Aric's Life

Story by Ossanlin on SoFurry

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Copyright and Such:

The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such things, please do continue! Of course, the author reserves all rights to the following story. I don't mind if you post this story on other archives and sites, just get my permission first, please. And it can only be posted if it remains unaltered and complete, and all due credit is given to the author (Ossanlin). Okay, that should do it.

Synopsis: A contemporary 'present-day' piece that involves a teen dragon (underage) going through some tough times. He meets a new friend and the two hit it off. You'll have to read to see how well off they hit it. ;)

Author's Note: Well guys, how've things been? I know, I've been a bad hossy. I haven't posted anything for a long time. I'm having more comp. problems at home, but I hope to have them remedied soon. Just the other day I came back to visit Yiffstar and saw all of the wonderful comments about my stories, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also received another e-mail from a fan requesting that I come back and start writing again. * chuckle* Well, faced with all of that, how could I not start working again? All those comments have really made me want to start writing again, and thus, here is my newest work, and a long time in cumming. This is my first piece with a scaly, and I think it turned out fairly well. As you may remember, I don't do a lot of contemporary pieces, so this is an exception. It takes place in a small town that could be anywhere, and in the current times. It might be a little too 'real' for those who love the fantasy aspect, but I thought a temporary change of pace might do me well.

As I always say, please either comment on my stories using the Yiffstar feature, or feel very free to e-mail me at [email protected] Don't be shy, I love comments, and I take constructive criticisms very seriously. If I never find out what my readers don't like, how will I ever improve? And if you ever find me on Yiffchat, don't be afraid to come up and say hi (unless, of course, I'm otherwise 'involved'. You can't expect a guy who writes these stories not to have a ferocious sex-drive that blows the charts, among other things, away can you?). I'm always up for meeting new furry friends, and it's really quite difficult to describe to you how yiffy I am...well, just read my stories and you get a tiny shadow of a hint of an inkling of the idea. Take one of my stories to the tenth power and you might start to get close...Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read, and do please thoroughly enjoy all the hot, gooey action. Again, please write a comment or feel free to e-mail me. Positive comments are my fuel, and constructive criticisms are my compass. Thanks so much for all the generous comments on all of my other work! Enjoy!


Aric's Life --- A spoogy 'tail' (one can only wish), courtesy of Ossanlin

Aric murred as the hot water poured down his muzzle and the scales on his chest and back. It had been a long day, and a depressing one at that. A hot shower felt good, it relaxed him.

"It was just a damn soda..." he mumbled to himself. He punched the tile wall and then sighed, letting the hot water pour over his tongue and down his muzzle. "I was thirsty, that's all." He sighed again and pulled a bottle from the shelf in the shower.

He squeezed a generous amount of the soap into his hand, and it shimmered gently in the water. It was a two-in-one, soap and polish. It saved a lot of time and busy-work. He lathered his entire body up, sighing again as his hands and claws rubbed across his soft, but not-too-soft scales.

He tried to imagine that all the stress and worry of the day had been absorbed into the dirt and grime on his body, and that it was being washed away with the soap. Aric sighed deeply again and licked his lips with his long serpentine tongue. He had always thought that his tongue would be quite versatile if it was ever given the chance, and he thought in passing, of Zephyr, the cutest guy in school. A beautiful white and gray husky-wolf crossbreed with the most haunting green eyes. Those eyes looked like they could bore into your soul if he wanted. His eyes looked a bit like the eyes of a wolf, except for the bright, almost translucent green.

Aric shook his head vehemently and laughed at himself for fantasizing about him. Like the most popular, good-looking guy in school would be gay. "Only in my dreams." Aric sighed again and turned the water off, shaking a bit before stepping out onto the floor towel. The slight swelling in his sheath subsided almost as quickly as it had begun with the fantasy.

The slender, yet defined, dragon looked at his reflection for a bit before grabbing a towel and starting to dry off. He had always thought that he was pretty average. Others had complimented him on his looks, but he still saw himself as an average dragon. Others either didn't know what they were talking about, or they were just trying to be nice. His eyes were, and had always been, burnished gold, fading out to soft orange around the outsides of his irises. His supple scales were deep blue with a metallic sheen about them that made them look as if they were glowing when he was in sunlight. He was 5'10", quite on the short side for a dragon, but about average for his town, and he had an average physique. Sure, his musculature was slightly visible under his scales, but he still only weighed a scant 215 lbs, quite light for a dragon. He wasn't out for any school sports, and really enjoyed reading more than anything.

He sighed again and shook his head, sliding the towel down his back and tail, trying to finish up as quickly as possible. He had gotten home late from work, and really just wanted to go to bed. He was thankful his parents hadn't woken up, he really didn't want to talk to them. He grabbed a pair of silk boxers and slipped them on, tying them above his tail, and looked at himself one last time in the mirror.

