In The Silence Of The Books (Chapter 1)

Story by Leannan Fox on SoFurry

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Ashton is a gay fox who has a passion for books and a set mind in not being played for a fool. He's sarcastic, snappy, and a bit of a hassle to be friends with. Which is why he has no friends, along with the sad fact that the majority of his town is homophobic. He doesn't see the point in trying to find a friend because he has come to the conclusion that nobody is worth the time and everyone is the same: lying, manipulative, and evil.

Then the wolf Liam steps in. Liam is always kind, but just as snarky, and he seems like the one good thing in the world. Which is why Ashton has to avoid him. Liam is just going to backstab him and use him for a game, laughing in Ashton's face when he cries from the sad truth. But what if that isn't the case? Ashton finds himself drawing closer and closer to the wolf, and he finds himself falling harder and harder in love with him.

Hey. fellow furries! I'm going to try to keep a consistent schedule of updating this story, but if I fall off the radar for a bit, do not worry! I have a story on Wattpad as well, so I'm doing my best to keep up with both. Anyways, I am not the best writer, so it would be greatly appreciated if you would comment any tips or flaws you might find. I am new to writing and publishing stories on SoFurry, so please message me with any tips about that as well! There are tags for MANY things that are not involved in this first chapter, but trust me, they are things that are to come wink-wink. thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for your help!

Ashton's P.O.V.

"Get the fuck out of my way, you faggot!" the cougar yells, throwing me roughly into the wall. I grunt and a little squeal escapes my throat as I fall from the wall to the floor, my books flying out of my hands along with the papers inside of them. Derrik, the cougar, and his group of friends laugh and saunter off, carelessly stepping on and kicking around my scattered papers. I lay my ears back in sadness, whimpering a little.

"Dammit," I whisper, feeling the beginnings of a fit of crying teasing at the corners of my eyes. I pull my tail close to me to hold, cuddling with the soft red and white fur of my fox tail. It's lonely, but it's one of the only things that help me in these situations. My tears wet the fur, but I don't care.

My name is Ashton, and as you can clearly see, I'm not really in the best situation, per say. I guess that I'm kinda used to it now, since I've been bullied since 9th grade. I'm now a junior and things haven't changed. It always has. All the problems started when somebody saw me kissing him...William...outside the school. The news of our being gay spread through the school like wildfire; that was when it was the worst.

Every day, we were beaten to the point of blood being drawn. We would always just go to the bathroom and clean the blood out of our fur as best as we could. Papers and markers were taken as instruments of humiliation and harassment to our lockers and any other personal possessions of ours they could get their hands on. The notes would say things like _"FAG" _and _"GO SUCK A DICK" _and _"SLIT YOUR WRISTS AND DIE." _Yet, through all of that pain, I never stopped loving William, my fennec.

William didn't deserve death. Especially in the midst of all that pain. He deserved happiness, to be with the person he loved... He was supposed to stay with me forever, to be there so we could comfort one another and show the world what love really was. He didn't deserve to be in that car accident... He was my fennec, my love, my everything... I may have been young and naïve, but I know the feelings we held for each other were irrevocably real.

"Excuse me? Foxy?" a voice says above me. I look up from holding my fluffy tail to see a pair of beautiful hazel eyes looking at me with concern. "I picked up your papers," the grey wolf to whom the eyes belong continues, holding the small stack out to me.

I wipe my tears from my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie, reaching out slowly for the papers. "Th-thank you," I stutter, still slightly sniffling.

"No problem," the wolf says, sitting down in front of me and propping his head on his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. "What's wrong, little guy?"

"I'm not little," I snap at him harshly. That's a lie. I am a 16 year old fox and I'm only 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm). This wolf in front of me has to be at least 6 feet 2 inches (188 cm). I was _very _short compared to him.

"Well, you kinda are, but I'm sorry. I would call you by your name if I knew it." He cocks his head to the side, his ears perking up inquisitively.

Oh _, I think, __ he wants to know my name.__ _"Well, you're gonna have to stick with 'Foxy' for now," I reply sharply. You might wonder why I am being so rude, but I have trust issues. Everybody at this school is a selfish asshole, and I'm not going to let a good deed as simple as picking up some scattered papers let me make the same mistake twice.

"Well, at least it suits you," he says with a chuckle and a wink. I immediately blush and hold my tail shyly. Did he just say that? What does he mean 'suits you'? Is it because I'm a fox or...does he think I'm cute?

"So, Foxy," he continues, smirking and biting his lip. His tail is slightly wagging behind him. "Are you planning on skipping class with me?"

I'm confused now. "N-no, why w-would I skip c-lass with you?"

He shrugs. "Don't know. Maybe 'cause I'm funny? Maybe 'cause I can sing? Just thought that since you're out here and the bell has already rung-"

"The bell's already rung?" I cut him off, my eyes widening in shock.

"Sure has, Foxy. You were holding that adorable tail of yours, and I guess you were just too caught up in your thoughts to notice."

I quickly get up, gathering my books and papers he gave me, tossing my bag on my back. "Hey!" he calls after me as I run down the hall.

Sorry wolfy, I think, my lessons are way more important than some weirdo I just met.


He was nice.

I shake my head and whisper sadly to myself, "Nobody's nice. It's all just an act." My sharp canines bite into my lip as fight to hold back more tears that are threatening to rise to the surface.


