On A Global Scale

Story by Drayne_the_Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of A Change for the Better

I awoke to the peaceful sound of chirping birds. My eyes slowly slid open and I stared at the ceiling for a few moments. It took me that long to realize that the room was fully lit by the ten-o'clock sun. My heart skipped a beat at the realization, but I then remembered a crucial piece of information.

"Or right," I said out loud to myself, "it's Saturday."

I yawned widely and sat up, throwing the sheets away from my waist. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I pulled my arms above my head in a tight stretch. I finally released the stretch and slumped down. My eyes casually drifted down my unclothed body to my fully erect morning-wood. "Well," I said, "at least one of us is up."

I stood up and leaned backwards, stretching out my rigid spine. I held position for a few moments before falling back forward into a tired slouch. I gathered my energy and stood up straight once again, checking myself out in the mirror. My fur stuck up in awkward directions from the sleep, with the exception of my chest and groin, where it was matted from last night's "adventure." It was then that I remembered what had happened with Jordon.

Just as I was starting to dread having to face him this morning, Scott walked into the room from my en-suite bathroom with matted fur and a white towel around his waist. He looked me over before smirking. "Nice morning-wood, hun." He said with a snicker.

"Yeah, like you never have it." I snapped back.

"I did, I just already pawed off so it wouldn't bug me all morning."

"Aww! Did you save any for me?" I asked with a flirty wink.

"Oh, come on Chris. We have to talk with Jordon, remember?"

My ears flattened against my head; I guess it was going to be a manual paw-off for me this morning. "We're not going to lecture him like we're his parents or any shit, are we?" I asked.

"Nah, of course not." He replied, "I just want to clear a few things up. He's obviously gay; I just want him to explain some loose ends." I nodded as a response. "I'll wait out here until you're finished in the shower. Try to not take forever to cum, would ya?"

"It'd go faster if I had some help." I cooed back, already halfway through the bathroom door.

"Hey, I have to dry and comb my fur! You're lucky that you're shorthair; this fur takes fucking forever to groom! I think I'm shedding, too!" I couldn't help but smile at Scott's situation; I truly was lucky to have shorter-than-average fur.

I turned on the shower and stood outside the stall, waiting for the water to reach my desired temperature. I reached my arm out and wrapped a furry paw around the base of my member, gasping at my own touch. I hadn't actually jacked off in a week, and the sensation had become foreign to me. I used the back of a claw to knead the sensitive flesh at the base of my head, shivering during the process.

I paused a moment to step into the shower. The sudden sensation of the warm water beating down on my member caused a small burst of pre to erupt from my tip. I murred as the water did its work, while I rubbed soapy paws into my chest, taking extra care to scrub away my seed from the previous night. I ran my paws through my thighs, then my tail, under my arms, and finally my shoulders and neck.

I rinsed the water out of my fur, still murring in pleasure from the feeling of the warm water pounding down on my member like it was a drum. I couldn't take it anymore; I had to get off.

I groaned in contentment when I wrapped a paw around the base of my wolf cock, just above the knot. I massaged my fingers into the exposed flesh, making it firmer and firmer as a result. When my member was hard enough for me to be satisfied with it (trust me, that's pretty hard), I moved my paw towards the point of my wolfhood , dragging my leathery pads along its surface.

I fell into a steady rhythm, raising and lowering my paw with speed. My knot quickly swelled from the stimulation and I panted softly but audibly with every stroke. I reached down with my left paw and scooped up my sac, massaging the jewels that it housed. After a minute or so of this motion, I was finally rewarded.

My jowls curved into a victorious smirk and my eyes pressed tightly shut. I felt my balls tighten against my body and knew that the time had come. I released the middle of my eleven-and-a-half inches and lowered my paw, squeezing my knot hardly. I couldn't take it anymore, and my cock threw seven thick ropes of cum almost two feet against the shower wall. The pearly fluid clung to the tile, still partly connected to my tip in thin strings, which were quickly wiped away by the quick-falling water.

