Finding a Mate

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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#3 of The Aviary

Engrall has had bad luck finding a mate, and finds himself unable to make it back to his home without resting. Luckily, he has a friend nearby that is willing to help.

The sun was beginning to set, outlining the wide mountain range in a marvellous orange light, playing between the peaks. Engrall barely noticed though, instead focussing on the laboured beating of his wings, the last light of the day settling on his red scales, reflecting it in a myriad of rays. Engrall's wing joints ached, and every flap was sending pain coursing through his body. He had spent the last few weeks hoping to find a mate, only to be sorely disappointed. Whatever dragons he had managed to find all had mates already, and seemed willing to fight to keep them. This left the red dragon to find his way back home, which was in no means a small trip.

He had decided that he wouldn't be able to make it back in his condition, no matter how much the decision hurt his pride. Luckily, he had an old friend who lived nearby, and hopefully he would be able to stay with them for a while to rest his wings. Now the only issue was finding them. It had been some time since he had last seen them, and they always seemed picky about where their home should be, always moving around. Engrall didn't know why they couldn't just find a good cave, but who could guess at the mind of a gryphon?

Nilkoss was getting ready for a night, perilously cleaning his nest before he would let himself feel the comfort of sleep. His talons plucked and pulled at imperfections that only he could see, throwing away twigs and branches that met his dissatisfaction. His nest was by no means a small thing, easily large enough for several gryphons to fit inside. It wasn't a nest like birds built, or rather like most birds. This one was shaped like a large sphere, the inside resembling a small cave, though to Nilkoss' eyes it looked much more perfect. There were a few furs covering his floor, which were gifted to him some time ago by a friend.

It wasn't that the ground of his nest was uncomfortable, just that the furs were much softer, and he loved the way that they tickled the sensitive pink pads of his paws. He also loved the feeling of lying on it, feeling the softness brush against his own black striped, white fur, and finding a way through his thick feathers. Nilkoss was snapped out of his thoughts of the soft furs by a strange sound from outside, making him frown as he wondered what it could be. There wasn't much that could reach the secluded woods up in the mountains, and the thought of someone coming to harm him seemed like the most likely option, though he couldn't fathom why.

Nilkoss slowly crawled towards the entrance of his cave, first noting the small pile of branches he had created before daring a quick peek out. It was already fairly dark, with the sun sending only a few stray beams of light through the mountains, yet he managed to see easily enough. He was surprised to see nothing there, though it was easy to tell that something had been there. One of the smaller trees had been all but destroyed, and there were some large looking paw prints leading away from it. But the direction they were heading showed that they should be where Nilkoss now stood. He looked to his left, noting nothing but trees and grass, then to his right.

"Craww!" Nilkoss let out a startled shout, stumbling back into his nest.

Engrall poked his head through the entrance to the strange wooden construct that he had come to learn was a Nilkoss' home. He was greeted by the sight of the gryphon quickly rolling onto his feet, ducking back as he looked out at him. A look of confusion and concern crossed the gryphons face as he looked out at Engrall, his muscles tensed beneath him and ready for a fight. He seemed to relax all at once though, as he recognised the red dragon.

"Engrall, it's nice to see you." Nilkoss said, stepping forwards to rub his head against the dragon's in greeting.

Engrall nodded his head in reply, pushing back with his own head.

"What brings you here though?" the gryphon asked, stepping back to look over the dragon. "Surely you didn't just fly out here for me?"

Engrall shook his head, and then poked his head back to give a few licks to the base of his wing, indicating that he had sore muscles. Nilkoss seemed to understand, and invited the dragon in after a moment. Engrall was glad that Nilkoss had allowed him in, and let a smile fill his muzzle as he noticed that the gryphon still had the furs he had gifted him. He sniffed around a few times, not surprised that all he could smell was gryphon, and started poking his snout around the nest. He had no idea how it managed to stay together, looking like the slightest breeze would topple it.

He was shown that it was quite sturdy though, when he pushed one paw against a wall experimentally. He continued to poke around the nest, noting the surprisingly springy quality of the branches that had been used. He was amazed that Nilkoss had managed to make something like this out of only what he found on trees. Having inspected the nest, he turned back to face Nilkoss, who was looking very proud. Engrall leaned forwards, rubbing against him again in thanks, sniffing lightly at the gryphon. He wasn't sure what it was, but they smelt good. He held himself against the gryphon for longer than he should have, enjoying their scent, before stepping back.

