A Streetdog's Dream Cum True: Part 4

Story by Ossanlin on SoFurry

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Copyright and Such:

The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you're a sensible fur and enjoy such things, please continue! Of course, the author reserves all rights to the following story. I don't mind if you post this story on other archives and sites, just get my permission first, please. And it can only be posted if it remains unaltered and complete, and all due credit is given to the author (Ossanlin). Okay, that should do it.

Synopsis: The fourth part in the Streetdog series. Jake goes back downtown to pick up some things, and meets some unexpected old acquaintances.

Author's Note: Howdy all. I know I said something about tons of stories soon, but I just don't have much time to write anymore, sorry. I'm trying certainly, and I'm not giving up. As it stands, I have two other half-written stories in the works. This is the fourth chapter in the Streetdog series, and it's been a long time. The third part won me the writing contest back in the day for best M/M story. I was pretty jazzed. As I said in the previous issues, the Streetdog stories are usually my best. I hope to continue the series even further. This is my first story involving rape. I thought it was time I tried my hand at a bit of a darker piece instead of fairy-tale type romance, though the fairy-tale romance has its time in this one too. I hope this does not offend any of you, and I apologize if it does. Rape is a very serious matter, and not to be taken lightly. Anyway, I do hope you all enjoy it. I only ask that you give it a chance before rejecting it as 'not your type of story'. I also strongly urge any readers that are new to my Streetdog series to read the other three first as they contain concepts and ideas that you might not understand if you just read this story as a standalone. And as always, if you have the time, please either comment on Yiffstar, or send me a note at [email protected] I'm always open to new friends and acquaintances, too, so if you ever see me on Yiffchat, don't be afraid to come up and talk to me. Thank you so much to everyone for taking the time to read and comment! You all are the reason I write.


A Streetdog's Dream Cum True

--Part 4

I woke up groggily as I did almost every morning. Zodiac was very good at exhausting me at night. I chuckled to myself a little as I sat up in our silken-sheet bed. I heard Zodiac rummaging in the closet and he perked his ears as he heard me.

"Morning lover, I didn't mean to wake you." My mate grinned softly and walked up to me, kissing me gently. "I had hoped to let you sleep in." He was already fully dressed in his business suit, and was tugging his tie back and forth to make sure it was straight.

I chuckled and brushed his headfur back, a grin playing across my muzzle. "Well, don't you look all handsome. What's up?"

"Well, I have that meeting with the Med-Core CEO today, he decided lunch-plans would be good, and I really can't refuse. He only wants to meet with the CEO of MorphTech, i.e. me. If he decides to adopt our therapy, we could spread Morph Therapy throughout the world, and we could do it for cheaper, too. It's a big deal, I'm sorry I can't invite you pup." Zodi grimaced a bit.

"Don't worry about it, wuff. I've got some things I want to do too." I smiled again and gave my wolf-mate a lick on the nose.

"Oh, and what do you have planned today?" Zodiac sat on the bed next to me and reached a paw down to squeeze my butt.

I grimaced and looked up into his eyes. "I was...I was going to go back downtown. There are a couple of things in my old place that have a lot of sentimental value to me. I just want to pick them up before they get stolen or ruined."

"You should wait until I can go with you, Jake. You're a buff, hot piece of puppy-meat true, but that neighborhood is still dangerous." Zodiac returned my gaze with a troubled one of his own.

"You forget I grew up there? I can handle myself, Zodiac. I lived in that neighborhood my whole life. I've just been waiting for a convenient time to go back, and now seems to be it." I stood up and walked to the panoramic window looking out over the city. "I can take care of myself."

I heard Zodiac stand up to follow me. He walked up behind me and pressed his chest against my back, wrapping his arms around my chest. "I'm sorry, Jake. I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just scared for you, okay? Now that I found you, I don't want to lose you...ever."

"Look, I'm not a baby. You don't need to worry about me. I love you too, and I don't want to be without you, but there are just some things I have to do on my own." I leaned back into his warm, suit-clad body. "Don't worry. Just get going, you don't want to be late to this meeting. Not with such a great chance to help so many people hanging in the balance. I'll be fine."

