The Detective and His Motives

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#3 of The Compelling Corruption

Part three of The Compelling Corruption

Please enjoy and Please, for the love of all good, Comment :P

I would also like to give credit to SubOtter for looking this over for me and fixing my errors, which, with mild dyslexia, were numerous :P

The Detective and His Motives

Ten minutes away from the turn off the shepherd wolf cub fell asleep, leaning into John's lap as he drove, dead asleep, clutching at the jacket around his shoulders like a blanket. The warmth of the boy made the Shepherd feel good, not in a perverse way in any means, but he realized that after raiding Rolland McGregor's residence, the long drive to the county office was beginning to wear the dog out. He had spent the most of the earlier half of the day running around trying to get a warrant to search the son of a bitch's house. Now, sitting in the same position for fifty-five minutes straight after such a long day seemed like hours. His warm companion however eased this a bit, even though he was either deep in his own thought or now sleep, head on his thigh, the boy helped by just being there. He may not be a child expert, or care much for them but he found himself not wanting the trip to end.

He pulled into the parking lot at county headquarters and carefully lifted the sleeping pup into his arms, jacket still wrapped securely around his half naked torso. He was just able to grab his bag with his laptop inside from the back seat and loop it over his shoulder before heading towards the entrance. The doe at the front desk sent him in the right direction. They had renovated the entire front half of the building a month ago and even though he had been here three months back to see if Rolland McGregor had a case file; the place was almost entirely different now. He followed the receptionist's directions and found the sleeping ward for officers who worked on call over night.

It wasn't used much, unlike the ones fire fighters had, so to his pleasure he found it void of furs. Each of the six beds were steel framed and resembled cots, painted blue with black with green comforters. There was a second doorway near a desk that branched off into the showers and restrooms, and a third that led to a storage closet. He set his duffle bag down on a nearby desk and brought the boy to the first bed and gently laid the shepherd down on one, trying not to wake him but failing.

He awoke and sat upright, the jacket falling down from his shoulders as panic began to paint his face; not knowing where he was. The older dog firmly yet gently held him by the shoulders and looked into his eyes hoping to convey a calming message.

"Hey, hey, it's just me, we're at the office." The detective said trying to console the poor pup as he tried to take in his surroundings. It was dark, he wasn't able to switch on a light while holding him and he could only faintly see the shimmer of light in the boys eyes. He waited for Zachary to slow his breathing before taking the coat and draping it back over his body. "Listen, I know you're tired," He said trying not to let his paws linger on the boy for fear of triggering the boy's panic. "There is a shower and a bath tub, if you want, you can clean yourself up while I fill out some paper work. No one else is here so you won't have to worry about anyone coming in."

He was trying to sound the way a father would and realized it sounded pretty accurate to him. Zachary however seemed hesitant; head turning from side to side as he tried to see everything there was in the room at once. John was exhausted and wanted to sit down, even doing paper work sounded relaxing to him right about now, but he waited for the pup. He let him take his time before assuring no one would enter the bathroom while he was in there.

"Well," The boy spoke very shakily and he clutched the coat around him like a cloak. The older shepherd could see the worry in his face but waited patiently. "Do you think you could stand guard for me?"

"Of course," The shepherd said and almost patted the boy on the head before he remembered to keep his boundaries. He had to start the kids file before CPS came in the morning anyways. "I just have to run down to get your file from the lady at the front desk then I can come stand watch. Think you can wait here would you rather come with me? I can also get you a new pair of clothes while we're down there."

The young pup just nodded, John realized that it was obvious he wanted to come along, so he led the boy from the room and towards the elevator. It didn't take any time at all, just a quick trip down the elevator to the reception desk to pick up a folder from the doe before the trek up a flight of stairs to the CPS office. The office stood dark and empty; it almost made the older dog angry that no one was here to take care of the child. Almost resentfully, John pulled out his flashlight and scanned the rows of clothing in their storeroom to find Zachary's size. The pup seemed to be enjoying himself as they wandered around the building, actually using his legs for other reasons other than the ones that hauntingly arose in the back of John's mind as he fished out a pair of black shorts and a plain brown t-shirt.

