My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 11

Story by OmuYasha on SoFurry

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Oh great, now our heroine's brother turns into a werewolf, better go catch him before he hurts himself! I guess she can't hide the this from her much for hiding her boyfriend's true identity either. Naturally her father wants to kill him, but her mother already has a pretty good idea on what the boyfriend is really like; However, this will not sway her father's feelings towards the boyfriend's kind. Can you blame him? To add more fuel to the fire more stories of murder and gore get plastered all over the news, and now he knows why. He's become a liability to the clan.

Chapter 11: My Little Brother is a Werewolf

Toby ran down the railroad tracks at incredible speeds following Todd's scent. "Damn how far did he get, that pup must have really gotten spooked" He muttered. He frowned as he ran faster down the track. "I hope he's alright" he muttered as he pulled out his phone. "Got his scent, In Wilsonville" he texted Zoe and Sasha. He blew right through a railroad crossing causing the cars to slam on their breaks.

"Damn" Toby muttered as he stuffed his phone into his pocket. He stopped at a marshland and looked around taking in the scents. His phone chimed, and he pulled it out to read, "I've cut off your run away! Grahams Ferry" from Tai.

He thought for a moment before he smirked as he stashed his phone back. He ran faster down the tracks, and He made it to the Railroad Truss that spanned the Willamette River and looked around. He slid down the embankment before he leaned in and his tongue lapped at the water. He made a refreshed sigh, and he heard some steps approaching. "You seriously aren't drinking that water are you?" Tai asked.

Toby glared at him. "I was thirsty!" he shouted.

"Do you know how much fertilizer and crap is in that water?" Tai lectured as Toby climbed up. "There's like a water fountain right over there!" he said pointing over to the park on the other side of the tracks.

Toby scowled at him before Tai laughed. "Toby, you certainly have a way with dealing with Thralls. All you have to do is stare at'em and they'll run with their tail between their legs" He said.

Toby rolled his eyes. "Gee, thanks Tai" Toby said sarcastically.

"Come on" Tai said transforming into his anthro form.

Toby and Tai ran all over the park, which Todd was on the playground equipment in human form crying in the fetal position. Toby and Tai both reverted to their human forms, and Toby kneeled in front of Todd resting a firm hand onto the boy's shoulder. "Todd..." He said calmly. He frowned seeing how depressed Todd was, and Tai scanned the area.

Todd looked at Toby sniffling and then back at the ground again. "Toby...I'm so scared" he said.

Tai pulled out his phone and hit some buttons before he walked off. "We got him" he said softly before he looked back at them.

"Look, Everything seems like it falling apart around you, but everything is going to be okay, don't think this is going to screw up your life at all" he said.

Todd whimpered. "Where am I, Toby?" He asked.

"Well I guess somewhere in Wilsonville...You know you sure gave me some good exercise though" Toby said calmly.

Todd gasped. "What happened to Sasha? Is...she okay? Did I eat her?" He asked.

Toby nodded. "Yea, they're fine" he said before he smiled. "Hey, since you are as so young there is a better chance to help you with your transition without the public being at risk" he said.

Todd scowled. "What do you mean a better chance?" he asked.

Toby laughed. "I won't have to lock you up in a safe room for a month" he said.

Todd nodded before he frowned looking towards Tai. "I heard that werewolf called me a thrall...what's a thrall?" He asked.

Toby looked away. "A Thrall is a human that was turned into a werewolf. It's a big no-no for us to force someone into being a werewolf. What happened to you was considered a crime. I believe a thrall was what did this to you, so the one who was the source is the one to blame" He said.

Todd frowned. "Huh? What do you mean a crime?" he asked.

Toby sighed. "Well it's like a liability...A natural born wolf bites a person, and they bite some people, and those people bite other people, and so that. It's a way for that natural born to spawn an army in a small amount of time" he said.

Todd whimpered. "What's going to happen to me now? Is mom going to mad? I heard her yelling at you" he asked.

Toby smiled. "No worries, it's all're with the alpha male of the whole metro clan. Your mom is just worried about you, that's all" He said before he patted Todd's shoulder. "First off stay cool...we don't want you wolfing out again. Just relax and take it easy. Stress is not a good thing for you one bit at this point" he said.

Todd looked at him in shock. "What do you mean by, you are the alpha male, and what does wolfing out mean?" He asked.

Toby sighed. "I feel like we just told your sister about this but...I'm an Alpha male or the leader of all the werewolves around here...and Wolfing out is what you worked yourself up which led you to transform...and all that candy you ate doesn't help much either" He said.

Todd looked at Toby angry. "You made that wolf do this to me!" He yelled starting to transform slowly.

Toby sighed. "No, I'm pretty sure it was a thrall and none of us created it, but I'm sure who did" he said before he smiled at him. "Thralls can't control themselves very well because they lack the experience to control their primal instincts, so they'll just run amuck until they are killed or they get rehabilitated" He said firmly.

Todd reverted to his original form. "Rehabilitated? So who made that thing anyway?" He asked.

Toby frowned. "Rehabilitated just means that you get help adjusting with living the werewolf life. I think a guy named Ian sired that werewolf. He's what you would call a werewolf criminal, and he is planning on doing something horrible very soon. I'm pretty sure these thralls are a part of his master plan. I don't know why, but he's turning people into werewolves and playing on their fear. There is no real purpose to his actions he's just a big Douche" He said.

