Changing Your Mind

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#6 of Original

A short, simple and nasty story featuring an autocratic overlord, a female rebel and her daughter, and a horse.

Just something I wrote up quick-like in a stroke of inspiration... needed a break from writing long, emotional epics. :p

Changing your Mind

"Attach them to your piercings." The voice was firm, commanding, as always. Smiling, she looked down at the little table. Three small, heavy-looking metallic objects, with thick, three-inch wires connecting them to U-shaped attachment-points. They hooked neatly into the dumbbell bars that pierced both her nipples and her clit. The weights pulled her breasts downwards, the pain a familiar friend. The one now dangling from her clit bounced off her thighs, sending jagged signals up her spine with every movement. She welcomed it - it was what He wanted for her, after all.

"Good. Now, lock yourself into the mating-stocks." That short word - 'Good', a sign of approval - sent explosions of delight through her mind, and she beamed up at him as she obeyed. She was familiar with the stocks, of course. First, step into the footholds, letting them close around her feet and legs, holding them straight and reinforcing them. Then, bend straight from the waist, leaning her belly on a supporting pillow which left enough of a gap above and below that the three weights could dangle freely beneath. Finally, place wrists and neck in the three appropriate gaps on the bar ahead, and wait as it closed from above, locking into place. Little pillows inflated in the three gaps, comfortably holding her steady and still, even as the rounded, leather-lined back-support slid into place above her.

He was smiling down at her as she stood there, bent over, helpless, completely naked. The smile warmed her heart, and she thrilled at what he might have in store for her. The usual? Or something new? Whatever it was, she would accept it eagerly - whatever it took to gain his approval. He was fiddling with that pad he always carried, the one that controlled the stocks, and the paddocks, and all the various restraints and instruments she variously found herself in, on or impaled upon. What would it do this time? He touched something on it, and spoke to it. "Omega-Level Override. Code MFO-2048. Disable implant."

Pain shot through her head, vicious and sharp. She winced and groaned, but even through the pain, it felt as if the world was suddenly coming into focus. She hadn't even realized how fuzzy everything was - until all of a sudden, it wasn't. Disorientation set in. Jumbled memories struggled with one another, mixed with unfamiliar emotions. Grief. Anger. Rage. Determination. Despair. A face burned brightly amongst the flashing images - smiling, laughing, whispering words in her ear, above her, sweating and breathing hard. Then... covered in blood, on the ground. The rage intensified. An overriding need to act, to DO something about it.

"Welcome back." The voice dragged her back into the presence, and she looked up at an all-too familiar face, leering down at her. "I thought you should be here for our anniversary. Oh, don't bother trying to speak. It's been months since you last did it, so it'll be some time before you're likely to get those muscles to work right again." He grinned, lounging on a chair so opulent that it could really only be called a throne. "So yes - today, it has been a year since you became mine. Since your ill-conceived rebellion came to naught, and you were captured. Since the chip was implanted in your brain, realigning you towards a more worthy pursuit... namely, serving me."

A year... that couldn't be true! It felt like yesterday. The bubbling rage pushing back the fear as the armored enforcers poured into the 'secret' base. The dangling question of who, if any, had betrayed them all, coupled with the flat realization that she'd likely never get a chance to find out. The desperate bark of gunfire. It didn't do much against their armor, but it was better than nothing, and they didn't have enough of the stolen particle-rifles to go around. She had one of them, and was determined to go down fighting. Bodies fell before her, but more and more poured in. Concussion-grenades sailed through the air. Too slow to dive for cover. Before she could shake it off, an armored fist descended, wielding a stun-baton. Everything went black. Then... flickering images. Vague memories. Pain. All fuzzy.

She tugged at her restraints, more out of anger than any real hope. They were solid, holding her locked down, arms and legs alike. Naked. She scowled up at him, at that hated face of oppression, but he just grinned. "It's all coming back to you, huh? I can see it on your face. Well, I suppose an anniversary IS a time for remembrance. But, I'm afraid you'll have to cut that walk down memory lane short - I have some festivities planned, and I'm just ITCHING to get started..." He started tapping some buttons on his datapad, and behind her, she heard a... whinnying? It felt strangely familiar. Then he shifted in his seat and gestured at something behind its high, broad back. "You can come out now, sweetie..."

