Gay Or Straight

Story by Brickhousebunny21 on SoFurry

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It's a sunny day and twelve-year-old Ash Ketchum was kicking back in the bright blue sky, he thought of taking a break from battling and traveling for the day in a field of grass, for a boy his age, he's pretty short considering he's only five feet tall when most twelve-year-olds are three or four inches taller at that age.

"If only a hot woman was here to keep me company." said Ash giggling.

Just because Ash is relaxing, doesn't mean he hasn't brought his pokemon with him, he brought some of his pokemon with him in case trouble finds him and needs assistance. Ash was thinking of a girl whom he would want to be his girlfriend. Misty was the last girl he was thinking of, he was thinking of the right description of that woman, a well trimmed body, world class breasts, long blonde hair, perfectly smooth skin, ass that won't quit, legs that go all the way up and is really good at getting him off at night. The thought of a girl like that made Ash become hard, he saw a bulge in his pants and immediately looked around to see if anyone was there, luckily for him, no one was around for miles.

"If only there was a girl around here to ride me." said Ash sighing.

Suddenly one of Ash's pokeballs starts to vibrate and out came on of his own pokemon from the pokeball. Ash looked to see which pokemon came out of it's ball and it turned out to be his Charizard, he was laying next to Ash with a coy smile.

"Hey there sexy, you thinking about me?" said Charizard playfully.

Ash sat up as Charizard gently nudged his shoulder, than he wrapped his arm around him and pulled Ash to his body in a one armed hug. Charizard was only seven feet tall and a lot bigger than Ash.

"I wanted a girl to keep me company, not a guy." said Ash to himself.

"Is my little buddy lonely, how about a kiss to make it all better." said Charizard giggling.

Even though Charizard's voice was deep and Ash's voice a mature but not so often it sometimes cracks, it didn't bother anyone about how they talk. Charizard pulled Ash into his arms and puckered his lips. Ash tried to resist and keep his face away from Charizard's lips the best he could, but the fire-type pokemon was to big and strong for him and he planted a kiss on his lips by force. Ash tried to break free but Charizard was to strong for him, he kissed him passionately and managed to let out a giggle as he kissed his human friend, he pulled away from Ash's lips and smiled at him, but Ash was somewhat caught off guard, the kiss shocked him a little but he didn't show it from the look on his face.

"Did you miss me, big boy?" asked Charizard giggling.

"I'm not that big, but you being this friendly is a suprise to me." said Ash blushing.

Charizard was sitting up straight as he carried Ash bridal style, that coy smile on his face still visible for Ash to see. Ash was right, his Charizard was acting differently around him for some reason, sure Charizard loves and respects Ash but this was more like showing love to Ash as if he had a crush on him and Charizard did in fact have a unusually big crush on Ash from the looks of it.

"How did you get out of your ball?" asked Ash curiously.

"There's not a pokeball out there that can keep me away from you." said Charizard blushing.

He lifted up Ash towards his neck, lowering his head down to nuzzle his face against Ash's cheek, even Ash was blushing from Charizard's new behavior, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Charizard, someone could be watching." said Ash sheepishly.

"Than I'll scare them away so we can be alone together, no one is driving me away from my man." said Charizard as he kissed Ash on the cheek.

"My man?" said Ash to himself.

Ash blushed and he knew something was different about his Charizard's behavior, sure he's been friendly to him but never this friendly. Charizard noticed Ash's bulge and his smile turned from coy to devilish.

"I see you've been thinking about me too." said Charizard playfully.

"What do you mean?" asked Ash.

"Don't play dumb, I see your bulge in your pants, I see why your so fond of me, your gay for me." snickered Charizard playfully.

This was a big shock to Ash, if this is the reason why Charizard is acting so weird than he's gay, but he thinks Ash is gay too. Ash was more embarrassed to know the words that came out of Charizard's mouth, he thinks that Ash is gay and wants him to be his boyfriend.

"But I'm not gay." said Ash blushing.