Aric was gay, and had always been gay. No one knew, not his parents, not his best friend, only a couple pen-pals he had gotten into contact with through a support service that didn't know him in real life, knew his little secret. He even used a PO box so his parents couldn't ask him about the letters. He reflected back and laughed a bit ruefully as he remembered denying it. He had always grown up thinking that he might marry a girl one day, have a family, be accepted among society's mainstream. But the more he grew, and the further his sex-drive developed, he started re-evaluating his sexuality. When he looked for porn on the pay channels for a lonely paw-session, he was never attracted to the female furs. He always looked at the males. At first, just solo jobs, he managed to convince himself that he was bi, that sex was sex no matter who you were with. But it became more and more apparent as time passed, and now, at seventeen, Aric was quite sure he was gay. There was just no skirting the issue anymore. He wasn't attracted to females. He never checked out the homecoming queen's chest at coronation, he would much rather see what the king had under those tuxedo pants. In the locker room, it never failed, Aric's eyes always gravitated down. He even caught himself licking his lips one time as he watched a hunky German Shepherd bare his beautiful sheath.

With another heavy sigh, Aric walked out of the bathroom, and down the hall to his bedroom. He closed the door as quietly as he could, and lay down on his soft sheets. He regarded his current reading book for a second, tempted to read, but decided against it, favoring sleep for once.

Aric switched off the light and sank into his mattress, but try as he might, he couldn't sleep. He thought through what he would tell his parents in the morning again. "I just wanted to move on..." He shook his head again and shivered at what his dad would say. He knew his mother would be a little more understanding, but not much. Both were strict about jobs. "It was just a god-damned soda!"

That night had been very rough for Aric. He had had a job down at the Quickmart on the main road leading out to the highway, but had lost it just that night. He was working the evening shift that got over at two, and was there alone. He was thirsty, so he'd decided to grab a pop. It was simple, he just took it and drank it. Little had he known that his manager had come to collect the money from the safe that night, and saw the whole thing through the windows. Aric had intended to pay for the pop, but the manager wouldn't have any of it. Apparently there had been a lot of problems with theft at the station recently, and they figured an employee was responsible. The manager had told him to finish his shift, and then leave his tag on the counter. The manager said Aric had been a good employee, so he wouldn't pursue charges, but he said that Aric would have to find another job.

The dragon sighed again, trying to decide if he wanted to paw off or not, thinking maybe it would help him sleep. But in the end, he was just too exhausted. He forced himself to close his eyes and take deep, even breaths. Sleep came after an effort, and it was troubled at best, but it did come.

* * *

The morning came with a headache and a knock on the door from his mom, telling him to get up. Aric roused himself slowly, looking around his small room. He walked blearily to a closet and grabbed some cutoffs and a t-shirt with the 'Titanium Dragon' logo on it. He wasn't really a fan of the group, he just liked the logo. He snapped the clasp above his tail and zipped up the fly, letting his shirt hang loose. He grabbed his 'Dragoon Tails' book as an afterthought and jammed it into his pocket.

Aric walked, half-awake, to the bathroom and closed the door, relieving himself. He looked up into the mirror and checked his teeth, deciding he should brush. After all, he wanted to look his best for the ream-out of his life.

After a quick encounter with toothpaste and his brush, he walked down the stairs and took a chair at the table. He braced himself and took a drink of water, mumbling nonchalantly. "I fired last night."

"What?" His father turned intense red-irised eyes on him.

"I got fired." Aric cast his eyes down at the plate of bacon and sausage sitting in front of him.

His father squinted and tilted his head. "Fired? FIRED?! Why?!!"

Aric winced as he told the whole story, managing to incorporate and stress that he had intended on paying for the pop, but his father was heedless.

"Stealing Aric? STEALING?! You STOLE SOMETHING?!! It's a damn good thing they fired you then! I never would have thought...Aric. I'm so furious right now..."

His mother stepped in. She had beautiful azure eyes and a reassuring voice. "Zag, don't be so hard on him. He was going to pay for it, he just made the mistake of drinking it before he did so."

"He STOLE, Eesha, he stole." His father shook his head, and Aric winced and recoiled at every other word. "Get out. You can walk to school, that's right, give me your car keys. And you'd better start looking for a job after school. I don't want you to come back without putting in an application." He kept shaking his head. "My own son, I just can't believe..."

Aric got up and left quickly, tossing his keys on the table, not even bothering to grab his bag. The only thing he wanted to do right now was get away from his house.

His path tended to waver and wander, and eventually he ended up at the school. But one glance at the big clock on the outside wall, and the quiet that surrounded the buildings decided him. He didn't really want to go to class anyway. Instead, he turned around the way he had come, and walked out to the park that was close to the school. The park was nice, but it wasn't his end goal.

