A Thief's Mistake Part 1

Story by SovietPikachu on SoFurry

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#1 of The Polar Bear and Fennec

An oral vore RP log between me an a friend. Me RP'ing as the Fennec and the friend as the Polar Bear.

The young adult and yet still small Anthro fennec fox stood outside a rather large and imposing house. It wasn't large in the normal sense either; it was more along the lines of that it looked like it was built for someone 3 times his height. It was a fact that had scared him to no end and yet the reward that must lie inside such a large dungeon was all too tantalising for him to simply ignore. It was also now or never, he had his homemade gear ready and his black clothes donned but no matter how he had prepared his biggest downfall was his almost pure white medium length fur. Needless to say it stood out in the dark but if truth be told it had never actually hindered him, it was more of a possible hindrance. The fact that he'd never been caught boosted his cockiness even further, sure he had a couple close ones but his size and refined skills practically made him a ghost; a ghost that stole your most valuables out from under your own nose.

Inside a cozy suburban house, a polar bear slept soundly. He stood taller than most creatures, but wasn't too big when compared to other bears. His puffy white fur flowed in the wind thanks to a fan that was turned directly onto the creature. For all the love and care he put into his fur, it was still a nuisance in the subtropical climate but thanks to his trusty fan, the bear was able to snore through the night without a care in the world.

The fennec silently snuck his way along the left fence line until he came to the massive gate that led to the backyard. He had come prepared and from his now mostly empty backpack came a rudimentary grapple hook and rope. He had been planning this for a while and knew that the gap between the two of the wooden planks was larger than the rest. The hook sailed through the air and only made a dull thud when it hit the other side. It wasn't hard for him nor did it take long before the small fennec was on the other side. Now came the most delicate part of the operation and one that could make or break it, getting up to and busting open a flyscreen that probably led into the laundry, if his scouting was correct anyway. It wasn't long before the small fennec was on the ledge of the window and he was happily surprised to find that the flyscreen was one of the older models. It meant it was easy to remove, all he had to do was pull it up quietly, wriggle it around some and out it came like a charm. This was ending up being too easy.

The bear was a heavy sleeper, but something made him unusually agitated in the bed. He turned around multiple times, moving to find a more comfortable position. This went on for a few minutes until the loud snoring was interrupted, and his eyes slowly opened. The bear moved around drowsily until he noticed the source of his discomfort; the fan! His trusty fan wasn't as trusty as he'd thought and it failed him in the most critical of moments, letting heat take over the room. Annoyed, he stood up and walked over to the device. He hit it a few times with a paw to no avail. He sat down on the floor and stared at the blades, thinking about what to do.

The fennec hopped down from the window and onto a pleasantly soft landing thanks to the inhabitant's dirty pile of clothes. Actually as the fennec studied what he landed on in more detail in the low light setting he found it wasn't a pile of clothes but just two shirts, two huge shirts at that. He knew the owner was large due to the house design but very few are this large. He speculated for a moment before his acute ears picked up some muffled sounds upstairs. Thankfully it only seemed the owner was tossing in bed or there about and the fennec quickly started his raid, the shorter he was here the less time the owner had to react.

The bear stood up again. He had another fan, not as strong as the broken one, but it would have to do. He opened his wardrobe and quickly looked inside. No fan. He puffed air from his nostrils and moved to the bedroom door. With his clouded mind, he couldn't quite remember where he put the fan, but he was determined to find it. Quietly, he opened the door and moved towards the stairs across the hallway. Even though he lived alone, he still felt the unconscious need to be quiet at night. That is, as quiet as a 8 foot bear can be.

The fennec came across the kitchen first, it was to his immediate right once he'd quietly exited the laundry. Nothing important or expensive was going to be stashed there, those prizes usually were found in the living rooms and bedrooms unsurprisingly. He guessed the bedrooms - which were his main targets - would be upstairs, maybe one downstairs but that was unlikely. First thing first was the living room and judging from a glint off something black and square somewhere in front of him and beyond a set of stairs leading upwards, it was near. He started his short trip making next to no sounds when suddenly a door upstairs creaked open ever so slowly. The fennec paused and dared not move a muscle as his large ears focused in on the sound and a few moments later the door creaked back again as it softly bumped on the wood. He told himself it was the wind and it was nothing to be worried about, that it was pure coincidence before trekking off to the lounge. If only he had waited a few more moments and he would have heard the occupant's muffled steps.

