Vina's New Pony

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#4 of Original

This sequel to Vina's New Daddy - requested by the same person who asked for the original - sees our young protagonist's wealthy 'Daddy' give her the gift that all little girls most sincerely wish for. However, it soon turns out that he has some very particular ideas about how a young girl should 'take care' of a pony of her very own - and he's got a short patience for disobedience. GOOD little girls do as their Daddy tells them, after all... and BAD girls get punished.

Vina's New Pony

Vina moaned as she writhed on the floor, her slim, young body shaking as the heavy, gray-furred wolf-dog rapidly pounded her from behind. Dragon was no lightweight, and he was putting all of his muscular mass into his thrusts today, showing no mercy as he drilled his pointy, bright-red cock into her tight, pre-teen pussy. He labia, meanwhile, ached from the strain of being repeatedly stretched around his swollen knot, which continued to slip in and out with every other thrust.

Sometimes, he was gentle enough that he could 'tie' properly with her pussy - despite its growing looseness - but this was not one of those times. This time, he was going all-out, covering her tiny body with his own, locking his powerful forelegs around her shoulders as he pushed her into the floor with every thrust. There was no escape from the violent fucking he was inflicting on her. She could only shudder underneath him, obediently keeping her legs spread as she accepted his Alpha Wolf dominance.

Of course, that was just the way she liked it - and she'd gone to some lengths to ensure it happened that way. She'd come straight from the kennels, where the estate's guard-dogs were housed. Those hounds were neither as well-trained, nor as big as Dragon - mostly Dobermans and German Shepherds - but they'd been given rudimentary training in how to mount a human bitch... and she had taken full advantage of that. Hours had passed as she kneeled in the enclosure, letting dog after dog mount her, while coaxing in any who got close to her head for a quick blowjob. They'd ravaged her pussy and ass alike, contributing to her current looseness - and to the lubrication as well, as Dragon's current pussy-pounding made her somewhat-ragged asshole release little spurts of thin, watery dog-cum to dripple down over his knot.

So when she returned to the main house - and to Dragon - she'd practically been surrounded by a visible cloud of male-dog scent. The mating-musk of a dozen or more dogs hung thick in the air... and of course, this had instantly raised his hackles. Being a true Alpha, all he could do was seek to erase those smells with his own - and in the process, remind his favorite bitch that she belonged to HIM. The resulting forcible mounting and violent pounding was pushing all of her buttons juuust right, made even better by the sensitivity her young genitals had developed from the earlier session - it gave every thrust a slight, delicious edge of pain. And of course, the afterglow of the handful of orgasms the other dogs had managed to give her (despite their mediocre skills) helped too.

Dragon's thrusting grew more and more energetic, shaking her whole body - until finally, he pulled back a bit too far, and slipped out of her well-lubricated snatch altogether. A few thrusts went between her thighs, before the big dog grunted, shifted his body to get a better grip on her slender shoulders, and pounced forwards again. She gasped as he hit his mark - stretching open her ass again, teasing the raw edges of her sphincter. It was a familiar sensation. Dragon's high angle of entry meant that he found her ass rather than her pussy more often than not. Of course, THIS time he'd been in the middle of pounding her pussy when it happened - leaving his fully-swollen knot to beat against her skinny ass with a vengeance as he began to ream her anew.

Between the wolfhound's sheer mass and strength, and her pliant, obedient body, there was little contest. The knot mashed against her sphincter again and again, pushing it a little further each time as Dragon sought to bury himself fully in the warmth of her ass - and she offered no resistance. Finally, with a mighty push, it plopped inside - sending a sharp jolt of pain through her young body as her sphincter was stretched to the limit... and then snapped shut behind the thick bulge, locking it in place. She bit her lip to keep from crying out - not in pain, mind, but at the surge of a sudden orgasm.

Now safely tied in place, Dragon continued to fuck her furiously, no longer at risk of falling out - until finally, he reached his climax and with a low-pitched howl emptied his balls into the depths of her ass. She'd cum numerous times by then, and could only lie there, panting in pleasure, as the dog snorted and jumped off her back, swinging one leg over her to stand ass-to-tail. They'd be stuck together that way until Dragon's knot deflated - which could take a while, she knew.

It was only then - with Dragon's fuzzy bulk no longer blocking out most of her view - that she realized that Daddy was in the room, and looking down at her with a raised eyebrow and a somewhat bemused expression on his deeply-lined, authoritarian face. She became suddenly conscious of her appearance. She'd worn an all-concealing coat for the trips to and from the kennels, but discarded it as soon as she was alone in her room with Dragon.... revealing a small body that made her seem even younger than she really was, covered in spots of drying sperm. Long, dark-red scratches marred her back and thighs, evidence of the guard-dogs' rudimentary training. Dog-hair of various colors stuck to both the cum-stains and the wounds. And, of course, her hair was a mess.

"It is, of course, gratifying to see you take my advice with such... vigor, my dear daughter. But I find myself wondering if you are not, perhaps, overdoing it a bit." She blushed under his inquiring eyes, mumbling "Sorry..." under her breath. It was true that HE had suggested she work out her rampant sexual appetite on the estate's canine residents, rather than seek the services of the wait-staff and risk catching an STD - or an unwanted pregnancy, when her first period finally rolled around. But... yeah. He probably hadn't meant for her to seize that suggestion with quite so much energy.

He sighed as he grabbed a chair and pulled it up in front of where she was currently stuck on all fours, sitting down. "At least you haven't messed up any of your nice dresses... but you DID leave a trail of cum-droplets all the way from the kennels to here. Again. Getting that stuff out of the fine rugs without damaging them is a lot of work, in case you didn't know. The cleaners are starting to complain." As he talked, he slowly undid his fly and pulled his tool out of his pants. Despite his chastising tone, it was thick and hard - and neither words nor gestures were needed to get the proper response from her. She quickly pushed herself up from the floor and leaned forwards, eagerly burying her head in his lap as the pleasantly familiar taste of his cock hit her tongue.

She bobbed her head over his rod, sucking and licking with abandon, hoping that such a display of good behavior might distract him from his current line of thought. She couldn't manage to take more than maybe half his shaft into her mouth, still - at least not from this position - but she did the best she could with what she had. His left hand rested on the back of her head, big and warm - not so much restricting her, as merely reminding her who was in charge. But despite her best efforts, he continued to talk, his voice somewhat sharp but still carrying a humorous undertone. "Frankly, I'd be giving you a nice, solid spanking right now... but alas, it seems like Dragon is blocking my access to your rear end at the moment."

He sighed, leaning back in the chair with a slight, stifled groan as she redoubled her efforts on his rod. "Mmmph... well, I suppose your love of animals is an admirable trait, but I fear you are getting a bit obsessed with these dogs... if nothing else, you are driving the poor animals into exhaustion. They ARE supposed to occasionally GUARD these premises, if you did not know." He had to pause, then, as his hips bucked involuntarily, and his bitter seed shot across her tongue. She swallowed quickly, barely pausing to savor the taste she'd grown to love so, knowing that any 'spillage' would be swiftly punished.

Panting slightly, he remained unmoving in the chair for a minute, letting her busy tongue clean the cum-stains off his shaft. Then he straightened a bit, having regained his breath. "Well, I suppose I cannot really blame you, since I cut off your main alternative... and I certainly still can't claim to have any hope of keeping up with such... youthful vitality by myself. So I suppose it falls to me to correct the situation... and I do believe there is an occasion for it soon." With this enigmatic statement, he pushed her head off of his by-now softening cock, stuffed it back in his pants and got up to leave the room - pausing to pet Dragon on the way. She, of course, remained where she was, still waiting for the wolf-dog's knot to deflate and release her from their tie.

She was still mulling over Daddy's cryptic last statement by the time that happened, and had to quickly tighten her sphincter to prevent the half-gallon of thin, watery doggy-cum inside her bowels from spilling out. Her thoughts continued to swirl as she dashed to the toilet to release her cargo, not wanting to give Daddy another excuse to punish her by getting more cum-stains on the rugs. Normally, she enjoyed giving him an occasional reason for some light punishment, enjoying the attention - and the spankings - but he seemed genuinely annoyed at the moment, so it was probably best to keep her head down. And, for that matter, to limit her visits to the kennels for a bit. However frustrating THAT thought was...

Over the next couple of weeks, that frustration mounted. She still had Dragon, of course - and he WAS both skilled and virile, and she DID love him to pieces. But without the added motivation of reasserting his dominance over her, the way he mounted her just seemed to lack a certain... forcefulness. He'd also lose interest eventually, and ignore any further attempts to get him up and rutting properly. Still, between that and Daddy requiring her presence at least twice per day, she could hardly claim to be neglected. But... it just wasn't enough. Not anymore.

Her early sexual awakening had sparked a flood of hormones, which combined dangerously with the overabundant energy of childhood... and if the 'gang-bang' Daddy had arranged for her a while back (after he caught her blowing the butler) had been designed to deter her, in the timeless style of forcing a youth caught smoking to go through the whole pack 'till it sickened them, then it had failed. If anything, it had merely broadened her interests and shown her that there was much fun to be had in pushing past prior limits.

