Relief from the Storm

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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Arrell finds himself caught in a storm, and hopes to find warmth in a cave, only to end up with much more than he expected.

A harsh wind blew through the trees, sending shaking leaves plummeting to the ground below. Rain poured from the sky in a dreadful torrent, soaking anything that was not under cover. Arrell was unfortunate to have been caught outside when the storm had hit, having hoped to catch a meal before returning home. His luck was not with him though, and now he was walking through the woods, stopping under a large tree every now and then to try and ease to constant rain that bombarded him. Arrell was shivering, and hoped that it wouldn't be too long until he could find some sort of proper cover. There was no way that he would be able to make it home, and he hadn't explored this area before.

This left him stumbling around like a pup, his eyes searching for anything that could help him out. Giving himself a quick shake, Arrell stepped out from under the small cover the tree had provided, his fur soaking through again almost instantly. It wasn't that Arrell didn't like rain, in fact he quite liked it, it was just that he didn't like the cold. He had been shivering for the better part of an hour, and he felt as if his paws were starting to go numb. Arrell could barely tell that he was walking, save for the wet splashed his paws were creating every time they slipped into a muddy puddle. With his eyes feverishly scanning his surroundings, the wolf somehow didn't even seem to notice that he had left the woods behind, and was now walking along the gentle slope of a mountain.

His eyes caught hold of a large opening in the rocky hill side, and without further thought, Arrell began heading towards it, stumbling a few times. By the time Arrell reached the cave, his muscles were stiff and tense, and he wanted nothing more than to collapse on the smooth stone floor. He relented though, because he knew that if he were to fall here there would be a chance that he would not rise again. Letting out a deep breath, watching it fog in the air before him, Arrell set off deeper into the cave, hoping the find somewhere that the wind couldn't reach him. His claws scraped softly against the stone as he set himself into motion, sniffing at the air as he moved further into the cave.

Barely a few steps in, and darkness was already beginning to envelope Arrell, a light underlying scent catching in his nose. He was certain he had smelt the sort before, but where? It wasn't strong, but it was definitely persistent. Arrell was stumbling in almost complete darkness now, barely able to make out the silhouettes of rocks in his path, walking into one more than once. The cave did seem to be getting warmer, and for that Arrell was thankful, stopping for a moment to try and shake some of the water out of his fur. The scent that had been lingering seemed to be getting stronger, and Arrell could almost picture what the source was, only to have it evade his mind.

He hoped that it wasn't a predator, for he had little strength left to fight with. Stopping for a moment, Arrell tried to calm his breathing, listening to see if he could catch any sign of whatever lurked in the cave. Arrell was tempted to turn tail and leave the cave all together, but just the thought of the cold rain outside got him shivering again. Arrell thought it would be best if he just waited here, but still the cold wind seeped through his fur, reaching deep into his bones, and he decided that it would be better to risk whatever lived in the cave than the cold outside. Reluctantly, and a little worried, Arrell started walking deeper into the all-encompassing darkness, his soft paws creating quiet wet thuds as he forced himself deeper into the cave.

Ahead, there seemed to be some sort of light source, and Arrell's heart seemed to sink into his stomach as he felt cold wind whipping at his fur from ahead. Had he walked through the cave and found an exit? No, Arrell could see faint light ahead, and it seemed to just cover a solid wall. Where was the light coming from then? And the wind? Curiosity reached passed his disappointment, and Arrell was soon moving forwards again, barely noticing the fact that things were getting easier to see. It didn't take Arrell long to find where the wind was coming from, having followed the light to its source.

Where he had expected to find solid stone, he was instead greeted with the sky, though the billowing grey clouds did seem to give the appearance of some strange, shifting stone. Strangely enough, there seemed to be no rain pouring in from the large hole above Arrell, but instead seemed to be running down one wall, and then streaming down to the entrance of the cave. Arrell didn't know how he had managed to miss it on the way in, but was glad he hadn't had to walk through the steady stream of water. Deciding that this was still better than the torrential downpour that awaited him outside, Arrell pulled himself up against one wall, trying his best to curl around up and preserve his warmth.

