
Story by solar on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokebrothel

Crystal sighed staring up at the ceiling. She set up an absurd number of decorations in preparation of this study. Pictures covered the walls, sculptures and vases occupied nearly every shelf or table. Her room looked like she was an art collector who ran out of space. However she had overlooked the ceiling and was left with nothing to look at. It was the situation she wanted to avoid, the first one up and she couldn't do anything. She listened to the sound of Brian and Stacey breathing. They didn't sound like they'd be up soon so Crystal started thinking up ways to improve her dragster.

Stacey was the next to wake. She instinctively tried to stretch but was stopped by the cage. Sleeping the whole night in an uncomfortable position and unable to move had left her muscles sore. Remember the time lock, she pushed against the door to see if she could get out now.

Crystal listened to the sound of the door hitting the latch. Stacey occasionally twitched around in her sleep but she was bore out of her mind. "You awake yet?" she asked.

"Yeah, now I see why you've gone a little overboard with the decorating," Stacey replied gazing into a picture of a canyon.

"Didn't quite go far enough though, I have nothing to look at."

"Any clue when we'll get released?"

"We'll be out when Brian wakes up. Till then, you have any questions?"

"When can I get a room like this?"

"As soon as you start working."

"What if I refuse to work?"

"You saw what happened to me. What'll happen to the two of us will be much worse."

"What's going to happen today?"

"First, breakfast, then a training session, lunch, tests and if training when well, you can take the rest of the day off."

"Up already. Were afraid to wake me up? Who wants out first?" Brian asked.

"Let Stacey out first," Crystal responded.

"Gee, thanks," Stacey replied as Brian opened the door to her cage. She stepped out and said, "it feels great to be out of there."

As the giant slab of metal was raised into the air, Crystal sighed and sat up on the cool metallic bed. She jumped down and stretched.

Brian turned towards Stacey and asked, "how'd you like to get my day off to a good start?"

"I'd rather not," Stacey replied.

"Please, I can be really nice to those I'm in charge of when everything goes my way. Last night, I had a great blow job."

"Thanks," Crystal interrupted.

"Then, I got a good night's rest. It's just the last thing I need to put me in a friendly mood," he continued.

"Still, no," Stacey replied.

"In that case, I'm ordering you to come over here and let me fuck you."

Stacey turned to Crystal, "does he really have that sort of power?" she asked looking for an excuse to get out of it.

"Yes, follow the orders of all those above you and follow my orders as well. Try to enjoy it as much as he does. I'll be making my report on that sleeping thing, tell me when you're done," she said before walking over to a little desk to write.

Stacey froze for a while. She was about to have sex with someone who wasn't also a rattata. In her mind, that was just strange but then again, there's a first time for everything. Then Brian interrupted her train of thought.

"Part of your orders were to come here," he said impatiently.

"Sorry," she said as she walked over, "it's my first time with someone who wasn't a rattata."

"Don't let it scare you, different species are a lot of fun," he said as he mounted her. He let his cock gently brush against her surface as he searched for his target. When he was perfectly aligned, he trust his way in with a single swift stroke. Stacey eeped as she was penetrated and tensed in response. "Oh baby, this is way to get the day started," he said as he started.

Stacey closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It wasn't much different then what she was used to. The fur on his belly was thicker and warmer and his penis was somewhat larger. His hot fur was like a nice furry heating pad which soothed her aching muscles.

"Fuck back if you think you might want me to be your friend. I'm not going to order you to do that, I'm in a good mood today."

Stacey thought for a while, it would be nice to have another friend here and it's always good to have powerful friends. She took a minute to pick up the rhythm, then she began. Forcing his penis deeper and deeper inside of herself with each successive stroke. She also pulled it out further making each thrust so much longer.

"Aww, thanks. Yeah, that feels great."

Stacey lost herself in her new found pleasure. She kept on increasing the length of each stroke. Longer, and longer. "Eeep," she said as Brian's penis came out.

"Don't worry about it," he said thrusting back in. "You'll know when it's too much after a little experience... Now you're out of sync, try to folly my pace." He could feel the Rattata changing speeds constantly trying to get things perfect for their mutual pleasure. "On seconds thought, you set the pace, I'll follow," he said as he stopped.

Stacey drastically increased her speed. She wanted to go at the same speed that her former boy friend went at.

"I like your style," he said as he started to fuck at turbo speed. For a while it was pure pleasure at the greatly increased speed that Stacey wanted. It wasn't long before he began to release several gobs of cum into Stacey's eagerly awaiting pussy. He huffed a little before yelling out, "oh that was wonderful."