Indeed, she was starting to find her eyes wandering to the staff again, now that she'd been forced to cut back on her canine fun-times. The gardener's sweat-beaded, muscular physique as he went about his work... it had been easy enough to ignore before, but not anymore. Alas, while Daddy HAD technically given her permission to mess around with the wait-staff, as long as she made sure to use protection, the_tone_ it had been said in made her fairly certain that she still wasn't supposed to... and that getting caught (which was a high probability) would result in punishment beyond the enjoyable level.

And so, her frustrations continued to grow... until the day where Daddy asked her to meet him in the garden, wearing her prettiest dress. She obeyed, of course, with some trepidation - it was midsummer, and the weather was nice, but Daddy wasn't the sort to have breakfast in the garden on a whim. Indeed, despite have extensive, well-cared-for lands attached to his palatial estate, he rarely even saw them, being something of a homebody.

Today, however, the garden table was set for an opulent round of morning tea... and birthday-cake. She was quite stunned when she saw the garish decorations proclaim "Happy Birthday Vina - 8 Years Old". Confusion hit first - her birthday? That couldn't be right. Her birthday was in October, she knew that much. It was always cold and cloudy and often rainy around that time. Come to think of it, her birthday - where she had, indeed, turned 8 - had passed without fanfare a few months after she arrived here. But then, understanding reached her. Midsummer... hot and sunny. Just like that day when two men had snatched her off the streets... and brought her here. Saving her from her depressing, old life and giving her a new one filled with with ease, wealth and pleasure.

So... her new 'Birthday' was not the original date of her birth, but rather the day she had been 'reborn' - with a new and better Daddy. And certainly, considering the tremendous birthday-cake, complete with sugary writing and 8 burning candles, the table loaded with colorfully-wrapped presents, and Daddy's broad grin as her leaned back in his patio-chair, she did not feel inclined to complain about the inappropriateness of moving her birthday.

She tore into the cake and the presents with equal ferocity. The first couple of presents contained the obvious sorts of things... more gorgeous shoes, more pretty dresses... but as she dug into the pile, the gifts became more suggestive. It was just the two of them there, after all - except for a couple of demure maids bringing tea and taking away dirty plates, and the entire staff were intimately aware of just how... CLOSE her relationship with Daddy was. As such, it was not entirely surprising that some of the presents contained some rather erotic lingerie, presumably hand-crafted and made-to-order, seeing as Victoria's Secrets probably didn't stock inventory in her size.

The dildos, however, were a BIT surprising. Presumably Daddy's way of suggesting an alternative to her overabundance of canine lovers. There was, in fact, quite a variety being offered; human-shaped both big and small, canine ones - including a clever one with an inflatable knot - and more unnatural creations rife with ripples, bumps, and ridges. In a shower of gift-wrap, however, she kept digging past them - and at the bottom of the pile, things got strange. A pair of tall, black boots. A long black stick with a loop of leather at the end. And... some kind of harness?

"Ah yes..." said Daddy, setting his tea aside as he rose from his comfortable patio chair. "That gift requires a bit of explanation, I suppose. It's just PART of the gift, you see - the rest was harder to wrap." He whistled sharply, then, and gestured towards the garden as he shouted something in the indecipherable language the staff used. Seconds later, a servant she thought looked vaguely familiar emerged from around the corner of the mansion... leading a small, stout pony. She squealed in delight and ran towards the placid beast, who merely snorted in an offhand sort of way as she hugged its thick neck. Considering her youth and small frame, it was just about perfectly to scale - standing as tall next to her as a full horse would next to an adult.

Daddy chuckled behind her, having followed her down to the grass. "I've had facilities installed over the past couple of weeks. Nothing spectacular, you understand - but a small stable with room for him and... everything you need to care for him. And a portion of the back yard set aside for riding." He gestured towards the dark-skinned man holding the pony's reins, who smiled down at her in a noticeably lecherous way. "You might recall this gent from your visits to the kennels. He's an animal-trainer of some skill, whom I hired... a while after you arrived here. He'll be training your pony too."

She blushed a bit at that. He was talking about when he'd caught her with the butler and, after punishing her severely, instructed her to keep her desires contained to the mansion's canine residents... after commenting offhandedly that the guard-dogs would need a bit of training first. So this was the guy who had provided that training... which meant that he probably knew exactly what - and who - he had been training them FOR. Thus explaining his expression.

Fortunately, Daddy distracted her from her embarrassment by patting the pony on the neck and smiling lovingly down at her. "Now - first of all. Since he's going to be yours, it's only right that YOU name him. Got anything in mind?" She grinned, patting the pony's flanks, and noticing that it was surprisingly fit - most ponies were rather rotund and barrel-chested, but this one seemed remarkably sleek. Probably had something to do with its exact race, but she really didn't know ponies beyond... well, 'Pony!' Shaking off that idle though, she quickly nodded and looked up at Daddy. "Sure! His name is Aubrey!"

Daddy nodded idly. "Aubrey, is it? Wonderful name. I'll have a plaque made with it for his stall door. Now... why don't you grab the gear you just unwrapped, and we'll take Aubrey back to his stable so you can learn how to care for him properly, hmm? Don't worry about the other presents, I'll have the servants bring them up to your room..." She eagerly nodded and collected what she now recognized as a pair of riding-boots, a riding-crop and... well, actually, she still wasn't sure what that leather harness was for. A collection of leather straps and brass rings... certainly wasn't a saddle. But from the scale of it, it obviously WAS something for her new pony, so she snapped it up too.

The adorable little stable - red-roofed and with thick, wooden walls - had been constructed behind the mansion. It had to have happened fast, but she hadn't even noticed... of course, the mansion was pretty damn big, never mind the lands around it, so maybe that wasn't surprising. And Daddy had probably just had some of the more skilled servants - the ones who usually maintained the mansion and its outbuildings - do the construction, rather than bringing in nosy outside workers.

The smell of fresh hay filled the stable which, despite its small size, was still quite big for a single pony. She noticed that there were several empty, unmarked stalls - room for even MORE ponies? But for now, Daddy indicated the outermost one, and told her that it belonged to Aubrey. The stalls, however, only took up half the space - the rest was given over to a well-lit, open area, where several tools and brushes hung on the wall, along with saddles, bridles, and other gear. There was also a strange, low, narrow table - and while she could not immediately figure out what THAT was for, she also didn't know what most of the tools were for, so that was hardly a surprise.

The brushes, however, were fairly obvious - though it did take a couple of quick gestures from the servant to make it clear to her which were for mane, tail, or body. She eagerly grabbed on and was about to start brushing her beloved new acquisition, when Daddy quickly stepped in. "Now, now... I understand that you might want to... see to your new friend right away, but you're hardly dressed for it, are you? Wouldn't want horse-hair or... other things all over your expensive dress." She paused, biting her lip. Her pretty dresses - or, more precisely, anything that dirtied or damaged them - was a frequent source of punishment from Daddy, and while she generally enjoyed a vigorous spanking, she didn't really want to be distracted right now.

Whispering "Sorry, Daddy..." she looked around to see if there was anything she could use to cover herself with, or maybe some riding-clothes to change into - but other than the boots she'd gotten in the present, there was nothing. Noticing her glance, Daddy grinned. "Why don't you just take the dress off altogether? From what I've seen, you don't mind being naked around animals..." She froze in her tracks, her eyes instantly landing on the servant who was still holding Aubrey's reins. If she took off her dress, she really WOULD be quite naked. Daddy had a strict policy against panties, and she was too young and skinny to even need a training-bra yet. More to the point, while he WAS right about her not minding animals, she DID mind being naked around PEOPLE.

Back when they'd first... met, it had taken significant punishment from Daddy to even make her willing to get naked around HIM. She was... okay with that, but... not anyone else. When she had routinely messed around with the staff, she had done so while fully-dressed (being quite careful with her dresses) - which wasn't that hard, considering that her wardrobe contained neither pants nor panties. When she'd been caught at it and taught a lesson in a massive gang-bang involving practically the entire male staff (though, of course, not the man who was now looking back at her with lecherous eyes - seeing as he'd been hired shortly afterwards), the humiliation of being naked and defenseless before all those eyes had almost been worse than the violent gang-rape that followed.

Daddy, however, followed her gaze again, and sighed. "Right, right... I see." Then he said a couple of words in a foreign tongue, and the servant nodded, handing him the reins and leaving - closing the stable door behind him. With a sense of privacy restored, she carefully removed her dress and folded it neatly - almost putting it on the odd, low table before Daddy interceded and took it off her hands, laying it across the gate of an unoccupied stall instead. On a whim, she slipped off her elegant sandals as well, and instead slipped her feet into the tall riding-boots. They proved to be quite comfy, and just her size! It wasn't as if she was going riding right now - certainly not dressed like this! - but she wanted to try them out, and it seemed to fit the task.

Then she got down to work, brushing the large animal, delighting in the feeling of the warm flesh shifting beneath the short, rough coat as she ran her brush over it. Daddy provided helpful hints as she worked, having clearly read up on the subject beforehand - or possibly, he was just translating advice he'd gotten from the animal-trainer earlier. As she brushed the pony's long, chocolate-colored tail, she spotted out the corner of her eye that Daddy was letting him eat something from his hand. A little treat, like a sugar-cube, maybe? She'd have to start carrying treats like that herself.

