A Thief's Mistake Part 2

Story by SovietPikachu on SoFurry

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#2 of The Polar Bear and Fennec

Part 2 of a Thief's Mistake. Contains soft semi-forced oral vore but you should know that from the tags.

The bear grinned widely. He dropped the fox on top of his stomach. He was glad the cockiness in the fennec's voice was gone. He had finally destroyed his confidence, but he still wasn't done. He wanted to teach the intruder a lesson, and he would bring the point home. Besides, to the bear, playing with the thief was turning out to be incredibly fun. He had to make the most of it, when would he have the chance to catch a small burglar on the act? "You really don't want to get eaten, do you? Alright then, do a good job and I just might let you walk out of here. Screw it up and... Well you get the idea. No pressure" His voice sounded as if all the cockiness that the fennec lost was stolen by the bear.

"T-thanks!" The fennec thanked the bear but in reality they were hollow words and yet he had meant them due to the opportunity he was given to at least atone for his mistakes. That and so he never saw the back of that throat again. As he stood on the soft fur of the bear's stomach he looked at the bears face before looking at what he was meant to start pleasuring. It was hidden under a layer of cloth but that didn't mean he couldn't see the shape of it through it. He started to meander down the bears length towards his hollow goal before realising there was no way in hell he was getting to it without assistance. That or he was going to have to ruin the bear's underwear. "Could uh, y'know, take them off? I don't think I'm able to." The fennec had turned around and looked back at the bear, not realising he should get off the bear if what he suggested were to happen.

Careful not to move too much and end up letting the fennec fall off his belly, the bear tried to remove his pants. After proving difficult enough, he grew impatient and decided to cut them. He put a claw in his shorts and sliced them with ease. After doing so, he looked at the fennec. To him, it was a demonstration of what he was capable of doing to the intruder if he wanted to. He then moved on and sliced his boxers to reveal his sheath. The long organ was quite big compared to the fox, but no bigger than the bear's paw. Most of it was hidden behind the bushy white fur, appearing to be only a bump on the pelvis, but since the bear was already a bit aroused by all the action from the last few minutes, his member was clearly visible as it poked out. After slicing his clothes, the bear threw them on the floor. He then put both his paws behind his head and closed his eyes with a faint smile. He moved around a bit to get comfortable before speaking. "Let's hope that you are able to do the rest, or I'll have to skip breakfast..." The bear paused for a bit before he resumed, "Actually, scratch that. With so little meat in your bones I might as well be eating salad." The bear was having fun talking down the thief, but he knew that wasn't true. The fennec was indeed more skinny than the seals he was used to hunt, but he was still bigger and heavier than what the bear would consider a large meal. He thought his stomach would be able to work off the whole burglar, but it would still prove to be quite a task, especially if he sent it down alive. And, even if it was easier to send the fennec down in pieces, the thought of having him wiggling in his stomach was too good to skip.

The fennec gulped audibly as he watched the bear slice his own clothes off and toss them onto the floor with ease. He had guessed those claws were sharp, but to be that precise the bear must meticulously care for them. With the clothes out of the way the thing which may very well grant him his freedom like a discount genie stood before him, and it was a sight he would have thought he'd never see in his entire life, another man's junk this close. He gulped audibly again as he made his way slowly towards his new goal and as he did he striped himself of his outer layer of black clothing including his hoodie, shirt and track pants. It was hot in here - for many reasons - and with his clothes being expensive and him being unsure if bear semen even washed out he made the snap decision to take them off. It was also a distraction in case the bear opened his eyes to wonder at what was taking so long. It gave him some precious seconds to devise what he was going to do because he had zero clue how to pleasure another man's dick; and he had to pleasure this dick as if his life depended on it because it very well was. The fennec was now where he thought he should be, standing on the pelvic bone of the bear as he gave a quick once over of the mostly hidden member. It was a deep purple like the bears tongue - if he remembered correctly - and was mostly hidden in a sheath. That wasn't going to be the case for long however as the fennec bent down to stroke what he could already see of the currently semi-hard member. It jumped at his touch and he watched as another inch quickly came out of the compartment it was stored in. He also noticed that it was incredibly hot, probably due to the bear's thick insulating fur but was nowhere near enough to cause discomfort and so he ignored it. As the small fennec gave the best hand job he'd ever given he became more surprised and equally worried as more of the swiftly hardening rod slipped out of the hot confines of the bear's body. He kept up the pace until he was sure it was all out in the open, all of what seemed to be 8 inches of the bears purple rod with a girth of if he'd have to guess about 2 and a half inches. It was huge compared to the now seemingly tiny fennec, it might have been about normal for the bear but to the small fennec it was a forth of his entire body length if he didn't include his ears. What kind of situation had he gotten himself into?