My body relaxed and I released my member. I rubbed the wall down as well as my paw, shut off the water, and shook myself most of the way dry. By the time I stepped out of the stall, my cock was had made a full retreat back to my sheath. I wrapped a gray towel around my waist and stepped back into my room. My whole shower had lasted ten minutes.

"Well aren't you looking sparky today!" Scott exclaimed when he saw my beaming face. He was wearing black cargo pants and a loose white tee-shirt with the Alienware logo on the back. I winked at him and picked a wire brush up from my dresser. I reached my tail underneath my towel and threw the cloth away with one quick flicking motion. Scott gawked at my naked body as if it was the first time he had ever seen it.

"Mmm..." I murred contently, "Wuffy likes?"

Scott ran his thin tongue along the rims of his jowls. "Woof woof!" was the only thing he said.

I let out an audible laugh. "Well unfortunately for you I just got off, so I guess you'll have to wait until next time to get some of me!"

Scott gave me a flirty look. "What's your night looking like?" he asked nonchalantly, although he already knew the answer.

"I might be sleeping with a certain arctic wolf," I responded with a suggestive smile, "I'll let you know."

Scott licked his jowls again. "Woof." He said with a grin. I slid into a pair of jeans and a black tee-shirt with the logo of one of my favorite techno bands (I forgot to mention that I'm a huge fan of techno music and rave parties... hehe). "Guess we should go talk to Jordon." He said with a grim expression.

"Guess so." I pressed my ears against my head. Unable to delay the dreaded moment any longer, we both took a deep breath and left our room to go to the kitchen. When we stepped into the kitchen, we were instantly hit with the smell of fresh pancakes, bacon, and coffee. Our highly-sensitive noses were rushed with the pleasant odors, and both Scott and I suddenly felt much more at ease.

Expecting to see my mother behind the kitchen preparing this morning's bounty, I was surprised to see Jordon flipping pancakes on our griddle. We looked up at him and he looked up at us, first at Scott, then me. I opened my mouth to say good morning, but Jordon beat me to it. "I'm gay," he said frankly, "and a furry." The second part was surprising; I wouldn't have taken Jordon to be a furry. "I never told anyone because I didn't want to get beat up, and I tried to hide it with the whole skate-boarder look. I'm sorry you had to find out the way that you did. I'm so embarrassed, it all happened so fast, I didn't mean to be jacking off I just kinda lost myself in the moment. I..."

"Dude," I cut him off, "it's alright."

Jordon looked shocked. "You mean it?" he asked with surprise.

I nodded my head yes. "Yeah," I said, "we completely understand how easy it is to loose yourself in a moment.

"And besides," Scott said, his tail wagging profusely, "we are pretty hot." He put on a naughty grin and wrapped an arm around my waist. I laughed and kissed his forehead. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jordon staring at his feet behind the counter. "Oh come on," Scott said, "you can agree!"

Jordon looked up at the two of us and smiled. "You are... really hot." He said. There was a short moment of silence before Jordon continued, "Alright, now I think I deserve an explanation. What's going on between the two of you?"

"Chris and I are a couple." Scott said without hesitation. Jordon looked surprised. "Hey, it's not like it's incest or anything, we're not really related."

"Alright." Jordon said, still slightly surprised. "You planning on coming out?"

Both Scott and I were surprised at the question. "Um," I started to say, "we hadn't really given it any thought. I mean, there's some really violent shit towards gays, you know?"

"I seriously doubt anyone's gonna mess with you two for any reason." Jordon said.

"Oh, what makes you say that?" Scott said sarcastically, "Is it the fur, the teeth, the claws, or are you just fucking psychic?" We all laughed at Scott's comment.

"Well, breakfast is served if you guys are hungry." Jordon's face beamed.

"All right!" Scott said, jumping up and punching the air above his head.

