Genetic Children-Log 07- They found us!

Story by Korm on SoFurry

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#7 of Genetic Children

Put under m/f because of some nudity(oh noes)

Korm= Mine


You= You


Sorry about the wait I broke my keyboard and had to fix it.




Pregnancy and foetus research from:





Latin from GOOGLE!!






Korm woke with a start, he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed and onto the ground. His alarm clock was beeping at him, he reached out and slapped the off button and then proceeded to the shower again.



After dressing and having a meal, he went back to his Lab to check on the progress of the project. While he was accessing the computer he was scribbling on a notepad as well. Watching the numbers fluctuate slowly on the screen he absently drew pictures of car faces on the pad, his hand was trying to sketch his dream daughter’s face. He was getting the rough shapes right, curving around the jaw and placing the eyes the right distance apart, but he couldn’t get it to look catty enough his drawings were turning out more human than feline, like the child’s mother.




Twenty minutes of sketching and more calculations saw his duties done, he compiled the information relevant to the project and sent it off to the Director. Emu had probably done the same thing but double reports, and from different scientific views didn’t hurt.




â€Korm? A message just came through from your colleague, you are wanted at her Lab.†Neil passed the information onto him and he decided that it was time to get back to his ‘Daughter’ to begin the input of the learning and information software.




While on the way to the Lab, Korm was going over the theory behind Direct Information Download Modules. DIDM, had been developed a few years ago when mainstream Labs had begun mass clone experimentation, it saved the developers the time and effort of hard training and sped up the learning process in other areas. DIDM are small, active memory matrix modules that are a replication of real human brain synapses and nerve bundles that are artificially implanted with the desired information via a computer terminal. The DIDM are then plugged into a brain probe that targets specific areas of the brain. It was an invasive technique but due to the clone being in the Synth Fluid, the wounds heal extremely fast and if a mistake is made, it is a simple procedure to remove that section of the brain and let it grow again.




The Door to Emu’s Lab hissed open and he saw her madly typing at the computer and, in the background, a tiny foetus almost the size of his fist was growing. The opportune time to input the data was at week 14 in a normal human pregnancy, after just a few hours in synth the foetus was at this stage already. At this stage of development the brain was starting to learn, and beginning to send out neural impulses to muscles and nerves.




â€I see that she is progressing well, have you started the input yet?†Korm walked to the computer and stood behind Emu watching her inputting numbers.




â€Not yet, I am just making a few last minute changes to the fifth module, the tactical training one, the Director asked me to alter some parameters.†Korm watched her hands, her long slender fingers bouncing almost silently over the black keyboard, as her fingers fell they blocked out the white letters on the keys, and then they bounced back up and flew to a different position countless times.


â€Mind if I start the input of module one? And drop the temperature to slow growth while you reprogram that one?†He was already walking over to the pod, he ran his hand over the glass and felt the warmth radiating from within. The foetus was twitching muscles irregularly as its brain learnt how to control each of them, which signals went where and what they did.




â€Go ahead, I have to send this on to the Director when its done for a review so I’d say drop it by two or three degrees that should slow it down, but that means it will take an hour or so per DIDM, after we have input a few we may have to raise the temperature quite a bit to get back on schedule.†Korm made an affirmative sound in his throat and went to her desk. Under the desk was a cold storage unit for the DIDM’s, he put on a pair of thermal gloves and removed Module 1- Basic Body Operation-Breathing, Walking and Eating.




It didn’t really matter what order the modules were input, it was just generally assumed that this would be module one, even in straight human cloning this was the first one input. It seemed to help the growing hybrids to absorb the other DIDM’s better as well. These were almost and exact copy of the human clone DIDM’s but they had been tweaked slightly to allow for the interlaced and altered D.N.A.Â




He took the module to the computer banks on the wall and pushed a small yellow button on the second panel, a tray slid out of the wall and a small door opened on the face of the computer panel. He placed the DIDM in the recess on the tray and watched it glide back into the computer. He then pressed a green button next to the yellow one, this button initiated the direct input. He stepped back and watched a need thin tube slide from one of the pipes, on the end of the tube was a microscopic needle, this is the means, through which, his ‘Daughter’ would gain most of her knowledge. Although he couldn’t see the needle, he could see the result as a tiny puff of red, barely visible, floated to the surface and was broken down by the synth fluid into its basic molecules to be re-absorbed by the foetus.