The bear wondered why the fox was taking so long, but before he opened his eyes to see what was happening, the small paws touched his length. The fennec was clearly an amateur, but the bear was enjoying the hand job. It didn't take long for his member to reach its full length with the attention it received. The small paws were more delicate than anything he had experienced, and they worked wonders. Perhaps, all that dexterity came from the life of as a thief. He purred quietly, smiled, and even reflexively moved his pelvis slightly forward every so often, but he was careful not to give away that he was in utter bliss. If the fox knew how much of a good job he was doing, he wouldn't be as scared, and half of the bear's fun would be gone.

The fennec was doing horribly and he knew it. There was no way in hell that his small paws, both of which could never hope to even remotely fit around the bear's penis, were doing any good. He tried to make up for it by switching it up, doing some circular motions with one hand and stroking the length in the other. He only noticed some bucking of the bears hips and he took that as a sign that the bear didn't like what he was doing and so he changed positions again. This happened a few times and he thought he now had the best position, not that he liked doing this but it was the best. The small fennec had sat down on the fur above where the bear's penis exited his body and had draped his legs down either side so that his soft paw pads rested on the bears fuzzy balls. He let some of his base instincts take over as he let his soft feet kneed the bear's balls like a newly born pup would. While his feet went to town he used his small body to his advantage and rubbed it over the comparatively massive penis that came up to the base of his sternum. As he did so he used his small forepaws to rub the back of the penis where his body couldn't touch, making sure to give every inch delicate attention. He hoped he was doing well.

The bear was already having fun with the delicate paws rubbing his member, but then the fennec decided to get creative. The little creature used its entire body to pleasure the bear. The soft paw pads on his balls felt amazing, and sent chills down the bears spine every time the fennec pressed against them. As for his shaft, the torso of the thief rubbed it on the top, and its paws massaged the back. To the bear, It was like receiving a scratch in a place you can't reach. Only a small creature could give him that kind of treatment. It was quite hard for the bear to pretend he didn't like it, and he ended up releasing a quick moan that sounded more like he was groaning as if he had bent down to pick up something heavy. Unfortunately for the bear, he was quickly reaching an orgasm. He felt it rise up from deep within him, ready to let out all the pent up tension and pleasure of the night.