There was a little known path at the edge of the forest that stopped at a dead end, or so it would seem to someone who wasn't looking with sharp eyes. About three-fourths of the way to the dead end, there was an animal trail that diverged, and ran through a thick part of the forest. Aric made for the path, and then turned onto the animal track at the right place, following it through the forest, ducking branches and squeezing through brambles. Finally he came to a dense wall of foliage where the animal path turned aside, but a small trail through the undergrowth revealed the way. He got down on paws and knees and crawled through the little trail to a covered opening in the foliage wall. He crawled through, brushing a few branches aside, and emerged into a beautiful clearing, dotted only by a single tree, a giant oak. This was Aric's favorite place in the forest. The downy, soft grass was comfortable to sit on, and the oak had a perfect little niche in which he could rest his back, making for a comfortable seat. The sun provided more than enough light to read by, and nature provided the wonderful scenery. There was even a small brook that ran through the clearing, splashing and gurgling its way along the shallow bed of rocks. Here, Aric could truly relax. It was as if the place provided him with a sort of connection to his primal self, his origins. There was no stress here, only blissful escape.

The slim dragon settled into his favorite niche, it was nice out, mid-seventies, so the shade under the tree was perfect. He buried his muzzle in his book and lost himself in another world full of fantasy and magic, swords and fantastic creatures. He paid no heed to the outside world around him, all that mattered was his book.

Time passed and the sun cleared mid-day, moving off to the west. Aric was completely absorbed in his book when a voice echoed quietly from in front of him. "That's a good book."

Aric was so startled, he jumped nearly two feet in the air, his tail lashing as he looked up. He blinked a couple of times, not really believing what he was seeing. With the sun as a backdrop, he looked upon a slim but athletic fur with a well-defined body. His fur was white and gray, with black markings around his muzzle and hind-paws, and on his ear tips, and soft, almost glowing green eyes looked down at him, an amused smile plastered on the other fur's face. Could it really be Zephyr?

The dragon blinked a couple more times, and his voice caught in his throat. All he could manage was a befuddled "how..why...wha...?" He swallowed hard as his wide, staring eyes took in the full figure of the other fur.

Amusement shone in the husky-wolf's eyes, and the smile widened just a bit. "Well, I've always liked nature, and after seeing you take off this way from the park one day, I decided to do a little exploring of my own. I have to say, finding that animal track, and then that little entry into this clearing was pretty tough to do on my own, but your scent helped me out." The hunky canis-lupus tapped a finger on his snout and smiled a little wider.

Aric stood up rather more quickly than he normally would have and straightened out his clothes. "How did you know where I was? I mean...well, you probably weren't looking for me...I mean...but...what I scared me." The dragon laughed nervously and looked down at his feet, but then remembered to try and look cool. He put an arm out to lean against the tree, but had misjudged his position in relation to it and tripped, falling rather awkwardly.

Zephyr laughed and reached a paw down to help Aric up. The dragon took it, forgetting who it was, and then pulled it away after getting to his feet, his wits starting to settle.

"Watch out, that first step is a kicker." Zephyr flashed his teeth in a grin, still chuckling a little.

"Yeah, yeah...umm...anyway, I guess I'd better go." Aric rubbed the back of his head with a hand, his scales glinting in the waning sun. He had completely lost track of time, and suddenly, all of his father's threats from earlier that day came flooding back into his mind. "Oh..crap!" The dragon took off at a full sprint, waving backwards and yelling a muffled "See ya'" behind him, not looking back.

Emerging from the trees in the park, Aric squinted at the sun, and his stomach sank. It would be too late by now, the sun was just dipping below the tree line, it was already after seven, probably close to eight. No managers would be in anymore.

The dragon trudged to the swing set and sat in a swing, angry tears starting to roll down his muzzle. Aric wasn't one to cry, generally, but he didn't know what to do. He was afraid to go home, and there was nothing else for him to do. He just sat there, a couple sobs rippling through his body as a few more tears came.

Suddenly, he felt a paw on his back, and looked up to see Zephyr staring down at him from behind, worry on his muzzle. "Hey, all right?"

Aric shook his head and tried to will his tears to stop. This was just great, the cutest guy in school was seeing him cry. The whole thing just dredged up more, and his sobs became more numerous. He cast his eyes down and hid his face. "I..I'm fine. Please, just leave me alone."

Zephyr smiled a little and rubbed Aric's back. "Hey man, you need someone to talk to. I'm not leaving."

"You don't even know me. I mean...why would you care what's wrong with me?" Aric was furious with himself for not being able to control his tears.

Zephyr shrugged. "I dunno, guess it's just a flaw of mine." The husky-wolf tilted his muzzle and smiled reassuringly. "Go on, tell me what's wrong."

