
Story by delta9 on SoFurry

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"Compromise is the essence of diplomacy, my friend, and diplomacy is the cornerstone of love. Sweet love!" -Dr. Henry Killinger

Telan Vanisian Stormcaller, sorcerer and diplomat extraordinaire, two time savior of the world, master of the primal forces of magic, and veteran adventurer, was completely out of breath. He had absolutely no faculty with teleportation or flying magics whatsoever, and the narrow, steep, twisting passage he was now negotiating would have been impossible for his horse to manage. He paused to catch his breath, casting a withering look down at his considerable paunch. If he was going to ever do this again, he might have to cut down on the tavern fare.

Ordinarily, he would have been able to bum a teleportation spell off one of his party members, or buy one from a spell-seller, but his host had said- in no uncertain terms- that Telan was to be discrete. When a red dragon of singular power sends you a personal invitation to his lair along with specific instructions on what to do and how to do it, it was usually a good idea to comply. Especially when (as it happened to be) you happened to owe your life to said dragon.

Sezarikan the Red, as he was known in the land, was a unique individual. Like most dragons of his kind, he was vain, greedy, prideful, selfish, self-absorbed, and completely devoid of kindness, mercy, or compassion. Unlike others of his ilk, he was extremely far sighted and possessed uncanny intelligence. Instead of using his wealth in gold as bedding, he formed a bank that most trade guilds and kings were either indebted to or found indispensable. Instead of wielding his physical power and arcane might like a cudgel, he formed elaborate self-defense pacts with adventurer parties, armies, and mercenary companies against the innumerable other horrors that stalked the world. Instead of demolishing threats to his position or will, he would co-opt them; instead of devouring those who were repelled by his race or morality, he would charm them. Gradually, through favors given and promised and agreements honored and forged, he had made himself indispensable to nearly every major power in the land. He was everything that most people feared and hated about red dragons, and yet utterly different.

Despite this, Telan was more than a little wary about their little meeting. He didn't have a clue about its true purpose, and the precautions he had been ordered to take meant that no one else even knew he was even gone. By the time he finally crested the peak and saw the massive, cavernous entrance to Sezarikan's lair, his heart was pounding from more than just physical exertion. He was scared because he had promised the dragon a favor. A really, really big favor.

The last time he had sent an entreaty to the wyrm, he had promised him he would do *anything* for his assistance. It was a bloody stupid thing to have done, but at the time he had been quite desperate. His party had been forced to fight an entire army of the living dead (let by a cadre of liches), which had threatened hundreds of thousands of lives across the region. Sezarikan had dutifully provided assistance, risking his own life in the process. The sight of the mighty dragon flying at treetop level, shrugging off spells and arrows while immolating vast swaths of the decaying army with his mighty breath was frighteningly beautiful. The image of a field of incinerated corpses made Telan involuntarily shudder with revulsion.

The sorcerer walked into the cave unsteadily, grasping the wardstone the dragon had provided like a child clutching a teddy bear. Surely, he told himself, I'm being paranoid! _ If his draconic ally had wanted to do any harm to him, why would he have gone to such lengths to cultivate their friendship? Whatever he wanted, it couldn't be _that bad, right?

One thing still bothered him. Before inviting him to his lair, the dragon wanted to know for a fact that Telan knew how to cast Shapechange.

Before he made it a few feet into the cave's interior, the magic of the wardstone activated and transported Telan to Sezarikan's gigantic living quarters. Even knowing that it was going to happen, and able to feel the currents of magic as they surrounded him, Telan was briefly disoriented by the trip. He almost gasped in surprise when he realized that the dragon was sitting right in front of him, less than a dozen feet away.

Sezarikan was, as always, an impressive sight. It was hard for ten thousand pounds of red dragon to look anything but menacing, radiating physical and magical power strong enough to feel like a ripple in the fabric of reality. He was smiling with the type of lazy, contemptuous but ferocious grin that seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face, untouched by time or circumstance. His great, leathery wings were folded against his back like an enormous cloak.