"So," Nilkoss said, "should we do something about your wings?"

Engrall nodded, watching as the gryphon padded over to his side. It almost looked as if he was injured, the way he pushed his back paws into the furs under him. Engrall waited patiently, and soon felt the gryphon's talons rubbing at his wing base, helping to sooth his aching muscles. While Nilkoss did this Engrall arched his head around, nuzzling at Nilkoss' shoulder, giving it a few licks in thanks for the soothing rubs. Nilkoss felt himself smile, or as much as it was possible to smile with a beak. Engrall seemed very thankful for his help. Engrall was sniffing at Nilkoss while he rubbed his snout against them, breathing their scent in deeply.

Engrall dipped his head down to give a few tentative sniffs at Nilkoss' paws, noting that the fur turned an odd pink as he got lower, wondering if they were in fact injured. He watched as the gryphon shuddered as he pushed his snout against one, worried that they had been hurt. Pushing his snout against the furs underneath the paw, Engrall was able to get one of the toes off the ground, lifting up with his head until Nilkoss was holding his paw up for Engrall's inspection. As far as he could tell there wasn't anything wrong with it, but he could never be too sure. Hu pushed his snout against the soft paw pad, nosing at it gently as Nilkoss let out a pleased chirping sound. Having decided that nothing was wrong with it, Engrall let the paw fall back to the ground, noticing that Nilkoss' scent seemed to be slightly stronger now.

Lifting his head again, Engrall kept his snout held against Nilkoss as the gryphon walked in front of him, moving to ease the muscles in his other wing. Engrall ducked his head lower as they passed, finding their scent much stronger under them. He sniffed a few times at their chest, but quickly found his interest drawing lower. Nilkoss stopped for a moment as he felt the dragon nosing around under him, standing still for a few seconds to let the dragon sate his curiosity. Dragons always seemed like they needed to poke their snouts into everything. Engrall's nostrils flared slightly as he took in a deep breath, moving his snout still lower.

He sniffed around the gryphon's sheath, taking in the strong musk of it. Nilkoss was much different between his legs, and Engrall found it interesting. He poked at their sheath with his snout a little before moving to their balls, nosing at them and making the gryphon let out a little chirp, jumping a little.

"That's cold." Nilkoss said at the feeling of Engrall's snout pushing against his balls.

Engrall didn't seem to hear. Either that or he didn't care. He kept his nose buried against the gryphon's balls for a little while, letting his breath play across them as he sniffed at them. Nilkoss stepped forwards when he felt Engrall's snout pull back, only to be stopped again. Engrall pushed his snout up under the gryphon's tail, sniffing lightly as he searched for the source of the musk that was filling his nostrils. It didn't take long for Engrall to find the source, pushing his nose against Nilkoss' tailhole, breathing in deeply a few times. Nilkoss lifted one paw from the ground, his rear being lifted from the force of Engrall's inquisitive snout.

It was clear that the nosy dragon wasn't going to pull his snout back any time soon, so Nilkoss did his best to walk forwards, managing to reach the other wing joint even as Engrall continued sniffing at his rear. Almost before Nilkoss laid his talons on Engrall he heard a deep rumbling coming from his chest. Engrall must really enjoy the feel of the gryphon rubbing at his wing joint, trying to work the knots out of the muscle. Engrall's mind was becoming clouded with the thick musk of Nilkoss, and he found himself pushing his snout against their tailhole even harder, earning a surprised squawk as both of the gryphon's paws left the ground for a moment.

Engrall continued his pleased rumbling even after Nilkoss stopped rubbing at his wing base. It was this, accompanied with a long lick of Engrall's slimy tongue that finally told the gryphon that it wasn't his talons that were causing the pleased rumble. Nilkoss let out a pleased chirp as he felt Engrall's tongue pushing at his tailhole, squirming around and licking at it. Engrall's own musk was easy to smell now, as his member was slowly starting to peak out of his slit, his fluids dripping on the furs under him.