Huddled around himself, Arrell was too busy trying to keep warm to notice the sudden movement across the cave, his nose pushed against his belly unable to pick up the sudden increase of that strange scent. His chest was slowly rising and falling, as he tried to let sleep take him away, hoping to wake when the weather was warmer so that he could return to his pack.

Sniffing at the air, Grath picked up a scent that wasn't there a moment ago. He breathed in deeply, filling his lungs, and looking around for the source of the smell. Things looked normal enough, except for the small furry rock shivering against one wall. Squinting, Grath tried to better make out what it was; sniffing tentatively at the air a few times in the hopes that it would help him identify what was lying slumped against the wall. There was little that he could pick up besides the smell of wet fur though, and the dragon soon found himself slowly walking over to the shivering form. He noticed the wet paw prints leading back down to the entrance of the cave, and wondered for a moment if perhaps there were more creatures behind it.

That was ridiculous though, surely an entire group of animals wouldn't be stupid enough to wonder into his cave. Grath made sure not to let his claws scrape on the stone, trying to stay quiet else he scare away what he now knew was a wolf. What was it doing here though? Surely this wolf had its own home? Leaning in closer, Grath sniffed lightly at the air, taking in the rough scent of the wolf's fur, the smell tickling at his nostrils. He enjoyed their earthy scent, his tail tip flicking idly through the air behind him. Letting out a deep held breath, Grath struggled to keep any noise from escaping his maw, not wanting to frighten this unexpected guest.

Arrell frowned slightly as he felt a slight warmth play across his back, wondering if he was going mad to be feeling warmth in such a cold place. The warmth came again though, and Arrell found himself pushing back against it, letting out a deep breath as he felt it seep through his fur and warm his body. Arrell let out a small sigh, which turned into a startled yelp as he felt something solid push against his back, ruffling his damp fur. Jumping to his feet, or wobbling more like it, Arrell quickly turned around to see what had happened. His heart felt as if it fell into the cold stone beneath him, his breath catching in his lungs and his limbs becoming oddly still.

At the sight in front of him, the scent he had caught earlier suddenly found an image. Arrell had managed to wonder into a dragon's cave, and now stood before them as they sniffed at him like he was a fresh meal. Dragon's wouldn't eat wolves would they? Arrell didn't know, and that frightened him even more. Was he going to be some dragon's meal just because he tried to get out of the rain? All at once the wolf's body seemed to lose strength, his legs shaking and his ears pressing back hard against his head.

"I- I'm sorry..." Arrell said, looking down at the dragon's large paws, hoping that it would let him go.

"Hmmm." Grath rumbled, pushing his snout forwards to gently rub against the wolf's. "What is there to be sorry about?"

Arrell did his best to stand still as the dragon prodded and rubbed against his body with its snout, making him tremble, worried at what they intended to do. Arrell started noticing more details about the dragon, like the dull horns that protruded from their head, curving forwards ever so slightly. They looked to be covered in deep red scales, covering their body like some mysterious ruby blanket, growing lighter as they reached the dragon's belly, eventually turning into a dull white. Their eyes seemed almost to glow, the yellow irises staring out at Arrell as if they meant to draw the wolf's life from his body.

Their wings looked small, but Arrell knew that this was a deception played by all dragons when they pulled them in against their bodies. The membranes looked smooth, soft even, and Arrell wondered what one would feel like, though he knew he would never have the chance to find out. The scales of the dragon seemed to grow darker the lower they got, leaving its paws and tail tip looking almost black. They had dangerous looking claws poking out of their paws, the same bright white of their horns, making it look almost as if the claws were reaching from the darkness of the cave instead of the paws of the dragon.

"It isn't your fault the rain began," Grath continued, finally stepping back a bit. "You were just looking for shelter, and I am willing to share."

