A Streetdog's Dream Cum True: Part 5

Story by Ossanlin on SoFurry

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Copyright and Such:

The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you're a sensible fur and enjoy such things, please continue! Of course, the author reserves all rights to the following story. I don't mind if you post this story on other archives and sites, just get my permission first, please. And it can only be posted if it remains unaltered and complete, and all due credit is given to the author (Ossanlin). Okay, that should do it.


Jake and Zodiac have been together for quite a while now, but they hit a bit of a bump.

Author's Note:

AWK! I'm posting a story! It's literally been over a year, holy cripes. Anyway, I have another Streetdog for you! As a general reminder I would recommend anyone new to the Streetdog series to read parts 1 through 4 before reading part five as it will contain some plot elements and concepts you may not understand otherwise. I'm glad to be at least partially back in the saddle. I say partially because I don't know if I'll ever be able to pump out stories like I used to, but hey, I'm still alive! ïŠ As most of you guys know, I thrive on comments and emails, so please take the time to at least write a little note on whether you like the story or not! If you have time and you feel like dropping me a line on my email, that'd be cool too! [email protected] Oh, and just a quick forewarning...the second yiff scene, the one at the end...it's...well...I guess you'll see when you get there, I'll just let you know that I was EXTREMELY horny when I wrote it so it's either going to be really damn hot or it's going to be disjointed because I was in such a hurry to write it all down. Let me know. ïŠ Thanks for your time and enjoy the story!


A Streetdog's Dream Cum True:

Part 5

I woke up to the singularly wonderful and pleasant feeling of a warm, furry body lying very close to me in bed. It seemed like just a few months ago this was merely a fond, boyish fantasy of mine, to wake up like this. Now I couldn't imagine waking up any other way. I just grinned and turned toward my mate, the love of my life. Zodiac snored gently as he slept, I thought it was endearing. I watched him sleep for a little bit, just marveling in the way I felt lying next to him, and in watching the little twitches of his muzzle and snuffles of his nose as he slept. He was my flame, my everything, and gods it felt wonderful lying next to him.

The soft morning light filtered through the filmy shades drawn over the windows around the entire apartment, and shades of color splashed against Zodiac's beautiful, shimmering gray and white fur. He was the handsomest fur in the world, at least from my perspective, and I kissed him affectionately on the cheek...just a little peck. A wry grin played slowly across Zodiac's muzzle and he cracked his eyelids, moving just his eyes to look over at me. He turned his muzzle to look at me, and his smile was enough to melt my heart. Not only to love such a fur, but to be loved by him, was almost too much for me to handle, and even though we woke each other this way almost every morning...I very nearly cried each time.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close, consummating the little peck I'd given him with something a bit more thorough. I opened my muzzle and slid it along Zodiac's, locking in a passionate kiss that still felt as exhilarating as the first time it'd ever happened. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him in turn, just enjoying the feeling of being close to him. We held the embrace for several well-savored minutes before breaking our kiss, bumping noses affectionately.

"'Morning rottie-pup." Zodiac grinned in that crooked little way he had, his muzzle tilted slightly one way.

"'Morning lover wolf." I grinned back and gave him another quick kiss on the nose. "I can't believe how lucky I am."

"Believe me pup, the feeling's mutual." Zodiac bumped my nose and longingly pulled out of our embrace. "Work calls pup...we need to at least make ourselves look like we're doing something." Zodi grinned and pulled some underwear out of our dresser drawer. We shared an underwear drawer for the mere reason that we fit each others' size, and we didn't care if either of us had worn any one pair before. "Well?" My wolf-mate raised an eyebrow, "you gonna join me or what?" Zodiac stuck out his tongue and took off down the hall to the bathroom.

I smirked and hopped out of bed, making a quick stop by the underwear drawer to pull out a pair of boxers, and loped down the hall after him. As soon as I got through the door to the bathroom, Zodiac ambushed me from behind the door and pulled his clean, white briefs over my head just enough to obscure my eyesight. He hopped around in front of me and pushed me back against the wall next to the door, and plastered his hot, furry body against mine, locking my muzzle in a surprised and rather delightful kiss. I heard the door as Zodi kicked it shut lightly, and then hopped up and wrapped his legs around my midsection. I had to drop my arms and catch him by the furry butt so he wouldn't fall.

I returned his kiss with gusto and he withdrew, I could almost feel the smirk on his lips. "Well, someone's frisky this morning..." I saw the vague shape of his face through the tight white fabric stretched over my head. I thought maybe I even saw his tongue dart out of his muzzle again. In that instant, I became acutely aware of two things...Zodiac's sheath was bulging and very firm pressed against my taut stomach, and my own sheath was stretching massively around my own girth.

Zodiac let his hind-paws drop to the floor, but I kept both paws planted firmly on his tight, furry rump, grinning blindly. Zodiac growled, and the growl was deeply satisfying and exciting at the same time. Zodi had a way with this carnal growl...it sounded purely animalistic, like it was driven by pure lust, and every time I heard it, it made my cock stand at very rigid attention, though still enfolded by the skin of my sheath. My grin got wider and he nipped at my nose. My hackles rose pleasantly as goose-bumps ran down my body, making my fur stand on end. Zodi grabbed each paw with each of his own, and peeled my paws away from his rump, freeing himself.

I heard the soft footfalls of his pads as he started to walk away. I lifted a paw to my makeshift blindfold and lifted the waistband over one eye with a single claw. Zodiac was deliberately swaying his lithe, sexy form back and forth, his tail swishing silently through the air, his rump almost hypnotizing me until he reached the shower. He half-turned and smirked, sliding the massive shower-door open. He stepped in slowly, and closed the door until only enough room was left for his arm to snake its way out. He flipped his paw upwards and motioned his index finger in the "Cum-here rutting stud" gesture.