The fennec must have done something wrong for the bear to let out such a sound but at the same time he knew there probably wasn't any other position he could use that gave him the access this did. He wanted to make sure he was doing his best however as he felt the member start to twitch on its own. What it meant eluded the fennec but by that point he had already made up his mind on what he was going to do next. He leaned down only slightly and gave the member's head an experimental slow and tantalising lick. Surprisingly it didn't taste horrible at all like he had expected, with that fact in mind he started to assault the head with his tiny tongue. He did this for a few seconds as the member rapidly started to twitch but the small fennec paid no mind to such a fact. His kneading never stopped and neither did his deft hands that unbeknownst to him were pressing all the right buttons. It only took a dozen drawn out seconds of the fennec giving head before he stopped when he felt the bears balls pull themselves into the bear's body. Confusion reigned supreme as his kneading was cut short and the small fennec moved his attention away from the penis to stare at the balls. His delicate hands however never stopped their tireless embrace and when they felt something quickly move up the shaft it was then that the reason of what was happening finally hit him, all over his face. It hit him like some sort of display on a fountain that had suddenly started working again at the worst possible time. The bear bucked its hips as the semen hit the fennecs face and left eye but the fennec was secured tightly in place and didn't move at all. After the first wave as the semen continued to pour out time slowed and the fennec knew what he must do to enhance the bears pleasure and hopefully make it too morning alive. He clamped his tiny mouth over the head of the penis as a new spurt came out in full force and hit the back of the fennec's throat. The semen tasted salty but again was not nearly as bad as he thought it was going to be. Once his mouth was closed around the head and he started to suckle it like it was his favourite treat the bear let another hot and renewed load down the back of the fennec's throat before thrusting forward on instinct. The fennec's eyes shot open as the bear dick was rammed into the back of his throat and another load was deposited straight down his throat. He couldn't breath and he pushed the dick away from himself in fear in an attempt to separate himself from it. He succeeded quickly and coughed up a bout of semen that had gone down the wrong hole. As he sat there coughing up semen and trying to breathe again the bears dick still stood at attention but was now slowly leaking fluid straight onto the fennecs chest fur. It was going to mat the fur badly but the fennec was more concerned with breathing again.

An orgasm erupted from deep within the bear. Without even thinking, the bear took both of his paws from behind his head and laid them by his side, clenching his fists on the bed, which was promptly sliced. A moan escaped him, and let nature do the rest of the work. All the while, he could feel the warm tongue of the fennec touch his member, and wiggle around as it tried to swallow the huge amount of seed. It was such a delicate movement, but still incredibly pleasurable. He opened his eyes again after his body was done ejecting semen, and looked over to see Doreh. The fennec looked exhausted and its fur was partially covered in semen. For a moment, he felt pity for the thief. His plan was to eat the fennec as soon as it finished pleasuring him. But could he really murder the burglar in such a gruesome way such as eating it? Would letting it melt away in his stomach like any other food item be fair? On the other hand, the bear still wanted to teach the thief a lesson. Suddenly, an idea came to mind, a middle ground that could solve this dilemma. Proud of the idea, he moved on to realise it. "Now, my little thief," The bear said in between breaths, "Do you think you deserve your freedom?" He gently stroked the fennec's back with his big paw pads

The fennec felt the bears pads stroke his back as he let out the last of a line of coughs before attempting to wipe the area around his mouth clean with the fur on his arm. Doing so only seemed to make the matted fur it touched point one way. He turned his head around to face the bear after hearing what it had said. He felt a little bit of his signature cockiness return and before he could stop himself he was already yammering away. "I fucken' hope so, this is going to take so long to clean out and not to mention you almost caused me to suffocate on your dick and its treat." The fennec turned back around and looked down at himself and how messy he was, it was then that he noticed through his underwear how antaganizingly hard he was and apparently how much his body had enjoyed all that.

The bear gently closed his fingers between the fennec's scruff and lifted him. After that he went from laying to sitting on the bed, using the wall next to his head as support. The bear then brought the fennec up to eye level, and inspected the fox. His fur was a mess, both from the hand job and the semen that spilled on him, but there was something else more interesting. "After all that and you're hard. And here I was thinking you weren't enjoying it, especially after more of those comments." He chuckled, "How about we put an end to this? I think this night has gone on for long enough, and we both deserve our rest." The bear tried his best to sound as if he was about to let the fennec go, but it was all a deception. There was more fun to be had.

The fennec was scared at first as to why the bear was picking him up but once it became clear to him that the bear was just inspecting him before talking made him calm down a fair bit. He listened with rapt attention and after he was done the fennec put one and two together and his eyes lit up with unbridled joy at the prospect of getting out of the bears home. He wasn't about to argue with the bears comments about how hard he was however, he was arguing internally about that little fact as it currently stood and what it meant, he wasn't about to bring the bear into it either. It didn't mean he wasn't going to comment on it. "Yea, so what if I'm hard? It's a perfectly normal bodily function. Also, thank fuck I'm getting out of here. I know you won't trust the word of a thief but I won't ever be coming back here again. Don't want another fucking repeat of tonight." His cockiness was quickly returning.

