I Kept My Promise, For You

Story by CysSub on SoFurry

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#5 of New Day

Hey everyone... I'm sorry if some or even most of you will hate me because of this chap...

"Fell, stop!" I heard my mother screaming after me.

Who would've thought that I'd find myself in high pursuit of a cougar who had just snatched my mom's purse when the main purpose of me being outside was to enjoy a nice evening movie with my family and best friend, Gilbert, at a theater.

We'd just gotten off the car to enter the theater when all of a sudden, I heard my mom screaming:

"Thief! Thief!"

I quickly turned my head to see Gilbert chasing after a cougar who had my mom's purse in his right paw. The both of them were a bit far now for me to catch up easily, but I followed anyways. I wasn't about to let Gilbert chase a dangerous fur all by himself.

The tan-furred cougar swerved around corners, trying to lose the mahogany-furred wolf whom I follow closely behind. All three of us were dodging the many furs who were making their way to the theater too. This chase seemed almost futile; I was too far behind to catch up quickly enough to the thief, Gilbert seemed to already have started to tire and was starting to fall behind, and the cougar seemed to still have enough energy to run a marathon. Damn, who was this fur? I've never met someone else whom I couldn't catch up with... at least not until tonight...

"C'mon Gilbert..." I panted when I caught up to him. He seemed just about ready to give up. "Keep chasing him... just a little bit longer... there's an alley up ahead... it's blocked about midway through... we'll get him there..."

Without taking another second to miss a turn, I gave Gilbert a quick pat on the back and swerved to the left, running down a different street. I jumped upwards and grabbed onto a low wall and continued to run, after quickly pulling myself up. My plan was to surprise the cougar from above while Gilbert had him trapped in the alleyway.

When I finally reached one of the buildings that overlooked the dark alleyway, I hopped onto the outside of the stair's metal railing and then swung myself over. It was completely silent, except for my breathing and the faint sound of city traffic in the night sky. Suddenly, the sound of loud and quick footsteps came echoing down the alley, bringing my ears up in alert. I started to head down to the second floor after seeing Gilbert and the cougar already running down the narrow alleyway, the cougar looking for an alternative way out as he ran, after seeing the fence that blocked his escape. Coming to a stop, the cougar turned around to face Gilbert and whipped out a pistol, pointing it at him. Gilbert and I froze as we saw the shining piece of metal in his paw, his finger on the trigger and ready to fire.

"Back off," the cougar growled, taking a step forward.

Gilbert was too scared to move; every single one of his muscles froze and his face turned pale at the sight of the gun being pointed directly at him. I had to do something... Gilbert wasn't going to move.

"I said back off!" the cougar snarled this time. There was no hope in Gilbert moving; he was stuck completely in place, too afriad to even twitch a finger.

Dammit... I was too far away. I needed to get down to the second floor from the fourth without making the loose metal under my footpaws rattle. I stared at the two furs down below me in complete anxiety. What the hell was I supposed to do now?

"Pity..." the cougar said with an evil smile on his face. "I would've prefered to not need to kill someone who still has their whole life to live."

That was my cue. Without skipping a breath, I leaped off of the stairs and fell straight down, directly above the cougar. I landed on the cougar with bone-breaking impact, knocking him unconcious... gunfire went off. Pain seared through my whole body as I felt my legs snap under me. However, despite the fact that both of my legs were broken, I was able to think one clear thought without being to overwhelmed by the pain. What did the cougar shoot at?

I slowly lifted my head from the damp ground and looked up at Gilbert who was staring at me, his eyes wide open and his maw slightly open. Losing his balance, Gilbert started to stumble forward, towards me; there was a wet spot that started to form on the chest area of his white t-shirt that absorbed the dark-red liquid. As if almost everything happened in slow motion, Gilbert collapsed to the ground next to me, blood pouring out of his maw.

"No!" I screamed, a wave of tears flushed out of my eyes as I watched the flames in his ruby-red eyes slowly start to extinguish, his body going limp. I reached a paw out and grabbed his; it was already cold. I crawled my way over to him, ignoring the pain that was trying to consume me. He had to be alive... he just had to be...

When I reached his body, I checked for any signs of life, but it was hopeless... Gilbert wasn't breathing, nor was he moving... his eyes which were once full of life had become gray and dull and stared into nothingness. My heart ripped into pieces from the thought of Gilbert's soul leaving this earth.

"P-Please... Gilbert, please" I begged pathetically, shaking his lifeless body.

