A Pup and His Savior

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#2 of The Compelling Corruption

A Pup and His Savior

By: ToKu

He stared at the tiger in the back seat of the squad car; lights flashing across his swollen face as he sat with utter indifference. It made the nausea rise up in the German shepherd's stomach like a monsoon. The fact that his face had been smashed against the gravel of his own driveway was only a small satisfaction in the back of the canines mind. He let the cigarette fall from his lips before stomping it out into the grass in which he stood. It was a nice house, modern fifties style with an orange front door, the inside however was another story. He still remembered the hundreds of pictures strung about the walls, piles of VHS cassette tapes, DVDs, and the laptop choked with digital perversion. It was enough evidence to send the fur away ten times over; he'd be spending multiple life sentences for sure, just desserts for a pedophile like him.

Detective Miller growled under his breath, this was just one of four busts like this in the past week; he was almost convinced that it was the end of the world and furs were going crazy with end time lust. He wasn't religious but he almost felt obliged to believe in something for the sake of lives ruined by such a thing. He gave the tiger one more fleeting look, where he was going he'd regret what he'd done with his life every time he got a taste of his own medicine.

'I really need to stop smoking' Miller thought to himself as a tinge of pain arose in his chest as he began to trek back to the front of the suburban house, a facade to darker things. When he crossed the yellow tape and ducked under it a large lumbering figure came bounding out of the house. Miller felt the urge, the desire, to jump and sink his teeth into that throat the moment those cloudy yellow eyes came into view. The bear was stuffing something into his front pocket; a picture Miller noticed of what appeared to be a five year old fox with a larger brown mass on top of it.

'He's removing evidence.' Miller growled in his mind as he frowned at the mass of brown bear behind that black uniform he dishonorably wore. The bear noticed the Shepherd and grinned lazily, patting his chest where the picture was safe, the bear knew he knew and mocked him for being unable to prove it.

"Evening detective, horrible thing here huh, poor kid probably isn't right in the head after spending a month locked up in there." The bear laughed as he spoke, eyeing the dog teasingly as a forensic expert came shuffling past; the snowy rabbit only touching is paw to his cap before continuing past the two.

"Aren't you sorry, your buddy is going away to get raped by cho mo hatters, Gregory." Miller tried to put as much scorn into that comment as possible.

The bear eyes narrowed as he stared the dog down with those milky eyes. "That's Chief Gregory to you mutt" The bear said with contempt. "The last time I checked, I out ranked you and since we're not on first name terms, you'll address me as chief, or sir." He grinned at that, his dominant nature trying to intimidate the detective but Miller knew he wouldn't dare try anything here with countless possible witnesses.

"Sorry 'chief', I may be a canine but you're more a mongrel then I am." Miller gave the bear a contemptuous look before the pig in bear's clothing decided to shuffle off after deciding to save the fight for another day.

Miller shook his head and almost drew out his pack of cigarettes before deciding against that as well, and without a smoke he didn't have the nerves to venture back into the house. He gazed about as the cop car carrying the beaten tiger began to drive away, the paramedics were still here tending to the child they had found inside. He had only briefly seen the boy as he was carried from the house in the arms of the EMT, he couldn't even tell what species the kid was.

Slowly he found himself wandering over to the ambulance, red and blue lights flashing across the neatly tended lawn as his paws left imprints behind him. He could see the Red-tail caring for him, his name was Jason; they had gone to school together, taken biology and philosophy. They were close but only in ways that left the shepherd sighing for something more, but Jason never even picked up on his subtle passes. When the hawk noticed the German shepherd approaching him he almost smiled but was consumed with the same feeling the dog now felt, he was sure of it.

"Hey Detective Miller," The hawk said with overly expressed surprise as he turned back to the boy sitting up in the gurney. Miller assumed he was trying to help the pup feel better. The shepherd was surprised to find himself staring at another, shirtless, German shepherd about one third his age. The boy had the same colors as a shepherd but not the markings. His fur was a darker, almost reddish-brown color, similarly speckled like a timber wolf, that covered his entire body but the structure of his muzzle said he was shepherd. Staring blankly at nothing in particular the boy sat holding his paws in his lap, arms covering most of his chest from view. He had a day old cut across his cheek that looked infected but had been cleaned with peroxide. It almost instantly made his anger spike inside him causing his paws to clench, he had seen worse within the last week but everything was kind of piled on top of this case.

