Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 12

Story by taladrian on SoFurry

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#13 of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds

Woo! been a long time since I've been able to work on this. My apologies to everyone for taking so long. Between work and school, there just wasn't time. But that's all changed now! So I should, theoretically, be able to make regular updates now! At least until school starts again. But with no regular job, that means more time for writing, yay!

Anyway, I hope this was worth the wait. Thanks for everyone's patience! ^_^ Enjoy!

And as always, constructive criticism is always welcome! =D

Rated Adult as some chapters do have adult content.

Written in colaboration with https://inkbunny.net/Zhao

Cover Art done by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nightlinez/

Also, check out my new website! www.TalsTales.com


Mystery Dungeon: Worlds

Chapter 12

Moto slows to a stop and begins panting for breath, his lungs burning. As much as his chest aches, he sighs and wipes his brow when he sees that his wounds have not started bleeding again. "I...I'm coming, Lance..." He takes a step, but stumbles and ends up leaning against the wall. A moment later he turns his back to it and points his nose upward, gasping. "Uhg...! I can't...run anymore..!"

His breath catches in his throat as he hears crumbling rocks from back down the tunnel. He spins his head toward it as his heart again starts racing. They found them..! They found the tunnels! What am I... He shakes his head. No... I won't... "I won't let you get Lance. I'm not going to let you through!"

Still panting from exhaustion, he takes a deep breath to calm himself, buries the itemsin the wall, and then stands in the middle of the tunnel. "I...I won't let you through...." Adrenaline starts pumping through him, his whole body quivering with energy. "I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU THROUGH! COME AND GET ME!!!"

A deep, sinister laughter echoes from down in the tunnels. "With pleasah!" a voice calls back to him.

Moto's stomach instantly twists into knots. He swallows hard, sputtering as he almost chokes on his own saliva. I'm not gonna run... He plants his feet just as the ground above him starts shaking, bits of dirt and rocks falling on top of him. He sucks in a breath and then fills his mouth with water, ready for water gun. But then the ground shakes beneath him as well. Two?! Moto had forgotten about the smaller one. His nostrils flare up as he sucks in another deep breath. "I don't care how many of your there are! I'm going to...to stop you! Show yourself, you coward!"

As the vibrations grow stronger, Moto gulps again. His eyes start to dart all around him, his knees shaking. What if it isn't just two of them? Maybe it's a small army? He licks his lips and starts rolling his hands over each other. It could even be an electric type he was challenging.

Moto's entire form begins trembling as the tremors around him cause more dirt to fall around him.

Then, his opponent reveals himself. Around the bend down the tunnel stands a grinning red maw, attached to a massive body almost as tall as the tunnel itself.

"You know," Krookodile says, "it really is a shame I might have to kill you." The red and black crocodile steps fully into view, slowly walking toward Moto. "We're kin afterall. Both cold blooded, both reptiles...even close to the same species." He licks his jowels and shrugs.

"I'm nothing like you!"

"Unlucky for you, I'm undah o'dahs." Lowering his head, he looks up at Moto with just his eyes as his grin grows wider. "And I...love...my job..."

Krookodile lunges for Moto, his teeth bared and glowing purple for a Bite attack.

Moto yells and covers his head. "I'm sorry Lance!" Moto's thoughts run wild, memories of Lance and the time they spent together, and the fight after Lance told him he was human. Even if I am, human, he thought, I'm sorry I won't be coming back to you, Lance... He looks up, and Krookodile's gaping maw looms over him, ready to clamp down at any moment. He was going to die.

"NO!!" The ceiling above them caves in, sending rocks and dirt everywhere and causing Moto to duck again. When he looks up, the brown and black crocodile from before is standing over him, surrounded by a faint, rainbow colored bubble.The larger reptile clamps down with his jaws but bounces off of. "You're not taking him today!" the smaller one yells.

Moto gets to his feet and backs away.

"If you want to live, you need to run, now!" the Krokorok says, facing the other and waving his hand at Moto.

Krookodile laughs. "Well, well, well..." He brushes himself, grinning in the same fashion as before he attacked Moto. "I always wondered when you'd turn tail on us."

"Dad, stop this!" the younger one cries. "Can't you see this is wrong? You were a good Pokemon once."

