Lost Soldier: 1, Rescue

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#1 of Lost Soldier -Book 1- Complete

Something that I just started writing and had a friend proof read for me, ...

Something that I just started writing and had a friend proof read for me, I made a total of two chapters so far and I don't know if I'll go any further than that, all depends on how the feedback comes in. So far I've been having some mental blocks but Dragon Hunter 3 and Hand of Hell 3 are set up and ready to be proofed, once they are looked over they will be posted up.

Vote and comment if you would.

Sitting in the back of the ground personnel carrier as it roared down the empty road, six black clad figures clung on as it turned onto a dirt road and sped into the woods, kicking up dirt as the full moon shone down illuminating the area. The human sitting on the right side, being closest to the back hatch lifted his head looking over the rest of his team. The fur across from him was his best friend who was a small grey wolf with some long grey head fur that he always had in a ponytail. To the wolf's left was a large tank of a fur, a large lizard who was checking over his shotgun, the perfect solider some said if it wasn't for the fact that he just hated taking point. His scales were a deep red and black helping him to blend in to the night, since most missions were at night though they have lost him a few times when he was standing right next to them. On his left was their commander, wearing his headset over his lion ears, a large fur who had his mane trimmed down and military cut red headfur, he was looking over his map and marking evac locations as well as possible ways out should they run into trouble, always looking a hundred moves ahead which everyone was grateful for. To the humans right was a female doe with the normal tan and white deer coloring, most would think she was weak and most would be right since she was the demolitionist and loved to just blow some shit up, a lean female figure with blonde headfur that was pulled back into a short pony tail. On the other side of the doe was the teams sniper, another human with shaggy brown hair to match his brown eyes, he was silently praying with a silver cross in his right hand as he did before every mission, though with his rifle in his other hand it was hard to believe that he was a believer. The human who was looking around had short brown hair and blue eyes, looking at his feet seeing his assault rifle laying there waiting to be picked up and shouldered, he looked as if something was on his mind and there was an uneasy silence among the team.

The lion pulled down his headset "Alright listen up, as we know that command lost contact with the trainee unit that was doing a fast rescue mission in these woods and we all know what we have to do, but let's go over the mission again." Everyone looked toward the lion, waiting for him to begin.

The lion stood up and looked over a clipboard he had picked up from under the bench he was sitting on. "Alright, it is known that the training unit has a total of nine members, they were deployed out into the field for a routine training mission at O'three hundred hours. At O'five hundred hours a radio transmission was received that the training unit had run into hostiles, it is unknown what they had run into and it's unknown what level of the threat they had encountered, what is clear that approximately twelve minutes after the transmission was received it was abruptly cut with the sounds of gun fire and shouts." Everyone looked toward one another as the personnel transport hit a large bump rocking the team this way and that,

"We have been called in to find the missing training team, assess the situation and neutralize whatever threat there may be, a basic get in, rescue friendlies, and kill anything that chooses to be stupid enough to get in our way, nothing too difficult." With that everyone reached for their weapons and locked and loaded.

The blue eyed human slung his rifle before reaching down and pulling up a large knife that was easily nine inches long, not including the handle, pulling the blade from its sheath and looking over the beautiful craftsmanship before sliding it into his left shoulder sheath, catching the attention of the wolf across from him.

The wolf leaned forward. "Hey Mike, why do you carry that damn knife around..." everyone looked over as the wolf called out over the roar of the vehicle. "You overcompensating for something," he said, this lightening the mood greatly as smiles crept over some of the faces of the team.

The human smiled and put his right hand on his groin giving a squeeze "Yeah, my dicks so big I had to get a little knife to balance everything out." That brought several laughs and lightened the mood greatly as playful punches were thrown and a few smart remarks were called out making everyone feel better before the mission started.

The large armored vehicle slowed to a stop and the back hatch opened up, letting the team of six run out and quickly set up a perimeter before the hatch closed and the vehicle spun around and roared off back the way it came, all circled up on the lion "Alright, everyone knows the drill, once we find the team we secure one of the extraction points and call in for a chopper to get us home."