Todd looked at him worried. "Are you going to turn Sasha into a werewolf?" He asked.

Toby sighed heavily. "If she wants to...I'm not going to do it without her consent, this will change her life as much as it has with yours" He said.

"Who was that other werewolf, Toby?" Todd asked curiously as he pointed towards Tai.

Toby laughed. "Oh, that's just Tai...he's a Gamma. He's very strong and well...this is his turf. I'm friends with him, so yea. He's a good guy" He said.

Todd smiled. "So there are good werewolves and bad ones then?" He asked.

Toby nodded. "Yea, well the movies portray all of us as evil, mindless, and psychotic. Criminals like Ian have given us a bad rep. We were at peace for so long. Whatever Ian is doing is igniting a war that ended almost century ago" He said.

"A war?" Todd asked.

Toby nodded. "Well, Ian is a member of a group of werewolves who believe Humans are food. There were a lot who believed humans to be equals and as friends. Two hundred years ago there was a strain between all werewolves and the missionaries. That was when a lot of werewolves converted to werewolf supremacy. They fought with werewolf coexistors for nearly a hundred years, and many towns and villages were destroyed from the war" he said.

"So what will happen now?" Todd asked.

Toby sighed deeply. "Let me worry about that...all I'm concerned is that you join the good werewolves, alright?" he said.

Todd nodded. "Okay, I feel a little better about...what I am now" He said before he sighed heavily. "I got to see Nate's folks...they were really're nice too. I don't know why I didn't lose control before and why I did this time" he said lowly.

Tai laughed. "Let up on the Halloween candy bud!" he said.

Todd stood up and walked with Toby. "Okay now listen carefully, from now on, you need to eat, and you better eat well during each meal. You'll feel happy and energized. Secondly come to my house or Nate's on full moons, you have a safe place there to sleep off your wolfiness. Thirdly get as much relaxation time as you can get, it will help calm your nerves" He told the young pup.

"But what about my homework, Toby? I have to do that too" Todd asked.

Toby looked at him oddly before he laughed. "Who's your teacher?" he asked.

"Mrs. Bender" Todd said.

Toby grinned. "Wow...that is convenient" he muttered.

"Why's that?" Todd asked.

Toby chuckled. "Mrs. Bender is a werewolf. In case you haven't figured this out, wolves really love pups. She'll help you out if you ask her, though I'm sure she already knows what happened to you before you did. Don't be afraid to ask her questions...just be secretive about it around the others" he said.

"So am I allergic to Silver now?" Todd asked with a frown.

Toby grinned before he shook his head. "No, silver is okay but just don't consume too much Chocolate, Alcohol, Caffeine and Gum" He said.

Todd pouted. "Awe man, no more good stuff" He said sounding depressed.

"Hey, Wolves love Beef Jerky though. I just love to rip and tear into it. It's like chocolate to humans" Toby said. He sighed. "I could go for some Jerky right now too" he muttered.

Todd laughed. "I actually haven't had jerky that much" he said.

Toby smiled. "Trust me you'll have weird cravings for not just jerky...I have ate dog biscuits on certain occasions..." He said before he blushed as Tai looked back at him amused.

Todd looked at him grossed out. "Dog biscuits?" He raised his voice.

Toby nodded. "Yea, but that's when I'm really desperate. I'll sneak some of my teacher's dog biscuits and eat them. It's oddly satisfying" he said.

Todd laughed. "Why were you so desperate to sneak doggie treats?" He asked.

Toby sighed. "I usually eat around 11:50 to 12:05, and I get hungry before lunch. That's not usually a good thing for me. It's very painful, makes me grumpy, and it makes me less productive you know? I usually have a snack at the beginning of class before lunch. Even if I have a school lunch it's not enough to hold me over either. I have another snack when the last class begins" he said.

He chuckled. "When I get home that's when I unwind, raid the fridge, and do homework. After that I usually get some sleep, and my mom makes me dinner. She makes the best home cooked meals" He said.

Todd smiled. "So are you going to be my Big Brother?" He asked.

Toby laughed before he rubbed the back of his head. "Sure...I'll be your Big Werewolf Brother" He said.

"Awesome, I'm sure my parents are going to freak when I get back, but with you it will be a lot easier" Todd said relieved.

Toby nodded. "Yea well they are going to have to adapt to having a werewolf living in the house. I bet Makita is very excited too. She'll be able to have a decent conversation with someone at least" He said.

Todd sighed. "How much will I need to eat?" He asked.

Toby paused for a moment. "Well, I usually ate about 6 pounds a day, but when you hit puberty your appetite grows more insatiable. I could eat 6 pounds in one sitting, and when I'm fully grown I'm told I could eat 50 pounds in one sitting. Then again I'd be very sleepy and bloated" He said as he rubbed the side of his head.

Todd looked at Toby scared. "I'd bet" he said. He grinned. "So where do you get all this food?" He asked.

Toby smirked. "We are very resourceful but anyway...though I just hunt my own food. I needed to learn how to be an excellent provider for when I have a pack of my own" He said.

"With Sasha?" Todd teased.