'How could anyone hurt a child like that?' He thought furiously.

"I'm gonna have a word with the detective here, alright." The hawk said to the pup who in return just nodded offhandedly, eyes never really focusing on anything. Jason hesitated a moment, trying to stare into the boys eyes before reluctantly turning to the Shepherd with a frown. Jason led them to the side of the ambulance. "Jeez John, I don't know how you sleep at night."

"Very carefully," John miller said shaking his head at his own joke like it was just as guilty as the tiger now heading towards the rest of his life. "This isn't the worst case I've seen. I mean you saw the pictures in there, that was pretty bad, but at least we were able to get the kid out before, something worse happened."

"The kid's eleven years old and he has a single cut across his face," The hawk said pulling off specially made latex gloves for taloned paws and stuffed them in his jacket pocket. "I haven't had a chance to perform a rectal exam, they'll probably do that at the hospital, but aside from being shaken up, he's fine. Maybe that's an understatement."

"We called in CSP to come get him; I guess they'll take him there." Miller said scratching the place between his ears that always got irritated when he was upset. "It's late but I'm sure they have someone on duty to claim the kid. We think we know who the parents are; they reported him missing a couple months ago. They had given up hope, must have known how most of these things turn out and moved out of state leaving their lives behind. It'll take some time before we can contact them."

"The boy needs a proper bed to sleep in tonight, after being kept in that cage, and that basement must have been fifty degrees Fahrenheit." Jason shaking his head in shared disgust. Images of the interior flashed through Millers mind, he was truly glad he didn't go back in there. "Where did Gregory go?" The hawk asked as an afterthought.

"Don't know, probably getting rid of any incriminating evidence. I'm almost positive he knew the tiger who owns this house." Miller said glancing back toward where he thought the bear had gone.

"I wouldn't be surprised; they went to the same collage." The hawk said and Miller turned at that and stared, eyes bulging a bit as he processed the words his feathery friend spoke. "You didn't know? That tiger was Rolland McGregor, he played line backer for USLA. Five years back."

"Never really been a big football fan." John said shaking his head in disbelief. "It makes sense though, that that's how they met, huh?"

"Sure does sound likely." The hawk said his wings twitching as he leaned against the ambulance. The German shepherd sighed as things connected in his mind. He had been trying to bring dirt up on Gregory for the past three months now, ever since he received that call from Mr. Grey, he had to talk the otter out of talking the law into his own hands. Regan Grey a thirty-seven year old otter was livid and insisted that Rolland McGregor and Chief Gregory Carson had forced him into sexual relations with his own son. At first he didn't understand the story, it seemed highly unlikely. But they were able to use the small amount of DNA retrieved from his son's fur that proved the tiger had molested the boy. There was also a large amount of DNA from Mr. Grey present but he claimed it was all from the forced intercourse. The pup had been interviewed separately from his father and their stories matched perfectly.

There was a third semen sample retrieved, the lab tech that had discovered it resigned the next day and refused to speak to Miller. He was the only fur the tech had told about it and now that the sample was lost he couldn't get a court order to bring him in for questioning. John knew that Gregory was behind everything from threatening a lab tech to abusing his power to cover up everything, even if it meant letting his friend go to jail because of it.

"Excuse me, Detective Miller."

The voice brought his thoughts crashing down, Jason had been staring blankly up at the stars in the sky and John was just lost in his own mind that he hadn't noticed the lower ranking cop approach them. The stag was young; John had never seen him before so he figured he had only been a part of the force for a very short time, a few weeks even.

"I called over at the CPS office and there wasn't an answer, just an automated recording. It seems no one will be able to pick the boy up tonight." The stag said removing then replacing his PSPD cap on his head after getting snagged in his antlers a few times. "Someone's gonna have to drive him to the county office."

"All the way?" Miller asked a little unbelieving.