Everyone nodded as the lion put his right fist in the middle of the group and soon everyone had their fists touching the others in the middle of the circle, everyone smiled. "Alright family, let's get going," the lion said, everyone nodding and quickly pulling their fists back and gripping their weapons before quickly moving toward the last known location of the training team.

The team of six spread themselves out and moved quickly, ducking behind trees and moving out with skilled and practiced precision, everyone knowing exactly where the other ones were, they covered miles quickly before they slowed their paces and became even more cautious. Slowly they began to converge together into a tighter group before coming to a complete stop.

The brown eyed human was the furthest back with his rifle at the ready, along with the large lizard covering his back. The female doe was with the blue eyed human and wolf in the middle of the group with the lion in front, the lion placed a finger to his right ear and spoke toward his right shoulder into the small raido he had on him.

"Alright James, you see the house?" The brown eyed human raised his rifle and moved into a sitting position looking through his rifles scope, seeing an abandoned two story house in the distance,

"Yes sir, approximately...140 to 150 meters away" the shaggy haired human spoke looking back up, seeing the small white dot in the distance.

"Alright, move up to one hundred meters and dig yourself along with Rex into a good vantage point and cover us, Mike..."

"Yes sir" the blue eyed human said raising his head and looking toward the lion as he turned and looked back at him.

"You and Lisa move around to the left side of the house, me and Carl are going to circle around the back and we'll converge once we're in position." Several 'Yes sirs' and 'Understood' were said over the radio before the team slowly split up.

Moving toward the left with the doe Lisa, Mike took point and slowly came to a stop on the left side of the house whispering out 'In position' over the radio, followed shortly by the other human, James and the lizard Rex and finally the wolf Carl and their leader.

The lion slowly steadied himself "On three we move..." a moment of silence passed when he called out "Three" and the three furs and one human moved on the house under the cover from James, who had climbed a tree and was lying on a sturdy branch with his rifle set toward the house, watching his team mates charge in.

The lion kicked in the worn back door and Carl immediately moved into the hallway, to their left were stairs leading up and a small door that lead toward the basement, on the right side of the hall in the middle of the wall was a door less door that Mike peeked his head around quickly before Carl signaled by waving his hand back and forth next to his head, letting the human know to move to the right and toward the stairs.

Mike nodded seeing his friend signal him to move to the right which he did quickly, him and Lisa had jumped through a smashed window into a large kitchen that had seen better days, the wallpaper had been torn in places and the wooden cabinets and tables looked ready to cave under any kind of weight put on them. Moving out of the kitchen with Lisa right behind him watching his back, turning to the left toward the beginning of the stairs and seeing another door less doorway leading to another room. He turned, tapping Lisa's shoulder and pointing toward the room, letting her know he was going to check it and she was to stand in the doorway to watch the stairs. She nodded in understanding and Mike quickly moved into the dark room.

It looked to be a living room slash den and was very large, taking up all of the right side of the first level of the house, just as the kitchen took up the left level with only that single hallway and staircase between them. Looking over the room with his flashlight that was connected to the top of his rifle, illuminating all that he looked at. There were old worn and torn furniture and the walls were decaying, there were book shelves with old worn books and the reddish brown carpet was covered in dirt and dust, there was even an old tv that looked somewhat intact. Finding that there was no one in the room he spun around and moved toward the doorway where Lisa was waiting, tapping her on the shoulder, making her look at him then nod before they started up the stairs, neither seeing the piercing gold and red eyes glaring at them from one of the smashed windows, the dark figure breathing in large deep breaths letting out loud growls and snarls of anger before disappearing into the dark.

Carl and the leader slowly opened the basement door with the lion on point moving down and Carl behind him, the lion taking his role as leader and always taking point showing that he was ready to fight and die with his team, which made his team respect him greatly. Moving down the worn stairs, hearing footsteps over them on the stairs going to the second floor, knowing that Mike and Lisa were now above them as they moved down. The stairs made everyone uncomfortable, above and below as they creaked, sounding ready to give at any moment and let whoever was on them fall.