A few minutes later, however, Daddy instructed her to brush out the rough coat of the pony's lower flanks and belly... and when she squatted next to him, she could not stifle a gasp. Her new pet clearly wasn't a gelding - rather, he was a fully-functional pony-stallion, and the tool that was currently emerging from his sheath was roughly the size of her fist and upper arm - in both length and girth. The head was broad, flat and slanted - completely lacking the pointiness that canines (and, to a lesser degree, humans) possessed. The urethra actually seemed to poke a millimeter or two out from the head itself, like a tiny tube. Flesh-colored in the front, it gradually became more darkly-speckled as the shaft progressed towards the sheath, finally becoming the same solid dark-brown as the rest of the pony's body. Right now, it was dangling vertically, reaching nearly to the ground, but it was also pulsing slightly, and with every pulse, it hardened - rising towards the horizontal.

Daddy suddenly cleared his throat above her, and his usually-dry voice seemed to be somewhat strained. "Ah yes... ponies have needs too, as you can see. And since there doesn't seem to be any mares around, I think you will have to take care of them. He's _your_pet, after all..." She glanced up at him. His face was firm, but his eyes were on fire. He was watching her closely... and she knew better than to disobey when he was like this. The punishment for doing so wouldn't be the FUN kind. But... more than that, she wasn't so sure she WANTED to avoid the task he'd set before her. She'd never thought of Dragon as anything other than a beloved pet, until Daddy had (rather forcibly) introduced him to her as a sexual partner. And that had proven a most delightful acquaintance!

And now he wanted her to 'get to know' her new pony in the same way... certainly, the musky scent emerging from the freshly-unsheathed horse-cock was making her feel a bit light-headed. And when she touched it, it was smooth and warm... and jumped pleasantly in her hand. Still somewhat hesitant, she crawled all the way in under his belly, her nostrils twitching as the heady scent of male arousal grew thicker. His cock was almost fully erect, now - and it hadn't gotten any smaller. There was no way she could suck on it properly - her jaws wouldn't spread wide enough - so instead she began to lick the long, smooth shaft like a popsicle.

The taste was no different from what she was used to. A bit salty, a bit earthy... clearly, he'd been thoroughly cleaned beforehand. She could feel the heat radiating from his cock through her tongue. Feel the increasingly rapid pace of his heartbeat. She let her tongue caress his cockhead, which was becoming less flat now - the slanted front was now bulging outwards, as if from the sheer pressure of his desire. The taste there was stronger. More bitter. Traces of pre-cum, which grew even more dominant as her tongue prodded the pony's thick urethra.

Delicate lips closed around the very tip of his now-bulging cockhead, sucking gently on it - it was about all she could manage in that regard, limited as she was by physics and physiology. Her hands moved up and down the thick shaft, stroking it rhythmically. She could feel Daddy's eyes on her, devouring her skinny, naked form as she worked the pony-stallion's turgid cock with her hands and mouth, putting on the best performance she could.

"Perhaps it would help if you paid some more attention to the... testicles." Daddy was clearly trying to sound offhanded about it, but the excitement was bleeding through in his tone. Quickly, she obeyed, eager to please him. Her hands continued to work the shaft as she moved her head further back, pushing her face into the pony's dangling scrotum. She breathed in the thick musk, and let her tongue and lips caress the heavy, smooth orbs, licking and kissing. They were, of course, far too big for her to try and suck a whole one into her mouth, the way she sometimes did with Daddy.

Aubrey whinnied, shaking his head - apparently, he had noticed the tender treatment of his sensitive sack, though whether he'd actually enjoyed it was hard to tell. Certainly, his rod remained hard as rock. Feeling that she had suitably lathered his balls in her spittle, she moved back up the shaft, licking and kissing as she went, until she was back at the head - where she returned to sucking on it with redoubled intensity. However, as the minutes rolled by, nothing happened. The pony above her occasionally fidgeted, snorted or stomped a hoof, but there was no immediate sign that his arousal was rising towards a peak. Her tongue and jaw, meanwhile, were starting to become achy and tired.

Finally, Daddy sighed. "I feared as much... considering how small an area of his dick you're actually capable of stimulating like that, your oral skills simply aren't enough to get him off. Fortunately, I have prepared for this eventuality! Come out from under there, my dear..." She hesitated for just half a second before obeying, glancing up at Daddy with a mixture of relief and worry. Relief that he didn't seem to be angry at her failure to please the large animal, and worried about what might come next.

He gestured at the low table. It was wooden, with a slight indentation in the otherwise smoothly-polished surface. Looked very sturdy... and now that she looked closer, it seemed to be bolted to the floor. "Lie down, my dear... on your back." She obeyed, automatically, refusing to think through the likely consequences of his order. The indentation proved to be roughly body-shaped, making it clear where she was supposed to lie - with her ass at the lower edge, and her legs sticking out over it. Her feet, still clad in the riding-boots, trembled slightly on the floor as Daddy put his hands on her thighs, and pushed them apart, forcing her to expose herself fully.

Feeling fear, consternation and lust battle for control of her mind, she watched as Daddy led the pony over to her. Sure enough, the table was just the right height for him to step over it - and her. His large, muscular body filled the air above her, his chest just about brushing across her erect nipples (and, less erotically, her nose - making it itch terribly) as he calmly walked forwards. Then she felt it, pressing against her pelvis... that broad, slightly-vaulted head. It felt even hotter now.

"Guide him in." Daddy's voice was firm and commanding, barely hiding the undercurrents of intense arousal beneath. It brooked no argument. And yet, something like a low-pitched, terrified whimper escaped her lips as her shaking hands reached down to her groin and fumbled for the thick tool. There was no way this would be possible. Just... no way. She'd had a good, long look at what Aubrey was packing and... she was just too small. Too young. Too tight. He'd tear her apart. And yet, Daddy's burning gaze and firm voice held her fixated, like a butterfly on a needle. She had to do what Daddy said. She was a good girl. Right?

Her hands, still moving despite her misgivings, pulled the fist-sized equine cockhead forwards, pushing it against her youthful snatch. It wasn't as if she wasn't wet - her pussy had been drooling steadily while she tested her oral skills on the pony. But it didn't seem like that was enough - even as she pulled the cockhead against the tiny hole, the flesh around it merely seemed to deform and push against her pelvic bone. It just couldn't possibly stretch that wide. None of her previous sexual encounters had prepared her for this - even the most well-hung of the servants couldn't hope to measure up to a pony.

Suddenly, it seemed to dawn on Aubrey that his cockhead was pressing against soft, pliable, well-lubricated flesh, and with a low whinny, he shook his head and took a step forwards. His huge, muscular mass did in an instant what her awkward, shaking hands hadn't managed - pushing her tender young labia open and forcing the broad, pulsating tip of his iron-hard rod into her. Her flesh stretched to the very limit, she felt like she was being torn apart - and with that, the fear in her heart won out over its rivals. She shrieked in terror and pain, beating her small fists against the pony's thick chest, while kicking impotently at his hind-legs.

However, despite the training he'd clearly received, Aubrey was still a pony - a skittish prey species, genetically adapted to life at the bottom of the food-chain. The loud sound and direct attacks - however weak - spooked him, and with a protesting whinny he danced back, jumping and skidding his hooves across the floor in an effort to escape. Just as quickly as it had been forced inside, his cockhead plopped out of her, and as his body disappeared from above her, she quickly rolled over on her side and pulled herself into a tight ball with her hands covering her brutalized pussy.

Eyes screwed tightly shut, she heard Daddy calm the spooked pony, and then lead him into his stall. By the time she gathered the courage to open her eyes again, Daddy was looking down at her, arms folded in front of him, and his stern face looked like a thundercloud. Under his fierce gaze, she unfolded herself, and looked down her body. There was some slight traces of blood on her hands and labia - barely a couple of drops. Clearly, even though it had FELT that way, the pony's equine member hadn't REALLY been tearing her apart.

She was just about to voice an apology and promise Daddy that she'd do better next time, when he preempted her. "So - I get you a wonderful present, and this is the gratitude I get, is it? Can't even care for a pony! Well, if dogs are really all you care for, then so be it - you can join them in the kennels, like the bitch you are!" His harsh words stung her to tears, and her attempted replies disintegrated into indecipherable blubbering even as he grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and pulled her out of the stables without so much as a chance to get dressed.

A few servants were lingering outside, including the animal-trainer, and she felt their eyes on her naked body as Daddy pulled her past them and towards the house, barking a couple of quick orders to the trainer as they passed. She stumbled repeatedly as she tried to keep up with him, trying to hold back the tears she could feel welling up in the corners of her eyes - if she started crying now, she'd be blinded by the tears, and definitely stumble over her own feet, giving Daddy one more reason to be disappointed in her.

She wasn't surprised at where he was taking her. Once inside, he made a beeline for the 'playroom' - the erstwhile sex-dungeon where their more intense sessions tended to take place. Most of the time, Daddy preferred to come to her room, or simply surprise her somewhere in the mansion - bending her over a chair in the kitchen, or propping her up on a couch in the reading-room, to take advantage of her lack of panties. The sheer spontaneity made these encounters quite erotic, but sometimes, to her great embarrassment, he did it right in front of the servants!