Aric was slow to open up, but once Zephyr managed to poke a leak in the dam, the whole wall came down in a torrent, and before he knew it, Aric had completely laid his guts out for Zephyr to see. Well, everything that had happened last night and that day anyway. He very nearly told the hunky wolf-dog that he was gay, but caught himself just in time, covering his slip-up.

"Aww man, I know what families can be like. But you gotta be glad you have 'em anyway. It makes a lot of difference I think. And it sounds like that manager could use a lesson or two in listening. Oh well. It's over and done with. Time to move on, right?" The reassuring grin on Zephyr's muzzle made Aric feel all warm inside, like the void that had been ripped in him by his father that morning was being filled.

Aric blushed a little and looked down at his hindpaws. Was this what love felt like? He shook his head and chuckled a little to himself. Love. He really WAS losing touch with reality. "Thanks, Zephyr. I did need an ear to listen. It helped a lot."

The husky-wolf nodded. "No prob. I always try to help other people with their problems." He shrugged, "like I said, it's a fault of mine."

Aric shook his head. "Fault? More like blessing. How could it ever be a fault?"

"Well, that's what my father sees it as. He says he thinks I should've been a girl sometimes, the way I worry about other peoples' feelings. But, what you gonna do? He's my dad, wolf all the way down to the marrow. And whether he likes it or not, I love him. I'm glad I've got my family, even though we go through a lot of tough times." Zephyr just kept smiling.

Aric nodded and looked down at the ground. He still dreaded going home tonight, he knew he'd really be in for it.

"You know what else helps?" Zephyr looked at Aric matter-of-factly. "Time away. Sometimes you just need to get away from them for a while. That way, you appreciate them more when you come back, and vice-versa. How about you don't go home tonight? Tomorrow's Saturday."

"Yeah, right. Where would I stay?" Aric shook his head dejectedly.

"Well, we could...stay in the clearing." Zephyr watched him with eyes now glowing green in the scant light of dusk.

"The clearing?! With no blankets or pillows...we?" Aric was confused, maybe he was hearing the husky-wolf wrong.

"Yeah. You know, out in nature, nothing but us? I don't know, something about that clearing just makes me want to run out and howl at the moon, you know? And yeah, we. I could use some time away from my sire too." Zephyr grinned. "We could light a fire, and just spill the beans, you know? Get to know each other."

Aric watched Zephyr with both interest and confusion, thinking maybe he was making fun of Aric's spiritual connection with nature. But a second thought reminded him that he'd not shared that feeling with the husky-wolf. He smiled a bit, nodding. If Zephyr really was serious, he wasn't about to pass up this chance to get to know him. He found his image of Zephyr changing. He thought he would be a typical jock, or maybe a prep, but he found that they had a lot in common with each other. Aric was always open to new friends. Besides, spending a night out in the forest, with Zephyr Andrej...well, he would always have memories to look back on and fantasize about. He knew things wouldn't get sexual, after all, Zephyr was straight, he was sure of it. But being his friend would be the next best thing.

Zephyr nodded and grinned again. "Well, it looks like someone's feeling better."

Aric nodded, feeling much better than before. The two made their way back through the path and animal track into the clearing. They gathered dry wood in the waning breaths of sunlight, and Zephyr piled them all together, using the friction method with dry grass to start a small wood fire. They surrounded the flames with brook stones so that it wouldn't spread, and sat down on either side of it.

Right about that time, Aric's stomach growled quite loudly, and he found he was quite hungry. The last meal he had had was at breakfast, and he hadn't really eaten anything then. Zephyr grinned and pulled a baggy out of the backpack that Aric had been too frantic and distracted to notice before. It contained half a sandwich.

"I don't want this to sound freaky or anything, but you weren't at school today. That's not like you. I thought there must've been a good reason you ditched class, so I saved half of my sandwich. I thought you might be hungry." Zephyr smiled gently.

Aric looked at him in amazement. "You noticed I was gone from school today?! Why? I mean, I'm no one. Certainly not someone of importance."

Zephyr just shrugged as he handed over the sandwich. "I tend to notice a lot of things about other furs. I don't know, I guess I'm just a people person."

"Oh, well, that was thoughtful. Thanks Zephyr." Aric smiled a bit as he accepted the sandwich. It was beef, turkey, ham, and bacon, definitely a carnivorous sandwich. He bit in gratefully.

"Hey, no prob. Oh, and you can just call me Zeph, all my friends do." His wolfish grin was endearing.

"Okay...Zeph." The slim blue dragon grinned back.

What followed was amazing. Both told each other across the fire about so many different things in their lives that Aric couldn't even keep track of them all. They laughed, and sighed, and ran the full emotional gambit it seemed.

Until it was late at night. The temperature had dropped substantially, and both furs scooted in closer to the fire, trying to keep warm. Zephyr didn't have much of a problem thanks to his fur. But Aric was a warm-blooded dragon, unlike most, and scales did little to insulate.

