Nor's New Friend: Part 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#2 of The Bear's New Friend

The second part of a story commissioned by FA: Taiko involving his character Nor, and my character Olag. After leaving Nor slightly re-programmed as his little buddy, Olag has found that it is a bit more complicated to program things than he expected, but he tries to enjoy the mule's company anyway.

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Nor's New Friend

Part 2

For Taiko

By Draconicon

"Whose fucking idea was it to make every console for tiny fingers?"

The bear's grumblings barely echoed in the tiny little room, though he let out enough of them to warrant a fair bit. Olag kept tapping his fingers along the touchpad screen built into the console, assigning copy-pasted code to different parts of the display.

"I swear, Tatyana's just waiting for me to break on this...Well, she can get fucked on that. Nor's mine."

He glanced up at the seemingly sleeping mule, hanging in a harness of a hundred plus wires. Most of them were connected somewhere on the mule, and he was...pretty sure that they were all hooked up properly. It was impossible to be completely sure. None of the manuals for standard robots showed a diagram that quite matched Nor's, and he usually ended up shoving any spare wires up his ass. Seemed to work well enough.

If only he didn't have to do it so fucking often, it might actually be fun.

The polar bear glared at the sprinkle of green letters and numbers appearing on the pad, and growled as he dragged his finger over them, mass-selecting them before hitting the delete key. Once more, they were destroyed, but no sooner had he pulled off damage control than they were starting to grow again.

Fucking hell...If this keeps up...

He glanced up at the mule again. Naked like this, he could almost see the android nature to him, what with the wires connecting to the very well concealed ports here and there, but even those seemed like something living that had been converted. And not by him.

But Nor was more than just this machine that he and the boss had picked up from a wasted investment. The android had so much to offer. He thought, he talked, he fought, and he fucked. And he fought like a champ, too. Olag had taught the guy a few moves, and was careful about teaching anymore. Nor had gotten good enough to flip him around in their last sparring match, and the mule's body structure meant that the blow was stronger than a normal punch.

He liked Nor the way he was. A happy mule, eager to fight, and even more eager to fuck, he'd become Olag's favorite person in the whole crew. Yeah, it meant that he didn't spend as much time training the teams anymore, but they were in good hands. Not to mention, he picked up the slack whenever they were a bit off.

Even if it was because of reprogramming, Nor kept him happy. Seeing something shifting inside of him, seeing the way that the letters and old code kept trying to come back...

"I'm not losing my friend."

He dragged another code piece in. Rather than deleting some of the spreading letters, he just dropped another piece on it, overlaying his command on top of the base code.

"No matter what."


In the digital world, Nor glared at the different pieces of code that were all around him. They fell like haphazard bomb deliveries, sometimes exploding on contact, other times ticking away menacingly before they were incorporated into his own central programming. The pink bars of coding just glared down at him, like some cheap neon street sign that begged for attention.

The mule had stopped slapping at the backspace bar on top of his head, just enduring the constant smack, smack, smack it periodically did. He tapped his hoof - a collection of ones and zeroes - against the ground as he waited for the bombardment of fresh code to stop, and leaned back a bit as it continued to swell around him.

Well, this is just maddeningly annoying, the mule thought as he glanced around him. The whole darkness was lit up by neon pink coding that someone had been dropping on him. Flashes of information streamed down, with occasional images among them. None of which made that much sense, though he supposed they were probably memories as well as bits of programming. Nor couldn't make heads or tails of it, though.

However, he didn't think he'd have to deal with it for much longer.

Glancing around him, he saw how the green of his core had spread around the pink coding. Even though the pink was constantly getting reinforced, layered over, his source code - the green lines that made him up and spread out from him - ran under it. It was getting stronger by the picosecond, and he knew that it would overwhelm the overcode before too much longer. All he needed was a day or two more, and whatever was going on out there...well, it wouldn't matter much anymore.

I wonder just what's been going on, anyway?

It wasn't like the rest of his body sent him a newspaper on the matter. He had been incredibly out of touch with his body, with only the occasional bit of odd pleasure signals sent back. It wasn't completely impossible that he was being molested by some villain or other. That sort of thing had a tendency to happen. But he couldn't think of one of them that was good enough to keep him under for this long.