(I believe you owe me a favor...) Sezarikan said telepathically, his regal bearing and tone implying how certain that belief was. (I'm afraid my memory falters on some of the finer points, however; what terms had we established?)

Telan found his mouth dry and head fuzzy. He managed to croak out his words only after clearing his throat. "Uhm, well, I believe that I said I'd do... anything. I'd be happy if you would be willing to... maybe... share what it is you might want with me?"

(What? No small talk or exchange of pleasantries? My dear sorcerer, your welcome here is not contingent upon obsequious devotion to my requests. However, if you wish to progress to the business at hand, I will respect your time accordingly.)

"Er... yes, Sezarikan. I mean, can we just take care of that first, at least?" Telan spoke.

(Excellent. The first part of my request is simple; I want you to change yourself into a dragon, like myself.) Sezarikan's smile was devious.

_"_Simple? This is very strong magic we are talking about..." Telan said, gathering his thoughts and power for a second.

(Powerful yes; elegant no. It is easily within your abilities.)

Telan felt a little insulted by the backhanded compliment, but chose to ignore it. Drawing deep on the arcane fire within his soul, he channeled magic into his body until it became pliant to his will. As the spell began to take hold, he concentrated in his mind on the form he wanted to assume: a red dragon.

Because of the drastic nature of the change, the process of shapeshifting was not instantaneous. Telan felt himself growing, changing at a dizzying pace. His weak and underdeveloped muscles surged with strength and multiplied in size fivefold as thick, nearly impenetrable crimson scales covered his body. Wickedly curved talons and claws grew in where the tips of his fingers used to be, as towering horns emerged from his head. His face grew out into a jutting muzzle, teeth sharp and vicious while great, batlike wings emerged from his back. A burning, smokey sensation filled his lungs as he felt a fierce, internal fire ignite in his belly. A massive, lizardlike tail and thick, frilled crest completed his transformation.

A dragon is a nearly perfect engine of destruction; the power of the form was intoxicating. For a brief moment, Telan felt like he understood the arrogance of the mighty creatures.

"So... what exactly do you want me to do now?" Telan spoke nervously through his newly-formed muzzle, his draconic a little rusty. Vertigo was making him feel dizzy; he wasn't used to being on all fours or speaking from a head so far above the ground, nor was he used to the sheer physical power of a draconic frame. Everything around him looked so small and fragile.

"Ah", the dragon said, his deep voice resonating throughout the vaulted chamber, "your curiosity is to be expected, my friend. I assure you that my intentions are, while by no means noble, entirely harmless. I did not ask you here to be my sparring partner, I am not going to use you as a decoy or body double, nor am I faced with a critical shortage of mirrors, statues or portrait. What I desire, what I... need... is something far simpler."

What does that mean? Telan thought. A warning siren had started to go off somewhere in his head.

"As you are probably more than aware, I am not particularly well-liked among my own kind. They think of me as soft-hearted because I refused to build a kingdom of ashes and offal, or engage in mindless and fruitless slaughter. They think of me as poor because my wealth lies in property and promises, investments and interest-bearing bonds instead of in lumps of metal. While, in most areas of existence, I couldn't care less about the opinion of such intellectual children, there are certain endeavors wherein I desire the company of other dragons. There are... certain tasks... that cannot be satisfactorily preformed by other creatures."

_Uh oh. _Every alarm bell in Telan's head was going off now.

"Now, as I am loathe to be reminded, you are... free to do as you like," Sezarikan said, practically spitting out the word 'free', "but if you are so inclined, I would like to engage in sexual relations with you."

The alarms had stopped. They had been replaced with the sort of silence that follows a meteor impact; the sort of disaster so cataclysmic and far-reaching as to destroy all means of recording its existence.

Several thoughts entered his head simultaneously: What in the Nine Hells!?!, By the gods, Sezarikan is gay too?, _ and _Thank the heavens he isn't going to ask me to kill anything! _ were some of the choicest notions. _In a way, he was relieved. He had been half-afraid the dragon was going to ask him to do something diabolically evil or suicidally insane; sexual experimentation would be interesting, maybe even fun.

"Well?" The dragon asked, a hint of nervous anticipation in his booming voice.