The bear grinned, displaying to the world all of his teeth. "Just an observation, I'm not here to judge what you get off to. But wait a second, whoever said anything about you leaving?" The bear was holding onto a laughter. Growing the fox's confidence just to destroy its hopes was sadistic, but undeniably fun.

The scowl that had once made its home on the fennecs face was quickly traded in for one of terror as the colour that was visible on the snow white's fennecs face drained. "No, no! We had a deal! I pleasure you and you let me leave! Alive!" The fennec doubted the bear just meant that the fennec could stay the night.

If the bear's grin could grow wider, it would have. "Oh little fennec, are you saying I lied? I did so such thing! Lying would be as nasty as what you had planned for the night. First of all, I said I 'might' let you go. Secondly, I am going to give you a place to rest, and I'm going to rest too. And what better way to rest than with a full belly?" The bear patted his stomach with his free paw and brought the fox closer to his muzzle. Suddenly, his playful tone changed to a much more serious one, and he growled out "Now just one more thing left to decide: feet or head first?" He wanted the fox to know he meant what he said.

The fennec followed the bears movements as it patted its belly, that combined with what it had said and its earlier display of what it could do he had no doubt the bear was serious this time. It still plagued the fennec that the bear thought that he would last the rest of the night alive inside the bear. Wait, why does that plague him?! It should be plaguing him that he was going to be eaten by the bear, eaten alive to be more exact and he was worried about how he was going to stay alive inside?! "F-feet please." He answered. Too the bear it might seem like the fennec was broken and that the light in his eyes had been extinguished but in reality the fennec was having an internal war with himself. Was another part of himself showing its face? A part of himself he never knew he had? The fennec wondered what on earth was happening.

The bear raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect the fennec to answer so willingly, but how could he know what was going on inside his head? It didn't matter; the bear knew what he himself wanted. "Don't want to stare down into my throat. That's fair, I'd be scared too. I'll be out here rooting for you while you turn into mush. The longer you stay alive, the longer you'll wiggle in there for me. Let's just hope you enjoy being fat." The fennec's head was still in front of his muzzle, and he gave it a quick lick. Without further ado, the bear opened his mouth wide, letting the fennec have one last view of his mouth. He then moved the fennec up and put the feet into his mouth. He closed his lips around the paws and gave them a through lick. After he was done, the bear opened his mouth again, and lowered the fennec slowly. He rubbed his tongue against every bit of the fur, dancing the slimy organ around in an attempt to coat the morsel in saliva. The bear didn't mind that the fox was covered in his own semen; he only wanted to get the most out of the thief. This went on until the fox's paws hit the back of his throat. At this point, the bear released his grip and held the fennec with his teeth. He had a firm grasp, but was careful not to actually hurt the fox. Only a few swallows separated the fox from the hungry belly. He let out a deep 'mmm' before continuing working on his meal.

The fennec returned to his senses when he felt the bears teeth press against his stomach. At this point the bear had him in checkmate. The fennec could not move in fear of hurting himself and even if the bear released his death grip then other than the fennecs arms there would be nothing stopping him from sliding down the bear's throat. With what little it would accomplish the fennec tried to use his tired arms as a way to stop his decent the next time the bear slackened his jaw enough for the fennec to move. After tense moments of both predator and prey looking at each other and the bears mouth and teeth dominating his view the fennec could no longer stand it. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing like he was taught; it helped considerably to stop him from trembling all over and was also a way for the fennec to look inside of himself. More specifically the fennec looked for the hidden and dormant part of him that not long ago had told the bear which end to start with. He wanted to find it and strangle it before offering it the reins to his body. He didn't want to deal with what was going on anymore and if some perverse and twisted side of him could find pleasure in such a vile act and he couldn't escape it, then by all means would the fennec resign his fate to it. He could already feel a grin start to appear on his face and as that happened the fennec couldn't help but wonder if he had some sort of spit personality disorder or something.

