Breeding a Future: Chapter 9

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#15 of Loving a Unicorn

What better way to celebrate a victory than with consummating their love? Celeste and Christian are in high demand at the ceremony as good news is spread and love is shared!

And that concludes our tale of Christain and Celeste! I hope you've enjoyed the ride and the erotic final chapter of our story!


Kindle books:

Thanks again to Eric Aquasia for commissioning!

Characters © Eric Aquasia

Story © Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)

Loving a Unicorn

Breeding a Future

Chapter Nine

Written by Arian Mabe

Swaying, Christian struggled to focus on the words binding him to Celeste in the ceremony until a small vial was unexpectedly forced between his lips. He drank reflexively and blinked at the white filly in a daze as Karin danced in front of him, light on her hooves.

"Drink up," she nickered, dropping a flirty kiss on his cheek. "Wouldn't want you to fall asleep too early on your wedding night now, would we?"

Chuckling, Christian shook his head, hooves shifting as life flooded back into his limbs. The ceremony had moved on quickly without him being mentally present and Karin flitted between the unicorns, dispensing potions like they were sweet to bring spirit back to their worn out hooves. Stronger already, he met Celeste's gaze as Caderyn wove pink tinted magic around them, linking their horns together with a force that could never be broken. Christian smiled. He'd never want to be without his lover for as long as he lived.

"Christian and Celeste," Caderyn smiled, horn casting a rain of magical droplets that fell like liquid but dissolved harmlessly on their coats. "It is my utmost pleasure to declare you stallion and mare this eve. May your life together be long, prosperous and complete with love. May you never be without the other at your side."

Although unicorns would not have normally kissed during the wedding ceremony, Christian readily welcomed the touch of Celeste's lips on his own, warmth flooding his muzzle as she deepened it and pushed her tongue against his. He groaned into the kiss, cock once again dropping and bouncing beneath his belly, though he could not feel ashamed of being so publicly on show after all that had taken place. It was almost a relief to be able to express this part of himself after the turmoil and the fighting.

"Now the best part of the ceremony may begin," Celeste whispered to Christian with a devilish grin as she broke the kiss. "My husband and I must be the first to initiate the pleasure-making portion of the ceremony."

Christian nickered and lipped her neck lovingly.

"It's as if you even don't have to ask, Celeste."

She squealed playfully and swung her hindquarters towards him as the herd giggled and tossed their heads. Her marehood winked, pulsing beneath the satin, and Christian delicately took it between his teeth, tugging it to the side so that it cupped and framed her plump sex gorgeously. He licked his lips, tasting her on him, and ran his tongue from her engorged clitoris to the top of her vent, feeling her push and pull against his tongue. Celeste rolled her head and thrust her hindquarters back to him, tail high and pushed out of the way in her eagerness as her marehood winked and pushed out her arousal, a thick drop trickling over her cunny lips and drooling to the ground as the volume increased.

Christian pushed his tongue into her twitching sex and snorted hotly, warm breath washing over her marehood and up under her tail. Celeste whickered and flicked her tail, catching him across the head so that his world was momentarily nothing but a white wash of tail and the scent of his love's treasure. The teasing would not last long - not if Celeste had her way - but he enjoyed it all the same and drew the tension in his mare taut as she stomped and snorted.

"Now, Christian," she whinnied, marehood winking like she would never have him again. "I need you to mate with me! Quell your teasing and make me your mare!"

Christian's lips tugged up on one side in a stallion smirk and he pulled sharply away, cock bouncing and throbbing. He needed no magical aids to breed his unicorn bride and mounted her with a sense of familiarity built up over their months together, pushing forward confidently until the tip of his cock brushed her warm, wet marehood. She winked, begging him in, and he grunted as he thrust, sealing the deal and spearing into her up to the medial ring. Christian groaned. It had been too long since they had last mated. Well, it had only been a few days while the wedding ceremony was undergoing preparations but that was still far, far too long in his books.

Snorting, he withdrew only to slam in again with greater force as his mare squealed beneath him.

"Does that mean you're making me your stallion too?"