I grinned and made my way toward the shower, but Zodiac withdrew his arm and shut the door, holding it shut with both paws. "Uh-uh pretty puppy...maybe I decided to shower alone today..."

I bared my teeth and growled as I grabbed the door handle and tried to open it, but Zodiac was bigger than me, for all that I'd grown up in the streets, and I couldn't open the door. "Uh-uh big bad wolf...I'm gonna get in there, and when I do, you'll be sorry."

Zodiac was laughing like a school-pup on recess. "Oh yeah? Why don't you just show me how sorry I'll be then?" Zodiac's muzzle was a huge grin. He stuck his tongue out against the translucent glass.

"You'd better turn the water on or we're gonna be late..." I smirked knowingly.

"Oh...I guess I should." Zodiac wedged a hind-paw against the door and turned to punch a couple of panels. It was all the distraction I needed. As he turned, I ran to the other shower door and pushed it open. The bigger wolf didn't have the leverage he needed anymore, now holding only a single hind-paw against the wrong sliding door.

I stepped into the shower and growled in a very predatory manner. Zodiac turned towards me and grinned bringing a paw to his muzzle, the water starting to pour from the massive shower-wide showerhead. "Oh no...big bad Jake's gonna get me...whatever will I do?"

I growled again and pushed him against the back shower wall. "Only heaven knows..." I smirked and plastered my front against his, our sheaths grinding electrically, and pulled his muzzle into a ferocious, passionate kiss literally dripping with pure lust. He murred back, returning the kiss as he pushed back, the pressure against our sheaths causing both of us to shiver with pleasure.

The warm water soaked pleasantly through our fur, my Rottweiler cock starting to protrude from its sheath. I could feel the sensitive flesh of Zodiac's wolf member doing the same. My claws sifted their way through his fur as I scratched both paws across his shoulder blades, pushing my muzzle so hard into our kiss that Zodi had to brace the back of his head against the wall of the shower. I broke the kiss and pushed my groin into his, a jolt of pleasure running through my body from the pressure, and moved to his neck, nibbling and kissing hard. My cock was halfway from its sheath now, and I ran my paws down Zodiac's sides, claws raking through his fur as they made their way to his sheath. I groped Zodiac's groin and gained a very satisfying groan from him.

As I worked at his sheath and nibbled his neck, Zodiac grabbed me around my shoulders and twirled us around reversing our positions, my back now pressed firmly against the cool shower wall. My breathing started to go ragged as Zodiac turned the tables on me, and pulled my muzzle into another savage kiss. I closed my eyes and moved my paws from his groin to his rump and ran them up his water-slicked back to his shoulders. It was time to regain control of the situation. I braced against the wall and hopped, wrapping my legs around his lower back. Zodiac held the kiss for a bit longer and then broke it, a strange grin playing across his muzzle. "You're not gonna win this one pup..."

I tilted my muzzle and looked at him questioningly. "And what makes you think that, big wuff?"

"Oh, I just have this...feeling." One of Zodiac's paws dropped under my rump and I suddenly felt the hot, pointed tip of Zodiac's wolf cock positioned right at my rear entry. I barely had time to take a surprised breath before Zodiac pulled down on one of my shoulders and thrust his hips upward.

I yelped in surprise as my shoulders shoved hard into the tile wall and Zodiac's familiar cock barged its way into my tight ass. I dug my claws into his shoulders and whimpered a bit. After a moment I relaxed and opened my muzzle just a bit, letting out a staggered breath. I looked down at Zodiac, my muzzle hanging open in surprised pleasure, and saw the wide grin plastered across his muzzle. He nudged my chin with his nose. "A pup after my own heart..." He grinned again and thrust his hips up again, sinking every inch of his wolf meat into me as he could, his sheath peeling back as I felt the small bulge of the beginnings of his knot just dipping into my ass.

My ragged breathing evened out a bit as I accommodated Zodiac's girth and I managed a small smile. "Some day...some...day, I'm gonna surprise you."

Zodiac's grin widened. "You surprise me every day Jake. Every day, every time I think about what we have..."

I grinned a bit painfully and leaned forward so that I could bring my muzzle to his. I locked gazes with him and kissed him passionately. "I love you Zodiac. Gods I love you." I moved a paw up to caress the side of his muzzle and he tilted his head just a bit against my paw, staring lovingly at me with those beautiful bright blue eyes of his.

"I love you too Jake...you're my world, you know." He grinned again and kissed me back. We both murred and he started an even rhythm, my back sliding up and down against the shower wall as he thrust his cock in and out of my taut ass.

I moaned as he made love to me, the hot water completely soaked through our fur now. My own cock made its way completely out of its sheath and pressed into Zodiac's wet belly fur. I groaned into our kiss as my rottie pride ground softly against my wolf-lover's furry stomach.

Zodiac broke our kiss lingeringly and started nibbling at my neck as he increased his pace. He braced both paws under my rump and started thrusting faster into my tight tail-hole. I craned my neck up and let out a quick breath, my breathing getting ragged again as he started to fuck me hard. My rottie cock started leaking pre onto Zodiac's water-soaked belly fur, and I could feel Zodi's knot growing with each passing moment. "Jesus...fuck me big, bad wolf. Screw me so hard I'll feel it next week...oh Fuck!!" My cock throbbed against the warm wetness of Zodiac's belly, and I felt him take a couple steps back. I took both paws from his shoulders and found purchase on the slick wall of the shower. The new angle allowed Zodiac to stuff the rest of his wolf cock into me and I felt his growing knot popping in and out of my ass.

Zodiac moved both of his paws to the middle of my back, supporting more of my weight at the new angle, and started to jackhammer his wolf cock in and out of me, his muzzle contorted in a feral snarl. "Oh fuck yeah, puppy...next week hell...you're gonna feel it ‘til next year. Unh..."