The playroom, however, was where things got... exotic. Sex-swings, manacles, ropes, racks of tools for pleasure or pain... the selection was extensive, and she hadn't seen half of the boxes and cabinets in there opened. This was where her punishment had started last time she'd managed to seriously anger Daddy... and apparently, this time would be no different. She was shoved into a set of stocks in the middle of the floor - already adjusted to her height - forcing her to bend sharply at the waist. It clicked shut around her wrists and neck - the holes carefully padded (with red velvet, of course), but nonetheless tight. Her pulse raced as she speculated on what was to come. She'd been fucked and spanked alike in this stock before - but seeing as she enjoyed both (as Daddy well knew) it probably wasn't going to be either of those...

She heard a cabinet being unlocked and opened somewhere behind her. One of the unfamiliar ones, judging by where the sound was coming from... thus giving her no hints. She was sniffing now, lips trembling as the tears ran freely down her cheeks - there was no more reason to hold them back, as long as she didn't start bawling. (Noisy crying always annoyed Daddy.) She was terrified of what kind of punishment might await her, and her pussy still ached from the stretching it had gotten earlier. But it was not the fear or pain that was making her cry, so much as regret over how she had disappointed Daddy. She'd failed him, and worse, she'd shown that she didn't trust him. The pony's thick cock had hurt, sure, but it obviously hadn't been DANGEROUS, or Daddy wouldn't have told her to do it. If she'd just kept that in mind and accepted the pain as she had accepted so much before it...

Her breathing quickened as she heard Daddy walk up behind her. One of her legs was lifted, and the riding-boot pulled off - to be replaced with some sort of soft, comfortable shoe with a strangely heavy toe. And... something that covered her knee and a couple of inches on both sides... a knee-protector? Whatever it was, the other leg soon got the same treatment. Then, something warm and slippery was poured down her ass-crack, to pool around her sphincter - lube. A pair of fingers worked it into the hole, slipping easily inside to spread it deeper. They were almost gentle, massaging the muscles there... which just made her more nervous. Only reason Daddy would do something like that would be to prepare her. Or rather, prepare her ASSHOLE for something bigger than it was accustomed to. But rather than let her ass clench down in fear, she forced herself to go along with it, relaxing as best she could...

The fingers disappeared, and were replaced by something hard, slippery... and conical. A plug, she realized as it pushed inside her, stretching open her sphincter. She'd tried those before - after all, it had been more than half a year since she lost her anal virginity. But this one seemed... bigger than what she was accustomed to. It just kept getting wider and wider, stretching her further and further... and with it, the pain grew sharper. She could already tell what the lesson THERE was - that her body could last well past the point where it started to hurt.

Sure enough, the pain in her tormented anus soon reached the same threshold as when Aubrey had penetrated her pussy. And kept climbing. One of Daddy's hands were clamped around the sturdy stocks now, holding on tight - she could see it out of the corner of her eye. The other was forcing the thick butt-plug into her with unyielding strength as he grunted from the effort. The progress was slowing, and the pain in her behind was going past 'piercing' into 'tearing', and fast approaching 'agonizing'. Still, she refused to cry out, keeping her jaws tightly clamped shut as she cried silently.

In the struggle between Daddy's aging strength and her youthful flesh, however, the former ultimately won out. The widest point of the plug slipped past her sphincter, and with a plop , it was seated deep inside her, the base nestled closely against her aching asshole. It still hurt inside, of course - her rectum was now wrapped tautly around the huge intruder - but the pain was nowhere near as sharp as that of the initial intrusion. She panted in relief, and only now noticed that something fuzzy seemed to be brushing against her legs.

Daddy was still breathing a bit heavily as he walked around to her front, holding a selection of items that made the meat of her punishment increasingly clear as he attached them to her, one by one. First, a pair of paw-like 'mittens' were strapped to her hands, and locked into place with a pair of tiny padlocks - gray and furry, except for the sturdy, leather-like paw-pads at the bottom, they lacked even a 'thumb', leaving her hands entirely immobilized and clumsy within them. She would be unable to do anything complex with her hands as long as they stayed there. Then, a barrette was clipped onto her hair, sporting a pair of equally gray-and-fuzzy ears.

Finally, the stock was opened, and as soon as her neck was freed, a simple collar was attached around it - complete with a lead. "Down" commanded Daddy, in a rough, compelling voice. His intentions were abundantly clear by now, and she quickly obeyed, dropping down to all fours. Once she was there, he bent down to fiddle with something around the knee-guards she'd been fitted with earlier, and then straightened again with a satisfied grunt. Experimentally, she shifted her legs a bit, and found that while she could still bend her knees further, she couldn't straighten them much more than a couple of degrees past the straight angle they were on right now - making it impossible for her to stand up.

A tug on the lead. Daddy was looking down at her with burning eyes. "There we go... the perfect look for a bitch in heat, who cares for nothing but her canine lovers. Come on - let's go for walkies..." She opened her mouth to beg for mercy, to apologize for her earlier lapse, and to ask if he seriously wanted her to crawl naked along the floor with a gigantic plug stuck up her butt... but then her neck tickled strangely, and all that came out was a gurgle. Daddy smiled broadly at her half-mystified, half-panicked expression. "Surprised? You shouldn't be. Bitches can't talk. Which makes that collar perfect for a bitch like you... it contains an amusing little electronic device I got from one of the companies I own. A failed experiment in less-than-lethal weaponry. Every time you try to talk, it'll release a small, electric shock, disrupting the muscles of your larynx... well, I suppose that's largely over the head of a lust-driven animal like you. Now come on - walk, or I'll drag you!"

And so, she had no choice but to follow along behind Daddy as he tugged insistently on the lead. Crawling along on all fours was awkward, and as she'd feared, the butt-plug wasn't making it any easier - the inevitable swaying of her behind was making the huge thing shift inside her, generating strange, uncomfortable sensations. Glancing back over her shoulder, she could also confirm her earlier guess - that fuzzy touch to her thighs earlier was a doggy-tail attached to the plug, swaying behind her now to complete her look.

Servants stopped to stare as Daddy paraded her in front of them, and she blushed a deep scarlet as she felt their eyes on her. This was even worse than when Daddy had railed her across a kitchen chair in front of the cook and two of the maids - at least at that point, she'd been dressed! Well, mostly. However, she could only barely keep up with Daddy's pace as she crawled along behind him - there was no way she could even try to cover herself with her hands... or, as it were, paws.

The route through the mansion proved to be a familiar one - indeed, she'd walked it many times, under less restrictive circumstances. Soon, they reached the small side-building where the kennels were housed... a rather unsurprising destination, all things considered. The animal-trainer was waiting for them there, and had a short conversation with Daddy in that indecipherable language they spoke - including some nods and a gesture towards an unfamiliar piece of machinery that had been set up next to the main enclosure. Looked like some kind of pump, but she had no idea beyond that.

Without further ado, Daddy led her into the fenced-off enclosure that housed most of the mansion's guard-dogs - a familiar lot, to her. They approached her cautiously, noses twitching at her familiar scent, but clearly nervous about her unusual demeanor - and the presence of their Master. Daddy, however, just pushed her towards them and unclipped the lead from her collar. "There you go" he said sharply. "Just what you wanted. I'm sure you will enjoy your new station." Then he walked out, and the gate clanged shut behind him, latched from the outside. Her hopeless, tear-filled eyes followed him as he calmly walked out of the kennel without so much as a look back at her.

The animal-trainer stood outside the kennel for a few minutes, hungrily devouring her naked body with his eyes. Then he sighed, and left as well. She took stock of her situation for a moment: The collar prevented her from talking. The knee-pads prevented her from standing or walking. The shut gate prevented her from leaving. And the paw-gloves prevented her from doing anything about any of the above. She was imprisoned and helpless... and when the dogs began to gather around her, panting eagerly, there was nothing she could do to deter them. They had grown accustomed to what her visits meant - and the verbal commands that would normally call them off were now denied her.

She could only pant there on the floor, like the bitch Daddy had declared her to be, as they each in turn mounted her. The cone-shaped canine cockheads easily parted her labia, and with her pussy having been stretched - however briefly - by the equine equivalent just a brief while ago, even their knots pushed inside her without trouble. Indeed, none of them could manage to tie with her like this - they rarely could, unless going anal, and with the plug still in place that wasn't an option. Their rudimentary training, however, HAD covered that eventuality - and so, rather than get confused as their knots repeatedly slipped out, and waste time trying to get a proper tie that just wouldn't happen, they simply kept thrusting. Her labia, still stinging a bit from the earlier equine assault, were now repeatedly savaged by fully-swollen canine knots going in and out through them...

Normally, after they'd all had their turn, she would've left - probably to seek out Dragon, and see what he thought of the scent of horny dog hanging about her. But now, that... wasn't an option. She could only mill about on the floor as the minutes snailed by, listening to the slow drip-drop of doggy-cum escaping her well-used pussy. The dogs seemed confused by her continued presence, with some of them coming back for seconds after a little while, though most of them just ignored her. Her throat was starting to feel unpleasantly rough and dry - whether because of her earlier crying, or because she hadn't had anything to drink since the birthday tea-party earlier that day.

She tried to call out for water, but it just came out as a kind of drawn-out howl. Then, pitifully, she turned her eyes towards the dogs' bowl. It was large enough that several of the dogs could lap from it at the same time, and constantly refilled from a larger reservoir. She ambled over there to take a closer look, and wrinkled her nose. The water was lukewarm at best, and the surface was shiny with doggy drool. She wasn't THAT thirsty, she decided. Surely, Daddy would be back to let her out soon!