I giggled. "Well someone's full of life this morning!"

Scott's snow-white tail wagged quickly. "When am I ever not full of life?"

I sat down at the table and Scott sat next to me. Jordon came over a few moments later with two plates full of steaming pancakes. Both of our noses twitched when we inhaled the delightful smell. A moment later Jordon returned to the table with his own plate.

"Do you know what happened to our parents?" I asked Jordon."

"They said that they had to fly out of town. They should be back tomorrow around four."

"Alright!" Scott said through a mouthful of pancakes, "A whole Saturday without any adult figures!" he swallowed (finally, it's so gross when people talk with their mouths full of food). "So gentlemen, how shall we be irresponsible today?"

Devious smiles spread all of our faces. "We could go wreak havoc on the mall." I suggested.

Jordon's face lit up. "I've never been to the mall with friends!" He said excitedly, but then quickly slumped back down into his chair. "But I don't have any money."

Scott and I laughed. "Jordon," Scott said, "we never go to the mall to buy things! It's just a cool place to go out, be seen, you know, stuff like that." Jordon nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Yeah..." I said with a tone of hesitation.

"What's on your mind?" Scott asked me, looking at me with concern.

"Well," I said, still hesitant, "I was thinking that, well, maybe we should... come out."

Scott's jaw dropped. "And you think that today, at the mall, in full view of everyone, is a good opportunity to get that done?" he asked me.

"It's a good idea." Jordon voiced. "You could get it over with this today, give people time to process over the rest of the weekend, and come back to school ready for anything."

"People might relate it to incest," Scott said with concern, "and then they'd all come at us guns blazing!"

"Yeah," Jordon continued, "but telling them today instead of Monday would give you the flak jacket you need."

"How so?" I asked.

"It's all about processing." He said. "If you were to show people the candidates running for President two hours before they vote, they wouldn't have time to figure out who was the best choice and would most likely make poor choices without even knowing it."

"Right," I said. "I say we go with it."

Scott still didn't look totally convinced, but said, "Alright, I trust you." He leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder. I rested my head atop his and said, "I know, and I trust you too. We'll make it through this."

The Orrick Plaza Megaplex, 11:30 AM

Scott and I stood in the center of the food court of Orrick Plaza. "Good luck." Jordon said to us, and detached from us to view our coming-out from a bench by a fountain.

Scott and I turned to face each other, our closeness drawing a few looks from the people around us. Having surveyed the crowd, I was able to discern about fifteen people from our school. The word would spread quickly. "You ready?" Scott asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I responded weakly.

I placed my paws on Scott's hips and he placed his on mine. Scott looked up into my eyes and I looked into his. We held the pose for a brief moment, drawing many curiously surprised looks from our peers, before we leaned close together and instigated a kiss. It felt as good as ever, no, even better than usual, because I knew that soon I'd be able to do it in public like this whenever I wanted. My tongue slid past his and we went through our usual routine. I hooked my left arm under his and rubbed at his shoulder blades through the fabric of his thin white tank-top.

By the time we pulled apart and opened our eyes I could see many dumbfounded faces looking our way. A large group had assembled in front of us, forming a triangle shape in front of us. A few football players stood at the helm in front of us, with abhorrent looks of disgust splashed about their faces.

Scott let go of me and stood between me and them. He stood with his feet shoulder-width apart and held his arms and paws fully straight and extended by his sides. His polished black claws reflected light like tiny mirrors, and he snarled with a fire in his eyes that said he wouldn't take anything from anyone. "You got a problem with us, line-backer?" he asked.

"Yeah, maybe we do have a problem with you, gay wolf." He said.

"Speak for yourself." Said a voice from the crowd. A boy who looked like he was a senior stepped from the crowd and approached Scott, standing to his left flank. I stepped up so I was flanking Scott to the right.