Zodiac's cock worked its way through me with ease, his own pre more than enough lubricant for the rough fuck he was giving me. A low growl started in his throat as his hips blurred in and out of me. I knew that growl...he was close. On the next thrust, I squeezed my tail-hole hard around his cock and his knot exploded in my ass. His growl rose from a low snarl all the way up to a piercing howl as he came hard. The first hot, sticky ropes of wolf cum jetted their way deep into me as Zodiac's cock throbbed incredibly in my ass. He stepped forward as he started his characteristic lupine mini-thrusts, his cock spasming and spewing his precious, gooey load deep into my insides. He moved a paw to my cock and started jacking it roughly as he came, his cock squirting again and again, his pulsing, throbbing wolf meat spilling warm wolf spunk into me with each thrust.

I squeezed my eyes shut as his paw jacked me hard, his cock punching against my prostate with each feral thrust. I felt Zodiac's body shudder from the extreme force of his orgasm, his musky wolf scent making its way to my nose despite the warm water and steam surrounding us. It was all too much as I submersed myself in the overload of sensory perception and lost control.

My cock throbbed hard in Zodiac's expert paw and I gritted my teeth, yelping and then howling deep and loud as my first rope of sticky, hot rottie cum shot straight up into the air to splatter across my belly. I felt Zodiac shudder again as his massive orgasm came to an end. His cock throbbed one last time, the last few drops of wolf cum spilling deep in my ass. He angled my pumping cock toward his muzzle and the next shot of rottie cum fire-hosed to splatter a white streak across Zodiac's muzzle. He opened his muzzle, and my claws scratched gratingly against the tile wall of the shower as my body convulsed again, the next shot of dog cum jetting its way into my wolf lover's muzzle to splash across his teeth and tongue. My body shuddered as the last few convulsions wracked their way through me, the remainder of my puppy seed dripping down my cock and across my drained balls, quickly being washed away by the running water.

I opened my eyes, taking deep, ragged breaths and grinned lazily. Zodiac licked his lips and rolled my seed around in his muzzle before swallowing gratefully, grinning back. "How was that pup?" He stepped closer, his knot tugging at the inside of my tail-hole as I leaned in and kissed him passionately, sighing contentedly.

"Beyond amazing, babe." I bumped his nose and gave him another kiss. "I'm so damn lucky..." I grinned.

He returned the grin and bumped my nose back. "I'm luckier..." He smirked and gave me a long, lingering kiss, wrapping both paws around my back.

I nuzzled into his neck fur, my paws wrapped around his shoulders and just enjoyed the feeling of that wonderful slab of wolf-cock buried deep inside me, sheltering in that loving, tied embrace of my lover. "You know wuff, I just realized something..." I grunted as I shifted against the wall of the shower. "I never really knew what love was until I met you." I pulled my muzzle back and pressed my nose against his, staring straight into those bright, beautiful pools of soul that Zodiac called eyes. "I don't want to remember what I was before you, Zodi. I don't think I could live without you. Every day I'm with you is like a new miracle..." The water poured evenly from the showerhead as I stared into those deep, blue eyes. "I'm just happy to be alive. I don't care where I am as long as I'm with you, my wuff." I grinned, and the water pouring from overhead washed my tears down my muzzle unseen.

Zodiac stared back, and the feeling I got from him, from his entire being, made me melt inside. I would do anything for him, there was no question in my mind about that. "Pup, Jake...I would give everything up if I had to just to be with you. You're everything to me. All this..." Zodiac looked around the shower with his muzzle, "All of this would be nothing without you, Jake. You make me whole. I'd give anything for you Jake...know that, pup. I love you so much it almost hurts." Zodiac grinned and even though the shower washed his tears away as well, I could feel them just as he could feel mine. This connection that we felt, that we shared, was so elemental and wonderful that I knew nothing could ever take its place. Zodiac was my everything, and I was his.

Zodiac parted his muzzle and took mine into another deep, passionate kiss that we held under the flowing warm water, my hind-paws still wrapped around his hips, my arms around his shoulders. That kiss...when we kissed, it was so unlike anything else that I couldn't even describe it. Like the world was perfect and all the good things I'd ever felt were poured into that one gesture, that one expression of love and devotion between my wolf mate and I.

Though the kiss was fairly long in duration, it always felt just a second too short, no matter how long we held it. I pulled my muzzle back and looked into his eyes again as I felt his lupine pride softening in my tail-hole. Zodiac stepped back slowly, his wolf cock slipping free of my tail-hole, a dribble of his lupine essence escaping as it did so. I dropped my hind-paws to the shower floor and drew Zodi's nude, furry body tight against mine, giving him another passionate kiss, my own rottie cock receding into its protective sheath. Zodiac broke the kiss and grinned as he turned to the hidden shower controls, punching a couple of panels so that soap mixed in with the water flowing from overhead.

We massaged the soapy lather through each other's fur as we always did, with a few playful pokes and prods thrown in for good measure. After we were good and soapy, Zodiac punched a panel again and the water flowed clean and clear. We rinsed each other before Zodiac cut off the flow of water and warm jets started blowing from every direction of the shower. Before long we were clean, dry, and generally fuzzy.

"Alright pup...I hear we have a high-profile fur in today." Zodiac pulled on his tight white briefs which I had carelessly discarded on the floor earlier, and I pulled on my own boxers as he spoke. "I don't know who, but dad says he's pretty big. He's a human-morph that's finishing his Therapy today. We're to greet him and perhaps invite him to a meal." Zodiac rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Dad always wants to schmooze money out of the bigwigs for MorphTech."

