I Promised to Never Let Go

Story by CysSub on SoFurry

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#4 of New Day

Hello everyone! :D

I've thought about it, and I've come to a decision...

Spring had finally come again, allowing everyone to take a step outside of their homes without the need to be dressed in thick layers of heat-insulating clothes. Flowers started to blossom again as the final layer of winter snow melted and began to run down their long stalks. People enjoyed the fresh air as they sat around lazily outside, letting the cool and gentle morning breeze blow through their summer clothes which they happened to already be wearing. For me, however, I wore a pair of shorts and a grey sweater that covered a white tanktop, which I had on for better ventilation, over my grey fur.

Unlike everyone else, I was on the move, being pursued by another fur who followed close behind me. I looked back after stepping around a corner, but immediately turned my head back to watch the path I was on after seeing a finely-toned mahogany-furred footpaw step into view around the corner too. Finally coming to me senses, I decided that I had to pull a few tricks into action, knowing I wasn't going lose him easily by just plainly running. Seeing a low wall, about as high from the ground to my chest, I turned to it and started to sprint forward at full speed. Just a meter off of it, I lifted off with my right footpaw and dove over the wall, head first. My paws extended forward as I was in the air and my head instinctively tucked itself into my chest. I landed on my paws and went straight into a roll on the hard cement until I was back on my feet and continued to run. Looking over my shoulder again, I watched as the other wolf struggled a bit with the wall, slowing climbing over with his feet. I smirked to myself as I turned to face the path I was running on again. There was a greater distance in between the two of us now as he continued to pursue me.

Deciding to lose the other wolf completely, I ran between a set of high walls that were around four meters high and couldn't be rounded from the left side because of a building at the end. I made a slight curve to the left side and then turned sharply towards the right side of the wall where I lifted off with my left footpaw this time. I stuck my right footpaw out against the wall and then kicked off of it, launching myself up and sideways, back to the left wall until my paws were able to reach and grab onto the top of it.

"Dammit!" I heard the other wolf exclaim as I quickly swung all my weight over the wall and landed lightly on the ground on the other side.

After taking a moment to catch my breath, I slowly climbed back over the wall and checked for the wolf who was chasing me. When I was sure he wans't there anymore, I swung myself back over the wall.

"No way," I said to myself, astonished. Usually it takes a lot longer for me to lose someone. I started to feel a bit proud of myself.

As I walked into a small park, I tried to shake the thought that I didn't actually lose the mahogany-furred wolf, but I couldn't. Something kept telling me to look back over my shoulder, or check around the corners, but I ignored it. I stopped at a tree in a park to take a rest, unaware of the fact that I was being watched.

"Gotcha!" I heard as the wolf who was recently chasing me leaped forward, out from behind a bush, his paws and fingers outstretched, trying to get a grab at me. Reacting instantly, I dodged him, jumping to the left, into another roll again, and heard a loud thud. When I was back on my feet, I turned around to see the wolf lying on the ground, half-conscious, his eyes were closed. There was a bit of red blood flowing out of his nose as he lay on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Gilbert!" I screamed, running to the wolf's side. "Jesus, are you alright!?" Gilbert had thrown himself straight into the tree, headfirst.

Wiping away some of the blood that was trailing down the front of his muzzle, I put both of my paws around his cheeks and tapped them gently. "Gilbert... Gilbert..." I kept repeating his name, trying to get him to regain his consciousness.

"Fell..." Gilbert started to whisper, his left paw searching for me. I grabbed hold of it with my own left paw.

"I'm here, Gilbert," I whispered back, stroking the fur on his forehead. "What is it?"

"You-.... You're it..." a smile started to spread across Gilbert's face as he chuckled a bit. I noticed his finger digging into my paw. The two of us were originally playing a game of tag, something that I just love to do since no one can catch me. I think this could've been the first time in my whole life. I grinned widely at him, laughing a bit too. That sly little pup, I thought, letting out a long sigh.

"Let's get you up," I said, taking his arm and putting it over my shoulders. With a small grunt, I picked his weight up and supported him as a he stood next to me, swaying a little bit. "I'll find somewhere for us to sit," I suggested, looking around for a bench.