Toby nodded his head at him. "She my girlfriend after all. She deserves only the best" Toby said slowly. He began to have perverted thoughts and urges before shook it off. "Stop are too young to be talking about that. Stop making me think of mating" He said. He smacked himself in the head. "Damn it! I'm a fool to fall for it too!!" He said.

"You're helpless dude" Todd said laughing.

Toby sighed. "It's mating season, you'll understand someday" he said before took Todd's hand. "But let's get going...I'm kind of tired. I need to catch my Zs" He said.

Todd looked at him worried. "How are we going to get home without a car?" He asked.

Toby picked Todd up and put him on his shoulders. "The same way we got here, Hop aboard the Toby Express. Please keep arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, and please stay seated in the vehicle until the ride has come to a complete stop" he said.

Todd hesitantly grabbed onto Toby firmly. "Wait, uh Toby... I don't like...Whaaaaa!!!" he yelled as Toby shot off like a rocket. Toby weaved dangerously close around the trees, and he ran so fast that bugs splattered into Todd and Toby's face.

Todd spat the bugs out from his mouth in disgust. "Yuck!" He muttered. Up ahead a train's horn blared just as they got onto the tracks. He looked down the rails and saw they were running towards the noise. "What are you insane!!?" he yelled.

Toby laughed evilly to give Todd to scare him, and the lights from the train focused on them as the train rounded the bend. Todd eyes went wide in horror. "Toby!!" He screamed looking on either side seeing water on either side as they were obviously on a railroad trestle. He covered his eyes in terror waiting for the impeding collision with the million pound behemoth, but he felt them go airborne. Toby jumped so high that they cleared the train locomotives and the exhaust from the fan blew hot air at them startling Todd. He uncovered his eyes seeing Toby land on one of the box cars.

"No way, how did you do that?!" Todd yelled as Toby did not stop running on top of the train. He jumped over the Boxcars and the logs flatbeds, and finally they reached the end of the train before he jumped off the last car. Toby landed on his feet and continued down the tracks all in one fluid motion.

"I thought you knew...good thing I knew I could clear that train or we'd be hamburger meat huh?" Toby said smirking.

"That's not funny Toby!!!" Todd yelled.

Toby felt something wet against the back of his neck. "Did you just piss yourself?" He muttered.

Todd whimpered. "I think I did...a little" He said embarrassed.

Toby's eye twitched. "Oh great! It leaks" He said as he glaring off into space. Toby jumped off the tracks and the fence landing into Todd's backyard. Toby set him down, and he held his hand bringing him strength as they walked in the house through the back door. "Well, we're back" He said.

Todd looked very unsure and worried as his mother came up to Toby and stared him down with her arms crossed. "Thank you, Mr. Wolf" She said. Toby blushed and let go of Todd as Sasha entered the room.

Sasha's mother looked at Todd, and her eyes welled up with tears. "Oh my poor baby! I was so worried about you!!" She muttered giving him a big hug.

Toby heard two clicks, and he turned to see Sasha's father had a gun pointed at Toby's face. Toby's eye twitched as he backed up. "Aw, come on! I bring your son back safely, and I get a shotgun pointed at me as a reward!?" He yelled.

"Dad stop! Toby is a good werewolf!" Sasha yelled hugging Toby protectively, and she spun between them. "Please...I love him!" she said lowly. Makita soon took his side as well and growled at her father.

Toby blushed before he nodded quickly. "Yea, yea, a good wolf" He said frantically.

"No, he's not! He made me wet myself!" Todd yelled.

Sasha looked back at Todd annoyed. "But you always wet yourself" she said.

Todd growled. "No, I don't!" he yelled growling.

"What is this? A mutiny? You're all taking his side!?" her father shouted.

His wife put her hand on his weapon and lowered it. "Nathan, Listen to her! She knows him well enough to know he's not a threat. If he wanted to, he'd take us out in an instant" she said firmly.

Toby let out a sigh of relief as Sasha watched her father stare them down her intensely. "How long did you known that he was a werewolf?" he asked.

Sasha touched her boyfriend's chest assertively. "I've known since we before we even started dating, dad!" she said as clutched onto her boyfriend's shirt. "Didn't you say you wanted me to be with a man who could protect me?" she asked.

Her father's eye twitched. "Yes...but a fucking werewolf!?" he muttered before he looked towards his son with mixed emotions. "What the hell am I going to do..." he murmured

"Listen I know it's hard for you to accept, but Todd is still Todd. Just there are a few extra things you must do for his care. One of the teachers at his school can help him and you out. She has dealt with many pups including me in her classroom, and she is the best at keeping the pups inline" He said.

Sasha's mother looked at Toby oddly. "What do you mean there are more of you?" she asked.

Toby smirked. "You think I, my mom, and Todd are the only wolves here? Sorry to say this but our clan measures to around twenty-five hundred. Todd's teacher is a wolf too, so she'll understand Todd, and maybe she can help him adjust to his new lifestyle" He said.

Sasha's father growled. "What are we supposed to do on Full moons? Chain him up? Lock him in a cage like some monster!?" He shouted turning red.

Toby raised an eyebrow. "Sounds kind of kinky don't yea think?" he asked before Sasha elbowed him in the side.