Arrell's only reply was to nod his head, keeping his gaze on the floor. As much as the dragon frightened him, he did enjoy the warmth that he had felt emanating from them. He even had to hold back a whine as he felt their snout pull away from him, wanting to lean into the warmth that it promised. Instead though, he was left standing before them, almost feeling their gaze pouring over his body.

"You look cold." Grath stated, taking a slow step forwards. "I'm sure that I can provide more heat than the stone under you?" The dragon offered, tilting his head to the side.

Arrell finally looked up at that, wondering if they were just tormenting him before eating him, or if they were genuinely offering their warmth. Seeing little choice in the matter though, Arrell reluctantly stepped forwards, his ears still held down against his head as he pushed into the warmth of the dragon. He tried his best not to actually touch their scales, not wanting to bother them with his damp fur, but before long he was pushing himself up against their side, their warmth soaking in through his fur. Slowly, Grath settled down on the ground, feeling the wolf huddling up against him.

Grath curled his body around the wolf, letting one wing drape over them to help keep them warm. He felt the wolf's breathing pick up a little at that, their muscles tensing up.

"So," Grath said, poking his head under his wing, letting his tongue give a long lick at his snout, "What is your name wolf?"

"My name?" Arrell asked, "Why do you wish to know?"

Arrell visibly flinched as the question left his muzzle, expecting to meet the dragon's wrath or something of the sort.

"I was just hoping to learn what to call you besides 'Wolf'," Grath said, a small smile filling out across his snout, "Though if you would prefer just 'Wolf' than that is fine."

"Arrell." Came the reply after a few moments of silence, the wolf looking up to meet the dragon's gaze. "I am called Arrell."

"Arrell..." Grath said, letting the name roll out of his maw, "Such a nice name, suited for a wolf such as you."

Arrell frowned for a moment. Was that a compliment? Surely he was mistaken; there was no way that he would be complimented by a dragon. Arrell decided to just nod his head, hoping that this dragon would be happy enough with that as a reply. There was silence for a while after that, filled only with the soft breathing of the two, and even though the warmth of the dragon greatly comforted him, Arrell was unable to fall asleep, still too worried about what this dragon might do to him. He managed to become distracted by the dragon's scent at one point, finding it filling the small space that was in fact made of dragon rather quickly. He couldn't even breathe without catching the scent of it.

Strangely enough, Arrell found himself enjoying their scent. It was rich, but not overpowering, filling the air but not choking him.

"You can call me Grath if you wish." The dragon stated, making Arrell jump slightly at the sudden noise, his fur brisling on his neck and back and his muscles tensing up.

"I- yes..." Arrell replied, looking down again, not wanting to meet their gaze.

"Grrrr... You need to relax a little," Grath rumbled, "I'm not going to eat you, though you do look tasty." The dragon punctuated his sentence by sliding his tongue along his top lop,

Arrell looked up at Grath, fear lining his face. Was Grath going to eat him? He could only hope not. It was far too late to try running, and besides that he was surrounded by the dragon. In any case, relaxing would do nothing bad for him. Shuffling around a little, Arrell attempted to relax his muscles, though he wasn't met with much success. He tried turning away from Grath's head, hoping that without the sight of his threatening maw he would be able to relax a little better. He did manage to relax a little after that, though the dragon seemed to insist on touching him with his snout from time to time.

The dragon's scent seemed much stronger now, and slightly different. Arrell sniffed at the air a few times, trying to find the source of where this new smell was coming from, and before he knew what he was doing, he found himself with his muzzle buried between Grath's hind legs. Grath let out a pleased rumble as he felt Arrell poking around, first at his belly, then moving lower. Grath shifted his legs slightly as the wolf sniffed at him, giving them easier access. Sniffing intently, breathing in the light musk of the dragon, Arrell pushed his nose deeper between Grath's legs, barely able to make out anything in the dark. He wasn't stupid, he knew what he would find with his sniffing, but the smell just seemed so intoxicating.