Stacey noticed another difference now as Brian's knot kept them close together. "Yeah, that was great. My turn to cum now," she said tugging at the knot.

"Calm down, lets talk for a while until we are separate again. Now that we're friends, why don't we all sit at the same table at breakfast,"

"Sure, that was fun earlier but I feel dirty now that I've done that."

"You'll get over that feeling, probably just something you were told when you were little that's causing it. No need to worry. Find my when you have some free time and I'll show you something cool."

*** *** *** ***

The three are sitting down at a cafeteria table having breakfast when Edward comes by. "Mixing classes at the table I see, mind if I join you?"

"Please do," Crystal replies, "you going to get that dragster up and running soon?"

"It should be fixed soon. I'm relieved to see you're not mad at me for what I did to you yesterday."

"You just did what you had to."

"That dragster is going to be much better then it was before. I'm going to enjoy getting a blowjob from you when I win."

"And if I win?" Crystal asked.

"I'll give you the honor of giving me a blowjob."

"So we are only racing for fun?"

"Tell you what, if your team wins, I'll add your name in the draw for who gets to judge the pussy eating competition."

"That'll be great, I've got to start training now so, see ya later. Come along now Stacey"

*** *** *** ***

Crystal led Stacey off to a pretty typical working room set aside for training. She sat down on the bed and invited Stacey to lay down on it. "It's nice and soft, you'll like it," Crystal said, inviting her over.

Stacey plopped down on the bed and spread her limbs out. "Oh yeah," she mumbled resting her head down on the pillow. She felt Crystal straddle her and rub her still aching back muscles. "That's great," she muttered as Crystal progressed down her shoulders and to her forelimbs.

"Sometimes when customers come here, they want a good massage to get them all loosened up before they start," Crystal explained, "since you don't have hands though, you won't be asked to do this." Crystal made her way back up to the shoulders and proceeded down her back. "Tell me, how experienced are you at sex?" she asked.

"Umm, there was Brian and before that, I had a littler with my former boyfriend."

"Tell me about what you did with your boyfriend," Crystal requested as she turned around and started down Stacey's rear limbs.

"Do I have to?" Stacey asked feeling somewhat uneasy.

Crystal grinned, "I guess not," she said while sneaking a dildo off the nearby display. Stacey moaned as Crystal ran a hand along her tail, holding it in the air. "Just tell me if you feel comfortable about this," and with that, Crystal pushed the dildo into Stacey's exposed vagina. She was thrown off as Stacey jumped to her feet, leaving the dildo in her hand again. "How about this?" she asked pressing the dildo against her anus.

Stacey cringed, feeling disgusted, violated and betrayed as Crystal pushed the head in past the opening. "Take it out!" she demanded. Afterwards, she stood there, breathing heavily.

"The way you were going with Brian back there made me think that you'd be more comfortable about that. Sorry, I'll give you more warning next time."

There was a brief pause.

"Are you ready to go on?"

Again, silence.

"Please, if you won't co-operate with me, they might take this out of my hands. Trust me, the others won't be as nice."

More silence.

"I know this is stressful for you, so let's take a break."

Crystal opened the door and motioned for her to exit. Stacey cautiously got up, half expecting some trick or consequence to come from walking out. "I'll show you some place nice."

*** *** *** ***

That was the fifth door that Crystal led her through. Wherever this nice place is, it certainly was secure. The guard a few doors back had attached an anklet to her hind paw and another on Crystal's leg. She watched eagerly as Crystal opened the next door as she was buzzed through. A ray of light brightened her spirits, she was going outside. She was getting another chance to flee.

"We are going outside, but don't try to run away, they track you with your ID band and that anklet they put on a minutes ago."

At least I'm outside again, she thought to herself as Crystal led her along a dirt path. The air smelt sweet, the breeze was cool and the sun was warm. They were walking towards a clump of trees at the top of the hill.

"Only a little further," Crystal said from the top.

Stacey finally clamored up to the top and gazed out upon a picturesque forest.

"The place is just a little further, follow me," Crystal said as she disappeared into the woods.

Stacey raced up along next to her as they arrived at a small clearing. Looking around, she was a pond, fed by a trickling waterfall. The pond, in turn, emptied into a little stream.