I set Gilbert down on one of the park benches facing a small pond. Sitting down next to him, on his left, I put one of my arms around his back and checked if he was alright. From what it looked like, Gilbert seemed fine. He was fully conscious again, no longer swaying either, and was just enjoying the view, his ruby-red eyes staring straight ahead. There were many smaller and younger furs playing down at the pond, skipping stones, feeding ducks, and... playing tag.

"See, Fell? Tag is a game for little children," Gilbert pointed out. "You need to grow up and act you age," he said smiling, nudging my shoulder.

"Well, you'd better get used to living around this wolf, because you're going to be chasing me around a lot more now," I said while laughing. "You know... sometimes it's good to just act younger than you actually are," I was gazing off at the birds in the sky as I spoke, "it just... it just makes you feel more... alive... and it also make you think of simpler times when we didn't have to deal with any of the things we have to deal with now... Highschool. Social life," which by the way, I didn't have any trouble with. It was just annoying to have to deal with some people without getting to express how I really felt about things sometimes, though I don't mind most of the time because I try to accept the way others think and what others value.

"Yeah, and my parents," Gilbert said, lightening up the mood. This forced a laugh out of the both of us as we sat on the park bench, paw in paw, my tail slowly wagging.

Gilbert leaned his head on my right shoulder and started to stroke the fur on my well-toned arm. Two of us sat together, silent and unmoving, except for the sound of our still breathing and the slow movement of our chests.

"Hey Fell, is something wrong?" Gilbert asked with his eyes closed. Shit. My heart was beating faster and I think he noticed it.

There was something that I wanted to tell him, but I was too afraid. It had been stuck in my mind for a few weeks now, and it was just waiting to burst out. In all honesty, I love Gilbert, and I'm sure he really loves me too, but... I wanted to ask him if he would spend the rest of his life with me... I mean, ever since the first time we kissed each other in Gilbert's bedroom, I've felt unimaginably connected him... almost like he was... family. I've never actually been very close with my family before, which doesn't mean I don't take care of them, but he was the only fur that I've ever felt connected to. He's the only fur who I've ever spent lots of time with. He's the only fur who I've ever felt great passion for. He's the only fur who I love, and the only fur who I've ever loved...

"G-Gil... umm..." I started, hesitating, hating myself for it right after. "Y-You know that uhh... that we've been frienâ€"best friends for a long time now... and... well... I wan-wanted to tell you that... well... I-... I want to spend the rest of my l-life with you..." It felt like it took me forever to say that. I turned my head the other way so Gilbert wouldn't see me blushing.

"Fell... I-... I," his voice started to break. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you too!" Gilbert wrapped both of his arms around my upper body, holding onto me tightly.

Tears started to flow out of my eyes and down my cheeks. But these weren't tears of sadness; they were tears of joy. I wrapped my arms around Gilbert too and kissed him a few times on his forehead.

"Fell... please..." I think Gilbert was crying now too. "I want you to promise... never leave me."

"I promise Gilbert... I will never leave you..." I gave him a squeeze, "never..."

The furs who were walking by us were a bit confused by what was happening. The sight of two male wolves crying in each others' arms took them aback a bit.

"Alright, Gilbert, we should get back to my place now for lunch. It's almost twelve thirty." I notified him. The two of us slowly got up, still in each others' arms and we gave each other one short and simple kiss on the lips, because of everyone else who was around us, and we let go of each other.

"C'mon, let's go," I said, patting Gilbert on his arm. "You're it!"

I turned around and started to run in the direction of my house. Gilbert followed close behind me, the two of us laughing non-stop as we dodged the furs who were crowding the park.

"Oh my god," Gilbert groaned as he jumped onto my bed, patting his full stomach. "Your mom literally makes the best pork ribs in the world!"

"Yeah, they're pretty nice," I laughed, watching Gilbert on the bed as I stood in the doorway.

"So, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come join me?" Gilbert asked, now getting comfortable on my bed, stretching his limbs first.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I said stupidly, stepping in and closing the door. I made my way over to the bed where Gilbert was lying under the white sheets and I joined him, slowly crawling into the left side of the bed. Gilbert turned his head and body around and faced mine.

"Remember now," I told him, "this is just an afternoon nap."