Krookodile shrugs. "Things change," he says. "I'm here now, an' I like it. You've always been weak. You don't know what it's like to be strong."

The younger crocodile shakes his head, thrusting his arm out to the side. "I know what it's like to be bullied by cowards!"

"Oh, I don't think you're in any position to be calling anything a coward, lad. You're the one who trembles any time things don' go your way. Just like you're doin' now."

Moto looks over to the younger of the two arguing crocodiles. Like himself, the younger one is shaking.

"You're corrupted," Krokorok says, his tone growing saddened. "Can't you see Sceptile is just using you? He's completely brainwashed you, just like he has everyone else!" He glances over his shoulder, and makes eye contact with Moto. "What are you still doing here? Run!"

Moto takes a step backward and swallows. He then shakes his head. "No." He then walks around the Krokorok and glares at his opponent. "I-I'll fight him!"

"What're you-" the Krokorok starts, but is interrupted as Moto suddenly sucks in a breath and then shoots a blast of water from his mouth at the larger crocodile.

Krookodile laughs as he blocks the Water Gun with hands. "Is that the best you got? C'mon, lad," he says as he holds his arms out wide

"I...I said I was gonna stop everything," Moto growls. "And I'm gonna! Nobody's gonna get hurt or die because of me anymore! I won't...I won't let it happen!" His body glows for just a split second as he takes in another deep breath and shoots another blast of water.

This time however, it was no mere Water Gun. Krookodile's eyes go wide as a blast four times the size of the last one comes gushing toward him. "Oh shi-!" He's unable to dodge out of the way and takes the blast at full force. It picks him up off his feet and carries him down the tunnel until he slams into a wall.

Moto stumbles backward from the kickback of power until he trips and falls. The Hydro Pump ends and Krookodile slumps to the ground, unconscious from the blow. Krokorok watches as Moto passes out from the exertion.

Krokorok looks between the Totodile and his father. "Oookay?" With another glance at his father, the brown crocodile nods to himself. "Time to go!" He scoops up Moto and begins digging into the ceiling with one hand.

Just as he emerges on the surface, Vigroth grabs him by the throat and snatches Moto form his with the other hand.

"V-Vig-roth...I'm here to...help...!" Krokorok grunts. "My dad is...down there. Fought him...out cold."

Vigroth lets him go and steps back. Krokorok sputters, dropping to all fours. The sloth starts to turn and run, but Krokorok waves him down. "Wait...!" Vigroth stops and Krorkorok gets to his feet. "Sceptile...wow you've gotten strong..." He clears his throat and faces the sloth. "Sceptile suspects you. He sent me and my dad to follow you. I..." He shakes his head. "I hope Sceptile's right, and that you're actually betraying him. I'm done with his group, and my dad doesn't respect anyone or anything except those in power, and I'm not gonna let Sceptile make me into another Chikorita," he says, Vigroth cringing at the mention of Chikorita. "I'm done." Krokorok shakes his head again. "That's not why I'm telling you this...your friend, the Totodile and the Jolteon. They scare Sceptile. I can see it whenever he talks about them."

Vigroth stands there listening, his eyes examining every movement the ground type makes. The way his hands move when he talks, where his eyes look, the way his tail sways. As the crocodile continues, Vigroth finally relaxes. With a motion from his head, he starts running.

"Oh thank you...!" Krokorok says with a sigh and follows.

"What is taking him so long?" Lance paces back and forth inside the shelter. "Maybe I should go che-"

There's a rustling outside and Lance backs away from the entrance, his fur crackling with electricity. Then Viggy enters, carrying Moto in his arms.

Lance drops the electricity. "What happened, is he all right? Why's he unconscious? Were you atta-"

He cuts himself off when he hears more rustling outside. Shortly after, a brown crocodile with black stripes steps into the shelter. Lance charges himself up again, growling. "Why's he with you?! He's with Sceptile!"

Krokorok throws his arms up. "I'm not with them anymore, I swear!"

Lance shoots his gaze back toward the sloth who is setting Moto down against the tree trunk. "Viggy?"

"Viggy? Who's Viggy?"

"He's Viggy!" Lance barks, motioning toward the sloth with his head. "Who're you? What do you want? Leave before I-"

Viggy steps between them, waving his arms in front of him.

Lance shakes his head. "What?"

The sloth points at the crocodile, then at Moto, then clasps his hands together.