"No, actually it's quite simple. Just send him to my house. We are like two dens away from you guys, and well Nate wants him to come over never full moon anyway. You guys can take a break" he said before he thought for a moment.

"Uh...oh yea make sure Todd eats plenty I cannot reiterate or stress this enough! He needs to eat like 2 pounds minimum of food each meal. Don't be late or skip them either. I can arrange some food to be brought for him" He added.

He laughed. "If he doesn't eat enough, he'll either go the Pica route and eat everything in sight, or he'll go towards the primal route and attack for no reason" he added.

Sasha glared at him. "You have a way with explaining things Toby. You're making Todd sound like he really is a monster" She said.

He laughed nervously. "Only if he's not fed or not allowed to relax, but other than that, he should be laidback and content. Oh and, werewolves are very susceptible to high amounts of stress so waving a gun around them isn't the best of ideas. I'm putting a great deal of strength in resisting that I express my displeasure to you" he said as he clenched his fist.

He looked towards Sasha as she squeezed his wrist. "In any case, Sasha's great with werewolves take it from me...she is...very soothing. I bet she could settle a whimpering pup down just by the tone of her voice..." he said.

She blushed. "...Really?" she muttered. She gave him a big hug and pressed her cheek into his chest. "You're so sweet" she said.

He sighed looking at her parents. "Welp, it's past my bed time. Todd will be fine for now. Just take note of my tips, and you all should do fine" he said before he looked at Todd. "Get some rest pup you're going to need it...especially after all this mess you caused" He said before he playfully slugged him in the shoulder.

Todd gulped. "So am I going to be okay?" He asked. Toby nodded, and Todd frowned. "But what about if I can't eat?" He asked.

"You have a mouth and paws don't you? You can eat" Toby said smirking. He looked back towards his parents. "I will help train Todd with controlling his inner wolf to his best of his abilities. Most thralls refuse to accept their wolfiness and that's the first mistake, and they just give up in the end...that's how..." Toby said before looking at the ground. "Their quality of life isn't worth living for..." he finished.

He looked back up at the father staring him down. "Your son is a werewolf now, Mr. Thomas. It cannot be changed. The only thing you can do now is to put aside your preconceptions and continue to treat him as a son. I can understand how scared and confused he is. It isn't his fault, nor does he have full control over his instincts" he added.

Sasha's parents slowly nodded. "We don't know what's going on, so we're going to need you to help him adjust to normal" Nathan said, which his wife smiled at Toby weakly.

Toby sighed. "Like I said before, Sasha knows a lot about us wolves already, just not everything" He said before he looked at Sasha sternly. "Please text me if anything happens...I'll get here in no time" he said. He let out a deep yawn before he pulled out his phone. "Man, I'm beat. Running several miles back and forth sure tuckers you out" He said before he scratched at his chest.

Todd slowly walked up the stairs to his room, and Toby watched carefully before he looked back at his parents remembering something. "I'll get you the food for tomorrow. Just wait a sec" He said. They both nodded as he ran out and dashed back to his house.

His mother was with on the couch sipping her iced tea. "So you find Todd?" she asked as he rushed past her.

He looked over and sighed while opening the door to the garage. "Yea, just getting Todd supplies for tomorrow. This is real fucked up that he's going to have to deal with a hunter for parental guidance" He said.

"Oh...right..." She said lowly before her eyes wondered to the glass. He slowed down and looked back at her. "...That's probably a good idea. They'd go bankrupt trying to feed him" she said. She sat her glass down as she farther processed an observation she made earlier. "Come to think of it, Sasha's father isn't that spectacular of a hunter. His deductive skills are as sharp as a feather. I've let Bernie know, and he'll be over shortly" she said.

He looked at her oddly. "What are you getting at?" he asked.

She picked up her glass. "I've requested for him to be sure that man doesn't do anything stupid. My intuition tells me that he's the kind of guy who will ignore all facts and reason" she said before she cleared her throat. "I would trust in their mother. She's taken a liking to you" she said.

He bit the inside of his cheek and entered the Garage and into the one of many freezers. He pulled out a huge amount of meat and kicked the door shut paying extra care not to break it this time. There was still a very loud slam, and the Freezer shook knocking against the wall. He carted the food through the living room with a few sausage links dangling behind him.

She looked at him and chuckled. "I find it ironic that Sasha's brother became a Thrall instead of her becoming one. You two are so close together after all" She said.

Toby looked back at her sternly. "Anyone can be turned into a thrall anytime and anywhere. It's not ironic at all..." he said before he walked out and Sasha's parents were at the door looking down the cul-de-sac at Toby.

"You have got to be joking that's enough to last us for a week!" Her mother yelled.

He laughed. "Trust me this is barely going to last you a day" He said.

Sasha's parents looked at him like he was insane. "You're pulling our leg" Her mother said.

"I'm afraid not" Said a familiar voice from the tree next to the fence line.

Sasha's parents looked at the tree terrified. "Who said that!?" the father muttered.

A person in a fur cloak and tribal wolf mask jumped out from the tree, and the person lifted his mask and smirked. "I'm one who help track your boy down...The name's Tai, and I'm a Gamma wolf" he said.

"Gamma?" they both muttered.