A young girl emerged - she looked somewhere around six or seven, and wore a vapid smile - and nothing else else. Her eyes were empty and unfocused, her face lax - but still, she was immediately recognizable. A year older, all right, but... she tugged impotently at her restraints again, barring her teeth. He laughed down at her. "They grow so fast, don't they? But of course, you'll always be able to recognize your little girl. I'm sure it hasn't been easy, being a single mom, but them's the breaks when the father's no longer in the picture. My fault, that, I believe. At least, according to the profilers, that was your whole reason for rebelling against my benevolent rule. Really, such an overreaction! His death was a regrettable accident, nothing more. I had to crack down on those protesters, after all, and him getting tangled up in all that... well, shit happens sometimes. Nobody's fault, really, though I don't expect you to agree on that.

His disgusting hand, stained with the blood of innocents to her eyes, caressed her daughter's long, blond hair. "Really, if you could just be objective for a moment, you'd realize that I'm not so bad. I am, in fact, an eminently merciful man. Just look at your dear daughter here - she is happy, still. Delighted, even. Just look how my mere touch makes her smile. I could have woken her up as well, you know - it's HER anniversary too, after all. But she never _chose_to rebel - she merely got dragged along by your little crusade. So I will exercise mercy - and she will remain happy and content, delighted to be my slave. Soon, you will wish you had that luxury."

She certainly was smiling broadly, pushing her head against his hand like a puppy begging to be petted. The sight made her sick. Then he chuckled, and lifted some kind of... visor? from a nearby table with his free hand, before handing it to the girl. "Here, go put this on your mother. An anniversary-gift from me..." The girl nodded eagerly, and patted across the floor on her bare little feet. Seeing her daughter up close like that was achingly painful, the way that empty smile had been plastered across what had once been an animated face filled with creativity and mischief. She considered throwing her head about, trying to avoid the visor, but what was the point? She was locked down, and could at most hope to make it difficult on her own daughter. So she let those clumsy, childish fingers push the visor over her head, where it locked into place with a slight, electric hum.

It was clear, for now - allowing her to see, in excruciating detail, the satisfied smile on her daughter's face as she completed the task their tormentor had given her. Over on his throne, he grinned, licking his lips as he hit a few more buttons on his datapad. "There we go... don't worry, I'm sure you'll see the reason for my 'gift' soon enough. Now, sweetheart, go get Samson ready for your mother, like always." The girl nodded, and immediately dashed off, disappearing from sight as she darted behind her. What with the stocks and all, her field of view was somewhat limited. However, the name... 'Samson'... it stirred something in the fuzzy, unfocused parts of her memory.

He was grinning down at her again - an insufferably self-satisfied smirk. "Ah, sad to have lost sight of your daughter? Fear not, I'll make sure you can keep an eye on her as she works, thanks to a few well-placed cameras..." Another click on the pad, and suddenly the visor wasn't see-through anymore. Briefly, it went black - then, vivid images appeared before her eyes, projected in three dimensions as if her eyes had been entirely moved to a new location. She was seeing an animal-stall, now - occupied by a large, dark-coated stallion. She could tell that the beast was a stallion quite easily, what with the huge, throbbing erection dangling underneath his belly. The stall was small, constraining him significantly, with little room to move or kick - which was a small blessing, since she was now watching her daughter let herself into the stall via a small side-door, and slip underneath the tall animal.

She had never been a fool, and even in her currently confused state, she could put two and two together. Quickly, she slammed her eyes shut, unwilling to watch what came next... only to realize that it made no difference. The image was still there, as if she was looking straight through her eyelids! His laughter filled the room even as she gritted her teeth. "Impressive, isn't it? State-of-the-art military HUD - projects a 3D image directly to your corneas using lasers... whether your eyes are open or not. After all, I'd hate for you to miss the show!" So watch it she did - moving her head, swiveling her eyes, even trying to bash the accursed visor against the stocks, nothing helped. The unwelcome images continued to drill into her eyes, into her mind, even into her sickened soul.