"Take 15 minutes off. If you want to be alone, just meet me back here when it's over." As soon as she had finished saying that, the rattata was already out of view. Crystal lay down and closed her eyes, listening to the sound of the water and planning out the rest of the lesson. Several minutes gone by till she was disturbed by the sound of splashing, followed by a yell and a whimper. She got up and saw Stacey emerging from the pool. "Don't try to break those, they fight back."

Stacey go up out of the water a little dazed. "How did you know what I was doing?" she asked.

"I tried the same thing when I found out that they used those to track us. As a punishment, they turned my shock collar up and used it more then ever," she said, "I'd hate to see that happen to you." After a brief pause, she turned and said, "lets go back now"

"Can I just stay out stay out here a little longer," Stacey begged.

"We need to get going on your training, we can do that here but only if you behave."

Here was the trick Stacey had been waiting for, she'd be tempted by the outdoors and then asked to promise obedience to avoid going back. She just couldn't resist the lure of this place. Reluctantly, Stacey said, "I'll behave, I promise."

"Great, can you tell me more about what you did with your boyfriend now or do you want me try and figure it out again?"

"We just did the minimum we needed to have children."

"Have you ever masturbated?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Roll on to your back and I'll give you a little hands on demonstration," Crystal chuckled. Stacey just stared at Crystal for a while. "Come on, we can stop anytime you want but you have to at least start first."

Stacey laid down on her back and spread her hind legs exposing her pussy to the air. She felt Crystal's warm hands grab her left forepaw and gently rub it against her moist pussy. Crystal dipped her paw in, getting it covered in goo, sliding over the external surfaces till it slid smoothly from one point to another. Stacey grinned expressing her pleasure. She begin to more her paw around with Crystal's hand rather then just letting it lay limp.

Crystal moved her other hand over to her own pussy. She began to duplicate the motions she was performing on Stacey. All that time, wondering how it would feel using a rattata paw instead of her hand. "That's what masturbation means, Ever do that before?"

"No," Stacey squeaked. Crystal had let go of her paw, she now had the choice of continuing or stopping. She didn't like having dirty paws but she was going to have to clean this one now anyways so there was no reason to stop. She looked over at Crystal, she now had the better part of one hand inside and the other outside.

"Keep going and experiment a little. Try different things," Crystal said, trying to sound encouraging.

Might as well dirty the other paw now, one cleans the other. The stream was only a few steps away, it wasn't like she was going to walk too far. She started out trying to maintain symmetrical patterns. Looking at Crystal for idea, she partially inserted one of her paws working the outside with the other. It felt so good that she moaned almost involuntarily. Getting more creative, she bent her tail over and guided it in with her paws. Might as well, since the stream is nearby.

Crystal swung her tail around while she masturbated. It was an odd habit she picked up. She wished she could use her tail the same way Stacey could. The flaming tip had always kept her from doing that. She tried to imagine what it would feel like, having a warm, soft furry tail squirming about inside you and picturing how she would look with it sliding in and out.

Stacey continued forcing her tail deeper and deeper, eventually allowing it to curl inside her. She slid the curve in and out, gradually bringing herself to orgasm with the aid of her paws.

"Good job," Crystal said, "by now you should have some idea of what works well and what doesn't. I want you to make yourself cum again but this time, don't use your tail." Crystal continued masturbating, inserting her fingers deeply. She continued to imagine what it must be like to have that tail in her. Perhaps she'd ask but it would only work in really awkward positions. Crystal was always interested in trying out new positions but she knew that anything odd might scary Stacey. With regards to the odd stuff, Crystal thought she'd better explain why she asked Stacey to keep masturbating. "Some customers aren't overly eager to get started when they walk in and some are just not sure how comfortable you'll be with them. See this will usually get them started quicker," she explained.

"Why would I want that?" Stacey asked confused. If anything, hesitant customers just mean a smaller workload. As long as they still pay, why should anyone else care? Doing that would only serve as an addition that she wanted to be a whore, which she still wasn't sure of.

"It'll mean more free time. If someone bys an hour and you get done in half that time, Edward will give you 25 minutes off. You can choose to either finish the day early or take extra days off. You'll also want to look like a good hard worker, he'll give you more flexibility with your schedule and offer you extra days off. you might even be able to take a trip somewhere."

Stacey tried several different patterns on herself, wondering why she wasn't to use her tail for this. It helped so much. Beside, it was only the appearance that really mattered and using the tail had a noticeable effect on Crystal. Upon seeing her, Crystal broke from her previous patter and switched to something that was more similar to what she was doing. Maybe she would look sexier doing something else with her tail. Maybe Crystal was just jealous because she can't do that with her own tail. Maybe it would just have been difficult to keep her tail clean? If that was the reason, she better do something about it now before it dries. "May I go clean my tail off?" she asks.