Aric shivered visibly, and Zeph gestured to him. "Come and sit by me, you'll keep warmer."

Aric only blinked. Was Zephyr Andrej actually asking him to come and cuddle with him? The dragon shook his head in denial. 'Zeph is just a nice and caring fur is all, and he wants me to be warm, he probably feels responsible for me being cold.' Thoughts raced through Aric's head.

After a quick moment of ponderance, Aric resigned himself to take advantage of the opportunity, but he certainly wouldn't press anything. He sidled around the fire and sat closer to Zephyr.

The husky-wolf turned to look at him, and looked into his amber-orange eyes. "Aric, there's...something I have to tell you. I uh...well...I don't know how to say it. I just don't want you to freak out or anything. Umm...I'm gay, Aric."

Aric sat bolt straight, stunned down to the marrow, and his heart skipped a beat. Had he heard wrong? Had Zephyr Andrej just said that he was gay? He couldn't have. It just didn't make sense. The object of his affection had just told him that he was no longer out of reach. But Zephyr took it as a bad sign.

"Hey, man, I understand. You know, you don't have to stay out here. It wouldn't hurt me or anything if you wanted to leave. It must be kind of a shock..."

"Zeph..." the dragon interrupted. "Zeph, my God." He laughed a bit, "I'm gay too, Zeph. I never thought you would be gay, Yeah, no I'm not freaked out. And I wouldn't leave if I were promised a million bucks." Aric was on a giddy high. All his worries about the day just seemed to evaporate. Here he was, out in his favorite natural spot, with the fur he wanted most dearly, and that fur shared his desires!

Zephyr's nervous glance melted into one of pure joy. "You're the first one I've told, Aric. I feel like I can trust you. But I have to tell you...the reason I really knew you were gone from school today. I've had a crush on you for a long time, Aric. A long time. Every day in biology, I love looking at you, thinking about what it would be like if only you were gay. That's why I was concerned about you. I knew you'd be out here, in this clearing that you love. It's a wonderful place."

Aric couldn't believe his ears...not only had the object of his affection suddenly become available, he basically said that he would be available exclusively to him. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it would burst out of his chest. The words came from his muzzle before he could even think about them. "Zeph, since the first day I saw you, I've been in love with you. I had the fiercest crush, I still do. You're the first one I've told too, Zeph. No one knows it but you. I can't think about all the times I watched you in the commons, talking to your friends, imagining what might happen if only YOU were gay. This, this is amazing Zephyr."

Zeph's look of joy slowly turned into one of awe throughout the entire speech, and then back to a wide goofy grin. "You know, there are other things we can do to keep warm, Aric. Sharing body heat is quite effective, I hear." Zeph flashed his fangs in another wolfish grin.

Aric sidled even closer, licking his chops. "I've been itching to use this tongue for something other than talking and eating...well...eating food anyway..." Zephyr only grinned and sprang forward, tackling Aric to the forest floor, pinning him by the shoulders.

"It seems we have some things in common, Aric." And with no further preamble, Zephyr sank his canine-lupine muzzle over Aric's own dracine one. It was love's first kiss for both of them, but they found each others' tongues in no time, wrestling in a dance of passion, the kiss lasting so long that both furs ran out of breath before finally breaking it.

Aric was breathing heavily and gulping for air after the kiss, his dracine chest heaving. " dreams...are coming true. I can't...believe it!" The supple dragon locked gazes with the panting husky-wolf, almost seeming to share souls with him.

Zeph only shook his head in wonder. "Aric, I've been fantasizing about this night...for so long..." The two licked muzzles and then locked them again in another deep kiss. Zephyr's paws roamed, exploring Aric's dracine body, slipping up under his shirt and lifting it, breaking the kiss to remove it from his slim frame.

The dragon let his shirt slip from his body, and ran his claws through Zephyr's headfur, gratefully accepting the return of the passionate kiss. He slipped his own paws under Zeph's shirt, and returned the favor, again breaking the kiss only to let it slip off of the husky-wolf's head.

Aric let his claws roam up and down through Zephyr's soft, downy fur, closing his eyes as his paws ran up and down Zeph's tight, muscular form. The dragon moaned a bit into the kiss, and hooked his claws under the canis-lupis' cloth belt, pulling it from the belt-loops of his Levi shorts, the fabric loosening tantalizingly.

Zephyr broke the kiss, locking his beautiful green eyes onto Aric's ambers, seeming to penetrate the dragon's soul. "Well, someone's in a good mood now..." The husky-wolf grinned goofily and unhooked the clasp above Aric's tail, yanking his cutoffs down without bothering with the button. "Well, I'm in a good mood too..." And Zephyr slid down Aric's slim dracine body, to bury his muzzle in Aric's boxers, teasing his bloating sheath with his sharp canines through the thin fabric.

