Discipline and Business (A Team Void Side Story)

Story by MrWoofles on SoFurry

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#10 of Jim Chronicles

Proofread by the wonderful dumPaup

A deeper look into the organization that has plagued our hero for a long time, who are they? What do they want?

"Would you care to explain yourself, Mark?" The woman said looking across her neatly furnished desk, the wood imported from Petalburg forest which gave it a nearly glass-like sheen in the dimly illuminated room. The woman was of Kalos decent, her brown pigment and piercing green eyes stared into his soul like that of a reaper. She stood up to the desk and walked over to the man, a small cone of light from the ceiling illuminated the woman's face, revealing a large scar across her left eye. She smiled as the man flinched at the close proximity of her face, he struggled to keep his composure.

"Boss I-" The man started to speak before a gloved finger pressed to his lips.

"We are not team rocket or any odd balls like that. Calling me boss makes me sound like I'm a cartoon villain or something like that. While I allowed you to name your division according to league standards. I do not approve of that here, If you must use titles call me Delinquent Sharlene." Sharlene grinned slightly, "At least that's how the league still refers to me, before I get caught up in memory lane. You were explaining how you managed to get thirty three members arrested, six loyal members killed, twelve pokemon killed and almost four million poke blown in cover up fees."

"I can explain, there was this boy, he interrupted our operation. We would have captured Mew and extracted her blood as you ordered but-" Mark once again stopped as she placed her finger against his mouth.

"I told you to get a blood sample, you didn't have to alert Mew to our presence. If you bothered to understand my orders, I wanted complete discretion. Then after failing, you send an assassin after the trainer. Are you really stupid, do you really have lack of common sense to see what kind of attention that madness would bring to our organization?!" Sharlene nearly growled the last words as the scar on her face started to glow, the pain felt as fresh as the day she got the scar when her anger flared.

"I was just following orders, I thought that killing the boy would keep us a secret." He said with his head hung low.

"Tch. No... I literally had to stand before one of the most infuriating men in the world to convince them not to send down the force of an angry god on our budding empire. Natural Harmonia Gropius." Sharlene gritted her teeth at the name.

"N? What would the broken Team Plasma want with us?" The man grunted.

"The trainer, or boy, as you call him... is family to one of his higher ranking members. Mr. Gropius is a soft man at heart but family, both pokemon and human, are so important to him... That he decided to have a talk with me about your actions, my orders and Team Void's activities in Vermilion City." Sharlene said but shivered at the memory of waking up to Zekrom and Reshiram glaring down at her, she still can't figure out how they got past all of her security.

The Void Admin paled before his eyes took on a hollow look. "I'm going to die here, aren't I?"

"You should but you can leave without any punishment if you can do one thing. Make no mistake though, you are demoted to errand boy after this mistake." She said softly.

"What do I have to do?" The Admin said hopefully.

"Name all six of the members who died, first and last name." Sharlene smiled at him like an electrode ready to detonate.

"I-I don't know their names, I just call them grunts. Wait! Jamie! One of them is named Jamie." He said hopefully.

"Nope. Jamie Whither is the messenger I sent to retrieve you. Are you ready for the punishment?" The imposing woman said while sliding her finger along his chin as he shivered.

She gave a whistle before a large pokemon stepped from the shadows; A pangoro with long pink tassels tied around it's ears wheeled a woman into the room. The woman had a gag around her mouth and her eyes were wide with panic as the pangoro wheeled her against a wall that was covered in glowing consoles.

"Olivia!" The Admin turned errand boy shouted. She turned to him and mumbled through her gag. "Please don't hurt her." He said whipping his head to Sharlene his eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets in panic.

"Your men and women had families. They had friends and lives completely uprooted because your stupid commands sent them to their deaths. I think letting them know that even those at the top share the fate of their subordinates is fair enough to quell their anger." She said before walking over to the woman, Sharlene ran her hands through the soft blond hair of Olivia with a small smile.

"Now miss, I'm a scary person. Your life is in my hands. Do you understand?" She said to the woman who gazed up her with tear stained eyes, Olivia nodded in response.

"Good. I'm going to take off this gag, if you love the man behind me you won't scream, you won't plead, you'll tell me what you like better. Furrets or Linoone?" She said taking off the gag.

"F-F-Furrets?" Olivia stuttered fearfully. "Pl-" She started to plead but stopped as Sharlene gave her a glare.

"Shoko, if you would do the next part?" Sharlene said before handing the Pangoro, Sharlene casually flicked a pokeball on the ground which exploded into a red light before gathering into the form of a fuzzy female furret, the pokemon looked around curiously before squeaking softly in wonder.

The furret chattered softly before Shoko gave the pokemon a gentle pat on the head before pressing her manicured claws on the panel. After a quick series of button presses two doors opened up on the nearby wall. Shoko gently picked up the furret and placed the happily squeaking pokemon into one door, before closing it.