Tilting my head back, I let out a long howl of dispair that pierced the eardrums of any fur who heard it. An eerie silenced filled the night when I stopped. I felt cold, and most of all... lonely. I shut my eyes and tried to forget about everything that happened, for nothing happened the way it was supposed to.

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself back in my bed. The room was a bit chilly since the airconditioning was turned up high and I was also sweating uncontrollably. All of a sudden, remembering what had happened, I panicked and I quickly turned my head to where Gilbert was sleeping next to me.

"Oh, f-fuck," I sighed with relief as I saw the mahogany-furred wolf sleeping peaceful next to me. My heart stopped racing as I slowly lay back down on the bed, putting an arm around Gilbert who stirred awake as I did.

"Mmm, how'd you sleep?" Gilbert asked, giving my muzzle a lick.

"Very good," I said, lying obviously. "How about you?"

"Oh, you know..." he paused for a second to stare into my emerald eyes. The sight of his ruby-red eyes, the same flames burning in them, warmed me up a bit. "Pretty good."

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Be right back," I said, getting off the bed. "I'm going to have a talk with my brother." I mean... it makes sense, doesn't it? My nine-year old brother, Matt, walked in on Gilbert and I while we were engaged in yiff.

I checked the time on the clock as I got out my bed... 5:49.

Gilbert watched me in a seductive pose on my bed as I slowly got myself dressed, picking out new clothes from a stack that lay neatly folded in front of a full-length body mirror. I first slipped into a pair of boxers and black shorts, then a black t-shirt that covered my toned upper body, unincluding my forearms of course.

A bit of blood rushed down to my sheath, into my crotch, when I saw Gilbert watching me, but I turned around right after, trying to not get myself aroused before I spoke to my brother.

"I'll be back in a sec," I called back over my shoulder as I opened the door and stepped outside of my room.

I slowly made my way over to my brother's room. The door was closed, which was unusual. I put my ear against the door and listened closely to see if I was going to interrupt anything or not. Hearing nothing on the otherside of the room, I twisted the cold doorknob that caused a chill to run through my arm and pushed open the door.

"Oh, hey Fell," Matt said, lifting his head up from a book that he was reading on his bed. "I'm sorry about walking into your room earlier... I should've knocked..." I started to turn a bright red as soon as I heard him mentioning what happened earlier.

"No, i-it's fine," I said.

Matt returned to his book after I spoke.

"But... you know not to tell mom... or dad... right?" I asked, nervous that he might've already said something to them.

"Of course," he said smiling, putting his book down now. "Don't worry about it."

"Thanks," I said, turning, but then whipped back around. "And uhh... after you seeing what happened in my room earlier... that doesn't change the way you'll see me as a brother anymore, does it?"

My heart started to beat faster as I awaited his answer.

Matt climbed off of his bed and made his way over to me. The next thing I knew, he threw his arms around my waist, not quite as tall as me yet. "Never," he whispered, giving me a gentle squeeze and then letting go.

"Thank you..." I breathed, very touched by the way he took everything, especially at his age. "You're the best brother that anyone could ask for."

"And you," he said, returning to his bed.

I slowly turned around and walked out of Matt's room, shutting the door gently behind me. Gilbert was standing in the doorway to my room, waiting for me.

"How'd it go?" he asked, anxious to find out. "He didn't tell your parents, did he?"

"No, he didn't," I replied.

Gilbert let out a sigh and walked up to me, embracing me. His calming touch stopped me from bursting into tears from the sensitive brother-to-brother moment I just had with Matt.

"Hey Fell!" My mom called from her room. "Your dad's coming home from his business trip tonight. We're going to go watch a movie with him after dinner!"

My dad was on a business trip?

"Oh... alright," I said, all of a sudden remembering the nightmare I had.

"What's wrong?" Gilbert asked, noticing me turning a bit paler under my grey fur.

"N-Nothing..." I said, not wanting to tell him. "C'mon, let's go make ourselves a snack. I don't know about you, but I'm a bit hungry!"

I put my arm around Gilbert's waist and lead us down to the kitchen, grinning the whole time.

"So what do you want?" I asked, opening the refrigerator and pulling out two slices of bread and some cream cheese to spread on it.

"You're looking quite tasty to me," Gilbert said, licking his lips. His eyes were fixed at my crotch.

"Really, Gilbert? Two times in one day?" I asked, chuckling a bit. "Besides, we're in the kitchen."

Gilbert smiled at me devilshy as he brushed up against me, murring. I gasped as I felt his paw slip into my boxers and started to gently massage my balls. Using his fingers, he rolled my furry orbs around, giving them light squeezes. Almost each squeeze he made brought me pure bliss and pleasure, causing me to smile. Oh god, he's gotten so good at that...