"Than why are you so hard from being around me?" said Charizard giggling.

"I was thinking about girls." said Ash sheepishly.

Charizard just smiled and giggled, he was persistent in trying to make Ash gay. Charizard placed his hand over Ash's heart and felt his heart beat firmly against his palm, he made sure he was gentle so his claws wouldn't hurt him.

"Awwwww, you wanna have sex with your girl friend, Misty?" asked Charizard in a cute voice.

"She's not my girl friend." said Ash firmly.

"Than you would prefer me instead, how sweet." said Charizard as he planted another kiss on Ash by force.

Ash wasn't strong enough to break free from Charizard's grasp, his lips were planted on Charizard's lips in another passionate kiss, this time he slipped Ash the tongue and explored his mouth. Charizard's tongue is long, wide and thick but that didn't stop him from frenching his human friend which he's going to turn him into his love, this kind of kissing disgusted Ash but it felt good in a strange way. Charizard's french kiss lasted a long time before he pulled away and slipped his tongue back in his mouth, he smiled at Ash devilishly and snickered.

"Now don't tell me your not gay after that, you know you like it." said Charizard seductively.

"What will it take to prove to you I'm not gay?" asked Ash trying not to look grossed out from the french kissing.

"Tell me if there's a girl you like and wanna have sex with." asked Charizard with a aroused look in his eyes.

Ash thought for a moment and tried to name a list of girls he likes, to his suprise he couldn't think of any girls that came to his mind. Charizard smiled his devilishly coy smile at Ash's silence.

"Well there is this one, uh, there was this girl who, umm." said Ash looking confused and feeling embarrassed.

Ash blushed and Charizard's grin said it all from what he's thinking and what he's about to say.

"I know you wanna be my sexy boyfriend, becasue we're gay." said Charizard pulling Ash in a hug.

"I can't think of any girls, does that mean we're gay if we can't think of a girl we like?" said Ash stairing into Charizard's eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay." said Charizard seductively.

The devilish and coy smile never left Charizard's face, he wrapped his arms around Ash in a big hug, one of his hands was on Ash's back while the other was rubbing Ash's ass sensually, the butt groping made Ash's moan a little and it felt quite nice.

"Ash, you have a nice ass, can we have sex, please?" asked Charizard making his voice sound sexy.

Ash knew that if he said no, than Charizard was going to feel rejected and he didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"No one is looking." said Charizard playfully.

"Will you be gentle?" asked Ash curiously.

Charizard leaned in and kissed Ash on both cheeks, smiling at him with a giggle.

"I promise to be gentle." said Charizard giggling.

Charizard took Ash's hat off and Ash took off his vest and shirt, exposing his chest, he kicked his shoes off and slipped his socks off too. Charizard was looking aroused as he reached for Ash's pants and unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper down, he jerked his pants and underwear off easily and he got really aroused at Ash's foot long member, that coy and devilish smile appeared on his face again. Ash was fully naked.

"I'll suck you while your standing up." said Charizard seductively.

Ash slided out of Charizard's arms and stood up in front of him. Charizard faced Ash and lowered his face to Ash's level.

"Come to Charizard." said Charizard giggling.

Charizard kissed Ash on the lips briefly and started licking underneath his chin, running his tongue on his skin rapidly as he went lower to Ash's chest. Ash moaned as Charizard's long, thick and wide tongue slobbered all over his skin, he went down even lower and reached his belly, it felt like as soon as Charizard was licking Ash's belly, his huge tongue was kind of tickling Ash's belly but Charizard went down lower and reached Ash's privates, he slipped Ash's long cock inside his mouth and began sucking him off gently. Ash moaned in suprise, he never knew how good it would feel to have his dick inside Charizard's hot mouth.

"Oh Charizard, this feels nice." said Ash feeling aroused by his first blow job.

Never has Ash ever felt a sensation that felt so good, the inside of Charizard's mouth was hot and he used his huge tongue to tease the head of Ash's shaft, making the sensation Ash felt stronger and more arousing.