He grinned. "I'm an enforcer of werewolf law and a defender of our territory. I where this costume to protect my identity" he said as he stood up which he was a nine inches taller than the father and had more muscle. The father gulped and the mother gasped. "I trust you'll take care of the little ankle bitter" he said patting the father on the shoulder. He got up close to his ear. "We'll be watching time you point another gun at Toby, I'll tie it around your neck" he whispered. The father stiffened up then shivered.

The mother watched Toby walk up to them with the food, and Tai kneeled at Toby. "Just thaw these out, Todd can eat them raw. Our stomach acids are so strong that any foodborne pathogens vaporize on contact. Actually that's the painful part. Those acids eating away at your stomach, it's what makes us uncomfortable. Our stomach knows when it's time to eat. We eat more during the winter so just letting you know in advance okay?" He said.

The mother smiled. "Thank you" she said.

Toby looked at Tai oddly. "Why are you kneeling to me?" he asked.

"You are the Alpha...are you not? It's a custom to kneel in respect to the Alpha" Tai said.

Toby raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Then why haven't I seen any of you kneel to Peter?" he asked.

"It was because Peter never earned his position...and he technically never was the Alpha either" Tai said before he laughed casually.

Toby paused for a moment. "I see...I thought it was because I'm Steele's son" he said.

Tai laughed once more. "Maybe it's that too, but I'll let you stock them up...I have some one-on-one time with the father" he said touching the father's shoulder. Tai grinned.

Toby looked at him concerned before he gulped. "Okay, well...don't rough him up too bad...he's still human" he said walking inside the house.

Sasha's mother followed him inside before she stopped to look back at her husband. "Have fun, hun!" she said.

"Wait why are you going?" He blurted out.

"I'm going to help Toby out; you have your nice talk with the Gamma. Okay?" she said before she closed the door.

"Yea, we're going to have a nice talk...right?" Tai asked playfully. He grinned. "Your heart is beating like a cornered rabbit...are you_that_ scared?" he asked.

Toby entered the kitchen, and he set the meats on the table as Sasha mother walked in. He started putting the meat into the freezer with her help, and she smiled warmly. "I'm glad to have you around Toby...I didn't think you'd be_this_different from the boys my daughter has dated" she said.

He laughed and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Yea, well...she likes that I'm a werewolf" he said nervously.

She laughed. "I had a feeling that I would have a son-in-law that was supernatural. Once she got into those Monster girl dolls, I realized this" she said.

He blushed. "Son-in-law?" she muttered.

She nodded. "Well of course...She's been into the supernatural since she was three years old" she said before she blushed. "What I mean to say is..." she said as she looked up. "I'm giving you my blessing" she said.

He blushed before he looked at the box of Fudgesicles. "Thank you for being an awesome boyfriend to her" she said before she left the room to check on Todd.

When Toby thought he was alone, he grabbed the Fudgesicle and shoved it into his pocket. Once he shut the freezer door only, he saw Sasha's face immediately staring at him from behind causing him to flinch. "What?" He asked thinking she saw him.

"Nothing..." She said sheepishly walked up and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Good night Toby" She said blushing.

Toby's heart pounded like crazy, and he smiled. "Gute Nacht" He said. He blushed. "Ich liebe dich" He muttered. She looked at him oddly about those last words as he left the kitchen. She pulled out her phone and repeated those words into it using a translation app.

"I love you" The phone said back, which her heart pounded so heavily that it felt like it was going to burst from her chest. She smiled quickly rushing upstairs, and she plopped back onto her bed giggling with glee. "He loves me..." she mumbled to herself.

Toby looked very love sick as he walked out of the house. Tai and Sasha's father watched Toby walk down the street appearing to be euphoric, which Tai cleared his throat. "So we're clear on the situation, yes?" he asked. The father nodded slowly. "Good...I won't have to explain it a second time. Lord Tobias might not look it, but he's an incredibly strong werewolf for his age...I doubt you want to make him your enemy, especially if you want to deal with us" he scolded him before put his mask on. "Farewell, Mr. Thomas" he said before he ran off. The Father trembled as he headed back inside.

Toby entered his home, and his mother smirked. "I know that look when I see it. Looks like you and Sasha are officially more serious than just boyfriend/girlfriend, huh?" She remarked.

He sighed deeply with a smile on his face. "Yea...she wonderful isn't she?" He asked in his smitten tone. He was so happy and completely at ease. He pulled the Fudgesicle out from his pocket and opened it with his teeth. He ate the frozen treat before he got to his room. He threw the popsicle stick in the trash can.

She crossed her arms as she leaned against the door jamb. She smirked. "My son is growing up" she said as he transformed into his anthro form. The fluttering feeling never went away since his heart was going a million miles a minute.

He looked back at her. "Mom..." he said.

"...huh?" She asked.

He looked out his window. "Nothing..." he muttered.

She blushed. "If you need any help...don't be afraid to ask" she said.

He went to his room and shut the door. He checked to double-check if the window was open before he crawled into the bed laying his head onto the pillow. He sighed heavily as he covered himself with some blankets and went off to dreamland.


Meanwhile Sasha was in her bed with her tablet doing some research when her friends popped up on the skype. Terra called her on video call, which Sasha accepted the call. Her heart was still fluttering with the delight after her lovers words. Terra noticed this and beamed with satisfaction.