"Yeah," said another voice, "I don't mind." A girl stepped out from the other side of the triangle and flanked my right. More and more people stepped from the crowd and joined our line around the five football players. By the time everyone had taken sides, it was twelve to five. The jocks sneered at us and slowly retreated.

Scott stepped out from the line. "You hear me?!" he shouted so that this whole half of the mall could hear him, and this mall was huge. "He's right, I AM a gay wolf, and I'm not taking any bullshit about it!" People in the crowd cheered, one kid even pulled out his iPhone and began playing the song Bulletproof Skin by Institute as background music.

"I'm a waster boy," the song played, "anti-masterplan, been stuck inside this lonely room again. You get paranoid, see vultures circling. One slip of them, down comes the final curtain." People in the crowd began cheering and a huge grin spread across Scott's muzzle. His tail flicked quickly back and forth as he slowly walked back towards me. "Until you come into your soul again we'll be the worst of best friends. Does if feel like Christmas in Hollywood? Does it feel like we're ever going to make it home?"

"Kiss again!" a girl shouted from the line. People formed a circle around us and began to cheer. Scott smiled cunningly at me before I pulled him into another kiss. The crowd cheered and the song continued.

"Burn, baby, burn!" the song shouted, "Strung out on a wire! Heart in a cage, you're so full of desire. You need fast hands to deal with all the liars so don't burn, baby, burn, baby, burn!"

Word quickly spread of the world's first wolf couple. Most people thought it was adorable or some crap like that, but there were quite a few who thought it was abominable. During the next school week we received many comments from people, most of them being good, a few being horrible. Three people even had the nerve to leave death-threats taped to our locker doors, which I promptly crumpled and threw away.

Scott and I arrived home around ten o'clock (having no parents around has its advantages) and we were beat. Jordon had gone home and to be honest we were pretty upset about it. He was starting to seem like part of the family. We goofed around and watched television until around eleven o'clock when we decided that we should switch to... some "alternative" methods of amusement, if you catch my drift.

Scott forcefully pushed me down onto the bed and discarded his shirt onto the floor. I followed suit and Scott climbed into my lap. He undid my pants and pried them away from my legs, discarding them into the growing pile on the floor. "This is going to be as great as ever." Scott cooed.

"Oh I bet. Now loose the pants." I replied as I undid his button and zipper and removed his cargos from his legs. Now only in our boxers, I reached up and pulled Scott's muzzle against mine and forced my tongue into his maw. I groped him as our tongues explored familiar territory and he murred past my jowls. His tail wagged rapidly above the strap of his red boxers and I pulled away smiling.

We both simultaneously reached forward and grasped the strap of each other's boxers and quickly pulled down, finally freeing our half-hardened cocks from their tight cages. Once we were fully naked, I thrusted a few times, rubbing the smooth flesh of our cocks against each other. Scott and I both murred and our cocks quickly hardened stiff to full length.

Scott jumped off of the bed and went towards his dresser. I knew immediately what he was going for, and a grin spread across my muzzle. He opened a drawer and reached in, pulling out a small bottle of lube. He returned to his position in my lap and squeezed a large amount of the gel into his hand. "It's cold." He said with an evil smile. Without giving me any time to think about what he had said, he closed his hand around the base of my shaft. I shuddered at the instant cold feeling, and I murred as Scott pawed me off, lubricating the surface of my wolfhood.

"Enough play." Scott said with a devious grin once my cock was almost too slippery to hold, "Let's get it on." Scott kneeled over me and slowly lowered himself onto my cock. I groaned at the familiar feeling of tightness as if it was my first time and I was loosing my virginity all over again. Once I was completely hilted to Scott, he pushed himself up so that only an inch remained. I gasped quickly at the loose feeling as my meat re-expanded to its original size, but it was short-lived, as Scott quickly lowered himself back onto me.

