TLK- Fuli's family- Part 3

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#3 of Fuli's family (TLK series)

I again sorry for short looking parts,I want it to be long, but I don't want to put too much into a part :^/ . I hope it's understandable, but if it's not then I can understand. Anyway hope you guys are liking the story so far despite the length of the parts :^P

The two lionesses get off of Jamal as he stands to defend himself to then realize who it is, "King Simba? Umm what brings the royal highnesses to me?" he asks "Jamal forcing sexual activities on your daughter is unacceptable, and threatening MY son is prohibited in the pridelands" Simba tells him "B-but I was only teaching her how cheetahs make love" he explains "by forcing it in action on your daughter? Also forcing your daughter to change her love preference is unacceptable, she has the right to love whoever and however she wants" Simba tells him "as punishment of doing these things, Fuli is no longer under your authority, and your mate Kamili is no longer under your control as they are both moving to pride rock with us" Simba finishes as Jamal gets on his knees, "ok, ok king Simba please give me another chance I'll change I promise, I swear to you that I can change" Jamal begs.

Simba thinks for a second "Jamal, if you promise me that you can change, I'll give you a second chance, but I can't risk it for Fuli as she is coming with us, you and Kamili will remain together but next time you abuse, assault, or sexually force her, you will be alone and depending on how much you've done, I'd have no choice but to banish to prevent anymore similar problems" Simba tells Jamal. Jamal sighs heavily and nods accepting what Simba has said, "ok, I won't disappoint you king Simba" Jamal bows as Simba nods.

They make it back to pride rock with Simba and Nala going back to bed while both Fuli and Kion sits together on the tip of the slanted rock to look at the stars. They're silent for the first several minutes before Kion looks at Fuli, "I'm sorry for everything that has happened to you" he tells her who looks back at her, "you don't have to be sorry, I'm the one who should be sorry, for bringing you into that mess" she flats her ears "you don't have to be either, no one is to blame for the things that has happened to you except for your father" he tells her.

"I also don't like it when my friends are upset, especially when uh... they're my... uh... best friend" he tells her before slightly nuzzling for a quick few seconds making Fuli smile again. Kion smiles back before yawning exhaustedly "I don't know about you but I probably should be going to sleep" he says standing up "I ought to get some sleep also" she says standing as well before they walk together down towards the entrance. Kion accidently goes a little faster into the cave leaving Fuli behind as Fuli flats her ears and stops before the entrance of the cave, to see the sea of sleeping lionesses then the sleeping king and queen, as she does not know where to go to sleep since she would always sleep by her mother's side. Kion lies down in front of his mother's paws before noticing Fuli going towards the wall and laying down alone, with him feeling guilty for leaving Fuli; he gets back up and makes his way to her, going over sleeping lionesses in the process.

Fuli curls up in a ball as she looks to see Kion approaching, "what is it Kion?" she whispers "nothing, thought you needed some company" he smiles whispering back as he lies next to her. Fuli smiles "thanks Kion" she says to him as they both lay their heads down with Kion falling asleep first. Fuli stays awake for a minute longer to look at her friend and smile as she lays her head near his to then fall asleep. In the middle of the night, Fuli has started to badly twitch from a bad dream that is beginning to happening. She twitches and twitches and occasionally moans in fear as she accidently wakes up Kion is the process, Kion looks around to see what's going on to see what's going on with Fuli. Kion flats his ears knowing what's going on as he puts his head on her back to begin licking the back of her neck to maybe help calm her dream; which seems that it has as she stop twitching but replaced it with her purring.

Kion smiles knowing he's done something right as he stops and puts his head back down near hers who still purrs as he falls back to sleep to the sound of it. The next morning Kion's the first awake as he sees most of the lionesses already up and gone as he looks to see Fuli's head is laid against him. He blushes and smiles as he carefully moves his body to carefully lay her head down on the soft rocky floor. Kion then walks towards the exit but stops to look back at Fuli, feeling like there's a thorn inside him making him not leave the cave while looking at Fuli for a few minutes and sighs before walking out of the cave and down the steps going towards the waterhole.

Fuli then awakes from where she lays as she yawns to then see Kion not next to her. She stands and stretches her limbs as she makes her way out of the cave and up the slanted rock to look at the land below and around. Kion reaches the waterhole as he sits at the edge of the water and dips his head to get a drink; once he got done he looks at his reflection in the water to see his mane is starting to grow around his neck and head, "awesome" he smiles very happy that his mane is finally starting to grow along with his height and size heading closer towards teenage stage "maybe one more week?... I think, then my mane will be grown out, I can't wait to have it" he says excitedly "have what?" says a familiar voice to Kion's right as he looks to see Fuli sitting and looking at him with a smile. "oh, hey Fuli, my mane is starting to grow more" he tells her as she looks at it "you mean your fluff?" she teases as Kion chuckles "no, it's called a mane", "oh ok your fluff mane, gotcha " she giggles as Kion smiles and rolls his eyes.

"So how was your first night in pride rock?" he asks "it was great overall, but I've had very horrible dream "she says flatting her ears looking at the water, "if you don't mind me asking what was it about?" he asks Fuli stays silent for a few seconds before looking at Kion "it... it was about my mother and father... my father physically, mentally and sexually abusing and assaulting my mother in front of me, then it goes to him going to me and sexually doing stuff to me, I try to fight back but he was stronger" she explains beginning to tear up a bit "but then something rushed in to save me and my mother, it looked like uh... a lion" she partially lies knowing it looked like Kion with a mane. Kion looks at the ground for a second "did the lion look like my dad? Or grandfather?" he asks as Fuli nods "the lion did have a mane, but he looked nothing like those two" she tells him "which for I don't know because if I was happy that I was saved or what, but I then began to purr to the sight of the lion" she finishes.

End of part 3

TLK- Fuli's family- Part 4

Once she finished telling Kion her story they then can hear crying and sobbing, Fuli and Kion's ears both shoot up as they look around to see who's crying as they then see a cheetah on the other side of the waterhole. Fuli knows this cheetah "mom?" she...

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TLK- Fuli's family- Part 2

At the waterhole Kion is laid on the green grass near the water looking at the stars like how he and his father sometimes would do, but most times he does alone. He then hears sobbing and crying as he looks around to see Fuli running from her home and...

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TLK- Fuli's family- Part 1

The sunsets behind the horizon ending another day on everyone in the great land of the pridelands, with stars beginning to form up on the dark blue sky with a half full moon rising on the opposite side. Near the waterhole comes a tired group of...

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