"I don't know..." Telan said, his voice was a growling, raspy purr. If that damn dragon was going to lead him on for the better part of three days, it wouldn't hurt for him to get some of the same. "I'm not sure if that is something I would be willing to do."

The violence and power inherent in the dragon's eyes had melted into tiny orbs of purest sorrow. "I... I understand. That is your remit, of course. It's just... I haven't had any relations in nearly three hundred... I mean... please don't make me beg. It is beneath us both."

"You haven't had sex in three hundred days? That is a pretty long..." Telan started to speak, surprised.

"Years." The dragon interrupted him. "I... I am not as promiscuous as others of my kind; I have standards. I refuse to engage in the perversion of having sexual relations whilst in humanoid form, or with other races. I only care for other dragons, and most of them do not care for me."

"You know, some people would consider what you're asking me to do pretty perverse." Telan said, contemplating the irony of a red dragon with strict sexual mores.

"Strange how the world works, is it not?" The mighty red dragon spoke, sitting down on his haunches. The movement sent a small rumble through the lair. "I tire of this wordplay, however. Can you indulge me and announce your decision, please?"

"Well... I suppose I *do* owe you a little favor... and I wouldn't mind trying something new." Telan said, giving the dragon a coy smile. At least, he hoped that's how it looked; in his mind all draconic facial expressions either looked like 'I want to eat you' or 'you aren't quite worth eating yet'.

The dragon couldn't contain his excitement; his voice was triumphant, gloating. "Excellent! Superlative! Telan my friend, I knew that I could count on you, truly I did! Now, if you would please just hold still while I cast a little spell..."

"What?" Telan said. He tried to analyze the magic forming in the red dragon's claws; it didn't look very powerful, but it was a type of spell he was completely unfamiliar with. Transmutation magic, except not tied to race...

"Well, I need for you to be the appropriate gender for sexual intercourse to take place, of course. Don't worry, I don't plan on getting you pregnant or anything ridiculous, I just want you to have the right parts..."

"What!? No deal!" Telan roared while surging forward, knocking Sezarikan down.

"Just... hold still..." The red dragon said, trying to maintain his concentration. The spell fizzled in his claws as the two of them tussled mightily, sending what were probably priceless vases and statues tumbling to the ground with a horrible crash. Sezarikan was far stronger and far more experienced with his form than Telan, and easily pinned him to the ground.

"I am not homosexual!" Sezarikan said, some measure of his usual haughtiness returning to his voice.

"Well, I'm not a dragon!" Telan replied, roaring. "Can't you meet me halfway on this?"

"Certainly not! I will not engage in such debauchery!"

"Well, then, you can go fuck yourself! Do you have a spell for that?" Telan said, still angry. He was struggling to break the pin that held him without much luck.

The two dragons laid there panting from the exertion, staring each other down. Sezarikan was holding Telan down with his mighty strength, looking lost in thought while Telan stared back at him defiantly. The stalemate was broken, however, when Telan felt something stiff and hot rubbing against the soft scales on his belly...

"Hmmm... what is that, Sezarikan?" He huffed, a small cloud of ash escaping from his muzzle as he spoke.

"Err..." For once, the mighty wyrm seemed to be at a loss for words. "I don't know?"

"Is that so?" Telan said, slipping one of his claws out of the dragon's faltering grip. Dragon forepaws were strong but dexterous, well-suited for any number of uses. Sure enough, the wyrm's massive dragonhood had broken out of its covering during their wrestling, and was now proudly jutting out from between Sezarikan's hindpaws. Telan grabbed the mighty shaft with his free paw, and gave it a single, slow stroke.

Sezarikan's reaction was a tremendous gasp. The last time Telan heard the wyrm make such a surprised, pained sound was when he had been resisting a necromancer's death spell. Abruptly, Telan felt the grip holding him down melt, and he seized the chance to roll away from the dragon's pin.

Telan rose to all fours with what he hoped was dignity. "Well, what is it going to be? I'll still have sex with you, but I am *not* changing any more than this..."