"How's wolf boy?" she asked.

Sasha smiled awkwardly. "Mom and Dad know" she said amused.

Terra stared at her in horror. "What!? How did they react?" she shrieked.

Sasha laughed lowly. "Dad pointed his gun at him, what else did you expect?" she said. She sighed. "Mom and I had to stop them from going at each other's throats" she said.

"Wow! You must really love him to do something like that" Terra teased.

Sasha smiled happily."Yea, I really do. I've been thinking what it be like to sleep with him <blushes>. Be careful, my mom found out with us talking out loud"she typed.

":o You really are thinking about doing_that_ with him!?" Terra typed.

Sasha gulped."Is that too soon!?" she typed.

"If you really feel that way about him, and he does the same way to you, then it's up to you two to unite and bask in each other's aura"Terra typed.

Sasha blushed."I really do think he's the right one for me"she typed.

"Then go for it! You're already getting sexual with him anyway. It's no use being shy about the actual deed, right?"Terra typed.

Rea and Tim both came online and joined the video conversation. "Hey" she said greeted them.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Todd's a wolf now" Sasha blurted out.

"What!?" they all shouted.

"Did big bad do this?" Tim asked.

Sasha laughed. "Of course not! I was making out with him the whole time when this all went down!" she said before she blushed slightly.

"How is Todd?" Rea asked.

"He's doing fine, but dad got his ass chewed out by one of the Gamma wolves" Sasha said.

Rea's eye's widened. "Whoa! Really? Is he hurt?" she asked.

Sasha laughed. "Lol, not literally. I'm pretty sure Zoe's dad would hurt him badly though" she answered.

"Gamma?" Terra asked.

Sasha nodded. "Gamma wolves are like the werewolf police/military" she said.

"Looks like you're getting in deep with this werewolf stuff..." Tim added.

"Sasha, I'm really worried about you. I don't know what's going on, but people are talking over here. Something big is happening is it?" Rea asked.

Sasha frowned. "I can't really tell you too much, I'm still trying to understand it all myself. Apparently this thing with the wolves has been going on for two hundred years. I can tell some of the wolves are protective over me already, and there are literally hundreds of them" she said.

"You know if I didn't see that video, I would have thought you were making this all up. Just stay close to big bad and Zoe. They are more than capable in keeping you safe" Terra said.

"Can you imagine the furry little werewolf puppies that Sasha will give birth to?" Tim teased.

Sasha huffed."Hey! I think they would be cute!"she typed.

They all laughed before there was a creak at the door, and Todd poked his head in. "Sasha?" he asked.

Sasha looked at the door and frowned before she sat her tablet down. "What is it Todd?" she asked.

He frowned. "Are you going to be a werewolf too?" he asked.

She blushed. "Um...Toby and I am going to have to be with each other for a little longer, but yea...I have a feeling that I will be a werewolf eventually" she said as she rubbed her shoulder nervously.

He whimpered. "Is mom and dad mad?" he asked.

She gulped. "I think they are more worried than mad at you" she said.

He started to tear up. "What's going to happen to me?" he asked as Makita licked at his hand.

She got out of bed and walked over to him. "Hey, we've got Toby, his mom, and his clan...They won't let anything bad happen to you" she said as she hugged him. "Just aren't going to be left to fend for yourself" she said. She did her best to soothe him by rubbing his back gently.

"I'm hungry..." he said.

She laughed softly. "Good thing Toby brought you some food then, huh?" she said before she took his hand. His claws touched her delicate flesh as he held onto her, and she gulped as they walked towards the kitchen. "So has mom and dad been treating you differently?" she asked. He looked up at her sad and nodded slowly. She sighed heavily. "They just need to get used to you" she said as she opened the freezer.

He let go of her hand and sat at the table. He looked outside through the blinds, and he looked over the fence into the forest and saw a pair of yellow eyes peering back at him. He yelped. "Werewolf!" he yelled.

She looked back at him closing the microwave door. "Where?" she asked before she pushed the button. He pointed outside, and she walked out the sliding glass door looking around. She saw nothing, and she looked back at him noticing he had shift slightly. "There's no one silly pup. That was your own reflection" she said.

A cloaked masked person appeared behind her. Todd shrieked, and she saw the reflection, and she immediately turned throwing a punch at the person. The person caught her fist before she looked at the mask. Todd quickly ran back and hid behind the corner watching nervously as his sister handled the trespasser. He whimpered pathetically and stayed perfectly still.

His sister gasped. "Oh, You're a Gamma...I'm so sorry about trying to punch you" she apologized.

"It's alright, I thought you we sent you a text" The Gamma said. The voice was encrypted and sounded very robotic.

Sasha shook her head. "No, my phone is upstairs charging" she said.

She looked at the tall gamma from head to toe and saw wide hips as well as long black hair with a familiar highlight. "Zoe? You're a Gamma?" she asked in disbelief.

Zoe giggled as she let go of Sasha's fist. "Yea? You got a problem with that?" she asked as she placed a hand on her hip.

Sasha rubbed her sore hand. "Man, I can see why you're a gamma...well...first hand" she said laughing uncomfortably.