Quickly spinning as he reached the bottom of the stairs, looking around hearing the sounds of flies buzzing around and a horrid stench filling his and Carl's nose, making Carl cover his nose with his left arm, trying to block out the scent as they looked into the pitch blackness with only the lights on their guns cutting through the darkness. Looking around for what was making the stench, but finding nothing, though Carl stopped on seeing a small box on the wall with a worn sticker of a lightning bolt with a black background stuck to it. Moving toward the box and opening it he saw a small lever with a small red handle.

"Captain, I think I've found the power box. Should I turn on the power," the wolf asked, looking over to the lion who was still scanning the rest of the room

"Not yet, let's clear the house before we start turning on shit," he said, covering his nose as he was still trying to find out what was that stench.

James blinked as he raised his head looking down, seeing Rex still under him, looking around making sure nothing was coming up on him, James looked back through the scope into the second floor window on the left upper side of the house

"Mike, Lisa, I got movement," he said into his radio, making the human and doe who were in the hall having just stepped off the stairs look around.

The second floor had three doors, two on the right with one on the left past the stairs railing, the doors to the rooms were all closed as Mike shined his light over each of the doors with Lisa aiming down the stairs.

"What have you got James?" Mike said, not stepping toward any door without knowing what James was talking about,

"Left corner room, I got nothing on the right room but I can't make it out. I just happened to see a shadow in the moonlight, it might be nothing but be ready for something." With that Mike looked toward Lisa who nodded, going to stand post at the top of the stairs.

Mike started toward the far right door when Lisa caught something out of the corner of her eye, looking back down at the bottom of the stairs and freezing as she saw the shadow of what looked like a human glaring up at her with reddish golden eyes, he was breathing heavily and standing there with his feet spread slightly and his arms spread to his sides and fists clenched. She couldn't make out any of his facial features because the moon was pouring in from his back, it looked as if he had come right in from the front door. She blinked and quickly regained her thoughts from the initial surprise of something just suddenly being there glaring up at her silently.

She immediately took aim. "State your name," she said aloud, getting Mike's attention and everyone elses over the radio, James adjusting his sight and pulling back the magnification to see the front door was wide open and the left side of someone standing in front of the stairs, cursing himself in his head for not paying close enough attention and putting his team at risk.

The Captain and Carl turned themselves around and started toward the stairs, only to hear the slamming of the basement door and a loud growl, immediately pulling their weapons up shining their light to the top of the stairs and seeing a cheetah at the top of the stairs in a similar position to the human at the bottom of the upper stairs, though the cheetah had his lips curled back in a vicious snarl. The cheetahs clothing was that of a military version, woodland camo with elbow and knee guards and a bullet proof vest, he was a soldier from the looks of it. The captain lowered his weapon slightly, keeping the light on the cheetah though.

"I'm Captain Lee of the 21st Rescue Squad, Special Forces off Branch, state your name," he ordered, though the cheetah only kept huffing in large breaths as he glared before he began to shiver and a dangerous growl came from his throat and he charged down the stairs with an enraged roar.

Mike had turned seeing Lisa aiming down the stairs with her sub-machine gun, he took one step toward her only to stop as a slam was heard from the first floor making him and Lisa tense for a moment, Lisa continued glaring at the person at the bottom of the stairs, her weapon not being equipped with a flashlight so still unable to make out any of his features.

Without warning the figure dashed forward charging up the stairs with a yell, Lisa flinching and yelling out 'Stop' before raising her weapon, Mike immediately dashed toward the stairs railing knowing that Lisa was not the best combatant when it came to using her gun. He reached the railing just as the shadow dashed forward, the figure was about seven steps from reaching Lisa when Mike reared his weapon back to his left and thrust the butt of his gun forward, smashing the end of the stock into the side of the figures head sending it smashing into the wall and tumbling down the stairs.

Carl and the Captain put their fingers on the trigger as they heard Lisa yell 'Stop' over the radio just as the cheetah had charged toward them, gunshots sounded out as Carl and the Captain fired upon the enraged cheetah just as he made it half way down the stairs, quickly falling and crashing down the rest of the stairs before laying still at the two furs booted feet.