With a forceful push against my chest, I stumbled backwards, my back hitting the refrigerator. Gilbert stepped forward and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips, his tongue sliding into my maw. I dropped the feeling of insecurity about doing this in the kitchen and slid my tongue into his, returning the kiss, my eyes slowly closing.

Was it just me, or did this cute little wolf get better at kissing too?

Before I got to think any further, Gilbert pulled away from me, slipping his paws up from the bottom of my shirt and brushed his fingers up along abs until they reached my nipples, where he started to gently rub them, making them erect. Feeling extremely aroused by now, I could feel my evergrowing shaft poking out of my sheath. A wet spot already started to form on my fresh clothes as precum oozed ceaselessly out of my cockhead.

"Gilbert..." I moaned, just barely audiable. I didn't want my mom coming down the stairs this time to check what the noise was.

I could feel Gilbert's own member against my thigh as he pressed up even closer to me, nibbling gently on my ear. His fingers were still toying around with my sensitive flesh, sending small waves of pleasure to surge through my body; the muscles in my legs tensed up every time this happened.

After feeling Gilbert's paws roll off my chest and hearing my shorts unzip, dropping to my ankles, I opened my eyes. The sexually driven wolf was on his knees now, paws grabbing gently onto my rear end, licking his lips as he slowly lowered my boxers, revealing my full 8-inch erection that glistened with a thin sheet of precum. His eyes opened widely in excitement after seeing my precum-covered shaft, shivering at the sight of it.

"Fell..." he breathed, pulling my hips towards him.

I shuddered in pleasure at the feeling of Gilbert's warm maw slowly closing around my throbbing piece of meat, sucking gently on it as he did. I moaned again, quietly of course, my paws reaching forward and massaging his ears with my fingers. Then his head started to slowly bob up and down on my member, his tongue playing with every single vein it could find along the surface. My breathing was steadily increasing with every second, my heart beating faster and faster to the excitement Gilbert brought me, specifically down in my groinal area, no doubtly.

Just then, in one quick motion, Gilbert slipped his right paw in the crease of my ass and deeply inserted a finger into my tailhole. The excruciating pain that hit me caused me to gasp and clench my jaw tightly. However, as soon as it had come, the pain disappeared, replaced by an undescribable pleasure as his finger gently massaged my prostate.

"I've always wondered what you felt like," Gilbert said innocently, giggling, still busy with my cock. I blushed as he said this.

Bringing his full attention back to my member that was uncontrolably oozing large amounts of precum, sometimes even spurting it down his throat, he started trying new things with his tongue. Unknowing of what it was that he was doing, I couldn't help but wonder, because it was causing enormous amounts of pleasure to shoot straight up my body... Maybe I could try this on him sometime...

"Gilbert..." I groaned in ecstasy. "That feels... so good..."

Mixed thoughts were rushing through me as I wondered: how had Gilbert gotten so good at all of this after just a few hours, after taking a nap? I was also being overwhelmed by the sheer fact that he was sucking my cock, lapping at all the precum that was oozing out of it. This alone was enough to drive me sexually insane, but no... it was just too much... My climax was already approaching; I could feel it building up deep in my groin.

"Gil, I-I'm-... I'm c-cuuâ€" I started, but then stopped when I felt my hot and creamy seed unleash into his maw. Wave after wave, that same intense pleasure that Gilbert had always brought me hit me hard. Gilbert swallowed my whole sticky load as I shot it straight down his throat. I was surprised he wasn't choking on it. I tried my best not to howl, shutting my muzzle and sealing my lips as it tried to escape out of my throat. I didn't want to accidentally let out a moan or a howl, considering I've been putting on a real effort to hold it back all this time.

When my orgasm finally faded, my body relaxed and I stumbled to the side. I didn't have enough energy left to support myself, and I fell forward, however, I stopped about midway through the air. There were paws around my abdomen, holding onto me tightly as my limp body hung in the air. I turned my head to look over my shoulder and slowly opened my eyes.

"Careful, Fell," Gilbert laughed as he held onto me. "You don't want to ruin your face for tonight!" I didn't do anything but stare into his eyes.

"I love you," I whispered to him. "Thanks for not letting go of me either."

Gilbert started to blush at these words, his cheeks turning a bright red.

"Anytime, my dearest friend," he said, pulling me up and nuzzling me. "I will always look out for you as you have always done for me, a countless amount of times."

The both of us hugged one another tightly, our warm bodies pressed up against each other, while the sound of a car pulled into the driveway.

