Halloween Surprise

Story by Alice In Wonderland on SoFurry

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"Shut up!" The order was followed by laughter not unlike that of an angel, tinkling like bells but loud and boisterous as well. "Oh my God! Oh Jesus! I think I got a cramp!" The loud musical laughter continued, echoing throughout the large house. "You're a vampire. You can't get cramps," was the annoyed, monotone reply. "You - " more laughter, "You - oh God! - You looked very pretty Chaos...or should I say Cass - " The voices were abruptly silenced as Oscuro entered the room, eyebrows raised, appraising the scene before him. Chaos stood on one side of Kisa's expensive, antique coffee table while Alice stood on the other. Chaos was glaring daggers while Alice was covering her maw with a dainty paw attempting to smother the giggles that continued bubbling out of her. Both turned to face Oscuro after a momentary staring contest, Chaos's gaze still murderous and Alice's eyes filled with giddy mirth. When Chaos realized he was still glaring he dropped his eyes to the floor, looking almost...nervous. But just as quickly as they lowered, he raised them again, eye's slightly wider, though still furious, pinning them on Alice, a low growl escaping his throat. This triggered another giggling fit and Alice turned, a sly grin on her lips, to face Oscuro. After staring him down for second, laughter still not under control, she flounced out of the room through the archway Oscuro had previously entered. Chaos's eyes followed her the whole way out. Once she was gone he looked back at his now very confused lover. "Care to share?" Oscuro asked, eyebrows still raised. "Not particularly." Chaos sullenly replied. Smiling sweetly, Oscuro strode across the room to his mate, taking him in his arms, whispering playfully, "Aww! Come on! Sharing is caring." He then batted his long, thick eyelashes for added effect. His actions had the desired affect, eliciting a chuckle out of Chaos from somewhere deep in his chest. Oscuro smiled down at him. "What's with the rhyming?" Chaos asked, still laughing softly. "Dunno. But it worked, now, didn't it?" Oscuro beamed, proud of himself for relieving Chaos of his sour mood. Chaos wasn't all that fun to be around when he was grouchy. "Hey!" Chaos said indignantly in response to Oscuro's thoughts. "But yes, it did." Softly, he pressed his lips against Oscuro's, standing on his toes to reach his lips. Oscuro reciprocated enthusiastically, even going so far as to pull them down onto the couch, covering Chaos's body with his own. The tiger was about to begin toying with the hem of his deer's shirt when Oscuro pulled away, grabbed the t.v. remote from under the couch cushion, and plopped his head down onto Chaos's chest, turning the television on as he did so. "Now that that's settled, shh! Rugrats is on." Chaos snickered at his young love's childish nature, which he found utterly adorable. And so they lapsed into a comfortable silence, both content in their current position. * * *


  • * * "So...Oscuro, what are you dressing up as?" Alice's voice held a teasing edge to it and, as Oscuro looked up from his food, sure enough, Chaos was glaring, once again, across the table at her. The Tennants made it a nightly tradition to sit around the table, none eating but Oscuro, to play at being a normal family. Not that they weren't a family to begin with. But normal... "Flesh eating zombie." Alice's grin dropped and her eyes practically popped out of their sockets. Oscuro, feeling pleased with himself for shocking Alice, turned to share a smirk with Chaos, who was sitting beside him, only to be met with a startled, and slightly upset, expression. Confused, Oscuro turned to face the rest of the table and it seemed all of the other conversations had halted as well. "Uhh..." Oscuro wasn't stupid. He knew the conversation he had interrupted earlier had something to do with Halloween, which was coming up in about a week, and the costume Chaos had chosen to wear. The costume which he would not, even after much pestering, share with Oscuro. But seriously, why did the entire family seem to know about it...better question, why did they care? "That won't do..." Alice was muttering to herself, looking every inch the crazy person Yoko had discovered she was thought to be before she was turned, "No, no it won't..." "Oscuro, dear," Kisa spoke in her soothing, motherly voice, "Perhaps something less...bloody?" It was obvious "bloody" wasn't the word she wished to use, but the irony made Oscuro chuckle anyway. By now Alice was whispering conspiratorially to Xaver, both glancing over at Oscuro with mischievous looks in their eyes, Travis was trying smother his laughter, Satoshi was looking increasingly anxious, probably do to emotions circulating around the room, and Ushitora was looking sympathetically at Chaos who was, for his part, hunched over the table, head in his paws, practically blushing with embarrassment, quite a feat for a vampire. "Um...guys..." Oscuro spoke up, "I was just joking..." And then everything was quiet. "Oscuro Szmanda! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Alice screeched before jumping up and chasing a laughing Oscuro out of the room. . "You'd think Halloween would be more interesting, what with living with vampires and all." Oscuro muttered under his breath, knowing Chaos would hear him. Chaos chuckled. Currently, they were both leaning against a wall, the tiger and the deer, original as they were, in Sirus Blackstar's house watching the drunk teenagers who surrounded them dance spazz-tically and make-out noisily. "How did these people get into college?" Oscuro asked nobody in particular. "God only knows." Chaos replied to his lover's rhetorical question. As it was Halloween, Sirus had come home from university to throw a party. This party was not just for the college generation, but the under aged one as well. It seemed all the kids from the surrounding schools had shown up. Alice, feeling Oscuro needed to socialize more during his senior year, dragged them there and Chaos, who felt the same, did not protest. Oscuro was nowhere near as reclusive as Yoko had been, something they were all grateful for, and he did not see why he needed to socialize any more than he already did. But he, too, did not protest much. After all, Oscuro Szmanda was not one to spoil anyone's fun; if anything he would add to it. "So Vlad, would you care to dance?" Chaos scowled at the nickname but grasped Oscuro's paw anyway and was lead into the throng of furs. Once they reached the center, where the heat from the dancers was almost suffocating, Oscuro pulled Chaos close and began swaying his hips sinfully, the rhythm of the music flowing through him, his actions fluid. Chaos's paws moved up Oscuro's chest to wrap themselves around his neck, fingers locked, and Oscuro's found their way to Chaos's hips, his own hips rocking suggestively against Chaos. Chaos relaxed into Oscuro, laying his head into the crook of his neck, and his movements became wickedly sensual and sinuous. Neither cared what the rest of the room thought, but it seemed everyone was too drunk to notice, much less have an opinion on the subject. "Let's get out of here, love." Chaos purred into Oscuro's ear sending shivers through Oscuro's body which doubled when Chaos began sucking on his pulse. The rest of the Tennants watched as Chaos was practically yanked off the dance floor and out of the house, all with knowing smirks on their lips. . "Stay here." Chaos stopped Oscuro at the base of the stairs by placing his paw on his lover's chest, gently, yet forcefully at the same time, pushing him away, leaving Oscuro very confused as they had previously been hot and heavy. "Go...eat...or something. Yeah, go eat, I'll call you when you can come up." With that Chaos grinned, placed a chaste peck on Oscuro's lips, and practically skipped up the stairs. And Oscuro stood there, watching as his mate walked away with his eyebrows furrowed and his maw hanging open in shock. "Close your mouth or you'll catch flies!" Chaos shouted from somewhere upstairs before slamming the bedroom door, or so Oscuro assumed, closed. "Um..." Turning on his heal, Oscuro walked slowly across the wooden floor into the kitchen. "Food...right..." Deciding to be optimistic, Oscuro found some chips, the closest food that required the least amount of preparation, and sat on the counter, his crunching echoing in the empty house. He watched the doorway and strained his ears, hoping for some sign Chaos was ready for him. But, assuming this was what all the "Halloween hype in the Tennant household" was about, he decided to be patient. As patient as a horny, teenager could be... After what seemed like hours, Oscuro practically jumped out of his skin when he heard his name being called from somewhere upstairs. "You - um - you can come up now!" With those words Oscuro heard something he'd never heard before - Chaos's voice shaking with nervousness. And, because his astonishingly calm lover was afraid, Oscuro's nerves started to get to him. What, exactly, did Chaos have planned for him? With that question in mind, he jumped off the cold tile of the counter and placed the chips back on the shelf. Taking a deep breath, he began