Diagnostic Downtime

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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While floating in space amidst repairs to their ship, two lovers take a break from their duties to attend to some more intimate and personal needs. <3

This story was written for Ferinoch. It contains M/M sex and pet play involving consenting adults. :3

Diagnostic Downtime

Lost rubbed his forehead with his free hand as he tapped the code into the door to his quarters. It had been a long day, and even the sight of the distant, pale and dusty blue moon glowing through the viewing window at the end of the corridor wasn't able to entirely remove his stress in the manner that seeing the beauty of the universe from space often could. Right now what he needed was to rest. To get his head figuratively out of the computer terminals in which it had been literally buried all day, and try to relax.

The door hissed open, and the blue feathered gryphon called out to his partner wearily as he padded into the room.

"I'm back, at last. And all going well I should actually have tomorrow free to rest, unless anything goes wrong with the main computer's diagnostic sequence. So, I guess we'll be able to have a lie i-..."

The gryphon's voice trailed off, and the corners of his beak twisted upward in a soft smile of surprise as he looked at the man to whom he was talking. Ferinoch was lying beside the bed. Not on it, but next to it upon the floor. He was hunched on all fours, his tail wagging, his eyes sparkling without any sign of his dark framed glasses, and the wolf's muzzle open slightly, tongue lolling out. The lupine male's cheeks were flushed red beneath his light, sandy salt and pepper fur coat, and as he saw Lost looking at him, that blush deepened. Rising to his hands and knees, the wolf shuffled forward with his head lowered meekly towards the floor. As he got closer, the gryphon could see the collar wrapped around his neck, and hear the already rather rapid, excitable breathing escaping the man he loved.

Ferinoch had known how stressed he'd been working on these updates to the main computer, but while Lost was working had also known there was very little he could do to help the man he adored. But now... now he could help the gryphon relax. Unwind. And not just stop stressing out, but have a damn good time during his brief respite from the constant demands of the ship on his time and attention.

The gryphon shivered happily as Ferinoch fell still directly in front of him, looked up at the feathered male and growled tenderly.

"Fer... damn you look cute like that. But, you don't have to do this. I mean... n-not for me. God, I don't even know how you figured out that I'd... t-that I like... I mean... you don't have to, if it's not something you want to do."

Another slightly deeper growl escaped the wolf, and his muzzle bared its sharp fangs, reaching out and nipping not at the gryphon's ankle, but at the fabric of his trouser-leg. Ferinoch tugged sharply, simultaneously trying to draw Lost towards the bed and to pull at the lower garment. His sharp eyes glared up at Lost with determination, and the rich blue feathers on the gryphon's cheeks puffed out slightly with embarrassment. Bashfully, one clawed, semi-avian hand groping at the crotch of his uniform pants as a bulge began to swell within them, the gryphon nodded and swallowed thickly.

"Okay. O-okay... pup. You've convinced me. But... don't blame me if I start making a habit of this. A collar, no clothes and not a word of cheek when I speak to you? I could get used to this."

Pulling off his clothes rather rapidly, feeling like he had to catch up given Ferinoch's already almost complete state of undress, the gryphon scrambled up onto the bed and settled down, expecting to find his lover already falling into place beside him. Instead he found himself alone, and glanced down in surprise to see that Ferinoch's head was peering up over the edge of the bed from where he was kneeling upon the floor. The wolf whined and huffed bashfully, and it took the gryphon only a few seconds to realise what was going on. Lost smirked, and nodded in understanding. Patting the bedding beside him, he called out to his pet with tender affection.

"Okay, pup, c'mon. You can get up on the bed with me... w-with... master... today."

With a little yelp of delight, Ferinoch scrambled up onto the bed with his lover and bounded not just up to, but all over the gryphon. Lost laughed happily as Ferinoch straddled him, the wolf's tail still wagging like crazy as his rogue tongue lapped with joyous fondness at the gryphon's firm beak and soft feathered face. He grabbed at the playful lupine by his sides, and caressed and scratched affectionately at Ferinoch's flanks with his clawed fingertip, murmuring lovingly to the man still licking at his face.

"Y-you're a good boy, Fer. I love you. Master loves his adorable pup."

Ferinoch may have been a man rather than a regular dog, but there were certain traits that wolves and other canids possessed that harkened back to their ancestry, and that included things as silly as loving to have their sides and bellies rubbed. He tried to keep up his affectionate lick-kisses to his lover's increasingly beaming, blushing face, tried to drive away all Lost's stress and frustration with cuteness and his endless adoration for the gryphon, but soon his mate's own tender touches began to overwhelm him. He whined and yipped happily as Lost's hands roamed underneath him, scratching ever so satisfyingly through the soft fur of his belly, and before Ferinoch knew it he was rolling over onto his back upon the bed, and it was the gryphon who loomed over him, grinning and laughing as his scratches and fond pets made the wolf melt into a happy puddle of whining, whimpering puppy goo.