Her daughter was giving the stallion oral sex, her tiny mouth and tongue dancing across the long, veiny, throbbing horse-cock. She was planting wet kisses on the broad, slanted head, tickling the urethral tube with her tongue, licking up and down the length of the huge tool. It was bigger than one of her arms - heck, probably the size of one of her legs, ankle to foot! And she seemed determined to lick, suck and fondle every square inch of it. When she reached the root, she even paused to bury her little face in its dangling scrotum, planting kisses all over the heavy orbs - testes larger than her fists. The acursedly clear and detailed image she was getting - the viewpoint of which seemed to constantly shift to give her the best (or rather, worst) possible view - even enabled her to see the young girl deliberately breathing deeply of the sweaty stallion-musk hanging around the sack.

Finally, however, the whole of the shaft was glistening with her daughter's saliva, and the girl - apparently satisfied that she'd completed her assigned task - retreated through the same side-gate she'd entered by. Then, a digital-sounding beep, followed by a metallic clang as the gate to the stall sprang open, presumably controlled by his datapad. She could hear his voice from ahead of her, even as she watched the stallion snort and buck, prancing eagerly out of the constraining enclosure - it was quite disorienting. "You know, that horse has the same sort of chip in his skull as you and your daughter. They work on animals too, you see - just, well, not quite as thoroughly. Can't make animals suggestible, since they don't understand spoken orders. But you can still pull a lot of clever tricks by manipulating their perceptions an instincts - like making them aroused on command. Or redirecting their desires."

Her view panned, letting her see herself from the side. A domed, leather-covered 'roof' was positioned right above her back, supported by metal struts. Its purpose seemed depressingly obvious. However, now that she could actually see her own body, other things became clear - like the fact that her pussy was essentially stapled together, with several small, silvery rings piercing both sets of labia, holding the orifice permanently closed. The camera even zoomed in a bit to give her a better look - both at that, and at the conditions of her anus. Stretched-looking, wrinkled skin, brownish and well-worn. The sphincter itself, puckered and poking out. Then the view was interrupted by a large, black beast, and she felt its weight and mass above her. The heat radiating down from its huge body. The creaking of the support-structure that held its weight.

It was snorting, inching its way forwards as the camera zoomed back out to give her a better look at its massive, muscular haunches. Its hooves danced forwards, and she both saw and felt the broad, spit-slickened head bounced off her sealed pussy. His amused voice sounded out again, disorientingly seeming to come from somewhere inside the horse from her perspective. "Come, now, what are you waiting for, sweetie? Guide him into your mother's ass." Immediately, her daughter's naked form appeared on the opposite side of the horse from the camera, her skinny body nimbly dodging the dancing hooves as her fingers wrapped around the thick cock-shaft, lifting and guiding it. Now, it was resting against her worn-looking anus, even as the horse snorted and bucked again.

Burning pain shot through her as her sphincter was torn open, stretched around a blunt shaft that was thicker around than her own wrists. The straining, painful sensation rapidly escalated as the huge horsecock pushed deeper and deeper inside her ass, stretching more and more of her lower intestine open to accommodate it. Her instinctive attempt to pull away from the painful intrusion was utterly futile, of course - her legs were locked completely in place, allowing her to shake her hips by less than an inch in any direction direction, and nothing more. And yet... the pain wasn't quite as bad as she'd expected. Taking something that size, in the ass of all places, with such rudimentary lubrication... and so deep, too! The rutting stallion didn't stop until his radial ring rubbed against her sphincter, and at that point, she could feel him pushing against something solid inside her. Filling her completely.

The image faded, and she was looking through the visor again, seeing him sitting on the throne before her, grinning. His pants were open, now, and he was lazily stroking himself as he watched her humiliation. "Surprised at how easily it's going? You shouldn't be - you've got plenty of practice, after all..." he said tauntingly. "Really, this is just everyday stuff for you. Your ass has endured worse than that before, trust me." The thought of how many times she'd suffered this bestial penetration for his sick amusement made her nauseous - but not as much as what came next.

Reacting to a casual gesture from him, her daughter trotted up to the throne again. A casual "Good girl!" from him made her beam, practically shuddering with pleasure. Then he pointed at the floor in front of his throne, and she quickly dropped to her knees there, before leaning forwards to place her head on the seat of the throne between his spread legs - and opened her mouth. She watched in disbelief as he leveled his semi-hard tool at her daughter's mouth, and with a hissing sound, began to pee. The yellow stream arched through the air, mostly hitting its mark while a bit splashed across her face. The young girl eagerly swallowed whenever her mouth began to fill up.