walking up the stairs and toward the room they shared. Hesitantly he knocked on the door, considering the possibility that he was hearing voices and Chaos hadn't really called him up, after all, Chaos was never scared...or at least he didn't show it. "Come in," Chaos's voice was soft, possibly to mask his anxiety. "Fuck it," Oscuro thought and grabbed the door knob, throwing the door open. The site that greeted him caused his jaw to drop, his eyes to widen, and his brain to revert back to that of a cave man. Chaos was kneeling on the bed... In a schoolgirl costume. Yes, a school_girl_ costume. "You - uh..." Words escaped him, "Huh." Mush took the place of Oscuro's brain. Chaos's legs were spread open in the shape of an upside down "V" and he was clutching his paws behind his back, shoulders scrunched inward as if trying to make himself smaller. He sucked, nervously, on his bottom lip and his eyes were darting back and forth from the floor to Oscuro, trying to gage his reaction. Hanging low on his slim hips was a short plaid skirt, colored navy blue with green and white accents, coming all the way up to his mid thighs, were white, knee high socks, and Oscuro reasoned that if he could see Chaos's feet, they would be clad in black heels. His stomach was bare, showing off his smooth, flat abs and small, tight bellybutton. At his rib cage a white, button up shirt began, its sleeves going two-thirds of the way down Chaos's upper arms. A plaid tie completed the outfit, tied loosely around his long neck. "Hot." Oscuro's first coherent thought since he walked into the room and it had to be that. However, looking back to his lover's face he discovered he wasn't frowning in reprimand, but beaming with pleasure and relief. Sliding off the bed, he began walking slowly, as gracefully as ever even in four inch heels, over to Oscuro and upon reaching him, he gave him another nervous smile before wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss, the distance between their lips smaller with Chaos wearing heels. After doing so, he stepped back again, holding his paws up and twirling as if for inspection. "So. What do you think Mr. Szmanda?" He asked cheekily. "You...you...wow." Oscuro still couldn't form a complete sentence and his eyes continued to roam Chaos's lean body. "Mr. Szmanda, the reason I asked to speak with you was because...well...I was wondering if there was anything I could do to raise my grade?" "Huh?...oh! Uh..." Oscuro snapped back into reality, as he had been busy studying his new schoolgirl, but his mind was still rather fuzzy and he could think of nothing to say. Chaos grinned, secretly pleased his surprise had gone over so well, and decided to continue as if his "teacher" had answered. "No?! But...but! Please! I'll do anything! Anything! You can't let my parents find out about this!" That finally brought coherent thought back to Oscuro and he snickered, knowing Alice and Kisa did know about this and had, it appeared, helped to some extent. "Well..." Oscuro answered taking his roll more seriously, "I just don't think there's anything I can do about that..." Chaos flashed him a sweet smile before getting back into character, pleading again, "But I can, right?! I'll - I'll...um...I don't know! Just give me something, anything! I'll do it! I'll clean your car! I'll do yard work! I'll - uh - wash your dog!" Oscuro chuckled, every inch the condescending teacher, "Mr. Tennant, I don't have a dog." "Oh...then...then..." Chaos was looking genuinely distressed. "Come here, Mr. Tennant." "Uh...I..." "Now, Mr. Tennant!" Chaos meekly stepped closer and closer until his body was flush against Oscuro's, and he made a point to rub his crotch into Oscuro's, but softly, as if it was an accident. Oscuro brought his lips down to Chaos's and held them there, hovering, breathing on his lover's plump lips, before closing the gap and pressing his own soft lips against Chaos's. Chaos's response was timid, as if unsure whether or not it was okay to kiss his teacher, but then he became emboldened, mashing his lips against Oscuro's and chewing on his bottom lip. Chaos's paws pressed against Oscuro's chest, rubbing his pecs sensually, thumbs searching casually for his nipples, before moving them up onto his lover's shoulders then to his neck and jaw, caressing his silky fur. Pulling his head back, Chaos grinned a cocky grin, before kneeling down, making a point to sit as he had on the bed, sticking his ass out just far enough to tempt Oscuro, and eying the bulge in Oscuro's jeans which was growing by the second. "Is this okay, Mr. Szmanda?" Chaos's tone was teasing and as he spoke, lips close