"Ohh yeah, this kinda tickles." said Ash in a soft moan.

Soft moans came from Ash, he was in for the time of his life but since he's never had sex before, that just makes it a lot more fun for him to experience, since he's a virgin it was going to feel really good for Ash to have sex with his oversized-fire-type friend, he could feel small amounts of heat developing in his lower body and there's nothing that can stop it from happening.

"Charizard, use your whole tongue to lick my cock as you suck me off, this feels incredible." moaned Ash excitedly.

Charizard obeyed Ash and he used his whole tongue to wrap around his length and used his huge tongue to rub it up and down, it was like his entire tongue was jerking Ash off while giving him a blow job. Ash moaned louder as his dick was being teased by Charizard's whole tongue. Charizard sucked harder and used his tongue to rub Ash's cock faster, making him moan in pleasured tone.

"Oh Charizard, that feels so good, so hot." moaned Ash pleasurably.

Hearing him say that made Charizard feel excited, he wanted to taste Ash's human seed for the first time and he was going to make Ash his bitch, he used one of his hands to gently massage Ash's balls, increasing the pleasurable heating level of the human's blow job. Ash could feel the insides of his cock and balls boiling and it felt so good.

"Oh yeah, now this is what you call "Fun" Charizard." moaned Ash as his legs began to slightly shiver from pleasure.

Ash's blow job was kicking in and fast. Charizard sucked harder and harder, rubbing his entire shaft with his tongue and used one of his hands to massage his cum filled orbs to increase the sexual tension in his balls.

"Charizard, I'm feeling so weird, I think I'm almost ready." gasped Ash pleasurably.

Ash was right about the feeling of his orgasm from his blow job, it was getting ready to blow at any minute. Charizard sucked him as hard as he could, running his whole tongue around his dick rapidly fast, massaging his balls at top speed. Ash was in a world of pleasure as his lower body tensed up from pleasure, his blow job finally reached it's peak.

"Ohhhhhhh yeah." moaned Ash in pleasured tone.

Ash's length vibrated wildly as he shot his load in Charizard's mouth, he shot long ropes of his seed in Charizard's hot mouth and he swallowed greedily, the taste of it was somewhat tangy to his taste buds. Ash's flow lasted about a minute until his seed stopped flowing. Charizard pulled his mouth out and Ash's still hard cock was waiting for more, he smiled the same grin like before.

"I see your not done yet and you want more." said Charizard playfully.

"He's ready for much more than blow jobs, Charzie honey." came a familiar female voice.

Charizard and Ash turned their heads to whoever was there and to their suprise, it was Charla from the Charizific Valley, she was smiling both happily and arousingly, she was watching them do it. Charla walked over to them and pulled Ash in a hug.

"No need to feel embarrassed boys, it's perfectly normal for two people even a pokemon and human to do it for fun, I won't tell anyone." said Charla softly.

"Your wanting to join, are you babe?" asked Charizard giggling.

Charla nodded as she leaned in and kissed Ash briefly on the cheeks and lips, he blushed with a small grin on his face.

"Awww, he's so cute when he blushes, I wouldn't mind being Ash's girl friend or his pokemon mother." said Charla sweetly.

"You wanna have sex with Ash too?" asked Charizard again.

"Most definitely, I wanna do it with our little baby boy." said Charla seductively.

Ash knew that doing it in the butt felt good but doing up a girl's vagina felt even better, he accepted Charla to join in on their sex sessions. Charla lowered her head and licked Ash from his belly, all the way to his chest, making him moan and shiver. Charla's tongue was a lot more longer, thicker, wider and larger than Charizard's tongue, she lowered her head again and slipped Ash's hard member inside her hot mouth, sucking him off gently as if Ash was sensitive.

"Oh yeah, now this in gonna be more fun than we expected." said Ash with a suprised gasp.

"Suck him good, babe." said Charizard eagerly.