Sezarikan's shaft looked like a loaded weapon; it was now fully rigid and pulsed with every beat of the dragon's heart. He looked like he was in incredible pain. Telan didn't know a whole lot about draconic anatomy or their mating habits, but three centuries without intimate contact had to be sheer torture.

"I... I... I accept your... terms, sorcerer." Sezarikan said, sighing desperately. "Just... please... help me. Indulge me with the gift of a dragon's body, just this once."

Telan regarded the wyrm with a sympathetic but frustrated look. Despite all the differences between Sezarikan and his ilk, he still seemed to regard sex as something that one took and enjoyed at another's expense, instead of something to be shared and enjoyed together. The dragon might have been far older and more powerful than him, but in the realm of love he seemed almost absurdly immature. Telan was going to have to give him a little lesson...

"Lie down. Relax yourself; let me take care of you." Telan said, in a rumbling voice. He was starting to remember the elegant and flowing syntax that dragonspeech followed, becoming more comfortable with his adopted shape. He licked the inside of his maw with his tongue, feeling out the razor-sharp teeth that lined it at the moment. He was going to have to be damn careful with this part, but he was getting excited. Telan had bedded many, many different males in his time, but until today he had never even considered soliciting the capricious affections of a dragon. Now that he was about to, however, he found that his excitement and arousal were soaring.

Sezarikan had laid down as Telan asked, waiting with nervous anticipation. The great, predatory irises of his eyes, eyes that resembled spheres of liquid magma, shone with need.

Telan leaned down, his muzzle a scant foot from the titanic, ridged, dragoncock in front of him. A small stream of precum had already started to dribble down from it, running down the front of the head and dripping to the ground below. Telan breathed deep, the powerful scent of dragon musk making his nostrils flare and knees weaken. He shuddered with delight, the smell making his own member peek out of his adopted form's slit ever-so slightly. Opening his maw wide, the transformed sorcerer took the upper half of the true dragon's penis into his mouth.

Sezarikan shook, gasping for air as Telan began his ministrations. Experimenting with his shapechanged body, Telan rubbed the sides of the cockhead with his prodigious tongue, caressed the member with his fiery-hot mouth, and rubbed the softer insides of his partner's thighs with his clawed forepaws. The dragon leaked preseed into his mouth at an absolutely unbelievable pace; buckets of mixed saliva and precum dribbled from Telan's maw, splattering to the floor below. Each fresh puddle of fluid sizzled, steaming; giving off even more of that mind-fogging musk. Telan began to increase his pace, sucking along the entire length of the shaft in his maw. He dove deeper and harder, the tip of his muzzle banging against the dragon's forming knot with lewd, wet slaps.

By this point, Sezarikan's erudite and charming speech had been replaced by animalistic, rumbling moans and soft, pleasured roaring. The heat was incredible; the temperature inside the lair had become almost hot enough to boil water. It was a small miracle that the sex-starved dragon held out for as long as he did; Telan chalked this up to his nigh-legendary pride. He still had a few ploys left, however. Carefully maneuvering his oversized tongue, Telan licked across the very front of the dragoncock in his mouth and began to press into the silted opening at its tip, still sucking with all the might his lungs could muster.

That did the trick! He thought, as Sezarikan began to convulse, his mating roar shaking the entire lair like an explosion. Telan could feel the enormous member occupying his muzzle throb powerfully, mere seconds away from release now...

The orgasm shot like lightning through the dragon's frame, a rumbling echoed throughout the vaulted room as Sezarikan's internal testicles emptied themselves for the first time in ages. The first shot of searing-hot dragoncum almost floored Telan, even with his massively augmented strength. The sheer force of the sticky liquid blast was enough to force itself down his throat before he could try and swallow it. Telan quickly tried to back up, but found Sezarikan's forepaws holding his frilled crest in a deathgrip, holding Telan tight against his soft pubic scales. The second load of dragonseed quickly filled his maw, and then a third tried to force its way in. Telan's draconic throat undulated as he gulped it down as fast as he could, his belly filling with pleasant, full warmth. However, even equipped with a dragon's maw and stomach, Telan found the flood of seed too much to handle. Rivers of the thick, oozing cum leaked out of his muzzle, or were forced out when fresh pulses of dragoncum erupted from the member still in his mouth.