"Don't worry I can take him, I don't have any..." Jason said just as he heard the radio in the ambulance spout out words, codes similar but different from cop's. Jason quickly retreated to the passenger side and dove in to get the radio. John noticed himself staring at the hawk's ass as he wrangled the receiver, tail feathers twitching as he worked. John wasn't an EMT but he knew some of their coding, sounded to him like a traffic accident or a hit and run, he wasn't sure though. "Got a call John, major robbery on the other end of town; five shot, three dead, and the getaway car hit a teenager on a skateboard."

"God I was terribly wrong." Miller shook his head; the hawk took this as solace and patted him on the back. He was really realizing that he was going to get stuck with the kid because there was no one else here qualified or off duty to do the job. "Can't believe it."

"It happens all the time, right?" Jason said pulling the cap over his feathery head down closer to his eyes.

"Detective, someone needs to take the boy to the county office." The stag said once more.

"I know," Miller said pulling another smoke out of his pocket before resting it loosely between his lips as he walked back around to see the Shepherd wolf cub. He looked up at John with those lost eyes, glazed over but sparkling in the flashing lights. Miller sighed and turned back to the stag. "Hey kid, make sure forensics checks thoroughly for any semen residue. I don't want any samples lost or over looked."

The stag nodded and took off towards the house, his hoof feet punching deeper holes into the lawn then the dog had. John took a deep breath before turning back to the kid still sitting on the stretcher, he shivered when his eyes fell on him but he noticed it was from the cold.

"You cold kid?" He never had kids, nieces of nephews, or even younger cousins around as he grew up and got older. He had been told on occasion he had a sort of coldness when it came to children. It wasn't that he didn't like kids; he just didn't really know how to act around them. It took a moment but slowly the kid nodded. John did the same, telling the kid he understood and slipped his heavy police bomber coat off his shoulders and placed it around the boy's shoulders. "Sorry if it smells like cigarettes."

The pup shook his head and enclosed himself within the warm leathery fabric, still looking towards the ground but his expression said he wasn't focused on anything. John sighed and realized he still had an unlit cigarette in his mouth. "Probably shouldn't smoke around you, huh?" He said before slipping the smoke back into the pack in his shirt pocket. "Think you can walk?" The cub looked up but didn't respond. John waited a moment before taking yet another deep breath before reaching for the cub, he flinched back but when the detective said he was just gonna take him to his car, he let the older German Shepherd wrap his larger arms around the boy.

Miller hefted the boy, one paw on his back the other below the butt to support him as he walked. Jason gave one final wave before jumping into the driver's seat of the ambulance. He responded and watched him take off before turning for his own unit. Looking similar to a narc car, his black Ford had no plates except for a holographic sticker on the rear bumper. He made his way to the passenger side, the boy becoming heavy in his arms even though he was in good shape. He could feel each breath the boy exhaled, warm and steady on his neck, it was kind of hard to believe the kid had been locked in a cage for a month except when Rolland the tiger wanted to have his way with the boy. It made Miller nauseous to think about but he felt his paw become sweaty and when he grabbed for the car door it slipped from his pads before getting it right the next time.

He gently sat the boy in the front seat of his car before moving the laptop on a retractable tray out of the way. He crouched down in the gravel of the driveway and stared at the kid who was now snuggling into his coat.

"You got a name so I don't have to keep calling you kid?" The older Shepherd said with a slight chuckle under his soft yet deep voice. The kid looked up at him and nodded after a moment. Miller waited and tried his best to grin. "Gonna tell me?"

The boy nodded and continued to stare blankly. This was enough to make the detective smile out right.

"Okay, you tell me when you want to, alright." Miller said and stood. He went to shut the door when the boy nearly squeaked in desperation. It nearly made the dog reach for his gun at his hip but the faint words suddenly spoken brought his attention back to the boy in his car.

"M-my name is," The puppy said, it was the first time he actually saw life in the boy; his dark golden eyes glittered for a moment in the darkness before falling back into a semi glazed state. "I'm Zachary, uh Dougrey."

Miller grinned and opened the door a ways, reaching his paw down into the darkness. "Nice to meet you Zachary Dougrey, I'm Detective Miller, but you call me John, okay." Zachary hesitated, almost as if he was frightened to take another fur's paws, John could only imagine why, but slowly a light brown paw reached up out of the coat and reached for his. Warm paw met warm paw, and John felt his sickness wash away as a smile slowly crept across the boy's face. If he could make a boy smile that had been treated like an animal for weeks within this short time, he was clearly doing something right.