I grinned wryly. "Aw, you're dad is just looking out for what he believes in. I mean, if this guy is a famous human-turned-fur...he might be able to do a lot to further furs in the world, you know." I stepped up to Zodiac, his body clad oh so scantily in those sexy, tight, white briefs. "Let's just give it a shot eh? Could be big."

Zodiac favored me with an appraising expression. "You've gotten savvy, pup. Alright, I'll take your word for it. Let's get dressed and go down to meet this guy." With that, Zodi opened the bathroom door and made his way down to our bedroom. I followed right on his tail. We both got dressed in our sport suits and mirror-polished shoes, and headed for the elevator.

Zodiac chuckled as he flashed his mag-keys in front of the sensor. "Think Channy's watching?" His eyes flashed briefly to the small, concealed security camera in the corner of the elevator car.

I grinned back wryly and pulled him into another deep, satisfying kiss as the elevator's mechanical voice kept demanding a destination floor from Zodiac. He broke the kiss and grinned. "My thoughts exactly." He turned to the computer receiver. "Treatment level B, restriction access grade 4."

"Thank you. Please enter digi-code and stand-by for retinal scan to access the Sub-basement restricted levels." Zodiac punched a code into the keypad and held a bright, blue eye up to the laser scanner. There was a chime. "Thank you Zodiac. Alternate passengers, please enter digi-code and stand-by for retinal scans." I stepped up to the keypad and entered my own code, holding an ice-blue eye open for the laser scanner. "Thank you Jake. All passengers have been approved, proceeding to destination level."

I stepped back and grinned at Zodi. He winked in return. "You haven't been down to the treatment levels very much have you? In fact, you haven't been down there since the first restricted-sector tour I gave you..."

"Well, there hasn't been a reason for me to go down there. Your dad and the technicians are the only ones that do anything down there. And the patients I guess." I smirked.

"Hrm...I guess you're right." Zodiac shrugged and bumped my nose in that affectionate gesture of his. "I doubt we'll be down there for long. Just long enough to meet this guy and get him out to lunch." My wolf mate grinned and wrapped a paw around my waist. I returned the gesture and leaned my head on his suit-clad shoulder, inhaling that unique lupine male musk of his. It just felt right when I was with him.

After a brief, noiseless trip down to the restricted levels, the doors slid open and we walked out into the stainless-steel sterilizing corridor. There was a low hum emanating from the walls as a field of energy selectively destroyed all foreign bacteria and pathogens on our clothes and exposed fur. We emerged into a bright steel and white plastic environment. There were no other furs on this level besides staff, most-likely because of the high-profile guy we were dealing with.

"Ahh, Zodiac, Jake, glad you could make it down!" Zodiac's father Dr. Zacha Loran stepped up to each of us in turn and gave us warm hugs. Zacha had treated me like a second son ever since I'd mated Zodi. He almost always wore a wide, warm grin, and he had a generally pleasant demeanor. He reminded me of someone who could be a friend to everyone instantly. "Come in here a moment! I'd like you to meet Mr. Andreyson." The older wolf smiled and led us down the corridor and up to a treatment cubicle. "I think he could really help us out. I'd like you two to take him out to lunch and give him the VIP treatment."

Zodiac nodded and I grinned. "Of course," we both said together.

Zacha opened the sliding door to the cubicle and a very young, vivacious-looking fox stepped out. He grinned and cocked his head, sticking his tongue out. Oh he looked really lively. I smiled and put my paw out and the fox took it in a strong grip. "Nice to meet you both." The fox switched and took Zodiac's paw and shook it. "I'm Andric Andreyev." Zodiac's muzzle dropped open and his paw stopped mid-shake.

"Andric Andreyev...the Andric Andreyev." Zodiac started shaking the young fox's paw even more vigorously and gave his father a reproving look. "You hid this from me?"

Zacha smiled good-naturedly. "Well, I didn't want you to overwhelm the poor fellow while he went through his treatment."

I looked at Zodiac questioningly and he grinned back. "This is Andric Andreyev, the world-star tennis player! He's my favorite sports star in the entire world, I can't believe I'm finally meeting him...you. It's such an honor!" He turned his gaze back on the fox and I experienced a strange feeling...how could I describe it? Oh, jealousy? Was I jealous? That was silly, but there was no mistaking the feeling. I had never really been in this type of situation and suddenly realized that I wanted all of Zodiac's attention for myself.

"Oh believe me, the honor's all mine." Andric smiled wide and reclaimed his paw from Zodiac's grip. "To meet you, all of you...the people who made this possible." The young now-fox did a graceful turn and his tail swished behind him. "It has changed my training regimen quite a bit...I have to cool down more between sets and workouts...this fur insulates a lot!"

"You'll get used to it." Zacha continued to smile. "My son Zodiac and joint-CEO Jakob Meilinka have volunteered to take you out to lunch. I'm really looking forward to working with you further, I think you could do great things for the anthro community. Don't be a stranger now." Zacha shook Andric's paw one more time and gave him another warm smile before turning to walk down to another cubicle. "Ahh, Mr. Merphi...how are th..." His voice was lost as the cubicle's door slid shut.

Zodiac's eyes were bright as stars as he looked at the young fox. "Wow, Andric Andreyev...this is...this is huge!"

"Yes, I sure hope you can help us all out Mr. Andreyev." The look on my face must've been a bit sour because the wide grin on Andric's muzzle slipped just a hair before he recovered. "Zodiac, maybe we should get going eh? I'm sure Mr. Andreyev doesn't want to stand here all day with people gawking at him."

"Oh I'm in no hurry, but I'm sure you two are busy. And just call me Andric, ‘Mr. Andreyev' makes me feel awkward." The fox put on a sheepish grin that I might've once found endearing but somehow the only emotion I could feel was annoyance and apparently it showed. "Uhm...yeah, we should probably go." The young fox looked away under my gaze.

