in jest.

As always the subsequent seconds passed with a tumult of haste and anticipation. I watched Dustin's cock disappear behind the slight curve of my pregnant belly and I felt its point passing along my puffy wet labia seconds later. Both our eyes strained in on the events, peering with eagerness for the moment my brother would find my primed opening. I gasped and reclined, needing nothing more than the sensations to tell me Dustin was successful. I could never quite get used to the disconcerting feeling of my pussy spreading around a dog's cock on that first satisfying thrust. I hummed seconds later, after my brother completely hilted himself in me, emanating audible approval of this latest instance of incest.

I nudged Dustin's attention away from the site of penetration and nuzzled his chin affectionately. Our muzzles united and stayed that way for the first slow cycles. Subsequent thrusts had a similar uncanny effect on me. Canine features grazed all the right nerves as my brother stuffed me again and again. Up-curved tip, girth, and the swelling form of a knot spread me with each pass, easing that tickle of craving if only for a moment. The fur on my back bristled between my gently rocking body and Dustin's bed as that tickle turned into an itch, one that only the next and incrementally more forceful thrust could soothe. My paws reaffirmed their hold on my twin's body, seizing fur or anything worth grabbing hold of. My hips arched up and my legs crossed behind his back. My body acted on its own accord. It knew best about what it needed and I trusted it.

In that spirit we provoked each other into an intense pace, one too energetic for long deep kisses. I licked and pecked smaller kisses on every feature of Dustin's face, rewarding him for every electric surge of pleasure he and his cock sent through my nervous system. I clung to his lean and tense frame, to the flexing bundle of muscles, enjoying the fierce dynamic motion of it as much as the penetration itself. Dustin knew this and did a fine job of showing off. No pace would last too long, because every few bucks he would change angle and attitude of his thrusts. He was certainly in no hurry, despite the fact we'd already become irredeemably late for school. The only matter of any pressing urgency was what to do with that knot of his.

For as long as he could easily wedge it into me, he did just that. That firm spot on the base of his shaft slipped in and out of me, thrust repeatedly into the spot in my vagina it was designed to occupy with enough force Dustin's balls swung against me with an audible slap. Since risk was out of the equation, the only question on my mind was short or long haul. The glances we beamed at each other silently communicated the topic. When the point of no return arrived my brother pushed his knot in me a final time and shifted gears into the short restrained fucking, implying crystal clear intent to breed me. I yelped as that big firm knot slid into place. My passage flexed involuntarily around it's smooth semi-spherical shape. I could feel it reaching its apex girth and threaten to make me late for not just first, but second period as well.

We dared each other with glances and actions to see who would put an end to it first. We probably carried on long enough for a conversation to be a moot point. "Wanna?" Dustin huffed as he licked and nibbled my chin and exposed neck in a way that made it difficult to say no.

"Do it," I said to the poster hanging above Dustin's bed and squeezed my brother between my thighs.

No sooner said than done. It was probably too late to withdraw anyway. Dustin confirmed the tie with a firm buck and so did I with a tight squeeze. The aching fullness confirmed we were mating. I grunted, overwhelmed by the intersection of pressure and pleasure, and hung onto Dustin as we entered into that unparalleled type of union, the one that had gotten us into all our trouble but could thankfully do no worse. It became damn near impossible to concentrate on anything other than the knotted collie cock filling my pussy to the brim. I simply buried my muzzle in Dustin's mane and stared at the familiar objects in his room in the same way I always did when in that dazed home stretch of a serious tie. My body did all the rest. My hips rose up eager to feel the grind of sheath and fur upon my labia and vaginal muscles flexed around my brother's bare cock as if coaxing forth the inevitable flood of cum.