"Just use the stream over there," Crystal replied. "Try not to take too much time, we'll need to hurry up a little, maybe even skip a little bit."

Stacey washed her paw in the water before scrubbing her tail with them. "If we run short on time, do I still get the rest of the day off?"

"Sure, the condition was based on how you behaved, now how much we got done. Do you want me to show you a few places to have fun after the tests?"

"Actually, Brian asked me to meet him when I finished. He wants to show me something."

"Hmm, it can't be hid penis, he showed it to you this morning. Just spend the evening with me, I'm supposed to take you to your room and make sure you're locked in at the end of the day. It isn't common to be given free time so early so that usually isn't a problem."

Stacey shook the rest of the water off her paws and tail before walking back. She saw that Crystal had stopped masturbating so she asked, "shall I continue?"

"Actually, we need to cut our lesson a bit so we'll skip to the next step. On you side now. I'll use my hands on you and you'll use your paws on me. You'll probably be asked to use your paws on someone on the regular basis. This will give you a chance to try it out and I'll give you some ideas at the same time."

Stacey got on her side without hesitation and Crystal lay down next to her so that they were each facing the other's pussy. Crystal started it off, stroking the fur around Stacey's pussy. Stacey followed her example and touched Crystal's soft, smooth skin.

"I'm just trying not to surprise you," Crystal said as she started on Stacey's pussy, "you can progress at whatever rate you feel like." Crystal rubbed Stacey's pussy, parting it to reveal her clit. Stacey was still beating around the bush, teasing Crystal with short gentle strokes. Though Crystal wanted to progress further, she knew that she'd better wait till Stacey went a little further before touching her clit. In the mean time, she took a deep breath, taking in the smells. She also licked some juices off her hand, making herself eager for a taste of some Rattata pussy. Perhaps she'd try soon but maybe it would best be left for a later lesson.

Stacey was finally getting down to business, pawing at Crystal's pussy continuously with one paw. He other paw was sitting idly, as if she didn't know what to do with it. In actuality, she was overwhelmed with pleasure that she had forgotten it for a while. She jumped with surprise as Crystal pinched her clit gently. After the initial shock, she kept going. This time she was using both paws, one feeling around inside and the other outside. It was too much fun to just stop.

"You're doing a good job, keep it up."

Stacey switched paws to reach the other side easier. Her other paw slid around much easier as it had a thicker coating of lubrication. Crystal was really working her good, Stacey felt like she would cum anytime now. The feeling was mutual. Though Stacey wasn't as skilled, Crystal had been waiting impatiently for some time. It also reminded her of a little game that she liked to play with her female friends. They would both enter a position where one could easily be stimulated and stimulate the other at the same time. They would each go wild on the other trying to get the opponent to cum first. Sometimes little wagers were made on the side. Always petty little things like swapping customers for one with a request that was more fun. Occasionally she would play with males but they gained an advantage during subsequent rounds.

"I'll give you a little preview of a later lesson," Crystal said. She moved her head closer and extended her tongue. It only took a few licks to make Stacey cum. To her surprise, Stacey gave her a big lick in return, sending waves of joy into her body. The two lay there breathing heavily and looking at the clouds in the sky for a while. Stacey was the first to get up after that. She went over to the water to clean herself off.

"That concludes your first lesson. We'll go back and eat just as soon as you are done."

*** *** *** ***

They were now at a set of double doors that seemed so familiar. Stacey realized it was where they had met up after that unfortunate incident. Stepping in, they saw that the receptionist was a cute little diglett.

"Hello," he said, checking over their ID bracelets. "The two of you have several tests to go through, we'll deal with you shortly."

After waiting around for a few minutes, a pudgy poked her head into the room, "Stacey, Crystal, this way please." They walked over to a washroom where she pointed to a pair of little plastic jars. "the first thing we need is a urine sample. I'll be waiting outside."

Once they were finished with that, the pidgey placed the samples onto a cart and wheeled it to the next stop. "The next thing we need is a blood sample, who wants to go first?" She asked as the flies up onto a bed.

"Stacey's new here so I'll be going first for all the tests," Crystal declared. She got up on the bed and held her arm out. There was the familiar cool feeling of the alcohol swab and the prick of the needle. Then the short wait as the little vial filled with blood.