Charla heard Ash's moans and wrapped her whole tongue around Ash's shaft and used her tongue to rub it up and down, just like Charizard did earlier, her tongue was much enough to cover it all up as she sucked him off, giving him his second blow job of the day.

"Oh my god, this feels better than before." said Ash in a suprised moan.

Charizard was watching Ash get sucked by whom appears to be his girl friend. Ash was moaning in pleasure from his second blow job of the day, it felt better when Charla or Charizard would fuck with him. Ash was shivering slightly from who good it felt to have Charla suckle his massive length and rub it up and down with her entire tongue, this was getting better every minute.

"Oh Charla, suck me harder." moaned Ash giggling.

"You heard him babe, he wants you to give it to him harder." said Charizard eagerly.

The look on Ash's face was nothing but a pleasured expression, his eyes were half closed and he was moaning, the sensation from being sucked off by Charla was getting stronger, his balls were starting to boil inside, heat in his lower body was building up again.

"Hey Ash, you want Charla to ride your shaft after she's done sucking you off?" asked Charizard grinning and giggling.

"Oh yeah." gasped Ash pleasurably.

As soon as Charla heard what Ash wanted her to do to him after the blow job, she started to suck really hard, running her entire tongue all over Ash's entire cock, sending a lot of hot shockwaves to his entire lower body, his balls were boiling hotter. Ash was almost on the brink of cumming inside Charla's hot mouth.

"Oh my god, I can feel it about to come." gasped Ash with a moan.

"That's right Ash, shoot your load into mommy's mouth." said Charizard playfully.

Ash was practically ready to blow and heat was driving him nuts inside of his balls, with another moan, he was ready to blow his load.

"Ohhh Charla." gasped Ash.

Ash's legs were shivering with pleasure as he shot his load into Charla's mouth, hot jets of his seed shot all over Charla's tongue and she gulped down every drop, his seed was flowing a bit longer that time until Ash's load came to a stop. Charla pulled her mouth off of Ash and still he was hard as a rock, she smiled playfully.

"Our baby wants more, honey." said Charla playfully.

"Than let's ride him crazy, you'll go first." said Charizard eagerly.

Ash knew what to do without anyone telling him to, he motioned his body to lay on the ground. Charla crawled on top of Ash and mounted him, slipping his shaft inside her vagina, the feeling her body from the inside was warmer and hotter than Ash imagined.

"Oh Ash, you are so ours." said Charla with a suprised moan.

Charla started to ride Ash at a slow and steady pace, the feeling of being inside her srounded Ash's cock with heat and warmth, making him let out a low moan. Ash couldn't believe his luck, he's going to get sexually screwed by two hot looking dragons who are hornier than sex-crazed-teenagers, every move Charla made on Ash's dick was making her vagina apply pressure to his cock and squeeze it, the more she rides Ash, the tighter her insides squeeze.

"Pucker up and kiss your mommy." said Charla moaning playfully.

Charla planted her lips to Ash and kissed him passionately, slipping her tongue inside his mouth and exploring every inch of his human mouth, her tongue was playing with Ash's tongue while she kissed him.

"Charla." moaned Ash.

"Ash my baby." moaned Charla.

They moaned as the two of them kissed. Charizard was getting hard from watching them make love and they haven't even got to the big moment of doing one another yet, his length snaked it's way out of his body and Charizard's sixteen inched long and two inched wide cock was exposed. Charla pulled her lips away and let Ash and herself to breath, she was still riding him with a aroused expression.

"Oh Charla, this feels so good." moaned Ash blissfully.

"You want me to go faster?" asked Charla moaning.

Ash nodded his head and without another word, she increased her speed and the inside of Charla's body squeezed harder around Ash's shaft, both of them moaning in reaction to the heat building up in their bodies. Charla's body heat was rising and so was Ash's body heat.

"This feels so hot." moaned Ash.

"I'm here to make you horny." moaned Charla like a whore.

"Give Ash a good orgasm." said Charizard feeling turned on.