For minutes Dustin seemed content forcing effeminate tones from me. Once he grew tired of showing me what his knot felt like inside of me the pace changed again. It was easy to tell when my brother wanted his turn. Things grew tempestuous and erratic. My body got pushed up the bed by my frantically bucking sibling until my ears flicked against the headboard. Hot panting breath vented into my mane. I clung to him, teetering on the abyss of climax myself. Every caress, every grunt hissed through clenched fangs, and every thrust returned in kind encouraged my brother to let loose. I was his mate. I had his child inside me. I wanted to show how I completely belonged to him. My ankles crossed just above his wagging tail and my hips rose as if informing my brother where I wanted to get marked.

Dustin came through for me a moment later, after I'd fallen into my own orgasm. Right after I'd announced the particularly potent abdominal flutter with an unstable gasp of pleasure and my brother's name, he gripped my shoulder and pulled me firmly down on his shaft. My brother let out a delightfully manly grunt and forced his dog dick deep into my quivering pussy, slamming his hips against my thighs with resolute desire to spill some seed. His knot made him as unable as he was unwilling to do anything other than grant me every drop of his product. His tail jerked just beneath my crossed foot-paws, twitching a tell-tale sign of an unstoppable, draining climax. It was his turn to vocalize and pant out the breath pent up in his lungs. As the motions slowed, I felt my brother's knot pulsing deep within me, delivering his incestuous cum as deep as his spurts could reach. Even without risk the throbs felt delightful. I welcomed the concurrent flood of rough collie semen with a yelp. I held onto my brother with strained features, vaginal walls quivering round the firm canine appendage balls deep inside me, while he tried as hard as he could to re-create the conditions under which he knocked me up.

Somewhere in one of my brother's adult magazines, I remember reading that an orgasm while pregnant feels better. I can't empirically confirm that, but the one that morning certainly felt better. Perhaps the fascination of Dustin cumming, or of my own breed's gooey sperm bursting against my cervix and clinging to my inner walls, and indeed marking me just as I wanted, made the difference. Perhaps a perverse combination of all those thoughts sent me on a better, or maybe a second climax, because the waves of pleasure and the internal abdominal spasms either kept going or went off again. I didn't settle until long after Dustin's ejaculations subsided and all the supply of seed he could muster now pooled in my body, kept where it belonged by his massive feeling knot.

I simply held my spent and exhausted brother. The both of us panted in afterglow. Our bodies felt hot from lovemaking. Dustin surprised me with a few more bucks, as if he wanted to try for another round, or simply enjoyed the feeling of his cock tied inside his sister's sperm-slick vagina. Unfortunately he didn't have the stamina, nor did we have the time. As things settled I reached out and flailed for the alarm clock. With my fingertips I inched it closer and spun it back around to face me. 7:55am it read.

"Fuck," I said. "First period starts in five minutes."

"They'll just have to start without us," Dustin mumbled into my neck-fur. "You ain't going anywhere."

"Like I'm planning on letting you go so soon," I said, intentionally flexing my vaginal muscles around the circumference of Dustin's cock. "According to the DNR, Rough Collies your size aren't catch and release this time of year. You're a good specimen. I think I'm holding on to you." I chuckled, giddy from orgasm and the prolonged sexual stimulation. It felt silly really, lying there knotted and bred by my very own brother. My legs uncrossed and fell back down on either side of my twin. My arms relaxed as well. My paws swept down Dustin's back. I could feel the heat rising from his fur. I wanted to chide him, but fuck; I was the one who allowed that little extra inch of intimacy. I couldn't say I regretted it; a little early morning incest makes sure the day goes by well, but my conscience told me I shouldn't come down with senioritis, especially now that there was more at stake than just graduating.

"Sure do know how to set a collie trap," Dustin said, rocking back and forth, proving just how firm a hold I had on him.

"More luck than skill, really." I said, and moaned softly while he prodded my semen-bathed pleasure spots. "It's like I barely have to blink and boom, I got the dumbest one grunting away, stuck between my legs."

"Can you blame me?" He said, mating as if he sincerely wanted to give me another sperm sample.

It was my turn to grunt. "Eh," I said, "I take pity on you. I know you wouldn't stand a chance in the wild."