Zodiac licked one of my ears and nodded, his arms sliding back around my body. "Okay, I'll go. But please, Jake...be careful okay? Just get what you need and get back here as soon as possible."

"I will, wuff, don't worry." I turned and grinned at him. "Now go and help people."

Zodiac nodded and turned to walk out the bedroom door. "I love you pup, see you in a while."

I watched him go, staring at his flexing ass through his suit-pants. I sighed to myself as I heard the front door of our palatial floor-wide 104th floor apartment slide open and shut. I grabbed a set of casual clothes from our closet and headed to the giant bathroom. I could've showered, but I decided that it wouldn't be the same without my mate's throbbing wolfcock jammed under my tail. Besides, I was going to a dirty part of town anyway, what point was there in getting clean beforehand? I went to the sink and splashed some water across my muzzle, pulling a towel from the rack and patting my fur dry. I went and relieved myself in the toilet-alcove, and went back out. I pulled on my jeans and t-shirt, and looped my belt through. I pulled on my socks and slid my new tennis shoes on, tying them quickly.

I decided to take Zodiac's advice and grab what I wanted as quickly as possible. I didn't really want to go back downtown, but the only picture I had of my mother was still down there, along with a blanket that I kept in a sealed box, that still had her scent on it. I used to sleep with it every night, comforting myself with her scent, so those items absolutely had to be recovered.

It'd been a week since Zodiac had proposed to me, and we became mated, I still hadn't gotten him a ring. I fingered my own ring on my left paw, getting goose bumps just from thinking about what it signified. I smiled a bit to myself and then grimaced. I wanted to be with Zodiac, and I would've welcomed his company downtown, if only I wasn't going to my old place. The truth was I just didn't want Zodiac to see the squalor I used to live in. I didn't want him to think any less of me. All I had to do was grab the box with my mother's photo and blanket and get out of there, and I would be done with that place, and that life for that matter, for good.

I took in a deep breath and walked out to the elevator, the main door sliding shut behind me. I took out my fresh set of mag-keys and flashed one in front of the sensor. "Welcome Jake, please select destination floor." I pressed the lobby button, and the elevator slid quickly and almost noiselessly down all 103 flights.

I walked out to the lobby and Channy, the naughty, saucy vixen eyed me, grinning wryly. "This's the first time I've seen you leave without Zodi. It seems like you two are joined at the hip. Though I s'pose up there, you ARE joined up most'a the time." Channy laughed huskily.

I smirked at her. "You only wish you knew Channy. Or at least wish you saw." I chuckled again and she winked at me as I walked out the front doors.

The din out on the street was fairly deafening as I stepped out and hailed a cab. I could've had one of the limos drive me, but I didn't really want to attract attention. I was trying to be incognito.

One of the yellow cars pulled to a halt in front of me and I got in. The driver, surprisingly, was fully human. Of course humans still outnumbered furs in the world, but this was a very heavily fur-populated area of the city, and most human cabbies didn't like to drive around here.

"So, where're ya' headed?"

"Um...downtown, Fourteenth Avenue." I looked at the cabby's eyes in the rearview mirror.

"Oh...bad neighborhood. Look, I'll go as far as Twelfth and Grundy, but that's it alright?"

"Sure, that's fine. I can just walk from there." I nodded at the cabby, and the car took off into traffic.

It was a fairly uneventful ride, expletives excluded. It wasn't long, maybe twenty minutes, before the car pulled up to the aforementioned corner. "This is as far as I go."

"Okay, thanks. Here." I handed the cabby a couple of twenties for his trouble, and got out, taking to the streets again.

I walked down the sidewalk, there weren't nearly as many people out around here. And the ones that were out were the kind you didn't want to even get near to. Thankfully none of the local gangs were out on the prowl, and I didn't see anyone I knew, which was a relief. I managed to arrive at my home after about fifteen minutes of walking. The old stench flooded my nostrils, and I instantly wanted to disappear. I didn't want to be here. There were too many bad memories, but I nerved myself and walked in.

The door was still latched, which was a good sign. Most people left my place alone, I'd had to defend it in the past and I had a bit of a reputation for brawling. Most people also knew that I had a bit of protection from others. A few 'friends' that watched my back.