"Such a good doggy. Master's pretty pup. Who's adorable? You! You are. Yes, puppy. You!"

There was an odd mixture of playful innocence and heated intimacy in the air as Lost got more and more shamelessly into treating Ferinoch as his pet, delighting in how it made the wolf squirm and whine and yelp with glee as he addressed him like a beloved domestic dog. His rubbing and scratching at Ferinoch's belly grew more and more playful as the gryphon's smile got wider and his cheeks redder, until finally he wasn't so much stroking his lover's stomach any more as he was tickling the pup. The wolf yelped and writhed beneath his lover's ticklish touch, squirming so wildly upon the sheets that more than once Lost had to grab him by the nearest arm and leg and drag him close to keep him from wriggling his way right off the far side of the bed.

The more intimate side of things came from the fact that of course all this while, both men were naked. And the more they touched each other, the more they shivered and laughed and beamed at one another in their increasingly giddy nakedness, the more aroused they became. Not only was Lost rock hard, his thick black erection protruding from above the pale blue furred balls upon the mammalian lower portion of his body, but Ferinoch was too. The wolf's own pink member stuck out from his crotch as he squirmed and laughed helplessly at Lost's ticklish onslaught, and with each fresh howl of mirth it twitched urgently. Little by little he could feel the playful caress of his lover's fingers getting lower and lower upon his exposed belly, and though neither pup nor master said anything, they both knew that the time was rapidly approaching when this little game they'd started was going to turn decidedly more dirty.

"Such a naughty puppy... y-you're lucky master is naughty too."

Lost growled tenderly to Ferinoch as his right hand finally ceased its efforts tickling the wolf, and his pet's giggles trailed off into a desperately happy moan as the gryphon's strong fingers wrapped around the already slightly swollen knot of his cock and began to ascend up its swollen length with a teasing first caress. Ferinoch yelped and whined happily as Lost gripped at his cock more firmly after settling his hand with familiarity over the mid-point of its length. He bucked his hips upward, humping at the gryphon's hand from where he lay, but said nothing to break character. He was still Lost's special pup... even if this pup liked being pet in a very special way.

The wolf's eyes widened, they grew heavy and half-lidded as a rumbling moan escaped him just seconds later. Not only was Lost starting to rub and masturbate his cock, but the gryphon's left hand had now picked up where his right had stopped, stroking the wolf's belly and giving Ferinoch the same innocent puppy-dog pets he had so enjoyed up to now. Looking up into his lover's flushed, feathered face Ferinoch could see how much his mate was enjoying this. Not just the opportunity to jerk Ferinoch off, not just the little impromptu role-play which the wolf had prompted, but all of it together. The playful lewdnes. The mixture of cute and passionate. The arousal from watching his lover writhe and whimper, while Lost's own erection stood unattended but safe in the certain knowledge that there was no way in hell either of the pair would rest until they were both completely and totally satisfied.

"Master's handsome puppy. Always so loyal... so ready to do whatever it takes to make me happy..."

Lost's playful murmurs to his whimpering, pleasure stricken lover grew more and more sentimental as the pace of his hand upon Ferinoch's cock increased. He couldn't help it, overwhelmed with love for the man he adored as he watched the wolf's face contort in pleasure and mirrored adoration for the gryphon.

"Do you know what you can do to make master happy right now, Fer? Wanna know, huh, puppy?"

Ferinoch whined and nodded urgently as his eyes darted between his own cock, a veritable blur of Lost's hand moving back and forth across it's dripping tip and glistening length, and the gryphon's own. Lost's erection was drooling liberal volumes of pre down its underside, so much so that it was beginning to cling to and mat the soft, light blue fur upon the gryphon's balls. But his lover didn't seem to care about his own pleasure at all right now. As he rubbed Ferinoch's belly and squeezed and milked at the lupine male's knotted cock, all Lost seemed to care about was making the puppy in his care feel good. A fact that was confirmed when the gryphon told Ferinoch exactly how he could best satisfy his master's own urges.

"Master wants... n-no... master needs you to cum for him, pup. He wants to see you shoot. See you cum... a-and make a big mess of your naughty puppy self, all for him. Can you do that for master? Can you do that for me, p-puppy?"