"He protected, Moto...?" Lance asks.

The brown crocodile nods. "Yes. My father was about to kill him, and I stepped in." Swallowing, Krokorok breaks eye contact and begins rubbing his neck. "Look, I...I'm Krokorok, my dad is Krookodile. Sceptile sent us to track Vigroth so he would lead us to you. When we found him in the tunnels," he looks over at the unconscious water type, then back to Lance, "my dad attacked him, and I stopped him. Then your friend blasted him with some crazy water attack that I've never seen from a Totodile, and it knocked my dad unconscious. But I guess it was too much cuz he passed out right after."

"He who?"

"Your friend, Totodile."

"His NAME, is MOTO," Lance growls.

Krokorok swallows again. "I'm sorry, I didn't know...Moto."

Lance looks to Viggy. "Can we trust him?" Viggy nods in reply, and Lance sighs. "All right. I said I wouldn't doubt you again if you brought Moto back, and you did. Thank you." Viggy nods with a smile as Lance steps up to him and hugs him with one paw. Blinking for a moment, Viggy returns the embrace before Lance pulls away and continues. "If you say we can trust him, then...I'll take your word for it."

Moto begins to stir nearby, muttering under his breath as the others talk. "You won't...won't...You're not gonna get them!"

"Moto!" Lance cries and nearly tackles Moto against the tree trunk. "Don't SCARE me like that! Why'd you run off? I..." He pulls off of the blue crocodile and looks him over, tears welling up in his eyes before pulling him into another tight hug. "I was afraid I'd lose you..."

Moto's eyes dart around the shelter while he wraps an arm around Lance. "What are you talking about? And...what's he doing here?"

"I'm glad your safe, Totodi-I mean...Moto," Krokorok says with a small smile.

Moto sits up and looks at the other crocodile. "You...you saved me." Krokodile nods, and Moto stands up with a grunt. He walks over to the brown crocodile and hugs him. "Thank you."

Krokorok freezes and looks down at him. "Uhh...S-sure. I mean...I couldn't just let my dad kill you."

Moto steps back and then finally faces Viggy. Viggy gulps as Moto glares at him. "As for you," Moto growls, "what was that back at the cabin?"

Viggy opens his mouth as if to speak, then starts pantomiming furiously.

"I was there too," Krokorok says, interrupting him. "Me and my dad caught him alone in the woods, and my dad knocked him out, then we took him to Sceptile."

"He said you had seven days to heal Lance and then lure us to him," Moto says, still narrowing his eyes at Viggy.

Lance turns to look at Viggy, but before he can say anything, Krokorok steps up, having to duck beneath the makeshift ceiling. "Trust me. Even if Vigroth did do it, it would be bad. I know I'm not letting Sceptile get me back, not after what I did to my dad..." He shakes his head. "No, you can trust him. And me," he adds, starting to rub his neck again.

Glancing between the two, Lance sighs. "I don't know what to believe anymore. But...I do know that I promised Viggy I would trust him if he brought Moto back to me, and he did. And if you saved Moto," Lance says as he turns his gaze toward Krokorok, "then that's good enough for me. But, that means we need to move."

Viggy nods to Lance's words.

Moto huffs. "All right...If Lance trusts you both, I will too."

Lance lays down and Moto follows suit, plopping down next to him and leaning back. "So," Moto starts, "That makes three times now I've been saved...once by each of you." He hangs his head and sighs. "His dad was gonna kill me, and...I was a coward like always. I panicked and if he hadn't shown up when he did, I'd be dead." Shaking his head, he picks up a rock beside him and starts tapping it on the ground. "Guess I'm not much of a fighter, am I? Not much of Pokemon either." He slams the rock into the ground and huffs "I'm pathetic..."

"Actually," Krokorok says, "You're the one that knocked my dad out."

Moto lifted his head, cocking it to one side. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I told Vigroth and your friend earlier, but..." Krokorok shrugs. "Basically, you pushed me aside, used water gun, my dad laughed, and then you just...exploded. Hydro Pumped him right the face and knocked him out cold."

"Wait..." Lance rolls back a bit, forcing Moto to shift so he can look at him. "You used Hydro Pump?"

Moto blinks rapidily and tilts his head. "I couldn't have. I mean...I don't remember doing that. I used Water Gun, and something just hit me and threw me back. I thought it was Krookodile."

