TLK- Fuli's family- Part 4

Story by nicker11600 on SoFurry

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#4 of Fuli's family (TLK series)

Hey guys, sorry for the extremely long wait for this next part, I've been pretty busy with a few things. But for now I'm back to hopefully submit the rest of this story and create some more short X stories and work on another full story another time. Also I've made this part longer than the others like some have asked for, but I'll be honest it's not much because of how close it is to where I'm not finished with the story yet. So I hope you guys can forgive me with another shortish part, but after this part I'm going to not post anymore parts so I can finish the rest of the story.

I hope you enjoy this part :^D

Once she finished telling Kion her story they then can hear crying and sobbing, Fuli and Kion's ears both shoot up as they look around to see who's crying as they then see a cheetah on the other side of the waterhole. Fuli knows this cheetah "mom?" she says as both her and Kion quickly goes around to her, "mother?" Fuli calls her as Fuli's mom shoots up and looks at Fuli. Fuli's mom's face lights up one she sees her "Fuli!" she very happily says as she goes to her and embraces her cub with Fuli embracing her back both very happy to see each other again.

"It's so good to see you Fuli, I miss you so much" Fuli's mother tells her, "I miss you too" she says back as they separate from hugging, "hello Kion" Fuli's mother greets him "hello" he greets back "is dad still... you know... doing stuff to you?" Fuli asks her, Fuli's mother flats her ears and frowns "not as much as he has in the past but... he raped me multiple times after you went to pride rock, and I can't do anything about it without him doing any more harm to me" she says in a sad tone. Kion's eyes go a little wide and his face gets a little angered "my dad said to him if he done something similar to what he did you have more than the right to come to pride rock" Kion tells her as she smiles wide to hear that.

Fuli's mother slightly bows to him "thank you prince Kion for telling me this, Fuli's father told me none of this" she tells him, "Mind leading me to pride rock prince Kion?" Fuli's mother than asks as Kion happily nods. They make it to pride rock as they go up the steps, Fuli and her mother wait outside the cave while Kion gets his father. Fuli's mother looks at Fuli, "so, how is sleeping in pride rock?" she asks "it's really great, you'd be asleep in almost no time" Fuli responds looking up at her mother, Fuli's mother looks in the cave then quickly back at Fuli "how do you feel around Kion?" she asks as Fuli's ears quickly flat and her face turns a light red, "umm... I don't know... he's uh... very sweet... umm" she tells her.

Fuli's mother smiles proudly "don't worry Fuli, I'm not like your father, if you love Kion I'd be as proud if you loved anyone else, Kion's perfect for you" she smiles at her as Fuli stays silent with a deep blush but quickly disappears once Kion returns with his father as he stands in front of her. "Hello Kamili, I'd assume by your presence that Jamal has done the opposite of what he promised me?" Simba asks as Kamili nods "he never told me what he promised you, but he's not hitting me like he always has in the past, but he has raped me multiple times after Fuli was taken" Kamili explains to him as Simba nods understanding everything she's saying.

"I gave him a second chance on you, he begged and said he'll change, but it seems that he can't change, so from now on you along with your daughter of course can live in pride rock as long as you like, officially making you a part of the pride" Simba explains to her "which since you are, you will be required to hunt with our lionesses on certain days" he finishes at she nods "when the time comes I'll be more than ready to go" she smiles as Simba nods "if you come with me I'll introduce you to the lionesses and my queen" Simba tells her as the two leave Kion and Fuli where they sit.

They both watch them enter the cave as Kion looks at Fuli to see her have a really happy smile, the smile brings Kion to smile as well, "someone is very happy" Kion chuckles as Fuli looks back at him, "oh course I am, now my mother will live in pride rock with me, I don't have to worry about her being with d-... umm... him anymore" she tells him. In the grass near pride rock sits a cheetah looking and watching Fuli and Kion on pride rock, "they might've taken my family, but just wait until Fuli's grown... then you lions will see what I can do under your noses" Jamal growls as he watches for another minute before turning around heading back to his cave.

A week and a half goes by as the sun rises for the beginning of a new day as Kion who is almost now a young adult with is mane almost fully grown around his head and neck. His height and size has increased as well with him taller than his mother but not quite as tall as his father yet. He stands and stretches his limbs before making his way to the exit, which on his way out he couldn't help but look at Fuli who sleeps at the same spot as before next to her mother. He stops before the exit to admire her, as her fur has become brighter and cleaner looking since her cub days, he stares at her for a couple of seconds before continuing walking as he climbs up the slanted rock and sits at the tip of it to look at the slowly awaking pridelands with the cool breeze blowing his mane around as he pushing against the wind to get as much feel of it as possible.