"Fuck, I love you Alex," Dustin said, pulling his nose from my mane and nuzzling my cheek. He gave up trying to mate me again and grew still, simply lying on my body.

"I love you too Dusty," I said in total honesty. I gazed at my brother and blinked bashfully, pleased to have his cock, sperm, and offspring inside me all at the same time. For the first time I felt at peace with the latter, even though it threatened to complicate everything I knew.

It took a lot of cajoling and quite a bit of communication, but my brother and I decided to trade places, which is never easy to do tied. I ended up on top of him, straddling his waist with his arousal buried next to our developing pup. My paws sank into his chest-ruff. Dustin's scanned my body. I kneeled there over his naked form, sore as fuck, and feeling both the pros and cons of being effectively bred. My brother hummed beneath me, admiring my body, enlarged breasts, and barely distended belly with his gaze and fingertips.

"You asshole," I said, with an expression of love.

"Hey, you wanted it too," he said. "Besides," he continued. "We would'a been late anyway."

"Maybe," I said, and wiggled on Dustin's knot to appraise just how much longer it would last.

"Not the end of the world," he said and bucked at me from below.

"Hey, quit it," I chuckled.

Dustin's paw moved to my shoulder. He guided me closer so he could peck a kiss on the end of my nose. "You're cute," he said and let us both relax. "All of you."

"I'll admit that was good," I said, leaning forward and nesting on Dustin's warm chest.

"Fuck yea it was," he said in his typical accented tone of voice.

"So you happy?" I asked.

"Meh," he said.

"What do you mean 'meh'?"

"I'm easy to please," he said and shrugged.

I chuckled and playfully swatted his muzzle. "No you're not. You wouldn't say 'meh' if you were easy."

"Sure I am," he said.

"So tell me, do you always get what you want?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. You seem to always get what you want."

"It's not like I want that much."

"What?" I said, offended. "You mean this isn't very much?" I said, vaguely pointing at my breasts.

"Sure," he said, the slightest of smiles on his muzzle.

"You wanted it. This was your plan from the very beginning, wasn't it?"

"I love you. That's the point."

"Dork." I said.

"I could use breakfast," he said.

"Yea," I agreed. "Me too."

It only took a half hour or so until I felt Dustin start to slip. A minute or two later it popped free entirely. I rose up slightly and slipped off my brother, relishing the simultaneous, almost emotional, rush of freedom, as well as the emptiness such intense closeness left behind. We gasped in concert and our eyes glanced down between us to watch a copious portion of Dustin's semen dribble from my gaping opening onto his semi-firm cock and matted pubic fur. The veiny, dark pink example of a rough collie's penis glistened with a slick sheen of incestuous secretions. The scent of that stuff mixed with my own intimate fluid reached my nostrils instantly. We both greeted what used to be a cause of concern with indifference, if not outright satisfaction. "Now you're mine," I joked as I unintentionally marked my brother with his own genetic product.

"That's hot," he said in an attempt to reach out and finger my sperm-dripping nethers.

"Quit it," I said and swatted away his paw. My aching limbs lifted me up and dropped me on Dustin's left, where he'd made room for me. There we recuperated, resisting the urge to molest each other and further delay ourselves. "We gotta fucking get going. Shower. Get dressed. Get lunch ready. Fuck. At this rate we'll be there by fourth period."

"I might stay home today. Missed a fuck-ton already. What's the point?"

"No." I said. "That's not the deal."

"What do you mean?"

"I knew it," I said. "This isn't going to work."

"What?" He shrugged.

"I can't keep doing this if you aren't going to take shit seriously," I blurted.

"Hey, you wanted it as much as I did. You even said it was okay to tie. Besides, it's just one more fucking day! None of this shit really matters."

"I know," I said. "I know. I missed a lot of mornings because of this. Call me a hypocrite. It may not even matter, but one of these days it will. People get fired for being late! Or for fucking being unreliable. We might not be able to afford that, especially if I keep this thing," I said caressing my bump.