to Oscuro's arousal, the bulge jumped slightly, begging to be released from the confines of Oscuro's jeans. Chaos smirked up at his mate who had a look of such eagerness on his face that it caused Chaos to remember who the real teenager here was. "Y-yes. Continue, Mr. Tennant." Oscuro bit his lip to keep himself from adding "please." "Yes, Mr. Szmanda." Chaos answered obediently, slowly unzipped Oscuro's zipper, fingers brushing softly against his fabric covered erection. "Mr. Szmanda...um...would you mind...um..." Chaos suddenly looked very embarrassed. "What do you want, Mr. Tennant?" Oscuro asked in a very direct way, as if Chaos's mumbling annoyed him, when, in fact, he found it rather adorable. "Could you...um...could you take off your shirt for me?" Chaos practically whispered, acting bashful. "What was that, Mr. Tennant?" Oscuro questioned, smirking, knowing full well what his lover asked. "Take off your shirt." Chaos ordered, thought still acting nervous. "As you wish." Oscuro said, pulling the tight black t-shirt over his head, muscles flexing as he did so. Chaos flashed him a smile, filled with love and devotion, before he turned back to the task at hand. He undid the button above the open fly and pulled Oscuro's jeans down, along with his boxers, waiting until Oscuro to step out of them to throw them aside. Oscuro stood completely naked, every inch of him muscled, tempting Chaos. Oscuro didn't have to do a thing, his mere presents made Chaos horny. Directly in front of his face stood Oscuro's long, stiff rod, bobbing slightly. Chaos leaned forward, his tongue gently licking the slit along head, his eyes locking on Oscuro's as they rolled back in ecstasy; his paws stroking the soft skin of his lover's thighs. "Mmm...Chaos..." Oscuro moaned, forgetting his role, eyes closed, clutching his bottom lip between his teeth, sucking slowly, sensually. Chaos's paws moved up and down Oscuro's legs, caressing the dark fur, before slowly, teasingly, moving them higher; the tips of his fingers brushing the sensitive skin surrounding Oscuro's heavy sack. The muscles in Oscuro's thighs, stomach, and ass clenched when Chaos began sucking and nibbling on the snowy fur of his inner thighs as well at the delicate flesh above his base, and his cock twitched as if searching for Chaos's wet lips. Oscuro ran his fingers through Chaos's silky, brown hair, sending chills up Chaos's spine and causing him to arch his back even more, ass sticking out erotically beneath the plaid skirt, the tip of his tail twitching wildly. Oscuro let out a shaky breath he wasn't aware he had been holding as Chaos blew cold air onto his hypersensitive head and a bead of milky pre-cum formed on his tip. Chaos smiled and licked the bulbous head again, this time with one quick, catlike stroke, loving Oscuro's salty taste on his tongue. Oscuro's spunk was the only incentive Chaos needed to continue. His teasing paws now moved up to cup his love's aerial ball sack and stroke his meaty shaft. Chaos carefully took Oscuro's tip, which by now was leaking his juices all over Chaos's tongue, into the soft cavern of his boxed muzzle, lips puckered around it. He proceeded to suck roughly on the sensitive treasure, teeth occasionally scraping gently, as his right paw pumped the length of Oscuro's enormous cock and the fingers of his left paw rolled his mate's balls like delicate glass marbles. By this point, Chaos's own cock was hard and wanting and, if it weren't for the pink silk thong that cradled his genitals, his short, schoolgirl skirt would have risen up, his own mushroom headed glory out for all to gaze upon. Though the silk felt like heaven against his sack, the panties were becoming increasingly uncomfortable and, as Chaos knew the sight of his rod peaking out from under his mini-skirt would arouse Oscuro even more than he already was, he removed the paw which was fondling Oscuro's sack and moved it down to the string of his thong, yanking it off and ripping it in the process. The absence of Chaos's cold, talented paw caused Oscuro to look down just in time to see the panties down around his lover's thighs before being ripped off. Chaos's juicy dick not only peaked out from under the skirt but lifted it up completely, pinning the material against Chaos's lick-able abs. More pre-cum shot from Oscuro's cock directly into Chaos's awaiting maw. Unable to control himself, Chaos reached down to fondle his own cock, at the same time taking all of Oscuro's thick dick into his muzzle and, inevitably, down his throat. The sight of Chaos jacking off and Chaos's cheeks caving in as he sucked frantically at Oscuro's pole, as