Gilbert nodded as he gazed into my emerald eyes. I gazed back into his as they slowly began to get closer and closer. Gilbert's lips pressed into mine and we slowly them, letting our tongues slide into each others' maws. For a couple of minutes, we lay in the bed embracing each other as we kissed. The only sounds in the room came from inside our maws, our tongues sliding around.

"Sleep well," I whispered into Gilbert's ears after we pulled away, giving him a final kiss on the nose.

"You too," he whispered back, snuggling against me.

I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep. However, my mind drifted to Gilbert, as I could hear his breathing. An image of Gilbert slowly formed in my mind... his slender sides... his finely-toned abs... his cute tight ass...

While moaning quietly, my paw rubbed all the way down from my chest to my sheath. The tiniest bit of my shaft was exposed as I pulled down on my sheath, ample precum already starting to leak. Just the thought of Gilbert gently sucking on my member aroused me a lot, causing my shaft to grow rapidly, allowing me to wrap my fingers around it, under my boxers.

After opening one of my eyes to make sure Gilbert wasn't awake, I started to paw off, slowly stroking my eight inches of warm flesh. I worked my palm gently along the underside of my shaft, letting out a muffled moan every now and then, into the pillow. Precum was jetting out the tip of my cock with every stroke, some of it even landing on Gilbert's thigh, but I didn't realize.

When my paw pushed against my knot, I loosened my fingers a bit to let it fit in. Everytime I gave my knot a gentle squeeze, I whimpered a bit, but I was enjoying it greatly. My hips gave little thrusts forward into the ring I created with my paw and fingers, the pleasure was sensational. I just imagined myself thrusting into Gilbert's tight ass, the thought of his slick bowels made me moaned with delight. Oh, how I wanted to pounded him hard right now.

Taking both of my paws this time, I smeared my them with my own precum and started to stroke myself again, this time with both paws. I stroked the full length of my shaft each time, up and down, not letting a single spot on my member be untouched.

"Huh?" Gilbert groaned, waking up, after accidentally poking the tip of my shaft into his soft abs. When I heard him, I quickly removed my paws from my shaft and put them under the pillow, pretending to sleep. That move, however, didn't work as Gilbert noticed the still-warm precum on his thighs, as well as my throbbing erection lying right next to him. "And I thought you said this was just a nap," Gilbert laughed, aware that I wasn't sleeping.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, opening my eyes.

"How about we finish you up there?" he offered, grinning.

"Whaâ€"Oh... no... no, it doesn't matter... let's go back to slee-" I stopped speaking as soon as Gilbert started to undress himself completely, then taking my shirt off too and climbed on top of me, his rump against my abs.

"Just lay back, and enjoy the show," he said, rubbing his paws against my chest.

Bringing his paws back to his own chest, Gilbert started to feel up and down his own body, murring quietly as he did. I can't stand this, I thought to myself, already aroused from before, my cock throbbing for more attention. Did he really have to tease me right now?

Gilbert's paws came back up to his chest where he started playing with his own nipples. "Ooooh," Gilbert moaned as he touched himself, tugging gently at his own nipples, twisting them a bit every so often.

His shaft was starting to grow now, a few inches exposed. I stuck my paw out and gave it a gentle stroke, forcing him to gasp. He looked down at me who was busy playing with his member, precum oozing out of it, smiling as he did. His large nine and a half inch piece of flesh was full now, his veiny knot right outside of his sheath.

"St-... Stop!" Gilbert moaned.

After taking a few breaths, Gilbert started to change positions, slowly twisting his body until his rear end was in my face, his head above my shorts that were being tented. After he got into a comfortable position, he pulled my shorts and boxers off, throwing them to the floor.

In a matter of seconds, I felt the inside of Gilbert's warm maw fit around my cock, gently sucking on it. I moaned in pleasure to his feeling, it was almost too good. My precum spurted out the tip of my shaft, leaking into his maw. He lapped greedily at my precum as it slowly ran down my shaft, lubricating my member completely with his wet saliva.

Feeling a bit adventurous, I lifted my head and gave Gilbert's tailhole a long lick. When my tongue came into contact with him, he started to shudder and looked over his shoulder at me who had a devilish grin on my face. He returned back to my member, but I stuck my tongue into him this time, causing his to moan and stroke himself a few times as the wet muscle wiggled around and explored every area it could reach in his insides.