Zachary followed John back to the barracks without as much as a single breath. Occasionally John would look around just to see the pup looking up at him with the funniest, inquisitive, expressions that only a puppy could make; ears up and at odd angles. John finally flipped on the lights to the shower room after setting the manila folder on the desk outside the door. Zachary was almost grinning, clutching his new clothes like they were a brand new toy, but when the pup saw that there weren't any stalls or doors or even a curtain he thought he heard the pup whimper.

"Don't worry," John repeated, "I'll be right outside the door here." He said pointing to the desk with the folder. "I'll make sure no one comes in."

John walked over to a single shower head and turned on the hot and cold water until warm water started to make steam that billowed up. The water crashing to the floor created echoes that reverberated off the peach tiled walls as drops danced around John's bottom paws. He tried not to get them too wet as he checked the temperature for Zachary but realized he'd have to take a towel to them. He was thankful he grabbed two.

"There, the water is warm and should be comfortable." He said and turned around to find Zachary pulling down his old, stained boxers. His new clothes stacked on top of the jacket on top of a nearby counter. He felt his face grow hot as the pup straightened up and stood shyly but without the normal shyness a naked eleven year old should normally have. John tried to speak but couldn't find his words as his eyes ran over the boy's body. He had the traditional shape and colors of a German shepherd but had wolf huskiness. His matted fur made him look older but he could tell that once clean he'd be a fluffy puppy again. The dark brown, almost red, fur on his back ran over across his chest until it began to fade to a lighter brown as it got closer to his young sheath that was a solid tan. He instantly shifted his eyes but only after the image was stained into his eyelids.

"Well, there is a towel here for you," John said as he hurried by the pup and crossed to the other side of the row of sinks so that the boy's bottom half was covered by chrome. He lifted one of the towels he had left there and tossed it easily over to the pile of clothes. Zachary, he noticed, had a strange expression, almost as if he was questioning why the older dog was acting strange. He was sure it had to do with spending two months with males who expected the boy to be naked twenty four seven. "Well," He said and pointed to the door with a swish of his nose. "I'll be right out there, uh just call if you, um need anything."

His nervousness was showing in his voice and he felt shaky, he hadn't done anything wrong, but after working on so many child molestation cases lately he felt guilty by just seeing a boy naked. With one final nod he left the boy to wash up. He had gotten some fur shampoo from the supply cabinet and other bath time amenities and just hoped the kid still remembered how to wash up.

With a sigh he pulled out the swivel chair and sat with an earth shattering groan. It felt good to sit down and not have to press a paw into a puddle; even driving wore him out sometimes. He pushed his bag aside and pulled the manila folder toward him. Drawing a pen from his shirt pocket, next to his smokes he opened it and went to work. The sheets inside where blank since the sheets inside where blank, seeing as they had just recovered the boy', but soon enough it would be chalked full of information. He only had an inkling of what the tiger and his buddy had done to the boy but the fur's with CPS will have to sit down with the boy and make him relive those months again and again until they had all the facts straight. They might not even let him return to his parents right away, they'll probably place him in a foster home until he's had enough therapy that they deemed enough. John didn't believe in child therapy to much, most of the time the kids just told the therapist what they thought they wanted to hear to avoid any kind of confrontation.

When the female voice of the doe came to his ears he realized he already had most of what he needed to fill out done. He looked up at the receptionist and greeted her with a smile, but it soon faded as she hefted an apparently heavy box of paraphernalia.

"This just came in; a rather hasty stag brought this in then ran off before I could ask him what it was. I had to shift through it before I figured it was regarding you case."She said sounding somewhat unnerved. John Shut the folder and stood staring down into the box of evidence; he could see a few of the pictures that had been confiscated from the house and could imagine why she sounded so demoralized

"Fucking proby." John said thinking out loud of the stag and hoping he had conveyed the message to forensics like he had told him too. The doe peered around before she heard the water running in the showers. "Little man's washing up right now, found him quite filthy. I'll spare you the detail."