I walked past my old living area to the room I'd slept in, and was utterly relieved when I saw that the box was just as I'd left it. I opened it and sniffed. Sure enough, my mother's blanket was still there. I dug around and her wood-framed photo was there too. That was all I needed. I grabbed the box and headed straight back for the door. I was feeling well, all I had to do was get back to the good part of town and I'd be okay.

As I reached the front door, it opened and a muscular, street-toughened doberman walked in. I dropped the box on the floor and backed up. "Jaggel, w...why are you here."

"Jakey, my man, where you been eh? I been lookin' for you for a week, kid." The doberman grinned sidewise at me as he walked in. "I thought you probably needed to hold some ends...and I ain't had a piece of the sweet puppy ass for a while." His dusty leather jacket creaked a bit as he moved, and the holes in his jeans spoke of the wear they'd seen.

Behind him, a roughly clad black-scaled dragon walked in, his scales flexing with the muscle underneath. "Heya Jake, we've been waitin' for ya."

"Cyph...look you guys, I don't actually need any money. I was just getting ready to leave again...so." I moved to pick up my box, but Jaggel stepped forward and put a hand on my shoulder, pushing me back a bit.

"Since when don't you need cash, Jake? You always need cash, how else you gonna eat?" The doberman looked Jake over again and noted his fresh, new clothes. "Where'd you get all this shit? This looks new..." Jaggel leaned forward and sniffed. "I smell wolf on you. What, you finally whoring? You find some big, rich wolf that buys you pretty things so he can fuck you? I didn't think you'd do it, but I guess like mother like son." The doberman laughed cynically and pushed me back again.

"I'm not a whore. Look, I need to go guys, just let me out okay?" My heart was starting to beat a bit faster. I knew what these two wanted...and for the first time in my life, I didn't want to give it to them.

"You ain't goin' nowhere my little bitch..." Jaggel stepped forward and licked up the side of my muzzle. "I've been waiting to fuck you for a long time, now I'm going to."

Without thinking I reeled up and punched the doberman, spreading my hindpaws to an even fighting stance. "I'm mated okay? I don't want you, or anyone else but my mate to fuck me without his permission. I said no, now let me go."

Cyph stepped back to guard the door as Jaggel recovered. He pulled his handgun in one fluid motion and leaped forward, pushing me back against the table as he rammed the end of the cold steel barrel against my head. "This is what I get after I did all that shit for you? You punched me you little cunt. You wouldn't even be here if it weren't for me. I protected you, gave you money, fed you, and all I asked in return was your ass. You got some guts punching me after I've done all that for you." Jaggel looked down at my left hand and saw the ring. He ripped it off my finger and threw it across the room, it felt like he ripped out a piece of my soul. "So you're mated huh? Never coming back, deserting your big brother Jaggel. What the fuck is wrong with you, man?" Jaggel spit on the side of my muzzle, and my heart was beating a million times a second. All I could think about was Zodiac, and the thought of not spending any more time with him mortified me. "Now, I'm gonna fuck you, and so is Cyph. Call it a farewell fuck, but I'm gonna have your sweet ass one more time. Cyph, get the cord."

I heard the dragon moving around as Jaggel eased up. He kept the gun trained on me, but he used his other paw to turn me around. "Lay down on the table, stomach down."

I obliged him immediately, whatever it took to get back into Zodiac's arms. Cyph came around and pulled my arms around and down to the table legs. He used two lengths of some kind of nylon cord to tie my wrists to the legs, cinching tight. Tears leaked from my eyes as I felt Jaggel's paws roaming my body. He reached a paw underneath my stomach and fumbled with my belt buckle, managing to undo it. He pulled my jeans down violently and threw them off to the side. I craned my muzzle to see what he was doing, and watched him undress, pulling his own jeans off. He reached down and pulled my shoes off, and then reached up and shredded my boxers, ripping them the rest of the way off, and then pulled down his own briefs. He already had a raging nine-inch erection, his doberman cock bobbing slightly with his heartbeat.