Inching his head closer, Arrell noticed Grath's legs twitching slightly, and soon found out why. His nose suddenly pushed up against the heat of the red dragon's sheath, which felt more than a little full. His nose twitching slightly, Arrell pushed it against Grath's soft flesh, taking in a deep breath, his body shuddering from the strong musk. Grath let out a loud, pleased rumble at that, rolling over a bit and spreading his legs wider, welcoming the wolf's exploration. Letting out a quiet whine, Arrell continued his sniffing and poking at the dragon's sheath, feeling his own arousal building as the black tip of Grath's member poked out of his sheath.

Pulling his head back a bit, Arrell pushed his cool nose against the hot flesh of the member that was willing to show itself, his breaths rapidly playing over it while he drank in the scent. Grath's member visibly throbbed at the touch of the cool nose, spilling out of his sheath much faster, filling the enclosed area with his heady musk. Arrell could hear the dragon's breathes coming out short now and soon felt the dragon's snout pushing against his own belly, sniffing around with a determination. Taking in one last deep breath, Arrell pushed his head lower again, his nose trailing along the hot musky flesh of Grath's length, then pushing at the entrance to his sheath a little, determined on taking in more of the intoxicating musk.

Letting his muzzle travel further down, Arrell found himself face to face with Grath's weighty balls, which seemed a much lighter red than the rest of the dragon, much like his underbelly. Arrell nuzzled at the large orbs for a moment, letting their weight rest on top of his snout, before moving even further down the dragon after inhaling the potent musk coming off of them. Grath had been working his way lower down the wolf's body while all this happened, taking in the much lighter scent of them, managing to pick up their aroused musk through the thick air of his own. He was just starting to explore the body of the wolf when he felt their snout push against his tailhole, a wet warmth spreading across his sensitive muscles.

"Graaaarrrrr..." Grath growled, his claws scraping along the stone beneath him, leaving slight grooves in it.

Beyond words, Arrell replied by letting his tongue slip across the dragon's tailhole again, sampling the strong musk there, letting it cloud his senses. Grath groaned as Arrell continued his lapping, his paws clutching at the air, his tail smacking at the ground beneath him, kicking up clouds of stony dust. His tailhole quivered and clenched under the onslaught of pleasure that he was receiving from the wolf's tongue, amazed that it could force so much pleasure onto him. A moment later though, and Arrell pulled his head back, leaving both of them panting as the wolf licked at his lips. Arrell would love to have continued, but he had another target now.

Moving his snout back up along Grath's body, and giving a quick lick as he passed over his fleshy orbs, he set his muzzle once more against the glistening black rod that was the dragon's member. He let his nose run along its length, touching and pushing at it, revelling in the deep groans that reverberated throughout the dragon. Moving back down to the base, Arrell placed both paws on Grath's thighs, then slipped his wet tongue out of his mouth, embracing the heat of Grath's member, letting his taste buds take in the flavour of this length of dragon. Starting at the base, his tongue slid over a barely registered bulge, travelling up to the tapered tip, where Arrell did his best at rolling his slippery tongue around the head of Grath's member.

Growling, Grath bucked his hips as he felt the fleshy appendage squeezing around his tip, trying to sink it into further warmth, but only succeeding in smearing pre over his belly. He let Arrell lick along his length once more, before rolling over and pushing himself off the ground.

"Mmmmmrrr... Looks like you've finally gotten comfortable." Grath said, looking down at Arrell, his draconic length jutting out proudly between his legs.

Arrell, still panting slightly, nodded his head in reply, his own member hard between his legs, pre dripping down its length. His eyes were stuck on the dark length between Grath's legs, mesmerised by the way it seemed to throb at a steady pace. Even after Grath had stood up, letting fresh air finally surround Arrell again, the scent and musk of the dragon still persisted in his nostrils, making him achingly hard.

