Sergal Tails 9

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#9 of Sergal Tails (The Story of two Sergals)

With Farline onboard, the team travels to Warsaw to pick up the last member, but it is not long before they are walking in on a murder case where the defendant is a fat raccoon girl by the name of Miura. Quickly learning that Miura is the friend, Blaze, Midnight and gang takes on the case of finding leads to who the real culprit is, before the gavel gives a guilty verdict. Can an innocent person be saved from a crime they did not commit in time?

This story is connected to actual lore.

Blaze, Farline, L.E.A.H, Miura, Raganzi, Rebecca and Story © Me

E.R.I.C and Midnight © (Co-author)

Starlah © Sedrinthestar on FA

Length: 2,325 words. 12,707 characters.

Time used to type: 55 minutes (with corrections and cleaning)

Sergal Tails 9 - Dignity of Murder

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

"Wow, look at the view!" Blaze called out as she saw the landscape spreading out around the helicopter as it was heading towards their next destination, the other three in the same helicopter laughing softly at her rather excited behavior. Having only a few hours before almost been gunned down, it was rather strange to have fear turn into excitement for them, but none of them questioned it at all.

Seeing the big city approaching over the horizon, Leah announced clearly from the display panel, "Arriving to Warsaw in five minutes." It was a call soon sounding before the panel switched to show Midnight, "Okay, tell me. What address does she live on?" Farline quickly put a finger to his forehead, "If I remember it correctly, amica, it is Jaroslawa Dabrowskiego that she lives on." With the course entered quickly into the system, it was not long before they noticed how the streets seemed rather busy with a lot of police vehicles driving towards the very same location as they were heading, "What is up with them?"

Redirecting their route, Midnight and Blaze followed with the rest after the police vehicles, just as two police helicopters flew up next to them and called out loudly, "Civilians, please refrain from any further..." before the officer could even finish his line, Blaze took the mic to the speaker system on Leah and spoke out to them, "This is private investigator Blaze Burn from the UK. We are here on official business as permitted by the Police Force of London to protect a civilian. I please wish your cooperation as me and my co-workers are investigating a possible national scandal." The officer was quiet for a moment before speaking up, "Land the helicopter and we will have a chat about this."

Following them to the location, which was only a few buildings away from their destination, both Blaze and Midnight turned off the vehicles and stepped outside as the officer, a rather short, but very rough-looking German shepherd looked up into her eyes, "So spill the beans now. What is this talk about national scandal?" Blaze calmly spoke, "As of a few months ago, there was an attempted assassination of a DJ that did a performance to raise awareness of women rights being forgotten so often. and then the very same assassin was to be silenced, but both of them survived to tell about it. Information from the direct source told that they had been blackmailed by a politician to silence oppositions, in order to save their friend. This is why we are here. The friend was saved and now to be sure, we have come to pick up the last friend." The officer nodded, "You seem rather sincere about this, so I will give you as much assistance as I can. What is the name of that friend you speak of?" It was Farline's turn to shine now as he spoke up, "Her name is Miura Magowski." The shepherd swallowed down a big lump, visible to their eyes before he shocked them greatly, "You mean the suspect of the murder that took place nearby?"

Midnight could see the ears lowering Farline's head, as well as Raganzi's and Rebecca's, "Murder? She is the suspect for a murder? No, this cannot be true. Lead us to her!" The shepherd just nodded before leading them towards the street that had been sealed off. Upon coming to the would-be address of their goal, they could see two officers wrestling down a rather plump raccoon girl that seemed to be crying and calling out things in Polish to the officers, only for them to slam her face into the pavement, "But I did not do it! I am innocent! I found the body and called it in. I had never met the person before in my life! Please, let me go!" It was impossible to deny from three expressions that this was the person they had been looking for. Looking at the officer, Blaze was quickly speaking up, "Listen, I ask permission to help with the investigation. I know when someone is innocent and she is innocent." The shepherd nodded before returning an answer to it, "You have my permission. But you are having a short time to find anything, but I will fill you in on the information I know about."

Turning to face them, the officer cleared his throat, "The victim was Lubin Pomagacski. He was the son of Komisarz Cezar Pomagacski, that is Commissioner in your language. He was found dead in the suspect's apartment by the suspect herself. But things at the scene all pointed to her being the criminal. The victim's cause of death was by being shot with a pistol to the heart. The investigation is at its third day now and they have already found many decisive evidence." Curiosity grabbed Blaze, Midnight and most of all, Farline, who was already deep in thought about this, "Like what exactly, officer?" The shepherd took out a report and handed over to them, which Farline snatched and read, "I made copies of it. Firstly, the angle of which the bullet traveled suggests that the victim was standing at least two meters away from the shooter. Secondly, the bullet extracted from the victim was from a gun found in the suspect's living room, and the markings on the bullet matched it too. It was a SR-1 Vektor, a semi-automatic pistol. The round was a 9x21mm Gyurza SP-11, the standard FMJ bullet with lead core. The only way she could get her hands on something like this would be to either be in the Russian Army or be part of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, which would mean that she could be a spy and gives a motive as to why she killed him."