"Ba...tard..." she managed to groan out, her face screwed up into an expression of pure rage. He just looked up, an eyebrow raised, while continuing to empty his bladder. "Why so angry? The two of you have happily shared this duty for the past year, and will continue to do so... and while I'm somewhat impressed that you're already starting to get your throat working again, I do believe I told you not to try and talk. Slaves who disobey orders get punished, you know." His hand casually swiped across the datapad on the table next to his throne, and with a snort, the stallion - who had been quietly resting on top of her since it finished penetrating her ass - began to move. Then he hit another button.

Pain shot through her - sparkling, undulating, electrical agony, escorted by a crackling sound beneath her. The pain was centered on three specific points - her tits and her clit - and belatedly she realized that the three spheres she'd seen dangling underneath her body when the cameras gave her the side-view of her predicament were more than just dumb weights. They were, apparently, batteries - connected to her most sensitive spots. The pain almost distracted her from the burning sensation in her ass as the stallion bucked and snorted, thrusting into her repeatedly with all his bestial strength and not a shred of restraint.

"Those lovely piercings I gave you are made from a completely nonconductive material, you know..." he said, almost conversationally, as he hit a few more buttons on the pad. The pain faded even as his stream of bright yellow urine began to spatter off. "So the only path the electricity can take is through your tissue. The voltage is, of course, carefully tuned to produce a neural pain-reaction, without being outright damaging." Taking his hand off the pad again, he guided the blond head between his legs closer, and the young girl eagerly engulfed his cock in her mouth, cleaning off the piss-residue with a busy tongue.

A sudden pain shot through her left breast, making her chest-muscles convulse. Then, just as it faded, the same blazing agony radiated out from her tormented clit. He wasn't even using the pad anymore - must have set them to fire at random intervals or something. The stallion, meanwhile, was picking up steam, hammering her body with bone-shaking thrusts, generating painful amounts of friction-heat despite the mixture of spit and ass-slime lubricating its passage. The impacts shook her body despite the hefty restraints, sending the electrified weights jumping and dangling beneath her, pulling tits and clit this way and that even when they weren't sparking. Assailed by pain from so many different directions, she felt her head sag, and let her eyes close even though she had a fair idea of what would happen when she did.

Sure enough, the visor once again burned through her eyelids with a close-up view of her daughter finishing her humiliating task and looking up from the now fully-erect cock of their tormentor with a bright, eager smile. He grinned down at her and tussled her hair while she beamed. Then he pointed at his shaft. "Well, now, sweetie - time for your ride. Jump on! And make sure your mommy gets a good view." With quick agility, she climbed up on his lap and spun her tiny, lightweight body around before lowering herself down on his thick cock, spreading open her hairless pussy with her fingers.

She moaned in pleasure as she sank down on his purplish-red cockhead, stretching around his girth with practiced ease. The sound seemed oddly off-center, but neither that nor the pain radiating out from the pounding horsecock in her ass and her tugged and frequently-electrified nipples and clit could entirely distract her from what she was seeing. His hands were on her hips now, pushing her down even as she dropped to her knees and then slid them sideways, lowering herself steadily. It didn't stop until he was balls-deep in her pussy - and considering how young and small she was, that had to mean that he was pushing harshly against her underdeveloped uterus. Still, she gave no signs of pain or discomfort - a look of utter ecstasy was plastered across her face.

"You know, I usually prefer anal..." he said over her shoulder, sounding almost conversational. "Which you might have been able to tell from the state of your own genitals. But I make an exception for this little sweetie. She's in that dangerous age, after all - so I make sure to shoot a few loads in her pussy every day. I'm hoping to preempt her first period, you see." Rage welled up in her, but another burst of electric agony radiating out from her clit - combined with a particularly violent thrust from the stallion - robbed it of its impetus, and she could only manage to growl wordlessly. He just leered down at her, grinning broadly. "What's wrong? Don't you WANT grand-kids? Most women do, I hear."