Lazily climbing down the stairs the bear was making his way towards the living room. But before reaching the ground floor, he smelled something different. He stopped moving, and started to think what exactly that unfamiliar scent could be, but nothing came to mind. Again, he pulled air in, and the smell was there again. He pondered if his tired mind was playing tricks on him, or maybe if the neighbours were doing something weird, or even if someone dared invade his home. What was it? One thing he was sure about: it was too late to figure out. The bear only wanted his fan, so he moved on and finished climbing down the stairs.

If the fennec had been paying attention then he might have picked up the soft muffled step as the owner reached ground floor. Alas he was too focused on the many prizes that laid before him, retro consoles and one of the newest DVD players stood out from the rest. He didn't waste time unplugging the items and stuffing them inside his over the shoulder sack. It was a shame he wasn't able to carry much more due to his height but it was a trade off for his sneakiness. Dusting his hands off out of pure habit he picked up sack and tossed it over his shoulder, only to be greeted by a blinding light emanating from the ceiling. It took him a few panicked moments to see again but once he did he spied the house's mostly naked owner who at this point had seen him. He dropped his sack and looked at the nearest window then past the bear and into the laundry from whence he came before making eye contact with the owner once again. "Oh fuck."

When the bear arrived on the ground floor, he could hear a fait noise of things being thrown around. At this point, even the drowsy bear knew what was going on. He carefully stepped into the living room and smelled the air again. Now he knew what the smell was; and he knew that the creature was near. He flipped the light switch and immediately looked at the small fennec completely dressed in black. For a second, they locked eyes, and before the burglar could finish uttering a reflexive "Oh fuck", the bear had already pounced, ready to grab it where it stood.

The fennec would have thought he had the upper hand in speed, dexterity and everything regarding mobility. He quickly found out that wasn't the case as the bear launched itself across the room at him. He had scant moments to react and only managed to dodge the swiping paw by dropping himself to the ground. It was not the best idea however. The bear now looked down on him, his facial features obscured by the light behind him and the fennec reflectively backed up to the wall. He forced a smile despite his trembling form and said, "No harm done right?"

His pounce missed, but he was still at arm's reach from the fennec. He watched as it quickly backed up, and smiled ominously when it saw the small being hit the wall. He swiped again, this time aiming for a leg, and grabbed it firmly. "Of course, no harm done. Well not yet at least." He said, eyeing the little thief.

The fennec was now hanging upside down from the bears paw at face level, his shirt had rolled down his body to his neck but that was currently the least of his worries. At this distance he even got whiffs of the bear's breath and thankfully it held an almost neutral scent. What scared him the most was not his thinly veiled threat but the bear's teeth, some of which looked to be as long and thick as his fingers. He did not want to be on the receiving end of those, no matter what it took.

The bear stood up and brought the fennec to eye level. He breathed heavily with his mouth slightly opened. He thought for a bit before growling out, "So you come into my home and don't even introduce yourself? That's quite rude you know." Drowsy and annoyed, the bear sounded intimidating, but he tried to keep polite.

The fennec looked away and tented his fingers, feigning a thinking demeanour while he actually looked for any form of escape. He found none and turned back to face the bear. "Well you know what they say, let sleeping bears lie. I'm also not big on introductions y'know? Prefer not to be noticed." He didn't know why he was suddenly making snark remarks, maybe it was the blood pooling in his head? Whatever the reason he paid close attention to the teeth, he wasn't struggling now but that wouldn't be the case near those.

The bear puffed air from his nose on the fennec. He wasn't happy with how the critter was avoiding the question, and even less happy about how it was clearly looking for a way out. The bear noticed how the fennec stared at his teeth however, so he tried to use it to bargain. "My teeth seem to have drawn your attention, so how about this: either you start talking, or you're gonna inspect them from up close. I don't think anyone would miss a little thief like you, and a midnight snack sounds perfect right now." He shook the fennec a little as he spoke.

The little fennec held is hands out in front of him in a 'stop' gesture. "No no! No need for that I'll spill! You wanted to know who I was? Fine, but could you set me down or turn me right ways up, the bloods kind of pooling down here." The fennec pointed to his head and it was abundantly clear to who ever saw that blood was pooling from the way his ears had lit up like a tomato.