An hour passed. Then two. She would've paced the floor if that hadn't been such an uncomfortable proposition. Finally, the door to the kennels opened, and she spun around expecting to see Daddy return for her... but no, it was only the animal-trainer, entering with a large bucket and an unpleasant grin. The dogs perked up their ears and raised their noses as he approached, and then dashed to the side of the enclosure - where their food-bowls stood. Sure enough, the trainer was scooping their dinner out of his bucket, filling the bowls. Chunks of meat in some sort of gravy. Moments later, all of the dogs had their heads buried in their bowls, lined up neat as you please.

Then, with a widening grin, the trainer put down a new bowl next to the rest. This one had a nameplate - reading 'Vina'. Once that, too, had been filled with chunky dog-food, he left the enclosure with the now-empty bucket, closing the gate behind him again. She trembled on the floor for a bit before approaching her bowl. The smell of it wasn't all THAT bad... well, no real surprise there. Daddy took good care of everyone who worked under him, man and beast alike. No canned dog-food or bags of dry fodder for his guard-dogs, oh no - the cook made it daily, from leftovers and waste-meat.

The dogs were just about done with their lunch already, and several of them were now glancing at HER bowl. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her of how long it had been since she'd eaten. She threw a longing glance towards the door, but at this point, it seemed clear that her release from this place wasn't going to happen tonight. And so, with little other choice - and her hands still restrained in the paw-gloves - she imitated the dogs and lowered her face into the food-bowl, snatching up chunks of gravy-dripping meat with her teeth. The meat was tough and often had bits of cartilage in it, but it was edible, and really didn't taste that badly.

By the time she was done, most of her face was dripping with gravy... though not for long. The dogs were all too happy to lick an extra treat off her face. The harsh taste of the low-quality meat and simple gravy, however, lingered in her mouth - she'd grown too used to luxury-food over the past year. With a sigh, she ambled over to the water-bowl and lapped up the lukewarm contents. The doggy-drool was hardly noticeable, and... well, by now, she really WAS that thirsty.

Apparently revitalized by their meal, the dogs soon began to mount her again. She got little warning - since she was stuck on all fours permanently, they could simply jump on her back whenever they felt like it, driving their hot, hard cocks into her pussy before she even had a chance to realize what was happening. And since they self-lubricated, her own state of arousal - or lack of same - presented no barrier. It was more unpleasant this time, however, due to a certain amount of rising... pressure within her. Her bladder was becoming painfully stretched, and behind the large butt-plug, her bowels also held an uncomfortable feeling of fullness. Each thrust jarred both, sending strange sensations through her young body.

They were still going at it when, a while later, the trainer returned. A sharp command-word made them back off, lining up neatly and obediently despite several of them sporting raging hard-ons. Leads were attached to each collar in turn, including hers - and despite her embarrassment and rising discomfort, she could only do her best to keep up with the pack as the dogs eagerly followed the trainer out of the kennels. It was evening by now, so at least there wasn't any other servants around outside the building - but she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched from the large windows of the mansion as she crawled across the soft lawn alongside the dogs.

The trip went to the closest edge of the forest surrounding the estate, and soon she realized the purpose of the trip. The dogs were eagerly sniffing around the trees, and soon began to mark their territories and otherwise... relieve themselves. Despite her crimson blush, the painful strain on her bladder soon convinced her to once again follow their example, at least in part - she wasn't about to lift her leg at a tree, but she could at least spread her legs and let the dry forest-floor absorb her piss without staining her legs. Of course, she could only hope that the trainer wasn't looking too closely... or at least, that he wasn't 'into' that stuff.

Soon, they were led back to the kennel again - and with her bladder now blessedly emptied, the churning of her guts only seemed more noticeable. Even if she'd had a mind to, she couldn't have relieved herself in the forest the way the dogs did (and boy, had she been careful where she put her hands and knees on the way out...) since there was no way for her to remove the huge butt-plug she was currently carrying around. She wondered what the idea was, right up until they'd gotten back to the kennel. While all the dogs filed in, their leads again removed, the trainer dragged her over to a particular wall of the enclosure, and turned her around to have her rear towards the fence. It was right near that strange, pump-like device she'd noticed when Daddy first led her there... and a realization began to dawn.

Sure enough, the trainer pulled a nozzle from the machine through the fence, and grabbed her tail... before giving it a little twist and pulling it right off, slotting the nozzle neatly into the gap it left behind. The huge plug she'd been suffering under for so long was, she now realized, hollow-cored - an empty tunnel leading right up into her bowels. The trainer hit a button somewhere back there, and the pump began to work noisily, making the dogs look up warily.

A strange sensation spread through her as warm water was pumped up inside her... and if she'd thought her bowels were painfully full before, it was nothing compared to now. Her protests came out only as wordless, gurgling groans - and heck, even IF she'd still been able to speak, HE wouldn't have understood her. By the time the pump shut down, her stomach was bulging out visibly... at which point the trainer removed the nozzle and smoothly replaced the tail, before giving her a slap on the bottom and stepping out of the enclosure again.

She could barely move, her belly wobbling and growling whenever she even shifted - and a painful, stretching sensation reached right from her stomach to her anus, where the internal pressure was now pushing the plug outwards, straining against her sphincter. However, even as she tried to freeze in place, the dogs - released from their spellbound discipline as the trainer stepped outside - descended upon her again. Clearly, their desires hadn't abated during the 'walkies'... and they seemed determined to resume the interrupted session.

As usual, she was powerless to resist or refuse them - she could only whimper as the first dog jumped on her back and started pounding her without any thought for her precarious situation. The thrusts shook her body, sending the liquid trapped inside her sloshing around unpleasantly - and it only got worse when he blasted a load of hot, thin doggy-cum directly into her womb, filling it up. It wasn't that much - but he was only the first of many. After a couple more dogs had had their turn, her womb now added its own sense of strain as it pushed against her already-inflated insides.

The dogs seemed even more excited - and lusty - than before. Perhaps the internal pressure helped make her tighter than usual. Whimpering and groaning, she had to endure the steady line of canine lovers using her pussy, shaking her insides, and then dismounting to make room for the next. Through it all, she was vaguely - and embarrassingly - aware that the trainer had never left the kennels. He was just standing outside the cage, watching the dogs pound her as he idly rubbed himself through his trousers. She was frankly surprised that he hadn't taken advantage of her nudity and helplessness yet... presumably, Daddy had left strict instructions.

Finally, the dogs tired themselves out again and wandered off, leaving her writhing on the floor. The discomfort in her guts had become outright pain, and she was indescribably relieved when the trainer stepped into the cage again, and walked over to grab the nozzle once more. She was frankly surprised that the current contents of her guts didn't spray out the moment he pulled off her tail - presumably, there was a valve of some kind built into the plug. But once the tube was firmly attached, the pump was started again in reverse - giving her an intense feeling of relief as her guts were rapidly emptied of both water and... their original contents. Once the sturdy little pump had finished its work - presumably depositing its bounty in the sewers where it belonged - the nozzle was again removed, and the tail reattached. Then the trainer left the cage, and the kennel itself... leaving her again alone with the dogs.

She slept poorly on the cold stone floor... at least at first. As she fell into her new routine, she became hardened against such simple discomfort, and found it easy enough to fall asleep in the kennel's cage, usually rolled up surrounded by warm, canine bodies. It would be incorrect to say that every day that followed was much the same, for things DID change in various ways - but an underlying routine had certainly been established.

She lived in the cage, with the dogs - and saw the sun only briefly every day, when she was taken to the forest to relieve herself along with the rest of them. There'd be dinner - low-quality meat-chunks and cheap gravy - followed by bowel-emptying via the pump. And of course, through it all, a steadily-escalating amount of sex. Her well-worn pussy never really had a chance to rest or pull itself together, leaving it constantly raw and sensitive, as well as widely-stretched. The dogs' appetites seemed to grow by the day - maybe just because her presence offered them a steady, easily-accessible source of sex, but then again, maybe not JUST because of that. Certainly, she was helping it along. Boredom was a ghost that constantly haunted her, and in that cage, wearing those restraints, there was little to DO other than have sex.

The first shift was that she started liberally doling out blowjobs, both to encourage the dogs and... well, just because she enjoyed the feeling and the taste. Certainly, it was better than the regular 'dinner'! The dogs, already partially-trained for sexing up humans, were fast learners - and it soon became the rule rather than the exception that one of the other dogs rolled over in front of her while she was being mounted, presenting a mouth-watering, bright-red cock to her eager mouth.

Another shift was that Daddy started to come visit every day. He'd tell her to do tricks - roll over, play dead, sit, beg... though always ending with that last one, which had her squatting with her legs spread and her arms pulled up in front of her, completely exposed. If she'd been good, he'd give her a pat on the head and a 'treat'. She eagerly sucked his cock when it was presented to her, taking comfort in the familiar taste and smell, never breaking her stance (despite aching legs), and swallowing his load without fail. After she'd performed well a couple of times, he even gave her a gift - a ratty old blanket she could wrap around herself when she slept!

A less pleasant shift occurred later... and smelled a lot less comforting. The dogs had started to become more aggressive with each other as their lustiness increased - before, there had always been room for everyone, and it was just a matter of order. But after a while, the animals' seemingly-endless energy and immense virility has pushed things to the point where she had a dog clinging to her back, vigorously pounding her pussy, virtually every waking hour. Even with her mouth providing another outlet, that left a lot of dogs deprives and annoyed as they waited their turn.