Zodiac gave me a dark look as if to tell me I wasn't being polite. I was quite aware of the fact but somehow I just couldn't make myself be congenial. I really didn't like the fact that Zodiac was fawning over this fox like a little pup seeing Santa Claus. Whatever the case was, I tried to moderate my attitude.

"Where would you like to go, Violetta's? Markin and Mer?" My tone still showed a hint of the annoyance I felt. I couldn't get rid of it completely, but I thought I'd managed a decent compromise. Zodiac's continued glower told me otherwise. I named off several high-end restaurants I figured Mr. Posh would enjoy going to, to my surprise, he turned down every one.

"Well, we do have a favorite diner near downtown that we enjoy going to, the food isn't high end and neither is the company, but it's got a great atmosphere and a huge selection of fried and greased stuff." Zodiac grinned and my compromised neutral look slipped again. He was inviting this fox to OUR restaurant? The one where we had met? The one where we didn't take anyone else because it was our spot? My breath caught in my throat.

"You know what, I haven't had a good ol' greasy chicken-fried steak in forever!" The fox looked like he was ready to wolf down an entire side of beef. I looked away pointedly...completely stunned. How could he? Then it dawned on me...of course. Zodiac wanted to sleep with the fox. Young, athletic, a superstar, what was not to like? I was stunned a second time over, neither of us had so much as groped another fur since we'd mated, unless one counted the time I was raped. I followed the other two to the elevator in a stupor, not even hearing them speak. I didn't even notice when Andric reached down and gave Zodiac's tight ass a squeeze, him still being too start struck to notice or care.

The two continued their conversation up through the elevator ride and on out the door, Channy wasn't at her desk. It seemed an odd thing to notice but maybe my brain was blocking the things I didn't want to notice, leaving room for other stuff.

We didn't bother with a limo, we just walked several blocks to Patty's Rub-a-Dub Grub. We took a table by a front window and ordered our food, my order was given automatically and without thought. While we waited for our food I started watching the fox a bit more closely. A little smile here, a flirtatious comment there...he was trying to put the moves over on MY Zodiac! My muzzle sharpened into a renewed glare and my throat rumbled a little subconsciously. The fox stopped mid-flirt, his muzzle going a bit slack again before he cleared his throat and excused himself to go to the bathroom.

"Jake, what the hell are you doing?!" Zodiac's glare was almost as sharp as mine was for the fox. "Don't you understand who this is?! He's big! He could help Morph Tech out a lot, not to mention the entire furry community! Why are you being so...impolite?" Zodiac's tone was quiet, but the urgency showed how upset he was with me.

My muzzle worked without any sounds coming out. He didn't realize the fox was trying to seduce him? That was impossible! It was obvious to every fur sitting in the diner and Andric had even gotten a few looks from a couple of old dogs who looked like they sat on the conservative side of the fence.

"Look, I don't know what's up with you Jake, but maybe you should go. I know how to handle this and we can't afford to have anyone screw it up." Zodiac shook his head one last time before frowning again. "Just go Jake."

My eyes widened, my muzzle hanging open. He...he wanted me to leave? He never wanted me to leave...he had to see that Andric was trying to seduce him...so he wanted to be alone with him. The tears welled up in my eyes before I could turn and run out the door.

I scrubbed underneath my eyes and looked up at the one-o-clock sun...the MorphTech building was easily visible in the city skyline, but I couldn't go back there. I ran down a side-street not even caring which one it was, just running for the sake of running. He wanted me to leave...if he wanted to be alone with that flip-tail of a fox-morph then fine, he could be alone with him. The sobs rippled through my body unstoppable.

Was I so stupid to think that Zodiac wouldn't lose interest once he saw a better prospect? No, Zodiac wouldn't do that...but then why had he sent me away? Before long I was out of breath and turned utterly around in the city. I really didn't know where I was. I slowed to a walk, looking around the strange cityscape. Different shops and restaurants...a different theater. I couldn't go back to the MorphTech building.

I found an inner-city park which was little more than a clear patch of dirt with a few scrawny trees and a basketball court. I sat down on one of the benches, the tears still leaking from my eyes. I couldn't live without him, I just couldn't. But we were mated...could I forgive him for sleeping with another fur, for breaking that sacred agreement? I watched some humans and furs stroll by on the other side of the park, the sobs quieting but the tears still flowing. My mind seemed almost to fade out, like I was conscious but not. My memory ran through the first time Zodiac and I had met at the diner even as my imagination ran wild as I thought about what he was doing with the fox. My mind's eye flashed through all the wonderful times we'd had together these months. It seemed like a perpetual dream and I berated myself for a fool for not seeing that every dream would eventually end. If it ended, I'd have to go back for my things, there was no going around that. The box with my mother's old blanket and picture would have to be retrieved no matter what. I didn't know where I would go if it came to that...

As I started out of my reverie, I noticed that the sun sat quite low on the horizon...I estimated it must be close to seven or eight at night...I couldn't believe I'd actually sat there for five or six hours. I didn't know what to do, but I'd have to go back to MorphTech tonight, I'd have to talk to Zodiac...I was just afraid of what he might say.

I stood up and looked at the skyline through the fading light...apparently I had gone East a ways as the silhouette of the MorphTech building stood clear against the sun-filled western horizon. I started off and realized I wasn't in the most kosher part of town. It wasn't downtown, but there were still questionable people standing in the shadows of alley-ways and on street-corners. Some eyed me quite hungrily...I was still dressed in a sport-suit after all, looking the part of rich guy lost in the bad part of town, but one glare from me sent their eyes back to their previous tasks. I was still a Rottweiler, or at least I looked like one.