well as the feeling of his throat constricting around his cock as he throated him, left Oscuro struggling to keep from pounding roughly into Chaos's muzzle. Hearing his lover's dirty thoughts, Chaos let go his own meat and placed his paws on Oscuro's hips, as Oscuro had done to him earlier that evening, but his intentions were much raunchier. Moving his head back so once again only the tip remained between his lips, he rolled it erotically with his tongue, licking every crevice, before pulling his lover's hips toward his face, ramming so hard that the fat, juicy dick was halfway down his throat before Oscuro could process what was happening. Looking down, he was met with the erotic sight of Chaos's plump lips stretched all the way around his massive cock and pressing, as if in a chaste kiss, against the skin of his base as he had gobbled up every last inch of Oscuro's magnificent length. The veins, pulsing with blood, all over Oscuro's slick rod were causing Chaos to feel lightheaded, not with blood-lust, but with desire. Looking up into Oscuro's eyes, begging him to take him, Chaos swallowed causing his throat to clench around Oscuro. Gripping Chaos's hair roughly, holding him in place, Oscuro arched his back before slamming his hips forward, his needy dick sliding down his lover's throat. "Mmmmmm!" With Chaos's husky encouragement, Oscuro continued to frantically thrust his swollen cock down into his eager lover's mouth, in and out, in and out; his cum-filled balls slapping Chaos's chin with every thrust. Chaos, having no gag reflex, reveled in the feeling of his mate's shaft against his tongue and the dirty, raunchy knowledge of what he was going, all the while dressed in a slutty schoolgirl uniform. Slowly caressing his way down Oscuro's thighs, then up again, Chaos's paws ended up on his lover's ass cheeks adding to the force behind Oscuro's bucking by pushing him deeply down his throat. Without realizing he was doing so, Chaos lifted one paw and brought it back down harshly, slapping Oscuro's rear with enough force to leave a hand print. "Oh fuck! Yes! Yes!" Oscuro praised Chaos, for the slap or the blowjob he wasn't sure. "Ugh! Chaos - ah! - do that - uhh! - again!" That answered that. Raising his paw, he slapped his ass again, this time harder earning a groan from Oscuro, who continued fucking his jackhammer in and out of Chaos's mouth. Feeling braver, Chaos slowly spread Oscuro's round, muscled cheeks, fingers gripping the soft, untouched flesh. Taking a finger, he ran it down his love's crack until he found the puckered, tailhole. Gently massaging the scrunched up skin, he waited for his lover to stop him, but when he didn't, Chaos wiggled his index finger into the tight sphincter. A shaky moan escaped Oscuro's lips and his thrusting slowed, becoming less frantic and more erotic. Chaos didn't attempt to move his digit, knowing it would be uncomfortable for Oscuro, but when Oscuro bucked his hips backwards in an eager manner he had no choice but to finger-fuck his lover's tailhole. Oscuro resumed his rough, hard thrusting as Chaos added a second, then a third, finger and Chaos's free paw returned to his own aching cock, jerking it in time with Oscuro's throat fucking. "Ooh! Uhh! Oh God! Chaos, I'm gonna cum!" The thrusting became hard and erratic as Chaos waited eagerly for his reward. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Oscuro shouted as his balls tightened and his slick juices shot down Chaos's throat then onto his tongue and cheeks as he pulled his long shaft from his maw and held it in his large paw, aiming for his lover's mouth. His creamy cum covered Chaos's face and jizz continued to shoot out of Oscuro's head until Chaos removed his finger's from Oscuro's tailhole, having been prolonging his love's climax. When his orgasm subsided Oscuro pulled Chaos into his arms and they fell onto the bed, Chaos licking his own face clean. "Wow. That was amazing." Oscuro sighed, then looked up as Chaos sat up. "You think this is over, Mr. Szmanda? I've been a dirty, naughty boy and I still need to be punished." "Mmm..." Oscuro moaned gutturally as he pulled Chaos back into his arms. "And how do you suggest I punish you?" "Well," Chaos began as snuggled into Oscuro's chest, paws roaming his mate's abdomen, "You could find a desk to bend me over then spank me red, if that were possible, while pounding me raw. Or, you know, something like that." With that, he started licking and sucking at his lover's chest. Oscuro groaned, feeling a tightness in his crotch. "Don't think I don't know what you're doing." He managed to get out. Chaos looked up, abandoning his previous