The immediate result was that they spent some time growling and snapping at each other... but while they still only had rudimentary training in human-sex, they were already highly disciplined guard-dogs - and their training in THAT regard would not allow them to escalate to outright fighting for dominance. With two different layers of training conflicting with each other AND their animalistic instincts (along with what she was beginning to suspect was dog-food laced with an aphrodisiac), the outcome was messy. Literally.

One of the more alpha-inclined dogs started it - after blowing his load in her pussy once again, he jumped off and without missing a beat, lifted his leg to mark her as his 'territory'. The stream of hot doggy-piss that splashed all over her ass and back was merely the first of many, for while the other dogs entirely failed to respect his claim, they all instinctively sought to 'overwrite' it with their own. The stench of dog-piss soon drenched her naked body, her hair, her face... and as with everything else, she was powerless to stop it.

The first time Daddy came to visit after the dogs began exhibiting this behavior, he wrinkled his nose at the thick smell that now hung in the kennels. He glared down at her as he put her through the usual tricks, then suddenly snorted. "So now you SMELL like a bitch, too... appropriate, I suppose. Beg!" As she assumed the usual sit-up-and-beg position, legs spread and hands raised, tongue out as she panted in her eagerness to please him, he pulled his semi-hard cock out of his trousers and aimed it at her. Seconds later, his piss splashed down over her pert young breasts, dribbling down over her flat belly - about the only place the dogs HADN'T marked her, considering her usual stance - before the stream was lifted to hit her face, stinging in her eyes and hitting her nose, her tongue, her mouth... she did not dare change her pose or even close her mouth, lest she disappoint Daddy again.

But she still got her 'treat' afterwards, though daddy didn't guide her with a hand on her head like he usually did. And there unsurprisingly was a certain sharp, bitter flavor on his cock as she eagerly sucked him off. Afterwards, the trainer started to hose down the kennel - and her - every few days... but of course, that still left her to sleep through the night covered in drying dog-piss more than half the time. This discomfort soon became routine, however - the smell faded into the background, and she stopped noticing the sharp taste of pee whenever she sucked off Daddy or one of the dogs after they had pissed on her.

She had no idea how much time passed like this. The days were recognizable cycles, but with no way to count them and few stand-out events, they all just blended together into a continuous stream of dog-fucking, dog-food, dog-piss, enemas, sleeping on a hard floor wrapped in an increasingly dog-scented blanket, and doing tricks for Daddy. But one day, something new happened: Daddy showed up at his customary time - with a lead in hand. She'd just been hosed down, and was still dripping with cold water and shivering slightly from it, but the cold and discomfort was swiftly forgotten when Daddy hooked the lead into her collar and lead her out of the fenced enclosure - and then, out of the kennel altogether.

The weather was nice outside. It was still summer. So it couldn't have been more than a month or two since she was banished to the kennel. Maybe it was just a couple of weeks, really. Or maybe it had been a whole year? She had lost all sense of the passage of time in there, so she had no idea. Curious about the purpose of this outing, she padded along beside Daddy, moving easily on all fours. They weren't going in the direction of the forest, so presumably she wasn't just being taken for walkies early. Her heart skipped a beat when she recognized the building they were heading towards - the stable! The place where she'd fallen from grace. Did this mean..?

Daddy led her inside, then took off the lead. She padded along the straw-strewn floor as Daddy proceeded to one of the stalls, and she noticed that it bore a name-plate reading 'Aubrey'. When he opened it, the sturdy little chocolate-brown pony she remembered from earlier trotted out - and from her low vantage, she could see that he was already aroused. His cock was all the way out of its sheath, dangling heavily beneath him. Presumably, he had been prepared somehow. As he was led towards her, she began ambling towards the low, narrow table she had used before - but Daddy noticed her movements, and stopped her with a sharp gesture. "No, no... that mating-rack is for people. A dog should have no need of it."

She flinched slightly, but quickly steadied herself. No matter what, she would not fail again. So as the pony approached her, curiously snorting as he caught her scent, she simply turned around and lifted her ass invitingly, lowering her head to the floor to give him better access. Lubrication shouldn't be a problem - the dogs had been going at her as usual right up to the point when the trainer had pulled her aside for cleaning, and her pussy was still hanging slightly open, dripping with doggy-cum and juice.

Daddy continued to lead Aubrey forwards, with a firm grip on his bridle - pulling him right over her, his sturdy legs landing forcefully on both sides of her. She did not flinch from his hooves, nor shift her stance at all as she prepared to receive him. Once she felt his flat cockhead bounce off one of her ass-cheeks, however, she did reach one hand-paw back between her legs to aid in guiding him in. It was much harder than it had been last time, without having the use of her fingers - but by shifting her rear end around and pushing the stiff rod a bit with her paw, she managed to make it hit the mark...

The head was just as she remembered it - bulging slightly at the front in a demonstration of arousal. This time, however, she didn't wait for him to notice that he was now resting against the gate of her young snatch - she simply pushed herself against him, backing up. Her pussy was sore and sensitive, inside and outside - rubbed raw by her endless parade of canine lovers. They had also left it somewhat loose, of course, but the pony-stallion's equine tool remained well thicker than what any of them had to show, even when compared to their knots - and unlike them, he did not self-lubricate. So despite her many recent experiences, the initial entry was at least as painful as it had been the first time around...

But this time, she neither flinched nor protested. It was just a bit of pain, after all - and not even all that bad. Compared to the general level of discomfort she'd been living with lately, it barely even registered - and compared to the fear of suffering Daddy's displeasure again (never mind the hope of redemption this presented), it was less than nothing. So she kept going - pushing herself against the impaling rod without hesitation, shuffling backwards on her hands and knees. Finally, the pony got the hint, and with a snort, he began to move.

There was no further need for her to act. Now fully in the grips of his instincts, the sturdy little stallion surged forwards, burying himself in her tender young pussy as deeply as he could. Pain flashed through her again - and this time, it was far more reminiscent of the first time. The initial entry had still hurt, but it had been a matter of raw, sensitive flesh being rubbed with mediocre lubrication. This, however, was just like back then - the feeling of being stretched open, torn apart... after all, while the canine knots had certainly served to give her labia and the first few inches of her pussy a good, regular stretching, the rest of doggy-cocks had been far thinner, and their reach had been limited.

Aubrey, meanwhile... well, he was a horse. A small horse, but a horse still. In a couple of half-hearted thrusts, he'd pushed himself deep enough for his bulging cockhead to rub up against her cervix, and his girth was unchanged along the length of his shaft. Being filled by so much hot, throbbing meat - attached to a huge, heavy animal, who cared little for the fragility of mere humans - was simultaneously arousing and agonizing. The breath caught in her throat, and for a moment, her legs vibrated with the need to flee the source of the pain. To dive forwards, away, out of the path of this penetrating monster.

She ignored the passing weakness. The rough paw-pads that covered her hands were planted solidly in front of her, holding her body steady as Aubrey began to build up steam. His thrusts were fast, jerky, and earth-shakingly powerful. They were also long enough to pull out at least half of his immense rod, before hammering it back inside with bestial force - rubbing across raw, overstretched tissue all the way, and sending little shocks of pain through her womb with the final impact. Sweat was beginning to drip from her forehead despite her earlier cold shower and her breathing was becoming labored.

But she was no stranger to pain - in fact, she had learned to enjoy many kinds of it. Daddy's firm hand on her buttocks had been the first such kind... and now she was learning another. The pain of being stretched to the breaking-point, her body's limits tested. The fear of being at the mercy of a dumb, rutting animal that outmassed her several times over. The humiliation of being reduced to beneath the level of a beast, and submitting to its desires. All of it was coming together in her young, malleable mind, and building up to something she hadn't even realized she'd been missing. Over time, the constant mating that the dogs in the kennel had lavished on her had become... routine. Being bent over under the panting, fur-covered mass of a horny hound was her default state of being nowadays. So at some point, she'd stopped cumming when they did it. At most, she'd felt... somewhat deprived and empty when they WEREN'T going at her.

Now, however, that surging, all-consuming pleasure was building up inside her again, like a tight knot unfolding... and with a gurgling groan that would have been unrecognizable as human speech even WITHOUT the electronic collar, she came. The pleasure flowed through her, shaking her limbs and making her eyelids flutter, even as Aubrey continued to plow her - unconcerned with such minor matters as her enjoyment of it. Like a piston, the thick horse-cock pounded into her over and over... until suddenly, it stopped.

The painful, stretching sensation inside of her gained a new edge as the equine cockhead now nestled right at the entrance of her womb flared, expanding and flattening, pushing already-battered flesh to its limit. A split second later, a stream of hot, thick horse-cum poured into her, filling her uterus - and then, with the flare creating a watertight seal, inflating it like a balloon. It was a strange, unfamiliar sensation, piled on top of the newly-increased stretching-pain - and between them they served to renew and prolong the orgasm that was still blasting through her nerves.