"You're up," the pidgey said, taking the next needle out of it's sterile packaging. "Relax and hold still."

Stacey cried, "Ouch," as the needle entered. She was feeling tense during the entire process but it was over now.

They arrived at a dildo with a cord extending out of it. "Now we'll measure the length and width of the largest penis you can handle. Tell me when it begins to hurt." After a condom was place on it, it was forced deep into Crystal's cunt. It started expanding in width first.

Crystal thought of the last few customers that she had as the machine matched their widths. "Stop," she said and it begin to grow in length. "Stop," she said again and it contracted back to it's previous size.

They tested Stacey afterwards, then they tested Crystal's ass. "Don't worry, you won't have to do this today," Crystal assured her.

"Our next test is the infamous rectal capacity test," said the pidgey. Turning to Stacey, she whispered, "Crystal has a history of melting the equipment with her tail so we always strap her down for this. We won't strap you down if you don't resist."

Crystal climbed onto a metallic table, sticking her tail through a hole made just for charmanders. She then positioned her arms at her side and spread her legs. The pidgy jumped up and secured her with straps at the waist and across her upper body. She felt a nozzle enter, there was a familiar sounding beep and then the gentle flow of water. Then she did what she always did and began madly tugging away at the bonds. Shaking her head back and forth occasionally smacking it against the table with a loud thud.

"Does it really hurt that much?" Stacey asked confused. Stacey was thinking about how calm and relaxed Crystal looked when Edward struck her with the club yesterday. She was never struggling or trying to get away during the entire punishment.

Crystal came to a sudden stop. "Huh? No, it doesn't hurt at all. I just do that because sometimes I need to make customers think I'm uncomfortable. Then they tell me how authentic my performance looked."

"You had me fooled. What do they do with these results?" Stacey asked.

"I don't know, don't question the tests. Accept that they have to be done."

"I'm not questioning the tests, I'm just curious. What can they possibly learn from this?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know."

The machine beeped and begin to drain the water. The pidgey just looked at the reading out of interest. She didn't need to do anything as the whole process worked at the push of a button. Filling, recording the data and emptying, all done automatically. It beeped again to notify that it was finished.

"Your turn now," said the pidgey replacing the nozzle. Stacey slowly stepped forward. She turned around exposing her anus to the pidgey. The small smooth nozzle slid in with little resistance. After a short pause, the machine beeped and started pumping. Everything went quiet after that. Stacey was getting a little uncomfortable now, as the machine approached it's preprogrammed pressure limit. It beeped again as it began draining the water. The worst was over now and it wasn't long before the third been ended the test.

"Our next test is," the pidgey started, "Oh sorry about that, I forgot about you there." She quickly freed Crystal.

"Don't worry about it, I like being tied up like that."

"Ok, next is the shock collar calibration, the longest and most painful test." She was leading them towards a padded room. "Remember, this is for your comfort only. Any sign of dishonesty means we leave it set on the highest setting."

Crystal nodded and stepped into the room. She sad down in the middle and waited. The pidgey closed the door and motioned for Stacey to follow her. They went into a control room where they could see Crystal from several different angles and they could speak to her using an intercom. A set of controls at the side could administer shocks of various intensities.

"We are now starting the test." the pidgey warned, "Do you have any questions before we begin?" Crystal shook her head and received the first shock shortly after. It was a mild one and she hardly moved. A stronger one followed causing her to collapse. The third one hit a little weaker then that but it managed to keep her on the ground. Crystal got up during a brief pause before the next shock came. It was a really big one that hurt for sometime after. This continued for a long time. Stacey watched Crystal get shocked over and over again. Crystal showed no signs of fighting it. She just accepted that it had to be done. "The test is over now, the results will be ready in a few days. Remember, if you exaggerated any of your responses, this is what you'll feel." She twisted the dial all the way and pushed the button. Crystal was twitching on the ground for several seconds as a powerful bolt of electricity flowed through her neck for what seemed like an eternity. This time, she wasn't getting up.

That last shock was standard procedure for this test. Full power was something reserved for special occasions, even with the electric pokemon who were somewhat resistant to the shock collar. Crystal was still dazed and slowly dragged herself to the door. Grabbing at the wall, she managed to pull herself to her feet before blacking out. When she opened her eyes again, she was recovering in a hospital bed. An IV provided some powerful drugs, speeding her recovery time to a meager few minutes.

The next face she saw was Stacey's. "The doctor said you can go now."

Crystal knew the procedure, how to unhook the IV and where to put everything away. It wasn't common to be here that often but some of those sleep torture machines still needed some fine tuning.