"What are you doing?" The Admin asked confused and scared.

"It's really complicated but Amber of the Kanto division managed to bring me enough data to build a machine that can do such wondrous things. I'm going to show you. This is the fusion of Bill's teleporter project and the research data stolen from Professor Elm." As Sharlene spoke, Shoko placed the human into the other door and started to press a few buttons.

Every light in the room clicked off as the frames of both doors glowed with such a brilliance that it hurt to stare anywhere near it. The sounds of moans and whimpers from both doors lasted only a moment before the glow faded. Sharlene grinned before skipping to the door that continued to have soft moaning coming from it, she knocked on the door softly.

"What have you done?!" The male voice said, his heart sinking at the thought of something terrible happening to his wife. "Answer me! What the fuck have you done to my wife?"

"Open the door and find out, Mark." She said with a frown, "She could be dead, I could have had her killed, I could have had you killed, I could have told N that he could have done with you what he pleased... Open the door and face your punishment like a man or turn tail and leave." The scar over Sharlene eye glowed slightly as her anger rose.

Mark stood up out of his chair, he could feel he was being tested. He tried to convince himself that he was going to open the door and find out that she just hid his wife like a magicians trick. He stepped toward the door with his hand shaking, he gripped the cold metal handle in his hands before opening the door.

A warm mist flowed over him with a thin pink color as it washed passed him, he peered into the small closet sized room as he could see a furret looking back at him with tear stained brown eyes as it was curled on the floor as if sick.

"Lights." Sharlene said before the room illuminated to give Mark a better view.

The furret before him was typical for it's species except for the completely solid blond colored fur, the pokemon held up its hands and shivered before letting loose a mournful wail. The furret looked completely crushed as she curled herself tighter into a ball, her tail covering her face as she wept into her own fur.

"Take Olivia and go home. Consider this a mercy, you still didn't lose as much as your men." Sharlene said without looking at Mark.

"This is a joke right? You can't just turn people into pokemon that's impossible. I don't know what kinda game this is supposed to be boss but I'm sick of it." Mark said before turning around and stalking to his boss, his fury overwhelming his fear.

"Impossible? Thirty years ago, I would have said that it was impossible for a pokemon to have the power to threaten the human race. The mewtwo project was revealed. Twenty years ago, Ho-oh and Lugia are confirmed." Sharlene started to say something else before she was struck by the former admin.

Mark gritted his teeth before hitting the woman again in the face so hard that the swirl shaped eyepatch over the scarred side of her face fell to the ground. Mark gasped as she started to laugh and turned to him. In the socket where her eye should be was a hole that seem to lead into the infinite abyss. The hole shifted and a red ringed eye with black irises started back out of the hole like a human looking through a peephole.

"Leave and take her with you!" Sharlene shouted in a voice that seemed to rumble as she quickly placed the eye patch back on. She didn't bother watching the man grab the blond furret before racing out of the room.

'This is not becoming of you. The men see you raging randomly and they are going to assume that you are insane.' A psychic thought projected into Sharlene's mind as a pokemon that was five feet in length with large petal like wings that radiated heat even before the creature entered Sharlene's office. The pokemon was a Volcarona named Vola, the pokemon was one of Sharlene's friends and her pokemon.

"I know... I know... What do you want Vola?" Sharlene said while pinching the bridge of her nose.

'I'm here to receive my punishment.' The bug like pokemon answered before flying to the chair and standing on it with four stubby legs. She turned to her trainer before tilting her head.

"For what?" Sharlene said curtly, "I'm not in the mood for games and my eye hurts like a bitch."

'I'm in charge of interviewing everyone, psychically looking through them and picking out the best. I'm both human resources and staffing, I've failed.' The droning mental voice spoke to her trainer as if she was talking to a child. 'I mean after all you did give me the TM for psychic for this purpose.'

"And? You aren't going to always pick a winner. I'm not a bully, I'm not going to punish you." Sharlene sighed before the Pangoro stepped behind her and started to massage her shoulders, Sharlene was silently thankful for the gentle giant of a pokemon.

'This may be true but each member of your team is some of the few pokemon that are employed. If you don't punish me as well, it will seem as if you show favoritism then it sets a trend that would make my job harder.' The bug type pokemon extended her proboscis in a mocking gesture toward Sharlene.

"Fine... I don't need another headache." Sharlene walked over to her desk and pulled out a folder, "Pack your bags and head out to Kalos, You'll meet up with our man in the Cyllage City. I'll be trading you out there tonight to save on travel."

'Oh yeeeeah. I'll use my non-existent hands to pack my non-existent bags while heading to place full of pokemon that are capable of taking my flames and giggling as they murder me.' Vola grumbled as small puffs of flame flicked on her wings. 'Why are sending me out there, seems more like a bad vacation than a punishment?'