For a few moments, they stayed like that - her, writhing on the floor in pain-laced pleasure, and him standing calmly above her as he finished unloading his sperm into a container far too small for a creature of his scale. Then, with his cock rapidly softening, he simply took a sideways step off of her and walked away, pulling his wet, cum-dripping cock out of her battered pussy without fanfare. Gulps of thick, white ooze pursued it, dripping onto the floor as her snatch spasmodically tried to pull itself back into shape after the massive assault.

Dimly, with the orgasm finally dying down, she realized that it had been barely more than a minute - maybe two at most - since the pony first penetrated her. Even without achieving a tie, the average dog lasted way, WAY longer than that - never mind the GOOD ones. It made sense, of course, that a skittish prey-species would tend far more towards the slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am side of the spectrum than the descendants of apex predators, but still the brevity of it surprised her. This brief discomfort was what she'd struggled so to avoid - and suffered so much for successfully averting? The thought was nearly unbearable.

Panting on the floor, trying to catch her breath, she listened vaguely to the clip-clop of hooves on wood as Daddy led Aubrey away again - presumably back to his stall. He was neighing excitedly... but that was strange. He'd already gotten his rocks off, so why would he be excited? Pushing her head up, she glanced over her shoulder and froze. Aubrey wasn't neighing - if anything, he seemed entirely focused on the feed-trough that awaited in his stall. Rather, the OTHER five ponies, who were now peeking over the doors of their stalls with flared nostrils, were making noise. From her low vantage, she hadn't even been able to tell that, unlike her LAST visit to this stable, ALL the stalls were occupied now...

As the door was closed behind Aubrey, another was opened, and an off-white pony-stallion trotted out, shaking its head excitedly as Daddy began to guide him over. He was just as visibly excited as the first pony had been, fully-erect cock swinging like a steal beam between his hind legs. Groaning in mixed consternation and desire, she steadied her shaking legs and once again lifted her rear, presenting her battered, cum-dripping, still-gaping pussy for his inspection. And since horses care very little about stuff like 'sloppy seconds', he clearly found it to his liking...

Once again, she found herself panting underneath a huge, heavy animal as it pounded her delicate pussy with unrestrained force. It was less painful, now, as she had grown somewhat accustomed to the degree of stretching - and the remaining discomfort only served to further sharpen the pleasure. She spent virtually the entire minute-and-a-half of horsefucking in the throes of orgasmic pleasure - for, once again, the pony didn't last very long. Quite a bit of Aubrey's cum had leaked out while she was getting railed, of course - especially with the way he was pounding her womb, squeezing its contents out. Her increasingly loose labia could not prevent thick droplets of jizz from leaking out around the huge shaft, either - joining the earlier dollops on the floor. But there was still quite a bit of cum left inside her when the second pony reached his climax, and once again gave her a taste of the sharp pain a flared, equine cockhead could inflict.

The torrent of cum that now poured into her, contained by the aforementioned flare, inflated her womb even more than before - she could feel her normally-flat belly deform, bulging slightly outwards, boosting both the pain and the pleasure of the penetration. And there were four more ponies still waiting in the wings, she realized dreamily. Hearing hooves, she glanced over her shoulder and saw that Daddy had already brought out the third pony - it was waiting just behind the one that was currently mounting her, throwing its head and snorting as it scented the cloud of sexual pheromones that surrounded her.

The white pony whinnied and stepped away from her, pulling his shrinking cock out as he did so - releasing a deluge of cum from the gaping hole that was left behind. The flow, however, was rapidly stopped as the third pony - this one a speckled brown - jumped forwards with desire-driven eagerness. She barely needed to guide him in at all - either he was better trained than the rest, or just luckier... or maybe her pussy had simply become an easier target after the first two equines had finished stretching it open.

Her cum-filled womb bounced and gurgled as the pony-stallion's thrusts pounded it - in a way, it reminded her of all that time she'd spent getting fucked by the dogs with her intestines painfully inflated by her daily enema. She barely noticed that she'd started drooling on the floor as the pleasure overtook her again, every shuddering thrust redoubling her partially-masochistic orgasm. Slimy, squirting sounds filled the little stable as the vast quantities of horse-cum now filling her well-used pussy bubbled out between her labia and the invading shaft in ever-greater quantities.

By the time the third pony came, she could not sense the flaring of his cockhead or the increased pressure in her womb - now making her belly bulge out dangerously - as anything but pleasure. When he pulled out, the cum did not so much dribble out as pour, creating a rapidly-spreading lake of pale, white slime between her legs, where it soaked into the wooden floor and her knee-pads. She wondered why the horse-cock had not been immediately replaced with a fresh one, but then heard Daddy mumbling somewhere behind her. "I think it's time to... change things up a bit." Then a slippery finger began to move around her sphincter, tracing the contours of the hefty butt-plug still seated there.

She'd almost forgotten about it. It had been a permanent fixture for so long, she'd gotten used to it - the way it shifted slightly whenever she moved, the way it tugged at her sphincter when the pressure of a voluminous enema lay behind it... the stretching that it inflicted wasn't something she even thought about anymore. Now, however, a generous quantity of lubrication was being lavished on her sphincter, soaking into the tautly-stretched tissue... and then Daddy began to tug on it with a grunt. The plug did not move easily, or quickly - but finally, Daddy put a foot on one of her buttocks and put his back into it, pulling mightily on her tail. With a plop - and a painful, tearing sensation - it came out - leaving her ass empty for the first time in ages, yawning like a landed fish as the muscled in the area wrestled with their new-found liberty.

They didn't get much of a chance at it. Something cool, slimy and slippery was poured into her ass, and then the sound of hooves again approached. "Lift your stance" commanded Daddy, and without hesitation, she complied. Rather than resting her head on the floor, she was now holding her torso up with one arm, providing an alternate angle of entry - even as her other hand, constrained by the paw-glove, fumbled to guide the snorting pony above her into her wide-open, amply-lubricated asshole. With some difficulty, the flat, slanted cockhead pushed its way inside - stretching a sphincter that had barely even started to pull itself together after being held open for so long.

Needless to say, it was by far the biggest thing she'd ever taken up the ass. The basic circumference of the shaft was roughly the same as the thickest part of the plug that had just vacated that orifice - and while that had been merely a 'bump' to get past, the pony-cock maintained that girth all the way down. Beyond that, the previous record-holder had been Dragon, who had used her ass both often and enthusiastically - and while he was well-hung for a dog, the pony above her was in another league altogether. In fact, she was quite certain there was no way her ass could manage to contain more than maybe just the head. Anything more, and she'd be torn apart - split open from the inside out!

And yet, as the pony snorted and began to push forwards on his own, she put her paws down hard, and braced herself - refusing to be pushed even an inch forwards as the thick intruder thrust past the area that had been stretched open by the plug, deep into mostly-virgin territory. Inch after inch of untried intestine was forced open and stretched tautly by the penetration of a rock-hard shaft backed by a vast, unrestrained mass of horny stallion. Intense pain shot through her abdomen and up her spine, chasing the post-orgasmic fog from her mind. But even as she grimaced,she continued to stand her ground, holding her ass high, letting the horny pony use her body as he wished.

Bit by bit, thrust by thrust, her insides began to adapt to the intruder's girth, and the pain lessened. Of course, a few minutes later, the pain was renewed as the pony's flat cockhead flared inside her, sharply stretching a small area of her intestines even wider than before. What followed, however, was strangely familiar - the feeling of the hot cum pouring deep inside of her, filling her ass, was quite reminiscent of the enemas she'd grown accustomed to of late. In an odd way, it comforted her, and made the pain seem less severe.

Nonetheless, even as the pony finally stepped off, pulling out, her once-again empty asshole was pulsating with pain. The sphincter felt like it was on fire from the friction despite the ample lubrication, and somewhere deep inside, where her intestines made a sharp turn, a patch of previously-ignored internal tissue felt thoroughly sore from being repeatedly pounded by the pony's rampaging rod. She stilled herself with a few deep breaths, maintaining her stance. As long as her body remained functional, she would obey Daddy's command and accept whatever pain he thought it necessary to inflict on her.

Letting her head hang, she looked back along her still-flat chest, to see that the puddle of off-white jizz between her legs had grown even larger while she suffered under the anal assault. No surprise there - with her pussy now left empty, the furious thrusts the fourth pony had poured into her rear had only served to squeeze the contents of her womb out all the faster. Even now, cum was dripping steadily from both of her ravaged holes, loudly hitting the surface below. Oh, and past that, she could see the expected set of hooves - belonging to a bay-colored pony-stallion who was clearly every bit as well-hung as those who'd come before him - approaching her rear.

It was easier this time, unsurprisingly. The previous pony had blazed the trail, and left behind half a gallon of extra 'lubrication'... so while her sphincter protested somewhat, having been rubbed raw already, the pain of the initial entry was nowhere near as bad as before. And as the pony began to buck, fucking her with long, heavy strokes, a half-forgotten sensation began to rise in her. The stretching-pains, the sensation of fullness, the feeling of a powerful, indomitable beast on top of her, rutting into her ass... it was not that different from when she'd lost her anal virginity to Dragon. And just like that time, she felt a fierce anal orgasm build somewhere in her abdomen.