"I can already imagine." The doe said pointing with her nose at the box like she didn't want to set her hooves on it again. Sitting on top was a picture that looked like it had been printed out of a laser jet computer printer. John lifted the picture and held it up to the light of s small desk lamp; his stomach falling two stories below him. There was Zachary, hunched over the end of a very familiar couch, paws tied, eyes clenched in pain as a massive, black, knotted dildo was being forced inside him by a pair of brown bear claws. There was a crude gag in his mouth; underwear by the looks of it, and not his own. The doe shook her head silently and turned away. John swallowed deeply before returning the picture back to the box, face down.

"This all needs to be shifted through and accounted for." The stag said it was something you wanted to do." The doe said after a moment of deafening silence.

‘Fucking stag.' He growled in his head. He wasn't racist or anything; if it was another dog or a hawk like Jason he would have said the same thing, it was just a habit he picked up.

"Thanks for your help, if the stag shows back up tell him I need to speak with him." The doe nodded and left after giving the box another spiteful stare. John sighed; he had been doing that a lot lately, sighing. Otherwise he felt like he could explode from the pressure he constantly felt building up behind his eyeballs, in his head. When he noticed the water was still running he figured it a good idea to check on the pup.

Walking through the door he felt the wall of steam hit him almost like a solid, his body slowed and his breathing became deep. He couldn't see the boy and his first instinct was panic because he wasn't standing against the far wall, under jet of water. He circled around the row of sinks and called out.

"Zachary," but just as the ‘y' slipped off his tongue he found the pup huddled on the floor where he couldn't have seen him from the other side of the sinks. Quivering under the pelting of the water with a paw between his legs, nursing a young but stiff erection; shaft fully exposed. He noticed his other paw was reaching down around his tail hole, fingering himself as he humped his own paw erratically. He apparently didn't notice the older dog's voice as he continued to press his two digits into himself as far as they could go. John almost couldn't believe what he was seeing. It occurred to him that the boy's abuse had made his body long for this kind of feeling. He took a step back, not knowing if he should stop the boy or let him finish, either one sounded traumatizing for both furs. It's not that he wanted to watch, but stopping the boy beforehand could cause him to become upset, he figured, again he didn't know the proper protocol, knowing next to nothing about children.

He opted to wait, backing against the sinks where the pup wouldn't be able to see him easily and waited. It was odd to see someone so young doing that to himself. The pup would arch his back as his padded fingers slipped inside, trying hard to reach for something that might have been buried inside him. For a puppy he was already kind of big, not close to an adult by any means but not pre-pubescent either. The knot was already as big as a plumb, and john, being nowhere near a bottom, figured taking it would still be painful.

The shepherd noticed himself growing hard as he watched the pup, nearly lying on his arm now, fingers coming up around his tail and probing his own previously stretched hole. His other paw now working furiously as he approached his orgasm. John tried to think of something else in his mind to make the hardening shaft in his sheath stay covered otherwise he'd have to change his underwear if he started to pre.

"Ugnhh," the boy moaned softly; a small grunt that sounded odd from a young boy. His body began to spasm he shot off in a dry orgasm, three of his fingers burrowing deep inside him in a last attempt to find that spot and apparently succeeding. His head hung to the side and their gazes met. His eyes widened as the pups nearly popped out of his head. Those fingers slipped from inside him so fast john could see an inch or two inside the pup before he scrambled to the corner of the shower wall, claws scrapping across the ground like a feral dog across tile.

"No, Zachary it's alright I was just checking up on you." He tried to sound fatherly and warm, as he grabbed the towel on the sink. He crossed to the shower fixture and shut the stream off. Silence enveloped the echoing room, except for his bottom paws as they slapped their way slowly to the frightened pup. He unfolded the towel and held it out. "Come on, let's dry you off, its ok, all furs do what you were doing." That was a stretch, not all eleven year old cubs finger themselves while pawing off but he was still masturbating; a common practice on the earth for thousands of years. Zachary tried to bury himself into the wall, pink member between his legs still twitching with orgasm. "Let's dry you off."

He hesitated and john waited patiently, holding up the towel as a sign of peace, smiling warmly as the pup thought at a mile a minute. When the pup finally pulled his muzzle from his paws and leaned forward a bit, John took the towel and draped it over his head like a hood and grinned, trying his best to seem as benign as possible. He chuckled and started to rub the towel into his head fur, ignoring the persistent presence of the red member pointing up at him.