task, to smirk then, purposefully and erotically, lick his lips, facing ending up in an innocent pout. "And what exactly am I doing, Mr. Szmanda?" His tone became husky as he said his lover's name. Oscuro rolled his eyes and pulled Chaos up for a kiss. Their lips fused together and both fought for dominance. Teeth and tongue came together - pulling and tugging, swirling and dancing - as they conveyed everything they felt at that moment. They pulled each other close, as close as they possibly could, until their bodies were flush against each other. Finally, Oscuro pulled back, placed his paws on either side of Chaos's face, and whispered gruffly, "How about we settle with the bed?" Chaos eyes remained closed, his eyelashes grazing his skin, and the sides of his swollen lips pulled up into a grin at Oscuro's words. His response was to roll his hips causing both naked cocks to grind together, Oscuro's sticky with Chaos's saliva and his own goo-ey cum while Chaos's remained slick with leaking pre-cum. "You didn't cum?" Oscuro questioned, his tone astonished. "We'll just have to fix that now, won't we?" Grinning, he sat up and flipped Chaos onto his back while positioning himself so his muscular body covered his partner's, his paws and knees holding him up. Chaos's eyes traveled from Oscuro's face to the small gap between their bodies, his own still clad in the white blouse and plaid skirt. Oscuro's cock hung, suspended in air, between them, swinging gently, and his heavy sack hung, well, heavily. Chaos's own dick jumped visibly, and it looked as if it was reaching out in hopes of finding Oscuro's. "Like the view, Mr. Tennant?" "Mhm." Was Chaos's dazed reply. Oscuro chuckled, the sound coming from somewhere deep in his chest, and lowered his hips slightly so just the tip of his cock brushed up against Chaos's. Chaos groaned and jerked his hips, lifting them up and causing the full shafts to rub together, if only for a second, before Chaos lowered them again. At this, Oscuro moaned, a small smile finding its way onto his lips. Finally giving in, he brought his ass down on to Chaos's thighs, using them as a cushion, so their balls met and their erect dicks stroked each other. Both males sighed. Oscuro stole one more kiss before lowering his head, effectively blocking Chaos's view, to which Chaos groaned in protest. Oscuro pressed his lips gently against the flesh of Chaos's neck, sucking softly on the still veins. Moving his lips across his lover's throat, stopping momentarily to nip at his bobbing Adam's apple, tongue caressing it wetly in the process, Oscuro made his way to Chaos's ear where he carefully took the tip between his teeth and began doing sinful things to it. Chaos's whimpers became that of the wanton schoolgirl he was dressed as. Lifting his paws to tangle his fingers in Oscuro's silky Grey hair, he pulled Oscuro's head away from his ear and back to eye level where he proceeded to kiss him with as much force as he could. All the while, he was absentmindedly thrusting into Oscuro's pelvis causing Oscuro to buck into him as well. Separating his lips from Chaos's, Oscuro brought them back to his ear to whisper hoarsely, "Not just yet, love. I'm going to make you cum so hard you can't even remember your own name." Chaos let out a quivery groan and placed his paws on Oscuro's back, stroking it gently, moving his fingers up and down, grazing the top of Oscuro's tail before moving up again. Shivers ran through Oscuro's body. "I'm thinking this shirt is no longer needed." And with that, Oscuro ripped the white belly shirt off of his mate and began attacking Chaos's nipples, biting at one while pinching the other between his forefinger and thumb, leaving Chaos naked except for the skirt which was pinned across his abs by Chaos's needy cock. "Mmm." Chaos moaned softly, purring. Hearing his reaction, Oscuro halted his attack to lick the nipple he had been nibbling at, then gave it a light peck, before giving the other the same treatment. One of Oscuro's paws found its way to the crook of Chaos's neck and he left it there, cradling Chaos's head tenderly, as he licked the brown nub with the tip of his tongue. Chaos lifted his arms up and over his head, resting them on the pillows above him, and bit his lip to keep in a groan. Oscuro finished torturing Chaos's nipples and proceeded to lick his way down Chaos's torso, swirling his tongue around his belly button before kissing it lightly and continuing down. When he reached the straining cock he ignored it completely, instead lifting Chaos's legs onto his shoulders, pushing the twitching tail up and finding the tight pink hole nestled