The female gamma laughed at her joke. "I'm the Strongest of the Females" she boasted.

Sasha shook her head. "Why are you scaring my brother?" she asked.

Zoe sighed. "My father told me to help keep an eye on your family until he was done with whatever he was doing with mom...Don't make me think about it either" she said before she gently pushed her back inside. "Go back inside, there's been a thrall sighting in the Sherwood Forest. We think they may be the same one who attacked your brother" she said before she shut the door and went back to her post.

Todd wondered back into the kitchen and looked at his sister curiously. "Do we need to get Toby?" he asked.

She walked over to the microwave and sighed heavily. "No, Zoe's plenty strong to handle a group of thralls...this is just one" she said pulling out the meat. She set the meat in front of him and smiled. "Eat up" she said.

He began to tear into the food, and he soon stared at his empty hands shocked at how quickly he finished it. He let out a deep yawn before he looked up at his sister groggily. "G'night" he said before he picked up his plate.

She smiled warmly. "G'night wuffboy" she said ruffling his head playfully.

He smiled happily setting his plate in the sink, and he was about to leave for his room when Makita whimpered looking up at the sliding glass door. There was a light tapping on the glass, before his sister opened the blinds seeing the Zoe as a bigger male Gamma beside her. She opened the door, and Makita poked her head out. "Yes?" she asked.

"Turn the TV on channel 2" the big Gamma said with a very masculine voice. Not even the voice encryptor could hide it.

Sasha gulped. "You like to come in? Maybe tell me what else is going on?" she asked.

He nodded and walked in before Zoe stopped him. "What are you doing? We can't guard her from inside" she said.

He looked back at her. "I have as much faith in our team's abilities" he said before entering the living room. He turned on the TV, and Sasha and Zoe looked at the TV screen in dismay.

A breaking News Banner appeared on the bottom of the screen with pictures of Graffiti on the buildings saying "The new age is at hand!" and "Tic-tock! Time is running out!". "If you're just tuning in now a 15th building has been discovered with another disturbing message this time at Beaverton Transit Center. The FBI has confirmed that the messages were written with human blood" the news anchor said.

Sasha and Zoe gasped. "That is horrible!" Zoe said.

Sasha nodded. "Is Ian doing this?" she asked.

He sighed in exhaustion. "No, but I think his minions have a hand in the killings. They are using thralls to overwhelm our resources" he said.

She gulped. "Shouldn't you tell Toby this? This is kind of important don't you think?" she asked.

He shook his head. "I don't have enough information to give him that he doesn't already know. I just wanted to know what the public knows as of now. He'll find out what happened in the morning; I don't want him to lose sleep over this" he said. He looked at Zoe after shutting the TV off. "You can go back home" he said.

Zoe sighed and crossed her arms over her chest in a huff. "Fine" she said before she left the house. "I'll see you tomorrow Sasha" she said before closing the door behind her.

He sighed heavily as he turned his attention towards her. "I'm sorry for all of this creeping outside your house...we've been sent on surveillance detail by Jean with everything going one" he said.

"So is this really about Todd being turned? Not just a Thrall running around near here?" She asked.

He nodded slowly. "There's that, but I don't think I need to tell you any additional reasons" he said.

She frowned. "Because I'm human?" she asked.

He sighed heavily. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but we've on the verge of a major conflict. Toby can't watch you 24/7, and he needs to get restful sleep without having to worry about you" he said.

She looked towards the floor in dismay. "I really hate being a burden" she said.

"Feh, don't worry about it. You seem strong for a human teenage girl. You can throw one hell of a punch! I can tell you've been taking some martial arts classes" he said before he patted her over the shoulder.

She smiled weakly. "I used to before I moved" she said before she yawned.

He chuckled. "You better get to bed too" he said as she got up. "Everything will turn out fine for you and your brother...You're part of our big family, so don't think that you're a burden. We're just over protective of our own" he said as he went for the door.

She shook her head snickering. "Wow, I'm surprised to say that I feel very safe knowing a pack of werewolves have my house surrounded" she said, which he tried to hide his titter, but he could not.

She put her finger up to her lip at tapped it several times. "One more question..." she requested.

He stopped and looked back at her. "Yea?" he asked.

"So is this all the equipment you have for Gamma duties? Just the cloak and mask?" she asked.

He chuckled as he lifted his cloak. In the inside of the lining of the cloak were many devices like stun grenades, smoke grenades, chili pepper grenades, and chain weapon, which all of them were on one side. Around the body of the gamma was a bullet proof vest, and strapped around his thigh was a Glock Pistol. "Whatever to counter hunters or strays" he said. On the other side of the cloak were syringes full of tranquilizers, a remote control with a screen, and a miniature drone.

She grinned. "That's so cool! You're like a Superhero...well kinda...does your daughter have all that stuff too?" she asked.

He shook his head. "She's not 18 yet...but she does have the Chain Weapon. She and Toby also have to complete their advanced gamma training in order to upgrade" he said before he dropped the cloak down. He lifted his mask revealing himself.

Her face lit up. "Bernie?" she raised her voice. She blushed covering her mouth. "I don't know why I was so surprised either" she muttered.

He smiled before he cleared his throat. "I would like to have you and Todd for dinner on our next full moon barbeque" he said calmly.