He huffed in her ear, catching her mane between his teeth as he drove in to the hilt. Celeste groaned and rocked back into his thrust, legs trembling though not because she could not bear his weight.

"You are already my stallion, Christian," she managed to force out between laboured breaths, ears back and nostrils flared in need. "You were mine from the very first moment I laid eyes on you."

"And you were mine."

Christian's skin tingled as the golden accents on his royal jewellery took effect. They glowed gently, almost so that no one would notice - in all truth, the unicorn herd were beginning to look to one another for attention and love, stimulated by the scene before the aged oak tree. They wouldn't have seen anyway, caught up in one another as they were. But Christian felt it and so did Celeste, the mare pushing against him with greater urgency as he thrust rapidly, spurning a short burst of an orgasm out of her. Whinnying, Celeste's passage squeezed around his shaft and he grunted like a stag in rut, ramming in even as she tried to keep him there, clenching down with enough force that pleasure balanced on the edge of bearable.

The herd cheered and whinnied, joining up with partners as they pleased, both male and female, to celebrate the union of the unicorns that had brought them so far, together. Moirin turned her back to Caderyn and, although with foal, winked and presented, her mottled grey and pink marehood pulsing. Her sex twitched and she braced herself as she lifted her tail and released a stream of strongly scented urine, splattering across the roots of the tree, to let her mate know that she was ready. It was not as if he needed any encouragement, however, not even after all their years together. His shaft would always grow hard for her, lust never subsiding. Caderyn nickered, tossed his head and brought his weight gently down on Moirin's hindquarters, cock sinking back where it belonged. The mare squealed.

Huffing, Christian nipped and lipped at the base of Celeste's neck, lips tickling her withers as he slammed in. The mare held herself firm and gasped as she was bred, her partner's forelegs tightening around her. Quicker and harder, he thrust like a stallion possessed, presented with the last mating he would ever have. He grunted, tail flagging as orgasm swiftly made itself know - though he held himself back as much as possible - the rocking of Celeste's body making one of the straps holding the lingerie over her udders snapping free. She squealed as two of her udders were freed and the stallion above her chuckled hoarsely, ramming in roughly until the combined shaking of their bodies broke loose the remainder, leaving Celeste's heavy udders swinging without any tantalising concealment. The straps clearly were not intended for such activities but neither could bring themselves to care in the moment.

Groaning, Christian thrust several times in quick succession, finally pushed over the edge by his mare climaxing on his cock, her passage twitching and clenching until he expelled all his breath in one great snort. Slamming in, balls slapping her marehood and clit lightly, he whinnied his orgasm to their voyeurs, the stallions calling back as they too reached climax, one by one. He trembled and stamped as Celeste rocked back beneath him, grinding her rump into him and squeezing down with such force that he couldn't move back. She eventually relaxed the pressure around his shaft with a grin that she cast back over her withers, lingerie more than a little askew from their activities. Christian nickered and stretched forward, neck aching from the strain, so that they could just about brush muzzles in a velvety kiss.

As he slid off Celeste's back, soft cock refusing to retreat back into its sheath, a very familiar filly approached with a coy smile gracing her lips and a sparkle in her eyes that had not been there before. Ever the one to show off, Celeste raised her tail, flexing her marehood to put the thick, delicious creampie of her sex on display. As the filly and stallion looked on with equal lust, stallion semen oozed over Celeste's sex, pushed out by her winking, and trailed a shiny path over her clitoris: the mare nickered wantonly. Christian's cock flexed, throbbing with blood, as Karin ducked her head, looking up at him through a haze of forelock, though there was no longer any shyness in her expression.

The little filly had grown.


His heart skipped a beat. She was as lovely as an angel in her wedding attire - the lingerie-like design - like the elder Celeste.

"For your ceremony," she said, inclining her horn towards the box. "I hope it brings pleasure to all the unicorns here today. It is imbued with magic and..." She trailed off, lips quirking into a secretive smile. "It is best that you see it for yourself. It will be the best kind of surprise though, I promise you."