"It was Hydro Pump all right." Krokorok sits down on the opposite side of the shelter from everyone. "It was so powerful it knocked you backward and you passed out. I've never seen a blast that strong before. My dad usually just laughs off water attacks, like he did with your first attack." He shakes his head. "I've even seen Pokemon evolve while defending against Sceptile's gang before, but never anything like what you did."

"Sounds to me like you're close to evolving," Lance says, grinning at the water type.

Moto shakes his head. "What? No... Evolving? I can't. I mean," Moto starts running his hands over each other and staring at the floor, "I don't feel any different, or any stronger for that matter." Swallowing, Moto picks up the rock again. "I just saw him coming at me and I, I guess I just snapped," he says as he tosses the rock into the air and lets it splat into the dirt. "I just want to be able to protect myself keep everyone else safe. I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me. I just kept thinking that over and over. I felt stronger then, but I think I was just angry. I wanted to stop him more than anything."

"Oh, you stopped him all right," Krokorok says with a chuckle.

Shifting himself again, Lance nuzzles his chin into the crook of Moto's neck. "You've been in trouble because of me," Lance says, "not the other way around. I've been in trouble because of myself, not because of you. And-"

"Actually, you're both right," Krokorok interrupts them again. "Lance, is it? Sceptile's mad at you because you insulted him. By taking that Weather Band from him and getting away with it, he sees it as a direct offense. And Moto, Sceptile's angry with you simply because he hasn't been able to control you yet. You living in the area so long and escaping capture is making him feel weak. He won't admit it of course...but between the two of you, he's afraid."

Lance looks back to Viggy who is drawing in the dirt with his claw and munching on a berry. "Is that true Viggy?" Lance asks, snapping the sloth out of his stupor. After a moment of staring, Viggy finally nodded, and Lance continued. "I never considered that..." he says finally, not looking at anyone.

"So," Lance says after a long silence, "where's the Weather Band?"

"Ooohg...That little buggah's full o' surprises." Krookodile rubs his head as he rises to his feet. His head is pounding, and he's still trying to get his vision back into focus.

He staggers his way down the tunnel a short distance to where his son had dug in from the ceiling. Looking up into the hole, he can see daylight. A shiver rolls up his spine. "DAMN IT!!"

He squats down to jump up into the ceiling when something catches his eye. He pauses, then stands back up. "What a've we here...?" He reaches out into the wall where a hole had been freshly covered. He digs his claws into it and pulls out a blue and white cloth. "Well, this might make it softah...but I bettah report back to Sceptile."

Moto grins at Lance's question. "I managed to tuck it into my bandana." He reaches into it and pulls out the Weather Band, then helps Lance put it back on. "I took it with me so I could copy it. I have some other scarves that look a lot like it, and thought they would make a good replacement."

"It won't change anything," Krokorok says, shaking his head. "Even if Sceptile believes it's the real one, you still insulted him. He won't let that go."

Lance taps his claw on his cast. "Well we know we can't stay here. We should get moving soon. They obviously know we're in this area or they wouldn't have bumped into you so soon, Viggy." He pauses a moment. "You two know Sceptile and Krookodile best. What do you think they'll do next?"

"If I know my dad," Krokorok says, scratching his chin, "he'll report back to Sceptile. But I don't know if he'll tell him about the tunnels or not."

Lance coughs. "Wait, he knows about the tunnels?"

Krokorok gives a slow nod. "Yeah. We fell into one by accident when we left the cabin to follow Vigro-ah, Viggy, sorry."

Viggy looks up and smiles at them, his lips stained with berry juice. Lance rolls his eyes as Krokorok continues. "If he doesn't, then he'll use it when he thinks he can overthrow Sceptile. But, if he doesn't think he can get away with hiding it, he'll tell Sceptile right away, and then we have about a day probably before Sceptile will send someone after us."

"Does that sound right, Viggy?" When Viggy nods, Lance moves on. "So then we have a day to make a plan."

"Listen," Moto interrupts, looking back and forth between Viggy and Krokorok. "Could you two, maybe, give us some time alone please? Lance and I need to talk."

"Of course, I-ow-" Krokorok bumps his head on the log leaning against the tree trunk as he stands up. "I...I know how awkward this must be, me fighting you before and then suddenly asking to join you..."