Charla gave Ash a lick under his chin, making him cock his head back, she was enjoying every second of making love to Ash, even Ash himself was having the time of his life, his whole body was tingling and tension was building in his body and it was getting higher. Ash was able to hear the wet sloshing sounds being made from Charla riding his dick.

"Oh Charla, your so tight." moaned Ash in pleasured tone.

"Oh Ash, shoot it into me hard." moaned Charla excitedly.

Charla started to apply more pressure to her thrusts and increased her speed, going faster and faster, the feeling of their bodies tingling with pleasure and heat got stronger and made them both moan louder. Ash felt like Charla and Charizard were in control from riding his cock. Charla wrapped her arms around Ash to ready herself for the big moment of their orgasm, it was going to be a hot and powerful orgasm.

"Oh Charla, I can feel it." gasped Ash in a moan.

"Oh Ash, let your orgasm take control." moaned Charla seductively.

Now Charla was going at full speed and adding as much pressure as her body could give, massive sexual tension was building in their bodies, in Ash's balls too. It was driving them both crazy, they wanted to blow their load like there was no tomorrow. Charla was in a state of pure sexual pleasure, so was Ash. Ash's balls were boiling with fresh cum just screaming to come out and Charla was feeling a she was in heaven, their bodies were aching for a release.

"Ohhhhh Ash, I can feel it about to explode." moaned Charla really loud.

"Oh god Charla, Charla." moaned Ash loudly.

Ash wasn't going to last much longer as Charla's vaginal walls started to squeeze really hard on Ash's cock, her insides were just about to clasp around Ash's dick, both of them were about to scream.

"OHHHHHHH ASH, I'M GONNA BLOW." screamed Charla in pleasure.

"I'M GONNA CUUUUUM." screamed Ash in pleasured tone.

It was like a strike of lightning, they screamed in pleasure. Charla came hard and sprayed all of her juices all over Ash's balls, some of it dropping on the ground, her juices were tickling the skin of his balls. Ash exploded and came harder than Charla as he shot his massive load inside Charla's clasping vagina, he kept shooting large and thick ropes of his semen and kept on cumming. Ash's orgasm was so huge that his entire body lost control and Charla was riding him so hard and fast that every drop of his seed was getting drained to the last drop, it took Ash and Charla a long time for their orgasms to come to a final stop, both of them panting as Charla pulled out of Ash and layed next to him, his dick was still hard.

"That was so awesome." panted Ash.

"So were you. Charzie, your turn to ride Ash." panted Charla.

"Come to pappa, sexy boy." said Charizard excited.

Now it was Charizard's turn to have sex with Ash, he crawled on top of him and mounted Ash, slipping his cock up Ash's tight ass, he started to ride him slowly and let out a low and soft moan.

"Ash, I've wanted this for a long time." said Charizard smiling excitedly.

"Looks like your waiting is over." said Ash with a smile.

Charizard wanted to make love to Ash for a long time and now this is his chance, he smiled that coy and devilish smile yet again to make himself look sexy. Ash felt like a sex toy to Charizard and Charla but he didn't care, seeing how good it felt for him to have sex made Ash feel really lucky.

"This is gonna be fun, your so gonna be our sex toy." said Charizard with a low moan.

"Than I'm in for a lot of sex with you and Charla." said Ash with a quite moan.

"Yes you are, our little fuck-buddy." said Charizard in a sexy voice.

Charizard gave Ash a lick under his chin, a long and wet lick to make Ash feel hornier and more excited. Ash knew he's going to enjoy the experience of making love with two big and sex-crazed dragons who seemed to be sex-obsessed with Ash, it was going to be a lot of fun for all of them.

"Oh Ash, I can feel a little warmth building up." said Charizard with a moan.

"Me too, don't stop doing me." moaned Ash in suprise.

He obeyed Ash and made sure that he didn't stop fucking his friend whose turning into his lover. Charizard was just happy as can be since he's getting to have sex with Ash, for Ash this was going to be intense for him and that's just the way he likes it, all he could do was enjoy the experience with Charizard.

