A Slut and Her Master

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#6 of Old Stories NOT being Continued

Slut Gets Taught a Lesson

Disclaimer: This story was written by myself and Dinosauri as a one shot RP. If there is a good response, I might just get him to work out another RP to go along with this as another stand alone story. Raptor copyright Dinosauri, Vixen copyright Champagne.

The large raptor stamped over to the kneeling vixen and growled.

The vixen kept her eyes down, knowing that if she looked up, she'd be in more trouble, though it sounded from her Master's growl that she was in trouble. She just didn't know what for.

He growled again. "Hello, my fucking ugly, little, useless whore!!!"

"Hello, Master. What would you have your ugly, useless slut do today?" Her eyes remained down, and she kept her words soft, knowing if she raised her voice he'd beat her. Though sometimes she did it just to get him to beat her.

He snarled, "Well, you can start by licking my feet, you good-for-nothing slave!!!"

"Yes, Master," she murred softly, leaning down, her tail going up as she started licking his feet.

"Good bitch! That's why I don't kill you," he chuckled.

She kept licking his feet, her tongue slipping between his toes to make sure she covered every inch of his feet that she could. Her rump rose higher as she licked.

He noticed her high rump. "OK, that's enough now. Follow me, slut!" He pads over to the bed.

She crawled after her Master on all fours until she reached the bed.

"Now lie across my legs," he grinned.

"Yes, Master." She climbed up onto his lap, her tail raised, giving him an unobstructed view of her rump and tailhole.

He spanked her rump. "Who's a ugly, little, useless slut?"

"I am, Master," she whimpered, her voice soft as she held back a yelp from the spanking.

He spanked her again. "And who is a filthy, little shit who only deserves to be a cock-sucker?"

Still in a soft voice, she whimpered out, "I am, Master."

"I can't hear you!!!"

Raising her voice a little, still soft, just not as soft as before, she whimpered, "I am, Master."

"Good." He spanked her again. "And who loves the taste of master's cock in her maw?"

Getting into this, she smiled, though she kept her head down, not showing her smile to her Master. "I do, Master," she whimpered out softly, making him drag out of her the words in a louder tone.

He spanked her hard. "And who likes licking master's tailhole?!"

She whimpered louder at this hard spanking, feeling like her rump was going to glow brightly after this session with her Master. "I do, Master," she murred softly.

He pushes her off his lap and raises his tail. "Go on, then."

She lands with a soft thump on her belly on the floor, then pulls her paws and knees under her and crawls around her Master, licking at his rump, circling his tailhole teasingly.

"Good slut!" he moans. "Deeper now and eat up any debris you find!"

Her tongue slides over his tailhole, then circles the outside again, as her nose pushes gently at his rump before her tongue once more circles his tailhole, starting to push into him.

He moans again, "Keep going!"

She pushes her tongue deeper into her Master's tailhole, her nose pushing against his rump just above his tailhole.

"Good. Now sniff my tailhole, pathetic vixen, and tell me if it smells nice."

She sniffs at his tailhole, murring softly at the musky scent of his tailhole, giving him another lick around it in a circle around his tailhole. "Master, the scent of your tailhole turns on your dirty little whore."

"Good. Now get on the bed. tail up!!!!"

She climbs up onto the bed, raising her tail and rump, baring her tailhole for her Master, while keeping her head and chest down.

He gets on the bed, his cock rock solid from her licking. "Now are you lucky enough that I fuck your pussy or should I just fuck your tailhole... Hmmmm"

"My useless body is yours to take, Master, whichever hole you decide to take," she murrs softly.

"OK, I'll do both." He grinned and got off the bed.

She whimpered, not knowing what her Master was going to do.

He went over to a locked cabinet on the wall, then scrolled in the combination and opened it. It was full of potion vials. "Hmmmm... Aha" He pulled out a vial and drank it down, then locked the cabinet back up. He turned and got back on the bed. "Hope you like orca," he chuckled.

She murred softly. "Your ugly little whore likes whatever her Master gives her."

He groaned as a loud stretching noise came from his slit as another cock slowly pushed its way out. It was long and pale like an orca's. He grinned, "You're gonna get it now!"

"Yes, Master," she murred softly, hearing the noises, but still not knowing what was going on behind her.

He suddenly thrust both his members into her slit and tailhole, moaning loudly.

She yelped as she felt him taking both her holes at one time, her head coming up as pleasure raced through her.

He hilted her hard, grinning as he did. "You like that, whore?!" He withdrew and thrust again harder.

"Ahh... yes, Master," she whimpered out, feeling him thrusting hard into her again, filling her holes hard and fast simultaneously.

He withdrew again as he dug his claws into her sides for more sport as once again he filled her slit and tailhole with his dual cocks, throbbing and dripping pre into her holes.

She murred as she felt his claws digging into her sides as her Master pounded away at her holes, his pre lubing up her holes.

He began to pick up speed as he moaned in regular intervals, feeling one of his cocks pushing against her clit. "Tell me you like, nay, love my cocks!"

She murred a little louder, whimpering in mixed pain and pleasure from the force of his thrusts into her. "Master, I love your cocks. The way they fill my holes. The way you were able to fill both at once. Oh, yes, my Master, I do love your cocks!"

He pounds her faster. "And when you're done, you're gonna clean each one with your tongue then kiss my knot thanking it for such a lovely cum aint you?!"

"Y...yes, Master," she whimpers as he pounded her faster and harder.

He roared as he climaxed. Both his cocks shot seed deep into her holes as he remained hilting her for a short while.

She whimpers, feeling her orgasm right at the edge, but knew better than to cum before her Master told her she was allowed to. She could feel his seed filling her holes, and murred in pleasure.

He panted heavily and grinned, "OK... you may cum now, whore."

"Thank you, Master," she whimpered out before screaming out her pleasure as she let herself go, her walls clenching around his cocks, milking all of his seed from him.

He murred a few final drops of cum being milked from his cocks.

She stayed as still as possible while her Master finished filling her cunt and tailhole with his seed.

He withdrew from her quite forcefully. "Now clean them!" Before she could turn around, the second cock shriveled as the potion wore off and it disappeared. "Oh... clean it!"

She turned around quickly, licking her Master's cock for a moment before slipping her muzzle over him, suckling it clean.

"Good little, cock-sucking bitch! Now kiss my knot and say thank you"

Slipping her muzzle from his cock, she lowers muzzle and kisses his knot. "Thank you for a wonderful fuck and filling me with your cum," she murred softly.

"Good girl." He grinned evilly. "Gosh is that the time? Dinner! Cook now!"

She crawled to the kitchen, knowing her Master did not want her upright unless necessary, and moving from one room to another was not necessary. Once there, she got to her hindpaws and started cleaning her paws before pulling out the food for dinner, then prepares his meal.

He sits at the table, reading the newspaper.

As the food gets finished, she puts it onto a plate for him, then got back on her paws and knees, keeping one paw up to take his plate and place it on her head. The silverware was on the plate as well, and she crawled over to her Master's side, his plate on her head. "Your dinner, Master."

He took the plate. "Thank you, vixen. You may relax till I'm done with my food."