"Oh, you're going to play spy for me. I'm curious on why this 'Jim' is so important to so many people. He isn't strong but he has ties to Mew, the corporate section of the league, and he was important enough that when N broke in here he named dropped Mew as a warning. If you find nothing then it's a crappy vacation, if you find something then you've served your punishment." Sharlene said.

'What am I supposed to learn fighting him? I'm not a psychic type, so my mental abilities end at at smashing stuff and mental conversation..." Vola paused as Sharlene smiled, the surprise caused her mental voice to distort.

"Oh, you probably won't be fighting. Report says that he is a breeder specialist." Sharlene said with a wide grin before winking at the bug type.

'Ew! Ewwwww! What do you expect me to do? Seduce him for secrets?!' Vola glared with her nearly expressionless eyes at her trainer waiting for some sign that she wasn't being serious. 'Screw you.' Vola said flatly.

"Naaa, screw him. I prefer penis, human penis specifically." She chuckled before approaching Vola and flipping her over on her back while being careful to avoid the searing hot wings of the female Volcarona. "Ooooh is going to touch you all over." Sharlene teased with a small smile to her normally stern looking features.

Vola gave an irritable hiss from her snout her trainer rubbed her hands through the smoky fluff between her stubby limbs. Vola silently cursed her stubby limbs that couldn't do anything but wave uselessly at Sharlene. She sighed as Vola started flick her proboscis at the trainer in annoyance. Once Sharlene started touching her lower abdomen Vola froze while looking at her with segmented eyes.

'I'm probably not skilled enough for that, I don't even know how to start!' Vola rushed her thought as she started to flap gently to fly above her trainer, 'I'm a talker, a fighter but a spy? Seems a little outside of my skill set, why not have Shoko do it? She probably has more sexual and spy experience than I do.'

Shoko smiled before putting up a paw to her hand and chuckling slightly, she spoke a growls to Vola which caused her to flutter faster away from the pangoro. 'Nope. I do not want you to teach me anything. We aren't even the same type of pokemon.' Vola yelled while Shoko simply shrugged while continuing to knead the shoulders on her trainer who quivered happily.

Sharlene snorted hearing the psychic conversation, "You wanted to be punished for picking a loser, this is your job now. I'll have my contacts in the league give you and our operative the information that will help. Do not fight this trainer, we are not trying to hurt him but learn what he knows about us. He has been involved in too many of our operations for me to just let it go as simple coincidence." She said before reaching into the inside pocket to pull out a stick of gum as Vola stared at her.

Four Hours later...

Sharlene read over the reports out in Kanto before a knocking reached her door, she opened pressed the button on her desk which allowed the door to open with a quiet whoosh, in the room stepped a man dressed in a bright white suit with a button that held the insignia of the International Pokemon League. Accompanying him was a shiny delphox with black collar that held six different contest award buttons, Sharlene was impressed with the level of grooming on the Delphox but even more impressed with the grace in which the fire type moved.

"Greeting Mr.B-" Sharlene started but the man shook his head while his hand was raised.

"We don't use names in this transaction, it's the rules. Simply call me Representative or Rep for short." Rep said with a cold look of disinterest.

"Fine, let's cut to the chase. What is the status of my submission?" Sharlene said softly.

"The League has denied you submission as an official black group. Your organization lacks the resources to truly spread out enough to take the trainer load of even one region, your methods have less to do with pokemon and more for business. My personal vote was against you because I don't want to deal with any organization that would employ pokemon as workers with wages and insurance, what kind of impression would that make to young trainers and their pokemon?" Rep grunted.

"You employed Team Rocket for Giovanni and allowed him to continue research that could have killed us all." Sharlene said through gritted teeth.

"They were quite the hit, kept trainers honing their skills and kept the criminals where we could see them." Rep countered.

"Aqua and Magma? Those nut jobs were probably your biggest failure to date." Sharlene said tiredly, she couldn't stand the smug grin of the Rep.

"I don't have to explain the league's actions to a simple gang, the sum of this is simple. You will not be supported or protected by the league, you will be given one month to completely dismantle your pitiful organization. I personally find everything from your organization to your ghastly appearance revolting." Rep continued to talk but Sharlene ignored him as she gazed at the Delphox.

The delphox kept her head low and wouldn't meet either of the humans' gazes, she seemed more like a doll than a pokemon. Sharlene grinned strangely before walking around her desk to the delphox, placing a hand under the creature's muzzle she lifted her gaze till the pair was starting eye to eye. "You seem so down for someone that holds so many honors." Sharlene said fingering the collar covered in awards, the delphox struggled to keep her gaze averted.

"Void Boss. I'm talking to you." Rep grunted before standing up, "I know my little diamond, Maddie, is a beautiful pokemon but the humans are talking and you're not getting my approval by ignoring me."