James tensed up as he watched Mike knock the human back down the stairs, Mike once cracking the human in the side of the head immediately leaned over the stairs, taking aim and doing a five round burst at an angle into the limp humans form at the bottom of the stairs. Pulling his rifle back up and looking at Lisa who was shivering slightly from fear. Lisa had never been in an actual fire fight before or pulled the trigger, she was mainly a part of the team for breach work and blowing things up hence being a demolitionist.

James turned his attention back toward the window on the left corner room, seeing a large shadow looking toward the door and quickly moving toward it.. "Mike, Lisa, something's moving toward you, left far room," James called out in a slight panic that the two would be taken by surprise, and immediately set his right finger on the trigger ready to take a shot.

The captain overhead James and quickly spun around. "Fuck this," he growled out. "I'm turning on the lights," he said quickly into the radio, grabbing the small lever and pulling it down ,making the sound of energy rushing through the house come back, every light in the house coming on though there were a few busted lights.

Mike blinked as the lights flashed on, blinding him for a moment, but as soon as he opened his eyes he stared forward at a large figure at the end of the hall glaring at him and Lisa. James stared at the back of the creature blinking several times before whispering to himself

"What the hell is that?"

The creature stood nearly nine feet, so was hunched over as it glared with glowing yellow and red eyes, its muscles were huge and it's fur was matted yet wild, it looked to be some kind of canine with huge ebony claws and fangs that were all bared in anger. It's fur was a black on its back that shaded into a lighter grey as it shifted from back to front and it's muzzle, neck and most of the rest of it was coated in a dark red color that could have only been blood. It snarled angrily at Mike and Lisa as drool dripped from its bared fangs, then charged forward with a roar.

Mike moved fast, grabbing Lisa by her right arm with his left hand, quickly kicking the door to his right open and throwing her into the room before putting his rifle next to his side and squeezing the trigger, sending several rounds into the creature as it charged him.

His rounds caused small bursts of blood to spray out as they pierced the creature, though it didn't seem fazed as it continued charging in a blind rage, blinking as the creature reared it's right paw back, those ebony claws that were atleast four inches long ready to take Mike's head clean off. Quickly ducking down and diving toward the stairs, still firing his rifle as he landed on the stairs and began to fall down them before landing on the dead humans body who he had shot just a few minutes ago, pushing himself up quickly ignoring the bits of pain in his sides and legs from hitting the edges of the stairs as he looked back upwards.

The creature had its back toward the stairs and was glaring to its left and Mike quickly realized what its attention was on.

"Lisa, move!" He yelled out to the top of the stairs, he was ready to run back up the stairs only to freeze as he saw movement to his right, turning and immediately throwing his rifle up with both hands as he was lifted off his feet and smashed into the wall behind him, the middle of his rifle in the jaws of one of the beasts. It's fangs were scratching over the metal of his rifle as it tried to break it to get to Mike, it's large paws on each end of his rifle as it shoved him even further into the wall as he was already half way into the kitchen from the force of the creature shoving him.

Captain and Carl quickly looked around as the basement lights came back on, only to wish they were still in the dark as they saw the basement painted with dried blood and bits of internal and external body parts scattered about. Carl felt himself ready to vomit as he looked down, seeing half of a furred face looking up at him completely coated in blood. They quickly steadied themselves as more gun fire rang out above them, both moving up the stairs with Carl kicking the basement door completely off its rotting hinges and moving into the hall, seeing Mike standing up from his fall down the stairs and yelling for Lisa, obviously on the second floor. Carl stepped toward his friend only to freeze as the blur smashed into Mike, sending him nearly through the wall. Carl looked over the creature that was easily two, maybe two and a half times his size and five times his weight pin his friend to the wall and try and bite his rifle in half.

The Captain moved out of the basement, looking over and seeing Mike in trouble, but looking to his right seeing the open back door and something charging toward them as high speed. Without even waiting to find out what it was he raised his rifle and began firing on the creature, this making Carl jump in surprise as he heard gun shots behind him and snap him from his moment of hesitation before raising his rifle toward the creature.