Korm heard a sigh from over by the computer, and turned to see Emu with her head down. Her hair was covering either side of her face and hanging in a black sheet down to the desk, from the angle he was standing, he could see a reflection on the monitor. She was fingering her necklace and she had her eyes shut, but her mouth was moving silently.


He decided that he didn’t want to interrupt her, and just watched.




â€OK. Done!†Emu sprang up from her chair startling Korm, who had been staring at her.




â€Now I just have to send this off to the Director and then we can nudge the temperature up, once the first module has been input.†She sat back down, flexed her arms over the back of her chair making her breast stick out a little, and then she went back to typing. This time it was the report for the Director.




â€Can you tell me the estimated input time based on the new temperature for this module?†Korm was thinking about heading back to the dorm unit to wait, and ponder his dreams. He was getting restless, not having his books, he hoped the new ones he ordered would arrive soon.




â€Ah the computer says it’s gonna take the rest of the night, it is estimated to be done at 7:00 am tomorrow.†Korm sighed this time, this would add almost another whole day onto the synthesis, with the change in temperature and the rest periods that had to be left in between each input.




â€Ok. I’m going to head up to the dorms, I’ve already compiled the report on the synth data at my Lab before I came here, just be sure to add a note to the end of your report to inform the Director that the input of DIDM 1 has started.†She turned her head, stared at him for a few seconds with her green eyes, and then turned back to the computer.




The door of the shower made only a small noise as it shut, the steam and heat of the water had once again relaxed him and, wrapped in a towel he went to lay on the bed. Before he had come to the dorms, he went by his Lab and grabbed his notepad, he was busy studying the features of his dream daughter’s face when he fell asleep.





Korm was in bed, naked. He could feel the silky texture of the sheets under his back and the rough texture of what felt like closely knitted wool on his chest. He rolled onto his right side, he knew this was the edge of the bed. He knew that this was his side of the bed.

_Â _

_Â _

â€[Somnium](%5C) nocens?†A clawed, furry hand brushed up his back and came to rest on his stomach. The warmth radiating from his partner was already turning him on. He could feel it radiating out from her sex and warming his back.

_Â _

â€Yeah, a bad dream.†He replied. She slapped him lightly on the stomach and made a clicking sound in her mouth. After this she rolled over and got out of bed, he rolled to follow her movements to see his daughter standing in the doorway.

_Â _

â€Filia [Somnium](%5C) nocens.†She was telling Korm that it was their daughter that had the bad dream. It seemed to Korm that several months had passed, as hi child was standing in the doorway. She looked to be about a year old in human standards, but looks could be deceptive. As she had feline D.N.A and cats developed much faster than humans. His unconscious mind told him that she was three months old.

_Â _

He watched as his partner reached their daughter, and bent down to pick her up. As she did so he saw a generous flash of her backside, and through he legs, about level with his daughter’s head, he could see a back-view of her slit. He saw two little arms wrap around his partners back and then she was standing again. She turned to come back to the bad and he saw that his daughter had wrapped her legs around her mother as well. When she was closer to the bed Korm threw the covers back and she put down the cat-girl on the bed. She immediately scooted closer to her dad and lay with her body pressed against his side. She had one had draped over his chest and her legs were beside his hips. His partner climbed back into bed, and in the dream, he began to fade into sleep.

_Â _


_Â _

The windows of the room lit up, and followed by thee sound of heavy boots running through the house.

_Â _


_Â _

The door was kicked off its hinges as Korm whispered to his partner.

_Â _

â€They found us.â€



_Â _








Genetic Children-Log 06- Enter Emu!

Please don't steal Korm...Also if you object to objectionable material then I object to you being here! Latin Courtesy of GOOGLE-TRON!! Â Names and meanings of name from this...

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Genetic Children-Log 05- Hi! I am...

BOO! Korm is mine please don't steal him. As always the Latin was borrowed from Google.(also I typed this while my house temperature was at -2 degrees C, forgive any errant commas and weird punctuation...please?) ON WITH THE SHOW! The door to Korm's...

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Genetic Children-Log 04- Did you know your hand is wet?

_Korm flew along the dusty road on the_ BMW-F800S leaving a dusty trail behind him. The sun was just rising above the trees to his left and the cold wind was combing his hair. He had left at 5 o clock in the morning, locking the shelter up and stashing...

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