A New Phase - Chapter 3

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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#3 of A New Phase

A New Phase

Chapter 3

After Selkine vanished around the hall into the bedroom, Farren sighed and started washing dishes. Sess'tha snagged up a loose fork from the coffee table and carried it to the kitchen. "Hell of a mess for him, and maybe us too," the cat observed. She glanced over her shoulder towards the hall. "Think it's actually safe to leave him alone with her until he settles in?"

Farren shrugged, scrubbing at a pan. "I don't think there is anything she could do that would bug him too much. She might flirt until he actually lets her go further, but that should be about the worst of it. She's good about that at least. Beyond that, we really don't have anything here that would freak him out."

Both the grey fox and the ocelot worked on the dishes in silence for a few moments, tension seeming to build in the region like a developing fog. Then Sess'tha paused and blinked, remembering something. "Wait... Didn't she say something about 'a proper washing'?"

Farren stopped in her scrubbing work as well and thought back. "She did. Why are you as...? Oh, wait..."

The two looked at each other and tossed their dishes into the sink at the same time, making a clatter as they both exclaimed, "That spell she got!" simultaneously. They bolted for the bedroom and attached bathroom in a flash, but a sudden horribly odd sound of ... discomfort?... dismay?... from Jack indicated that they were too late. They almost ran head first into Selkine at the bedroom door as she was rushing out.

"I don't know what happened!" Selkine exclaimed, obviously in a panic. "I've used that thing dozens of times, and never had anything bad happen! You've gotta help me!!"

Farren immediately stopped to try to calm Selkine while Sess'tha scampered into the bedroom to evaluate the situation. "Okay, WHAT precisely happened?" Farren demanded of the red vixen, "And be brief."

Selkine nodded and whimpered, "Well, I gave him the washing spell, and he activated it like I told him to, and then he suddenly got all weird-looking. His face twisted like he was being tortured, and he got all dancey and smacked at himself making all sorts of noises. Then his eyes just kind of rolled back and he fell over, white as all heck!"

Sess'tha's voice came from the bedroom. "Brilliant! Selkine, did you ever consider the fact that he normally washes under flowing water, not by grooming? And then you give him a spell with two thousand recorded groom licks body-wide in the course of ten seconds? Yeah, sure, it'll get him clean, but can you POSSIBLY just CONSIDER the way it would feel to him, especially without fur? Consider how different from anything else he has ever experienced. You've just pretty much overloaded his mind and put him into shock. He should be okay when he comes to."

"Shock?!" Selkine exclaimed, "That's very bad! I know, I've heard about it!" She rushed back into the room, promptly pushing the complaining feline out of the way. Completely ignoring Sess'tha's protests that it was a figure of speech, she fussed over Jack as Farren came up behind her to peer at the collapsed human. "Quick! Help me get him into the bed. He needs to be kept warm!"

Farren threw a look at Sess'tha, and both shrugged. They both knew Jack would be fine without all the fussing, but they knew that arguing with Selkine when she was on a mission was a bad idea. Sess'tha went to pull back the midphase covers on the bed and Farren squatted to try to help gather up the stricken human. Selkine was quicker though and gathered Jack up into her arms single-handedly, carrying him over to the bed and tucking him in.

"He's on top of his outphase covers, though," Selkine observed. "He might not be warm enough." She poked at the blanket. "Right, everybody in bed with him! Both of you on either side, I'll lay on top to make sure he stays warm." And with that, she promptly slipped under the covers, straddling Jack's waist and supporting part of her weight on her arms. She looked over her shoulder at the two bewildered creatures. "Come on!!"

Farren sighed and chuckled quietly, "No arguing with her, Sess'tha. Come on." She climbed into bed and scooted over until she was up against Jack's side. She tried getting comfortable with her arm across Selkine's back, but was unable to. She then tried slipping her arm between Selkine and Jack, but Selkine glared at her so threateningly that she gave up on that idea as well. She finally settled for her front pressed against Jack's side and her hand slipped below Selkine's thigh and resting on Jack's leg. Sess'tha looked at the whole situation, shrugged and got into the other side of the bed. She ended up taking a position similar to Farren's, her hand on Jacks' other thigh.