Curious, Christian nudged open the box and leapt back with a snort as something blue shot out, waving a million tiny strands in all directions like the arms of a sea anemone. He eyed it suspiciously as it hovered in midair, shades of blue changing seemingly as it pleased. It floated towards him and he shot backwards, narrowly avoiding a couple of mares enjoying the pleasure of one another's bodies. They did lack for stallions, after all. Karin bounded after him, as light on her hooves as a fawn.

"Do not be frightened," the filly giggled, bumping the oddly undulating mass with her nose. "It is something I created, for our pleasure. For the pleasure of the entire herd."

Turning her hindquarters to him, she presented, marehood pulling up and winking, releasing a thick stream of arousal as she braced herself. He paused, momentarily distracted from her gift, and edged closer, cock dropping and bouncing against his belly as he flexed. Karin swayed her rump hypnotically from side to side, tail lifted high. Unlike Celeste, her wedding lingerie did not need to be pulled to the side and left both her marehood and udders free to be teased.

Christian dipped his nose to her winking sex, lipping and teasing her plump, pink lips until the filly squirmed and stamped, teeth snapping with a short, sharp click as she demanded to be mounted - immediately! He pushed himself over her hindquarters, bodies melding together seamlessly. There was no awkwardness anymore.

"How could I refuse, my darling?"

Pushing back, the filly nickered and winked her sex against the questing head of his cock, which left smears of pre cum in its wake to combine with her sexual juices. His nose twitched at the exclusive cocktail of scents, upper lip curling back to better take her in. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear, hindquarters working as he sought to, yet again, make her his. His cock sank home, pushing into her folds as if he belonged there, and Karin neighed, rolling her body back against his.

Christian, lost in the pleasure of breeding the filly, didn't notice a tickling sensation on his rump as he thrust. He did, however, notice when the blue, tentacle mass wove its way around his tail and squirmed over his tight pucker of a tail hole. His eyes shot wide and he squealed, kicking out at an angle at a foe that could not be reached with brute force, nearly toppling both him and Karin over with their bodies joined together. Snorting the filly raised a hind hoof in half-warning, shaking it in the air like a human would shake a scolding finger.

"It shall not hurt you, you silly oaf!" She bobbed her head. "Relax, Christian, and enjoy it. I promise it will bring only greater pleasure to our mating." He looked unsure, the whites of his eyes showing, and she softened her gaze. "I shall have it please me also. It is purely a magical creation, although its effects should be limitless. You only have to think of the pleasure you desire and it will oblige."

Closing her eyes, the filly ground back into the hesitantly thrusting stallion - he couldn't stop his body from moving completely, regardless of his concern over what that thing was going to do under his poor tail. He tried to ignore it, driving into Karin with an instinctual buck, as the pressure beneath his tail lightened. He snorted as it split into two masses of an equal size - magic was mysterious - and the new tentacle-y mass wafted down his side and around to Karin. He lost sight of it as it ducked below his barrel and dropped onto Karin's pure white coat. The filly shuddered all of a sudden as his thrusts grew stronger, head rolling.

"It is around my udders, Christian," she panted, eyes lidded in pleasure. "It is pulling and sucking at my teats as if it has a mouth of its own..." Her voice broke in a moan. "It feels so delightful... You really must try out its pleasure... See what it may allow you to experience too."

Her formality broke as moans passed her lips, the filly lost in a world where ecstasy raced towards its inevitable peak. Bolder, Christian relaxed his mind, leaving her gift to do as it pleased; she'd clearly had something in mind for him. It squirmed over his pucker, the stallion flinching, and squirted some manner of lubricant under his tail. Wriggling back and forth, it applied gentle, barely discernible pressure until a slim tendril eased into his passage, slowly pushing deeper and deeper. The stallion flushed to the tips of his ears, still thrusting through his admitted distraction.

Karin nickered and pulled her head back to his, neck drawn up at a harsh angle with her lips parted. The tentacle widened, spreading out his anal ring, and Christian gave a strangled snort that died on his lips as Karin chuckled breathlessly. Something told him that Karin had had her fair of experience and 'fun' with this magical toy also. The thought sent an electric shock through his body and he thrust furiously, the tentacle matching his pace as he grew increasingly used to the sensation. It curled up against a sensitive spot that he had not known existed and he squealed, half-kicking out as need flared up, red hot and demanding.