"I'm sure you at least feel better after that," John said trying to make conversation regardless of the subject. He wanted the kid to know everything was fine. "Guess a warm shower wasn't enough to release all the stress in your little body huh."

He slowly worked it down to his shoulders, mopping the water up with the thick cotton towel. Across his arms and back, then when it got too awkward he pulled back and asked if he wanted to stand. He nodded with a steady but nervous nod. John held out a paw and the kid took it after staring it over, letting the older dog help him to his feet. Even though it was to avoid awkwardness he found himself staring straight down the slit of the young erection since he was crouching down on is bottom paws.

"Doesn't what to go down huh?" Zachary sucked in a deep breath as his tip almost touched John's nose, as his eyes stared at the young prick that had probably seen more action in the last month then John's adult one in the last year. His sudden reaction was to reach out for it, hold it in his paws, but that would make him just as bad as the two pedophiles. He wasn't feeling any weird thoughts though and that reassured John that he wasn't like them. Sure he had gotten hard from seeing the boy but he didn't want to do anything that might make the boy uncomfortable so his paws remained on the towel around the boy's waist.

"Guess it wasn't enough," The dog joked looking up at the boy who stared back with a waiting sort of look, like he expected him to do something. It made the dog angry that his captors had lead him to believe that all male furs wanted this. He found the boy masturbating arousing simply because it was a common act that caused arousal, not because he was a boy, or anything perverse like that. So instead of acting on an unrelated urge he pulled the towel around the boy's backside and covered his cock with the white fabric, carful to not touch the tip or base as he rolled the ends up so they would stay around his waist. It a considerable tent in the cotton but it was better than leaving it exposed. "Think you can get dress by yourself?"

The boy nodded but still looked like he expected him to do something else. Whether the boy truly wanted it, or his screwed up mind did, he wasn't going to risk his job, his own beliefs, or the boy's further endangerment to pursue stupid desires. He rose and patted the boys head fur; this was the first time he had actually made contact with the boy other than carrying him to and from his car, and it seemed to suffice for something as the boy suddenly grinned.

He let him change as he waited by the door, the boy didn't let him leave the room; he was probably becoming attached to him. He sighed and shook his head but with a grin splitting his lips, truth be told he was starting to have feelings for the kid too. Not any sexual feelings like the kind he sort of had toward his straight hawk buddy, but more like a son or a younger brother. He almost wished he could have been the one to carry the boy out of that wretched house. Jason was the second best fur in his mind to do the job and was the most qualified being an EMT.

He found himself watching the boy dressing with completely benevolent thoughts, even when he pulled a clean pair of underwear up over his now deflated sheath he watched with caring eyes, not lustful. He had never felt this way about a child before; he saw them simply a nuisance before tonight, now he wished he could have been born with more of an attraction to females so he could bear his own son. Sure he liked breasts, and the way their fur felt and the way they looked physically but he'd be damned if he ever went near a vagina. He shivered but it was only partially because of the cooler air drifting in from the next room.

Zachary finished by pulling the brown shirt over his fluffy dry head and lowered it over his belly. He hesitated looking over the mess of his dirty underwear and towel, finger in his mouth like he didn't know what to do. John had been right; he looked almost doubled in size now with his fur clean and dry. The brown CPS shirt even looked to small on him now that it what confining stuck up fur.

"Don't worry; they have furs to clean up." John said resulting in a shy nod from the boy. He motioned out the door and turned, the puppy following closely behind. His tail even brushed up against somewhere on the boy because he heard a small giggle from behind. He lowered it but still glanced back an gave the boy a grin.

In the sleeping quarter he pulled back the green comforters and let the boy climb in before folding the blankets back over hi. "Feel better?" He asked as Zachary pulled the covers up to his muzzle.

"Yes, sir." The pup said quietly, John was glad to be hearing words out of him again. He smiled through the darkness at the silly words.

"Call me Mr. Miller." John said in a throaty whisper, he needed a cigarette. The ‘Yes sir' however, made him think of what his captors had forced him to do, or say. Their dominance over him must have been terrible. "Or even John, if that's simpler."