For Telan, it was an unreal experience. The red dragon's orgasm ended up lasting far longer than the oral sex that had preceded it. Even when he had managed to pry himself out of the dragon's powerful but relaxing limbs, tiny geysers of draconic essence continued to shoot from the still-hard member. Telan's muzzle and chest were practically soaked in the sparking, molten-hot seed, and he was extremely grateful that dragon's possessed a clear, protective lens over their eyes. Untold quantities of the sticky liquid filled his stomach and mouth still, but fortunately its taste was quite good. It had a smokey, rich flavor that was somewhere between really strong alcohol, charred wood, and barbequed meat. Telan licked his claws clean, savoring it.

Both dragon-forms were panting, dazed from the aftermath. Sezarikan had collapsed to the floor in a messy heap, in a puddle of his own seed that looked deep enough to fish in. Telan had never been so aroused in his entire life, looking upon the sight. His own formidable erection stood out now; it wasn't as big as Sezarikan's titanic member, but it was impressive still in its own right.

"How was that?" Telan asked smugly, still trying to clean himself off.

"That was completely... and wholly... without precedent... in my experiences." Sezarikan mumbled, still lying on his back in a euphoric stupor. "How... pray tell... did you learn how to do that?"

"Heh!" Telan laughed, "It's not as hard as you might think. All you have to do is think of what would feel good yourself, and then do that for someone else."

"Well, it appears that your altruistic intuition serves you well, sorcerer. I believe that your debt to me is forgiven, repaid in full. In fact, and I fear I may be losing my killer instinct by even so much as contemplating the notion, I believe that a debt may have been incurred in your favor."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that." Telan said, a malicious smile on his muzzle. "I think you can repay me right now..."

"What precisely are you suggesting?" The red wyrm asked, listlessly. His eyes were shut tight; he was still basking in the pleasure of the sexual release he had been denied for so long. "I suppose I might be able to rouse myself for another round of activity, if that is your intent."

"Mayhaps, Mayaps... Be patient; I'll lead you." Telan said, trying to hide the excitement in his voice. He crept forward, coating his hard shaft with some of the still-warm gobs of dragoncum that littered the chamber. Once he was on top of the resting, spread-eagle form of Sezarikan, he straddled his long, reptilian tail. Telan adjusted, positioning himself just right...

"What are you..." Sezarikan started to ask, one eye opening slightly.

Telan didn't respond as he quickly sunk every last inch of his ridged cock into the red dragon's exposed tail-hole. The wyrm snarled, caught completely off guard as the hard, scaled meat penetrated his depths. The ensuing struggle was epic; Sezarikan tried to throw Telan off him, only to be frustrated by the transformed sorcerer's powerful grip and unrelenting determination. The mighty wyrm managed to roll them both over, but the violent tumbling only succeeded in slamming Telan's inflated knot past his entrance. Telan moaned aloud as the two of them tied together with a wet, smacking sound.

"You... you dare to... this is outrageous!" Sezarikan roared, gasping heavily. His tail was thrashing about behind him as he tried vainly to gain purchase against the dragoncock inside him. "I'm the one who should be doing the... the penetration, here!"

"That's not... how... it works!" Telan said, shuddering as the wyrm's struggling sent tremors of hot pleasure surging across his cock. "You can't just... take and plunder and seize all the time... have to have a little... giving, sharing in there, too."

Sezarikan spat back his rejoinder. "I disagree most strenuously; I am not a female! Remove yourself at once!"

"Can't... we're tied together... now." Telan managed. The wyrm's tail-hole was massaging his maleness with such intense heat and pressure he could barely think. Every time Sezarikan struggled or spoke, the shifting of his insides just made the feelings even more pronounced. Sezarikan gripped his forepaws tightly and tried to use them as leverage to free himself, pushing off with all his might. Telan felt the very beginning of his engorged knot slip out of the wyrm's tailhole, a tiny river of preseed leaking from around it, before the dragon's strength faltered. As Sezarikan collapsed back on Telan's prone body, the sorcerer felt his knot firmly re-lodged itself. Fierce, inexorable pleasure surged through them.