Mike grit his teeth as the creature continued snapping down on his rifle, he knew that his rifle was soon going to break under this pressure but just as he was certain the creature was going to break through and bite his head off its head jerked to the right as a round hit the right side of its head, making it reel back and quickly have several rounds piercing it's side. Looking to his right as he fell to his feet and staggered, placing his back against the wall, seeing Rex charging toward them and hearing a bolt being snapped back from James gun, he nodded out the door knowing James saw it before he charged up the stairs to the sound of Lisa's weapon being discharged.

Lisa was back against the far wall, firing round after round into the creature's chest and stomach though it just continued toward her as if the rounds were nothing more than pellets. Mike didn't even move to the top of the stairs before taking aim and firing on the creature, sending his rounds into its back making it duck slightly and spin around toward him.

Mike grit his teeth. "Lisa, jump out the window, now" he ordered, making Lisa snap to attention and quickly dash to her left, jumping with her left shoulder first and smashing through one of the few unbroken windows and flipping around to land on her feet and roll as she hit the ground.

Looking up at the window she had just jumped out of, seeing the creature roar at who she knew was Mike as he started firing on the creature again, turning on hearing other gun fire she saw the Captain firing out the door at a creature that was slowly moving toward him. No longer scared to fire her weapon Lisa stood and quickly moved forward, opening fire on the creatures side as the captain fired on its front. Carl was back to back with the captain, shooting at the other creature in the first floor hall as Rex began firing upon it's back while James began pulling off head shot after head shot only to have the creatures pick themselves back up.

Soon enough the Captain realized that the creatures were completely unfazed by their bullets and quickly pulled a frag grenade from his vest "Enough of this shit, get the fuck out of here now." he yelled out, quickly moving into the kitchen while grabbing Carl's shoulder pulling him along as he dropped the frag onto the ground. Mike ran up the stairs and ducked under the creatures left paw slash, letting it smash into the wall and jumping out of the open window at the end of the hall, flipping forward and landing on one knee as Rex charged past him followed by a large explosion from the frag grenade.

Carl and the Captain jumped out of the open window from the kitchen and met up with Lisa and they all quickly charged toward the tree James was climbing down, once everyone had gotten to the tree they all turned and dashed through the woods with Captain calling in for immediate evacuation.

The group couldn't hear what was said over the captain's radio but with him yelling out 'Fuck' whatever it was obviously wasn't good, looking over his shoulder, trying to see if any of the creatures were following them and found that they weren't. Slowing down slightly but keeping a brisk jog in to try and keep distance between them and the creatures, yet not be exhausted in case they run into them again, looking over his team seeing that everyone was shaken up by what they had just seen and experienced.

Soon everyone had slowed down to a stop after about nearly an hour of straight jogging, no one complaining either since none of them wanted to go up against any of those creatures again, especially since none of their weapons seemed to have an effect on them, save for that frag grenade that the Captain dropped, they weren't sure if it did damage or not.

Looking around for a second before Mike straightens himself. "Alright Captain, I think it's time to tell us what command said," this turning all attention onto the lion as he caught his breath,

"They said that we are to complete the mission under any circumstances and that once we have secured the trainee team to then call in for evac." This brought angered looks from everyone.

"The hell does that mean, how the fuck are we supposed to find anything in these woods, this fucking shit stretches on for miles in all directions and we have no clue to go on, let alone the fucking things we fought in that house probably already killed the damn team," Rex stated in a deep and commanding tone and no one arguing the point since he was probably right.

Sighing the captain shook his head. "That's what the fuck they said..." everyone looked at him, looking ready to say 'Fuck That'

"So let's start looking for them on the way to the fucking highway," he said, dropping the magazine from his rifle and putting a fresh one in as everyone called out 'Yes sir' and began moving toward the road they came in on.

Scent of a male: 1, Train Ride

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Immortals: Chapter 2, Judgement

I think it might be a little rough but here's chapter two of Immortals, let me know what you think with votes and comments as I request with every one of my stories. * * * The enemies slowly fall back from the facility those that...

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