By the gods... Christian rolled his head, snorting heavily as Karin brushed her nose back against his, twisting her neck to reach him.

"Does it not feel good?" She breathed, breath catching. "Oh, Christian... My love, I am so close already."

And he could feel that she was too. The filly clenched and squeezed around his shaft as if begging him to breed her harder and deeper, although he had already bottomed out inside her. Gritting his teeth, the stallion gripped her tightly and thrust roughly, rocking her whole body forward as the tentacles continued to work their magic around her udders. From her moans and gasps, he believed them to be nipping and sucking on her teats and, for a moment, wished his lips were wrapped around them. He grunted and rammed in deep, tail flagging. The filly's lips no longer worked, words blending into one, long moan of abject pleasure that could not be encompassed by language.

Christian thrust, welcoming the rising pleasure, which could not have been denied even if he'd wanted to hold out. The tentacle squelched around the base of his tail without dampening it and stretched him out further; he nearly lost his balance as it pressed harder against that spot inside his 'under tail', spots dancing before his eyes. Who could have known that a little teasing there could feel so good? His cock leaked warm drools of pre into Karin as he thrust but it was not long before orgasm flickered up, deeper and more powerful than he'd ever felt.

He'd experienced many orgasms with Celeste, the mares and Karin, yet this one was different yet the same simultaneously - there were no words for what he experienced. Climax trapped him and dragged him along, muscles tensing all at once. His hindquarters jerked against the filly without warning, twitching up to her rump, as he expelled what felt like several orgasms worth of seed, pumping her fuller and fuller, semen leaking out of her cunny despite the tight seal his cock provided. Groaning, Christian rolled his hips and thrust and thrust until he could thrust no more, the tentacle still working over his insides gently, pushing back and forth with all the tenderness of a long-time lover.

The filly, spurred on by his orgasm and her subsequent, gooey filling, shuddered into an orgasm of her own, body trembling as her forelegs buckled from ecstasy. Half-conscious in climax, she dragged a vial from a little cloth saddle bag, tucked away at the shoulder of her ensemble, and made herself drink. She made a face at the taste and tossed it away when every drop of the pink liquid had been drained, licking her lips as orgasm made her eyes roll back into her head. She squeezed around her stud's shaft, taking everything he had to give until he could give no more.

Yet there would be plenty more to come that night, she could be sure of it.

Christian's sides heaved, breath coming with difficulty. As his cock softened within the filly's clenching passage, the blue tentacles gently eased out of his anal ring and fled to spread pleasure amongst the herd. He caught sight of it as it split into many more blue masses, one slipping beneath the barrel of a stallion with his muzzle buried beneath a mare's tail, slurping at her winking, messy marehood, drooling with stallion cream. The unicorn started, tail swishing, as the mass slipped beneath his stomach and wrapped itself around his hard cock, forming a sort of sleeve around it. From the stallion's trembles, Christian could thought it may have been sucking the stallion's length, pushing back and forth like a mare would give a stallion oral. Or as a stallion would give a stallion oral, for there were more than a couple of stallions putting on a show in the celebrations of the herd for the waiting, impatient mares. He half-smiled, slowly easing back as Karin cast him a tired yet cheeky wink.

"One more thing, Christian," Karin panted as her stallion slipped off her back, tail flagged proudly and heart hammering. "Celeste?"

The mare eased around Christian to stand side by side with Karin, horn sparkling with purple notes. He widened his eyes - just where had she popped up from? Had she been watching him breed Karin the whole time? - and shook his head, bumping his nose against hers with the faintest of cheesiest grins. Hope you don't mind, sweetheart, just breeding another lady in front of you. Did you enjoy the show?

Celeste didn't seem to mind, the aroma of her arousal hanging thickly around her, his seed still dripping from her stretched marehood. And still she winked, half-swinging her hindquarters towards him simply to show off. She bounced on her hooves and nickered, stretching out her neck towards him and drawing it back suddenly, mischief in the line of her body.