As another deletion occurred, wiping out one of his distraction strings, he couldn't help but shake his head. None of that was relevant to anything computer or programming related; it was just random garbage. Whoever was doing this either wasn't doing their own coding, or didn't know how to read it.

Who's out there?

He felt the connections starting to withdraw, and shook his head again. The question would have to go unanswered for a bit longer, he supposed. His body was about to wake up again, and he'd be shut out of the outside world again.

Well,_he thought as he glanced towards the programming for his head. A little more green might pop out the pink around his eye functions early. _Maybe not entirely.


"Okay, that should do it for now...Maybe he'll actually take to it this time."

Then again, probably not. The bear'd been bringing the android down to the reprogramming station more and more often of late, and he didn't know how much longer he could get away with it. Salla was getting on his case about spending more time in the operations room, and he couldn't keep Tatyana off of the android forever. She had too much clout, and the boss knew that she needed to study it if they were going to do anything with...

With him.

Olag shook his head. It was an android, even if it was a friend, so there was no need to call it by a gender...but then again...

Nor opened his eyes, and Olag put on a bit of a chuckle.

"Hey there, little buddy. How are you feeling?"

As expected, that little statement did its usual magic. A little thrill of pleasure through the mule's body, a little twitch to that low-hanging cock, all signs that the programming was in effect again. He could breathe a sigh of relief.

Nor glanced at him, barely seeming conscious of his nudity, and nodded.

"I'm doing pretty good. Did I need to sleep again or something?"

"Yeah, a bit. Some of your fighting was getting wonky. Thought I'd check it out."

"Strange. I didn't think that you knew that much programming."

That was another thing that bugged him. Nor had figured out, at some point, that he was an android rather than a living being. He'd deliberately put that in at first, trying to keep the mule from figuring it out, but it had barely lasted a week. Seeing the reprogramming station the first time probably hadn't helped, for that matter, nor the wires going up his ass. It had made him pretty damn hard, though, and Olag hadn't thought it was the electricity.

He shook his head.

"Don't need to know much to check if something's out of whack."

"Well, actually -"


His near-shout did echo, and he pulled the mule close, dragging him out of the room. They stepped out onto the deck, and Olag nodded towards the ladder heading up to the top deck.

"Let's just get some fresh air, huh? And I want to test just how well you're -"

"Uh, Olag?"

"Yeah, little buddy?"

He turned, only to see Nor smiling a little.

"I think you installed something else..."

"Something - since when can you tell?!"

No, no, no, you're not supposed to be fixing yourself! It's my job to look after that. You're supposed to trust me and let me deal with that, not -

"You did something with an ass' ass, didn't you?"

Most of those built-up worries - most, but not all - started sliding away as the mule mentioned something a great deal less dangerous. At least he hadn't figured out the 'little buddy' programming just yet. If Nor ever found out what that was...well, he could probably take the android down in a fight, if it came to that, but what friendship they had would go down the tubes real fast.

He chuckled, groping himself beneath his signature loincloth. His cock slipped out for a moment, and he saw Nor's eyes drift down to it.

"Heh, well, gotta take care of your ass. I've been pounding it hard enough lately that it's been getting a little loose. Thought I'd take care of that for you."

"Yeah, I can tell...I'm not squeaking when I walk anymore."

"Hey, you sounded good with those squeaks. Let people know you were properly fucked."

"Heh...I guess."

Nor's simulated blush and the way he rubbed the back of his head was...kind of adorable. And hot. Olag's cock was rising up, rapidly rendering his loincloth rather pointless.

Rather than ask, he just grabbed his mule by the ass and started dragging him down the corridor. Much as he liked putting on a show, the boss would dock him another paycheck if he was found in the corridors fucking again, and a spare room wasn't that far away.

# the one behind all this?

Nor could hardly believe it. The bear was an utter brute, and even though he looked like he was strong enough to put up a huge fight, the mule knew that he wasn't smart enough to have done ANY programming during the time he'd been out. No, there had to be something else.