Nilkoss let the dragon have a few more licks before stepping forwards, out of their reach. His sheath felt plump and tight. Engrall watched as the gryphon stepped away, licking loudly at his lips as he watched their fluffy tail give a few excited flicks. Nilkoss felt his member sliding free of its sheath as he noticed Engrall's own member poking out beneath him. After all those licks he had got more than a little worked up. Engrall lifted a paw to step forwards again, but was stopped as the gryphon stepped up to him.

"That was... nice" Nilkoss declared, rubbing his head against Engrall's affectionately.

Engrall growled his agreement; licking at the underside of Nilkoss' feathery neck before trying to step passed him, clearly intent on something else. Nilkoss didn't need to think very hard to find out what Engrall wanted, but he decided that it wouldn't be proper for the dragon to mount him. After all, he was a guest. With his mind made up, Nilkoss quickly stepped around the dragon, resting a talon on his haunch so that he didn't try to follow after him. He didn't waste any time with climbing atop the dragon, grabbing onto Engrall's thighs tightly as he stepped forwards, his member quickly growing harder.

Engrall didn't seem to mind the gryphon that was on top of him, standing still as he waited for them to make a move. He felt their member lightly jabbing around behind him, hitting his thighs a few times. The penetration was sudden and unexpected, but Engrall found it greatly pleasing as he felt the gryphon's member push into his slit, his half hard member throbbing with excitement. As Nilkoss pulled back to thrust, Engrall's member quickly pushed out further, growing larger and harder under him, denying the gryphon.

"I guess we'll have to try the other hole then." Nilkoss said, letting out an annoyed squawk.

Engrall grinned as he felt the gryphon's member pulling back, rubbing pleasantly against his own. Being a fair bit smaller than the dragon, Nilkoss was having trouble finding his mark. It was only when Engrall lowered his hips that Nilkoss felt the tip of his member push into the warm depths of the dragon. His wings fluttered fitfully above him for a second as he felt Engrall squeeze down upon the head of his member, sending electric jolts of pleasure through him. Nilkoss' talons were pricking at Engrall's hide lightly as he held on, but the dragon didn't seem to mind.

After his wings finally settled, Nilkoss pushed his hips forwards again, sending his member deeper into the heat of Engrall's tailhole. He let out a pleased caw as he felt the barbs on his member rubbing against the velvety walls of Engrall's tight tailhole. His own purr was running through his chest now, and he could hear Engrall groaning beneath him as he pushed further in. Nilkoss stopped for a second, breathing heavily atop Engrall, adjusting his stance lightly. He placed his paws on Engrall's ankles, to get a better angle, and the dragon barely seemed to notice the extra weight.

Once he had stopped moving around, Nilkoss slowly started pulling his member out of Engrall, loving the feeling of Engrall's walls rubbing against his sensitive barbs, making him coo_and _caw in delight. Engrall enjoyed listening to the pleased sound that Nilkoss was making, almost as much as he enjoyed to feeling of their member. He decided to surprise the gryphon, waiting until they had half their member pulled out before squeezing down as tight as he could manage.

"Craaa!" Nilkoss let his pleasure leap from his throat, his hips suddenly slamming back and forth with reckless speed, breeding Engrall's tailhole with as much force as he could muster. Nilkoss could feel himself getting closer to his peak, his balls slapping against Engrall's smooth scales only adding to the pleasure he felt.

Engrall was moaning and writhing beneath Nilkoss, his member leaping and jumping around under him with the force of the gryphon's thrusts. He could feel the barbs scraping against his inside and let out a pleased growl, pushing his hips back as Nilkoss thrust forwards, sinking the member in deeper. Engrall was panting heavily through his moans, groans, and growls, loving the feeling of Nilkoss' member slamming into him. He trembled under the pleasurable onslaught, spreading his legs a little wider as the gryphon continued to pound into his rear. Nilkoss was thrusting rapidly without rhythm now, his own pleasure building fast. With one final push, he slammed himself into Engrall, sinking his member as deep as it could.

"Skrawww!" Nilkoss barely even heard his own shout of pleasure as he felt his member begin throbbing inside Engrall, unloading his thick seed inside him.