The dragon gasped in surprise and pleasure, murring softly after the initial shock. His sheath bloating even more, the tip of his purplish dragon cock pushing out and into the fabric of his boxers.

Zeph slipped his tongue out and ran it slowly up Aric's sheath through the fabric of his boxers, wetting the fabric a bit, causing it to cling to the contours of the growing mass between the dragon's legs. He brought a paw up to fondle Aric's supple sack through the silk, and managed to elicit a moan from him.

Aric looked down briefly, still not really believing what he was seeing and feeling, both physically and emotionally. Aric felt the lust rise in him, and his boxers grew tight around his dracine cock, which had now worked its way about halfway from its sheath. "Oh," The dragon moaned again as Zephyr began concentrating on the emerging purplish cock through the silk boxers.

The wolf-dog reached the other paw up from Aric's thigh, gently drawing a bit of the waistband down with a single claw, grinning as his tongue still wrapped itself around the underside of the dragon's emerging cock through the boxers. Zephyr took both paws to the waistband, and drew Aric's boxers down, finally exposing the dragon's pride to the cool night air. He slid all the way down Aric's body, drawing his boxers off his legs, the tail-tie unraveling easily, and slid back up, breathing the dragon's scent in deeply, regarding his treat.

"Zephyr...oh Zeph...AhHAhhAh." Aric's words were cut off in a gasp as the young husky-wolf took Aric as far into his muzzle as he could, his throat straining against the pointy tip of his pride. The dragon could only resign himself to the glorious feeling, almost loosing his load from the pure sensation and elation.

Zephyr grunted as the dragon cock pushed at the back of his throat, and tasted salty wetness as a shot of pre was granted to him. The hot, horny wolf-dog pulled back, licking the tip of Aric's cock with his skilled lupine tongue, and Aric felt the throbbing lump of wolfish husky lust against one of his ankles through tight denim as Zephyr straddled his leg.

Zephyr took the thick mass of bulging dragon flesh back into his muzzle, wrapping his tongue around its underside, bringing his paw back up to gently squeeze and massage Aric's orbs, suckling gently and growling softly as another spurt of salty dragon pre squirted onto his palette. His other paw snaked up between Aric's supple-scaled legs and between his cheeks, quickly finding his tight tail-hole, and started teasing it with a claw.

Aric groaned uncontrollably, losing himself in the plethora of sights, sounds, scents, and feelings. He couldn't stop being amazed with what was happening. Zephyr Andrej was giving him a blowjob! He thought about what the hot wolf-husky's meat would look like, he fantasized about what it might taste like, and almost lost his load again. He groaned and growled, using the paw that was massaging Zephyr's headfur to pull his muzzle away from the burgeoning dragon-cock. He didn't want to cum yet, and he was afraid he was about to cover Zephyr's muzzle in a sticky load of dragon seed as it was.

Zephyr gave the tip of Aric's fully-exposed cock one last lick on the tip before withdrawing and sliding up the dragon's body again to engage his muzzle in another passionate kiss, this time sharing the taste of Aric's pre with him.

Aric smiled gently and growled, rolling over with Zephyr and breaking the kiss lingeringly. It was his turn to slide down the canine-lupine's body, dragging his claws through Zephyr's fur all the way, earning a shiver and a murr from the husky-wolf. He unbuttoned Zeph's fly and loosed the tail clasp, running a paw through his soft, silky tail. He drew the denims down and pulled them free of Zeph's feet. He slid back up slowly and chuckled at the picture of Wile E. Coyote staring up at him with his finger up in a 'no-no' gesture in distorted silk stretched by the bulging, throbbing mass underneath.

Aric wasted little time as Zeph's musk reached his nostrils, untying the tail-string and drawing the silks down to reveal a half-exposed wolf-cock, it's pointy tip bulging, begging to be licked and sucked generously. The dragon did not bother with anymore foreplay and sank his entire muzzle over the full length of Zephyr's generous endowment, pushing back the husky-wolf's furry sheath with soft lips, his sinuous tongue wrapping around it at least once, squeezing gently. The growl and groan issuing through the husky-wolf's gritted teeth was very satisfying, and so was the instant spurt of pre that Aric earned as a reward for his efforts.

Zephyr rolled his eyes up and closed them, gritting his teeth and growling softly with the incredible sensation that the dragon was giving him. He pulled in a labored breath, his chest starting to heave as he worked to hold back his hot, sticky husky-wolf seed. Aric only grinned and withdrew his muzzle, gently allowing his tongue to slide as it unwound from the throbbing canine-lupine cock, only to sink it down again, twisting his tongue tight around Zeph's length, tasting another shot of pre. Aric used a claw to tease Zephyr's furry sack, earning a louder growl, another groan, and a very large shot of pre. He savored the husky-wolf's wild taste as much as he could with his muzzle around Zephyr's considerable girth. He realized, as he started up a regular rhythm, that Zephyr's knot was beginning to form, and he immediately slowed down, withdrawing his muzzle slowly, lapping up the last shot of pre. The husky wolf was panting, his chest heaving as he finally opened his eyes and looked down at the dragon. He smiled devilishly. "Did you have something else in mind, naughty draggy?"