I fish my keys out of my pocket with a relieved sigh. I always am so glad to get out of that hellhole and come here, to the library. I've worked here since I was twelve, doing random stuff to help the old librarian who was struggling to keep it funded. The city wasn't much help, and I wondered if they even cared if it was here. Doubtful.

I come in, flipping the sign to 'OPEN.' It wasn't open before because the head librarian, Ms. Parker, isn't usually here. Maybe she'll finally be here today. She's an old tiger who lost her husband a year ago. She's definitely went downhill since then... I head over to the desk. "Ms. Parker?" I call, looking through the back window into the next office over, "you here?" I can't see her and no answer comes. My ears lay back with worry as I frown slightly. She must be in for surgery again, I think. She's been having to go in more and more often lately. I wonder how much longer the old tiger is going to live.... She is one of the few people I trust and care for. I would be really upset to see her go.

I sigh and pull my ID badge from one of the pockets on my backpack, slipping it over my head. I sit down in one of the rolly chairs behind the counter, pulling out a book I have been reading for about a week. It's hard to focus on the book, however, because of the many thoughts going through my head. Who was that wolf? Was he blatantly_flirting with me, in a school that made it one of it's number one priority to hate homosexuals?_ I shook my head incredulously. I must have been hearing things. There was no way _he_could have been flirting with _me._Not that it would have mattered.

I'm drawn out of my reveries by the sound of the bell jingling over the door of the library entrance. I glance up from the book, my ears perking up toward the sound. Four furs are laughing loudly as they move toward a back library shelf: a vixen, a pair of twin golden retrievers, and a male lion who seems to be all up on the vixen. I roll my eyes in annoyance. It's as if they forgot that you're supposed to be _quiet_in a library. Or they just don't care, which seems to be more plausible in the society we live in.

Not too long after their entrance, the group is at the counter with a few books over some subject that they probably need for a project; I can tell that they definitely wouldn't be reading these books to casually pass the time. I get up, approaching the counter. "Do you have a library card already, or do you need me to make one out for you?"

"The only thing I want you to make out with is me," the vixen says, leaning on the counter and peering at me. The lion looks visibly uncomfortable behind her, gazing at me with a look of jealousy. I roll my eyes once again.

I sigh deeply before leaning on the counter towards her, making her eyes glint with excitement. She thinks that I'm into her. Funny. I smirk at the irony. "Obviously, you don't attend this town's school," I state, "or else Muscles the Lion over here would be wearing a different shitty jersey than the one he's wearing right now." The lion makes a move towards me, a fist raised, but the vixen puts out a hand to stop him.

"You're right, actually," she replies. "We came to this library because the one in our town didn't have what books we needed. We're from ParkVille. It's about half an hour-"

"I know where it is," I cut her off. "I'm not stupid." She looks offended, but I continue what I was saying. "Anyways, since you're not from here, you obviously don't know who I am."

"You're not a bad boy," she says with a chuckle. "That much is obvious from you working in a library."

"Nope. I'm not a bad boy. But the town does hate me. You know why?"

"Why?" she asks. Her tail is flicking back and forth behind her, and the lion's watching it intently, looking at her ass along with it.

"'Cause we play for the same team," I say with a smirk.

"What?" she asks, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"Oh, right. I should probably use a different phrase since we were just talking about shitty football jerseys. Hmm, let's see... Ah, I know." I lean forward more. "I. Like. Dick. Which means I would rather fuck your lion here than you, although that's still unlikely because my type is definitely not assholes."

The lion makes a move at me again, but I hold up a hand this time. "At least be courteous enough to let me finish what I was saying." I turn back to the shocked female fox in front of me. "I also don't date whores. It's very clear that you are one by the way you hold yourself and present yourself to someone; in this instance, me. Don't try to deny it either, both of you. My mother is a psychologist, so I've been taught to read people since I was born."

I smile at them harshly as they stare at me in hatred and shock. The vixen is looking at me with a look that could kill, her paws grasping tightly at the edge of the counter. I know she's debating whether or not to attack me. "Excuse me, dear," I say, "but it would be greatly appreciated if you didn't damage my counter with your claws that _desperately_need cut. Really, darling, are you trying to appear primitive as well as a slut?"

She knocks the books off the counter, storming out of the library. The two retrievers follow, hands over their mouths. Either they're smart enough to not say anything, or they're too dumb to think of an intelligent thing to say. Either works for me. The lion glares at me, his teeth bared. "You're gonna pay for this," he snarls.

"I'd like to see that happen," I taunt, sitting back in my seat and grabbing my book. "It's not very often that a boy is so focused on getting together with me again."

"Fuck you," the lion says, turning on his heel to walk out. I debate for a moment in my mind before coming to a decision.

"Hey, Muscles," I call after the lion. He turns, his red mane flowing as he does so. He really is attractive. "A friendly word of advice: it would be better in the long run that you go for someone who doesn't have such...loose attachments. If she sleeps with and gets rid of as many boys as I already know she does, what makes your situation so different?"

The lion looks like he is going to say something snappy in reply, but instead, he looks at the ground, his tail gently swaying.

I sigh "Just think over it. With your looks, you can definitely get a girl that will want more with you than just a good fuck."

The lion gives me one more look, shaking his head before walking out the door, a lot more calmly than he previously was. Perhaps he isn't as stupid or as much of an asshole as I thought.