Before Ferinoch could even nod or cry out to show his affirmation, his master made it almost impossible for him to respond in any other way. The hand still stroking at his belly followed the first, and as the gryphon's right digits slid rapidly up and down the wolf's cock, the fingers of his left hand wrapped tightly around the rapidly swelling knot at Ferinoch's base. Two handed now Lost focused solely on pleasuring his puppy partner, his own cock drooling and twitching all the more rapidly as the sights and sounds of his lover's bliss got him worked up beyond belief. He would have given anything to have the wolf's muzzle wrapped around his cock right now, or to douse his erection in slippery lube and begin to jackhammer Ferinoch's ass from behind.

Anything, that is, except for giving up the chance to watch his lover experience that same release and bliss that he craved. Because when it came down to it, the only thing in this world that made Lost happier than having his own wishes fulfilled, was seeing those of the man he loved fulfilled first.

"That's it, puppy. You're almost there. I can feel it. M-master can feel you twitching. Oh... oh god, Fer. Cum for me. My perfect puppy. C-cum. Cum hard, Ferinoch. Cum, puppy! Cum!"

Having his cock and knot masturbated all at once more or less guaranteed Ferinoch's orgasm was going to be spectacular. Seeing his lover so worked up and visibly horny guaranteed the wolf's orgasm was going to be soon, getting him all the more worked up than physical stimulation alone could ever provide. But it was hearing Lost's voice crowing to him; half commanding, half begging him to climax, treating him as a puppy as much as a beloved mate all the while, that guaranteed to Ferinoch that he was going to do as his master asked. That he was going to cum, and he was going to do it right now.

"Oh god, p-puppy! Yes. Yes! Cum for me. F-_Ferinoch, yes _!"

Lost was the only one to call out with any coherent words as his lover came, but his final heated plea and cry of triumphant glee to Ferinoch was completely overwhelmed by the intense savagery and sheer volume of the wolf's yelping howls as he did as his master commanded. With two hands milking him for every drop, stimulating every inch of wolf cock they could fondle, squeeze and stroke even as he came, Ferinoch's cock erupted like a fountain. Thick ribbons of his hot cum gushed out in high arcs through the air, flying slightly further and spreading out slightly more than they would have under planetary gravity thanks to the slightly lower levels present on the ship. They still fell though, and did so over his own fluffy white torso. Strings of cum lashed across his fur as his chest heaved and his whole body trembled, and a few strands even made it as far as hitting the underside of his chin as Lost tilted the wolf's cock back slightly for the final few shorts, groaning happily at his lover's continued piercing cries.

The wolf was so worked up, so turned on by all that he was feeling, that his cock continued to throb and strain even after his orgasm was over. He kept whimpering and bucking his hips urgently, and to his delight Lost kept on holding and squeezing his cock. It took maybe the length of his orgasm all over again before the pup's body settled and his erection finally began to feel too sensitive to handle such firm contact, a few keening whines all that was required to let the gryphon know it was time to stop.

"Messy pup..."

In a voice that was both strained with arousal and soft with obviously overjoyed adoration at having born witness to his lover's satisfaction, the feathered male murmured to the wolf. Lost's hands removed themselves from Ferinoch's still rock hard but overly sensitive erection, and the sticky paw that had been stroking the pup's shaft throughout his climax grazed its fingers over the wolf's belly once more. He traced between patches of glistening cum, and sighed happily as he felt Ferinoch's chest rising and falling rapidly, and the wolf's heart still pounding.

"My messy puppy. But such a good dog... so good for his master. You always know how to help me unwind."

Leaning down over Ferinoch, Lost pecked the wolf fondly upon the cheek. He smiled as his lover whined happily, and the weary lupine's tongue darted out to lick him fondly in return. The gryphon did jump ever so slightly though, and blush like he'd almost forgotten it was possible, when Ferinoch opened his muzzle and spoke to the man of his dreams.

"Y-you're right. I do. I know how to relax you. So... c'mon. Don't pretend like we're done, a-and get over here."

The collared but otherwise naked wolf glanced down between his legs, spreading them apart and wagging his tail back and forth against the bedding. He groaned with the effort it took to pull himself up onto all fours, but shuddered happily as he span around, presenting his rear end to Lost.

"Please. I... I can take it. Master. Your pup... he... I can take it. I need to. Need you inside me... need you to cum a-as hard as I just did."

Ferinoch's cheeks flushed, but he was grinning with passion, pride and longing as he whimpered to his beloved mate.

"Your puppy won't be complete... w-won't be satisfied, till he feels your cum inside him. So please, master. Fuck me. Fuck me hard, a-and..."

His cheeks burned brighter still, but his smile spread wider and more joyful too.

"...and tell me s-some more about what a good dog I am."

By Jeeves

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