"Hey everyone, I'm home!" my dad announced, stepping through the door.

We reluctantly let go of each other and Gilbert left the kitchen to stall my dad. Just enough time to pull my boxers and shorts up before my dad walked into the kitchen.

"Welcome home, dad," I said, giving him a warm smile.

"Thanks, Fell," he said, smiling just as warmly back at me.

Without another word, he turned around and went up the stairs to his bedroom, looking for my mom.

"I guess it's about time for us to leave for the movies, yeah?" Gilbert asked me.

"Yeah," I said nodding, "I guess so."

"What kind of movie are we going to watch!?" Matt asked excitedly as we all sat in our car, my dad driving.

"I don't know yet, son," my dad said, chuckling. "We'll see when we get there."

"I want to watch something cool! Maybe that new movie that's out! You know, the one that's been previewing on t.v. for the whole week!" Matt's face was plastered to the window as he watched everyone pass by the window. "But... it's your special night, so you can pick, dad." Matt was very considerate of others for his age. It was rare to find that in a 9-year old wolf.

"Thanks, son," my dad smiled. "I'll decide when I see what they have."

My dad parked the car in the spot nearest to the movie theater and turned on the parking gear, allowing us to all step out. I stretched my limbs after getting out of the car. It was one long ride from our house to this movie theater. I still haven't figured out why we don't go to the ones closer to our house.

"Thief! Thief!" I heard my mom yelling. My heart instantly stopped beating as my face turned pale. Was this really happening, or was I just hearing things?

"Gilbert, don't!" I yelled after the wolf who was chasing the fur who had snatched my mom's purse. I started to run after him.

"Don't worry about it, Fell," Gilbert called back over his shoulder. "I got this!"

"Fell, stop!" I heard my mother screaming after me.

This was playing out the exact same way as it did in my dream... Shit... I had to think of something, and fast, otherwise... The image of Gilbert's lifeless eyes staring into mine flashed into my mind, interrupting my thoughts. Fuck.

As I had said before, it was all playing out the same way as I had dreamed. All three of us were swerving around corners and dodging the many furs who crowded the streets.

"Gilbert, give it up, it doesn't matter," I said as I caught up to him, putting a paw on his shoulder.

"No, I'm going to get that cougar," he said confidently, and started to gain energy from a burst of adrenaline. He astonished me by starting to run faster than I've ever seen him run. My paw slipped off his shoulder before I could get a hold of him. Dammit! I didn't know what to do anymore. Tears were flowing out of my eyes as I was overwhelmed by the thought of Gilbert's coming death, but I kept on running.

I hesitated to make the turn I had made in my dream. What if it were to all end differently in real life? No... all of this has already happened. There's no way it could end differently, no matter what I do.

Suddenly, an idea came rushing to me, causing me to finally come to a decision and make the turn. This idea, however, wasn't looking to good in my opinion. It was risky, but it had to be done.

I pulled myself up the same wall as I had done in my dream and continued to run until I reached the same building that overlooked the alleyway. I leaped across the gap inbetween me and the metal railing of the stairs and grabbed onto it. Rushing down the second floor this time, I quickly hid in the shadows when Gilbert and the cougar caming running into the alleyway.

Coming to a stop, the cougar turned around to face Gilbert and whipped out a pistol, pointing it at him. Gilbert froze as he saw the shining piece of metal in the cougar's paw, his finger on the trigger and ready to fire.

"Back off," he cougar growled, taking a step forward. "I said back off!" the cougar snarled this time. Gilbert was frozen in place.

Everything really was happening the exact same way as it did in my dream.

"Pity..." the cougar said with the same evil smile on his face. "I would've prefered to not need to kill someone who still has their whole life to live."

"Up here!" I yelled as I leaped down the side of the railing and quickly fell downwards.

Two gunshots went off while my eyes were tightly shut as I continued to fall. Shit.

I landed on the cougar, knocking him out, but this time saving my legs because of the lower height I had to jump from.

"Gilbert!" I yelled, instantly standing back up and running over to him. "Please..."

Gilbert was staring at me, his eyes opened widely and his jaw hanging slightly from his maw. He looked exactly the same as he did in my dream.

"No..." I said, starting to cry, but then I realized that there was an enormous pain in my chest and in my side. I slowly bent my head down and watched as the blood slowly began to absorb in my shirt.

Gilbert ran to my side as I fell to my knees, gasping for breath. One of the bullets had gone straight into my lungs, making breathing just a very short thing I had left in my life. However, I wasn't scared of the fate I had met... I saved my one and only love, and that's all that matters.