When they finally left, Stacey asked, "Can I go find Brian now?"

"Sure, let me give you a hand." Crystal tinkered with Stacey's ID band a little bringing up a map with two blinking dots. "You, him," she stated pointing at one dot then the other, "Can you handle it from here?"

"Yeah, thanks."

*** *** *** ***

Stacey was wandering around the dungeon, unescorted. She was lucky enough to be in a section that wasn't in sue. Brian was standing before a psyduck on a Japanese wooded horse. It was a male psyduck and he was there for a while and stood with his feet flat on the ground and the wood digging in to his delicate flesh.

"So, my little psyslut, lets give this one more shot. Your name is Psyslut and I am Master. Now who are you?" Brian asked.

"You'll never get away with this," the psyduck said in return.

"Who am I?" Brian asked.

"A big jerk," shouted the psyduck.

Brian pushed a button on a control panel, lowering the wooden bar. Then he pushed another button that sent the wood flying upwards, slamming into his victim with tremendous force.

"Hey, you said you'd be nice to people," Stacey shouted from behind.

"Uh oh, busted. I never meant for you to see this," Brian said trying to sound evil without bursting into laughter.

"You lied to me."

"I can explain everything, honest. I forgot that you didn't have your collar yet. The cruel torture was supposed to be over before you got out." Brian still didn't turn around, he was hiding the expression on his face and several cuts and bruises acquired earlier today.

"So you were going to hide this from me and play me for a sucker?"

"Yes, what you didn't know wouldn't hurt you. I'm superior to you, you will not question my actions," Brian said with a childish grin.

Then the psyduck spoke up, "This has gone far enough, we're just giving a demonstration to that golbat on the ceiling there. Sorry for slipping out of character again."

A golbat swooped down, "Sine you're busy, lets call it a day." The goldbat then freed the psyduck.

Brian turned to face Stacey showing her a black eye and his collection of cuts and bruises. "I was just playing with you there."

"I can tell that now," Stacey said in an angry voice.

" I was part of another tutorial earlier today. I'm going to go heal now. If you want to tag along, feel free to do so. If you don't, you can wait in my room. It'll only be a few minutes anyways."

*** *** *** ***

Stacey looked around the nice big room with a fireplace and an impressive home entertainment center, a heap of firewood sat in one corner. There was a stack of blankets over by the fireplace with an alarm clock next to it. It looked like he slept here. "Pretty nice place you have," Stacey remarked.

"Yes, I really like my room," he said. "I had a rough day at work today, do you want to help me relax?"

Stacey wasn't quite sure what he meant by that. After thinking about it for a while, she took a guess and asked, "Do you want to fuck me again?"

"Actually, I was thinking we could cuddle up by the fireplace and take a nap, but I just can't turn down your offer."

Brian's response made Stacey feel foolish. "I liked your idea better," she said, looking for a way out.

"We can do that after," he said as he piled up a few logs.

Frustrated, She bluntly stated, "I don't want to have sex."

"just like last time, you don't want to get started. You enjoyed it last time, didn't you? Lose the mental conditioning and give into the pleasure."

Stacey shook her head. "No, I'm no that kind of woman and I don't want to be that kind of woman." Then she laid down in the blankets.

Brian finished with the logs and lit them with a little flame from his mouth. "Face it, work is going to be really hard for you with that attitude. Leave it behind, you're in a new world now, you need to take a new attitude towards things." There was silence as Brian laid down behind her. Brian place a paw on top of Stacey. "It'll be fun, just like last time."

"I guess it will be," Stacey responded as she hugged Brian's paw.

"Is that a yes?" he asked.

"No," Stacey said as she got up. She gently pushed on Brian's side, turning him onto his back. Stacey stood over him allowing his penis to occasionally brush against her fur. Staring down into his eyes, she said, "This is a yes," and thrust downwards.

Brian nuzzled her and whispered in her ear, "That's the right attitude." Stacey was accelerating to her usual pace. "you like to fuck fast, don't you?"

"It was the only speed my boyfriend fucked at," she explained.

Brian wrapped his paws around Stacey, giving her a big hug. He pulled her down lower so that her shorter fur rubbed against his soft, thick fur. He licked the bottom of her chin affectionately.

"I love your fur," she commented as she brushed one of her paws along his side.