After a good hour of walking, I finally got back to the familiar part of town. I started toward the MorphTech building and glanced across the street I was walking along, trying to distract my mind from what could be lying ahead, when I spotted a familiar muzzle. Andric Andreyev. I was suddenly furious with the fox, stepping out of a bar to walk down the street. I crossed over the street angrily, heedless of traffic. A few car horns blared as people hit the brakes and the fox's eyes whipped up to see me heading straight for him. He backed up against the window of the shop he was in front of, fear painted plainly on his muzzle.

"You...you cheap little flip-tail...where's Zodiac? Where is he?!" I nearly raised my voice, but thought better of it...wouldn't want the cops coming down on me...as it was I was already getting a few stares from passersby.

The fox put his paws up defensively. "He's not with me! What...what are you so pissed about man?"

"Like you don't know...you little...you were putting the moves on my MATE!" I did raise my voice at that and the fox cowered a bit, more people were looking. I suddenly found I didn't care.

"Y..your mate? I...I didn't know man. Look I didn't see the ring until he showed me."

"Where is he?!"

"H-he left. I...I tried to kiss him and he...he punched me on the chin...he said he was mated and...and he belonged to someone else...I...I'm sorry...he tried to tell me...I wouldn't take no for an answer. I didn't know it was you I swear!" The little fox looked like he was going to wet himself.

"You whiney little..." Just then a firm grip took my shoulder and pulled me away from Andric. I turned, fury blazing in my eyes, to behold Dr. Zacha Lorran in street-clothes. The rage twisted itself into fear and my stomach dropped to my knees.

"Thank you Mr. Andreyev, good luck with your tournament, I don't believe we need to trouble ourselves with correspondence now do we?" Zacha gave the young fox a clear look that told him to go away quickly. He obeyed with alacrity. The older wolf turned his eyes on me. "Jakob, I'm disappointed. You'll come with me now, we need to talk."

My stomach dropped even lower...he was going to fire me. It had to be it. I wasn't really qualified for the job in the first place and I had almost broken the nose of one of the most important clients in Morph Tech history...in public no less. The day was getting worse and worse...it didn't even register to me what the fox had said before skittering away half smashed, half scared crapless.

After about a block of silence, Zacha gestured for me to walk up beside him. "Jakob...I believe that you're a good person, I really do. You were born into terrible circumstances but in spite of that, you grew into a person of strength and character." I couldn't bring my eyes to meet his. Silence ensued again for a short while.

"When I found out what Andric had been doing, I was completely outraged with him. What he did was improper and highly immature and self-serving. That doesn't change who he is or what he can do." Zacha let the silence hang again for a moment before continuing. "Jakob, I am truly grateful that you are my son's mate. I feel a bit like your father as well...I hope you don't mind my saying so." Zacha turned a suddenly warm smile on me. "I have not seen a couple of young pups so deeply in love for years...not since I met Ari in fact. You two are made for each other I have no doubt."

I was now staring at Dr. Lorran, my muzzle hanging open in obvious astonishment. He was giving his blessing of our relationship? After what he'd just seen?!

"Please don't take my actions incorrectly, I would've very much enjoyed watching you rearrange that fox's muzzle, even though I did go to a lot of work shaping it, but we couldn't have you going to jail after all. What you and Zodiac gave him was no less than what he deserved. I've no time for people like that one...I don't think we'll be seeing much of him anymore." Zacha's warm smile never faltered. "I was very happy to see you claiming my son so passionately...it truly speaks of the depth of your feelings for him. I think you'll find that the feelings are mutual in purpose and depth. I'm truly exceedingly happy to have you as a second son Jakob. And I'm glad that my son mated with you."

My muzzle was still hanging open as I stared at him when we reached the MorphTech building. "Ah, here we are Jakob. Home sweet home. Close your muzzle son or you'll catch a foul-tasting insect." My muzzle snapped shut and the older wolf smiled again. "Now Zodiac has been worried sick over you, I believe he feels terrible about today. I hope you'll go to him...he does need you Jakob."

I could only nod in response as the wolf padded through the front doors and through the lobby. I looked up at the dim stars, barely visible through the city lights, and took a deep breath. I couldn't believe what'd just happened, I really couldn't. Suddenly I just had to be with Zodiac. I rushed in through the doors, Channy had already gone home for the evening, and stepped into the opposite elevator from Dr. Lorran. I flashed my mag-key and the elevator slid noiselessly up to the residential levels, coming to a seamless halt. I took another deep breath as the doors slid open. I padded through the short carpeted hallway and slid my ID card through the reader, scanning my retina. The door to the spacious whole-floor apartment that Zodi and I shared clicked as the locking mechanisms disengaged and the door slid open silently.

I padded into the apartment and saw Zodiac hunched over himself, his muzzle in his paws...my gut welled up and I almost went to tears seeing him that way. "Zodi?"

Zodiac's muzzle whipped up and he stood, striding over to me urgently. "Oh my gods Jake, where on Earth have you been?!" His eyes were bloodshot and his muzzle-fur soaked, speaking of a particularly long crying session. "Please, I'm so sorry! Please don't ever leave again, please!" He wrapped his arms around me squeezing me tight. He held on so tight it seemed like he was afraid I'd leave if he let go.

My own tears returned as I heard the desperation and pleading in his voice. I felt like a world-class asshole for making him feel this way. "Zodi, I...I'm the one who should be apologizing...I over-reacted."

"No Jake, you had every right to be mad, you still do. I was so afraid I wouldn't see you again...I...I just lost it. I was so mean...I sent you away. I knew why you were getting upset and I wasn't doing anything to discourage that...fox. I enjoyed flirting with him Jake...I was betraying my promise to you and...and...oh gods Jake I'm so sorry." Zodiac hugged me tighter as if his fear of me leaving grew with each word he spoke.