Engrall worked on clenching down on the member lodged within his rear, his tail tip flicking happily against the ground as he felt Nilkoss' hot seed shooting into him. His member throbbed under him, sending a burst of pre onto the fur as he felt Nilkoss thrust a few more times before pulling back. His member slipped out of Engrall's tailhole with a wet shlick, a small stream of seed leaking down Engrall's thigh. Worn out, Nilkoss collapsed to the ground, still letting out small chirps and_coos_ as he lay there. Engrall had other plans though, and quickly had his head between the gryphon's legs, lapping at their tailhole, covering it in his slimy saliva. He couldn't remember a time when he had been this aroused.

After a few thick licks, Engrall pulled his head up, stepping over the breathless gryphon, and angling his hips down. It was hard to find where to thrust in this position, with his hips lowered a great deal, and Engrall had a hard time finding the recently slickened tailhole. His first few jabs went high, sliding along Nilkoss' spent member, making the gryphon chirp at the sensations assailing his over sensitive member. He was met with the gryphon's soft fur on more than one account, the spaded tip of his member sliding through the fur. Not that it wasn't pleasurable, but Engrall was looking for something to squeeze around his wanting member.

His tip finally found Nilkoss' slickened tailhole, pushing in with great effort.

"Skraa! You're too big!" Nilkoss shouted, feeling himself spread uncomfortably wide just from the tip.

Engrall didn't think so though, and pushed his hips harder, only to have Nilkoss pushed across the floor slightly. Engrall let out an annoyed growl, putting his paws down on Nilkoss' chest as he tried again, his member sliding into the overly tight rear of the gryphon a little more. Nilkoss let out an agitated caw trying to pull away from Engrall. Only to have the dragon attempt to thrust into him once more, sinking in just a little further.

"Craaaw! Stop! Stop!" Nilkoss pleaded, attempting to shove Engrall off of him. "You're too large to fit in there."

Reluctantly, Engrall pulled back. Feeling ashamed from the noises he had heard. He hadn't meant to hurt his friend. He bowed his head in apology, before turning around, stepping towards the exit. Surely Nilkoss would not want him to stay the night after that. He was stopped though, by Nilkoss grabbing his back leg, making him look back over his shoulder.

"Please, stay." Nilkoss said, still holding onto Engrall's leg. "I'm sure we can figure something out." This said with what passed for a sly grin on the gryphon's face.

Engrall didn't need any convincing, and quickly turned back, licking Nilkoss across his beak and feathered face to say sorry. Nilkoss sat down, enjoying the warmth of Engrall's tongue as it licked along his feathers, leaving them damp in its wake. A thought passed through Nilkoss' head as Engrall licked at him, giving him an idea.

"Lay down" Nilkoss commanded, rubbing his head against Engrall's as the dragon slowly settled on its back, his paws held above him.

Without any further words, the gryphon climbed atop him, his head resting in between the dragon's legs, looking at the thick member jutting out from Engrall's slit. He wasn't sure how this was going to work, but he gave it his best shot, poking his thin tongue out of his beak to lick along Engrall's length, drawing a slight shudder from the red mass beneath him. Nilkoss licked at it again, trying his best to cover as much of it as he could with his tongue. He felt Engrall's snout between his own legs as he continued his small licks, the dragon licking at his balls and tailhole, making his worn out member slowly rise again, pressing against the smooth scales under it.

Nilkoss knew that Engrall would never find release with the small licks he was offering, so he tried another method. Opening his beak, he slowly pushed his head down over Engrall's slick member, trying not to touch it with his beak. He felt the spaded tip rub against the back of his throat, but quickly had to pull his head back as it made him gag. Engrall seemed happy enough licking between Nilkoss' legs, but the gryphon wanted to help him release. He reached a talon out, thinking of trying to stroke the large member in front of him, but quickly decided against it. However, he did have another idea.

He climbed off of Engrall, leaving the dragon to whine in disappointment as he had nothing to lick at.

"I have an idea" Nilkoss said, lying back and holding his talons above his chest, the toes on his paws flexing as he motioned for Engrall to come over.

Engrall was quick to comply, hurrying over to the gryphon in hopes of pleasure. He stopped before the cushy pink paw, pressing his snout against it and letting his thick, slimy tongue trail out. Nilkoss let out a pleased chirp at the feeling of Engrall's tongue running across his sensitive paw pad, his toes clenching down to grab at the slippery muscle. Engrall continued his licking, pulling his tongue out of the gryphon's feeble grip, slathering the paw with saliva. Nilkoss was chirping and groaning with delight, letting out a high pitched trill when Engrall slipped his tongue between two of his bean shaped toes.