Selkine simply stared into Jack's face worriedly, and the time began to tick by. Selkine was absolutely still, but both Farren and Sess'tha were somewhat squirmy, moving a little bit on frequent occasion. Jack was beginning to breathe more evenly and squirm some himself, so it seemed he might wake up soon. There was a bit more squirming from Farren and Sess'tha, and then Sess'tha suddenly raised her head sharply to look at Farren.

"Why did you just try to caress his balls?" the feline demanded.

Farren laid her ears back, "Instead of answering that, I should ask YOU why I found your paw cupped around them when I tried!"

"I was just curious about them," Sess'tha murmured indignantly. "We're trying to keep him warm, right? Not caress him."

"Yeah, but that's keep HIM warm, not just his balls!" Farren growled.

Selkine was still intent on Jack's face, but mumbled quietly, "Quit arguing over who gets to caress his nuts. I'm happy with where he is poking me anyway." A smile lifted her lips. "And trust me, it's plenty warm." Both Farren and Sess'tha started at Selkine's statement, and Jack moaned slightly, his eyelids fluttering as he began to come to.

Farren's paw shot past Sess'tha's paw and she looked accusingly at Selkine. "He's just nudging you, not completely poking you."

They all stiffened guiltily as Jeran's voice drawled from the bedroom doorway, "Well, you all look cozy, but I came to let you know that Master Takaran says that it'll take a bit longer than he expected to figure out what happened. Anyway, have fun!"

Farren glanced over her shoulder to see the black cat beating a hasty retreat. "KNOCK NEXT TIME!!!" she yelled at him.

Now, at this point, Jack was fully awake, and trying to make some sense of the situation. He knew that Selkine had carried him into the bedroom and handed him a large coin-like object with strange symbols inscribed on it. She had explained it was a washing spell, and instructed him on how to rub the symbols properly to activate it.

Going with the flow as he had decided to do, Jack was a good sport, and had disrobed and followed her instructions to a tee. Now, he had been licked before, but dogs and even a cat once, he will admit that. But the moment he finished activating the medallion, his body was assaulted by what was definitely at least hundreds, if not thousands of phantom licks. What seemed like an eternity of attention from invisible tongues of all sorts left no part of him unlicked, even to the inside of his nostrils and mouth, and he could swear maybe more. Needless to say, as he was assaulted by such a unique and... odd... experience, he did what any sane person would do: He fainted dead away. That was the last thing he remembered.

Now he had woken up to a pressure on his upper body, and some distinct sensations. It took a while for his hazy mind to make proper sense of the situation, and he finally came to an accurate evaluation. He was lying on his back, nude and in bed. He had a red vixen laying on top of him, a grey vixen laying to his left, and a spotted cat laying to his right, both of these latter snuggled against him. The cat's fingers were curled around his balls, and the grey vixen's fingers around his rock-hard shaft. Then of course his tip was just barely nudging into the red vixen atop him as the grey vixen held it steady. And all of this after the cat had insisted that he be asked before any "play".

He was quite honestly stuck between the heat of the moment, the apparent indignity of being taken advantage of while he was unconscious, and the general confusion regarding the fact that these females were doing this when they hardly knew him. Then combine the fact that he had heard the voice of that black cat, though couldn't quite make out what had been said, and the yell afterward. Lacking the will to scream and kick, he simply blushed furiously and cleared his throat to get the attention of the females. "Soooo... what precisely is going on here again?" he asked quietly.

"He's awake!" Selkine announced happily, though unnecessarily. Both Farren and Sess'tha stiffened in surprise again, their fingers clenching on his anatomy somewhat. Selkine licked his nose in glee. "You collapsed, and Sess'tha said you were in shock, and I know all about shock, and it's bad, and so I decided you needed to be warm, and so I put you in bed, and I got on top of you to keep you warm, and they got beside you to keep you warm, and now you're all better!" she exclaimed in one huge burst. "And poking me really nicely," she added as an afterthought. "You don't mind, do you?"