Telan was forced to blink as something struck the upper part of his muzzle. When his eyes had cleared, he saw Sezarikan's fully-hardened member above him, a thin strand of precum linking it to his face. He smiled, licking it off with a single slurp.

"You seem to be enjoying this, dragon." He said, giving another short thrust into his somewhat-unwilling partner.

"I... am not... doing anything... of the sort... human." Sezarikan said, huffing. His cock throbbed, glistening with fluid old and new.

"You don't want me to continue? You want to lie here, still, until I can remove myself from you?" Telan asked, his voice a gravelly, teasing tone. Sezarikan had a look of pained confusion on his muzzle, as he gasped for breath and reached for words.

"Uh...well, maybe not necessarily."

"You've never had sex with another male before? You didn't know it could be so pleasurable?" Telan purred, thrusting in slowly. He might not be the dragon's equal in combat, but he was way above his league when it came to matters of sexual experience.

Sezarikan shuddered with pleasure as his prostate was again struck, another blast of precum erupting from his mammoth cock onto Telan's neck. "I... maybe."

"Are you going to let me lead now?"

"Y-yes, sorcerer. You... have my permission."

Telan tested the dragon's grip, and found it yielding. Gently, he rolled the two of them over so that he was on top of the red wyrm once more. Spreading the dragon's hind legs as far apart as he could manage, Telan pulled himself back as far as his knot would allow and thrust himself to the very hilt. Both dragons roared with ecstacy, their fighting and conflict having evolved into actual lovemaking. Hoping to taste the burning, musky flavor of Sezarikan's seed once again, Telan bent his long neck down and took the dragon's member into his maw. He alternated slow, powerful thrusts with his tied dragoncock with strong, fast sucks on the hot, hard penis in his mouth. As he continued, every thrust became shorter and faster, while every suck became more insistent. Telan had been aroused well past his normal peak ever since he had his first taste of dragonseed; the incredible sensation of Sezarikan's anal passage was so pleasurable it verged on torture. He was going to fill the dragon to the brim...

Telan's orgasm came on slowly, but with unstoppable force. He roared out, shaking the cavern. As his internal testicles contracted, he could feel pulse after pulse of his thick seed fire deep into his partner's passage, before it was forced deeper still by ensuing blasts. Sezarikan joined him in his roaring before climaxing as well, the searing hot fullness of the seed filling his tail-hole too much to resist. Telan felt wave after wave of fresh dragoncum flow into his mouth and down his throat, where it joined the first of Sezarikan's seed in his gullet. Telan pulled away from the still-spurting dragoncock after filling his maw up again, coaxing Sezarikan to lean forward. The two dragons shared the thick, magma-hot essence in a sloppy kiss that left much of it on their faces. It wasn't a problem, though; they took plenty of time to clean each other off carefully with their tongues before all was done. With a tremendous grunt, Telan pulled his softening, semen-soaked cock out of the red wyrm, a small flood of cum leaking out with it before the dragon's anus closed.

When the transformation spell had finally worn off, Telan gave a sheepish smile to the colossal dragon he had just made love to. Sezarikan had given up on trying to appear intimidating or authoritative for the moment, and instead telepathically sent short words of thanks and minor pleasantries. Exhausted but happy and victorious, Telan bowed down and turned to leave.

"Wait! Telan!" The dragon's voice echoed throughout the vaulted lair, hurting Telan's now-human ears. There was a short, awkward pause between the two before he hesitantly spoke. "What are you doing next week?"

Continued in 'Diplomacy' (

The Power of Love

The sequel to 'Sexual Healing' ([]( July 11, 2008 - Richard Nixon Memorial Sea Life Refuge and Missile Proving Ground Jason awoke the next day sore and...

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Sexual Healing

Thought I'd try my hand at writing instead of just reading : ). Criticism and comments welcome. July 10, 2008 - Los Angeles International Airport It hadn't dawned on Jason exactly how serious Dr. Greene and his mysterious...

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