"Okay," The pup said taking hold of the edges of the covers as he nestled into the soft memory foam mattress. They were probably incredibly comfortable. He wished he could take a nap, or even sleep until morning, which was in another four hours. But he had a box of evidence to shift through. He had brought down the tiger but now he wanted to see the bear behind the very bars that that scum has been sending furs to his whole career. "Thanks uh, John."

The detective smiled and patted the boy oh his head, ruffling his fluffy fur before standing and leaving the boy to his own dreams, he just hoped they weren't dreams involving the house he was rescued from; nightmares of tigers, and of bears.


The cool night air felt nice against his fur, he still needed to tackle the box of evidence, but the more and more he thought about it the more and more he felt sick. He inhaled the cool air through the filter of his cigarette, the embers warming it ever so as it passed through. He felt his nicotine craving slowing down to a murmur with each drag, he knew he would want another as soon as this one was gone, like always, but the thought of smoking period was finally starting to sicken him just as bad a pedophiles now a days. After all the years of looking forward to a cigarette break, he now dreaded them.

John sighed and stomped out his cigarette before the embers reached the embers and took a minute, taking deep breaths trying to air out his lungs of tobacco reek. It felt cold against his nose but it barely touched his skin below his fur. The cold was only help wake him up a bit, and figured the only thing he should put any new found energy into going through the box upstairs. So he took one last gulp of cold air and let it out as he walked by the doe who seemed preoccupied with a copy of FUR Magazine.

Upstairs he checks on Zachary once more before sitting back down at the desk on the other side of the divided room He pulled out his computer and shuffled through the stack of DVD's, some were usefully labeled in red or black sharpie marker. He separated the untitled from the ones with ‘tiger' in the title and ones with ‘bear' in the title. One in particular made it's to the top of that stack, the disk' labeled ‘bear and his pup' would be the first one. He set the others aside and shifted trough a handful of pictures printed on special computer picture paper. Many of the tiger with various young boys, he felt his insides swim in nausea as he found one with a very young otter puppy screaming as he was split apart with the familiar tiger cock. It made him make a mental note to call or stop by Mr. Grays' house tomorrow to let him know at least one of the scumbags have been put away.

The pictures were useless, except the one with Zachary in it, but the small hint of the bear paw in the picture was useless. He clearly was smart enough not to not leave any evidence behind. Like the picture he was taking from the scene of the crime earlier. John had no doubt that it had been incriminating. He set the one picture aside and picked up the first DVD, and shoved it into his computer. He clicked to play the video file and almost instantly regretted it. He had the volume turned down low enough but he could clearly hear the yelps the boy made as he was dragged in front of the camera, naked and dirty as before.

"We should give him a bath first; he's got like ten furs worth of cum in his fur." He heard the voice of the tiger off screen say. The bear holding the pup by the scruff of his neck just chuckled to himself.

"Why clean him up just to get dirty again." That deep lazy voice drawled. John felt that rage inside him bubble up like a Mentos in diet coke. "He doesn't have to be clean to take a cock."

His naked torso came into view holding the biggest cock John had ever seen on a bear. The camera cut off his face with the angle but it was undoubtedly Gregory Carson who pulled the pup closer, forcing him down on his paws and knees. He took hold of the boy's tail with enough force to make the kid sequel before he was dumbly silenced by the force of the cock plowing through him abruptly. He boy's face could have suggested that he was trying to force something to move with his mind like his life depended on it, eyes popping, mouth agape in silent screams. The bear hilted him in one go as he pressed his weight into the pup's behind before pulling back out with a sucking pop.

"Uhhhngg," The boy moaned as the pressure was momentarily relieved. The camera was moved, held by the tiger and placed closer under the bear's legs until the view was of of the cock slipping back into the tail hole above young testicles.

"Boy sure likes cock in his ass." The bear grunted as he began to thrust without concern for the boy, the cock sliding in and out of the stretched muscles like nothing.