"Possibly, wuff." Aric smiled just as devilishly. "I was thinking...well, since I was so cold, maybe a little internal heating...maybe some hot chocolate and cream, without the chocolate." Aric slid up Zephyr's body, engaging his muzzle in another kiss, sharing the gift of husky-wolf pre.

Zephyr broke the kiss slowly. "Hmm...sounds like a plan. I think I might just have enough to keep you warm through the night..."

The two furs rolled over, closer to the waning fire, with Zephyr residing on top. He nibbled at Aric's neck, leaving a trail of little nibbles down his shoulder, and then slid down the dragon's body just enough to hook his paws under the crooks of Aric's knees, holding them up gently. Aric smiled softly and held his tail down and to the side, clearing the way for the husky-wolf.

"Are you sure you don't want me to warm you up first, draggy?" Zephyr caught Aric's eyes and held them, a concerned look residing within them.

"Just stretch me on that beautiful wolf pride, Zeph. Make a bitch out of me. I need it." Aric looked back into Zeph's eyes pleadingly.

The husky-wolf just nodded and smiled gently. He held his burgeoning wolfcock with one paw, and held Aric's right leg with the other, and kept his eyes locked on Arics' as he pushed softly from the hips, the pointy tip of his wolf meat parting the dragon's tight virgin tailhole.

Aric closed his eyes and opened his muzzle, rolling his head back and arching his back slightly, his tail curling around the husky-wolf's thighs as he felt the throbbing, pulsing flesh push its way into him for the first time. His mind was almost too wrapped in lust for him to realize that his most intimate and desperate fantasy was happening to him. The feeling was so intense, and Zephyr's scent was so much muskier than he could've ever imagined. He lost himself in the feelings. Oh, he'd penetrated himself with objects before, whatever he thought would work, but the feeling of a warm, living, throbbing cock was so much better. He gritted his teeth and moaned as Zephyr pushed more and more of his fabulous cock into his virgin tailhole. He heard the husky-wolf grunt and twitched as he felt a warm wetness slick his tight passage. Aric's cock let loose another spurt of pre as Zephyr dropped all of his weight down on his hips, pushing his wonderful wolf-dog cock into him, pressing hard on his prostate. Aric grunted and arched his back fully, sinking his claws into the thick grass at his sides, gripping hard with his sphincter uncontrollably as another stream of pre jetted from his dracine cock onto his chest and belly.

Zephyr moved the paw that was holding his cock in position to hook under the crook of Aric's left knee, and withdrew slowly, growling softly through an open muzzle, his eyes closed as he savored the feel of being within another. Aric could barely contain himself as the pleasure built to incredible levels. Not only the physical pleasure, but the mental and spiritual pleasure as well. Being this close to the hot husky-wolf made the dragon certain that he'd found his soulmate. Zephyr dropped his weight again, pushing his throbbing red wolfcock back home. Aric let out a 'huh' as the considerable endowment pressed hard against his prostate again, the stream of pre almost constant from his cock now. He moved both of his paws to grip Zephyr's shoulders and opened his eyes, gazing deeply into the greens of the gorgeous fur that was within him. There were volumes exchanged in that one glance, and Zephyr snarled as he pulled back out roughly and pushed all the way back in, starting a furious, animalistic rhythm, pumping in and out of the dragon hard, growling as he felt his knot beginning to form.

Aric arched his back and then started meeting every thrust that the husky-wolf offered, still locking gazes with him, snarling back. His tail tightened convulsively around Zephyr's thighs, and Zephyr growled ferociously, snapping, before he leaned down to take Aric's muzzle in a ferocious kiss, instinct driving both of them to be hotter and go faster. Aric had just enough presence of mind through the musk and lust to feel the husky-wolf's knot starting to tug almost painfully with every thrust, making a 'popping' noise that grew louder and louder with its size and the ferocity of their rutting.

Zephyr broke the kiss and moved his muzzle down to take Aric's long purplish cock into his muzzle, sucking violently as he thrust his hips at breakneck speed, pushing his knot in and out. Aric clenched his sphincter at the unexpected caress of tongue and muzzle at his cock, and Zephyr's eyes went wide, his teeth grazing Aric's sensitive flesh as he pushed hard into the dragon's body, locking his knot in place triumphantly, gurgling around the pre and Aric's cock, then arching his back, his claws digging into Aric's scales at the sensitive points in the crooks of his knees. Zephyr howled to the bright full moon, dropping every last ounce of his weight onto Aric.