Police Chief Gregory Carson slammed the door of his car shut, not even bothering to lock the doors. He grabbed his bag from the trunk and impatiently walked to the front door of his own home. He wasn't exactly angry as he was anxious. Rolland getting caught only shook his nerves a bit, but the same dog who busted Rolland was the same one who knew about his own little excursions. Gregory wasn't sure how he had found out, he was usually careful not to leave any incriminating evidence around that could point paws to him, but he knew none the less.

The erection in his pants wasn't helping the situation either, and the sickening feeling of needing a hit was building up on top of everything. He had to make a quick stop by his dealers to re-up for the week, it was expensive but worth not having to drive through that neighborhood for another seven days. If he had to do this every day he'd be a nut, trying to do everything in one day, this way he knew he could come home, take off his clothes, shoot up, and fuck himself a nice piece of cub ass. Though that last part might have to change soon, it was getting too dangerous for anyone to keep any 'pets'.

Rolland had gotten sloppy, trying to get too many boys at once. He underestimated the system. Although Gregory had it in the palm of his paw, there were still free lance agents out there, like that John Miller. Looking to do the right thing for a cheap price, but only because nothing was free. The bear hated the dog and his mottos and his self-righteousness. He hardly ever crossed the line into fucking anything over the age of twelve years old but he seriously considered tying up that mutt and showing him a thing of two about how being a righteous prick can come back to stab you in the fucking back.

Gregory approached his door and dug his keys out of his pocket. His house was nowhere near as nice looking as Rolland's but it had the same modern feel to it. Gardeners came twice a week to water and tend to his plants in front and out back, cut his hedges (He needed privacy) and trim his palm trees. He smiled, vaguely as he remembered taking that little Mexican jaguar hostage while his father wasn't looking. He made the older feline cut his grass while he fucked his son on a lounge chair in full view of his father and the two other workers. They quit after that, but couldn't file a complaint because the father was an illegal immigrant. He had to get new gardeners after that but it was worth the twenty minutes the jaguar cub had moaned in Spanish for his father to help him while he took the biggest cock he ever had.

The memory drifted away slowly as he opened the door and let himself into his place, the familiar scent of home and vulpine greeting him once again. Not Rolland's scent though, he had been here before, but a younger one hung in the air along with the scent of sex, and not of the larger fox species either. He set his bag down on the couch behind his coffee table that was littered with pornos, magazines, a few blackened spoons and about a dozen needles. Apart from that it was quite clean. He made a mental note to clean the mess up within the next day or two, but it was the last night he could keep his 'pet' here so he figured it could wait. He made his way through the kitchen, stomach full having stopped for fast food before coming home, and unlocked a door near the fridge with the keys still in his paws.

When he flipped on the light that lit the corridor he heard a whimper. He descended the stairs two at a time and found a naked white fox sitting in a comfortable armchair. He was only nine but the boy had already known about sex when the bear had 'taken' him in. He had even confessed to making his younger brother suck him off a few times, something that had almost made Gregory get his brother too.

The fox, though free to roam around the empty basement was chained to a stake in the ground; the red collar around his neck standing out against his cum covered, yet otherwise clean white fur. He had told him that if he complied he'd set him free, the boy had so far believed every word said to him. Gregory wasn't lying though; he was going to have to let the boy go after he made it perfectly clear in the boy's mind that if he or his family ever went to the police that he would come back for him, because he 'was' the police.

The bear grinned at the fox and paced over to the lock on the chain keeping the boy prisoner. He unlocked it and slipped the keys into his pocket and without a word led the boy back up the stairs. The kit boy followed obediently but without enthusiasm.

"After tonight you'll be free to go back to your family and friends." The bear spoke steadily even as a wave of sickness bubbled up from his stomach, signaling his comedown. He needed the smack but wanted the kid too so he figured he could do both at the same time.