John guiltily felt himself harden in his pants, the shaft threatening to break free the confining sheath. If that happened he'd be flooded with pre down there. He got up and closed the door to the outside hall before returning, with a lump in his throat he pulled his zipper down before unbuttoning his pants. Pulling his own underwear back and let his sheath free, instantly his purple veiny, red cock came spurting out, shooting a thin stream of pre across his muzzle. He stifled a groan only to hear a particularly loud one from the boy on the computer screen.

The camera moved again, zooming around to the boys face as it was pressed into the carpet with a huge bear paw. The boy was moaning with every thrust now, tone saying he liked it, but tears soaking his fur screaming he hated it, feared it. John felt guilty as his paw began to work his cock as he licked the pre from his face, but was glad he didn't touch the boy earlier. The bear had done enough of that to him.

"Good boy, clench that hole real right for me." The bear growled as he pumped faster into Zachary. He could hear the tiger laughing behind the camera. "I want you to see this load fill him up."

John realized he was talking to the tiger as he lifted the boy up with both hands and leaned back to sit, cock still buried to the hilt. The camera turned to face them, the boys shoulders blocking the view to the bear's face except for his twitching brown ears. The boy was hard and out of this sheath and was still moaning incoherent words as the bear forced him up and down his shaft like the boy was an oversized fleshlight. The tiger chuckled and reached out to pull on the boy's cock that throbbed and would have spilled pre if his balls weren't so underdeveloped.

He almost hated himself for it but he felt his own cum boiling inside his mature balls; it had been a week or two since he had last sat down to do this and it was easy to get close enough. He watched as the bear told the tiger to get the cam close enough. The frame zoomed into the red cock impaling the abused hole, bear claws holding the boys legs up and out of the way for the camera.

With a few sickening slurps of a cock fucking the tail hole, a gush of white spilled out the loose anal ring as the shaft pushed in, nearly disappearing up the boys bowels. John shut his eyes to slits and felt his own cock throb as a thick string of white shot up and draped itself over his computer screen, while the rest dribbled over his paws and down into his pubic fur. He had wanted to avoid a mess but seemed to have made another. When his eyes opened he saw the cock slip from the boy's insides as cum came cascading out the gaping hole. The bear even spread the boy's cheeks so the camera could get a shot of the boy's insides, pink and coated with white.

John sighed softly and let his paws fall over the edges of the chair and towards the ground as he leaned back, the chair squeaking with his weight. His cock was felt pulsing and spent, coated in sticky whiteness as it continued to stand at attention and bubble small amounts of leftover cum. The sound to his right however made John jump with a sudden jolt of panic.

Zachary stood their staring from the computer screen to the large mass of dog cock still standing at attention and dripping. John felt the disgust and arousal inside him dissolve to udder shame and self-loathing. He tapped the button to close the window playing the video and closed his laptop, the wet cum squishing as it was shut. He'd have to clean it out later but that was the last thing on his mind now. He tried his hardest to get his cock to go back into his sheath and his zipper up, all the while taking in Zachary's stare with desperation. He tried to find words, anything to explain himself, but nothing came that could have justified what he had done. Him mouth just worked silently, making him feel worse.

"Don't worry." The boy's words swept over him like cool mountain air but it didn't resolve his fright at being caught pawing to the boy's rape video, in the back of his head it was truly only to release himself, not to get off on the boys rape, but it couldn't be justified. Now the kid was telling him not to worry when there was a perfect excuse to worry. "It's something all furs do, right?"

John's words from earlier crushed him and relieved him, it meant the boy wasn't offended by catching him in such an act. He finished by buttoning his pants and wiping his paw on them. The smell of canine was thick in the air now and he figured that might have been what woke the pup; the smell of musk.

"How long have you been up?" John tried to say calmly, finally getting his sheath soft enough to zip his pants up. He could hear the strain in his own voice and tried to clear it with a cough. The boy just shrugged as he shifted from foot-paw to foot-paw, clearly not sure what to do. John quickly tried to put some of the pictures and DVD's back in the box and ended up knocking off a single piece of paper that fluttered down to the pup's feet. Zachary looked down at it and picked it up after a moment. To John's horror he saw that it was the one of the boy. The pup just stared at it, holding it lightly in his paws. John tried to speak again as his eyes went wide but the words never even made it out of his throat. The boy had to look up before he even found his voice and took a step towards him slowly; he didn't want a repeat of a few hours ago.