Brian gently stroked her side. "We can get your fur soft and fluffy as well." He was really enjoying this. Stacey fucked in quick long strokes, something that took others a while to do, probably because they didn't want bring themselves to the fact that they were at the mercy of others. Hugging and nuzzling her again, Brian whispered in her year, "You're pretty good at this."

Stacey gave no reply, she just kept going and tried to bury her head in his arms. They were warm and soft, the perfect complement to his penis, which was hot, hard and throbbing.

Brian was really enjoying this. "Admit it, you like this as much as I do," he said, stroking Stacey's back. They both knew he was right, though Stacey didn't want to say it. Stacey knew he was right about many things, life would be better if she just took a new attitude towards things and embrace these changes rather than resist them. There would be plenty of time to think about this later, now she was fucking and that was the only thing that mattered.

His penis slid effortlessly in and out, faster and faster. It didn't take much longer before Brian reached orgasm. He tilted his head back and moaned in a really low pitch. Stacey knew that she would have to use her paws to get herself to that point and reached down.

"Is that what you learnt during your lesson today?" he asked.


"Makes sense to get used to yourself first. How about you and I cover the part of your training that Crystal can't?"

Stacey didn't know what to do. She didn't want to admit that she would be looking forward to next time but at the same time, she wanted to avoid the unknown. For the next several minutes she debated to herself how to answer that question as she was masturbating. Then she started imagining how it might be if she said yes.

The silence was deafening to Brian. He knew the question would take a while to answer so he added, "You don't have to decide right away." He didn't lose sight of what he promised to do after, cuddle and nap. Giving Stacey a big hug, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

*** *** *** ***

Crystal was walking back over to her room because she need a nap as well. Some of those torture devices were really hard to sleep in so she often needed a nap to get through the day. She turned the corner to the work rooms that Edward was in charge of staffing and he just happened to be checking up on things.

Edward hear the footsteps traveling up the corridor and turned around. "Hey Crystal, Just the pokemon I need right now. Are you tired?"

"Yeah, a little. What do you need me for?"

"I've got a very special job for you. We need someone who will actually be asleep for this. It'll be more fun if you don't read the description and we trust this person. So if you want to just let the timer do things and play along with the fantasy you can. He also purchased a lot of leeway."

"Sounds pretty good... I have regular customers now!" Crystal said jumping up into the air.

"Actually, you have 8 who regularly ask for you by name. I want you to get in that room and take a nap now. I'll come by to get you set up once you are sleeping. You're supposed to awaken with a kiss and I expect nothing short of an authentic performance from you."

Crystal yawned, "Don't worry, I won't have to fake the sleeping bit and if you say I can play along for the rest of it, then it shouldn't be too hard."

*** *** *** ***

Crystal woke from her nape with the gentle feel of another charmander's lips pressing down on hers. It was still rather early in her nap and she was still feeling very tired. She opened her eyes to the darkened room, light only by the 2 flames on their tails. In the dim light, she could barely make out the sight of the other charmander. He stood there with a serious expression on his face. The seriousness was all part of the role-play, as well as the breast plate and the sword that he wore.

"Alas, the spell has been broken. The mage had told me you'd awaken with a kiss, princess. I'll see to thy bonds and return thee to thy father's castle."

He stepped out of view for a while. Crystal gave her limbs a gentle tug to see just how well she was restrained. All four limbs and her tail remained radiating outwards from her body. Not the most imaginative position but it left her vulnerable and she liked that feeling. She could feel her restraints being tugged at and shaken one after another. An eerie silence followed.

He slipped back into view. "Forgive me, my lord, your captor has out witted me with these restraints. The magic is like no other that I have faced before."

Crystal had a reasonable feel for what was happening now. "What willst thou do to save me?" she asked.

"You needn't fear, my lord, for I have dispatched my squire to fetch help. In the mean time, I'll remain by your side, my lord, and tend to thee, shalt thou desire something."

This certainly was special. Usually she would be addressing others as 'my lord' or other titles that would indicate power over her. She was the one win the restraints though which was somewhat more common. "That spot between my eyes is itchy, willst thou scratch it for me?" she requested.

He chuckled and scratched her between the eyes. "Willst that be all, my lord?"

"Thanks for coming to my rescue, how can I ever repay you?"

"Oh, there's a way," he said. Throwing his breast plate down he revealed his hard on, which was cleverly concealed behind his armor. "Doth my lord agree with me on the reward?"

This amused Crystal. Here she was securely restrained and there he was, asking for approval before he began. She was also playing the role of a princess about to reward a knight for rescuing her and rather than asking for wealth or power he wants to have sex. Not quite the typical fairy tale but sex makes a pretty worth while reward. "If it be thy pleasure," she replied.