Sharlene continued to ignore Rep while looking over Maddie, she noticed that the pokemon was without it's signature stick. "Where is your stick? I was hoping to see if I could get my future read." She noticed that the pokemon shot a dirty glance to her trainer. "Ooooooh there is a story here. Rep, I would like a battle with your lovely little delphox here."

Sharlene could feel the attempt of the delphox to probe her mind, she simply smiled as the other presence behind her scar shielded her mind. She simply shook her head at the delphox while smiling as the creatures psychic probing pulled away with the fleeting feeling of embarrassment, she was a little disappointed that the creature's mind was almost as underdeveloped as her muscles.

"Battle? I haven't allowed Maddie to battle since she was a braixen, Maddie's entire life is dedicated to training to be a star." Rep said with a smile, "Her mother and father were chosen from the most elite of contest winners."

"Interesting. So I'm going to test a theory..." Sharlene said before taking the pokemon's paws into her hand and dropping to one knee. "Maddie, I'm going to ask you a question and all you have to do is nod. If you could have your own life with your own choices, the only limits being simply what you are willing to work for would you take it?"

"What are you trying to pull? Maddie is happy with me, she isn't going to be swayed by you even if she was, she is my pokemon and mine to raise how I please. I'm her owner." Rep said standing up and grabbing Maddie by her other paw to pull her away from Sharlene.

"Maddie. If you nod, I'll take care of you. I'll only give you this chance to take your life in your own hands." Sharlene said still on her knee, she watched as the delphox paused in her trainer's hand before giving the slightest of nods.

"Good Girl." Sharlene said before turning to the man, "Giga Impact." Sharlene whispered

The Pangoro from the back of the room charged Rep silently as energy crackled from Shoko, Maddie cowered before the larger and more intimidating pokemon. Shoko slammed into Rep with a crunch, the adult male was sent crashing into the desk where his back hit the desk with such force that his back arched over. Shoko glanced down at him with a neutral expression, she turned her head to glance at Sharlene. The Rep quivered and wheezed on the tiled floor with a sickening gurgle from nearly pulped organs and shattered ribs.

"Now... the only way to release you from him is to kill him, his pokedex deactivates. Normally this would teleport any closed balls into the league's private warehouse where they would be prepared to go into wonder trade. Any pokemon not in a pokeball are released from the system. Pokemon like you." Sharlene said while running a finger over the horrified delphox's ears. "I can see that you've been tool for so long that even the idea of fighting terrifies you. You might even be more human than I am." Sharlene mentioned as the panicked delphox relieved herself in the chair from fear. The acidic scent of vulpine urine filled the room.

"Shoko, I think we should finish this up. Focus blast." Sharlene chuckled.

Shoko grabbed the human in one paw before holding him up, she opened the other paw widely as energy gathered into it in the form of a basketball sized ball of glowing energy. She slammed the glowing ball against the human's head which splattered his brains across the back of the office room as his head came apart like an overripe fruit. Maddie screamed as Shoko dropped the corpse.

Sharlene turned to Maddie while the delphox screamed, she didn't stop her but waited till the pokemon stopped wailing. She placed a hand on the pokemon's shoulder before grinning. "I've just declared war on the league with this action, I promised you freedom. This is the cost... Now you have two choices, option A : I send you out with another delphox and you both go looking for a branch to replace your missing one then I put you to work. No one will capture you unless you want to be captured but you'll have a family who will grow with you." She paused for a moment watching the delpox's wide eyes staring at the corpse on her floor.

"Option B: I give you a bag full of heals, revives, enough food for a few weeks and you make your own destiny. I don't recommend this option. With your lack of combat experience, you'll last a week at most before a trainer captures you or a more dangerous pokemon eats you." Sharlene watched as the fire type looked at the corpse before standing up, the fear around her rump flat from her own piss as she stepped to the Pangoro on shaky legs.

"Aro Ar Ar." Maddie said to Shoko. Shoko paused as if in thought as she looked at her blood stained claws. Shoko nodded before stepping out of the room, she didn't say a word to her trainer but winked at her. She came back only moments later holding a pink armband with the Team Void logo on it's center, the ranking mark of non-combatant staff.

"A cook?" Sharlene said recognizing the armband with a grin, "Kind of stereotypica-." The scarred woman paused looking at the Delphox who quivered as if she was trying her hardest not to shatter like glass. "It's a fine choice, I'm glad to have you on board. Before we put you to work, Shoko will take you down to get settled in. A therapist might be in order..." Sharlene said.

Shoko nodded before placing her bloody paw on the female foxes back, Maddie flinched but allowed herself to be lead out of the room by the pangoro that just murdered her master; her mind still in a state of shock and fear, but the only thought that plagued her with each step of her shaky piss-stained legs was...

*Did I make the right decision? *