The wind stops as Kion then hears someone behind him as he looks towards the entrance of the cave to see Fuli stretching her limbs and yawning. Kion tries his best not to stare long but the sight of her is like a magnet to him, her body figure to him is stunning to him, Kion quickly looks back at the land once he sees her head turn in hope to not get caught staring. Fuli looks at Kion catching him at the very last second turning himself forward as she smiles with a raised eyebrow before walking towards him. Kion then looks again to see her approaching "good morning Fuli" he greets with his voice lower than it was as she sits next to him "good morning Kion" she greets back with her voice slightly more mature as they both look out towards the land as she looks at Kion and his mane.

Kion looks back at her, "what?" he chuckles "nothing just seeing that fluff you had really did grow" she teases a bit "it's called a mane Fuli" giggles " oh right my mistake, your fluff mane" she teases again as she stands and makes her way down the steps, Kion looks at her "where you going?" he asks her who stands in the middle of the steps she looks up at him "I'm just getting a drink from the waterhole" she tells him as she continues walking. Kion watches her and stares at her "she's so beautiful" he says blushing at what he said as Fuli looks in the corner of her to see Kion watching her. She smiles "he's so handsome" she says blushing at what she said as well, she sighs "I got to say something or do something to him, I've been saying so much about him and done nothing, I can't just keep doing this, once I'm back with him I'm going to nuzzle that cute handsome face and feel that soft mane on my neck and body, I want him" she says to herself while blushing.

Fuli finally reaches the waterhole as she stops and sits at the edge of the water before she dips her head for a drink. While she drinks, behind her approaches an older male cheetah, "my how you've grown my daughter "Jamal says as Fuli gets frighten by the voice as she quickly turns around towards him to scowl at him, "leave me alone" she growls "why leave, when all I want is a little time with my daughter after so long of me not seeing her" he says with a creepy grin as he gets closer. Fuli notices him getting closer "after what've you done to me and mother, I don't think you should label me as your daughter anymore" she scowls as the only thing behind her is the water as It may be used as an escape if needed.

Fuli then notices in between her father's legs is his unsheathing cheetah dick, as she already know what he might try to do. "oh, you're absolutely right, you're not my daughter, but what you are is my next mate!" he growls as Fuli quickly tries to jump into the water to escape but Jamal grabs her by the tail and pulls her back to then slam her on the ground knocking the wind out of her for a second. Fuli tries her every fiber to kick him, "KION!" she yells trying to get some sort of help "shut your mouth!" he says slapping her as he gets Fuli on her stomach but she still kicks "PLEASE SOMEONE!" she screams as Jamal puts a paw on her mouth, "I've seen you look at it, so just take it; deep down you know you want it, you know you want this to impregnate you," he says in her ear " I know you want this and you know that you want it as well, and now you will get it" he tells her as she tries to squirm free from his grasps but his grip on her is too much and too strong for her.

She bites hard on the dusty paw pads of her so called father making him shout in pain as he moves is paw enough to uncover Fuli's muzzle, "SOMEBODY HELP ME, KION, PLEASE ANYONE JUST ANYO-" she yells as loud as her voice and lungs is able to, while breaking down in tears before Jamal covers her mouth again. Jamal growls "you little cheeky runt" he then uses his other paw to poke painfully hard on Fuli's clit with a claw, as she squirms as much as she can while screaming into his paw in sharp pain, "I'm going to make sure this is an extremely painful mating for you" he growls finally moving his claw away from the hurting clit.

End of part 4

TLK- Fuli's family- Part 3

The two lionesses get off of Jamal as he stands to defend himself to then realize who it is, "King Simba? Umm what brings the royal highnesses to me?" he asks "Jamal forcing sexual activities on your daughter is unacceptable, and threatening MY son is...

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TLK- Fuli's family- Part 2

At the waterhole Kion is laid on the green grass near the water looking at the stars like how he and his father sometimes would do, but most times he does alone. He then hears sobbing and crying as he looks around to see Fuli running from her home and...

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TLK- Fuli's family- Part 1

The sunsets behind the horizon ending another day on everyone in the great land of the pridelands, with stars beginning to form up on the dark blue sky with a half full moon rising on the opposite side. Near the waterhole comes a tired group of...

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