"Nothing happened Zodi...you...you punched him when he pushed...you told him you were mated and you belonged to someone else." Zodiac pulled his muzzle back from behind my shoulder to gaze into my eyes, I was smiling warmly at him.

"Who...how...how did you know? It doesn't matter, I still told you to leave so it would be easier for me to flirt with him...I'm a horrible fur." Zodiac's tears started again and I moved a paw up to cradle his chin.

"You didn't betray me Zodiac. I over-reacted. I love you so much Zodi, I was the one thinking I would never see you again." I gave him a quick kiss and gazed into his eyes again. "I ran into Mr. Andreyev on the way home. I...was a little short with him. He told me what happened and if your father hadn't intervened he'd have been missing a few of those perfect teeth."

"Dad?" Zodiac's muzzle went from anguish to confusion, a considerable improvement.

"Yes, he saw me about to give Andric the rough side of my fist and stopped me. I thought for sure he was going to fire me and tell me to never come back." I shook my head wonderingly, still unbelieving of that particular conversation. "He proceeded to tell me that no matter how much he would've enjoyed watching me rearrange Andric's muzzle, it wouldn't do to have me go to jail. He told me...Zodi, he told me that he was happy to have me as a second son, that he was glad that you and I are mated. He was happy to see me so possessive and protective of you. I need to work on that but he was glad because it showed him the depth of my feelings for you, wuff. My wuff." I grinned a little wider.

Zodiac's eyes widened as he listened. "Dad really said all that?" He shook his head in similar wonderment, and I moved my paw back to his other shoulder. "Wow. I mean he always accepted me but...oh gods Jake I'm so sorry, please forgive me...please."

I bumped my mate's nose and smiled. "Of course I forgive you Zodi, as long as you'll do the same for me."

Zodiac licked my muzzle affectionately. "Of course, Jake...I don't think your apology is necessary but I forgive you too."

"Then it's settled." I smiled a bit and tilted my muzzle sideways taking Zodi's muzzle into a deep long-tongued kiss, closing my eyes and relishing the feeling of being close to him again. The thought of losing him made me feel just how precious his embrace, his touch, his feelings were. We held the kiss for a long time before I broke it gently, bumping Zodi's nose and smiling again. "But I do believe you need to be taught a lesson."

Zodiac only smiled as I led him down the hallway to our bedroom. I turned him around and pushed him down back-first onto our silk-clad bed. I leaned down over him and placed a single claw-tip at the top of his nose, tracing gently down his muzzle and chin to his neck and chest, gripping his loose tie a bit. "You see, this hunk of wolf is mine, and I intend to see it marked properly."

I pulled the tie and it came off easily. I pulled his suit-coat off unceremoniously and tossed it off into a corner of the bedroom. I used a single claw to pop each of the buttons off of his shirt, ripping it open to expose his cream-furred chest. His audible gasp was extremely satisfying. "You're really randy tonight Jake..."

"Hmm...perhaps I'm just eager to fill you up with rottie sperm to mark you properly." My grin was rather feral as I pulled his shirt completely off. I drew my claw down his chest fur and gripped at his belt, loosening the buckle with practiced ease. I popped the button on his pants as well, using that one claw to draw down his zipper. I peeled the fabric back and saw Zodiac's wolf-cock already bulging through his sheath and briefs. I buried my muzzle up against his brief-clad sheath and inhaled deeply, taking in his powerful male wolf musk. The pheromones in his unique scent always drove me wild. I pressed my long, wet tongue up against the fabric covering Zodiac's sheath and licked to the waistband, gaining a very satisfying moan from my wolf.

My own cock was starting to stretch my sheath inside my briefs and I smiled my diabolical smile. I yanked Zodiac's pants off with one heave, casting them to the foot of the bed, all that was left on his body were his tight white briefs and socks. I stepped back to regard his prone shape and my cock swelled again. Zodiac looked up at me and smiled right back, sticking his tongue out.

I raised an eyebrow and quickly undid the belt, button, and fly on my pants and straddled Zodiac's chest on the bed, looking down at him. "Well if you're going to have that tongue hanging out, you're going to have to put it to good use.." I pulled the waistband of my own briefs down far enough to pop my sheath and balls out of my fly, the tip of my red rottie cock peeking out. I moved up to his muzzle and rubbed my sheath against my wolf's chin. "Well?"

Zodiac murred and gripped my sheath with both paws, pulling it back to reveal the full length of my thickening cock. It was my turn to gasp as cool air rushed up against my sensitive flesh. It was quickly replaced by a warm, moist muzzle, which caused me to gasp again. Zodiac plunged his muzzle into my groin, sucking my thickening cock to its roots. I moaned softly and raked my claws through Zodiac's head-fur before arching my back a bit to doff my suit-coat. I undid the buttons of my undershirt and loosened my tie, riding Zodiac's muzzle lazily.

He plastered his tongue along the underside of my rottie dick and sucked hard as he drew his muzzle back. My cock throbbed in his hot muzzle and started leaking pre onto his tongue. Zodiac closed his lips tight around my puppy pride, looking up at me innocently with just his eyes, and plunged his muzzle back forward as I arched my back and pushed forward to meet him, my breath coming out ragged. It didn't take long for Zodiac to coax my cock to its full length if not its full girth and I pushed his muzzle away from my cock with both paws. I smiled down at Zodiac who whined at having his treat taken away, his ears laying down against his head. I slid down his body and took his muzzle into a deep kiss which he met obligingly. I ground my cock hard against his briefs, now moist where the tip of his bulging cock had leaked pre through the tight fabric. I shivered electrically at the feel of my cock grinding across the wolf-pre soaked fabric, and broke the kiss, sliding the rest of the way off, my hind-paws back on the floor again.