"Celeste! I...ah..."

Christian fumbled with his words and the mare giggled, turning her hindquarters to him to show off a marehood drooling with stallion cream. He dismissed it as his own and then snaked his head in closer, sniffing as his eyes went wide.


The mare laughed, throwing her head back and rocking with mirth as if years of tension had fallen from her shoulders all at once. Her sex winked, pushing out dollops of seed that streaked her hind legs where it did not drip straight to the ground, proclaiming to all that she was already well bred and willing. Christian shook his head, cock flexing and plumping with blood. If anything, it grew harder, refusing to retreat into its sheath as image after image flashed through his mind.

"You are not the only one who is enjoying themselves at the ceremony, Christian." She threw him a flirty wink. "Would you like to watch the next time I am bred?"

The stallion groaned and leaned towards her, unable to do anything besides nod his muzzle fervently and repeatedly. Celeste laughed. She neighed loudly, bouncing off her front hooves, and another stallion trotted through the frolicking, mating and playing herd, ears pricked and hooves flicked up. Vale dipped his large, dun face to share breath with Celeste, nuzzling her cheek and down the line of her neck. Christian blushed, ears going pink, and started as Karin pressed up to his side, watching every bit as avidly as he. The sly Celeste grinned and winked to her audience, presenting her winking marehood.

"Vale shall not mind occupying me while Karin takes good care of you, Christian," she nickered, ducking her head beneath the older stallion's neck coyly. "Do not think to let me interrupt you."

Vale opened his mouth but Celeste was too impatient to let him talk, whipping her head around to bite him - lightly - on the neck. The stallion squealed and half-reared, pink and grey shaft dropping as the mare swung her hindquarters into him, marehood winking furiously. Her wedding lingerie was in disarray and Christian surreptitiously wrapped his magic around it, pulling it back into place the best he could as his friend mounted his mate. Dropping his weight softly on Celeste's back, the dun stallion lipped at her mane and thrust, the head of his cock sliding over her plump marehood, twitching and swollen with arousal.

She huffed and lifted a hind hoof as the stallion thrust and missed for a second time but he swiftly appeased her, readjusting himself and catching his cock-tip in her marehood just as she winked, sex pulsing open. The mare stomped and whinnied as she was impaled, Vale driving in past the medial ring in a single thrust. His shaft pulsed with blood and the mare groaned, pushing back on to him as if to silently beg for more. Vale was only too happy to deliver, slamming in to the hilt and giving Celeste every inch she craved.

Christian watched with his jaw dropped, a pool of salvia collecting beneath his tongue. Karin bumped her head into his shoulder, below his withers, and shot him a cheeky wink, tail flicking. Christian gulped and swallowed sheepishly, nuzzling the dip of her back.

"We shouldn't allow them to have all the fun," she suggested.

Though her eyes gleamed with plans, Christian already had something in mind and scrabbled down on his forelegs, hindquarters comically raised, as he raced to get into position before the filly beat him to the punch. He rolled on to his back, forelegs bent and tucked up to his chest, and squirmed beneath the filly, dodging her hooves as she pranced. She craned her neck to see what he was doing.


Wrapping his magic around her, he thrust his head up, lips parted, and pulled her down towards him at the same time. Her legs bent enough to bring her udders to his muzzle and he sucked them into his mouth hungrily, playing his tongue over two teats at once. The filly shook and groaned, rolling her head from side to side. Her sex winked, pushing out his seed and her juices to slop messily to the grass between her hind hooves, not far from Christian's withers. He shuddered, cock dropped and twitching over his stomach. He already wanted to feel her quiver through orgasm again, his cock deep in her wonderful marehood.

"Oh, Christian..."

He poured his magic into her udders, increasing their sensitivity tenfold as the filly rocked forward in jerky little motions as if she was being bred. She shuddered and twitched as his muzzle did its work, drawing her to the peak of orgasm and backing her off over and over again. As much as she pleased and stamped, Christian kept her going, using his magic to massage and rub her udders as he sucked, swapping teats so that none was left unattended.