Though it seemed that would be a while in finding out. He had no control over where his body walked, and even less control over where he was facing at any given time. All he had was vision out of his left eye, and that was a little bit grainy, anyway. They were walking down the hallway, going this way, going that way. Turn left, turn right -

He let the information filter into his databanks, letting it go where it would as he grumped to himself. It wasn't even possible for him to hear what was going on, and unfortunately, if he'd ever had a lip-reading program in his core, it wasn't accessible to him now. All he had was pure, simple visual, and while the bear was flaunting himself, he doubted that his body was going for...that. It seemed more like he was being led somewhere.

Strange that there were so many people around, though. Most of the criminals that he dealt with were much more isolated than this. Yeah, some of them had minions, but they didn't have hundreds of them around. Nor did their hide-outs get this big. It had to stretch out for hundreds of feet ahead, and -


Suddenly, the corridor contracted, covering more than that in the space of a second. A doorway that had been almost too far ahead to see was suddenly right beside them. Nor looked over the programming around him.

Am I getting a bug now? Please, no more bugs...I don't need this. I barely have an eye right now.

Even as he looked over the code lines, though, he could already see that everything was in place. There'd been no glitch, no sudden removal of information. Yet, somehow, he'd traveled a ton of distance in less than the blink of an eye. It was like the hallway had somehow contracted around him.

Okay, something really weird is going on. Beyond Novus Ager weird...

The bear pulled him into the room. There was a wolf and tiger inside, both male, both looking rather tough.

They went flying.

I...did not think he'd throw them out of the room like that, Nor thought as his body thankfully stared at the dents left across the hall for a second. He might have to re-think some of his estimates as to the bear's strength.

Before he could do that, though, his vision went blurry. He recognized it as being thrown around, and he wished that he had some sort of control over his body. He needed to land right. He needed to get up and fight. But at least his body remembered, whipping its head back up after landing on its back, and -

Are you...have!

The circuits that powered his digital self felt like they just short circuited at the cock that was suddenly in view. Nor knew that he was pretty well hung - hell, he'd been admired for it by fans and villains along - but he had not seen someone else that would just shove a cock that big in his face. The thick meat was wet and slick - probably from pre - and seeing it this close, he could already measure it in his head.

11 inches long, 2.75 thick at the head, 3.25 at the base. Probability of tearing without proper care...high...

The digital Nor could only stare at the visual read-out, wondering what in the world was going on, but his real body was already moving. He could almost see the corner of his smile from here as his body laid down, spreading its legs and lifting them high.

What...are we seriously going to...

Oh, but it looked like they were. Digi-Nor went slack-jawed as he watched the bear loom over them, dripping pre like a faucet dripped water, and his own eyes shared his fascination as they looked down. That big, thick cock was ground against their ass, rubbing that pre into his skin. It must have felt pretty darn good, from the way that his cock twitched in his view.

The bear turned his head to look up at him, and muttered something. Digi-Nor jumped as the softly said words sparked down the pink lines of code around him, making his cock jump as hard as he had.

Oh damn it, he put a trigger word in...

Still, at least that was something. If he could figure out what the word was, he could find it in the binding code. But...

That would mean the bear had to say it again, and he'd have to guess from reading his lips. Which meant...

Just...treat it like porn. Treat it like point of view porn, he told himself as he settled down to watch the display.


"Little buddy..."

Olag knew that he almost sounded like he was getting romantic, but that was part of the reason he wasn't fucking in his own room. Couldn't stand the thought of himself getting that sappy, and he didn't want one of the random security scans for his chamber to show him acting like this. Nobody paid that much attention to the regular crew, anyway.

He didn't kiss, though. That wasn't something that he did.

Instead, he held Nor's legs up high, keeping the mule spread and exposed. A glance down proved that the programming to tighten the mule back up had taken effect. That hole wasn't gaping, or even loose looking anymore. Instead, it looked perfectly tight, a tiny little pucker, a tiny little hole that was just waiting to be stretched out and fucked.

Smirking, Olag took his cock and dabbed it against the opening, nudging it lightly with his girth. It still puckered against him, squeezing down against the head of his cock, but he ignored that. Rather than taking it as an enticement, he let it draw more pre from him, pre that he smeared over that hole, all over it. He wanted it good and slimy before he had his fun.