He brought the fox to the living room and relocked the chain into place around a similar stake driven into the bricks of his fire place. Gregory grinned before he pulled off his unbuttoned shirt along with the wife beater underneath. He loved the feeling of stripping in front of children, and it hadn't gotten any less enjoyable within the last fifteen years. His pants however he left for the fox. He called him forward with a finger hooked into the collar and the fox seemed to know exactly what he meant. Tiny white paws began working on his belt and soon had the zipper down.

"Keep going." The bear breathed but realized he didn't have to speak as the fox reached inside his underwear strap and fondled the sticky red meat inside. Gregory growled a moan as the tiny paws squeezed the shaft and coaxed the pre to spurt the insides of his underwear with wetness. He felt his balls screaming for release as well as the demand for another substance from above.

The bear pulled his pants the rest of the way down, his cock swinging free to slap the boy across the face before he let himself fall onto his couch. The frame creaked but accepted his weight as he pulled his bag closer to him. He rummaged through it and found the smaller of the two bricks of brown powder. He had all but reached for a spoon before he noticed the fox just standing there watching him.

"Well, you just gonna stand there?" the bear grumbled. "Or are you gonna suck my cock? You want to see your family again don't you?"

The kit's ears went back and his paws twisted together but he slowly got to his knees and shuffled forward until his tongue came gently against his now raging hard-on. The bear rolled his eyes and took the back of the fox's head and forced it down into his crouch, having become impatient. The dog was still on his mind but only for a little while longer. The sound of chocking cub was more important to him at the moment.

He reached for the cleaner of the two spoons on the table, semi smothering the boy with his belly. He heard a gagging sound mixed with a moan and figured the kid was actually enjoying this a bit. He scooped up a small mound of the brown powder and flicked open his Zippo. He watched as the substance began to bubble as his balls did the same, the kid was shy but he knew how to suck cock once he got going.

Once the drug was nearly all liquid be reached forward for a syringe, resulting in the same gag moan from before and proceeded to siphon the substance up. He tossed the spoon to the table and smiled at the dirty brown liquid in the small needle, it was like gold to him. He noticed the boy looking up, mouth only reaching halfway down his cock before pulling back up in repetition.

"Come on, get on my lap." Gregory said as he grabbed his bungee cord out of his bag. The fox did what he was told without anymore instruction. He climbed up on top of the bear, using his fur as something to hold on to. After tying the cord around his meaty bicep he used a free paw to position his paw under the boy's ass to rub his pre onto the hole as lube. The fox purred and moaned when he finally pushed the tip through. "You know what to do now."

The bear watched as the cub reached behind himself and lowered himself onto the thick member, using his own paw to steady the cock as it split him apart. Gregory roared a sigh as the kit squealed in painful pleasure. Up and down he bobbed, like he was trying to pump oil from the ground, only, the oil he'd receive wouldn't be black, but white.

Gregory let him work as he brought the needle to his arm. Finding a vein wasn't hard, he just had to spot the red marks from previous pokes, after that it was as simple as a routine flu shot, only flu shots didn't make you feel like god. Almost instantly the sickness vanished inside him as every fiber in his body became ultra sensitive, and the kit hole squeezing cock still felt the same only a thousand times better.

He rested his arms across the back of the couch as the white blur before his squinted eyes rode his cock like an amusement park ride. Time stretched on as his head nodded to one side but he could still feel the boy on his dick. Up and down so many times that when he finally came he didn't realize it until he the boy slumped forward into his chest fur, spent after his own dry orgasm. He felt warm against his own brown fur but not nearly so as his insides; his veins flooded with gold and godliness. He swam until he finally did lose consciousness but the feeling remained even in sleep where he drifted in and out of the behinds of countless cubs, one continuous child porno where he was in every single shot but delivered the same amount of hot white cum every time.


"There, good as new, I'm sorry if it took so long to get to you." The hawk said to a female bear he had been treating in the back of his ambulance as he taped down the splint he had wrapped around her large paw. She wasn't obese, but defiantly on the big side. It was in her genetics so she probably couldn't help it, to other bears she was probably attractive, Jason however couldn't find anything particularly attractive about her but he was picky so he decided against going with his own intuition "Try not to use it to much okay, but otherwise you're fine."