The bear started to swallow the fennec but before he started, he could swear he saw the fox smile. Was his mind playing tricks on him? The fennec couldn't possibly be happy with the idea of being swallowed and, for all it knew, digested too. Did he give away his true intentions? Was the fennec in shock? He could ask it after he was able to speak again, for now, he had more important things to do. Looking up, he widened the gap between his teeth, letting gravity do its job, and pressed his tongue against the fox in a swallowing motion. The whole process might have been quicker if the bear didn't constantly stop to taste his meal. There was clearly a bulge on the bear's neck, but it vanished on his collar bone. The bear rubbed one paw against his throat, feeling the creature inside. The bear had no trouble swallowing the fennec up to the waist, but his midsection was proving a bit more difficult. He used one of his paws to aid in the swallowing by pushing the fox down. Quickly the fennec was disappearing behind the bear's jaws. Only the head and one of his arms remained outside of the big maw, and the bear was keen on fixing that.

The fennec shuddered as he felt his feet enter the hot and tight confines of the bear's throat. The way it pulsated around his small sensitive feet when the bear swallowed was bliss enough as it was; and the bear had not even gotten to the main meal yet. What made it even better was when the bear frequently stopped his feast for the sole reason to taste him. The way the tongue danced around his body was in its own right an art form. As he felt more and more of his body sink into the fleshy warm embrace of the bears throat he couldn't help but reach down and touch himself experimentally while his pelvis was still in the roomy space of the bear's maw. When his pelvis reached the back of the bear's throat his hand became trapped in the position it was in and the fennec knew he now had to wait until he was deposited in his new room to continue his self exploration. The bear seemed to hit some sort of wall where gravity was no longer able to sustain the downwards motion any longer and the bear sought help in the form of its own paw. It wasn't long before the only thing of him outside the bear was his head and one arm stuck above him. He grinned at how close the bear's teeth were to his neck.

The bear was close to finishing the fennec. He swallowed one more time, bringing the fox's head into his mouth. He gave it a through lick, feeling every feature of the intruder's face with his tongue. This went on for a few moments before the bear started to slowly close his jaws. After he was done, only one of the fennec's arms remained outside of his body. With a slurp and a gulp, the intruder was confined inside him. He could feel Doreh's head still in his mouth, together with the arm. He opened his mouth slightly to give the fennec a view of the outside world before clamping his jaws shut. One final swallow and the fox was gone. Now the bear didn't have to make any more conscious effort, just relax. With one paw, the bear felt his throat, and with the other he patted his belly. The fennec was quickly dragged into the bear's stomach. First the feet entered, and soon the rest of the body followed it. The stomach stretched to fit its new occupant. Soon the whole fox was deposited in the organ. Luckily for the fennec, the bear's dinner was already gone, and only a shallow transparent puddle remained on the bottom. Outside, the bear belched loudly to signal his victory. He patted his slightly distended belly and closed his eyes to relax, as the stomach groaned in acceptance and to signal it was ready to work on the meal. But something that made the bear jump out of bed. He almost forgot! The fennec would have the same fate as any food that entered the stomach if he didn't do something. His initial plan was to let the thief gurgle up in his belly after he was done playing with it, but he couldn't do that to him anymore. He took a liking to the burglar. The cocky attitude grew on him, and after he did such a good job pleasuring him. How could he murder the fennec? The bear quickly walked over to the bathroom. He wasn't sure how long it would take for his stomach to do its job, but knowing how hungry he usually was, he didn't think he would have much time. Opening the drawer, the bear desperately searched around until he found the pills he was looking for. The antacid would have to do. He grabbed 5 times as many pills as recommended on the back of the box and popped them all in his mouth. Before swallowing, he chewed them thoroughly; he didn't want the fennec to think he was safe. The bear then took a sip of water from the faucet and swallowed, sending the pills down to join the fox. Now a little calmer, he started to walk towards the stairs to finish what he was interrupted doing: grabbing his fan to go back to sleep. He patted and rubbed his stomach as he walked. "How long do you think you can last in there, morsel? I'd say one hour until you're nothing but mush." Maybe that would be the case had the bear not taken the antacid. For now, he only wanted to feel the fennec struggle, and before he realised he wasn't actually being digested, he had to get the most out of it. "I hope fennecs don't go straight to my ribs, or I might need to go back to the gym."