He jumped on top of her but didn't start right away, instead he gave her a nice long kiss, running his arms down Crystal's side. Afterward, he rubbed Crystal's cheek with the back of his and whispered in her ear, "Thanks."

Crystal smiled in return. She was having loads of fun but still couldn't remember seeing him before. There were often enough customers to not remember a single one too well by the end of the day but something like this was hard to forget. If all his jobs were this elaborate, she'd surely remember him but she didn't.

He laid another kiss on her before moving down to his real area of interest. He kept to his slow, careful pace, brushing her pussy gently with his finger. Crystal's only reaction was a slight smile. He followed by rubbing his cheek on her wit the same gentle movement that he used earlier. This was followed by rubbing her pussy more firmly than before. He kept this up for a little while, looking at Crystal's hardly changing expression. She certainly didn't look like she had lived the sheltered life of a princess but it didn't really matter. he moved his hands clear and moved his penis in. Crystal closed her eyes and tilter her head to the side. He slowly pushed his penis in deeper and deeper till their abdomens were touching.

"Thanks me lord, I shall truly enjoy this reward," he whispered in Crystal's ear.

"It was the least I could do for you in return," Crystal replied as he began fucking. He started off slow and gentle like he was fucking a virgin princess rather then a sex crazed prostitute. Crystal felt a kiss on her cheek, turned and opened her eyes. His face was rather close to hers so she decided to bend her head up to kiss him. He placed a hand behind Crystal's head to support it.

"You make a great princess, Crystal," he said as he began to fuck her faster.

"You make a good knight," Crystal giggled. She tilted her head back and charred softly. This was a great balance of power and helplessness. Ever so slowly did the pace increase, like the gentle nature of his touch or the softness of his kisses. It seemed as if several minutes had passed before he reached a more typical speed. During that time, he gently caressed his captive princess, making sure that she had a great time. It wasn't long before all his built up anticipation came out in one gooey gob after another.

He got off and pick up the pieces of his costume. Finally, he broke from his character. "That was great," he remarked in a much changed tone.

"Are we done now?" Crystal asked.

"Yes and I'd let you out like I usually do but they forgot to give me the key. I'll be back with someone who can let you out," he said, moments before he stepped out.

*** *** *** ***

Crystal stepped out of the room following Edward closely. She was still eager to reach orgasm so she started masturbating in the hallway.

"No masturbating in the hallways," Edward ordered, "We have enough trouble keeping them clean without worrying about that."

"Yes master," Crystal responded. She nodded and let her arms fall down to her side.

"Of course, if you haven't had enough sex yet, we can get you another customer."

"I'm actually rather tired still, may I go now, master?"

"No, I need you to carry these cards down to be processed, then swing by the front desk and escort the next customer here. Then I'll consider your request."

Crystal nodded, "Yes master." She left for a while and returned with a slowbro.

"Right this way," he said as he turned his back to Crystal and led the slowbro down the hallway. He looked back and said, "Fetch me some milk and a cookie," turning his head forward again after.

She was told never to yell down the hallway so Crystal left without saying a word. She returned with a serving tray in her hands.

Taking large bites from the cookie and gulping down the milk, he quickly finished his snack. Putting the glass back on the tray, he said, "After you return the tray, you may do as you wish."

*** *** *** ***

Brian, Crystal and Stacey sat down to eat together. Being the only one with hands, Crystal was carrying all the food for them. It was considered common courtesy to carry food for those who couldn't.

"Did you have a good time with Brian?" Crystal asked.

"I sure did. He showed me his airplane, showed me around the place and we ate some ice cream down at the ice cream parlor. He even took me to the salon to have my fur cleaned and fluffed. It feels great now."

Pokebrothel 3

Stacey had been awake for a while and was pacing around impatiently. She wondered where Crystal was. It was very boring in that little room and she was getting very hungry. She listened closely to the sounds outside. Many pokemon had passed by...

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Pokebrothel-Captured and Broken

"What the," Rattata managed to pull of as an Electrode jumped out and exploded on her. A few seconds later she was captured in a pokeball and carried off. \*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\* When she finally recovered her senses, a Machoke was...

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Seducing Arcanine

A long day of walking had gone by before I stopped to rest. The purpose of this night was to seduce that cute and cuddly arcanine that I had. Everything was setup for this evening. I pitched the tent, the extra big sleeping bag was unrolled and the...

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