Lance shrugs. "We've been through it once already."

"Err, right...Sorry." Krokorok gives a subtle bow and then leaves the shelter, taking Viggy with him.

Once they're alone, Moto spins in place to face Lance. "I'm sorry I caused so much trouble."

Lance shakes his head. "It's fine. You're not hurt...well, more than you already were, anyway." He rests his good paw on Moto's thigh. "And now we, hopefully, have another ally on our side. If we can just get to my family in Lakethorn Oasis, we might have a real chance at stopping Sceptile for good."

"I hope so..."

"Moto, what is it?"


"You asked them to leave so you could talk to me," Lance explains. "What's on your mind?"

Moto gulps as the scales in his cheeks click. "W-well, I...I'm feeling better with everything, and I've been having these dreams." He begins muttering under his breath, his mind racing with thoughts of the battle against Krookodile, and with Sceptile before that. Then the image of that strange blue and gold Pokemon in his dreams.

Once the dream with Lance comes to mind, he grabs hold of it, clenching his eyes shut. "I wanna do it with you," he says out loud suddenly. When he opens his eyes, Lance is staring at him with his with his head cocked to one side and one ear flopped over.

"Do what?" Lance tilts his head the other way, causing his ears to switch roles.

"I, err..." Moto swallows again. "I mean...what we did before. Y-you know..."

Lance jerks his head back and raises an eyebrow. "What we-" He cuts himself off and his eyes go wide. "Oh-OH! That. Err...Right, right now?"

Moto nods. "Right now."

"I...well all right. Umm...Hmm."

"What?" Moto tils his head.

"Well, it...it's kinda hard to just jump right in. I mean..." Lance opens his back legs, revealing his groin for a moment before relaxing his legs again. Then he motions with his paw at Moto's crotch. "You gotta get worked up first, usually."

Nodding, Moto scoots himself closer to Lance. "Okay, so...how do we, umm...Well in my dream, you kinda...crawled on top of me and you," Moto looks away, the scales in his cheeks clicking in his growing blush, "That is, we, kinda...Well, you started licking all over my hiding place, and then you sorta pushed yourself inside me."

"I see. Well, then I guess there's only one thing to do!" Lance uses his good paw to push Moto onto his back and giving him time to move his tail out of the way. Once there, Lance places his good paw on Moto's the stomach and begins kneading gently. Grinning at him from below, Lance then leans in and starts licking.

His tongue starts at the tip of Moto's tail and slowly works its way up, going around the first opening, then finally landing upon the slit between Moto's legs.

Moto shivers and covers his face. "L-lance...MMm..." He curls his tail up between his legs, and Lance has to shift in order to keep working. When the fox's tongue slips into his slit, he jumps and lets out a squeak, followed by giggling. "That t-tickles!"

The fox continues, settling himself a little higher along Moto's form, now pointing his nose straight down over Moto's opening. Moto groans and lays his head backward as the electric fox's tongue continues to delve deeper inside him. A tingle wells up in his loins that sends another shiver up his spine. He can't help but give a short thrust upward into the fox's maw.

A tightness begins to grow in his loins and before long, he is able to see the tip of his member poking out of him. Lance doesn't hesitate to take it into his lips, suckling on it like a kit to his mother's teat and coaxing the rest of his length out into the open. "Guahaa!!" Moto moans again, his tail curling and his back arching.

Lance pulls back finally and teases the exposed member with his paw, admiring its shape from the pointed tip all the way down the ridged shaft where it tapers wider toward the base. The base itself has a knot, similar to Lance's but not as defined. Moto's freshly exposed meat sits there, pulsing slightly before Lance's eyes. "Now for step two!"

Before Moto can ask what that is, Lance takes the shaft into his muzzle again, all the way to the base. He sits there a moment, letting the muscles in the back of his throat massage the tip while his tongue works the flesh at the base. When he pulls back, he starts bobbing his head along Moto's length.

Moto takes hold of the fox's ears and gives a series of whimpering gasps. His hips start to thrust on their own. His loins tingle more intensely and his breathing grows more rapid. Just when he thinks he's about to explode from the sensations, everything stops.

His jaw quivering, Moto looks down at the fox who is staring at him with a wide grin. "W-what...why'd you stop...?" Moto asks between breaths. "That felt amazing!"