"I- please..." Arrell whined, hesitantly stepping forwards, his head lowered and ready to reach under the dragon's body again, his mouth already watering at the thoughts of tasting that thick spire of flesh again.

Grath reached out and placed a large paw on Arrell's chest as the wolf started walking towards him, halting him in his tracks. Whining, Arrell attempted to push passed Grath's paw, but it was like trying to push aside a boulder.

"Isn't it fair that I get a taste of you?" Grath asked, a mischievous grin filling out his snout as he licked at his lips.

Frowning, Arrell wondered for a moment what Grath meant, but when he finally caught on his member throbbed beneath him, sending a large glob of pre running down his length. Nodding his head, and feeling more than a little nervous, Arrell slowly got down onto the ground, rolling over and holding his paws up above him.

"Grrrr... you do look tasty." Grath stated, stepping forwards and poking his snout down to touch and sniff at the wolf's belly.

Arrell wiggled on the ground under the attention, his paws lightly grasping at the top of Grath's snout. Grath's sniffing quickly moved lower though, reaching down along Arrell's member, but much to the wolf's disappointment it didn't stop there. Arrell wasn't complaining when he felt that smooth snout push under his tail though, the warm breath playing out along his balls and tailhole. Grath pushed his snout up hard against the soft flesh of Arrell's tailhole, sniffing in deeply before pushing his tongue out of his maw, tasting what the wolf had to offer. Arrell squirmed on the ground, his tongue flopping out of his mouth as he felt Grath's slick tongue licking and lapping at his tailhole, slathering it with his over slippery saliva.

Grath huffed as he pulled his head back, letting his tongue loudly smack against his lips. "Mmmmm... you are quite the treat little wolf." The dragon rumbled, grinning widely as Arrell turned his head away, slightly embarrassed.

With his head turned away, Arrell didn't notice Grath moving closer once more, and gave out a sharp yelp of surprise when he felt that tongue run across his furry balls, slipping back down onto his tailhole. This time, instead of simply licking at the wolf, Grath was slowly applying more pressure, resting a large paw on Arrell's belly as the wolf squirmed on the ground. Arrell was panting, his tongue hanging from his mouth and saliva freely flowing down it to the ground beneath him. His muscles clenched and tightened every time he felt the tip of Grath's tongue push into him, his toes clenching on top of him.

Grath was determined to sink his tongue into the delicious wolf, and slowly worked it in, pushing more and more of the slippery appendage into the wolf's tight tailhole every time they relaxed, only to have them tightly squeeze down on him. Enjoying every squirm and whine that came from the wolf, Grath pulled his tongue back a bit, folding it over itself, before spearing it deep into Arrell's rear, making the wolf cry out in pleasure. Arrell's member throbbed fitfully pre cum leaking liberally from the tip, dripping onto his belly and sliding down to his sheath. Finally, deciding that he had worked enough, Grath pulled his head back, giving one quick lick along Arrell's member, watching the wolf tremble from the touch.

Head slumped back against the cool stone, Arrell panted as his body felt like it was overheating. His member throbbed and ached, feeling as if a single touch could send him over the edge now. He whined when Grath pulled back, reaching up to try and grab at the dragon's head with his hind paws, only receiving a deep chuckle in response. Lifting his head, and finally pulling his tongue back inside his mouth, Arrell looked up at Grath, or, more specifically, the hard length of dragon flesh hanging between his legs. Slowly, Arrell rolled over, placing his paws beneath him. His hind legs felt more than a little weak, and he stumbled forwards as he tried to get closer to the red dragon.

Grath grinned as he watched Arrell stumble towards him, reaching forwards with his snout to rub it against the wolf's neck, letting out a pleased rumble at the feeling of the soft fur. Arrell's fur had mostly dried now, and it was starting to fluff out slightly, making it overly enjoyable for Grath to push against. Though the fur was nice, Grath knew that the wolf was hiding something much nicer beneath his tail. Grath's member twitched and throbbed beneath him just remembering how tightly the wolf had squeezed around his tongue. Grath's nostrils flared as he found himself drinking in the wolf's musk, letting out a pleased huff as it mingled with his own musk in his nostrils, only serving to somehow arouse him more.