The girl was riding him hard, now, her slender hips bouncing up and down over a shaft that glistened with juices whenever it emerged from her honeypot. Her mouth hung open, her breath coming in burst. A shudder went through her whole body, and little squirts of liquid emerged from between her widely-splayed legs. It was painfully obvious that she was cumming, frequently and copiously, taking great pleasure in a violation she was too brain-addled to perceive. The rhythm, whether unconsciously or deliberately, closely matched the one with which the stallion above her was pouring thrusts into her ass.

Finally, the hands gripping those girlish hips stopped, ending her bouncing movement and holding her down tightly. Her still underdeveloped labia, thick and fleshy, glistened as they were stretched tautly around the thick base of his cock. His drawn expression made it clear that he was cumming, firing his seed directly into her young womb, apparently hoping to catch its very first cycle of fertility. She was moaning, rubbing her belly, and he grinned fondly down at her once his face loosened again. "There we go... you like that feeling, don't you?" She nodded quickly and, surprisingly, spoke. "Yes... please, knock me up... put a baby in my belly... I want to give birth to your child..." Her high-pitched voice had a dreamy quality to it, throaty and vague.

He grinned at her over her daughter's shoulder. "She's a lot chattier than you usually are. Kids, eh? They're so... adaptable." Then he lifted her off his still-hard cock, setting her down on the floor where she immediately turned around and began to lick the cum-stains off his tool, entirely unbidden. Apparently, it was an ingrained routine. He picked up his datapad with one hand, while keeping the other tangled in the girl's long, blonde hair, and glanced at the display. "You know, these chips really are terribly convenient..." he commented conversationally. "In nature, a horse will usually mate for less than a minute before shooting his load. Makes sense, of course - on the savanna, you do not want to be caught in a compromising situation by a hungry lion."

He then glanced up at the stallion, who was still bucking and snorting as it continued to hammer her ass with all its bestial strength. "But this one's got a chip in his brain. And until I let him, he can't cum. Of course, instincts being instincts, he will continue to ride you with undiminished effort until he either reaches his climax or passes out from exhaustion. Still, I think the poor critter is due for a rest..." A click on the pad, and almost immediately, she heard the horse whinnying above her. His thrusts grew suddenly less rhythmic, becoming short jabs instead of long, even strokes. Then he stopped entirely, and she felt something grow and spread inside her, straining against the already-stretched tissue - followed by a deluge of something hot and slimy flowing deep into her ass.

She could feel it like a hot snake, drilling deep inside her, past the sharp bends that the beast's iron-hard rod could not traverse. It seemed more like an enema than an orgasm. He chuckled on his throne as he watched her squirm. "Oh, and in case you don't know... males - whatever the species - create sperm on an as-needed basis. Production picks up when you're aroused, and during the sex-act itself. So if that part gets stretched out unnaturally... well, his balls must've been ready to burst, all right. Nice, huge load of really thick, creamy cum, just streaming out by the bucketload. Such a lovely, full feeling, isn't it?" She could feel it, all right - and the sensation sickened her.

The stallion, having shot his load, whinnied weakly - still on top of her, resting heavily on the back-support. He wasn't moving anymore, and his huge cock was gradually softening up, but she could still feel him lodged deep in her ass. Feeling sick and exhausted - and still shuddering from the occasional jolts of pain going through her nipples and clit, even as their pendulum motion slowed - she watched through the visor as he shooed her daughter away from his now-clean cock. "Enough of that, sweetie. Go get ready behind your mommy." Then he ran a finger across the datapad again.

"You know, the best part about THIS bit is that I don't really need to_make_ the horse do anything..." he said, once again using that tooth-grindingly casual voice. "Rather, I just have to_prevent_ him doing it earlier. You know the term 'pissing like a racehorse', yes? During hard work, various body-processes speed up - so at the end of a 'race', a horse will usually have built up a nice, full bladder. Of course, Samson here was probably getting there anyway, since the chip wouldn't let him empty it at will. A restrain I just removed."