"No, Fell..." Gilbert breathed, tears streaming down his cheeks. He was tightly holding onto my paws, as I did the same to his. "Don't leave me... don't..."

My heart was beginning to beat slower, my vision beginning to blur, and a cold chill went through my body. My paw started to go limp in his, as did the rest of my body. I think I was... dying...

I had broken my promise to him. The only promise I had ever made to anyone in my whole life. Anger and frustration coursed through my body, bringing me just enough energy to dig my claws deep into Gilbert's forearm, causing him to whimper.

"G-Gil," I managed with the last amount of air I had left in my lungs. "I... I pr-promised... to nev-... to never let go..."

"I love you..." he whimpered, still holding onto me tightly as my whole body finally went limp.

I love you too, Gilbert.

Two policemen stormed down the alleyway, their pistols drawn at the ready.

"What the hell happened here?" asked one of the furs, a well-built german shepherd, slowly lowering his gun.

"Who knows," the other replied, a fox. He was staring confoundedly at the dead wolf and the unconscious cougar lying in a large puddle of blood.

"Hey, there's the purse," pointed out the german shepherd, walking over the to cougar and taking it out of his paws. He then reached down and begun to slip pawcuffs onto the criminal.

"Hey, do you think this fell out of there?" asked the fox, slowly bending down to pick up a jade necklace lay on the dead wold's chest.

"Yeah, just throw it into the purse," his partner ordered him, handing it to the fox.

"Okay," he said obediently, dropping the necklace into the purse and then zipping it up.

"Make sure that gets back to the wolf who reported this," the canine said. "And don't forget to inform her of her..." he paused for a short moment, "...her son's death."

"Will do," the fox said, nodding. "Oh hey, didn't she say that he chased the thief with a friend?"

"Appears not... now come on, let's get this all done and then maybe we can head back to my place," the big canine suggested, winking at his mate.

Gilbert kept on running, he didn't know where, but he just did. His eyes were tightly shut the whole time as he pushed his body on to the limit, his heart burning in his chest. Although the wolf was in pain, both physically and emotionally, he continued to run down an unknown road. It was completely empty and in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by neverending plains of grass.

Unable to take another step forward, he simply just collapsed forward onto the ground. The cold night air made him curl up into a ball as he lay on the road, crying to himself. Not only tears were rolling down his cheeks, but also blood. He had been crying for hours on end from the event that had just recently occurred earlier on during the night. Slowly, however, the wolf managed to stop crying as the fatigue caught up with him, putting him to sleep.

Not too far in the distance, a fur was driving quickly down the long road, trying to get home from a long night with his friends in the city. The strong smell of alcohol hung in his breath as he drove, but he was perfectly sober. The only problem he had was trying his best to stay awake. At least he was able to drive without swerving off the path.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed when he saw a mahogany-furred wolf lying in the middle of the road. He reacted quick enough to just barely miss the wolf and made a sharp turn to the leftside of the road.

After coming to a stop, the fur stepped out of the car and ran over to the wolf, afraid that he might've run him over.

"Excuse me, sir," he said, trying to wake the wolf. His words were a bit slurred. "excuse me, are you alright, sir?"

Gilbert's eyes slowly opened halfway to see another fur standing over him.

"Oh, thank god," the fur sighed with relief. "Do you need a ride anywhere? What're you doing out here at this time of night?"

Gilbert just continued to look at the fur. "Take m--me... t-take me away f-from he-... h-here," he said shivering. "Anywh-where is fin-fine. Just n-not here..."

The fur's arms slowly came down and scooped the young wolf up into his arms. He carried him to his car and lay him down in the backseat. After getting back to the wheel of the car, the fur slammed his door shut and continued to drive down the lonely road.

A star shined brightly in the night sky, brighter than all the others, guiding the tired fur home and watching over the wolf in his backseat.

I Promised to Never Let Go

Spring had finally come again, allowing everyone to take a step outside of their homes without the need to be dressed in thick layers of heat-insulating clothes. Flowers started to blossom again as the final layer of winter snow melted and began to run...

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And I Love You

Ok, yes, I do realize I lied to you guys and I must apologize... I write slow ONLY when I procrastinate! Also... considering this one came out basically on the same day as the second one, don't be too harsh on criticism, please! It was a bit more...

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Because You're More Than A Friend

Hey guys, I apologize for how late it took for this one to come out... One thing you'll learn about me is that I'm rather slow when it comes to writing...! Anyways, enjoy the second chapter of this series! * * * Immediately a bright light...

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