The bear rolled his eyes and complied. He turned the fennec around and held it by the shoulders. He pressed his claws against its back as a threat, and looked back at it "If you try to run, I will shred you one way or another. Now, you were saying?" With that, the bear licked his chops. The idea of eating the Fennec was interesting, but his primary objective was to scare it into confessing

The fennec tensed up a bit as the claws touched his skin under his fur and he had to add yet another thing he didn't want to come in contact with onto his quickly growing list. The bear turned him right side up and made some very clear threats towards him. He didn't doubt that the agility the bear had shown before would make his threat hard to pull off; making a runna was currently off the table even if the bear dropped him. It was his highest priority to make it out of the house alive and not get caught by any cops, the later seemed unlikely however as the bear didn't seem interested in calling them. "Thanks, I didn't think you'd listen to me though." The fennec said as he habitually looked at the ground in an attempt to look away from the bears eyes and calm his nerves. "I'm ah, a fennec, as you could probably tell, and uh, you can call me Dory I guess." He wasn't even looking at the bear and yet he knew the he must have raised an eyebrow at that or was about to smirk. He looked up at the bear defiance evident in his eyes. "Yea, I know it's a stupid name but I ain't gonna give you my real one now am I? As for why I was trying to rob you well, there's money to be made and you seem to have a decent amount. A few things missing here and there wouldn't make much of a dent." His defiant fire quickly died down after that due to the imposing figure glaring at him. He once again looked at the ground waiting for the bear to say something. "It's not like I want to do this anyway..." The fennec muttered a few tense moments later under his breath at a volume he doubted the bear could hear.

"Hello 'Dory', I'd say it's nice to meet you, but bears aren't too keen on lying. You can call me Kuro, and I think you guessed that I'm a polar bear." The bear rubbed his claws a bit on the fennec's back as he repositioned them. He was trying to scare the intruder, but he was careful not to hurt it. "Now, what should I do with you?" The bear asked to himself, "The cocky little burglar that 'wasn't going to put a dent' in my hard earned home." The bear stopped to think. He didn't want to call the cops, that wouldn't be nearly as interesting of a resolution as it could be. He wanted to make sure the little burglar would never dare to enter a house uninvited again, but how was he going to 'convince' him?

The fennec shuddered as the claws once again touched his skin. He knew that the bear was being careful to not hurt him, and was trying and succeeding at scaring him but he couldn't help wonder what other motives the bear held. It didn't help in the slightest that he had conflicting emotions about this entire scenario. On one very obvious hand he felt scared for his well being, on the other more suppressed hand he felt excited by what was happening. He was confused and annoyed by that; he didn't want to be discovering new kinks in the middle of a 'negotiation'. "Look you seem like a reasonable enough of a bear, I'm sure there is something that can make you forget that this ever happened in the first place."

The bear looked suspiciously at the fennec. He was sure the thief would try to run as soon as it had the chance. The bear then pressed his claws against the fennec's back once again, showing him how helpless he was. He then started walking towards the stairs, "Something that would make me forget all this..." The bear pondered as he licked his chops again, trying to be sure that the fennec could see it. "Either way, the living room is too open, I wouldn't want you getting 'accidentally' lost in my house"

The fennec didn't like to be manhandled but he dared not voice his concerns. He couldn't see but he could clearly hear the bear licking its chops and he didn't like the sound of it. He reasoned that it and what the bear said was just another scare tactic. Right? The bear wasn't about to straight up murder him for trying to steal from him. Right? The small fennec took a couple deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down as they reached the base of the stairs. The excited part of him only seemed to grow as it took pleasure from all this. He internally suppressed it and took a few more deep breaths. Why did he let his mouth ask stupid questions like that?

The bear dragged Dory up to his room. It was a small bedroom, with a bed by the window located opposite to the door accompanied by a desk and a wardrobe. He promptly closed the door and locked it, removing the key and storing it on the upper shelf of the wardrobe. "Look, its hot today and I'll keep the window open. Do me a favour and don't jump off, ok? It's quite a big fall for a tiny critter like you, and I don't think it would be as fun to have a burglar with broken legs at my disposal." With that, the bear released the fennec on the floor and sat on his bed. He kept his attention on the fox, waiting for its next move. "Now we can talk like gentleman."