It emerged at nearly the same moment the pony's cockhead flared inside her and the thrusts stopped - becoming a rare incident of cross-species simultaneous orgasms. Despite the loss of stimulation, the sharp pain from the flare's added stretching and the sensation of hot cum pouring into her helped to keep the climax going for a while... long enough that she barely even noticed her equine lover finishing and pulling out his deflating cock to stomp away. Nor did she pay much attention to the sound of hooves approaching behind her again, beyond making sure that her ass was still in the air, ready to receive the final resident of the stables - and as such, she didn't notice that the whinnies of this last visitor sounded... a bit different.

Nor did the sturdy legs that now pranced up on both sides of her body to land in front of her head seem unusual - they were, in fact, a tad thicker than any of the ponies before, but she was hardly in a mind to notice. All that she DID notice was that the lusty equine found his mark in her pussy - rather than her ass - before she even had a chance to start guiding him in. She had little chance to protest about his choice of orifices, however - almost as soon as he was in, he began to thrust. His strokes were longer and smoother than the ponies that had gone before him, seemingly taking the limited capacity of her youthful pussy into account - so rather than striking her cervix with jarring force, he merely touched it as he reversed direction of his own accord.

Within seconds, she was reaching for an orgasmic heaven - not the bone-shaking anal orgasms she'd just been reminded of, but a more classic clitoral/vaginal dealie. The equine's firm, skillful rod kept he in a state of constant climax right through his predecessors usual 2-minute-ish run-time... and beyond. Indeed, he seemed to just keep going and going, thrusting with smooth strength, inflicting a level of pleasure that soon saw her arms collapse under her as her head fell drooling to the ground. When finally his cockhead flared, indicating that he was about to cum... he still kept thrusting, undeterred, rather than consider his job done and stop. The broad ridge of the flared head scraped over her sensitive, rubbed-raw insides, making lights flash before her eyes as the orgasm intensified - and spooning out great globs of spunk that had been left inside her by previous lovers.

She was in no state to reflect on the superior performance of this, her last lover - indeed, it would not be until quite a bit later that she got a chance to find out. This 6th pony, after all, wasn't really a pony at all - but merely half of one. A mule, sired on a pony-mare - no bigger than the rest of the stable's residents, but sturdier, tougher, smarter and more tractable. He'd learned the art of human-fucking far faster and easier than his peers, and had the strength and endurance to put his taught skills to exceptional use.

When he finally stepped away from her - with the surefooted agility of his donkey sire - and let his softening member plop out of her twitching pussy, her eyes were rolled back in her head, and she was barely clinging to consciousness. A few minutes later, though, something perked her up and drove the fog of pleasure from her mind. Daddy - having apparently returned the virile mule to his stall - returned and, with a delicate touch, undid her collar, letting it fall to the ground beneath her. His hand caressed her sweat-matted hair, and she pushed herself up from the floor to return his loving grin.

One by one, he removed the rest of the trappings of her 'dog' identity... the paw-gloves, the ears, the kneepads... the tail, of course, being already gone. "I am glad to see you return to me, my daughter..." he said warmly. "I know it was a tough lesson to learn, but it was one I had to teach you. It occurred to me, perhaps too late, that suddenly giving you a home in the lap of luxury was bound to leave you... soft. Spoiled. And I would not want my dearest daughter to grow up with such weakness."

She nodded, to happy to feel the glow of his love upon her skin again to even think about disagreeing with his logic. Certainly, her time in the kennels had toughened her up in a variety of ways! And the forced realization that her body could handle a lot more than it FELT like it could, was one she would not soon forget. Her limbs creaked as she sought to stand for the first time in... well, she still didn't really have any idea how long it'd been. Daddy, of course, lent a hand - steadying her shaking limbs until she found her balance again. Her knees kept threatening to buckle, but she honestly wasn't sure if it was due to spending so long crawling about on them, or just because of the furious fucking and potent orgasms she'd just endured.

"Dragon has missed you terribly, by the way... I think he's really looking forwards to welcoming you back to the main mansion..." Daddy's suggestive tone made fresh desire burn in her blood, despite all the pleasure she had received over the last twenty minutes or so. Was that really all it had been? It had felt far longer, she decided. "But before we head up there - one piece of unfinished business to see to. You never got a chance to try out the last of my gifts, hmm?" Daddy lifted a harness down from a hook on the wall as he talked, and she recognized it immediately - it had been gift-wrapped along with the riding-boots and crop at her 'birthday'-party.

Taking it over to the mating-table, he draped the harness over it, and she could tell that they fit together - joints and arcs in the harness matched the human-shaped indentation on the table. He gestured towards it with his head, and she quickly staggered over there on still-unsteady legs, desperate to show him how much she'd learned. To prove that she was worthy of using the table like a person, now. Once she was lying there, Daddy went back to the stalls and brought out Aubrey again - the pretty, chocolate-brown pony was a bit jittery, his nostrils flaring as he took in the sheer concentration of sexual hormones filling the air in the small stables. Apparently, this had helped him get his second wind - certainly, his cock was hard again, and dangling heavily underneath him.

Her pussy and ass alike were still gaping from earlier, so when Aubrey was led over her body - his rough coat soon taking up her entire field of view - he needed no assistance in finding a viable fuckhole. The fact that she was keeping her legs widely spread and slightly raised to invite him in probably helped too. The hole he found, as chance had it, was her still-sore ass - but she barely even turned an eyebrow as it was stretched open afresh, raw tissue rubbed painfully by his poorly-lubricated shaft.

Guided by Daddy, he kept walking forwards until he was fully buried inside her - though the firm grip on his bridle prevented him from starting to thrust. "Lift your legs - support them on his hind-muscles." A simple command from Daddy, which she quickly obeyed. She could then feel the harness being pulled up after her, binding her legs in place, before being joined above the pony's sturdy back. "Now reach up your arms, like you're embracing him." She was starting to understand the idea, and once again obeyed instantly. Soon, her arms were strapped into place too, and the harness attached above his shoulders as well.

More straps were tightened around her and Aubrey alike. Her waist and rear were lifted and supported, pressing her cum-drooling pussy up against his rough-coated belly - and then, finally, a pull on the bridle sent the pony ambling forwards again... carrying her with him, off the raised table and into empty air. She dangled underneath his belly, supported by the harness, swinging freely back and forth with his movements. Aubrey shook his head in confusion, his instincts telling him to fuck the mare he could so clearly feel wrapped around his erection - but just as clearly, he wasn't mounting ANYTHING...

The conflict made him buck and rear in confusion, prancing around the little stable - and with each forceful movement she swung back and forth, impaling herself on his still-hard member with all of her diminutive body-weight behind each thrust. Her pussy and clit were brushed by his coarse coat as well, sending additional shivers of pain-mixed pleasure through her body. Daddy chuckled as he watched the pony's energetic movements, then stepped forwards to grab his bridle again, calming him. And, not incidentally, placing his pants - complete with a hefty bulge on the front - right in front of her dangling, harness-supported, upside-down head.

He opened his zipper, letting his raging erection into the air, and she eagerly opened her mouth to swallow it, sucking passionately on the familiar instrument. It didn't take long before she was rewarded by a burst of bitter-salty cum filling her mouth - and yet, the rod remained hard. Obviously, watching her taken by the succession of equine lovers had aroused Daddy intensely - and she sucked on his abiding erection with redoubled joy, knowing that she was the one who'd reinforced it so.

While she practiced at applying her customary oral skills upside-down, Daddy had a few more things to say. "Aubrey certainly seems energetic, no? I fear I may have given him a bit too much of the aphrodisiac. Well, I suppose we'd best just let him work off his excess energy this way - maybe let him out to do a few laps. Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. I'm sure that won't be a problem for my tough little daughter, hmm?"

She would have nodded, had her head not been otherwise engaged (and tied into place besides) - so instead, she just made a happy little gurgle. She could feel a warmth spreading up through her bowels - Aubrey, being kept from his thrusting by Daddy's firm hand, had obviously taken the opportunity to do what horses tended to do after tough physical exertion: Emptying his bladder. The humiliation of having her ass used as a stallion's toilet was easily translated into pleasure by her submissive side, and the knowledge that she'd soon be spending hours with a foamy mixture of horse-piss and horse-cum sloshing about in her belly as she got endlessly ass-fucked only made her pussy itch with delight.

And afterwards... well, Dragon was BOUND to be TERRIBLY backed up... and she'd be showing up smelling like a horse. Would the scent of his natural prey make him fuck her harder, more brutally, than usual? She could hardly wait to find out. As daddy pulled his softening cock out of her mouth - spent, now, after having deposited a second load straight down her throat - she licked her lips and grinned up at him. The warm smile he returned made her heart skip a beat. Then he threw open the stable's doors and released Aubrey's bridle - and the bucking, jumping pony soon chased all pretense of thought from her mind.


The Beastmaker's Journey

**The Beastmaker's Journey** Sayn was lying on her back on the grass, looking up at the clear blue sky with a lazy smile on her lips. Clouds drifted and whirled above, driven by a wind that did not touch the walled-off park at the center of her...

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The Beastmaker's Promise

**The Beastmaker's Promise** Sayn groaned in frustration as she leaned over her desk, staring at the papers scattered across it. Bad news, all of it, and all about the same thing: What she had come to refer to as 'The Centaur Problem'. She had the...

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The Beastmaker's Palace

**The Beastmaker's Palace** The white towers rose from the plains like slender trees, their soaring profile reflected in the clear waters of the bay. It was a masterpiece of architecture, beautiful even in its infancy - for the great marble palace...

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