He moved his muzzle down to my tail and started lapping at my tailhole. I groaned uncontrollably as my body reacted to the sexual stimulus. He moved to my balls, lathering them rather well before licking all the way up to the base of my tail. My body arched at the feeling, and I started to pant a bit. I felt so degraded, so ashamed, but I was beginning to like it. He was going to take me, to fuck me whether I wanted it or not, and something about that was getting me off. My rottweiller cock started to thick up in its sheath, sandwiched between my body and the hardwood table.

I heard a noise in front of me and looked forward to see Cyph undressing. He had already pulled off his shoes and pants, and was now drawing his boxers down. My shaft thicked again as I saw the good four inches of jet-black dragon meat protruding from his sheath. He grinned down at me as he stepped forward. "Now, puppy, you're gonna suck for all you're worth. If you open up, I won't be hard on you." He used a hand to push the tip of his cock against my muzzle. The heavy scent of dragon-musk filled my nostrils, and I was ashamed again as I felt the desire to suck that dragon's balls until they were dry. To milk every last gooey drop of dragon cum from his throbbing member.

I opened my muzzle and felt Cyph slide his thick dragon meat in. His taste was unique, one of a kind really. Wild and foreign, but good, very good. I closed my muzzle around his cock and started sucking, running my tongue up its underside. The satisfied groan from in front of me was very gratifying as I felt my own length push out of its sheath and thick up against the wood grain and the cotton of my t-shirt. He was so masculine, so hot, I almost felt privileged sucking his massive dragon member, which had now extended to about ten inches.

Jaggel's experienced tongue slid in and out of my ass, working me lose. He whuffed at my tail through his nose, slicking me up with saliva. I felt the tongue disappear, and it was replaced by gently throbbing flesh. I braced myself just in time as Jaggel gripped my hips and threw his full weight down on me, impaling me with nine inches of throbbing hard doberman meat. I yipped as my body arched against my bonds, and I barely kept from nipping at Cyph's dragon cock.

Jaggel started a vicious rhythm, pushing and pulling his thick dog-cock in and out of my spasming tailhole. He laid down against my back and whispered in my ear. "How does it feel, Jake? I'm fucking you, and it feels really damn good. There's nothing you can do, I'm gonna cum in you. I'm gonna shoot my load deep into your ass, and there's nothing you can do. How does it feel huh?" He started fucking me even more viciously, slamming in and out of me as tears of pain rolled down my muzzle. He was just as big as Zodiac, but Zodiac went slow until I adjusted, Jaggel was just out and out fucking me as hard and fast as he could.

I felt my rottie-cock throb as I sucked the thick dragon-meat. I rolled my tongue around as much of Cyph's girth as I could, and finally tasted a spurt of salty-sweet pre. It made me hungry, thirsty, suddenly I wanted dragon-cum in my belly and dog cum in my ass. I stopped yipping and started grunting instead, my body acclimating itself to the situation. The throbbing hardness between my body and the table showed just how much I was enjoying being raped mercilessly.

Cyph pushed harder and harder, sinuous tail swiping back and forth behind him, his claws resting at the back of my head. I gripped the table-legs with my paws as Jaggel started short-humping me, grunting with every piston-pump. I knew he was close, and Cyph was too as he started fucking my muzzle with a passion, shoving his thick dragon-meat down my throat.

Jaggel grunted louder and louder as he slammed into me, his knot growing steadily. With a triumphant shove, he impaled me with his massive knot, causing my body to jerk as I howled mutedly in pain around the dragon cock that was shoving in and out of my muzzle. I felt the doberman explode inside me. His knot grew to its full potential, locking itself painfully behind my sphincter, and his cock spasmed, throbbing as he jetted a shot of dog-cum deep into my ass. I felt the tingle grow in my own groin as he continued to short-hump me, each hump ending in throbbing ejaculations of thick, hot doberman cum, string after viscous string of warm, sticky dog cum shot deep into my ass. I felt his cock pumping and contracting violently as he pumped every last dreg of dog seed into my ass, trying vainly to inseminate me.