"Oh Ashy, this is gonna get hot." moaned Charizard in a sexy tone.

"I know, your starting to feel real good." moaned Ash with a gasp.

Ash was feeling the tingling sensation came back again, his body was getting warm and it was going to get hot in a little while, he just let Charizard ride his ass while he was on top of him, facing each other with pleasured smiles, moaning in pleasure.

"Oh yeah, now this is what I'm talking about." moaned Charizard.

"Fuck me faster, Charizard." moaned Ash out loud.

Charizard applied more pressure to his thrusting and increased his speed, making the tingling sensations in their bodies grow stronger, the heat was rising as their body heat rose up too. Ash was feeling his balls boil with heat again, sexual tension building up in their balls but the tension in Ash's balls was much stronger, but Charizard may be able to top it.

"This feels better than a blow job, oh yeah." gasped Ash pleasurably.

"Than your gonna have a powerfully body-rocking orgasm and your gonna love it." moaned Charizard blissfully.

The only thing they could do was moan and grunt in pleasure, wet sloshing sounds could be heard from Charizard's dick pumping in and out of Ash's butt, those noises were making Ash more sexually aroused and he enjoyed that noise like music to his ears.

"Faster Charizard, It's getting stronger." moaned Ash real loud.

"I'd be glad to, you sexy babe." grunted Charizard in pleasure.

Charizard increased his speed and made the feeling of making love to Ash become stronger for both of them, he stared at Ash with that sexually active smile, the smile made Ash even more sexually active than usual and he didn't think that was possible. Ash's body was getting really hot and tingly all over, same thing was happening to Charizard, their balls were boiling really hot with semen just begging to come out of their bodies.

"Oh Ashy, I'm getting closer." moaned Charizard excited.

"I can feel it about to happen too." moaned Ash with a loud gasp.

Charizard was going at full speed and applied so much pressure that it almost felt painful, their balls were aching for a release, the wet splashing sounds made them feel really turned on and it increased their arousal inside both of each other's body. Charizard didn't bother in slowing down, both him and Ash were having to much fun to stop as their orgasms came to there peaks, they screamed really loud in pleasure.

"I'M GONNA CUUUUUUMMMMMM." roared Charizard in pleasure.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." screamed Ash in loud pleasure.

Charizard was the first to cum hard, a wet splashing sound signaled the beggining of his orgasm as Charizard shot his load hard up Ash's clasping ass, the flow was intense for him. Ash came harder than him seconds later, he came harder than Charizard as he ejaculated violently from his violent orgasm, he shot long and thick ropes of human cum in the air and some of it landed on his belly. Charizard was cumming just as hard as Ash, both of them came hard for a long time until about five minutes later, their orgasmic flow stopped. Charizard pulled out of Ash and finally both Ash and Charizard's cocks softened up and shrank down. Charizard and Charla got on top of Ash and started licking him on the belly and up to his chest and ending at his cheeks, licking him like that rapidly up and down, their huge tongues slobbering all over his body.

"Hahahahaha, quit it you two, this tickles." giggled Ash.

After about a minute of licking Ash's body, they both pulled him in a gentle group hug, kissing him on the lips and cheeks.

"All that love making with you two was incredible." said Ash catching his breath.

"We really love riding and sucking your dick." said Charla and Charizard in unison.

All three of them were enjoying the afterglow of their passionate sessions of sex, hugging each other in a group hug like a family.

"Hey guys, can we have sex again, right now?" asked Ash politely.

"Awww, our little baby wants more orgasms." said Charla in a cute voice.

"Than let's have sex with him until all of us are covered in mixed semen." said Charizard giggling.

Ash was happy to have sex with his two new lovers. Charla and Charizard had sex with Ash for hours, even days. Ash agreed to be both Charla and Charizard's sex toy and the two dragons were dominant over Ash as they made passionate love to Ash Ketchum, every orgasm they had was long and powerful, making them moan and scream in pleasure.

The End

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