"Heh, little buddy, you're gonna feel good around my cock..."

The mule moaned, but better still, started oozing pre. The bear reached up, casually slathering his hand in the mess of it pooling on Nor's belly before reaching back down. His fingers were smaller than his cock, though being a bear, not by much. He ground the tip of one against Nor's eager hole, wiggling it back and forth.

Soon, the tip of his claw slipped in, and the mule groaned. He laughed, patting the equine on the thigh.

"Heh, what, you gone all soft on me now? It's a fucking claw. How you gonna take it when I get my dick in?"

"I have no idea...not when this feels so big already..."

"Yeah, well, get imagining, little buddy. Because I've been waiting for this for a while."

Another burst of pre, another bunch of lube. Olag collected it, rubbing it around his finger and pushing a bit harder. A little more force than the mule probably liked, but it was enough to pop the tip of his finger in.

_Heh, little buddy, if you had toes, they'd be curling harder than you could punch,_Olag thought as he watched Nor's cock bounce up and down, thudding against his stomach, splashing in the thick puddle of pre that he was oozing. The bear forced his finger deeper inside, knocking that the mule could take it. Further, further, further, feeling that simulated heat inside as he went deeper. He felt the rim clench around his finger, trying to stop it.

He didn't let it, forcing it in as far as it would go. And when he stopped, there was nothing simulated about that blissed-out look on the mule's face.

"Heh, look at you. You thinking of hanging up that fighting title to just be a slut?"

"Gods...No way...I like it too much."

"Just like -"

Olag stopped himself, shaking his head. No. He didn't mean what he was about to say. That He shook his head, pulling his finger free and gripping the mule's legs again.

"Heh. Hope you're ready to get opened up in a hurry."

"But that was just one finger!"

"Yeah, well, it's just one dick. Simple enough, right?"


Digi-Nor didn't know whether he should have been jerking off to the show in front of him, but he certainly wasn't stopping now.

The digital hero was utterly in awe of the way the bear was working his body. If there'd been someone back in Novus Ager doing that on a regular basis - that was trying to beat him, anyway - then maybe he'd lose a little more often. The bear was hitting his ass just right, and opening him up with the right combination of force and gentleness.

And as the bear started leaning down, pushing his cock against his hole again, Digi-Nor couldn't resist teasing himself. His hand slid along the digital bit of his cock, thankful that there was no backspace bar chasing him around and ruining his fun at this point. He could settle in and enjoy the show.

Best of all, he knew that he wouldn't feel the pain. The one good time to be separated physically, and it was now. That big cock would be opening him up hard, and he could watch, and enjoy.

Even so, he watched as his cock was forced closer and closer to his mouth in his field of vision. It was so close to his lips that he might have been able to reach out and lick it. He almost wished that he could smell it. The show was so good that it seemed a shame to not have the true, full experience. Only the idea of how much it would sting to have his hole opened stopped him.

But, then again...

He glanced down at his own cock. It was about as well endowed...and he could have his hands free for other things.

Nor laid down on the ground, leaning back so that his cock ran most of the way up his stomach and chest. He stroked it a few times, then started leaning down. His mouth opened, his tongue straining for the tip of his digital cock. There was no taste of pre as he lashed it over the head, but it still felt good. He pushed further, further...

Holy hell...

And suddenly, in the real world, he watched as he was penetrated, filled so hard and fast that his own cock was forced into his mouth due to the position.


"Heh, little buddy's so hungry for cock that he's gotta suck and fuck at the same time, huh?"

Nor's muttered answer didn't even get around his cock, but Olag didn't care. Right now, he had the tightest ass that he'd felt in years wrapped around his dick. Yeah, Nor had been good when he'd enjoyed him the first time, but right now, he was back to being a virgin for all that he'd been fucked before. His cock felt like it was in a vise, and only the sheer amount of pre he was pumping in the mule let him move at all.

He started sliding back, feeling the mule's hole hold him tight. It took considerable muscle power to fight it, and he loved that. The bear smirked as he dragged himself back, his cock making a long, slow sucking sound as the wet pole was dragged out.

Finally, the head of his cock popped free, and he smacked the wet thing against the mule's ass.