She laughed as her little brother whimpered nervously. "I hope you mean over for dinner...right?" she asked.

He grinned. "You know what I mean" he said before he walked outside. "I'll be keeping guard, don't you worry" he said.

She waved him off. "Just don't creep everyone out. My dad's super paranoid as it is already" she said.

He pulled his mask back down and gave her a thumbs-up. "I've already told him what we are doing. He's just going to have to suck it up" he said before he cleared his throat. "I almost forgot. Now I want to remind you to censor your blogs and communications for now. You can still write about us, but please keep things in general for now. You're making the Supernatural Administration very nervous" he warned her before he left for the forest.

She sighed. "I'm going to have to get used to this" she said before she looked back at Todd. "Alright let's get to bed" she said before she went upstairs to her room.


The next morning there was a knock on Toby's door. Toby was still in bed in a happy and peaceful slumber dreaming about his girl Sasha. His was downstairs starting breakfast before she opened the door. She saw who was there, and she gasped. "Oh Tom, Nancy...please come in!" She said excited.

Tom and Nancy were both of average height and were around the same age as Lilian. They entered before Tom snickered to himself. "So, has anything new happened?" he pried.

Lilian nodded. "Oh, you know...Toby's grown about two inches since you were here last" she said before she set down a pitcher of iced tea and cups on the coffee table as they all sat around the couch. "And Toby has found himself a really nice girlfriend next door" she said.

Nancy beamed. "Oh, yea? How long have they been together?" she asked.

Lilian smiled. "Well, it's been about two months so far" she said.

He chuckled. "A lot can happen in that amount of time" he said before he cleared his throat. "So, I'm assuming he's taking her with him up to the mountain next month?" he asked.

Lilian nodded. "It's a pretty safe bet" she said before she started pouring everyone iced tea. "Those two really get along. Going to the Football and Soccer games together, watching movies here, walking her dog" she said before she snickered. "She gets on his longboard and uses him as a sled dog" she said before they both laughed.

"Wow, so do their parents know?" Nancy asked.

Lilian slowly pulled the cup away from her lips. "They just found out last night. Though it's rather complicated how this all happened" she said.

Nancy smiled eagerly. "I like stories" she said.

Lilian gulped. "Well...their son got bit by a thrall a couple weeks ago. The mother started asking me very strangely specific questions. I could see where Sasha got her intuition from...Anyway, their son wolfed out, and I think that was when they found out about Toby" she said.

He laughed lightly. "Well...How are they taking this all?" he asked.

Lilian rubbed her shoulder. "I'm not sure, but from what I saw, they were pretty confused. Tai gave the father a little talk. I could tell he was channeling his inner Bernie" she said.

Nancy giggled. "I can imagine how that all went...he can get pretty pissy whenever someone endangers one of his pups" she said.

Lilian smiled at her as took a sip of her iced tea. "Yea, Tai and Bernie's pretty protective over Toby isn't he? At least Tai was nice enough to give a warning" she commented as set her cup down gently.

Nancy nodded. "Bernie and Steele were the drinking buddies you know?" she said.

Lilian let out a deep heavy sigh. "Yes, I know. So was Tai" she said slightly annoyed.

He shrugged. "Well, it's supposed to be a harsh winter this year. Once you're there you might be snowed in" he said changing the subject. "Do you think her parents will allow her to stay in a cabin out in the mountains during the height of winter with a werewolf?" he asked.

Lilian shrugged. "I will have to see...I think we should bring her brother along in any case" she said before she cleared her throat. "So are we going to be in the same area?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yup, you'll get to stay in the new cabins. We managed to tap into the hot groundwater, and you'll have your own private hot spring under the back deck" he said with a slight prideful smirk.

Nancy giggled. "I thought it would be a good addition since the walk is pretty far from civilization" she said before she looked over at her husband. "Are you going to tell her?" she asked.

He stared at her and gulped. "Oh, right..." he muttered as he scratched at his neck. "Well, I was thinking about rebuilding the cabin on Steele's mountain. What do you think about that idea?" he asked.

Lilian frowned. "Is this for me or for Toby?" she asked.

Tom cleared his throat. "Well, it's more for Toby. It would take a couple years to complete, but I still have the original blueprints, but I'm making a few security upgrades and technological updates" he said.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "I think this is something you should ask could help him, but it could also trigger more heartache for him" she suggested.

He nodded as he pulled out his tablet. "I will, but not just about the location but also the design. That is optimal hunting grounds and the best environment in the world I think!" he said.

"I know, but still, it's where his father died" She spoke up.

My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 12

# Chapter 12: Another Growth Spurt # Toby was having the best sleep he had in years. His heart was still beating fast and hard from the night before. The door knob clicked open, and his ears perked hearing someone enter his lair. He growled...

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 10

# Chapter 10: All Hallows' Eve Tai drove the van through backroads through forests and farmlands, and they finally pulled into a warehouse miles away from the school. Sea lions barked nearby, and the water thundered over a nearby waterfall. The large...

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 9

# Chapter 9: Homecoming Three weeks have passed; the Toby and Zoe's popularity began to catch fire throughout the town. Zoe played the last three games by herself and their team still dominated the field. The students were intrigued by Toby's...

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