My own cock exploded between my belly and the table, and I short-humped into the hard wood as my rottie-cock pumped jet after jet of thick dog seed onto the table, my belly, and my shirt. I moaned uncontrollably as I came, my cock injecting hot spunk between my body and the table. Cyph was thrusting his dragon-meat in and out of my muzzle at break-neck velocity now, and I heard him huffing hard before he let out a huge roar as his cock blew a string of thick, sweet dragon cum onto my tongue and down my throat. He pulled his cock out of my muzzle and started jacking himself. His cock throbbed massively and jetted a thick string of dragon cum across my muzzle, drenching my face in his seed. I was delirious with my own orgasm as I felt the hot jets of thick dragon seed splash across my eyes and my nose, his scent overpowering as I inhaled his cum. I felt one last weak spurt of dog-cum empty into my ass before Jaggel growled and sighed, signaling the end of his orgasm. Cyph was still jacking his cock, humping into his own paw and poking his sliding cock at my nose as it erupted again, sending another splash of dragon seed across my muzzle, I opened my muzzle again and felt him thrust in, his cock throbbing again and jetting another string of cum across my tongue. I quickly swallowed it all as my own orgasm died, my cock throbbing weakly one last time before giving up, sliding smoothly in its own cum along the table and my body. Cyph growled and sighed as he pushed one last dreg of dragon seed onto my tongue, before withdrawing. He smirked a bit, which I could barely make out through the screen of cum across my eyes. "That's a hot muzzle, pup, I'll be sorry to see it go."

He stepped back and let his cock hang loose as it slowly receded back into its sheath. He pulled on his clothes quickly and headed toward the door. Jaggel's knot was still at full girth, but he winched his hips back and pulled it out of me. I yelped and howled at the pain, and then whined quietly as I heard him put his clothes on. "I don't ever want to see you here again, Jake. If I do, you know what'll happen."

I heard the door open and slam, and quite suddenly I was alone. The tears started rolling down my muzzle again, this time in sadness and shame. I felt horrible. I'd been savaged and raped, and I'd enjoyed it. Zodiac...my love. I wanted him to be here so bad, I wanted to be with him again. I wanted to be in his arms, I wanted him to tell me it was okay. I was afraid of what would happen now. Would he take me back? Would he even be able to find me? I struggled at the nylon bonds around my wrists, but they were still tight. What was going to happen...Zodiac, I want to be with you so badly...

* * *

I woke to waning light filtering in through the door. I could hear a car outside, it sounded like it was stopped, but still running. The dragon cum had dried on my muzzle, and it was difficult to open my eyes all the way. My ass felt horribly sore, and I could still taste dragon essence on my tongue. It dawned on me where I was, and the memories of what had happened a few hours ago flooded back.

"Jake? Jake?! Are you here?" His voice was like the most beautiful music I'd ever heard. I recognized it, and I was so glad he was here.

"Zodiac?" My words came out in a muffled, scratchy voice that I hardly recognized.

I heard shoe-clad paws running through the hallway, and then into the room. "Jake?!! Oh gods! What happened? Oh fuck...are you hurt? Oh Jesus, Jake..oh my gods." I heard him run up to the table, and I felt him cut the bonds on my wrists with his penknife. "Jake, oh my gods...are you okay? We have to get you to a hospital...here, I'll help you."

He pulled my arm over his shoulder and helped me to stand up. I limped over to the door. "My...my ring..." My voice was scratchy and barely audible. "I need...that box...and my ring..." I might've felt naked without my clothes, but I felt like I had no soul without that ring.

"Shh...don't try to talk...I'll get you to the car and then I'll come back in okay? Maybe I should call the police first. Oh gods, Jake, I'm so sorry." Zodiac took off his suit-jacket and threw it around my half-naked form, and helped me limp to the limo sitting outside. He set me inside as gentle as milk-water.

"N-no police...please...my ring, and my...box." I could barely talk.

"Okay, I'll be right back love, I'll get your things." Zodiac closed the door and disappeared back into my old shanty.

I shook my head and started to cry again, but I was just too tired to care. I leaned against the door, it seemed like I was seeing everything through a fog. My mind separated from my body, and it barely registered when Zodiac got back in the car with the box under an arm.