Scott leaned back so that his cock stuck straight up into the air, shooting out bursts of pre as he bounced upon my lap. Each burst landed on my chest, and I loved the familiar feel of his warm cum on my body. My knot slowly began to form as Scott worked his magic; he was in complete control, and I wasn't going to last very long.

But I wasn't going to let my mate go unrewarded. I reached my paw up and grasped his firm wolfhood, stroking the tip. Scott let out a shudder at the sensation of my touch and he let loose another burst of pre. I shuddered as the small amount of warm liquid draped itself across my furry chest. I could feel my own pre jetting out as Scott continued to bounce in my lap. My knot slapped noisily against his tail-hole; I wouldn't last much longer.

Scott picked up the pace, sensing my lack of willpower. He pulled up to the point where he was nearly off and then plummeted down upon my knot with speed. He did this three times, and on the third my knot entered his tail-hole with an audible テ「竄ャヒ徘op'. It was too much for my balls to handle, and I let loose my entire load into Scott's ass, thoroughly coating his walls with my young life's essence. The feeling of my warmth was too much for Scott, and he let loose eight thick ropes of cum onto my chest, each one feeling as warm and powerful as a rifle slug in my mind. Exhausted beyond the point of no return, Scott and I collapsed into our bed and fell asleep just as we had done so many nights by now.

A week past and it was Saturday again. My friend James, Scott, and I were playing Seven-Card Draw in the den when my cell phone began to vibrate on the kitchen counter, playing a ring-tone version of the song I'm Not Alone by Calvin Harris. I jumped up from my seat on the couch and fetched my tiny cell phone, flipped it open, and positioned the device along my face, which I had spent a great deal of time trying to figure out how to do so that I could both hear and speak clearly.

"Yo." I said as a greeting, after seeing that the caller I.D. was one of my friends.

"Turn on your T.V. to channel eight!" my friend Jonas said. "Do it quickly!"

"Yo Scott," I said over the counter into the den, "T.V., channel eight." Scott got what I was saying and turned our television on and clicked over to channel eight, displaying a news broadcast.

"Many of you probably know of the two anthropomorphic wolves living amongst you." said the beautiful anchorwoman sitting behind a mahogany desk. "Our sources across the globe are reporting that over the past week hundreds of similar cases have emerged all across the planet, ranging all across the canine and feline spectrum of the animal kingdom. Sixteen-year-old Chris Ellis seems to be Ground-Zero for a huge genetic mutation occurring around the world. At this time, scientists have yet to discover the source of this mutation, but preliminary results suggest that the condition is genetically irreversible and is spreading rapidly. If the rate of change continues, scientists estimate that at least one-sixth of the world's population will be mutants within the next twenty years."

My jaw dropped, as did Scott's and James'. "Holy shit," James said, "in twenty years there's gonna be a billion of you guys?"

"Probably more; the population is still growing." Scott replied hollowly.

"Jay, what do you think of all this?" I asked James curiously.

"I think that everything is gonna change real fast." he said. "I just hope it's for the better."

At that moment our doorbell rang. Scott jumped up from his chair and the two of us turned to go to the door. "Hang on Jay, hopefully this'll only take a second."

"I'm not going anywhere." James responded.

Scott and I walked the short distance from our den to the front door. We had no idea who it could possibly be. I mean, it was Saturday afternoon! My friends would have called if they were going to come over and my parents were out of town again (they travel a lot during weekends). I reached forward and twisted the door handle and pulled the heavy door open. What Scott and I saw shocked us.

Standing in front of us was a snow leopard. His fur was as white as Scott's with a hint of gray and a few black spots here and there. He was about five feet ten inches tall, and from what I could see through his tight clothing, his muscles were lean and obviously powerful, and his pectorals bulged slightly underneath his brown shirt. He also wore loose black jeans which were tight against his tri-jointed legs. He wore a black beanie that looked like slits had been manually cut into it for his ears, and his tail swished back and forth as he looked at us.

"Guys," the leopard said, "it's me, Jordan."