TLK- Fuli's family- Part 2

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#2 of Fuli's family (TLK series)

Also forgot to say in my previous story description, I'm posting each part every two days, because this way I can work on completely finishing this story on one day then post parts on another.

At the waterhole Kion is laid on the green grass near the water looking at the stars like how he and his father sometimes would do, but most times he does alone. He then hears sobbing and crying as he looks around to see Fuli running from her home and stopping at the water, "Fuli?" he says in question as he gets up and walks to her. Fuli looks to see him coming but she looks back down to hide her face "hey Fuli, you ok?" Kion asks then sits next to her who still sobs, she uncovers her face " parents... are f-f-fighting..." she sobs "do I need to get the lion guard to stop them?" he asks "no... all that'll do is put me in a possibility of my parents making me quit the lion guard" she tells him.

Kion looks to the ground for a second and sighs before looking back at Fuli "if you don't mind me asking, what they do?" he asks. While Fuli explains everything, several feet behind them towards pride rock sits Kion's mother Nala coming to check on him but stops when seeing him sitting next to Fuli while directly behind Kion and Fuli is Fuli's father crouching within the grass to see the two in disgust seeing her daughter sitting and talking with a lion cub, "she deserves a cheetah, not no snot nosed lion cub, even if he is the prince" he snarls. Nala smiles at the two, enjoying the sight before turning around to head back to pride rock while Fuli's father stays where he crouches.

Fuli finishes explaining everything which leaves her to tear up some more, Kion flats her ears as Fuli hangs her head low before putting her head against Kion, making him blink and blush at what's happening. Fuli can hear his heartbeat increase as Kion nuzzles her making her smile, Fuli's father is livid as he quickly goes to them and swipes at Kion who quickly moves out of the way of the swipe "get away from my daughter!" He yells "dad, what are you doing here?!" she yells as he looks at her "get yourself back to the cave!" he commands her. Fuli doesn't move in fear "I said go!" he says as he swipes at her and smacks her, "Hey! You can't do that to your daughter!" Kion roars as Fuli's father looks at Kion with an evil eye "go ahead and hit me, I'm sure my parents the king and queen would love to see blood on me" he dares him.

Fuli's father growls, then picks up and tosses Fuli towards the cave "GET GOING!" he yells at her who begins to slowly go to the cave with Fuli's father right behind her leaving Kion where he sit. Completely shocked and angered at what just happened as he sits and watches her friend gets abused back to her cave, "she doesn't deserve this" he says before sprinting back to pride rock. "Fuli stop" Fuli's father commands as she does what he says, " in case your wonding, the reason I did that is because you deserve and need a cheetah, not no snot nosed lion" he tells her "but what if I don't want to be with a cheetah?" she asks him.

Fuli's father laughs "your funny, but you will have a cheetah mate" he scowls at her, "I'm serious, I don't want to be with a cheetah" Fuli tells him with more of a serious tone before being pushed to the ground as he sits on her chest. "Get off of me what are you doing?!" Fuli yells, "You will be with a cheetah and this is how you will learn that you'll love a cheetah, by tasting one" he tells her who looks at him in question before noticing her father's cheetah dick is at full erect and close to her mouth. Fuli's father thrusts his hips forward to try to enter Fuli's mouth but Fuli would shake her head to avoid it as it touches her face, "open up!" he commands as he then grabs and holds Fuli's head and forces his dick into her mouth, "don't you dare bite it, unless you want to die" he threatens her as she finally gives up and allows him to face fuck her.

She tastes everything of her father, the salty taste to the feel of the barbs on his dick scratching the inside of her cheek to the taste of his pre cum as she hopes for someone to stop him. He then begins to thrust more into her making her deep throat with his balls slapping her chin "oh yeah, my daughter your doing just fine, now take it all and drink it all" he says in a pleasured tone as he puts in one last deep thrust into her mouth for a deep throat before he explodes his cum into Fuli's mouth and throat. Tears goes down Fuli's face as she feels molested by her own father as he takes his cock out of her mouth and gets off of her, making her roll over and cough up everything that was shot into her mouth even though most of it has already went down her throat. Without her noticing, her father goes around and stands above her, "now you're going to know how a cheetah 'feels' " he tells his daughter with his cock still at full erect as he was about to mount his daughter.

Fuli closes her eyes with tears coming down more , but before he could get his dick near to her cheetah gem he gets tackled by two lionesses. Fuli opens her eyes in surprise and relief to see the king, queen, and some lionesses along with Kion, once Fuli realized that she's free she quickly went to them and goes behind them to hide in dead fear. Both Nala and Kion go to her to comfort her while Simba and his lionesses deal with Fuli's father. Nala nuzzles the little cheetah cub to comfort her "it's ok Fuli; from now on you're going to be safe with us".

End of part 2

TLK- Fuli's family- Part 3

The two lionesses get off of Jamal as he stands to defend himself to then realize who it is, "King Simba? Umm what brings the royal highnesses to me?" he asks "Jamal forcing sexual activities on your daughter is unacceptable, and threatening MY son is...

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TLK- Fuli's family- Part 1

The sunsets behind the horizon ending another day on everyone in the great land of the pridelands, with stars beginning to form up on the dark blue sky with a half full moon rising on the opposite side. Near the waterhole comes a tired group of...

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TLK- young love- KovuxKion and KionxFuli

It's a nice windy sunny day in the land of the pridelands a young adult Kion lays napping alone on a rock several feet away from Pride rock and a little further away from the water hole while most of his lion guard friends left after a fight taking...

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