Loud slurps, chirps and groans could be heard as Engrall continued covering the paw in saliva, until it started dripping. Then, he moved onto the other one, revelling in how much pleasure Nilkoss seemed to be taking from such a simple thing. He grabbed at the gryphon's ankle with his paw, drawing one of the toes into his mouth and coiling his tongue around it, squeezing and wriggling it around. Nilkoss was wriggling around on the ground now, his member hard again and leaking pre already.

Engrall finally stepped back from the slick, saliva covered paws, reaching a paw up to wipe some of the dripping liquid from his face. Nilkoss was a panting heap on the ground at this point, his toes clenching against his delicate paw pads. Engrall waited for a sign from Nilkoss, and when the gryphon looked at him with half lidded eyes and let out a desperate chirp Engrall quickly stepped forwards, covering the gryphon's body with his own. He didn't have to poke around to find his target this time, as he felt a slick paw grasp at his member, sliding down its length. Engrall groaned at the feeling of the grasping toes sliding along his member, squeezing his sensitive flesh.

The other paw soon joined, and Engrall found his member battered from both sides by the slippery gryphon paws. He growled out in pleasure as he felt on of the paws grasping at the spaded tip of his member, sliding it back and forth over the hot dragon flesh. Engrall thrust forwards suddenly, not able to keep his hips still any longer, and let out a pleased moan as his member sank between the soft toes of the paw, hearing the gryphon trill and chirp beneath him as it clenched at his member. Engrall set himself to a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of the gryphon's slick paw as the other continued to caress his member where it could.

Engrall hunched his hips down, groaning as Nilkoss moved one paw behind the other, making his member slide through two sets of the overly slippery gryphon toes. Engrall's breathing picked up, as did his pace, loud slapping sounds heard every time his member slipped between the toes, making him groan and growl in delight. Nilkoss seemed to be in his own world of pleasure, his member throbbing and covering his chest with pre as the thick dragon member pounded into his paws. The sensations were amazing, and Nilkoss could barely keep himself from spilling again.

Engrall's growls were getting louder, his thrusts harder and faster, the wet smack and _shlick_as his member continued sliding between the gryphon's toes, the soft fur now damp and sending extra sensations through his member. Nilkoss moved one of his paws back further, turning it to the side, and grabbing hold of Engrall's member with his soft toes when it thrust through, squeezing down around it. This pushed Engrall over the edge, and he slammed his hips forwards as hard as he could, rocking the gryphon back under him. He felt his member twitch and throb, before his seed shot out, landing on the gryphon under him.

Nilkoss felt the dragon member throbbing between his toes and couldn't hold back any longer, his own member releasing again, painting his body with his thick seed. Engrall couldn't remember ever releasing so hard before, and as he looked down he had trouble even finding the gryphon under the increasingly large puddly of seed. Panting, Engrall pulled back, his member weakly spurting seed on the still writhing paws. He more collapsed then lay down next to Nilkoss, licking at his neck, tasting a mix of both his own, and the gryphon's seed. Nilkoss looked as if he didn't even know where he was; still chirping as his toes clenched and unclenched, seed and saliva dripping liberally from them.

With eyes closed, Nilkoss turned his head, rubbing it under Engrall's chin, enjoying the dragon's warm licking as he finally quieted down. The furs under him were all but ruined with the amount of pre and seed covering them, and he wondered if he would be able to ever get it out of his feathers. Engrall was already doing a good job of that though, lapping up the mess left on his chest, a deep rumbling purr climbing from his throat. Nilkoss found himself purring too, rolling over to face Engrall, only to find himself suddenly with a mouth full of dragon tongue and seed.

Nilkoss eagerly gulped it down, letting out a pleased chirp as Engrall's hind paws grabbed at his own, drawing him in close before wrapping his paws around the gryphon. Nilkoss felt himself slowly drifting into sleep, Engrall's licks soothing and pleasant. Engrall couldn't help a big smile from filling his muzzle. He had found his mate.