I buried my nose into Zodiac's briefs again, inhaling the much stronger scent of his pre, licking up his fabric-clad cock, tasting his lupine pre. I hooked my claws underneath the elastic of his waistband and tore his underwear down his well-toned thighs and all the way off of his body, discarding them on top of his pants at the bottom of the bed. I looked down at Zodiac in all of his nude glory and immediately went to a knee, burying my nose under his balls, my tongue darting out to lick up the back of his furry orbs to the front. I reached a paw down to jack my own cock as I licked up his sheath to the tip of his cock. I plunged my muzzle down on his wolf cock like I'd never done it before, using my lips to peel his sheath back. It was Zodiac's turn to arch his back and gasp as I sucked him balls deep, my arms reaching up to roam over his stomach, claws sifting through short fur. Zodiac's paws moved to caress my muzzle and head, his hips bucking every so often as his cock began dripping more and more pre onto my tongue.

I wrapped my sinuous canine tongue along the underside of Zodiac's member, a paw coming down to fondle and squeeze his lupine balls, eliciting moans of pleasure and ecstasy from my wolf lover. I grazed my teeth along Zodiac's sensitive cock and got a very satisfying yip before removing my muzzle almost completely, then plunging back down again, my chin nestling itself right between Zodiac's balls. The stream of pre was almost constant now as I continued to massage Zodiac's orbs. His paws became more insistent on my head, pushing harder and faster, my own paw was jacking my cock in time, his hips bucking with every stroke of cock to muzzle. I sucked harder, my tongue wrapping around Zodiac's cock tightly, plastering itself against his sensitive wolf cock. Without further warning, Zodiac grunted and moaned before yelling out, "Oh...fuuuuck." He bucked his hips up against my lips hard and shot a big gob of hot wolf cum hard into my tongue, its salty taste barely registering before he bucked his hips up again, firing another gooey wad of thick wolf cum into my muzzle. I swallowed gratefully, still jacking my own cock, my other paw moving from his balls to the base of his cock as his knot swelled massively. The third hot rope of wolf-seed sprayed across my muzzle before I withdrew, standing up and hitching Zodiac's legs up over my shoulders. I used my paw to steady my cock at his tail-hole and plunged my rottie cock in to the hilt as his sphincter spasmed in response to his massive orgasm.

Zodiac yipped and whined as his orgasm still wracked his body, his ass squeezing with each muscle contraction on my cock as I jack-hammered in and out. I put a paw down for support, the other still jacking his cock, milking more wolf cum from him. The scent and taste of his lupine cum strong in my muzzle, it was only a few strokes through that contracting ass before I lost it and came harder than I'd ever cum before, my cock throbbing and pulsing so hard I could barely stand it, forcing a huge, creamy gushing stream of rottie cum into Zodiac's still spasming ass, rope after rope spraying from deep inside my balls into that gripping, contracting lupine ass. My knot exploded inside Zodiac and I yelled in time with my thrusts as my balls jerked up against my body again and again, pushing long, thick, spraying wads of dog cum deep into Zodiac's ass. My cock mashed against his prostate and Zodiac gripped the silk sheets hard in his paws and arched his back as a second orgasm hit him with a force of lust he'd never before experienced. Zodiac's ass spasmed again as his cock began jetting more and more wolf cum across his belly and my paw, his newly-strengthened muscle contractions milking more and more puppy cum from my raging cock.

I was in euphoria, my eyes rolled up into my head, my cock pulling and tugging at Zodiac's ass, his cock throbbing powerfully in my paw, each contraction jetting another gob of wolf seed from the depths of his balls out through the tip of his cock to run down his sensitive flesh and pool against my paw. My balls sent up every last dreg of rottie seed there was to offer before I finally came down off my tip-toes and sighed, almost collapsing to the floor. I looked down at Zodiac and his glazed eyes were staring off into space, his tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle as he panted, obviously in a state of pure bliss.

My own fur glistened in the low light of the bedroom, a sheen of sweat drenching my body and dripping down my fur. I ran my paw up Zodiac's cock, stripping the cum clinging to its red, veined contours, eliciting a half-hearted bone-weary shudder from Zodiac, and brought his fresh cum to my muzzle, licking my paw clean. I rolled his wolf seed around in my muzzle before swallowing it greedily. I smiled weakly down at Zodiac and he managed enough energy to turn his muzzle and look at me. "Oh...gods Jake...unh..." It was all he could manage and I couldn't blame him, I didn't know if I was capable of much more myself at that point. I used what little strength I had left to lift Zodiac's limp form to slide him up the bed so I could climb up with him. After a bit of awkward maneuvering I managed to twist my cock inside Zodiac's ass, gaining a guttural grunt from him, so that we were laying on our sides, front to back on the bed. I snaked my top arm underneath Zodiac's and wrapped it around his chest, my cock still securely tied in his ass. I licked gently at the back of Zodiac's head and he managed to twist his body enough to look at me.

"Gods Jake...I love you."

"I love you too wuff, that'll never change. I'd say you're sufficiently marked now." I tugged my hips back and he arched his back a bit at the pressure. I bumped his nose and smiled, kissing him softly. The last thing I remembered before falling into a bone-weary, blissful sleep was the warmth of Zodiac against me, and the warmth inside that came from his love. Perhaps this dream wasn't so much a dream after all, maybe this was truly paradise.

The End of Part 5! OMG did he really post another story? YES! He did. And he's referring to himself in the third person! :p j/k After over a year of not posting though, sheesh. ïŠ Glad to have another story up for you guys, and another Streetdog at that. I thrive on comments so please take the time to write a quick note, thanks!! ~Ossy

Bond Unbroken

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you're a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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A Streetdog's Dream Cum True: Part 4

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you're a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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Aric's Life

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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