Lending A Paw - Part 2

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#2 of Lending A Paw

Not that he had planned that this would happen, but Blaze didn't get to his morning run until later than usual. That was okay by him. It was nice waking up next to his naked, ten year old nephew Andy. Putting his running clothes on, he quickly slipped outside, only to have the younger skunk follow right behind him.

"Where you goin', Uncle Blaze?" asked Andy, opening up the front door right after the older skunk had closed it.

"Running," answered Blaze. "I don't think you'll want to join me--pretty long haul."

"I wanna run," said Andy. "Can I go with you?"

"Okay," said Blaze, doing his stretches. "But you need to know that it's not easy."

"Got it," said Andy before disappearing back into the house and coming back in more appropriate attire.

"Well," said Blaze, looking at his nephew as he came outside and performed his own stretches. "You're certainly eager, aren't you?" The older skunk saw his next door neighbor Monty coming outside to fetch the Sunday paper. "Hey, good morning, Sergeant Major."

Monty looked over at him as he went to the paper box. "Morning, Blaze," he said. The old war veteran looked over, seeing Andy performing his stretches. "Say, who's this young guy I'm looking at?"

Andy stood up, looking at the old ferret. "Hi, I'm Andy."

"Sergeant Major Janssen, this is my nephew, Andy," said Blaze, introducing the young skunk to his neighbor. "Andy, this is Sergeant Major Monty Janssen. He fought in Vietnam."

The young skunk saluted before extending his paw to the old ferret. "Nice to meet you, sir."

"Why, what a nice boy," said Monty. "But you don't have to call me sir. I worked for a living."

"He's just trying to be respectful," said Blaze, ruffling the boy's head.

"I know," said the ferret. "He's a fine boy. You ever want to be a soldier, you just let me know, okay Andy?"

"Yes, Sergeant Major," answered the young skunk, giving him a smart salute. The old ferret saluted back before disappearing back into his house.

"A lot nicer today than it was yesterday," observed Blaze. Indeed, the extreme heat and humidity that had defined the previous day had receded into a much cooler, drier climate outside. "Alright, I'm not going to run as far today since you're with me."

"Wuss," said Andy under his breath.

"I heard that, you little stinker" said Blaze, putting his nephew in a loose headlock. Andy just laughed at the comment and headlock, knowing that his uncle was simply playing with him.

"You ready to go?" asked Blaze, releasing his grip.

"Yep," said Andy, not showing any hesitation.

"Alright," said Blaze. "Let's get going."

Blaze reset the little digital pedometer he kept clasped to the belt line of his running shorts. As he'd informed his nephew, he'd be running a shorter distance than usual, but it would still be quite a haul for a boy only ten years of age. The two started out walking, slowly increasing their pace until they were actually running. Blaze though that the younger skunk might try to outrun him, thinking that such a display would impress the older skunk, but that was not the case. Andy, showing great stamina, kept right up with his uncle, never once trying to outpace him or complain about the distance they were traveling by foot. Blaze was impressed. It wasn't often that he heard about kids this age running great distances; not without whining and crying, at least. They ran around the neighborhood, seeing creatures outside playing, watering flower beds, or just sitting out on lawn chairs enjoying the more agreeable weather. Several of the creatures waved to Blaze, knowing him from his business and as a dedicated long distance runner. Andy waved back at them, not having a clue who any of the beasts were--he just wanted to be friendly.

Around and around the neighborhood the two ran, feeling the sweatbands they were wearing absorb their perspiration. Blaze was surprised to see his young nephew still keeping up with him. Briefly, he considered running farther, but dismissed the idea just as quickly. There was no need to wear out the boy just to see how far he could actually run. Getting back to the house, Blaze and Andy panted heavily as they felt their fur saturated with sweat. The older skunk looked down at his pedometer.

"How far did we run, Uncle Blaze?" inquired Andy as he was still breathing hard.

"Just over two miles," answered the older skunk.

"Jeez," exclaimed Andy. "Don't think I've ever run that far before."

"Wanna try for three miles tomorrow?" asked Blaze, though only jokingly.

"I'll do it," said Andy. "I like running?"

"That so?" said Blaze. "In that case, we'll do a ten mile run tomorrow, okay?"