"I appreciate it." The bear said, her voice sounding empty but firm. She flexed her paw as she stared from it to the EMT before her, testing it to make sure he had done a good job. "I understand, those other furs needed you before me. You did an excellent job."

Jason blushed but knew his colors were hidden behind his russet face feathers. He had arrived on scene to find a single cop trying to resuscitate a dying wolf. He had made it in time to save his life and his wife; he was carried out by another unit that had pulled up. The morgue was already taking away the dead furs from the shooting. The teenage porcupine escaped miraculously with only a few missing quills and a sprained foot. He was no hero, it was simply his job.

The bear herself was from out of town, so she had said, and was here visiting her parents who lived over in Sun City, an entire community of retired folks. She had just made it, nearly out of gas, to the station just in time to witness a robbery when she had been topping off her car, then the mini mart thieves proceeded to steal it in order to get away.

"It's my job ma'am." The hawk said closing up his medical supplies kit and storing it back into its proper bin beside the gurney in the back.

"Well, could I know the name of the helpful hawk who fixed up my paw?" She asked, but not in a way one would normally find bothersome. The hawk helped her out of the back with her good paw in his claw and when she was on the ground smiled handsomely at her. She only stood up to his chest but was just as wide as him. "I'm Rosa Carson."

"Jason Daletsky," He shook her paw and she smiled up at him.

"That's a beautiful name. It sounds familiar though." She said holding her bandaged paw up to her mouth in contemplation. Jason felt funny then, his name was familiar because he had a cousin in the adult films industry and females everywhere always seemed to know his name.

"Common name probably," He shrugged and took his claw back when she dropped it as she thought hard about where she had heard his name before. He almost prayed she didn't say the name Nokosi.

"No, not common, my name is common, there seems to be Carson's everywhere." She said staring up at the stars without really looking. The moon had sunk behind the distant mountains and it was dark now, even with the lights from the convenience store shining out over the black asphalt street. Jason was about to close the double doors to the ambulance when the name struck a nerve from deep within his brain.

"Carson?" Jason sucked in his breath before breathing out his words all too fast. "You by chance wouldn't happen to have a relative by the name of Gregory?"

Her face darkened at that name and she took a few steps back, her eyes suddenly staring intently at the bird, her once friendly and inquisitive demeanor now gone. Jason felt a sudden twinge in his chest and knew it had to do with being here with a supposed relative of Police Chief Gregory Carson. He almost left it at that and tipped his hat to her, suddenly wanting very much to be in his unit and heading home. It was three in the morning and the absence of sounds throughout the streets only made the atmosphere around the two furs that much more uncomfortable. He remembered then that John could use any information about the bear and anyone else couldn't give better information than a relative, he only hoped she was willing to comply.

"He's my brother." She said finally breaking the silence with a simple mumble. She looked like she was working something out in her head as she stared but Jason just waited patiently. "He's the Police Chief here. I moved away when I was twenty, after, after..." She shook her head as if trying to forget something she was remembering. Jason couldn't tell if she wanted to say what was on her mind or swallow it and forget she had ever spoken.

"Listen," He spoke reaching out a claw to her shoulder. He was usually good at consoling females, like he had a knack for it and decided it would be useful now. "I'm sure you have a soft spot somewhere for him but my friend is a detective and he's been trying to stop the things Gregory does. He's this close," Jason said holding up his thumb and forefinger an inch part. "From putting a stop to him."

"I know he's done some bad things, and still does but..."A sudden lump in her throat prevented her from continuing. Jason almost thought he saw tears about to form.

"Here," He patted her on her back and led her to the only remaining cop car, the original cop from earlier, a hyena in a black officer uniform, stood against the hood of his car gingerly holding a cup of coffee in the cold night air. His ears perked up when they approached but Jason could tell not from something exciting. "Officer Molina here will take you home." She nodded slowly as she was led. "It would be helpful if you answer a few of my friend's questions when he calls you. Can I give him your phone number?"