"And it's gonna get better. C'mere." Lance rolls over onto his back and spreads his legs. His own member has swollen inside its sheath, the knot at the base stretching out the flesh so much that his length can't fit inside it anymore. Half of his shaft is out in the open and twitching on his stomach. "Come up behind me."

"O-okay." Moto swings his tail around and he sits up. He scoots up against the electric fox's rump, his member dribbling with pre as he rubs it against Lance's sac. "Like this?"

Chuckling, Lance shakes his head. "Almost. This time, you're gonna put it in me."

Moto gulps. "You mean-"

"Yup." Lance wiggles his backside against Moto's hips, causing him to shiver again.

"A-all right. Umm..." He shifts backward and looks down. The furry spikes of Lance's rump lay flat against the ground, fanning out more than as the electricity in them is grounded. "You're not gonna zap me or something by accident, are you?"

Lance laughs. "No, don't worry. Just...slide yourself in."

Nodding, Moto does as he is told. He pulls back his hips and begins poking about with his member. After a few attempts, Lance suggests he use his hand and then he's able to find the mark.

Moto's tip presses inward. A pleasure erupts inside him and he again arches his back, unable able to stop himself from slamming himself to the hilt inside his fox friend.

Lance yelps at first, but then quickly changes it to a low churring sound. "Ju-huuust like tha-haat..." the fox moans.

Licking his lips and gulping, Moto tries again. He pulls back, then slowly pushes forward. The warmth of the fox's tunnel surrounding his member sends wave after wave of pleasure surging through his body. He can feel Lance trembling beneath him, and Moto closes his eyes. "Mmf...this...this is incredible!"

Lance responds by reaching up with his good paw and placing it on Moto's shoulder. "Hope you're ready for this."

"Huh?" Moto stops and opens his eyes. Lance is staring at him with a grin the likes of which Moto has never seen. For a moment, fear grips him. He knew he was going to get zapped. But then, his member begins to tingle more, and Lance lays his head back.

The tingling grows, and Moto finds himself thrusting against his will. He bends over the fox's waist and wraps his arms around him. Lance's back legs straddle Moto's thrusting form and he keeps his paw on Moto's shoulder. "Mmph!! K-keep going!" the fox moans again.

Moto can't respond. Completely overwhelmed by the sensations in his loins, his voice cuts out before he can say a word. The few times he's able to fight his eyes open he sees Lance laying beneath him with his tongue lolling out to one side with his good paw bouncing on Moto's shoulder.

The tingling sensation Moto felt from before returns. His scales fan out along his back, his tail curls upward and his teeth begin to chatter for moment before his jaw clamps shut. He grips tighter around the fox's waist, and then he suddenly finds that he can't pull away.

Lance lets out a yelp, followed by a gurgling whine as his eyes roll back into his head. Moto's entire form shivers as he humps more rapidly. "L-lance, some...something is h-happening...!"

"Don't stop!" Lance whines, gripping Moto with his thighs and turning his head to the side.

"Lance! GNNNAAH!!"

Moto gives a series of powerful thrusts, and Lance lets out another yelp as the shaft flares inside him. The warmth of Moto's juices flowing into him and the sudden pressure against his gland from the inside sends him over the edge. His own shaft pulses between their forms before erupting between them, Moto's actions smearing the fox's seed all over their stomachs.

They both lay there shivering from their respective orgasms, locked to each other by the sheer size of Moto's knot lodged in the fox's opening. Lance's ring pulses rhythmically, making Moto quiver on top of him while Lance's shaft gives another fresh spurt of seed with each pulse.

"So this, this is what it feels like...wow..." Moto says, laying on top of Lance's still pulsing shaft.

"I didn't...Hoo...realize you...were that big...!" Lance replies with a grin. He opens his eyes and looks up, then jumps, yelping as the knot inside him nearly rips free. "Holy ARCEUS!!! You ARE big!!!"

"What?! Am I hurting you?" Moto straightens up and starts tugging. "I can't get-"

"No, no, no!! You're fine!" Lance whimpers. "You feel amazing. It's just...Well, look at yourself."

Moto looks down. His stomach has grown bigger, his arms longer, and his pattern changed. Where he used to have just a single tan stripe in the shape of an arrow on his chest, the tan instead covers his entire lower half, except for a few splotches on his stomach and then his legs.