"No, no... No problem at all." Jack mumbled, trying to absorb the meaning of the string of words through the distinct distractions at his crotch. He was very intimately aware of just how delightfully warm and soft these three females were. Even their animalistic natures did not really turn him off in light of their proximity and obvious affection. But he really wasn't sure he was ready for THIS much affection.

"Oh goody!" Selkine exclaimed. "Farren, aim him properly, he's a bit too low for me. Ooo! Finally some fun!" She shifted somewhat and pressed her hips downwards against his flesh, waiting on Farren to reposition him properly.

"Wait, wait, WAIT!" Jack cried in half a bit of panic. Yep, he wasn't quite ready for that. Selkine paused and looked at him curiously. "I meant that I don't mind that you kept me warm," he said shakily. "I don't think that sex should be on the agenda right now though... Um... Especially after I was just in shock, right? Might not be good for me... You should give me some time to recover." He became aware also that Farren was not only apparently intentionally not lining him up, but was also helping to shield him with her paw somewhat. He threw her a thankful glance.

"Yes, he shouldn't be stressed," Sess'tha piped in, her touch shifting to his thigh. "And he does need time to accommodate to things mentally as well. He needs time to adjust, Selkine. Think about how much he's been put through recently."

"Aww, okay. That makes sense. I'm sorry Jack." Selkine pouted cutely at him. "But you be sure to let me know the minute your ready!" She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly, whispering in his ear, "Please don't keep me waiting too long."

"Selkine," Sess'tha said, "why don't you go to the store and get some mint chocolate chip ice cream? You know he likes it, and we all do too. It'll help us all cheer up and relax."

"Hey, yeah!" Selkine perked up and promptly scrambled off Jack and out of bed, leaving him lying uncovered with Farren's paw still holding his flesh and Sess'tha's paw on his thigh. Selkine scampered out the door as Farren almost reluctantly released Jack's flesh, and yelled back from the living room, "I'll be right back!"

Jack blinked, trying to gather his wits once more. Both Sess'tha and Farren gave him encouraging snugs, then disengaged and sat up beside him. Jack tugged the blanket over himself as he sat up, though all it did was create a tent over his lap. "Okay... Even though you want Takaran to explain stuff, I want YOU to explain this... Why are you three, her especially," he nodded towards the door that Selkine had departed through, "so eager to get into my pants?"

Both Farren and Sess'tha sighed, and looked thoughtful, but Farren answered first. "We really do owe you an explanation on that. Okay, firstly, as you know, we in the midphase can see, but not interact with folks in the outphase. However we CAN interact to a limited degree when you are asleep. We can touch you, but not affect you at all. This means that you are literally solid as stone to us."

"Yes, Master Takaran explained that part already," Jack said. "But this doesn't explain why you are living in my apartment or why you are trying to screw me. Literally, not figuratively."

Farren smiled slightly. "Well, he also explained that we get all of our objects and energy from the outphase. The energy that comes in includes emotional energy also to some degree. Almost all of us end up living in the residence of a human that we find tolerable or pleasant. After all, it's much easier to use your buildings than to create our own. Though if you can't stand the humans in them, it's not much good to live there.

"Well, Selkine found you, and after watching you and being near you, became very attached. She outright insisted that you felt good. Just being around you was extremely pleasant to her." Farren smiled more, "I'm a close friend of hers, kind of like a sister and protector, since I'm a fighter and she is not. So she dragged me to come live here too. And Sess'tha is a friend of mine, so Selkine insisted that Sess'tha come to live here as well. In all honesty, you really DO feel... very, very good."

Sess'tha nodded agreement and put in her own voice. "Something about you. I'm honestly not certain what it is, but just being around you has been energizing. Touching you when we can is thrilling, and any chance we got to mate with you was utterly invigorating. That was mostly Selkine though."

"Wait... Wait..." Jack shook his head, confused. "Mate with me? You haven't yet, though that was close."

Both Sess'tha and Farren fidgeted, and Farren grinned guiltily. "Well, actually..." She swallowed and took a breath. "If you had morning wood and were still asleep on your back, it was often taken good advantage of. Normally it would take quite a... well... kink... for one of us midphasers to do something like that, since there is no softness or warmth or give at all. And Sess'tha and I definitely weren't into that. But Selkine convinced us to try with you... and it was so different. There was energy, a tingle, and so much goodness."