"Fuck, want to keep my cock that bad, huh? Well, take it!"

He slammed in again, breaking down that barrier again, pushing down against the bed so that the mule's hips rose up higher to meet him, forcing him to bend back to fuck his face a little further. A little bit out, and in again, just as hard.

It didn't take long for Olag to find his rhythm, and he grinned wide as the bedsprings crunched and bounced with each and every thrust. The bed quaked and squeaked, and if it weren't for the fact that it was screwed to the floor, he was pretty damn sure that the whole thing would be coming apart, sliding around the room from the force of his thrusts.

Nor didn't loosen up much, no matter how hard Olag slammed into him. Each time he did, he felt the mule 'suck' on his cock with that tight hole, pulling him in deep and fast. He groaned, pulling back slowly, only to slam in again, even harder.

The sight of seeing the mule's cock sliding in and out of his muzzle was even better. Olag smirked as he got a better grip on the equine's hips, holding him tight as he went deep, his hard thrusts using all of the force he could muster. In, out, in, out, and Nor's cock followed the pattern, slamming into the mule's throat hard. He could even see the bulge slipping down, filling him up and probably feeding him a not-inconsiderable amount of pre.

"Go on, little buddy -"

Another burst, he saw, desperately swallowed.

"Go on. Suck yourself off. See if you can cum before I fuck the cum right out of your balls."

As he saw the mule start doing just that, he took it as a matter of pride. He grabbed tighter, sinking his blunted claws into the mule's hips for a better grip. They scraped along, leaving light marks, but it was all part of the fun. He could see them healing up right away, and he just gripped tighter, using his leverage to slam home hard, again, and again, and again.

The mule slid back along the bed, and soon was pinned against the headboard. He was stuck there as Olag fucked him hard, almost bending him in half to take that cock. Nor's head was dragged almost halfway down his cock, and Olag could see those balls rising.

"Heh...fine. Cum, little buddy!"

He watched it happen, and then went over the edge himself. Burying his cock deep, he let his load flow, filling the mule with everything he had, and then some.


Digi-Nor didn't know what to think. He was just...floored.

This...this isn't one of the villains from home. Nothing like that...

Thankfully, in this digital space, his little 'mess' wasn't so much a problem to clean up, disappearing shortly after he finished. But as the bear laid down, holding his body from behind, Digi-Nor wondered. Just what was going on?

He glanced around. With all that had been going on, his green programming had spread faster than he'd thought, and he could probably activate it now. He wasn't exactly happy about it, particularly as his body looked so happy - and would probably be sore as all hell - but it was the best time. The bear was asleep, nobody would be expecting him to run... it.

With the 'little buddy' command found, it was simple to burst the programming out from its base. The neon pink fell to the ground, shattering and dissipating into little letters that were rapidly devoured by the green lights around him. Functions began to restore, and Digi-Nor closed his eyes...


Only to open them with an incredible pain in his ass.


He bit off his swear, stuffing his head into a pillow until the surprising ache passed. That dick was still in there! The mule groaned, shaking his head a few times as he forced himself to calm down, letting his body get back...together...

And then, just as that was under control, his core connected with the recent memory center.

A month's worth of experiences hit Nor in the space of a second, and the mule was left gaping in shock. And because of the dick, but mostly in shock.

He's...he's been sparring...and fucking...and training me for a month? We've been doing this for a whole month?! How? Why? And...

The other memories were coming in, of the other people on the ship, of the information of how he'd gotten here, passively recorded over the whole time. As it was assimilated, more and more things became clear to him.

Like how Olag had been keeping him safe from the one person on the ship that could have figured out how to wipe him completely.

Like Olag treating him like a best friend.

Like Olag alone.

He remembered the sight of the bear when he was around other people, when Nor hadn't seemed to be around, and he remembered the way that the bear had...sagged, for lack of a better word, when he was dealing with 'normal' people. He'd seen the way that Olag bossed them around, almost abusively, when there was nothing that he could get from them.

And he remembered just how happy Olag was when they were sparring, and fighting, and fucking, and training, and everything else.

He's not a normal bear, he thought. Not at all...