"Take us to the hospital, Anders." The fox in the front seat nodded and the limo began to move.

"No...I just want...to go home." My voice was a bit stronger, but talking was still an effort.

"You were raped, Jake. You need to be checked over, you need medical attention. And so will the person that did this to you if I ever get a paw on him." Zodiac's ferocity when he spoke of my assailant nearly scared me, but I didn't know what to feel.

"Zodi, love....please just...take me home."

"Are you sure Jake? You might be hurt, I couldn't stand for anything more to happen to you...oh gods Jake...I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." Zodiac began to cry, I could barely make out the wet fur underneath his eyes, and I realized he must've been crying for some time.

"Not your fault...please just...hold me, and take me home. I need a warm bath." I shivered against the seat as the cold leather seemed to register for the first time. Then my tiredness overtook me, and I passed out again.

* * *

I came to, and the first thing I felt was the warm water soaking through my fur. The next thing I became aware of was the warm body behind me. I felt the sponge going over my fur, followed by a soft-bristle brush. I looked around and noted that my muzzle had been cleaned and I could see better now. I moaned and the brush stopped.

"Are you okay Jake? You've been out for a few hours." Zodiac's voice was warm and caring, and suddenly I felt much better.

"I'm better. Zodiac...thank you." I leaned back against him and looked around again. We were in Zodiac's spacious hot tub. The jets were on low, massaging my aching muscles, and my wolf-mate began brushing me again.

"I should've been there for you. Why didn't you want me to come along?" Zodiac brushed down my shoulders and back, lathering a bit with soap.

"Oh gods, I'm sorry Zodiac...I just didn't want you to see where I lived before I fell in love with you. I didn't want you to know my past." I started to cry softly, the tears melding with the water that was soaked through my muzzle fur.

"Jake, I love you no matter what. I don't care where you came from, it doesn't matter unless you want it to. Gods Jake, you're the love of my life, you're my mate. I love you more than I can say." Zodiac continued his gentle brushing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect to run into anyone. Gods I'm so sorry Zodi. I don't deserve you." My crying intensified as I remembered how much I'd enjoyed being raped.

"So...you knew him?" Zodiac leaned forward and started brushing my chest from behind.

"Them...yes. Jaggel and Cyph. Back when I was a kid...I...I was pretty much defenseless. Jaggel...Jaggel took care of me. He gave me food and clothes, and he watched my back. I know he saved my life on more than one occasion...all he wanted in return...was my tailhole." I sobbed audibly. "It started right after my mother left with Talon, my father. I was only about six. It hurt at first, I cried every time he screwed me. But when I went through puberty, it started to feel good...really good." I sobbed again, louder this time. "I started...looking forward to his visits, and then he started bringing friends. They'd gang-bang me for hours at a time, and I loved every ounce of it, even though I was sore afterward. When I got old enough to defend myself, he taught me how to fight, he always wanted me to call him my big brother...and I suppose he was in a way. Even after I could take care of myself, he gave me money every so often in exchange for a fuck. That was how I fed myself...oh gods...you must hate me." I started sobbing uncontrollably.

Zodiac moved around to my front side and gripped my shoulders with his paws. He stared deep into my eyes, and looked at me as seriously as he could. "Jake, listen to me, and listen well. I love you. I love you with my whole being, my soul is tied to yours. My pup, you are my everything. I love you no matter what. No matter what, I will always love you, and nothing, and I mean nothing, can ever change that."

"But I enjoyed it!!! I enjoyed it this time too, even knowing I was mated, even knowing how much I loved you I still enjoyed it!! I'm a whore!!!" I couldn't stop crying now, I could hardly bear to look Zodi in the face.

"Jake, everyone likes sex. And everyone has a few kinks. I love you for you, I love everything about you, I just love you." Zodiac reached a paw around the back of my head and gave me a long lingering kiss. "I just love you."

My tears continued and I leaned into him, sheltering in his arms. It felt so right, so good. I loved him with all my soul, and he loved me...that was it. I sobbed into his chest and he just held me close, his muzzle tucked over my shoulder.

When I was finally able to stop crying, Zodiac cradled my chin in his paws and looked into my eyes, wiping my tears with his thumbs. "It's okay, love. Let's dry off."