She stopped and looked up into his eyes, slightly horrified, but her features softened almost instantly when she nodded again, though it did seem somewhat forced. She gave him her contact information and he handed her a card with his number and the instructions to call him if anything came up. She thanked him again for his 'help' though not as enthusiastically as before. Jason watched as the hyena helped her into his squad car, his wings ruffling as he stood in the cold air. He found himself staring at the muscular hyena for some reason as he helped her fasten her seat belt, eyes lingering on his ass. He couldn't really think anything of it as the officer was already standing and closing the passenger side door but it had always been a quirky thing he liked to do. He came back around and nodded to the hawk before disappearing into his own seat.

Jason felt himself go lightly warm again but shook it off; he wanted to get home and get to sleep because he knew he was going to have to get up early. He had to tell John about what he had found out, he only hoped the female didn't skip town in an attempt to flee unwanted emotions.

He rode back to the hospital thinking of John as he went, it had been awhile since they had gone out and figured that maybe he would take him out to the bar tomorrow afternoon to tell him the news. He just found himself grinning and drove off somewhat dazed from his thoughts.


The drive to the county office was long; the kid barely spoke and only after he was asked a question, which wasn't often. He didn't blame the kid for being so withdrawn, it just hit a nerve that someone had caused this bright young pup to become so stand-offish of other furs.

He almost wanted to keep driving, one straight line, but a rumbling in his stomach pulled the black Ford off the freeway when the familiar golden arches brought an even louder growl from the boy. Miller smiled down at the pup now clicking buttons on his laptop. The glow of the screen danced over the boys face as he played one of the games. It made the older shepherd glad he wasn't damaged enough to play a game.

"You want a cheese burger?" John asked as they came to a stoplight, the red light flooding into the car, casting an eerie glow across their faces. The streets were deserted at the late hour but if he knew fast food they would be able to get what they wanted regardless. The boy looked up from his mine sweeper game and nodded with an almost ravenous hunger. He couldn't see any happiness but want and need were ever present.

'Poor kid probably hasn't had a decent meal in ages.' The German shepherd thought as the boy answered eagerly.

"McDonald's okay, it's not really good for you but it sure does taste good right?" Miller laughed as green light flooded the interior of the car. The boy held his paw against the light and giggled. That was the first time he had spoken or expressed himself without the dog having to question him. Hopefully it was a sign that the shepherd wolf was recovering slightly. He didn't expect a fast food break to erase two months of sexual abuse but if it made the kid smile then it was a start.

"Then I guess we have out answer." The Shepherd nodded as he turned and headed back to where they had seen the golden arches.

The cub tore through the cheese burger like a shark through a school of fish. He had to drive back around to order another one along with an order of fries before the pup was satisfied.

"Thank you, sir." Zachary said after tossing the last three fries down his muzzle and chewed with delight. The coat had slipped down to his waist and his bare fur, matted and dirty with god knew what, stood out in the dim glow of the yellow aches above them. He looked thinner than he should be but had a build that suggested his parents had once not minded him eating the junk food he now consumed.

"No problem kid, I mean, Zachary." Miller said taking a bite out of his quarter pounder as he watched the boy with innocent interest. "I'm sure you haven't eaten properly in..."

"A long time." The pup said leaning back in his seat, his eyes looking out over the dark parking lot. The trees lining the nearby freeway swayed in the same wind that whistled through the inch wide cracks in the windows. The silence didn't sting like it normally did in awkward situations like this; it did however cast somberness over both the German Shepherds like a wet blanket. He was naive for thinking fast food would make the pup's troubles go away. He truly didn't know how to console kids and realized he wasn't doing something right and didn't dare ask what he was fed while locked up. A sickening thought came to him as he figured the boy had had enough protein to last him the rest of his life.

"Well the sooner we get to the county office the sooner we can get you into a proper bed to sleep in." John said as he tried to swallow the vomit that had bubbled up from his unsettled stomach

The pup didn't nod; instead he sunk further into the jacket and clutched the edges like they were the stings to his soul. John quickly stuffed their trash into the bag it came in and crunched it down into a smaller size. He started the car with a deafening roar and flipped a u-turn before tossing his crushed up bag out his window into a trash bin before making his way back to the highway. He wanted to hurry and get the kid to the office, he liked the pup but the whole situation was starting to weigh on him, he hadn't had a single drink in months but it definitely was starting to sound good to him right about now.

End of Part Two