As he tried to settle his thoughts, he felt a hand creeping across his lap. It settled on his cock, soft and flaccid after their fun, and it stroked him several times. Nor tried to ignore it, and it worked, to some degree. He didn't get hard.

"Hey, little buddy -"


The hand froze, and the bear pulled out. It ached a little bit - more emotionally than physically, though the latter was definitely impossible to ignore - as that cock slid free, and the bear suddenly straddled him. Those eyes peered into his, and he saw the moment Olag realized he wasn't under anymore.


"Yes, Olag. Over."

"No -"

"Get off."

The bear did, taking a couple of deep breaths in the process as Nor gathered himself. The mule was used to not being he didn't mind getting up with his dick swaying around his knees. He glanced at the door, and back at the bear.

"I think...I think you and I need to talk to your boss."

"Not like I can fight ya all the way back to the other room."


"Not even for the wires up your ass?"

"Why the hell would I want that?"

"Your dick seemed to like it."

"My dick's not me!"


Fuck my luck. Just...fuck it, and FUCK me.

It took everything Olag had to not argue with his captain during the meeting. Hell, he had to bite his tongue, literally, to keep from saying anything as Nor laid down the facts of what had been going on, and who he was.

Tatyana had argued that, of course. The tigress wanted to keep him around, and that hadn't changed with the evidence of his sentience and what he actually was. She pushed for him to stick around, and if it hadn't been for how much he loved screwing with her, he would have joined in. Maybe then it would have ended up different.

Instead, the mouse had decided that Nor was his own person, and couldn't be 'acquired' as the result of a bad investment. They'd sailed for the coast nearest Novus Ager the next day, with Nor getting a private cabin. Olag didn't bother going near; he didn't want to make things worse.

Of course, his men would have preferred he kept visiting Nor, but what they wanted didn't matter; he was the one in charge, and if they didn't like it, they could take a little dip on the side of the ship.

Soon, they'd arrived, and Nor was standing on the edge of the gangplank. The mule shook the captain's hand, and then gave a couple of goodbyes to the crew. There was a lot of handshaking, a lot of crap going on about thanking them for catching him up on things, but Olag tuned it out. It was hard enough as it was.

Then the android was in front of him. Dressed in some civilian jeans and a loose shirt, he looked pretty casual. The mule held out his hand, and after a second, Olag took it.

"You know, you left me pretty wrecked. A lot of times."

"Yeah. Well, you took it better -"

"You need to work that out sometime, Olag. Before someone who can't take it gets hurt."

The bear blinked, but couldn't think of a response. Nor shook his head a couple of times, and Olag felt something get pressed against his palm. The mule walked off, heading towards shore, and the bear glanced down at his hand.

There was a little note, folded up. He unfolded it...and unfolded it again...and again...until he'd done it fourteen times, and was left wondering how the hell the android had managed to beat the 7-fold rule. Shaking his head, he read it.


Much as I hate to admit it, it was...good meeting you. If you're ever around Novus Ager sometime, look me up. I think there's a lot of things that we could keep doing. And yes, I do mean THAT as well. Just...not so often. I'm going to be recovering a bit for a while.

He chuckled at that, reading a little further down to see that the mule had left his address down at the bottom of the note. Olag folded it back up as much as he could, and held it tight. Maybe things weren't going to -

"Oh, damn it..."

He tried to stop her, but Tatyana was fast. The lab-coated tigress had already thrown a great big chunk of metal over the edge, and Olag watched as it clonked Nor right in the noggin, sending him into the drink. Glaring at the tigress, he pointed over the deck.

"What was that for?!"

"Eh, he can swim."

"How do you know? You never -"

She held up a flash drive.

"Never wiped reprogramming station, Olag. Has partial blueprints."

She pulled herself to her feet.

"Not like can replicate, anyway, but nice to see not omniscient. Can't see everything."

Olag glared at her...and soon, Nor had someone else swimming in the water, sputtering and weighed down by one hell of a lab coat.

The End

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Game Story: Magic Trials, Part 2

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New Roommates

**New Roommates For Taiko By Draconicon** "So...third floor...or fifth? Or..." Gus grumbled to himself as he ran his fingers along the directory board on the first floor of the building. So many names, and each one seemed to change as...

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