"Okay," he said. "I get it. I'll get up and shower."

"No," I said. "You don't. This wasn't responsible. THIS wasn't responsible," I repeated, spreading my legs and pointing at the semen leaking from my pussy. "This is why this happened. If I'm not responsible, and you're not responsible, who will be?"

"Look," Dustin said. "I know I'm a dork. But I'll grow into this. I promise."

"I fucked up," I said. "I'm not ready for this shit. Neither are you. I don't even know what to do. I watch you and you're indifferent. You just blow shit off like it's nothing. You promise me shit all the time, but will you deliver? You just blew off school like it's nothing. You gonna blow off work too? Gonna blow me off and whatever this turns out to be? Are you even grown up?"

"I know I've always been a fuck up, so I don't blame you for thinking I can't handle it," he said, "and you're right. I don't know what to do either. I'm about as ready for this shit as you. Yea, I know we shouldn't have done this, but school and work are different things. I just promise, okay? I promise I'll work on things."

"I just need you to keep your promises. I'm afraid. I'm afraid you won't. I'm not sure what to do if you don't."

"I will," he said and took my paw.

I squeezed it and again searched for tears I didn't have. "You need to be there for me."

"I will," he reassured, this time louder.

"You need to stop me from being an idiot," I continued. "I'm not saying I shouldn't have accountability for myself, but I make mistakes. If you see me making one, speak up, okay? I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to stop myself when I'm around you. Look at this for example. I love it when we have sex. I love it when you tie with me and I love it when I feel you cum, but seriously, look at all the trouble it's gotten us in. I'm afraid we're just complicit with one another, that we just enable each other. I'm afraid we're just going to keep getting darker, and darker, and darker. We're breaking the law every time we fuck! I don't want to sink into something where we just gratify each other. It's a matter of time before we get caught. Before this happens again. I don't want that kind of relationship. Sometimes I just want someone to keep me from making mistakes, to say stop, enough is enough."

"We're gonna make mistakes," Dustin shrugged. "Everybody does and they work around them. I know we goad each other on, but it's not all bad. You get me out of my comfort zone. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be failing math right now. I'd probably drop out end of the year. I wouldn't do that shit again. I'm thankful for that."

"This was a mistake," I nodded at us and at Dustin's alarm clock. "This was a mistake," I pointed at my belly, "and we made a fuck-ton of mistakes down here. And I liked it. I want to do it again. I like it too much," I concluded, pointing again at my spermy vagina. "This was my fault. All of it. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one watching out for shit. Everything. Maybe it's completely narcissistic, but I feel like if I don't act, nothing happens. I don't want this to stop. I don't want our relationship to end, even though it's wrong. It's incest. Our kid could get taken away and we'd land in jail at best. I can't do this all by myself. I can't say no. I just can't. I can't support everybody. I can't see this through. I can't keep a child I can't take care of."

"Sis," Dustin said, "read my lips: you're not alone. Give me a chance. A few weeks ago none of this was real. I need to learn what my job is, but I'll do it. I'll find a way to be there. And don't be so fucking selfish that you have to claim all the responsibility. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be pregnant. When we started fooling around, I got addicted to it. I'll admit I wanted it and I wanted more when I got it, but that's only because what I feel for you now got planted in me back then. I wanted everything to be your decision though, and you surprised me all the time. I'll admit I pushed you to like tying. And yea, I came in you, even when I was pretty sure you weren't telling me the truth. Those things are my fault, one hundred percent my fault. You can't own those things. And another thing, you do a lot of shit around here, I know. I can share the weight from now on, but to be honest, I bust my ass out there at Sam's. I earn shit, but it keeps the gas tanks full. It repaired the truck. It pays bills. That's something. As soon as I'm done, I'll go full time. Maybe not here, maybe someplace else. I have skills. I can do shit."

"I'm sorry," I said, clinging onto that last little flame of defiance. "I just feel so alone. I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what the right answer is. I've never fucked up so bad before."