Farline's eyes widened before he looked through the report and thought to himself, "A 9x21mm Gyurza, huh? That would mean that the case is straight walled and rimless. And with it being a standard FMJ bullet with a lead core, there is no denying that it is a defense purpose ammunition. However, you said that the bullet would have traveled two meters, so how tall exactly was the victim?" The officer was thinking before Farline answered, "It says here in the autopsy that the victim stands at 190 centimeters in height. And as for the fact that the bullet hole was slightly straight forward, but in actuality it was a bit higher. This means that either the victim was leaning forward before being shot or someone taller fired the gun and took his life. I can see from this attached photo of the victim's bullet wound that the angle has to be 3-4 degrees above a straight line. The difference between the victim and the suspect is 17 cm, so hit the heart we can estimate that from 2 meters distance, the bullet hole would be at about a 4.86 degree angle below, but for it to be 3 to 4 degrees above, the shooter needs to stand at about 200-204 cm in height."

As Farline closed the report, everyone was just looking at him in pure delight over seeing how quickly he could conduct such an analysis by just the basic information, which only led to the obvious next step and question from him, "May we examine the crime scene?" The officer had no objection to it and waved to the colleagues as he took them into the building and up to Miura's apartment. The scent of bergamot oil filled their nostrils and Raganzi seemed to be mesmerized by it, "Ohhh, this is the scent I missed a lot. Reminds me of the times me and the lass used to hang around and fish in the river. Good days." Everyone smiled, except for Farline and Blaze, who were already looking around at the scene of crime, the shepherd leading them into the living room where blood was covering parts of the floor and some furniture had not gone safe of the red rain.

In the middle of the blood pools, the white body marking laid neatly to tell the story of how the body had been found. From the looks of it, the body had been laying face down, something that was not making sense due to the earlier statement that the victim had been shot in the heart, which was pointing to an instant death and the force of the gun had surely made the victim land on their back, this caught Farline's attention, "It seems our little warrior did not die directly, but had the final strength to turn over and attempt reaching the phone. Sadly, he did not get there." Blaze nodded before getting down as she saw something sticking out under the sofa near the marking's left hand, "What is this?" Quickly putting on a glove, Blaze pulled out what looked like a small tape recorder and the shepherd chuckled, "Look at that, even more evidence that he knew something about her that gave her a reason to kill him." Blaze examined the tape recorder and soon nodded before attaching a micro-USB cable from her watch to the tape recorder, "Leah, could you give this a scan?"

The officer looked confused why she spoke into the watch, but a short moment later. the female AI spoke in the watch, "Analysis complete. The last recording is dated to April 7th 2016. The voices are unknown, but if provided samples, I can compare." Blaze nodded before looking at the officer, "Is there any recording of the victim's voice?" The officer was getting confused, but soon took out their cellphone and played a video file with a proud grand dane holding a speech, giving Blaze the chance to run not only a scan on the voice of the victim, but also of the officer at the same time. Raganzi listened to it all and smiled, "He was a good lad. He took a Master's Degree in forensic science." Blaze nodded, "A poor shame that he died then."

It was then that Leah's voice spoke up, "Voice comparison complete. Both voices confirmed." Everyone looked at Blaze, who was in turn looking at the watch before a translation of the recording played, "Listen, Jatoz. I have always had a soft spot for her in my heart and you know it. She deserves someone better than you, who can actually care about her. (And you are saying that I do not care about her? You never had it in you to be a man. You are only after her because of her body, but I am after her because of her heart. She is beautiful and deserves someone better than a lousy little pen-pusher like you.) She is mine, you hear me? MINE! I will not let someone like you steal her away from me! I love her! (I guess you give me no choice, Lubin. If you will not let me have her, then I will kill you right here and now." As the gunshot rung out, the hearts stopped and the shepherd lowered his head, knowing he had been caught now, most of the officers standing there as the recording had been played. With one last look at them all, the shepherd reached to his holster and drew the gun, holding it straight out to the others, but once Blaze tried to grab it from him, the shepherd smiled and pulled the trigger, shooting himself in the heart before falling onto the same spot as where the body had been found, his eyes closing slowly as the last spark of life left him.

"In the eyes of the evidence and confirmation that the accused is not the murderer, but in actuality the murderer being Jatoz Robilem, I hereby declare the defendant, not guilty. Court is adjourned!" The words sent cheers throughout the courtroom as the doors opened up to let everyone out, even if a raccoon girl seemed to really be sad from everything that had been said in the courtroom. Walking out of the courthouse, she was taking a seat in the nearby park, at a bench right in front of a fountain, as her thoughts ran wild in the head, "They were both doing this just to get my heart... I killed them after all! It is all my fault!" It was soon a soft tune of music flying in the air, almost like a lullaby before soon voices joined it as Blaze, Midnight, Starlah, Raganzi, Rebecca and Farline came walking towards her, her eyes widening, "I can see or hear no evil, visions of truth that are blurry to me. Thoughts of this cold feel, and one wish to be finally free. Innocence lost in their eyes, world cracked like a mirror. Six names able to hear my cries, yearning to not brand her a killer." Miura stood up before Raganzi, Rebecca and Farline hugged her tightly, hearing the coon girl letting out her tears of joy as Blaze smiled warmly to them, "Sorry to have to interrupt the reunion, but it is time to go home now. You are coming too, lady. You are now under protection by the law of the UK." Her words fell deaf before Midnight just placed a hand on her shoulder, "Maybe let them just have the moment, love." Blaze smiled and nodded, "At least now she can see what friendship is." But in a nearby building, a beagle dressed in a snazzy suit held a phone to his ear and spoke into it, "Mister Noone, I have located the targets."

The End.