Her blood ran cold as she felt it inside her - first a couple of jumps from the still semi-hard horsecock, then a quick spurt, then a solid stream. The hot, thin horse-piss washed into her already cum-packed ass, mixing with the viscous jizz to create a thick, foamy mix that was steadily pushed deeper inside her. The horse snorted with relief, and judging by the strength of the flow, he certainly must have been straining under that sheer volume. Between the rapidly-growing quantity of foamy cum/piss mix inside her and the shrinking dimensions of his cock, quite a bit of the disgusting cocktail began to wash back along his shaft, bubbling out around the edges of her still-stretched sphincter.

Her viewpoint suddenly switched, and she was again seeing things from behind and a bit to the side - with most of her view blocked by the huge, muscular haunches of the now-exhausted stallion. Next to him, her daughter was standing, waiting expectantly. She didn't dare consider why. Then the stallion whinnied tiredly and began to back up, rear hooves dancing across the floor again, and she was treated to a fine view of his diminished, but still formidable cock as it slipped out of her ass and flopped down, nearly reaching the floor but not yet retracting into its sheath. It was liberally stained with yellow-white cakes of cum which her loose sphincter had mostly failed to scrape off, and had telltale spots of brown to indicate that proper enemas were not part of her current daily schedule.

As the stallion jumped down from the stocks/mating-contraption and tiredly walked back towards its stall - and feeding-trough - leaving a line of sticky spots in its wake, her daughter swiftly jumped in to take up the place he'd just abandoned. She watched in horror as the young girl burrowed her cherubic face between her cum-stained buttocks, where her asshole still gaped wide-open, edges angry red from wear and friction. Even as her view became blocked by the small, blonde head, she could feel it - that tiny tongue and those soft lips, caressing and soothing her pain-wracked sphincter, licking up the traces of horse-cum and piss... while, against her best efforts to stop it, her intestines began to groan and contract, seeking to expel the huge load of piss/jizz cocktail.

Feeling the gorge rise in her own throat, she watched - unable to look away - as her daughter glued her lips to her tattered asshole. Felt the ceaseless caress of the ever-moving tongue. Heard the gulps as the girl swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the slimy mixture, filling her belly with horse-cum and horse-piss, straight from her mother's ass. And perhaps worst of all was the casual ease with which she did it, hinting that it was a daily diversion, just part of the routine. Desperately, she struggled to get her intestines under control, to cut short this sordid scene - not helped by the occasional, concentration-breaking electric arcs tearing through her hypersensitive nipples and clit.

Finally, with a great deal of protest, her stomach stopped groaning and her worn asshole pulled itself shut. Her daughter's tongue continued its work 'till the very end, even as the sphincter closed around it, licking up every trace of the scuzzy mix she could reach. Only then did she step back and turn to smile up at him, showing her now cum-stained face to the camera as well. He nodded down at them both, grinning, and rubbed his chin. "Say, why don't you go 'round to the front and give your mommy a big kiss while you're at it? I'm sure she'll be happy for such a rare opportunity to kiss her daughter..."

The view shifted, and she found herself staring at the floor. She'd allowed her eyes to fall open while concentrating on getting the rest of her body under control, and was now looking through the clear visor for the first time in a while. Seconds later, she was looking at her daughter's face, up close. It looked even worse when viewed directly - her cheeks were practically covered in the foul-smelling piss-and-cum mix, with globs of it clinging to stray locks of hair as well. There were tiny smears of brown around her lips, and she had a significant cum-stache, which presumably meant that she was enjoying the thick scent of cum, piss and ass with every breath.

And yet, she was smiling broadly, eyes gleaming with eagerness to please as her small hands grabbed her cheeks. She couldn't bring herself to pull away. Guilt was stronger than disgust. It was like he said - she'd dragged her daughter into the line of fire in her eagerness to avenge the girl's father. It was her choices, her failures, that had landed her once-innocent daughter in this horrible place. And so, regardless of the stench, she could not refuse to show her daughter a simple act of affection...

She could feel the slimy cum coating those tiny, bow-shaped lips as they were mashed against her own. And she was unsurprised to feel that small, yet surprisingly strong tongue push past her own lips and into her mouth, carrying with it an acrid, bitter taste that closely matched the sickening odor. She had worried that it would make her gag, even throw up, but... nothing happened. The disgust she felt was purely mental, and with a sinking heart she realized that she'd probably long-since grown accustomed to that particular flavor. Her tongue remembered, even if her mind rejected it.