Grath let his tongue out of his maw, giving Arrell's fur a long lick from his chest to his muzzle, making the fur poke up at odd angles. Arrell let out a weak whimper as he felt that tongue push against his neck, leaning his head back and exposing more of it to Grath. The dragon didn't seem interested though, and instead pulled his head back once again.

"How about we- grrraaarrrr! We see how much can fit inside you?" Grath asked, thrusting his hips forwards sharply a few times as the tip of his member grinded against his smooth belly scales.

Arrell's body trembled at the question, his tailhole clenching at the thoughts of feeling that dragon cock inside him. His mind spun at the question. Would it even fit? What would it feel like? Were those ridges underneath it? Before Arrell could answer any of the questions he asked himself he found himself nodding dumbly, his tail already lifting up behind him. Grath let out a deep, pleased growl at that, walking around the side of Arrell, rubbing his body against the wolf's. Arrell felt the warm breath play across his rear as Grath seemed to inspect it, as if to make sure that nothing had changed within the last few seconds. Pooling his saliva on his tongue, Grath gave Arrell's hole one last lick, pushing his tongue in as deep as he could, his nose buried against the base of the wolf's tail.

Arrell groaned and pushed back against the tongue that was forced into him, loving the way it spread him open, the tip flicking around a little before pulling back. Then all formalities seemed to be over, and Arrell felt Grath's weight slowly start to shift over his back. The dragon's forepaws rested on either side of Arrell's head, and Arrell felt a pang of fear suddenly shoot through him. Grath was too big. The dragon didn't seem to think so, and was already poking around with his member, his hips nudging back and forth as his member searched for the slick entrance to the wolf.

Arrell felt the smooth member prod at his tail base a few times, even slide up over his rear once, covering his fur in pre, before the tip finally managed to lodge itself inside his tailhole. Arrell's first reaction was to clench down at the sudden penetration, which only served to make Grath thrust forwards. The tip was definitely inside him now, and Arrell groaned and whined as he felt it spreading him open around it. Even though Arrell's mind was focussed on how much the draconic member was stretching him open, he could still feel it throb as it pumped pre into him, helping to make his tailhole even slicker than it already was.

Grath let out a growl on top of Arrell, struggling to keep his hips still. The wolf was tight, very tight, and he didn't want to hurt them by breeding them like another dragon. He would have to be gentle with them, or at least try to. After a few moments of sitting still, Arrell felt that his tailhole had adjusted to the stretching enough, and pushed his hips back, which urged another seemingly desperate thrust from Grath. This time the thrust didn't stop though, merely slowing down, slowly pushing more and more of the thick dragon cock into the wolf, making him squirm and whine at the constantly increasing pressure.

Grath gave a long wide lick along the top of Arrell's head, lifting one paw from the ground to hold against his chest, pushing the wolf back slightly as he sank his member ever deeper into the silken warmth of his tailhole. He had nearly half of his member lodged inside that tight warm prison when Arrell's whines began to get louder, and the wolf started pushing forwards slightly. Grath took the hint, pulling his hips back, and nearly slamming them forwards again out of instinct. He started rocking his hips back and forth in small movements, trying to help Arrell adjust to the girth of his member.

Grath wanted to just plunge his hips forwards, to bury himself to the hilt inside the slick, constricting warmth of the wolf. But he didn't want to hurt them, so he waited patiently, until he felt Arrell push back against him again. Slowly working forwards again, Grath sank ridge after ridge of his flesh inside, stopping every now and then when Arrell seemed to need a break, and a few minutes later he had the small bulge of his knot pressed up against Arrell's tailhole. The wait after that was much shorter than the rest had been, and Grath was soon pulling his hips back. The first thrust rocked Arrell as his muscles squeezed down hard against the invading member, as if that would help him.