"No way!" exclaimed Andy, flaring his nostrils at the older skunk.

"Now who's the wuss, hmmm?" teased Blaze

"Can we go inside? I need some water," proclaimed Andy.

"Yeah," said Blaze, opening the front door, letting his nephew enter first. Andy took his shoes off on the rug, remembering that his uncle had explained to him that he didn't like dirty shoes trampling all over the light beige carpet that covered covered the floors. With his shoes off, the young skunk went out to the kitchen to get some cold water after his long run. Blaze took his shoes off, following Andy out to the kitchen as his thirst needed quenched too. He looked at his nephew, noticing the nice, shapely backside the boy possessed. Both of them were sweaty, dirty and in need of cleaning. Blaze was about to ask his nephew a question, but Andy beat him too it.

"Uncle Blaze, can we take a shower together?"

Blaze was surprised, but only for a split second. Andy had shown that he was capable of being very forward when it came to intimate, private matters. Blaze smirked, ruffling his nephew's head. "Now why didn't I think of that?" He said with a laugh. "Alright, get your butt in the bathroom if you wanna shower with me."

Not needing to be told twice, Andy ran back to the bathroom, much to the amusement of his uncle, who was now picking up the younger skunk's clothes as he pulled them off on his way to the shower. By the time Blaze entered the bathroom, Andy was standing on the rug that laid right next to the shower to prevent slipping and falling. Naked, the boy smiled innocently as he saw Blaze.

"You're certainly eager," mused Blaze, pulling his own clothes off and tossing them into the hamper along with Andy's clothes.

"Yeah, cause with you I don't have to worry about hiding a boner like I do in school when I'm showering with the other boys," confessed the young skunk.

"Nope," said Blaze, opening the shower door and turning on the water. "You can just let it all hang out when you're with me. Sound good?"

"Sure does," said the younger skunk, swishing his tail back and forth from the excitement.

Making sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold, Blaze stuck his paw inside, adjusting the faucet accordingly. Getting to the "Goldie Locks" zone, he waited until the water was just right and stepped inside, followed by Andy. He gauged Andy's reaction, making sure the temperature agreed with him too. Voicing no complaints, the two skunks felt the hot water wash away the dried sweat from their fur. Blaze had to admit that it felt great to shower with another male, and as Andy had observed, not worry about certain things popping up when it was undesired. Blaze felt his nephew take the luffa sponge and sensually scrub his back, a place that was always difficult to scrub without the aid of a brush or another creature. Blaze closed his eyes, basking in the flow of hot water and the contact from his nephew. The older skunk turned around, taking the sponge from Andy so he could return the favor. Scrubbing the cub's back, he reached all the way down to his tail and backside. With his own paws, he caressed the young boy's rump, making Andy giggle. Blaze pu his arms around the boy's body, gently swaying as he whispered in his ear.

"Love you, Andy."

"Love you too, Uncle Blaze," Andy whispered back.

Rubbing the boy's stomach, Blaze locked lips with Andy, giving him a deep, sensual kiss as the hot water rained down upon them. Blaze couldn't deny that he felt so attracted to his own nephew. Sure people might have said it was wrong to have such a relationship with an underage, male relative, but the world wasn't here in the shower with him; only Andy was and he wanted this as much as Blaze did. They washed each other, feeling every square inch of each other's bodies, savor inn the tender moments they were sharing. With the hot water running low, they rinsed off and left the shower, turning off the water behind them. Andy dried himself off, as did his uncle. Both were almost done, when Blaze accidentally dropped his towel. Bending down to pick it up, he felt Andy's towel snap against his butt with a loud crack, causing him to jump straight up.

"Shit!" yelled the older skunk, rubbing the injured area. He saw Andy run out of the bathroom naked and laughing at the cruel misdeed. Gritting his teeth, Blaze gave chase, tackling the younger skunk on his bed. Andy yelped as Blaze pinned him to the bed, yanking his arms behind his back. The younger skunk wrestled and wriggling, trying to get free, but it wad all in vain.

"That hurt, you little shit," snarled Blaze. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry!" Andy whined. "Let me go!"

"Nope," said Blaze, keeping his hold on the boy. "Not until you say you're a turd."