He twists around, forcing a pain filled yelp from Lance. "Sorry, I just...What happened?! How do I change back?!"

"Nngg...S-stop squirming so much," Lance whines. "You're gonna rip me open. And you don't change back. You evolved."


"That's right. You're a Croconaw now, see? I told you you were close to evolving," Lance adds with a wink.

"But, I was happy as a Totodile." Moto glances down his back. The tan running under his legs wraps around the base of his tail and comes up at an angle, then wraps over his right shoulder. "I look...I feel, I dunno, weird."

Lance nods. "But with evolving comes strength. I think you'll find that Krookodile will think twice before fighting you now. Especially after last time. If you hit him with that blast as a Totodile and knocked him out, imagine what it'll be like as a Croconaw!"

Moto swallows hard and then looks back down at Lance. "I...You're right. I DO feel stronger."

"There, ya, see? Now, just-" Lance wiggles his rump again, his ring clenching around Moto's dwindling member and causing Moto to shiver again. "Just keep that in there as long as you can."


It's not long before Moto's shaft dwindles enough to retreat from Lance and back into its own home. "Y'know," Lance says, breaking the silence between them, "I thought you were just flaring or something when you finished. I didn't think you were actually evolving right then. But WOW did it feel good..."

Moto blushes and covers his face. "Stop it, it's embarrassing."

"And true." Lance scoots himself around and nuzzles into Moto's stomach. "And now I have more to cuddle, too."

Moto can only giggle in reply, unable to get his voice to cooperate with his thoughts. Instead he begins laughing, and the two start laughing together.

"C'mon, help me get us cleaned up," Lance says at last, starting to lick himself clean of his own seed.

Krookodile arrives back at the cabin soon after the sun rises. Volt and Braviary are standing behind Sceptile as he greets Krookodile with a scowl. "What are you doing back here? Where's Krokorok?"

"Thanks to my backstabbing son, Vigroth and the runt got away," Krookodile growls.

At first, Sceptile doesn't react. Just when Krookodile thinks he is safe, Sceptile rushes the crocodile, kicks him, and then uses Leaf Blade across his face. Krookodile drops to the ground, covering his head. "I'm sorry, sir!"

"I gave you ONE TASK!! And you let your son ruin it!" Sceptile stomped his feet, throwing sand everywhere. "When I see that boy of yours, I'll have his head by tearing it off myself! I want that stupid Totodile and his Jolteon friend Dead!" He kicks Krookodile in the stomach on the last word. "Dead, dead, DEAD!!!" he repeats, kicking the crocodile on each one.

Krookodile covers himself and only looks up after the kicking stops. "I sent him back to you-"

"Yeah he came back and he said you lost the Totodile when you weren't even supposed to be tracking him in the first place!"

"He was supposed to tell you about the tunnels." Krookodile gets back on his feet and looks down at his hand. It's stained with blood from the wound in his face. "But the next thing I know he's using Protect on the li'l bastard so I couldn't get him. I didn't even know Krokorok could USE Protect!"

"What you do and do not know about your son has nothing to do with your utter FAILURE!" The leaves on Sceptile's forearms glow green and he's about to slash at Krookodile again. But he stops just before reaching Krookodile's throat, and he relaxes. "Tunnels? What tunnels?"

"That's where I foun' the runt. I was about to take 'im out, but he used Hydro Pump on me somehow. I won't be caught off guard like that again. But there's tunnels lead'n 'oo knows where. They're small, but I can dig 'em out bigger."

Sceptile growls from deep in his chest. "You expect me to believe that a totodile used Hydro Pump?" He shakes his head. "Whatever. Forget the totodile for now. Get your old group together, ALL of them. Get to these tunnels where I'll assume you'll say a totodile beat you with Hydro Pump, and come back to me with the destinations."

"I'll get 'em mapped, sir."

"Two days. If I have to come looking for you, I'll tell you what I told your son: 'Chikorita.' And I know you can handle bigger."

Volt chuckles, only going quiet again with a glare from Sceptile. Then the grass type turns back toward Krookodile. "Two days. Get moving."

Krookodile nods and leaves without a word. He can hear Sceptile giving the order to return back to their base as he dives into the ground, digging his way north.

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