Karin threw her head back and whinnied, stamping in place. Snorting, eyes intent on Celeste and Vale as the stallion's cock slammed into her, drawing back glistening with the mixture of their juices. She licked her lips, wishing she had her lips wrapped around Vale's cock, tasting Celeste on her lips again.

The mare clenched her teeth as the stallion's thrusts sped up, driving rapidly into her with a lewd, wet squelch. Shuddering suddenly, Vale started and craned his head around, wide eyed at a blue blob that had wrapped itself around his tail. Karin nickered, pleased that her creation had found another to please - and one so particularly deserving of the heightened delight it had to offer. The blue mass wriggled, tentacles flying, and drove a thick shaft shaped like a stallion's member into his twitching pucker, tentacles sliding down to cradle and tease his balls.

The stallion's neck arched and he grunted throatily, thrusts abruptly shaky as if he had become weak-legged. Magical shaft working under his tail, his breath came in harsh pants as he drove into Celeste, pushing her into a loud, whinnying orgasm as he allowed himself to be subjected to the toy's whim. Karin whinnied, erotic delight assaulting her mind. Clearly Vale had certain inclinations that he had not let on to others before if that was what her creation deemed he wanted!

Karin gasped as the pleasure around her teats and udders increased, Christian no longer backing. He lashed her teats with his thick, fleshy tongue as if it was the last night they would ever spend together. Heat building in her belly, she snorted and gasped loudly, breath ripped from her as orgasm came with no warning. Stars burst before her eyes and the filly half-tottered on her back legs, off-balance until Christian quickly steadied her with aid of his magic. Suckling, he nipped the tips of her teats, drawing pleasure into minute electric shocks, and Karin groaned deeply as wave after wave rippled through her, claiming her body for its own.

Vale was not far off climax himself, breeding Celeste with his cheeks and ears burning. The stallion shook between arching back into Karin's magical toy and driving into the mare beneath him. In the end, as the shaft sped up, stretching him further, instinct won out and he thrust and thrust until he spilled his seed with a masculine neigh, balls pulling up closer to his body. Coming back to herself, Karin took the opportunity of Vale's orgasm to squirm away from Christian's teasing lips, flopping over his stomach and lapping the head of his cock. She grinned as he groaned and begged playfully for mercy. Two could play at that game!

As Vale slipped off Celeste's back, the mare shook out the tension from her neck, tail flagged and pushed to the side to continue showing off her marehood. She wished she could see it for herself, pumped full of semen in a delicious creampie, and licked her lips, turning her attention to her stallion on his back with a teasing filly sprawled over him.

Leaving the tired stallion to recover, stretched out on his side on the grass as the blue toy slipped away from his rump to balance between his ears, Celeste trotted up to Christian with a spring in her step. Vale's semen leaked from her well-used marehood with every stride, winking and pulsing as much as ever.

"Now that I am suitably bred, Christian..." Celeste blew him a cheeky kiss, horn carrying a 'heart' to his lips. "I have something I wanted to tell you."

Karin rolled off Christian's stomach, licking his semen off her lips as she hastily joined Celeste. The stallion snorted, hornier than ever and kept from climax, struggling to his hooves with his cock slapping his belly. When would it be his turn? They couldn't leave him out!

Karin bounced on her hooves, looking between the mare and Christian, not knowing if she should speak first or not. But there was too much excitement balled up in her belly to be contained.

"We wanted to tell you together..." She started, voice growing stronger as she spoke. Now seems like the perfect time, you are married to Celeste and..." The filly blushed, the tips of her ears turning pink. "Celeste and I are pregnant!"

Christian pulled his head back, certain for a moment that they were mistaken. Understandably, the potions had made him more virile but surely it would take longer for them to be with foal? made sense with all the breeding sessions they had enjoyed together. And Celeste had been a little more rounded - pleasantly so - than usual, if he had to admit the truth of what he'd noticed. When he was sure they were not teasing him, he squealed and reared, energy coursing through him with such vigour that it had to be expended somehow. He bumped noses with Celeste and Karin and nuzzled down their flanks, resting his cheek where his foals were growing. His heart swelled with pride and, pressing his side against Celeste's, he kissed Karin softly on the lips. The filly shivered under his touch, melting into him.