"You can't sleep?" he asked, trying to distract him from the papers in the kid's paws, he didn't know what to do, take the paper and have him cower away from his touch or let the boy process the picture. He just nodded and glanced back down at his own paws. A thought came to John and he almost didn't speak but otherwise he would have to wait for Child Protective Services to talk to him and that could take ages. "You know that bear in the photo," He grimaced since it was such a vulgar picture, but speaking only made the boy stare more and more intently at the picture as if he had never seen anything like it before, ironic that it was him in that picture. "I'm trying to send him away so he could never do something like this to anyone else."

The boys head shot up at that, his face plastered with what looked like anxiousness and fright under his normal glazy stare. "The bear in this photo," John continued, trying not to sound rushed. "Is Gregory Carson isn't it, the police man from earlier who said he found you in that cage in the basement? I have a feeling he knew exactly where to find you."

Even John didn't want to think about it, the conditions the boy had been living in weren't even fit for feral animals. But if he could get the boy to testify he'd be that much closer to bringing the scum bag down. The boy looked up from the picture and lowered it as if thinking something he shouldn't.

"Listen Zachary," John said firmly while trying not to sound forceful. "If you testify you can help send him away. I know he's done this to other kids like you. I don't want anyone hurt by him anymore."

The pup stared at the picture and nodded as he whispered a ‘yes'. John could have picked up the boy then and run about the room with him because this almost literally meant the end to Gregory Carson. But instead took the picture from the boy carefully and walked him back over to his bed on the other side of the room. He wrapped the boy back up in his blankets and sat on the other bed beside his own, they ‘were' awfully comfortable. The boy watched him attentively as he pressed his paws into the mattress testing their softness.

‘Maybe I can use a nap.' The shepherd thought to himself and he felt the pup's eyes on him.

"Guess I could use some Z's huh." He said to himself but out loud and chuckled when the boys head nodded from his pillow. He undid the first two buttons of his shirt, the two on his wrist having previously been undone. He laid back and couldn't help but sigh as he felt like he had sunk into a bed of clouds. He felt his eyes close almost instantly but when he felt the mass falling in beside him, his eyes shot open like cannons. Zachary fidgeted a bit before he settled with his muzzle resting near the crook of his underarm, his smaller paw around his waist like he was holding an over sized teddy bear, a bear that wouldn't harm him unlike the other one he had known.

John almost objected, almost spoke the words to say that this was inappropriate, but just moments ago he had been pawing-off to a rape video staring this very puppy, if that wasn't inappropriate then nothing was.

The pup shut his eyes and sighed softly; he could feel his breath rustle his exposed chest fur and instantly knew he didn't want to make the child go back to his own bed. Instead he wrapped his own arm around the boys shoulder and rested his paw on the boys elbow. The company was welcoming after such a long day, the warmth of the other fur next to him making his eyes close like they had but this time sleep followed suit much faster than it would have without the little guy there next to him. The last thoughts that fired off in his brain before the black void of sleep took him was the first thing he would have to do tomorrow after saying good bye to the pup. He truly felt sad about that now; he had grown attached to him in such a small amount of time and probably wouldn't be able to see the boy for a good while after. He just drifted off and held the boy, treasuring the time he had left with him.

The End of Part Three...

Comment please :P

A Pup and His Savior

A Pup and His Savior By: ToKu He stared at the tiger in the back seat of the squad car; lights flashing across his swollen face as he sat with utter indifference. It made the nausea rise up in the German shepherd's stomach like a monsoon. The fact...

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A Sudden Kiss

**A Sudden Kiss** By ToKu The cool spring air flooded into the small rectangular room, signaling the small glass wind chime to tinkle off sporadic dreamy notes. The early sounds of hustle and bustle echoing from below the...

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An Otter and His Pup

The Compelling Corruption 1 - An Otter and His Pup Regan sat at his computer trying to catch up on the work he had missed while on vacation with his wife in the Caribbean. He had to come home two days early to finish a presentation for work; a...

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