Finally, her daughter broke the long, probing kiss and stepped back to smile up at him again. Satisfied and happy as she always was when she'd completed her orders. He nodded down at them, grinning. His cock was still out, and seemed to have hardened up again after before. "How sweet, really. Nothing's more beautiful than the love between mother and daughter! But, I fear this anniversary-party is coming to a close." He picked up the datapad, and gave her a last, lingering glance. "Until next year, my dear. By then, I'm sure I'll be able to introduce you to your granddaughter." Then he touched the pad, and spoke into it. "End override. Activate implant."

A brief, sharp pain shot through her head, then quickly faded into fuzziness. Her breathing steadied as the discomforts of her current position became insignificant. Her muscles relaxed, accepting the comforting embrace of the stocks, interrupted only by the little sparks of shivering pleasure that ran through her whenever the random jolts of electric joy coursed through her nipples or clit. She smiled down at her daughter, then up at him, feeling pangs of ecstasy as he smiled back. A strange, faint confusion lingered in the back of her mind, but it was rapidly becoming more distant.

He clicked some things on the pad, and the electric shocks seized. Then the stocks began to open with a mechanical hum, starting with the back-support, and soon she was standing unrestrained again. He nodded towards the stall where Samson had his face buried in the feed-trough, and she immediately understood. She needed to thank him for the pleasure he had given him, as always. "Drop off the weights and visor on the toy-table before you get started!" The quick reminder gave her simultaneous joy at hearing the beloved timbre of his voice, and consternation that she had not thought to do so herself. Strange, though. She could not recall putting the visor_on_.

As she deposited the items as directed, she watched out the corner of her eyes as her daughter climbed up on the throne again, while he wiped off her face with a napkin. Soon, she was sitting astride his lap again, his cock lodged deep in her young asshole, moaning in pleasure as he began to bounce her up and down on it. She sighed as she turned back to the horse. If only he would fuck her like that... but he hadn't, not in a long time. He had decreed that she would give herself over to Samson, and pleasure him in every way she could - and in obedience to that, she found pleasure. Even if it wasn't QUITE the same as receiving his love directly.

Dropping to her knees, she began the first stage of gratitude - cleaning off the tool with which she had been pleasured, lest it remained stained by her ass. The veiny contours of his cock were as familiar as a lover's kiss as she worked her way from the base of the shaft towards the head, where generous dollops of sloppy cum had been caught by the back of his flared cockhead. She quickly swallowed what she licked up - wouldn't do to let it go to waste, after all - and after carefully sucking a few stray drops of piss out of his urethra, she moved back again. Sprays of cum had stained those huge, smooth balls when he fucked her, but her tongue quickly removed that as well, before carefully cleaning the entire surface of the two fist-sized orbs, tasting the sweat that had accumulated there while he labored over her.

Finally, she rose behind him and delivered the traditional final stage of gratitude - a deep, lingering tongue-kiss to his puckered anus, tasting his stallion-musk as she licked the skin around it and poked her tongue as deep inside as it would go. Her fingers strayed down between her legs as she lavished sloppy kisses on his sphincter, and she began to rub her pierced-shut labia and her exposed clit. Ah, such pleasure there was to be found in obedience to His commands... the simple fact that He had instructed her to commit this act made it a source of ultimate pleasure. The orgasm rose quickly, and she moaned into the wrinkled horse-ass as she dedicated herself to the task...


Back in The Saddle

**Back in the Saddle** - Chapter 1 of the Legends of the DragonRider Anitra giggled like a naughty schoolgirl as she turned the ancient, age-crisped parchment pages. It wasn't something she did often - giggling, that is. Generally, she was more...

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**Epilogue** - Final Chapter of the DragonRider Chronicles Night laid thick over the city of Port Perdition. The evening breeze toyed with the sails of the countless ships moored in its spacious harbor, and the trees lining the broad avenues of the...

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Vina's New Pony

**Vina's New Pony** Vina moaned as she writhed on the floor, her slim, young body shaking as the heavy, gray-furred wolf-dog rapidly pounded her from behind. Dragon was no lightweight, and he was putting all of his muscular mass into his thrusts...

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