"In that case, my sweet..." Christian fumbled for words, overcome by good fortune - everything was coming right at long last. "You must now live with Celeste and me, so that we may raise our family together."

Karin started, ears twitching.

"Live...with you? Celeste? Is that truly allowed? May I live with you and Christian?"

The mare nickered and nuzzled the filly's cheek softly.

"I would not have it any other way."

Celeste spun and pressed her rump to the side of the filly's so that they presented themselves side by side, tails lifted and beautiful in their wedding lingerie. Nickering, Christian bobbed his muzzle back and forth, eyes near enough bulging out of their sockets. He looked between the mares with the full, heavy udders simply begging for attention and their winking marehoods, pushing out the cocktail of their fluids and his semen, thick and potent. Both carried his foal in their bellies and he huffed, stamping a front hoof. Giggling, Celeste raised her hind hoof teasingly and jiggled it in the air, making her udders swing temptingly. Her marehood flexed, pulsing with need as she urinated, demonstrating her readiness, yet again, in the best way her body knew how. Urine soaked into the grass between her hind hooves and Christian snaked out his head close to the stream, upper lip back as he played with the scents. His cock slapped against his belly.

"Which one of us will you take first, Christian?" She nickered slyly. "Your mate or your sweetheart? Or perhaps the two of us will please one another until you come to a decision. Either way, we shall have our fill of you tonight and more."

Christian shook his head, the grin never once leaving his lips. It was the best kind of dilemma to have and he doubted he would be faced with such a problem for very much longer. Karin winked to Celeste and dipped down on to her bent forelegs, wriggling beneath Celeste's stomach. She nipped and tossed away what was left of the straps that had held the lingerie covering the mare's udders, playing her lips across them sensually. Winking, Celeste shuddered and groaned, pulling her tail up and to the side, her gleaming sex on show.

Christian grunted and made his decision - though it had half been made for him already by the playful, pregnant mares - pushing up and over Celeste's back to claim her, as he did every day, for his own. His heart hammered in his chest as his cock caught and drove deep, Celeste squealing like a filly taking her first length. Oh, his mare... He lipped her neck. He was already hers and always hers to claim.

And he wouldn't have had his life any other way than with the two mares by his side. He groaned as he thrust into his mate, Karin suckling and nipping wickedly at her teats. Celeste cried out as orgasm claimed her, shaking beneath him. Throwing his head back, he neighed to the first stars pricking the twilight sky as the sun finally dipped below the horizon, allowing night to reclaim the forest. Karin nickered, drawing Celeste's teats into her lips and suckling noisily. He groaned, tail flicking back and forth as the sounds and scents of the herd enjoying itself flooded his senses. Everything had finally come right for the unicorns at long, long last.

A smile flickered over his lips. Everything had come right and would only become better as time went one. He grunted, driving in deep to Celeste as she arched her neck, muscles twitching. Yes, there was always more pleasure to come. And a lifetime of it with his mates. Christian whinnied loud and proud, tail flagging and swishing madly.

What more could a stallion desire?

Breeding a Future: Chapter 8

Loving a Unicorn Breeding a Future Chapter Eight Written by Arian Mabe "Mares and stallions, fillies and colts," Caderyn began, his magically booming voice echoing through the trees and over the twitching ears of every unicorn in the herd. "We are...

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Breeding a Future: Chapter 7

Loving a Unicorn Breeding a Future Written by Arian Mabe Sharptalon leapt down from his perch and stalked up to Celeste, prodding her in the chest with his hard beak. Though she flinched, the unicorn did not budge a muscle and stood firm as he...

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Breeding a Future: Chapter 6

**Loving a Unicorn** **Breeding a Future** **Written by Arian Mabe** **Karin followed Christian around the village for days after their group mating session, although she no longer kept her distance. Celeste assured him that she did not object to...

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