Aric felt instant warmth as his tailhole spasmed around the invading knot, as Zephyr's first burning hot ropes of husky-wolf seed jetted into his thirsty, waiting tailhole with the force of a fire-hose. The husky-wolf's cock throbbed uncontrollably as a second spurt of hot, sticky wolf-dog cum filled Aric's ass. Zephyr howled again, short-humping Aric's ass with fury as the third and fourth forceful bursts of husky-wolf cum pushed against the insides of Aric's colon, the dragon's sphincter gripping the back of Zeph's knot almost painfully. The husky-wolf's cock was pressed firmly against Aric's prostate, and after a third howl, Zephyr brought his muzzle down to engulf the dragon's cock fully, its tip sliding down Zeph's spasming throat. The husky wolf rolled his eyes up into his head, still thrusting and cumming hard in Aric as the dragon let loose. Long, hot strands of sticky dragon cum filled Zephyr's muzzle quickly and poured down his throat, long strings forcing themselves out of the corners of his husky-wolf muzzle as Aric gripped his headfur, pushing hard into Zeph's muzzle, the movement causing his tailhole to tighten and jerk on Zephyr's knot, making the husky-wolf grunt and nearly choke on the overflowing dragon seed filling his muzzle. Aric jerked convulsively, jetting stream after stream, rope after long rope of dragon cum hard into Zephyr's muzzle, forcing it down his throat as he felt a warm wetness between his cheeks, the husky-wolf's throbbing cock still delivering hot ropes of gooey, sticky dog-wolf seed into his ever-hungry ass, some of it being forced out between his tight once-virgin tailhole and Zephyr's incredibly hot, throbbing wolfmeat.

Aric felt like he was pouring every ounce of his being into Zephyr's warm, loving muzzle. His balls jerked again and again, sending every last dreg of dragon cum into his lover's muzzle. Zephyr growled gently around the cock and seed filling his muzzle, licking his tongue around the underside of Aric's cock as his own balls jerked one last time, pushing as much hot, sticky husky-wolf cum into the dragon's insides as possible, and Zephyr sighed, rolling his eyes again, signaling the end of his wonderfully wild and animalistic orgasm. Aric's claws dug into Zephyr's headfur, and his teeth were gritted painfully as his cock throbbed for the final time, sending the last few drops of warm, gooey dragon seed across his lover's tongue and down his throat. He sighed as well, and let himself fall back to the forest floor, his scales glistening with sweat, pre, and cum in the firelight. He looked up at Zephyr and smiled as the husky-wolf's conscious mind finally repressed his baser instincts. His beautiful white, gray, and black coat was matted with sweat and other various fluids, and it shone, almost shimmering, in the light of the fire. He truly was a beautiful specimen, not to mention caring and nice, and obviously he was also very skilled in the rutting department. Aric couldn't believe his fantasy had finally come true. At last, his crush had him tied, and he was filled with thick, warm husky-wolf cum. He could feel it spreading out, filling his entire body with a kind of warmth he'd never felt before. He knew this must be love.

Zephyr gazed deeply into his amber eyes with those penetrating greens and smiled again softly. "I...I think I might love you Aric. My fantasy, my dream has come true..."

"Mine too Zeph. Oh God, mine too." The dragon smiled back, and the two shared a passionate kiss, bathing in the afterglow of their first mating.

Zephyr twisted around inside Aric, gaining a shiver and grunt from both, and laid the dragon on his side, facing the fire, laying down behind him, his knot still secured tightly behind Aric's tight tailhole. Aric didn't shiver anymore, he was plenty warm now, cuddled up to his mate next to the fire, filled with his seed and their love. Zephyr reached for the items of clothes he could reach, and laid them over the both of them like a patchwork quilt, and wrapped his arms around his dragon lover, licking gently at the top of the dragon's head.

Aric lay there, and started to fall asleep in Zephyr's strong arms, finally feeling that life might be going his way. If nothing else was certain, at least he knew now that he would have someone to love and be loved by for the rest of his life, no matter what. He heard the husky-wolf's even breathing and knew that he'd fallen asleep. With the soft rhythm of his lover's heart and lungs, and the feeling of being so filled by him, his welcome member still throbbing gently with each heartbeat deep inside Aric's sex-sore body, Aric fell into a deep slumber, filled with so much wonder, hope, and love, that he felt nothing could ever go wrong again.

THE END...of part one. As with all of my work, kids, there might be more to this one, and there might not be. Who knows? Anyway, those of you with comments and positive criticism can either use the wonderful 'comments' function at Yiffstar, or you can feel completely free to e-mail me at [email protected] Remember, positive comments and constructive criticisms are my writing fuel! So please, leave them, or feel free to e-mail. I love to make new furry friends! And again, thanks so much for taking the time to read and write.


A Streetdog's Dream Cum True 3

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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Chronicles of Cyro Part II

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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The Chronicles of Cyro

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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