The feeling of the bear's throat contracting around his small body worked the fennec into a lust induced frenzy. He might not even have to play with himself to get off if this continued; he'd cream himself on his way to his destination. Right now his head was in the bears mouth while everything else save one of his arms were currently receiving the five star treatment from the bears throat. The bear stopped his efforts momentarily before the fennec felt a slimy tongue start its expletory motions on his head. This time wasn't like the others however, it was as if the bear was attempting to remember the fennec's facial features with only his tongue, going over each feature multiple times, needless to say it didn't leave one millimetre unexplored. The fennec felt another powerful swallow by the bear and he felt himself slip down until he felt his chin resting on the edge of the bear's throat. Suddenly his world was shrouded in darkness when the bear closed his jaws, shutting off the fennec's only source of light. It stayed like that for a few tense moments before the jaws were parted again and light once again shone down on him. In that moment the fennec's true self took control of the body and he reached with unfounded hope towards the outside world with his one remaining arm. His hope, along with his light source were quickly cut off as the bear snapped his jaws shut, once again plunging the fennec into darkness and allowing the twisted side of himself to once again take over his body. The bear gave one final all mighty swallow and what little light that was visible quickly disappeared as the fennec's head entered the bear's throat. The fennec had loved the showcase of what was too come when only his legs and torso were confined in the cramped and form fitting place. Now it was a different story altogether as he finally felt the long organ press down on every exposed inch of his body, he couldn't help but wriggle in divine pleasure but it wasn't enough to push him over his edge, he'd have to wait until he was deposited for that. Finally after what had felt like an eternity of heavenly pleasure by focusing on the physical intimacy the bear was unwittingly giving him, the fennec felt his feet squeeze through a tight ring and in the blink of an eye he was fully inside the digestive organ. He didn't waste once moment before stripping himself of the only article he was still wearing and going to town on himself. The fennec felt an array of things inside the bear's stomach; he could feel the tingly sensation of the stomachs digestive juices working away on his lower half, he could feel the pulse of the entire body as the heart somewhere above him pumped away furiously and to top it off he could feel the slight contractions and movements the bears body naturally made as he moved around. In short, the little fennec was in heaven. The fennec felt his pleasure start to rise, the telltale signs of his orgasm's impending arrival but before that could happen he felt himself suddenly doused in water. It was confusing but he paid it no mind as he continued to get himself off, his peak ever so close. Finally after all he had been through and felt the fennec reached his mind shattering orgasm as his seed erupted out of his small knotted cock and hit him square in the face. The fennec leaned back in relaxed bliss and felt the stomach conform to his motions, his cock let out a few more small spurts before quickly returning to a semi-hard state while leaking small amounts of what was left in his shaft. The fennec closed his eyes to rest, happy that this was the way he was going out. The peacefulness only lasted moments before the fennec's original mind returned to him. At first he was confused and scared but it quickly just turned into pure terror. He started to hyperventilate as the bear talked above him but due to the fleshy walls separating the two the only words the fennec could make out were, "Hour until... mush...". The trembling returned in full swing and the fennec started to squirm about trying to find footing to stand on. It didn't help that the bear was moving and with each step jostled the fennec off his already slimy footing. Not able to stay standing as he sloshed about the fennec would have resorted to his claws to try and cut his way out, if he still had his claws that was. Instead he uselessly slashed at the stomach walls, probably doing no more than to tickle or irritate the bear. The fennec didn't notice while he tried to escape his claustrophobic confines that the liquid in the stomach with him no longer tingled.