Sess'tha nodded. "And don't think that we 'just didn't know'. Almost every midphaser tries it at least once, just to find out. With anybody else, two myself, I don't know about Farren, it has just been very blah, or even unpleasant."

"Soooo... You three... and Selkine especially... have been jumping my bones while I'm asleep, without me having any way of knowing it... How long has this been going on?!" Jack demanded.

"Um, about a year and a half," Farren admitted. "We came in just a little while before that snotty tramp of a girlfriend left you for the rich jerk."

"Stephanie? Good riddance to her. I don't like remembering that bitch." Jack blinked. "No offense intended," he muttered, looking at Farren.

"None taken," Farren smiled. "I'm a vixen anyway, just grey." She reached out with a tentative hand and touched Jack's wrist lightly, looking at him very intently. Sess'tha did the same with his other wrist, and began to purr quietly. Farren smiled, "I don't know how to describe it really, but just touching you is... It's all tingly and nice. It's warm, and comfortable, and very sensual all rolled up together. There was almost a radiant warmth from just being around you, and a very similar feeling when we touched your sleeping body before. But now that you are here in our phase it's so much stronger. Selkine is just less discrete than we try to be. But believe me, we'd both... heh... jump your bone in a heartbeat too." Sess'tha was purring more strongly now and nodded vigorous agreement.

There was a sound from the living room, and Selkine's voice drifted in, "Hey, I've got the minty ice cre... waitasecond... SESS'THA!! I hear you purring in there! What are you two doing?!" Selkine appeared in the doorway looking a mite miffed. She took in the simple touches on Jack's wrists, and the fact that he didn't have a tent beneath the blanket also helped to exonerate the two guilty-looking females sitting on his bed. "Oh, okay. I thought... Well, anyway, I'll get the ice cream into bowls!" She perked up instantly and headed back out to the kitchen.

Farren smiled slyly at the embarrassed ocelot. "Enjoying a bit too much? Or is she just extremely sensitive? Anyway, let's go get some ice cream and relax." She leaned in to give Jack a lick on the cheek, and then whispered close to his ear, "Keep yourself for Selkine first or there will be no end to her scorn. But please keep us in mind as well. There is something very special about you. Selkine has been acting in love with you since almost the day she got here. We very much want to be a part of your life, Selkine especially. Please consider giving us a chance." She pressed her cheek against his as Sess'tha gave his other cheek a lick with her rougher tongue, then both of them jumped up and flashed him a smile before heading to the bedroom door. "Now, let's get some ice cream!" Farren decreed.

They both dropped to all four paws... he still wasn't sure how they did that; must have to do wit the fact their legs were like animal legs... scampering out the door with tails high and giving him quite a view.

Jack sat considering for a moment. He had never considered himself a lady's man. Was it possible that these lovely... ladies... were really that excited by him? He leaned over to slide out of bed and his hand hit a cold spot on the blanket. He blinked as he realized that the spot was, in fact, wet. He then did a double take as he realized that this was where Farren had been sitting.

Brief investigation turned up a similar spot where Sess'tha had been sitting. And the damp status of his own groin made it obvious that Selkine had not been precisely dry. A small sniff at his hand elicited a scent that evoked strong feelings in him. A thrill ran up his spine at the tangy effect of the fragrance. He quickly gathered up his clothing and put them on to try to at least constrain his excitement beneath the cloth.

This was still a very strange situation and a lot of it he wasn't sure about, but these three felt very right. The more he thought about it, the more seriously he found himself considering their request. It definitely shouldn't hurt anything. He pulled his pants on and decided to leave his shirt off. Not as if it would affect them anyhow. But he had mint ice cream to acquire! He had definitely decided after Stephanie that any future girlfriend would need to like mint chocolate chip ice cream. So maybe he had ended up with three that he had had all along, but nobody in his world would complain about him having these three lovers together, and they obviously weren't upset with each other.

So with hope for finally having a girlfriend... or girlfriends... that were good for him, he headed out to engage in proper mint ice cream eating.

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