He helped me up and supported my weight, helping me into the shower where he punched a couple of panels and jets of warm air surrounded us. He hit another panel and music started playing from somewhere in the wall. It was a slow instrumental piece. Zodiac hugged me close and we danced slowly, my head cradled against his and vice-versa. I lost myself in the music and in his grasp as the jets dried us. Before long, Zodiac led me out of the shower and started brushing me down. He led me to the bedroom and laid me down on the fresh silk sheets, the small breeze from the wilderness setting in the corner playing across my fur. He covered me up and then went to work brushing his own fur before climbing in beside me. He cuddled up to me and held me in his arms. "I love you so much, Jake."

I smiled and finally felt like I was in the right place again, I rubbed back against him. "Zodi?"


"I want you in me...please." I snuggled against him.

"Love, you're hurt, it would hurt you too much, I couldn't do that to you."

"Zodiac, I'm yours, I'm your mate. I was raped today, now I just want to be loved. I want to be claimed by you again, if you'll have me."

Zodi nuzzled against my shoulder. "If that's what you want." He rolled over and pulled open his bedside drawer, pulling out his tube of lube. He squirted a bit into his paws and started massaging his member. I rolled over and kissed him, before rolling on my side. My wolf rolled over next to me, and I felt the tip of his slightly protruding wolfcock against my tailhole.

"Are you sure you want this right now, pup?"

I nodded. "Yeah, just go slow."

Zodiac licked the back of my neck, and then pushed slightly up and into me. I felt his pointy wolf-cock penetrate me, and it stung. But it also felt good. I wanted his seed in me, I wanted to be his again.

He started up a slow steady rhythm, his arms wrapped around my chest as we both lay on our sides. My puppy cock began to show itself, and Zodiac reached a paw down to cradle it, and then started jacking my rottie pride with his lubed paw in time with his strokes.

It seemed like we made love for hours, though I knew it hadn't been quite so long. Zodiac's shaft began to thicken up, and I knew he was getting close. He murred with every stroke, still keeping his slow, steady pace, one arm wrapped around my chest, the other stroking my dog meat.

"Oh gods, Zodi yes...cum in me. I wanna be yours again. Please I need it."

" Okay love, get ready." Zodiac started going a bit faster, his knot pushing in and out of my tailhole. I reached a paw back to scritch at the fur on his side as he made love to me. Then I felt his knot balloon inside me and his warm wolf seed spilled into me, his cock throbbing gently in the heat of my tailhole. He murred and licked at the back of my neck as his cock throbbed gentle squirts of sticky wolf-cum into my abused ass. It felt wonderful, I got goose bumps and then arched my body as my own orgasm landed. My cock pumped powerfully, squirting ropes of rottie cum up across my belly and the bed sheets, making every movement even more silky smooth. Zodiac sighed gently as the last of his lupine load spilled into my ass, and my cock gave a few more pumps of dog seed before relaxing gently in Zodiac's tender paw. He gripped behind my knot, simulating a tie for me, while his own wolfcock throbbed gently, buried deep under my tail.

I sighed and snuggled back against my lupine lover. "I love you Zodiac, I'm so glad I'm yours."

"My love for you is deeper than I can portray, Jake. Oh...I think you lost this." He reached over to the bedside table with his free paw and then hugged it back around my chest. He moved the paw that was cradling my gently throbbing dog member to grasp my left paw, and I felt him slip something onto it. It was our mating ring. My eyes welled up with tears, and I smiled to myself.

"Thank you so much for loving me, my wuff."

THE END...of part four. This is the first I've submitted in quite some time, and like always, I welcome all comments. Comments are my writing fuel, and constructive criticisms are my guide. I hope you can find the time to either comment on Yiffstar or drop me a line at [email protected] Thanks for reading, and for all the comments, you guys are the greatest, and I take the most pleasure from knowing that someone enjoys my work. Thanks so much to Yiffstar, and to everyone who took the time to read!


A Streetdog's Dream Cum True: Part 5

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you're a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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Aric's Life

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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A Streetdog's Dream Cum True 3

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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