Once the thrusting started though, Arrell was quick to find the pleasure in it, panting as the hot flesh pushed in and out of him, his tailhole leaking a small amount of pre with every thrust. Grath was quite on top of him, trying to keep his breathing even and making sure not to make Arrell uncomfortable beneath him. The wolf didn't seem to be uncomfortable or in any pain though, and Grath soon pushed down harder against their chest as he rocked his hips into them, earning a tight squeeze as his knot kissed at their entrance. Arrell had been beneath other males before, but certainly none of them this big, or a dragon for that matter.

He was half surprised that he was still completely intact, and more so, feeling pleasure from this. He found himself able to relax just a little more every time Grath thrust into him, his own member throbbing as he felt that tip rub against something inside him. Grath seemed to notice him relaxing as well, because the dragon's thrusts began picking up in pace, the dragon's hips hunching up behind Arrell as he thrust into him. Grath kept his teeth clenched, his throat holding a growl in as he began thrusting harder, his knot expanding slightly as Arrell's walls continued to force pleasure into him. His wings shivered in his joints and his tail tip flicked wildly behind him, smacking at the ground every now and then.

"You ca- can go a little- unff- little faster." Arrell offered between panting and the thrusts from Grath.

This news seemed to set the dragon over the edge, as his thrusts picked up pace dramatically, sliding nearly his whole member out before pushing it back in again, making Arrell groan as he was repeatedly filled with Grath's whole length. Grath seemed to be holding back though, keeping a small part of his member out each time, and it took Arrell a while to notice that it seemed a fair bit thicker than the rest of it. He wondered at what it was; surely dragons didn't have knots like wolves? No, it must be something else, probably just a bit of wider flesh at the base. With that thought stuck in his head, Arrell set about showing Grath that he could take the extra width, pushing his hips back hard against the dragon's next thrust.

Grath finally let out the loud growl that had been building in his throat when he felt his knot push into the wolf, hunching his chest down as his thrusts started losing rhythm, just working on slamming his length in and out of the wolf. Arrell's tongue flopped from side to side hanging out of his mouth, his eyes half closed as he felt Grath pounding into him. He could hear the wet squelches every time Grath thrust into him; feel the excess fluids rolling down over his balls. His own member throbbed beneath him, but his mind wasn't focussed on that at all, instead keeping itself occupied with the thick spire of flesh that was continuously shoved beneath his tail.

Arrell's front legs suddenly collapsed beneath him as Grath wrapped both paws around his chest, his hips working rapidly back and forth, each thrust slamming into Arrell with enough force to lift his hind paws from the ground. Grath was constantly growling now, and Arrell could feel the base of his member starting to expand. He felt that pang of fear course through him again at that. Had he been wrong? Did dragons have knots? It didn't matter, he told himself, it was growing too fast and there was no way that Grath would be able to get it inside him after a few thrusts.

This knowledge wasn't known only to Arrell though, and the next thrust forced Grath's not into the wolf, where it began to rapidly expand, making Arrell groan as it started filling his rear. Grath's thrusts were completely feral now, just working on taking whatever pleasure he could, pushing in as far as he could before pulling back, his knot tugging against Arrell's tailhole. A few thrusts later, and Grath lifted his head high, releasing an ear splitting roar as he buried his member as deep as he possibly could, grinding his hips back and forth. Arrell felt the dragon cock throb one, twice, then three times before he felt the heat start to flood into him.

The draconic seed surrounded Grath's member, rushing down to push at his tailhole, but the knot didn't let anything escape, forcing it all deeper into Arrell, who was panting, groaning, and whining on the floor as he was filled with Grath's seed. His hunt had been unsuccessful, but already he was beginning to feel full, and the thick member lodged inside him showed no signs of slowing down with the torrent of cum it was releasing. Grath finally lowered his head, or more like let it drop to the ground, panting and moaning as he painted Arrell's insides white. He tugged back against Arrell's tight tailhole while his member continued spurting its seed, forcing a few extra hard spasms to course through his length at the extra pressure on his knot.