"Fell... are you close?" Gilbert breathed, panting.

"Almost there, hot stuff," I answered after pulling my tongue out.

"Good," was all he said and then he twisted himself back around to face me, but this time, my cock was pressed against his tailhole.

The walls of Gilbert's bowels started to slowly spread apart and open as he lowered himself onto my cock which was already well lubricated with his saliva. The wolf lowered himself until all of me was in him, except for my knot. With his eyes half-closed and relaxed, Gilbert stared at me lustfully.

"Your turn," he breathed, smiling.

Starting to shift myself, and Gilbert, I picked him up and lay him down on his back. As I stared down at him, I saw his eyes telling me to start. With a quick and hard thrust, my knot penetrated his walls, making a loud popping noise as it did. Gilbert held back a cry of pain as he clenched his jaw tightly, trying to suppress it.

Now that I was completely inside of him, I started to trust slowly against his prostate, sending waves of pleasure through the both of us. As Gilbert started to relax more, I started to thrust faster and faster and stopped at a comfortable pace, my balls slapping rapidly against him. Gilbert's erection started to beg for attention as precum started to ooze out of it. When I saw him reaching his paw for it, I slapped it away put my own paw on it.

"Don't worry," I said. "I'll take care of it." I gently started stroking him, making even more precum start to spurt out. Gilbert was definetely enjoying himself, evident in his facial expression and his quiet moaning, rapt in ecstasy.

"Faster... faster, Fell!" Gilbert begged, panting for air. I growled and bit into his shoulder as I quickened my pace on him, thrusting deeply into him each time, still stroking him. I was very close to the edge now as I could feel that familiar numbness in my balls.

With a final thrust, I plunged my cock as deep as it would go into Gilbert and I released my seed into. My hot and sticky seed fired straight up into Gilbert insides, his jetting out of his own shaft too. We were both moaning uncontrollably as I filled him up and he received cupfuls of his own seed into his muzzle, splattering across his face.

"Hey Fell, what's going on in here?" I heard the door open. Oh shit. I turned my head quickly while still in my orgasm and saw my brother through small slivers in my eyes, staring at the both of us rapt in pleasure, his jaw dropping to the floor. My brother, Matt, quickly exited my room, closing the door behind him and I heard him running back to his room.

When our orgasms finally faded, we lay on the bed panting heavily, enjoying the warm afterglow of yiff. Gilbert licked his muzzle of his own warm semen and then pulled my head down to his for a long and passionate kiss. The inside of his maw tasted a bit salty from his own cum, but I deeply enjoyed it.

"What do you think we should do about my brother?" I asked Gilbert when we pulled apart, slightly anxious.

"Don't worry about him," he reassured me, "he's smart... like you," this caused me to blush, "he won't tell anyone."

"I hope so," I said, letting out a sigh.

It was true. My brother was quite intelligent and like me, knew whether or not it was approapriate to talk to others, especially our parents, about such things. But all I could do was pray that he wouldn't. I'd have to go check up on him later, when I'm no longer stuck to Gilbert.

"So... do you still wanna nap?" Gilbert asked, laughing.

"Of course," I answered, laughing with him. "Wasn't that the whole point of us coming up here?"

I leaned down and gave Gilbert a lick on his muzzle, his seed still warm and plastered against his face. I helped move the two of us back up the bed so our heads were against the pillow and threw the blanket over us. Our heated bodies pressed up against each other made me slighty aroused again, but I tried to resist. The two of us closed our eyes after giving each other a kiss and our minds began to slowly slip away into our dreams... not letting go of him as we slept.

And I Love You

Ok, yes, I do realize I lied to you guys and I must apologize... I write slow ONLY when I procrastinate! Also... considering this one came out basically on the same day as the second one, don't be too harsh on criticism, please! It was a bit more...

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Because You're More Than A Friend

Hey guys, I apologize for how late it took for this one to come out... One thing you'll learn about me is that I'm rather slow when it comes to writing...! Anyways, enjoy the second chapter of this series! * * * Immediately a bright light...

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I Did It For You

The open window welcomed the sound of chirping birds and bristling leaves on a warm and sunny day. A gentle breeze slipped in, followed by the smell of fresh-cut grass, enough to convince anyone to take a step outside. All around the small room was...

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