"Neither have I," he said, "but you're not alone. This is my kid too, you know," he continued and placed his paw upon my belly.

I rested my paw over his and sighed. "I'm scared," I said.

"Me too," he said. "I'm worried about you sis. I've been worried about you."

"Promise me you'll stay away from pot."

"Dude, sis, I haven't smoked in months."

"And alcohol, at least less, until you're a little older."

Dustin sighed, "I guess I can cut back. At least until this pups around and things settle down."

"Good," I said and sighed. "We need to do so many changes, I don't even know where to begin."

Dustin shrugged.

"I feel like every day I'm running out of time," I vented. "I know I need to choose, but I don't know what's right."

"Whatever you chose, it's going to be right. You can't go wrong," Dustin said, took my paw and squeezed it tightly.

"I'm sorry," I said, disconsolate.

"What for?"

"I feel like I took away your chance to get out of here."

"We're gonna get out. You got accepted to three amazing schools. You can go wherever you want."

"I don't know if that's gonna work. How am I gonna pay for that shit."

"I'll work," Dustin said.

"Then at least I took away your chance at going to school."

"No, you didn't," he said.

"What do you mean?"

Dustin let go of my paw. He reached over me and opened a drawer in his desk and began fumbling through the mess of paper and other junk inside. After several errant documents, he picked up a single leaf of paper and handed it to me. "This explains everything."

I looked at the page. It came from West Virginia State University. It was a short document, consisting of nothing more than letterhead and a few lines of text. It was funny how they could make a rejection so insulting with so little words. "Is this all that came?" I asked, rereading the letter.

"Yea," he said.

"But you have three out?"

"So? They'll all be the same?"

"Maybe not. This one was your reach. It's hard to get into your reach school. The other two should be fair game, and they're not even in yet."

"Shouldn't they be here by now? I'm sure they just sent out the rejections last."

"Who knows?" I asked.

"Don't get my hopes up sis. Besides, someone's gotta work and take care of the kid."

"I don't want to be the one to make you choose."

"You won't be. The undergraduate selection committees of those other schools will make the choice."

"Things will be alright," I told him.

"Yea they will," he confirmed. "Now go fucking shower, it's getting late."

"I love you, Dusty," I said.

"I love you too Alex."

My brother leaned over and kissed me a final time. We made out a few moments longer. Dustin caressed my naked body and I swept my paw over his, enjoying his nudity and the peace from those indulgent moments before the day needed to really begin.

"I kinda need to pee," I said, ruining the moment, just as Dustin's finger rediscovered my cum matted pubic tufts.

"Go pee then," he said. "Kinda want to do you again anyway. If you don't go, we really will never leave."

I cast my legs off the side of the bed and sat all the way up. I still felt light headed from sex. I looked back over my shoulder at my naked brother. I passed my paw along his thigh. I wished I could spend the day with him like we used to back over winter break, back before I was pregnant. It all seemed much more fun back then because there were no consequences. I stood up and wobbled to the bathroom, leaving my brother behind. I took my turn and returned to get dressed while Dustin took his. Dustin made lunch for us both. We were out the door around 10:45. We took my car, together this time. Fuck it if anyone saw us carpool. Despite the shower and intense scrubbing I still felt cum between my labia. Dustin really got me good and deep, I thought, and it drove me crazy. I was just glad the day would be a short one.

"Sorry," I said, as I turned the ignition.

"For what?" He asked, as if he had to.

"For being a bitch."

"Just play the hormone card. You can get away with a fuck-ton more with that one. Shit, use it while you can!"

I chuckled a little and finally got us moving.

We were halfway down the driveway when we noticed there was mail in the box. I stopped the car and let Dustin get out. He stepped back into the car with a bundle consisting mostly of junk mail and coupons. "Whacha got?" I asked as he just tossed the irrelevant materials to the floor between his feet.

"Junk, junk, junk, hey now," he said.


He flashed an envelope, a fat one with a college logo on it. It was addressed to him. He smiled.