Arrell struggled to catch his breath as he felt the seed flowing deeper into him, slowly stretching him out a little. Arrell felt that he had eaten enough for days, and was thankful when Grath's member finally slowed down in its pulsing and twitching. Arrell licked at his mouth a few times, swearing that he could taste some faint, exotic seed, but knew that that wasn't right. Giving a half yelp at sudden movement, Arrell was pulled onto his side as Grath let his body fall to the ground. He was thankful that the dragon hadn't just collapsed on top of him, but a little warning would have been nice.

He quickly found the reason no warning had come though, as Grath looked as if he had just run the length of the forest. He was panting, drawing in breath deeply, growling quietly with each exhale. It took nearly a minute before Grath had managed to calm his breathing, and then he wrapped his paws around Arrell's chest, nuzzling into his neck and giving him a long lick. His paws moved lower down the wolf's body, and when they touched at Arrell's neglected member Grath pulled his head back, looking over the side of the wolf. He opened his maw to say something, but he couldn't think of any words that would be worth saying right now, so instead just craned his neck, and reached his snout down towards Arrell's member.

Frowning at a sudden warmth spreading across his member, Arrell looked down his chest, only to be greeted with the back of Grath's head.

"What are you- oooohh..." Arrell moaned as Grath coiled his tongue around the canine member, tugging and squeezing at it before pulling the tip into his hot maw.

Arrell thrust his hips forwards at the wet warmth that suddenly surrounded his member, forcing Grath to thrust as well, his member releasing a weak throb. Grath pulled the whole length into his maw, including the slowly forming knot at the base, revelling in Arrell's whimpers of pleasure. He started bobbing his head back and forth, feeling the tip of Arrell's member only just touching at the back of his throat. Grath pushed the tip of his tongue out of his maw, keeping the rest of it coiled and squeezing around the wolf's member, and pushed it into his sheath, wriggling it around.

Arrell rapidly thrust his hips forwards at that, feeling intense pleasure both from the hot maw he was buried in, and the large member lodged in his rear. He placed his paws on Grath's head, between his horns, and pushed down against it while he thrust into his maw. Grath loudly slurped and licked at Arrell's member, his tongue squeezing and pulling at the rapidly forming knot, quickly dragging Arrell towards his climax. Feeling his tailhole clenching down hard around Grath's already spent member, Arrell couldn't even find the thought to bring out a howl, instead only whimpering loudly as he was overloaded with pleasure, his member twitching and pulsing inside Grath's maw.

Arrell's whimper turned into a long, low groan, as he felt the dragon lightly lock his teeth around his knot, tugging his head back a bit, and Arrell let loose a torrent of seed. Grath greedily gulped down what he could, his tongue squeezing and pulling harder at Arrell's member as the wolf finally reached his peak. Arrell's hind paws kicked feebly at the air as he pushed down hard against Grath's head, unloading everything he had inside that hot maw. Arrell's own climax was short lived compared to Grath's, and his thrusts soon settled down, his chest heaving as he struggled for air.

Grath pulled his head off of Arrell's member, his tongue sliding off it with a loud slurp, leaving it looking perfectly clean. Resting his head on the ground next to Arrell's, Grath let his tongue swirl around and collect all of the wolf's seed, sampling it before swallowing it down with an audible gulp. Arrell turned his head towards Grath's, giving him a few weak licks, wiggling his hips as he rolled over to face the dragon, who embraced him in a tight hug, pulling the furred chest against his own scaled one. Arrell found himself wondering how well he would be at hunting tomorrow, or even walking for that matter, before he felt his eyes slowly drifting shut, his mind releasing consciousness to Grath's steady breathing, his warm breath playing across Arrell's neck.