between his muscular cheeks. "You know what, " Oscuro paused for effect, "I think we'll have to leave this slutty skirt on." And with that he lowered his face down into Chaos's crack, access made easier as his ass was suspended in air, and began licking and sucking and prodding at Chaos's puckered tailhole. "Ahhh!" Chaos roared and bucked against Oscuro's muzzle. "Ah, yeah! Ehh!" His eyes rolled back and his maw opened in carnal bliss as Oscuro wiggled his tongue deep into his channel and started rotating it in a deliciously wide circle. Pulling his tongue out, Oscuro placed a chaste kiss on the pink flesh and replaced the thick muscle with one finger, then two, as he continued to stretch the tight hole. As he thrust his fingers in and out of Chaos's ass, he took his lover's balls into his mouth, one by one, and sucked gently and sensually to which Chaos moaned even more. "You ready, baby?" Oscuro's voice was husky when he spoke. "Yes! God, yes!" Chaos was putty in Oscuro's paws. "Uhhhh!" He moaned as Oscuro removed his fingers. After carefully guiding Chaos's thighs off of his shoulders, Oscuro gave Chaos's cock one last tug before flipping him over onto his stomach. Chaos took the initiative and positioned himself on all fours, legs spread and back arched in a way that caused his cheeks to part and his hole to show, slightly stretched from Oscuro's delicious teasing, tail erect, tip twitching with eagerness. His skirt was flipped up, revealing the underside, as it lay across Chaos's back. Seeing Chaos in that pose made Oscuro groan. The view of his ass and the way his cock dangled tauntingly was enough to drive anyone insane. With one paw resting on his lover's slim hips, Oscuro guided his cocks tip to the small opening. Slowly, almost too slowly, he pressed the head against the sensitive flesh until it disappeared, becoming engulfed in Chaos's warm channel. Chaos moaned softly and arched his back even more. Oscuro took a deep breath as his eyes rolled back in his head. His cock was still slightly tender from the blow job he had just received and, because he was so sensitive, just pressing his tip against Chaos's hole caused him to groan. Simple contact almost sent him over the edge and the feeling of his cock, even just the head, inside the heated tunnel was sending shivers down his spine. Taking his time and enjoying the process, Oscuro inched his dick into Chaos's tailhole, watching as his cock was gobbled up all the way to his balls and the way the flesh surrounding Chaos's entrance stretched to accommodate him. Chaos groaned and Oscuro joined him, Chaos's slightly whiny while Oscuro's resembled that of a predator. "Uhh. Meh - Oscuro - ahh - fuck me! Ehh! Yes! Ahhh!" Chaos's soft sounds of pleasure turned into screams of bliss as Oscuro granted his request and began pounding his tight tailhole with everything he had. Placing his paws on Chaos's hips, Oscuro threw his head back and gave in to his animalistic urge to thrust into Chaos roughly and aggressively, marking him as his with every stroke, every caress, and every sound he forced through Chaos's lips. Chaos kept pace with Oscuro's wild thrusting by rhythmically rocking his hips back, meeting Oscuro's cock every time and groaning when Oscuro's heavy ball sac smacked his own in the midst of his rough thrusting. Eventually Oscuro slowed, his thrusts less needy and more erotic. Taking his time, he pulled his dick out almost all the way before thrusting it back in, the thick muscle stroking Chaos's insides in a way that set both their veins on fire. With every thrust Oscuro's tip met Chaos's prostate and Chaos moaned and groaned and panted. "Ahhh! Oscuro, I'm so close! Ah - mmm - so - ehh â€" close!" Without a word, Oscuro picked up his frantic pace once more, hitting every spot in just the right way, as he brought his lover closer and closer to his climax. "Ahhhh!" The pleasure was so intense that Chaos screamed as he came. The sounds coming from Chaos's lips coupled with Chaos's tight hole practically milking him as Chaos came brought Oscuro over the edge and his body froze, his rough thrusting stilled, as he shot load after load of milky white cum into Chaos's channel. "Ahhh..." Oscuro sighed and Chaos panted. Chaos could feel the warm liquid leaking down his inner thigh as Oscuro turned him over and snuggled into his chest. Both sighed in contentment and Chaos gazed lovingly down at Oscuro as he fell asleep in his arms, completely wiped out from Chaos's little Halloween surprise. * * * Oscuro, Alice, Xaver, Satoshi, and Ushitora (C) Me Kisa and Chaos (C) Kisa Yoko and Tommy (C) Their owners. Smut (C) My dirty Mind.