"Okay, I'm a turd!" conceded Andy. He felt his uncle let him go and rolled over on his back, staring up at the older skunk, his expression that of fear.

"Oh, what's wrong, Andy?" asked Blaze

"I'm sorry," said Andy, tearing up. "I was just playing around."

Blaze realized that his nephew was sincerely frightened, thinking that he might be severely punished for the towel incident. Sighing, he hugged his nephew, attempting to calm him down. "Aw, it's okay, Andy. I was just playing around, too I'm not mad at you."

"You're not mad?" asked the boy through his sniffles.

"No," said Blaze, stroking the boy's ears. "But that did hurt."

"Sorry," said Andy.

"I forgive you," said Blaze. "You know, I have to go to work tomorrow, so I have to figure out what to do with you."

"Can I come to work with you?" asked Andy.

"You could," said Blaze. "But being in the office for all those hours might be kind of boring for you."

"Can I stay here by myself?" he asked, hoping that his uncle would answer in the affirmative.

"I don't know," said Blaze. "Can I trust you here by yourself?"

"Sure," said Andy. "Promise I won't burn down the house."

"Comforting," grumbled Blaze. "You promise I won't regret this?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die," said Andy with a grin.

"Okay, you can stay here, but I better not come home to find my house trashed by a bratty little skunk, got it?"

"Got it," said Andy. "Hey, Uncle Blaze?"

"Whadda ya want?" asked Blaze

"You know how I did something to your butt?" asked Andy.

"Still feeling it," joked the older skunk.

"You wanna do something to my butt?" He asked

"Andy, I'm not going to use a towel to . . ." he stopped talking, seeing that Andy wasn't referring to a tit for tat scenario of revenge, but pleasure. The ten year old skunk laid on his belly, lifting his tail in the air. Blaze got the idea. "You wanna try that?" he asked.

"I want stuffed," said Andy without reservation or hesitation.

Blaze moved over to the boy, coaxing him to lie down on his side. Andy complied, lifting his tail to the side to allow his uncle access to his rear. Wrapping his arms around the boy, he kissed Andy deeply as he gingerly moved his cock into the boy's tail hole, careful to not overload him on what must have been his maiden voyage. Andy groaned as the older skunk shoved himself in farther, spreading his love tunnel apart. Blaze had some experience with anal sex, always as a top, but never had he felt such a tight entrance as the one his ten year old nephew possessed. Licking Andy's face, he went deeper and deeper, wanting to make love to the boy so badly, but he controlled his urge to go all out wild on his ass. He wanted this to be special for both of them, and he never wanted to do anything to hurt his nephew. His rock hard meat moved in and out of the boy, making Andy whimper as it rubbed against his prostate; a very pleasurable experience indeed. Blaze locked lips with Andy, increasing his pace, but still mindful of what he was doing. He looked into Andy's green eyes, a look of pure innocence and youthful exuberance illuminated from them. The passion, the love they felt between them was like nothing they had ever encountered before. Andy wanted the bigger, stronger skunk inside of him so greatly it almost hurt. Their bodies grinding together, they went at it, their paws clenched tightly together as one. Blaze could do this all day, never feeling so close to anyone as he felt with his nephew now. He reached around, jerking off the boy with his paw. Andy groaned from having his cock and his ass stimulated simaltaneously, a new level of pleasure for sure. The bed shook from their sexual fury, the springs creaking with every thrust and jerk. It was too much for Blaze. Groaning, he shot his load into his nephew's butt, continuing to jerk him off until Andy sprayed his cum all over the bedsheets. Collapsing together, Blaze was still inside the boy.

"That was fun," announced Andy. "Can we do this later too?"

"You're the guest," responded Blaze. "You really liked this, huh?"

"Yeah," said Andy, loving the feeling of being enveloped by his uncle's body. "You said you've been with other boys, right, Uncle Blaze?"

"A few," answered Blaze, licking his nephew's face.

"You think that they'd wanna have a three way with us?" he asked with a grin.

Just when Blaze thought his ten year old nephew couldn't shock him any further, he asked for that. It was still morning, and Blaze knew a few guys that he could call up. This Sunday was going to be very interesting indeed