The fennec scanned the room quickly in hopes of finding something to help him escape but alas his only real option was the window, and there was no way he was jumping off a second story building no matter how light he might be. He knew roughly where this was going, there was no use beating around the bush now. "Talk like gentleman aye? What's there to talk about?" The fennec asked as he made his way over to the desk, intent on climbing on top of it so the bear didn't have a height advantage. "I may not be the smartest burglar you've caught but I'm not stupid." He told the bear as he scaled the desk's draws like a makeshift rock climbing wall. "There are very few reasons you want me in your room and unless you just feel more comfortable here I think we both know where this is going. Unless of course you really did want to talk like gentleman and if that was the case than be my guest." The fennec was now on top of the desk and stood with his arms crossed looking at the bear. His heart was racing a million miles an hour.

The bear smiled as he listened to the climbing fennec. He thought the cocky attitude of the fennec was impressive, and found something very amusing about the creature climbing his desk. "First of all, smart burglars aren't caught. Second, I brought you here so I'd have more time to think about what I'm going to do with you. What I'm thinking is..." The bear paused and looked at the thief. He could see that, even while the fennec was putting up a cocky attitude, he was really distressed. "What I'm thinking is that a midnight snack sounds like it would hit the spot, don't you think?" He then gave the fennec a playful smile, almost as if he was joking, and licked his chops once more.

The fennec visibly recoiled at the display but he was weirdly enough getting used to it. It was a scare tactic and couldn't be anything else, he hoped. Whatever the reason he felt himself getting more defiant and cocky by the second. "Midnight snack? Hah, I'm far too big to fit into that toothy maw of yours and I doubt very much you're going to seriously harm me as that would have happened downstairs." He let loose his most cocky grin while holding the most 'sure-of-himself' pose. It was all a facade though and his left leg was bouncing uncontrollably and while his fingers were trembling like a jackhammer, and not to mention his heart which might burst at any second. He didn't like that the bear seemed to be enjoying this.

The bear's smile vanished, and he quickly lunged forward, grabbing the fennec firmly by the arm. He then calmly laid on his bed, holding the fox above his head. After he found a comfortable position, he turned the fox upside down by grabbing one of its legs, and releasing the arm. "You say I'm bluffing, I say I am not. You say you don't fit, I say you do. Since you don't have any better ideas, it's time for us to find out who is right: the bear or the morsel. Down the hatch!" The bear opened his mouth as wide as he could and slowly started to lower the fennec in.

All the fox could see when he looked up was the pink flesh of the inside of the bears maw that had stretched wider then he thought possible accompanied by a dark purple tongue. The fennec cursed himself and his loud mouth. As the bear lowered him down he started to struggle and thrash to escape from his clutches. It was fruitless and he wasn't sure if by struggling he was making the experience better for the bear. Whatever the case may be there was no way he was going in there next to those sharp teeth and slimy tongue and he continued to struggle with all his might. "Please, I'll do anything! Just don't eat me!" Some small part of him was being turned on by this but now was neither the time nor place to worry about such things.

The bear felt the fennec thrash about, but he kept going. It wasn't until the desperate fennec started talking that he stopped. He then slowly closed his mouth and looked at the morsel dangling above his muzzle. "Don't think I'm bluffing anymore, hmm?" He shook the fennec a bit, "But you said something interesting just now. Anything? But what could a burglar like you offer to me, except a few calories that is." The bear chuckled as his stomach let out an audible groan. The fennec did look appetizing, and his stomach was starting to like the idea of eating him. "You better come up with something fast. My buddy down there doesn't like to wait when there is food around."

If the fennec could physically sweat than the room would have quickly turned into a pool by now, but thankfully all he could do was tremble and take deep breaths. He had sworn his life had flashed before his eyes before the bear closed his jaws but now it was asking him something, something he had tuned out. It took him a few moments before his muddled brain put the pieces back together and he knew there were very few roads he could go down where the bear might let him go. He took a moments glace at his new goal and it seemed the bear had at least been partially interested in what had been happening. "I'm sure, we can uh..." The fennec made obvious glances between the bear's underwear and his eyes, hopefully making what he was saying clear. "Work something out dontcha think?" All cockiness was now lost in his voice.