After the fennec was deposited into his stomach, the bear felt a distinct lack of movement. There was a repetitive motion inside his stomach, but the bear expected the fox to completely freak out and trash about like a cornered seal. He looked down to his belly a little disappointed, and resumed searching for the fan in his living room. The bear spotted it by an armchair, picked it up and started the journey back to his room. As he climbed the stairs, he suddenly felt the motion inside him die out. He stopped when he reached the top of the stairs and looked down, placing a paw in his stomach. 'Oh no' he thought 'Weren't the antacids enough? No, it can't be, the box said 2 pills for my size and I took 10. Did my stomach crush him? That would explain why he wasn't moving! He had no room!' Before the bear could continue his line of thought, the fennec suddenly started struggling. The bear immediately stopped pondering and resumed walking towards his room with a big smile on his face. He arrived in his room, closed the door, plugged in the fan and jumped on his bed. The bear now had all the time in the world to enjoy the fennec in his belly. He gently rubbed the slightly bloated form with his eyes closed, and let out a small belch. Each movement of the fennec was like a massage that pressed exactly where he needed. He could hear his stomach gurgling, and feel it clamp around the fennec as it tried to uselessly work on the meal. "That's it fennec! Struggle for me! Makes digesting you all the better!" He wasn't sure if the fox could hear him, but he wanted to throw gasoline into the fire, and the bear enjoyed every moment of it. One of the bear's paws reached down to rub his sheath, but he was still burnt out. He didn't mind though, his only thought was about how he would be able to manage to do it again, however unlikely as it was, and how next time he might be able to play with himself as his meal struggled inside. He kept a paw on top of his belly. The bear rubbed, pressed and played with it, trying to get the most out of his burglar. When he pressed down, he was able to feel the fennec. The layer of fat and fur on top of the fennec made it hard to know which part of him the bear pressed on, but he could distinctively feel the fennec's body. In that utterly comfortable state, the bear started to drift off to sleep.

The fennec continued to struggle with energy he never knew he had but try as he might nothing worked. If he pushed on the walls then the stomach would stretch with him. If he tried to force open the bear's throat he'd find the tight ring of flesh as solid a steel and if he tried to claw his way out then he'd not even get a reaction. The fennec was quickly tiring out; his body was not made for anything relating to endurance. Even still he didn't give up hope no matter how many times he told himself it was hopeless and the taunting words of the bear only helped fuel his struggle. What made him both angry and annoyed that it hampered his escape efforts, was what felt like the bear playing with him. The bear rubbed its stomach and occasionally pushed down to seemingly either quickly feel him or squash the fennec around the confined space like a toy. What topped it all off however was when the bear pushed down hard and made very clear marks where it's paw pressed down through the fat, fur and meat to squash the fennec's rear into the back of the stomach while his face dealt with the probing hand. It held him there for a few second and it gave the fennec time to stop and monitor his surroundings. In the brief period of time he noticed the hard thump of the heart was not beating as fast as it normally did and he also noticed that what should be acid pooling at his feet did not tingle and simple felt wet and sticky; he did not know what that meant. The pressure on the fennec's face slowly eased up and eventually the stomach returned to its usual dimensions and yet the fennec could still feel slight pressure where the bears paw rested on its stomach above him. In that moment of clarity and calmness as the soft thump of the heart only helped soothe the fennec's worries did the fennec realise how tired he was, both mentally and physically. He was sitting in the goop now, not having the energy to fight back anymore after the bear had sandwiched him. He had also been up for far longer than his normal time and it was catching up to him. Needless to say whether the fennec wanted to sleep or not his body had already determined that he was going to. It didn't help that inside the hot confines of the bear's body reminded the fennec of a warm yet moist blanket that covered his entire body and washed his worries away. Neither did it help that the fennec could hear the hard and hypnotic rhythmic beating of the bears heart while also listening to the air that entered and left the bears lungs with each passing second. Either the bear had a naturally comforting interior accommodation or the fennec was finally losing it. As he drifted off into sleep he at least appreciated that all this was a more calming way to go.